The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Béatrice Dalle Day


‘Driving south on the A7 from Lyon to Marseille, I find my thoughts turning to some of the scenes associated with the name of Béatrice Dalle. They include: Dalle as a cannibal, staring vacantly into space, her lips, throat and naked torso smeared in the blood of a lover whose throat she has ripped apart.

‘Dalle as a psychopath who has just torn the unborn foetus from the womb of a heavily pregnant woman. Dalle sleeping in a Paris morgue with friends who sever body parts which they peddle to medical students. And Dalle sitting by the hospital bed of her jealous spouse who has put a bullet in his brain. Of these four scenarios, the first two are from film roles; the others occur in her own accounts of her own extraordinary life.

‘If you had to choose one adjective which least suited Béatrice Dalle, you might do worse than “demure”. The actress, who celebrated her 50th birthday recently, may have become an object of desire to rival Bardot or Monroe, but her behaviour has, on occasions, been more reminiscent of a female Oliver Reed (a remarkable achievement, given that Dalle is not a drinker). The woman who has been described as “a walking grenade,” a “one-woman Vietnam”, “the patron saint of the abyss” and “Joan of Arc: the suicide bomber version” has agreed to meet me in the small village of Grignan, just outside Montélimar, where she is playing the lead in Lucrèce Borgia. Given that, in this role, she only kills seven guys nightly, straddling the corpses with an urgency more suggestive of lust than remorse, you might say that she is mellowing.

‘Dalle is still best known in Britain for her first film, Jean-Jacques Beineix’s Betty Blue (1986), a movie which appeared to confirm certain British misapprehensions concerning French women, for instance that they instinctively prefer to renovate guttering in the nude.

‘As with many divas, her reputation precedes her. Le Monde recently ran a very long magazine story on Dalle despite the fact that when their writer arrived in Grignan the actress refused to speak to her and their story turned into what, by the paper’s own account, was a peculiar game of hide and seek, which the actress won.

‘Some interviewers who have met Dalle might have been happier had she not turned up. Famously, she was once asked, on live TV, where it was that she had first met Julien Maury (co-director of Inside, her foetus-ripping film). This clip is on YouTube. “We met in the chatroom on a farm-sex website,” she replied. “You cannot say that,” warned the journalist. Too late. She already had. What did she think of Maury’s film? “Shite,” said Dalle, who clearly didn’t mean it. And her view of her fellow actors? “Tossers.” Just before she was convicted of possession of cocaine, in the mid-Nineties, a journalist stopped her in the street. “Why don’t you just go home,” Dalle told him, “and f*** your mother. If I wanted to talk to a dickhead, what makes you think I’d choose you?”

‘Such behaviour has inspired unease verging on panic in even the most experienced of broadcasters. Irritated by veteran French television journalist Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, who had asked the star about her arrest on a shoplifting charge in 1991, she replied, “Well, since you’re in the mood for speaking frankly, why don’t we discuss all those love letters you sent me? Why don’t we talk about them?” The presenter known as “PPDA”, a journalist whose reputation for fragility is roughly on a par with that of Andrew Neil, was reduced to a humiliated silence.

‘Dalle and I have met several times before: the first time over lunch in the Hotel du 7e Art, a modest Parisian venue she uses as an HQ, and most recently on the set of L’Étoile Du Jour, a film she was working on in 2011, alongside Iggy Pop, in Le Touquet. Every time I’ve met her she has been charming, funny and, perhaps most surprisingly of all, punctual.

‘Last time we met, three years ago, she was married to Guénaël Meziani. At that time her husband was out on parole, having been sentenced to 12 years for having kidnapped, beaten and raped a former girlfriend. These offences occurred before he met Dalle, in 2004, and the actress had attended his trial. A previous partner, JoeyStarr, real name Didier Morville, is best known for his work with the rap band Supreme NTM, and for having punched a monkey on camera. There are not many of her ex-boyfriends, Dalle once said, that she has not hit. She lives alone and has always said that the idea of being a mother (and especially the idea of having to give birth) is one that repels her.

‘I arrive in Grignan on the afternoon of the day before we’re due to meet. This production of Lucrèce Borgia (the Victor Hugo play marks her theatrical debut) is an ambitious son et lumière affair involving acrobats and a live rock accompaniment; the kind of bold venture that you expect to be either breathtaking or catastrophic. I call her mobile at tea-time and get her voicemail. She calls back around 10.30 that evening. “Tomorrow at 6.30,” she says. “Meet me up at the castle.”

‘And the following day she’s there, sitting on a bench by the stage (an artificial, semicircular pool filled with two feet of water) in front of the chateau’s impressive renaissance façade. She hasn’t altered since we last met, dressed, as always, in black, like an Italian widow. No longer the giggling ingénue who appeared in her first screen test for Betty Blue (which is posted on YouTube), her more mature Gothic figure can still turn every head in a room, or a street. You would not want to be the person that followed her into a room to audition for the part of Morticia Addams.

‘Her smile still reveals a gap between her front teeth that sabotages the routine perception of her as an object of desire. “What’s it called, that condition with your teeth?” I ask her. “The technical term is a diastema,” she says. “Ever thought of having work done on it? Most actresses would have.” “Are you kidding? All that [plastic surgery] never comes out well. Look at these American women stars who’ve ‘had work’ to the point that their face loses any capacity for expression. I mean, fine, if that’s what they want. But I,” she adds, “am what I am. I don’t want any of that palaver.”

‘She has a smoke and natters to the crew. A younger man called Eddy volleys a football against the ancient castle walls. You notice very quickly what some might consider an unimportant aspect of Béatrice Dalle’s character, but which is a trait that her colleagues confirm and appreciate: her extreme fondness for being just one of the team. “People have said that you’re difficult,” I remind her. “I’m the absolute opposite,” she says. “When I work on a film, I’m a trooper.”‘ — Robert Chalmers



INSIDE, (aka A'L'INTERIEUR), Beatrice Dalle (top), 2007. ©Weinstein Company

H Story 3



Beatrice Dalle @ IMDb
‘From Betty Blue to cannibalism: the wild times of Béatrice Dalle’
‘Betty Blue actress Beatrice Dalle reveals she ate a dead man’s EAR while high on acid when she worked in a morgue’
‘Béatrice Dalle: ‘I am naturally quite bashful”
‘‘Domain’ Director Patric Chiha Writes About His Love Affair with Beatrice Dalle’
‘C’est arrivé près de chez vous: la jolie rebuffade de Béatrice Dalle à Patrick Poivre d’Arvor’
‘Quelle Comeback’
‘Béatrice Dalle : “Un homme fidèle, je ne sais pas ce que c’est”‘
‘Béatrice Dalle : “Je redeviens coquette, une nouvelle vie commence”‘
‘Béatrice Dalle, cherchez le mythe’
‘Béatrice Dalle, une Lucrèce rouge sang’
‘Beatrice dalle apres son role de cleptomane’, by Karen Kilimnik
‘The uncertainties of Béatrice Dalle’
‘Béatrice Dalle mise en examen et à l’air libre. L’actrice a passé 60 heures en garde à vue.’
‘Beatrice Dalle insulte Sarkozy’



Premier Casting – Béatrice Dalle

Serge Gainsbourg interviewe Béatrice Dalle

Aux Yeux des Vivants – Les Costumes (avec Beatrice Dalle & Anne Marvin)

Beatrice Dalle in a-Ha’s video ‘Move To Memphis’

Béatrice Dalle Cannes 2002 Interview




How did you become involved with Trouble Every Day?

Béatrice Dalle: I didn’t so much choose the film as director Claire Denis chose me. We’d worked together once before on “J’ai pas sommeil”. I knew her work very well and I knew that if she offered me a role in her movie, it wouldn’t be something stupid. So I agreed to do the film before I read the script.

