The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Jesus Christ





p.s. Hey. ** Chris Kelso, Hey, thank you. Wonderful book. Oh, shit, apologies about the mistaken identity. I’ll go switch it when I’m outta here. He does look at least a little strangely like you, no? ** Dominik, Hi!!! And my pleasure, as always. Love snagged another good one there. Yes, that slave was verbally robbery-worthy. Okay, one last love quote from the slavery division before we hit the juke book again. We develop ourselves through self-development, signed Love, G. ** Charalampos, Happy that a couple of them snagged you. Love back from the 8th wonder of Paris. ** Steeqhen, It must be hard being a scat receiver if you’re a vegetarian. I often choose plane movie fodder based largely on how much flight time they can kill, so that sounds like a must. I hope you got the writing accomplished to your satisfaction. Yes, I honestly crave guest-posts. They help me out a lot, and a Dr. Who one by you would be most excellent. Thank you wanting to. ** _Black_Acrylic, *Ka-ching* Celine, nice. Is that one of the Celine books that they found recently and are now publishing? ** James, Me neither on the tentacle porn front. Strange. The Masshole contains artworks, and she published it herself, so I think she’s just trying to cover her costs. Plus, art books of 100 pages are very often $45 or even more. Thanks for poring over the selection. Probably more titillated than irked. Or you don’t think you know any gay sex slaves. I think gay sex slaves tend to be fairly discreet, probably especially around 17 year olds. There’ve been a few slaves who wrote to me privately to either say ‘wow!’ or to ask me to please remove them from the post. Getting older is like death and taxes, yeah. I found the dead body in the amusement park ride post if you’re interested: Elmer McCurdy’s Dead Body’s Day. I have you met your new step-mom? Does your dad have good taste in such things? ** Jack Skelley, Hey, thank you for the filling-in. Keep revolving, dude. ** Victoria Brooks, Hi! Thank you so much for coming in here. I loved your book, as I guess I already made clear, and I’m very happy that my fellow US citizens are about to revel in it. It’s very nice to meet you. All respect, me. ** Misanthrope, Chick-fil-A, err, okay. So he’s a rebellious gay boy. You should be wary of her. I guess try not to let one betrayal make you lose your faith and good nature re: people. Mine was severely tested by, say, that JT Leroy masquerading monster, but I held fast. But, yeah having your trust betrayed is the worst. When that happens to me, I find it basically forever unforgivable. ** Steve, Hi, No, I didn’t see ‘Separated’. I need to. Everyone, Steve reviewed Seo’s BLOODBERRY here. (Scroll two thirds of the way down the page for it.) Sucks about the sneezing. Sucks how the relentlessness erases the small but tenable pleasure of sneezing or rather post-sneezing. My weekend … I saw a big exhibition of Harmony Korine’s art, photographs and videos from the collection of Agnes B who was HK’s mentor up through ‘Trash Humpers’, so there was a lot of great stuff. We submitted our film to two festivals whose deadlines are now. And we finished its teaser trailer. And some wandering and emailing and a bit of writing. It was fine, thanks. Hope yours wasn’t hampered by your nose and was sprinkled with friends. ** Lucas, Nice, good old Cologne. We’d love to show RT in Cologne. If there’s an opportunity, we will. My weekend was okay as spelled out to Steve just above here. The collage looks excellent. What more do you think you need to do to it? Oh, wait, you just said, never mind. Yay about the SCAB acceptance! Congrats to everyone associated! Your laptop okay? You able to look at my response lengthily? ** Dan Carroll, Great that the first meeting sounds so promising. I loved your piece about Lynch and lip-synching. It was beautiful. Lovely thinking and writing there, sir. Good, yes, ‘Black Sunlight’ is so exciting right? I think I first read it about, oh, ten years ago? It took me a while to discover it. I’ll look for ‘At Night All Blood Is Black’, thanks. Sounds like it’s really something. ** Madison Murray, Hey! Oh, no, thank you! What a crazy, wonderful book. It was a true pleasure to be able to absorb. And it’s so nice of you to come in and say hi. Take care, and big kudos from me. ** jay, Hi. Cool, *ka-ching*. Thanks about the art that I show here’s impact on your sense of bodily self. (What an unwieldy sentence.) That’s a very high compliment. I’ll try to keep it up. You portrayed the tricky, shocking in-the-moment mishap very well. It was like being there just without the sharp intake of breath. I love winter but I must admit a little warm air, especially vacuum-sealed, would be quite welcome in this environment at the moment. I hope that Jesus, assuming the gif-makers are right that he actually existed, which I doubt, saves your soul today, assuming that whatever that people call a soul exists, which I also doubt. Naming the unknowable is always suspicious. I.e., a dog licking your faces means it loves you. Says who? ** HaRpEr, Hi! Thanks, pal. So, mold … that means your apartment is weirdly moist? Or it’s an entity like a slice of cheese or something? Ugh, sorry. You mean the photos are the generators of the poems? Like their content or style or both? Sounds really interesting. I’m happy you like ‘The Letters of Mina Harker’. I wish Dodie would finish another novel. She’s been working on one for years, and she read part of it when she did a reading here recently, and it was great, and I harangued her to finish it, but we’ll see. Lucky for Bonello that you have that soft spot, haha. I find his work very uneven. ‘Nocturama’ is very good if you want to try that. Avoid ‘Saint Laurent’ though. Ugh. ** SP, Hi. I am getting the sense that as of the last couple of days people in the States are finally realising it’s either fight noisily and like hell and right now or doom everyone. Glad you’re finding fun anyway. Like what kind of fun? ** Uday, Hi. What important books are you revisiting, and why are they important? Big question, too big maybe, sorry. Nothing massive on my end this weekend, but some chipping away at things, I think. That’ll do (for now). Don’t let the season-based gloom penetrate you. ** Okay. Jesus is in the house! Give it up! See you tomorrow.