Were you not concerned at playing a character with cannibalistic yearnings?

Béatrice: I didn’t see my character, Coré, as a cannibal but as somebody who is extremely passionate and who doesn’t have any conscience. She takes her passion to its complete extreme. I never really thought in terms of the character, though. I give all my confidence and trust to the director, and I’ll do whatever she asks. I don’t act in the way other actresses act, in terms of building or creating a character. I don’t transform myself into the role, I invest myself in the role.

The scene where you literally devour the young man is gruesome to watch. How was it to act?

Béatrice: It was a very intense experience. It was very difficult for the crew and especially for me and my young co-star, Nicolas Duvauchelle, who’s an inexperienced actor. We had no rehearsals for this extreme love scene. We didn’t know where we were going and it was frightening.

During the shoot I’d become friends with Nicolas and seeing the fear in his eyes was unnerving. The state we were in by the end of the scene was astonishing – we were in bits. But I’m very proud of the fact that we both surrendered to the moment and didn’t stop and break the intensity.

Did the darkness of the story, which explores the violence of desire, lead to a particular type of atmosphere on set?

Béatrice: There was a strange atmosphere on the set because we were filming in this large house, which was used for troubled children. You’d go in and find walls had been burnt down. The building was charged with this history and it stayed with us throughout the filming. There was no need to say “quiet” on set – you felt silenced by the atmosphere.

Before Inside, you were known as arthouse-actress and you only starred in one horror film, Claire Denis’ Trouble Every Day. Now, you’re a real horror icon, and you continue to do more and more genre-related work. What and how much has changed for you since you started to do horror, acting-wise and career-wise?

Béatrice: I don’t have a boyfriend anymore. (laughs) Well, the only thing I always demand is to be seduced by the directors who want to work with me, even now as a “horror icon”, it’s still the only think I ask for. The only thing that has changed for me is that my audience has broadened and people who haven’t heard of me before are now interested in my work. Actually, my first real horror movie wasn’t “Inside”, it was actually my first marriage (laughs).

Nice! Ok, you collaborated 4 times with director Claire Denis [I Can’t Sleep (1994), Trouble Every Day (2001), The Intruder (2004), God’s Offices (2008)] and you collaborated 4 times with Maury & Bustillo, but you haven’t worked with other directors more than once once. Any specific reason for this?

Béatrice: Well, Abel Ferrara and Jim Jarmusch wanted to have me in some of their other projects, but due to the fact that I don’t speak English, it wasn’t possible for me to participate, contrary to Jarmusch’s Night on Earth and Ferrara’s The Blackout where my characters were allowed to speak French.

So, you would have done more movies with Jarmusch or Ferrara if they offered you French-language roles?

Béatrice: Yes, indeed. Actually, Ferrara offered me a role in his latest feature about the Dominic Strauss Kahn case, Welcome to New York. He wanted me to play the wife of Dominic Strauss Kahn, but once again, I had to decline because of the language.

Now that would be nice! You as Strauss Kahn’s wife? Hoho!

Béatrice: (laughs out loud)

I’d like to know more about your wonderful role as Dominatrix in Yann Gonzalez’ You and the Night. To me, it felt like you had so much fun with this part. Could you tell me more about how you got involved with this film?

Béatrice: Main actor Eric Cantona is a close friend of mine for a very long time. When he first met with Yann Gonzalez, they both came up with the idea of having me in the movie. At first, I was very concerned because me and Eric are such good friends, I was afraid of being too shy to act together with him…

Really? You shy?

Béatrice: Eric was afraid too because acting with a good friend is difficult, especially for this role (laughs) but on the first day of shooting, Eric came up to me and said “Just go on OM” [=Olympique de Marseille, Cantona’s football team between 1988 & 1991] (laughs) I love the movie and I’m very proud of it.

Your hands are larger than you might expect.

Béatrice: Yes, I’m the daughter of the Mona Lisa and a garage mechanic.

Your whole life reminds me of a line from an old Gérard Depardieu film: ‘You know the trouble with very beautiful women? They wreak havoc.’ How old were you when you first noticed that you were attracting an unusual degree of attention?”

Beatrice: Ever since I can remember. I do not consider myself beautiful. But I’ve always attracted attention, it’s true, ever since I was very young.

I think what you did in Domaine took you on to another level. Which is weird, given that you’ve always said that you never read a page before accepting a part.

Beatrice: Yes, but when you work with great directors…

Wasn’t that Chiha’s first film?

Beatrice: Doesn’t matter. I’ve never read a screenplay in advance. You trust the artist. If you look at an image of a wicker chair, and it reduces you to tears, it’s because it was painted by Van Gogh. Seeing a wicker chair in an Ikea catalogue doesn’t make you weep, does it?

How do you know?

Beatrice: Well maybe you might – yes. That wouldn’t surprise me at all. But you see what I’m saying. When the director is brilliant, there’s no risk. You watch television, you hear these rich actors banging on about ‘taking risks’: it’s all bullshit. They lose their temper then smash a hotel lamp and they think they’re rebels. There are no rebels in the cinema business.


20 of Beatrice Dalle’s 51 roles

Jean-Jacques Beineix Betty Blue (1986)
‘The movie has made millions in France, where it will not have escaped anyone’s attention that Betty is played by an attractive young woman named Beatrice Dalle, who is naked as often as not. Have you ever had the experience of going to a movie and trying to make sense of the plot, and trying to figure out why anyone has wasted his life and money on the project, only to suddenly have a dazzling insight? That’s what happened to me during Betty Blue. Reviews have been written debating the movie’s view of madness, of feminism, of the travail of the artist. They all miss the point. Betty Blue is a movie about Beatrice Dalle’s boobs and behind, and everything else is just what happens in between the scenes where she displays them. This is not altogether a bad thing. In the old days, there used to be such a thing as “skin flicks,” and, yes, they did have a certain basic animal appeal. But they were driven out of business by porno on the one hand, so to speak, and Dynasty on the other. Now comes a throwback to the old days when the phrase “French movie” did not mean art, and “art film” didn’t mean art, either, and everybody knew exactly what they did mean, and had their exact change counted out before they dashed up to the box office, so nobody would see them going into a dirty movie. If you can get anything more than that out of Betty Blue, consider it a bonus.’ — Roger Ebert


the entire film (no subtitles)

Jacques Doillon La vengeance d’une femme (1990)
La Vengeance d’une femme is a surprising movie, yet at times the dialogues seem quite familiar. I guess it’s because Proust’s work has a major influence on the plot (rather than Dostoyevsky’s), particularly on Isabelle Huppert’s character as the woman who lost her husband. Seeking her own truth behind his death, she suddenly finds herself at the door of his mistress (Béatrice Dalle). And from that point, they are led into a chaotic relationship. We also watch the movie in a rather uncomfortable way. Jacques Doillon’s direction is simply based on the “walking and talking” actions of the two main characters (where music has absolutely no effect in the background). They are mostly spending their time at hotel rooms, inside a flat. We only see them outside once in a while, and therefore a claustrophobic atmosphere fades in the screen inevitably.’ — Engin Gulez


Jim Jarmusch Night on Earth (1991)
‘One night. Five cities. Five Taxicabs. Jim Jarmusch’s lovingly askew view of humanity from the passenger seat is an hilarious quintet of tales of urban displacement, existential angst and love and dreams that spans time zones, continents, and numerous languages. Along the way we encounter a Hollywood casting agent who feels her age in L.A.; a learner cabbie and former circus clown, driving through Harlem carrying two arguing passengers; a blind woman (Beatrice Dalle) who disorients her driver in Paris; a non-believer (Roberto Benigni) who finds a dead bishop on his back seat in Rome; whilst a driver in Helsinki and his passengers swap melancholy stories. This eloquent visual essay is about the ways in which people communicate and connect despite their differences in race, class or gender. This chain of brief intimacies, like matches lit simultaneously across the globe, flicker brightly for a few short moments to reveal that something as simple as taking a taxi journey can alter your perceptions and even maybe change your life in the smallest but most meaningful way.’ — Watershed