  1. _Black_Acrylic

    Ecstasy Club – Jesus Loves The Acid = UK Acid House classic with some cute gifs in the video. YouTube comment: “Apparently was done by some young fella who’s now a taxi driver. He just self pressed it himself and it went absolutely HUGE.”

    Yes, the Celine book was something they just discovered a few years ago. Obviously made up of scrapbook pages but it’s defo got the magic.

  2. Lucas

    The cinema Lichtspiel Kalk in Cologne is a really cool one maybe you and Zac could reach out to them. Here’s the finished collage, it’s kind of messy but it’s good for a first attempt, I think:
    Re: your weekend, I’d love to get into Korine, but I’m not sure where I could start with his films. Do you have any recs? And no, my laptop is pretty dead, I’ll have to go get it fixed on Wednesday. And I guess I’ll have to survive these two days laptop-less.

  3. Steeqhen

    Hey Dennis,

    Growing up in the period of Ireland that I did (post priest scandal), Catholicism was a big part of everyday life, but not something actually enforced like it once was. I don’t have religious trauma as I’m sure American Catholics or older Irish Catholics would have; I love the idea of Jesus, a man who was not afraid to be kind to those that society cast out and shamed. I don’t believe in God, but I like to believe in that way of living — the actual way, and not the way that hypocritical religious zealots misuse it. It’s a religious holiday today — or well it was Friday so that carried over to Monday as a Bank Holiday, anyway! — for St Brigid, I think it was only implemented in the past year or so, so thank you Brigid for this extra long weekend! There’s a certain cross of twigs named after her that is synonymous with Ireland, and if I was to move away I would put one on my walls, for a bit of home away from home.

    Speaking of this weekend, I’ve been incredibly lethargic and burnt out, which is scary as this semester has barely started. Part of me feels like the burn out is from writing, which is a pretty shit thing to be burnt out from considering the degree I’m working on. It has me scared that maybe I’m not supposed to write, although maybe I’m just exhausted. I have a lot of simple articles I mean to write but I have no motivation or desire when I sit down with them in front of me. Do I just need a deadline, perhaps? I don’t know, I hope that I can sort this shit out soon.

  4. James Bennett

    Hey Dennis,

    Your sign off on the PS caused me to have a flashback to this novelty song ( which topped the Irish singles charts in 2000. I remember 8-year-old me and many other kids thought “who’s in the house, Jesus in the house” was the funniest thing in the world.