Claude Lelouch La Belle histoire (1992)
‘Jesus is a French gypsy who might have become a bull fighter had he not been framed on a drug charge and sent to prison. Odona is a con artist pursued and protected by a Paris policeman. Marie, who knew Jesus as a girl, loses her job when she teaches reincarnation and lets her young students kiss honey bees. All experience love, all suffer losses, and all seek peace. Throughout, Jesus’s colorful gypsy family provides dance and music, mystery and celebration. As part of the reincarnation theme, the main characters appear in flashbacks set during the time of Christ and the persecution of early Christians.’ — Rare Film



Claire Denis I Can’t Sleep (1994)
‘One of the first things that strike you about Denis’ movies is that she keeps dialogue as sparse as possible. Though seldom visually flamboyant, these are highly visual films, framing, acting, movement, expressions, composition, telling us more than is ever spoken. Unless you count ‘Relaxez-vous’ and the news bulletin there is no intelligible dialogue in the first seven minutes of I Can’t Sleep. Strikingly, throughout the film, Camille’s dialogue is especially minimal. This might be interpreted as a way of concealing his identity as the Granny Killer, but it is less a dramatic convenience than a statement of his character: he is too confused, too uncertain about who he is and what he does – too afraid of what he might learn about himself – to be capable of formulating himself in verbal expression. He is eloquent only when, on stage, he can hide behind a public persona that at once expresses his finer self (sensitive, troubled, deeply hurt and insecure) and conceals the dark side (from himself as well as from the world). The sequence of concise, enigmatic scenes that precedes the climactic unravelling provides a fine example of Denisian inexplicitness, her refusal to spell things out, her insistence that the spectator work.’ — Robin Wood


Yolande Zauberman Lola, Clubbed to Death (1996)
‘A very odd film this – is it about the club scene or a boxing match. The decaying urban setting is quite apt for this group of semi-estranged characters. There is an unreal atmosphere about the whole film which makes it just about watchable, just the thing to watch on Channel 4 at 12:30am on Sunday/Monday. But there were immense problems with continuity, how did Lola end up in this warehouse party in the first place. She didn’t know about it when she was on the bus at the start, what was she doing – just going on the bus for no particular reason. None of the characters were particularly engaging and I did not have much idea where the plot was going.’ — blinderben


Abel Ferrara The Blackout (1997)
‘An older looking, yet still enticing, version of Dalle appeared in Abel Ferrera’s The Blackout (1997), a film not seen by many (as well as not liked) that to me is, nevertheless, one of the more underrated low-budget films of recent memory. Her hardened look in the movie is offset by her smoldering presence and ability to flash a stare of absolute desire or contempt with ease.’ — Gabriel Alvarez


Claire Denis Trouble Every Day (2001)
‘The first full-blown scandal of the Cannes film festival erupted last night over the lurid French film Trouble Every Day, in which the Gallic sex symbol Beatrice Dalle has sex with, murders and cannibalises four men. Even the French critics booed and walked out of the film by Claire Denis, who also directed the foreign legion drama Beau Travail. In the film billed, “I love you so much I could eat you …” Dalle, popularly known in France as “La Grande Bouche” (the Big Mouth) plays the wife of a scientist performing dangerous experiments on the human libido, who picks up truckers and devours them. Denis, who has a reputation for her sensitive portrayals of women and individuals on the edge of society, insisted last night at a tense press conference, at which Dalle pointedly refused to appear at the last minute, that the film was not “explicit or violent. It’s actually a love story. Being explicit is not what I’m interested in and I don’t think it’s about cannibalism either. It’s about desire and how close the kiss is to the bite. I think every mother wants to eat her baby with love. We just took this on to a new frontier.” Her scriptwriter Jean-Paul Fargeau said they wanted to look at the way such block-busters as Hannibal had made gore acceptable in the cinema. “I wanted to write something about desire and about the unknown areas within the brain, where we go, but would rather not admit we go.”‘ — The Guardian



Nobuhiro Suwa H Story (2001)
‘A French actress (Beatrice Dalle) arrives in Hiroshima to begin work on the remake of Alain Resnais’ Hiroshima Mon Amour. Scenes are shot, discussed, re-shot. A writer friend of the director asks him why he is remaking the Resnais film. The director can answer only that it is because he has yet to make sense of his feelings. As the shoot progresses, the actress begins to question the motives behind the director’s obsessive desire to film the city of his birth, and to confront the memories and complex emotions evoked by this mythic city in the psyche of his generation. Later, walking on a beach with the writer, the actress learns that the director is cancelling the shoot. Her time in Hiroshima is over.’ — Wild Bunch



Christophe Honore 17 Fois Cécile Cassard (2002)
‘a portrait of a woman in 17 fragments, a woman who has just lost her husband, a woman who leaves behind her a life in the provincial city of Tours where every person, every object and every gesture holds memory of a love she cannot bear to have lost, a woman who proceeds forward, a bit blindly, as she essays to remove a great distance that has between her and her heart, which has become, in her mind, an unsafe place. beatrice dalle incarnates this woman, cecile cassard, giving a beautiful performance worthy of recompensation. perhaps even the cesar for best performance for this year. she doesn’t merely act well, she inhabits this woman: dalle doesn’t lie when she tells us, as she often does, that she lives a character while she is making a film. the director, christophe honore, not forgetting that it is he who illicits dalle’s wonderful performance, demonstrates a masterful command of visual storytelling in remembering that, in film, pictures have a more important weight than words in advancing a narrative story-line. much is heard in the french press and on television that this is an experimental film, a film without a linear narrative. no, in fact, the film is a conventional narrative at heart for it follows a linear journey of a woman as she strives to refind herself. and it is a beautiful story, mixing pain and loss with laughter and love. i look forward to more films by him in the future.’ — t_reddy



t.o.L. Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space (2002)
‘It’s the year 2010 on the planet of cats, where lies Meguro City, a megalopolis entirely controlled by the super-corporation Catty & Co. The nefarious influence of this corporate empire extends malignantly across the feline galaxy. Tamala, a carefree, one-year-old kitten, decides to flee this cruel reality and boards her spaceship in search of her planet of origin. Featuring the voices of Béatrice Dalle, Takeshi Katô, Hisayo Mochizuki.’ — collaged


Michael Haneke Time of the Wolf (2003)
‘Haneke is an exceptional filmmaker and has quite an eye. The combination of lingering camera-work and lack of score create an uneasy tension. Some might argue that the movie is boring because there isn’t much action, but I thought it was visually stunning. The movie attempts to be about post-apocalypse social struggle and power–including conflict between different nationalities and genders–but it could have been more successful in doing this. The acting is outstanding (especially by Huppert and the actress that plays her daughter). Even though she gets co-billing, Beatrice Dalle is only in the film for a bit, but she does have a Betty Blue-style freak-out.’ — ThrownMuse


Olivier Assayas Clean (2004)
‘Emily is always in motion, driven by disquiet, unhappy with herself and the decisions that got her here. Her mind seems elsewhere, focusing on what would bring her peace: heroin. She and her partner Lee are rock stars whose moment of fame has passed and stranded them in a Canadian motel. They fight, she drives off into the night, scores drugs, shoots up, and sleeps in the car. When she returns to the motel, Lee is dead of an overdose. She should quietly back away and leave town. Instead, she gets herself arrested and sentenced to six months for possession.’ — collaged