    I’m excitingly close to finishing a new story after a long struggle. I feel like I’m finally integrating a lot of what I’ve gathered while wandering in the desert of reading and writing over the last few years. Here’s hoping I pull it off.

    Wishing you continued bon courage with your film and visa endeavours. And whatever else life throws up.


  5. Dominik


    That slave was completely right. Developing ourselves through self-development is extremely important.

    Are you Elvis? Are you God? Jesus sent to win my trust? “Love me tender” are his words, As I’ve loved you, so you must, Od.

  6. James

    It really is a post of the J-Man himself. What a dude. Terribly nice of him to die for our sins and all that. Was just talking about him last night with my brother. Cool guy, Jesus. I’m not a big fan of religion but Jesus as a guy, and the concepts he represents, seem pretty sound. Just be nice to people, really. Some of these GIFs/images are truly tacky. I’m always disturbed to see kids be devoutly religious, it really freaks me out. Something on telly a while back about Catholic kids I half-watched and thought ‘man, this is weird.’ And of course the GIFs which are not Jesus, like, at all, provide valuable variety. Give it up for Jesus, indeed. To think of what he gave up for us! I feel more pious than I usually would on a Monday afternoon after this post.

    Hiya D-Dawg. The absence of tentacle porn on my personal devices doesn’t mean I am without interest in it. Haven’t seen much gay tentacle stuff, it seems pretty mostly hetero. Sigh!
    ‘Indie’ books and whatnot seem to go for higher prices, but that makes sense. And at least one is more likely to get one’s value for money out of that stuff, and the added ethical points. It’s tiresome these days popping into some big name bookshop and seeing a very slim, very popular like, 100 page novella, going for a tenner. This is something my brother and I bewail often. But go ‘indie’/’smaller’ artists, I’m in their corner :] !
    No problem. Poring over the selection gave me something to do whilst I was lying in bed, stubbled and unable to be arsed to get up. But now I’m less stubbled! Hurray for shaving.

    It’s possible my words are more capable of titillation than I think they are. What a fun and scary thought. The closest thing to a gay sex slave I know would be me, and that’s just because I’m gay. I don’t qualify for the other categories. My very limited research suggests I’m several miles away from the kind of places where I may be able to find some blog-worthy boys, since most of that milieu belong in cities as opposed to my yucky little town.
    Myself and the legal system would certainly appreciate discreetness were gay sex slaves to become involved at all with anything. Open-minded I will remain, though I doubt I could ever be as receptive as the slaves themselves. Teehee, fnar.
    If I bump into any slaves in my time I’ll consider pointing them over here to this site. I may yet recognise one *because* they’ve been on the site, who knows.

    Both death and taxes can prove beneficial to a wider world, one biologically and one financially. It’d be harder to fill potholes with dead bodies as opposed to taxpayer-paid concrete/cement, maybe, but civil planning and such is quite obviously not my specialty. As far as getting older is concerned my brother won’t shut up about how concerned he is that I will soon be a legal adult who can vote.

    Old post, huh. And the incident is older than I thought it’d be. Another James therein! What a coincidence. As expected, freaky shit. This blog never disappoints on that end.

    I’ve known her for some years. Meh, I don’t see any of what my father sees in her, but as long as he’s happy, I guess.

    Hm, today, let’s see… multiple fistbumps with friends, asking a guy I know why he laughed to which he responded by chuckling and saying just ‘you’ which felt oddly romantic even though it wasn’t, MORE Khrushchev, a Stein poem. I’m going to read a Salinger short story, and then continue with my reread of Closer. Which, luckily, my first friend to fistbump me in the morning didn’t see and ask ‘What are you reading?’
    Tuesday tomorrow, woohoo! Tschuss, D-Dawg, and all the woopwoops in the house for Jesus! And for all the other lovely blog inhabitants.

  7. Bert

    Hi Dennis,

    Bert here again. I like Surrender Dorothy for loads of reasons — I’m really into the gender bending trope, first of all — how the fear of emasculation plays into (internalized) homophobia and how that leeches into other aspects of sexuality. And the overall tone + art direction is also so specific, gritty, and strange — the main character’s apartment is like a cross between a factory, art studio, unfinished basement, hoarders nest, and man cave all at once. I also find it fascinating that director Kevin DiNovis jumped in to play Lanh (Dorothy) at the last minute. I imagine it would be a super difficult role, but he’s so good (and sexy) that it’s hard to imagine a different actor. Makes me wonder where he got the idea and what connection it may have had to his own issues.