Claire Denis L’intrus (2004)
‘The film is not visually stunning in the conventional sense. It doesn’t present a series of pretty pictures. Instead it is a visually interesting film. It forces the viewer to constantly process or perhaps imagine the context of the various shots. This sort of thing is easy to try but hard to succeed at. The film refuses to use the crutch of a genre to help the less than fully engaged viewer get what’s going on. Instead the film touches on and moves through a number of different genres. The trick to loving the film is being able to enjoy this playfulness. I suspect 99% of North American viewers will just not get it. If you try to pin down the narrative of this film, or the philosophical message, or the symbolist structure, etc. you will waste your time. There are none of these. The film only feints towards these genres and others at times. The only unifying force in the film is Claire Denis’s own sense of what fits together. There are so few feature length films that come close to satisfying Kant’s description of what art is, namely the enjoyment of the power of judgment itself instead of simply subsuming experiences under concepts.’ — kinaidos


Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo Inside (2007)
Inside tells the heartwarming Yuletide tale of a single mother near the end of a pregnancy who spends her Christmas Eve fleeing a deranged woman who wants to cut the baby out of her stomach and claim it as her own. So far, so good. Not to all tastes, granted, but a perfectly hooky premise for the new breed of French horror movies, which thrive on intensity and provocation. While having an involuntary C-section performed with a blood-spattered pair of scissors creates a degree of risk for the baby, it’s important to keep in mind that both women are interested in a healthy delivery. Their dispute is over who should be the baby’s mother. And settling such disputes with sharp implements is what slasher movies are all about. Where Inside crosses the line is a visual device that periodically checks the baby’s status as it sloshes around the uterus, like a CGI ultrasound. Sometimes it’s as peaceful-looking as the star baby in 2001; at other times, after a scuffle or a blow, it’s tossed about so violently that its survival is in question. While I recognize that no digital fetuses were harmed during the making of Inside, there’s something unseemly and grossly manipulative about treating the baby like some helpless variation on the “Final Girl” in a Halloween knockoff. Directors Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury delight in drawing connections between the violence between adversaries and the essential violence of childbirth, but the cutaways to the pinballing baby are, to my mind, beyond the pale. Can we please get back to adults jamming each other in the gullet with knitting needles?’ — Scott Tobias, The AV Club



Patric Chiha Domain (2010)
‘Béatrice Dalle is the cinema. She reminds me of Ingrid Bergman who walks in Naples in Viaggio in Italia by Roberto Rossellini. She has the same strength and fragility. She reminds me of the beautiful and combative heroines who are running through Baltimore in Pink Flamingos by John Waters. And she reminds me of Madeleine and Judy who are both walking, but differently, through San Francisco in Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock. She is Madeleine, the woman you pursue but never reach. She is a sensual and dangerous ghost that slips through your fingers when you think you hold her. And she is Judy, the real woman, alive, but mysterious and ultimately generous, because she’s always willing to resuscitate ghosts. In Domain, there is a scene where Pierre chooses the clothes and the lipstick for Nadia, as if he already felt, that the woman who fascinated him so much does no longer exist. In his own way, he tries to resuscitate Madeleine. Isn’t that also what I tried to do?’ — Patric Chiha



Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury Livid (2011)
‘The film went into production in 2009. It was initially intended to be Bustillo and Maury’s English-language debut and shot in the United Kingdom but they moved to a lower-budget French production after they found that they were losing creative control over their story. A promo was shown at the American Film Market. The film was described as being more of a fantasy film than their previous film; “If Inside was meant to play as horror taken from fact then Livid plays as horror taken from fairy tale, the Grimm kind with all the bloody bits left in.”‘ — collaged


Gaël Morel Notre paradis (2011)
‘Vassili is an aging Paris hustler who has a hard time accepting he is growing too old for his profession. He lashes out by strangling one of his clients who had commented on his age. Later that night he finds an unconscious teenager in the Bois de Boulogne (a cruising park) who was apparently also hustling and has been beaten and robbed. The boy claims not to remember his name or anything else from his past, so Vassili takes him to his apartment and christens the boy Angelo due to his angelic appearance and an angel tattoo on his abdomen. The two begin a relationship that is purely sexual at first but later develops into a romantic connection.’ — collaged


Virginie Despentes Bye Bye Blondie (2012)
‘Author, director and certified provocateur Virginie Despentes follows up her controversial debut feature, Rape Me, with the far less risqué and much more tenderhearted tale of punked out lesbian love, Bye Bye Blondie. Starring Emmanuelle Beart and Beatrice Dalle as a pair of Sex Pistols-worshipping gals who try to rekindle an affair they began several decades earlier, the film is as cinematically freewheeling as it is emotionally sincere in its portrayal of a star-crossed couple struggling to make it together for a second time. Overseas stints in Francophone and LBGT fests, plus a few art house pick-ups, should keep Blondie on tour after its mid-sized March 21 local release. Similar to 2000’s X-rated Rape Me (whose French-language title was the much more blunt Fuck Me) in its depiction of amour folle between two volatile femme outcasts, but without that film’s over-the-top onslaught of violence and pornography, this altogether more accessible sophomore effort has Despentes tackling her preferential subjects of feminism and social deviance within the confines of swanky modern-day Paris. Based on the filmmaker’s own 2006 novel, the story follows the travails of two middle-aged women – successful talk show host Frances (Beart) and scraggly installation artist Gloria (Dalle) – who reunite when the former pops up and invites her long lost b.f.f. to move into a luxurious Left Bank apartment, where she lives in a faux couple with the successful gay writer, Claude (Pascal Greggory).’ — Hollywood Reporter




p.s. Hey! I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to say that to you again. But here we are! Obviously, it’s been a rough two months, but I’m ready to go back to normal, if you guys are. This was the post that was up the day the blog was disabled. I’m leaving the p.s. and the comments that came in before the shut down as they were, and of course please add your comments today. Between now and next Monday, you will be getting posts that were already set up and originally intended to launch before the blackout, and then on Tuesday we’ll go all new. The archive of the old blog will slowly appear here, but I have to do hands-on restoration on each one, so it’s going to take virtually forever. Okay, enjoy the day, and I look forward enormously to getting to talk with you again! ** Marilyn Roxie, Hi, Marilyn! How really nice to see you! Yes, yes, please do send me that post to my email, it’s a very, very good idea. Do you have my email? [email protected]. Nice music list, thanks! I need to get that Autechre. Take care! ** New Juche, Hey there. Yeah, I was surprised too, about the stuff re: Augieras, not that it’s a ton, but enough. I hope Scotland does do the new referendum or stop the results or something. There seem to be a million conflicting things out there about what will or can happen, so I’m not letting myself get hopeful until something actually happens. Thank you for the list. Again, hm, do I know Winkler? Huh. My head’s still fucked from my cold, so I don’t trust my memory this morning. I’ll find out. I hope the rest of your weekend did the trick! ** Wolf, Wolf! Holy motherfucking moly! Jesus h. christ, it’s so good to see you! Did you see that I reposted your great Iceland volcano day here a little while back? Oh, fuck, yeah, about what happened. Total shock, but there’s so much confusing stuff being said about whether it’s going to happen or not right now that I don’t know what to think or expect. Anyway, yeah, I’m good. Busy, very busy with all kinds of potentially great projects and stuff. What about you? You good, great, somewhere in between? Yeah, my buddy Zac and I are coming over there. Are you in London? We’ll be there for our movie screening around the 20th. Are you there? Then to Brighton in October, if you’re there. Can not even incredibly wait to see you! Man, oh, man, don’t be a stranger unless it makes sense to be, but I hope it doesn’t. Tons of love, me. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! How were the photo exhibitions and the rest of your weekend? Whoa, did you finish the zine? Whoa! Sorry about the awful heat. We went through a gross 24 hours of sky hell the other day, and more is on the way soon, I guess. My head cold is still operative and being obnoxious, but luckily it hasn’t been immobilizing. My weekend was all right. What did I do …? Oh, I saw two films. I finally saw ‘The Witch’, which has finally hit theaters in France. I thought it was quite good. I thought maybe the set up first part was a little slow, but, basically, I quite liked it. On the other hand, I finally saw the documentary ‘The JT Leroy Story’ that I’m interviewed in for a minute or so. I really hated it. It’s a totally superficial whitewash that treats Laura Albert like she’s some kind of kooky folk hero instead of as the psychopathic, destructive user that she is. I regret allowing the director to interview me for it. It put me in a really bad mood the whole weekend. Disgusting. But, otherwise, ha ha, the weekend was okay enough and kind of fuzzy. How are you today? ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Thank you very kindly for that about ‘LCTG’! ** Tosh Berman, Hi, T. Your listening tastes and experiences are always very instructive. Huh, about the new Strokes EP. I never even thought of trying it, to be honest. I’ll take the auditory equivalent of a peek. And I do want/need to get the new Eno. You think something’s wrong with your manuscript? Hopefully just little teeny, detail-y things? It’s very exciting that you’re in the clean up phase! ** Steevee, Hi. Very nice interview with Davies. I liked it very, very much! Everyone, Steevee has interviewed the great film director Terrence Davies over at LA Review of Books, and it’s a very fine, enlightening interview that I highly recommend. Go here. Excellent films list. I really want to see ‘The Lobster’. It isn’t here yet. And your music list, too. A couple there I don’t know that I’m going to listen in on pronto: Heron Obliviion, William Tyler. ** Bill. Hi, Bill. The Steve McQueen is a film/video made to be seen in a gallery. Double sided, simultaneous projection. Very good. I know and also like just about everything on your books list. A bunch in your music list that’s new to me, but not for long. Thank you for listing ‘LCTG’! And thank you in general, man! ** H, Hi. Thank you for your wonderful list! Wonderful through and through. I was just thinking the other day that I haven’t read James Merrill in ages and that I’m curious to do so again. And, yeah, I really want to read that Ocean Voung book. I’ve meaning to. I’ve heard and read such great things about his work. Thank you! ** Scunnard, Hi! Oh, so you have now vamoosed out of LA, I reckon, I only played the first ‘Animal Crossing’, and I loved it and everything, but it was so manipulative it scared the shit out of me. ‘Count Zero’! I haven’t read it since it came out but, yeah, I’m a huge fan of that trilogy: it, ‘Mona Lisa Overdrive’ and, duh, ‘Neuromancer’. Stuff is good here. I’m under the weather, but I think the weather is starting to improve. I hope that horrible 12 hour flight, which I know all too well, ponied up with some decent movies at least. Welcome back! ** Bernard Welt, Hi, Bernard! I miss you! Yeah, I mean I’ve read so many things that are/will/could/can’t/won’t/etc happen that I can’t hardly even think about it anymore. I guess tomorrow’s parliament vote on the second referendum idea will be a clue at least? Very nice that there and those who are there are nice. Oh, oh, oh, so great about their consent re: a post about their thing! That’s very exciting Wow, cool, thank you for angling for that and for your willingness to do that! Continue having interesting moments and lengthier stretches in an atmosphere of niceness! Love, me. ** Jonathan, Hi, Jonathan! Oh, samples. Hold on. Shit, it won’t work because my Flash is out of date or something. I’ll do the update and hit it later. Yes, yes, I want the 1 hour full length version, you can bet. If it’s no trouble. Oh! Everyone, artist extraordinaire plus long time denizen of this blog Jonathan Mayhew did a live performance thing at IMMA, and you can and should (!) experience samples with a mere clicking motion atop that blue word a few words back in this very sentence. Do it, trust me. I saw that the Berkeley Books maestro was over there. You saw her! I need to get over to the store. It’s been a while. Well, your Paris pangs have a reason, man, so follow their lead and get over here. Excellent list, top to bottom. Gonna get my ears and probably hands on the ones I don’t know: Valerio Tricoli, Ling, etc. Thanks, buddy! Clusterfuck of horrors to say the least! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Yeah, I’ve reading as much as I can about Scotland’s abilities in this case, and it seems almost impossible to find out anything factual. Spin has eaten the world. Man, I hope you guys can save the day. Thank you for your concise and impeccable list. How are you today, Ben? How are you feeling, what’s the latest and the progress? ** Misanthrope, Dude, your life, your call, but not reading a book in a year?! I mean … New pain? Call your doctor? Is that normal? Really, check on that, don’t play with that shit, okay? My ears and eyes induce temporary deafness and blindness if they hear or see even the first syllable of the word Kardashian. … Oh, fuck, where am I? ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris! Really great to see you! An internet break, eh? Wow, that must be tougher than tough but it’s a good idea. You’re writing a ton of stuff! Yay! Okay, it’s working, so milk it. I’m quite good apart from being under the evil spell of a crappy head cold at this very moment. Well, theoretically, the TV show will be less work because, theoretically, Zac and I won’t be involved in the casting and shooting and all of that, but I have a very strong feeling that Gisele is going to want us to be involved in all of that, and, if she does, it will be more work than the movie we made and the one we will make since it’ll be more than twice as long and shot in distant places and all of that, so we’ll see. The ‘LCTG’ DVD is out in the US. It came out in late May. Yeah, right, about ‘The Forbidden Room’. I was really really impressed and tripped out by it. I think it’s one of Maddin’s very best. Of course I love the GbV. Granted, I’m a serious Pollard fanatic, but I do think it’s his best work in a few years. You know, I don’t know how healing crystals work. Huh. I guess I imagine people rolling them around in their hand like they were dice? But that’s probably way off. I super appreciate you lending me their powers, man. Again, so good to see you, but prioritize your work, okay? If sneaking in here doesn’t fuck your work up, that would be awesome, duh. ** Okay. I think we’re done. Today is Béatrice Dalle Day! Hooray! See you tomorrow.


  1. h

    Hi Dennis thanks for the day. I guess I didn't pay attention to this actress when I saw her performance because I was too young to recognize a person in films at that time. Wow. I want to watch all of these today as I feel a little moisty this morning in my still half asleep imagination. She has a face of melancholy. Very beautiful.

    That Laura Albert documentary is unfortunate. I hate to read that. A weirdness is that she's been speaking for herself with her childhood abuse story in tune with her gender variant expression in some trans* communities here as if some gay writers/artists would have blocked her work not understanding her saddening closeted trans* story. As a trans* individual myself or whatever who cares literature as well, I overheard that manipulation in personal encounters with some people in NYC, I wanted to tell them, creating a fake persona in order to sell one's work even by taking advantage of others, has nothing to do with knowing and understanding effaced tears of marginal genders through artifacts or literary performance of sexualities. But I couldn't convince them because people were already fooled by her childhood abuse victim narrative and acting out in public, creating networks with visible abuse survivors here and there. I'm sorry that you had to spend any minutes for her whatsoever fame.

    I admire Merrill. Very scholarly in a most truthful, poetic way. I haven't read him for a month or so. As you're saying, I will read at least a few short pieces by him this week.

  2. Dóra Grőber


    The photo exhibitions were quite good! There was a black and white series about prisoners at one of them and I liked it a lot. I haven't finished the zine yet but I've been working on it ever since so I'm in the finish line now! I'm determined not to let it die this time, haha!
    Hm. Nor the sky hell, nor the cold sounds too well but I'm glad the latter didn't pin you to bed! I hope you're getting better really soon!
    Great about The Witch! But shit, it's awful about The JT Leroy Story! I read about it and it sounded interesting but I guess it's quite the opposite if it's so full of… bullshit. It must be a maddening feeling to be involved in it like this, I'm really sorry!
    Well I guess I have no reason to complain. I just finished the cover and back cover of the zine and I'm about to go and see a gender-related exhibition later today. I'm also really happy with your Béatrice Dalle post! She's such a character! I first saw her in Betty Blue which is one of my all-time favorite books, too.
    I hope your cold is vanishing! How are you? How was your day?

  3. Tosh Berman

    Forbidden Room is fantastic. I saw it in a movie theater and it was a great experience. And it even has a new Sparks' song in it! A great Sparks song! The new Strokes may be a guilty pleasure type of thing. I really never got the band or their music before. In fact, I found them totally boring. But their new record really capture something – very majestic / strong chorus. And I need to haunt down your film on DVD. I notice that it's on Amazon rental/steaming system. And thanks for the blog today. I had a crush on her in Betty Blue.

  4. DavidEhrenstein

    Beatrice Dalle is REALLY Heavy Duty

    Sorry you saw THAT Laura Albert film. The one to see is The Cult of jt Leroy which rips her a new one.

  5. steevee

    Thanks for your praise of my Davies interview.

    That JT Leroy film opens in early September in NYC. I had some interest in reviewing it, but now I don't know. Admittedly, it might be fun to rip it to shreds.

  6. Marilyn Roxie

    Hi Dennis! Yep, that's the email I had. I had sent a message about it before but thought it may have gotten lost in the shuffle, so that's why I asked here. 🙂 I'll send it to you today – let me know if it went through. ~Marilyn

  7. michael karo

    welcome home and welcome back!

  8. FLIT

    Coop! Sweet … I feel no longer adrift in the inter-webs. How goes it my friend?

  9. Jamie McMorrow

    Dennis! It’s so lovely to have you back. I’ve missed you and the blog badly. I hope things are really good with you & look forward intently to whatever you may post here. Lots and lots of love to you. X

  10. Guy Blackman

    nice to have you back Dennis xx

  11. Lee

    How completely fucking brilliant to have you back xxx

  12. jonathan

    <3 <3 <3 D <3 <3 <3
    Awesomeness is back 🙂
    Like Tosh i too had a crush on ms. Dalle after seeing Betty Blue. she was amazing in Night on Earth too, i need to see more!
    just finished after a long 3 weeks working flat out, ive had 4 days off, which they werent really as i had lots to do and some meetings, but now im back to Work after work. funnily one of the things i need to do this week is make a piece that is dealing with the difference of Work and work. theres a bunch of stuff on the go writing wise. i'll be doing something for this project at some point it starts today i think?? but not quite yet as of me posting 😉
    Guy Maddin's forbiden room is sitting in a basket after i saw your above comment, ive been humming & hawing about it for month now so, now is the time! plus that film publisher puts out interesting films.
    Been reading lots of poetry cause thats all ive had time for, William Minor, Sam Riviere (who is awesome) and some great chapbooks from i got Raymond Queneau's For an Ars Poetica from there and some others.
    So glad your back 🙂
    love J

  13. liquoredgoat


    I’ve been meaning to see Betty Blue because the premise intrigued me and it’s had high praise. Now, thanks to this blog day, I am in love with Beatrice Dalle and must view the film post-haste.

    I met Matt Bell the other day, who teaches here at ASU, and I was talking to him about how great you are as a writer/person. He wholeheartedly agreed. I’m hoping to cross the genre divide from poetry and take a fiction workshop with him sometime in my three years here.

    I’m glad to be back in DC land!

  14. _Black_Acrylic

    Wow welcome back! Ms Dalle makes for a very worthy Day too.

    So I’m still in Leeds wearing the brace for my fractured spine but feeling largely ok thanks to Dad’s cooking and this DC’s blog restoration. I have an appointment with Orthopaedics on September 20th, and after that I hope I might just return to Dundee.

    @ DC, you still up for hosting my belated ART101 Day? Because I’ll make a start on it if so. I submitted episode 4 to a couple of short film festivals, just as a way of testing the water, and expect to hear back in the coming weeks.

  15. Jonathan Parker-Bryant

    Hello Dennis!

    The blog is back, the Dodgers are in first place, and there is much rejoicing. It’s been quite a summer. Glad to see you back and looking forward to seeing the regular cast of characters resume their contributions as well.

    Warmest regards,

  16. Slatted Light

    Hey Coop. Immense love and relief to see the blog resurgent. Reconstruction sounds like it’ll be a drag, but at least there’s a safe archive now of the old one: that’s what matters most. That, and the continuation of the Cooperdrome.

    I like the new interface: feels bright, plush, and uncramped.

    “I don’t transform myself into the role, I invest myself in the role.” I like that distinction of Dalle’s, very neat. Explains a lot of “serious” bad acting, actually, even from otherwise strong actors, that attempting at the “transformational”. This line also made me laugh: “I didn’t see my character, Coré, as a cannibal but as somebody who is extremely passionate and who doesn’t have any conscience.” You could have written that.

    Thought I’d try and make a reappearance, what with the near-death experience. Amazed — not surprised, but amazed — at the solidarity and push. Getting Google to do anything like returning material is something of a miracle, really. Things go right, sometimes, if only for contrariety’s sake. If I thought there was someone up there to thank, I’d be doing it for making this one of those sometimes.

    It had been a bit since I’d caught up on the blog before it went down. Outside of the GIF novel, what are you working on these days? I see mention of a TV show, which sounds pretty freaking a-maze-ing. CoopTV, holy shit.

    Love to you, man.

  17. Thomas Moronic


    So good to see you back, my friend. And I hope that stresses of the last couple of months die down as quickly as possible. I don’t want to dwell too much on what has happened because I get the sense that you want to get the place rolling back into the usual swing of things as soon as possible, so I’ll keep it short but I did want to say how awesome it was to see the much deserved amount of love that what shown towards this place and the work that you do here. You fucking rule, this place fucking rules, and it’s good to have it back.

    Béatrice Dalle has a crazy charisma. There’s a wildness to her performances as well, but it’s restrained in this really interesting way. Loved her in Trouble Every Day. I’m going to enjoy digging into this later.

    You know, with the last couple of months I never got round to telling you how much I loved Like Cattle Towards Glow. It’s wonderful! I got the DVD and I’ve watched it three times now, with more to come. When I’ve watched it another couple of times I’ll try and write something but I still feel like I’m parsing through the many gleaming and precise surfaces of the thing at the moment – it’s just so good, with a ton of great stuff going on. I’ve thought about different things each time I’ve watched it, which is always a good sign. I’ll write more soon.

    It sucks that the JT Leroy film put you in a bad mood. I’ve been giving it a very wide birth – I kind of wanted to see you in it, but from the clips I saw and from a couple of interviews it seemed like it doesn’t really hold those involved to account in the same way that the Cult Of movie seems to do – I haven’t got round to watching that one yet either, but from what I’ve heard it does seem like that one is bit more on point.

    Stuff here is cool – still adjusting to the break up and stuff I guess. My second novel is finally almost here! In Their Arms is coming out in early October (either 4th or 11th of October – just waiting to hear the confirmation), which is really cool. I’m excited that people will be able to read it.

    I’m meeting Michael and Bene for dinner tomorrow, which will be awesome as well.

    OK, welcome back, man. And talk real soon.

    Thomas xoxo

  18. New Juche

    Hey Dennis

    Really fucking good to have you back! I was worried that the stress and disappointment might have put you off starting again. Until this happened I actually had no idea of the long history of DC’s – it was reading all the articles and comments over the last 2 months that clarified what your blog really is. I want to thank you again and afresh for the attention you’ve given me and my work here.

    I’m in Bangkok now, about to go back to the UK next week for a long spell to secure the next few year’s funding for myself. It’s not a pleasant prospect, and I miss my wife and kids already. Hope it’s the last time I’ll have to go back in a very long while. Whilst I’m there though, I get to collect the towering pile of books I’ve bought over the last few years, which are waiting at a relative’s house for me. It’ll be like Christmas. Among them is the last translated Augieras book I’ve yet to read – I hope you still do the post on him you mentioned above. And I haven’t forgotten about my Miracle of the Rose post – I hope I can look forward to that again now!

    I submitted my book Mountainhead to the one and only publisher I’m aiming for last week, so am keeping my fingers crossed. Also nearly finished two new things I’ve been working on – another free PDF with loads of images, and the second a new book manuscript.

    Looking forward to your final gif novel, and hopefully seeing your film also once I’m back over. Great to have you and this place back man,


  19. Wolf

    Hahaha, wow – so there it is, the Dalle day. And the Return of the Dude!
    Amazing. Some crazy shit between then and now hunh? But you know, I like this blog better, looks-wise – did our favorite Australian cupcake-maker design it? It’s sleek and no-BS. Very nice.
    So, how are things then, back to the routine?
    I’ll try and be less of a stranger I promise! Actually, this not being on Ze Googlz might be an incentive. Fuck them. Haha, am I even allowed to say this? Thin-skinned overlords, who needs’em.

  20. tender prey

    Wooohhhoo! Resurrection! Enjoying Beatrice Dalle day, enjoying the blog’s new look… a total joy to have this place back

  21. Marc Vallée

    Hey DC, Great to see the Blog back up and in it’s new home! Dom was telling me about the screening of the film in London. Sounds like it was a great night. Sorry I missed it but I was in Berlin. I will be in Paris later this year to finish off an old project in a new way so maybe we can hangout?! 🙂 x

  22. chris dankland

    hey dennis !!

    just wanted to say real quick how glad i am that the blog is back. i’m sorry u had to go through that whole nightmare, but very very happy that it’s behind u now. this place has played a big role in my life: thank u for always being so encouraging & supportive of my writing, & thank u for these posts, i always learn something interesting that i didn’t know before.

    LCTG was brilliant, u & Zac totally knocked it out of the park. i’m gonna re-watch it this evening to celebrate the blog’s return.

    i’m suspecting u’ll have a lot of comments today, so i’ll catch up with ya some other time.

    take care <3

  23. Kyler

    So good to have you back, Dennis!! Rushing off for a 2-day vacation, but wanted to give a big congrats – it really was an empty hole in my life these past 2 months. And you’re ethic of answering everybody from before impresses me to no end. You are, were, and always will be THE MAN. Thanks bud, see you soon.

  24. Chris

    Hey D!

    Welcome to your new home 🙂 Just wanting to send a few therms to help with the house warming. The new look is really nice & producing a fun / interesting dissonance at the back of my mind — like I’m so used to your voice *looking* a certain way, in that old school Blogger font, whatever it is… There’s something nice about the idea that you were in the wilderness for a few weeks and when you came back you had lost all your serifs…

    At any rate, it’s a huge relief & really fucking unexpected that this whole thing has ended as well as it probably could have. When I saw you in London, the idea that you’d ever get anything back from the Google vortex seemed basically impossible. I’m so glad that the noise we were able to create as a community may have had some pressurizing effect. It’s been so good to hear the testimonies of so many people for whom this place has been galvanizing in the most fundamental ways for so long.

    Feels very nice to celebrate the tenacity of the blog with a post about the astonishingly resilient Beatrice Dalle. Such a devastatingly intelligent actor. She had kind of disappeared from my thoughts until she showed up in ‘You and the Night’ a couple of years ago. Did you see that movie? I really really liked it. I don’t normally feel too fondly about films that look stagey but that’s a strong exception. Amazing cast.

    Griffyn says hi, sends love — we’re setting up home together in a new apartment in Walthamstow so everything is a bit chaotic right now but this is the first time I’ve ever lived with a boyfriend — at least, on purpose — and it’s fucking great. At least for now, ha ha…

    Oh, I sent you some Weaklings photos — did they ever get as far as your eyes? No worries if not. I’m thinking a good way to celebrate the blog’s revenance might be for me to put together a Weaklings The Stage Show day. Feels like a good thing to do after so many people here were so generous in their involvement.

    Well so. Again, my heroic friend, welcome home, & much love.


  25. schoolboyerrors

    WELCOME BACK DC! We’ll have a chance to debrief in person in October (can’t wait!) but I hope you’ve recovered from your ordeal anyway.

    And so awesome to see everyone here: Jonathan, Thomas Moronic, Tenderprey, WOLF! SLATTED LIGHT! Wowza! Much love to you fine people.

    “I’m the daughter of the Mona Lisa and a garage mechanic”: amazing. I don’t think I really *got* Betty Blue when I saw it but I remember Béatrice Dalle was mesmerising (which I guess is the point). Oh hey, Dalle mentions Jim Jarmusch in the interview there: what do you think of him? Everyone I knew when I was younger seemed to love his films but they left me cold. Saw Only Lovers Left Alive a couple of years ago to see if I’d been wrong and nope, didn’t get that either.

    D xx

  26. L@rstonovich

    D! Just checked on the Google nightmare yesterday and was super stoked to read the outcome. Fucking self portrait day 2006? That’s right when I started coming to the blog. Cheers from Portland.

  27. Dadoodoflow

    Welcome Back!

  28. Dynomoose

    There are no words to describe how happy I am to see this!!!!

  29. James Nulick


    I am so glad to see you are back! It’s like waiting for an old friend at the airport, staring at the jetway until…. BAM!!

    I would have given my congrats on your FB page, but I’m not on FB, lol.

    So good to see you again, my friend. Tough spirits always prevail!

    Much love,
    James Xoxo

  30. Scunnard

    Hi Dennis, welcome back and I even have a time capsule of a response here! Even though I’m not overly active, when the blog disappeared I felt like I had lost a friend in it, as it is just nice knowing it is around. Oh and I was just saying that I want to watch Trouble Every Day again, so nice reminder. haha yes, I had to quit with animal crossing again as it’s too much responsibility keeping up with those guilt tripping lil animals. Yes, the Gibson books hold up well (when they are right, really right, and when ideas are dated, it seemed like in a pleasant and productive way as well–does that make sense?) in my opinion and I suspect are overdue for a rediscovery? Anyway, welcome back!

  31. Mieze

    Sneaks in through open door, finds self standing in white light and high ceilings. Reminds me of a place I once knew that felt quite like home– back in 2006, 2007, when I was a lonely expat and desperately in need of finding my own kind. And the guy who took care of the place was pretty wonderful, himself….

    Welcome back, Dennis. The blog looks beautiful and I’m so happy that you’ve come through this trial with your materials and work intact. Much love to you and everyone here, always. –Mieze in Switzerland

  32. jose

    Welcome back!

  33. Lynne Tillman

    Dearest Dennis, so glad you’re back…I wonder what went down there. aug 29, summer almost over, dog days etc. Finished my novel at last. Another anticlimax. Sending big love, Lynne xx

  34. postitB(reakup)


    Snazzy new digs, even though it’s awful you had to get them. If I could help with the post restoring at all, please let me know! Maybe you could assign me a week or something? Happy to help.

    Glad you’re back!

  35. Darrell Alvarez

    An echo, but sincere: So glad you are back!

  36. Tosh Berman

    Wow! The great return. Now, my good habit of reading your blog every morning with the first cup of coffee, and then going off for the day. That is supposed to be what the day is for me. When you were gone, the void was huge. Super happy that you’re back!

  37. steevee

    I’m so glad to see the blog up and running again, with my old comment about the Laura Albert movie preserved. Well, I’ve seen it, as you know, and I think it’s the worst film in commercial release this year. When it opens here in early September, I wonder if most critics will give it a pass.

  38. Damien Ark

    AHHH!!! DENNIS! How badly I’ve missed waking up to your blog posts. I can’t believe you were actually able to “win” the battle with Google! Too many exclamation marks, but I’m just so happy this morning. Man, it looks like it’s going to take longer than usual for you to get through all of these comments, so I’ll keep it short and snappy. Oh, is that Killua in the gif up above? Probably not.. I’ll have to check out some of the other stuff this girl is in. I’ve seen her in four of these though and had no clue who she even was.

  39. kier

    yay happy homecoming dennis!!!!

  40. MANCY

    Welcome back!!

  41. TomK

    Ace, glad the blog is back! And what a day to return on. I used to have a scene (where Dalle is walking past a blood stained wall) from Trouble Every day sellotaped to to the ceiling above my bed when i was at uni.

    Hope you’re good man

  42. Dóra Grőber

    Welcome back, Dennis!! I’m so so glad you didn’t lose the archives of your old blog and especially that your gif novel survived this whole mess! And of course, I’m really happy the new blog is up and running! I can’t wait to continue this!

  43. Sypha

    Hey Dennis, glad to see that the blog is back and that you also got your hands on the data for the original one (also nice to see a lot of the old timers posting again on here). It’s so weird, I totally missed the initial drama about the blog getting shut down because I was on vacation in Maine at the time. So I was in for a rude shock when I got back, ha ha. In any event, I had a feeling that the blog would be back in some form or another, so around a week or two ago I started putting together a day for Grant Morrison’s “The Invisibles” comic book. Though it’s still a long way from completion!

  44. Jason

    so glad you are back. my man. we need you out here.

  45. gray gary

    word! Trouble Every Day is one of my favorite horror films. so cool to dive into Beatrice Dalle’s other work. anyways. I just wanted to say Hi. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to say hi. The details why: I can’t remember. anyways! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  46. Empty Frame

    Dennis!!!! You did it! And what a fresh and clean new home – the blog is back! I’m so pleased. Am gonna mooch along to your Q and A and screening in Brighton early Oct, so maybe get to say hi in person. I guess after the last two months your hair is a little greyer, haha… but freedom wins the day!
    Much love from here, man. Good to have you back.

  47. seandungan

    Dennis! It’s so good to have this back. Congratulations! Feels like a huge relief, it’s so good to know we’ll be able to check in every morning again. Makes this dusty and arid LA summer feel much better instantly. We were missing this and you.

  48. MyNeighbourJohnTurturro

    WOW, Dennis! It’s been a while, but just wanted to jump back in the fray to say we are all delighted to have the blog back in all it’s glory. Beatrice Dalle, gosh. Trouble Every Day is an interesting and compelling film, mostly due to BD’s charismatic performance. And of course Inside, which stayed with me for a long time. Hope life is seven shades of great. Will definitely spend more time interacting here, speak soon pal.

  49. h

    Dennis- what happened to the blog two months ago? Well, I’m pretending not to know anything as I love it new as it is! As always. Hope you’re feeling good again after that unnecessary turmoil with Google. Please let us know when you need help for the blog. Thank you and welcome back.

  50. Chilly Jay Chill

    Dennis! It’s so great that the blog is back. Nice to see so many familiar names, too. The internet hasn’t seem the same without this place. And wonderful Beatrice Dalle day – I wasn’t even aware of some of her more recent films and they look interesting. And I had no idea she did one of the voices in Tamla 2010! Trippy.

    What projects are you working on these days? And whatever happened with the TV project with Zach and Giselle? Is there news on that front?

    Oh and now that this isn’t a Google/Blogger platform, I’m no longer forced to automatically sign as “Chilly Jay Chill.” There was a time I’d have been very happy to relinquish that name – now I’ve got mixed feelings. Hmm. Well, for now, in the spirit of continuity…

  51. Omar

    Hey Dennis,Great to see your blog is back. Congratulations in the outcome of taking on the challenge. Trouble Every Day is a movie i really responded to.
    Beatrice Dalle: just plain awesome.
    Hearing the name J.T. Leroy makes me puke in my mouth. Just really glad this is back.

  52. George


    Had an Antonio inspiration there.

    Jesus Christ, Dennis, you’ll do anything for attention! Hehe, I’m kidding.

    Very, very happy for you. And for the rest of us. Imagine having your home ripped out from beneath your feet. That’s how it was. And now we’re all back home.

    It’s given me time to reflect on how much you and this place and all my friends here mean to me and how you all have sustained me over the last ten years. At my lowest points, this blog and the people here kept me going, it really did. So much more so than anything else.

    People will say, “Oh, it’s just a blog?” when I try to describe this place, but words fail, and no, it isn’t just a blog.

    So my niece and I were watching trailers OnDemand and we watched the one about the really bad film that was mentioned above. My niece goes, “Is this a true story?!” She was incredulous. Just from the trailer, she was like “YUCK.”

    Btw, I’m okay, the pains have subsided, just random, stray ones now, which are to be expected.

    Love, George

  53. Misanthrope

    Fuck it, I’m keep my old screenname too.

  54. Misanthrope

    Or maybe I meant “keeping.” Duh.

  55. Armando

    hey man. congratulations. im very glad u won this battle.
    missed u a lot. bes wishes, a.

  56. Armando

    hey man, dk what the fuck i did but my address was published in my 1st comment, obviously without my intention at all. is there any way that can be deleted, sorry???

  57. Armando

    id really appreciate it if u could help me, man. im really freakin out bout this.

  58. Bill

    So happy you’re back, Dennis! What a nightmare…

    I’ve enjoyed a few of Dalle’s films (including Trouble Every Day, ha), but for some reason she’s one of those actresses whom I don’t think about a lot. I see I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Just got back from the new Eva Hesse doc. Very nice.


  59. lord_s

    hey dennis. been a while since i commented on your blog but i’ve continued to lurk it everyday. like a lot of people, i was totally upset when google took it down. am happy to see the blog has a new home and will be a thing again. hope all is well.

  60. Bill

    Dennis, have you seen this?

    Lovely trailer. As far as I know, haven’t made its way here yet.


  61. alan

    So glad you’re back, Dennis!

  62. Shane Levene

    Oh Dennis You’re Back!!!!!

    There sure were many people lost without this little sanctuary to come to. Hope your archives are fine (don’t answer, you no doubt have a thousand times. I’ll find out).

    Couldn’t believe what Google had done when I heard. And even though it’s been kinda resolved I’m still furious with them and their fascist policy of deleting peoples lives and work first and asking question later. In fact, they don’t ask questions at all… that’s left up to you. It won’t be long before people star taking out proper lawsuits against internet sites. They are existing outside of the law and personal freedom.

    Anyway, so so thrilled you’re back and well …

    All My Love and Thoughts, Shane. XxX

  63. David Ehrenstein

    No Love For Mike Love

  64. Grantmaierhofer

    Hey there Dennis!

    So so happy you’re back. It’s early morning out in Idaho and I’m sitting with my daughter watching Law and Order haha. User’s Manual should be out next month on SL. Grobbing Thistle came out right as the blog went into the fracas I think. Flamingos’ll be in November. I decided, largely inspired by yours, to try and write a cycle of books in this vein all exploring madness in some contemporary form. Not sure how it’ll work out. Just submitted the second one to the FC2 contest.

    Looks like the ps will be busy as piss tomorrow so no long response necessary. I just hope you’re doing well and I’m so happy for you and to have this space again!!!!



  65. Renato Deperro

    Its like you read my mind! You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is wonderful blog. An excellent read. I will definitely be back.

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