    Anyway, thanks for the warm response. College is going okay. I’m studying English (cultural studies really) but mostly just farting around and taking whatever courses interest me, which has been fun but didn’t really get me any closer to knowing what interests me. I’m about to graduate in a few months, and trying to decide between moving back home to Seattle, going to grad school or law school, or running away to some other country.

    Love the gifs — I don’t know if I think this kind of religious imagery is like a perversion of spirituality or a new extension of it. With GIFs I think it’s the latter (we just got that new millennial patron saint of the internet). But it reminds me a little of those freaky American megachurches.

    Thanks for making a space here,

  8. HaRpEr

    Hi. Yes, one wall in my room is sort of moist, despite how warm the room can get if I fiddle with the radiator. The other wall with the radiator attached to it is perfectly dry, so it’s very annoying. Luckily the mold is gone (for now), but I’m sure it will try to return. I bought some mold spray though and still have it so I can just give it a zap if it starts acting up again.

    With the photo things I’m doing, to explain, I had some kind of lecture on photo poetry, or broadly speaking, poets who have used images, and we had to kind of make something with photos. But I looked back on different kinds of mood boards I had with things I was writing and basically just tried to make them cohesive so that they did something in themselves. So they started off ages ago as ways to generate ideas or some kind of artificial movement, and now they’re little experiments that I’m quite happy with. I’ve been trying to carve out the time to see what I can do about making a website, and I’ve been thinking about it partly being a place where I can put bits of ephemera like that stuff, but I’m sure it will be a while before I work out how to do that (and make it so that I actually like how it looks).

    At long long last I’m finally reading ‘Narrow Rooms’ by James Purdy, and what I’ve read so far is really great. There’s this one scene where the protagonist has to help this disabled guy he’s caring for take a shit, and he’s getting all aroused as he wipes his arse for him.
    I really like books that have a veneer of being really innocent but there’s something which is anything but innocent beneath that. I’ve told you before that my favourite book is ‘In Youth is Pleasure’ which is very beautiful, kind of whimsical and quaint, but there’s so much cruelty and darkness in it, even just in minute things. And there’s all of this confusion and uncertainty, and also the aspect that Orvil seems to derive pleasure from the people who are cruel to him. Or that’s just what I took from it, there’s obviously something really inscrutable and ineffable buried at the heart of it.

    And I watched Todd Solondz’s movie ‘Storytelling’ tonight and oh my God I loved it. Todd Solondz is really one of the living greats in my opinion. So tragic and funny at the same time. I don’t know why when I go online loads of people seem to hate this movie. Solondz’s innocence always seems earnest, and the style is sustained, kind of slow but never boring. I don’t know how to explain it, which I often find it difficult to do when talking about something I really really like, which I view as a compliment to the work.

  9. jay

    Hi Dennis! Cool post today, I get about a million gifs/images like this from my grandma, so it’s interesting to see them elevated to the status of [insert adjective here] by your blog. I’ve got a massive weak spot for these ugly gif-ish compressed spiritual forms, particularly of the scammy variety. I remember spending a great evening with my dad recently, doing an “automated Rapture Reading” that largely revolved around figuring out his preferences in Cologne and Wine.

    Unwieldy sentences are great. I’ve been reading Moby Dick recently, and some of the sentences in that book have a really great lack of flow to them, to the degree that it feels like going against a current. You start a sentence, and then you keep referring back to the first few words to figure out what exactly is being conveyed – so, what I’m saying is, unwieldy sentences are awesome. Your blog-posts are short-form enough for me to not mind poring over them a little.

    In other news, my boyfriend’s got time off this Valentines weekend (yay!), so that’s lovely. I think he suggested a trip abroad for a week, but I’m 98% sure he’s totally exhausted, so I think it’s going to be an evening-in kind of deal, or maybe a double-date if his lesbian friends are free. Is Valentine’s a thing you celebrate? It’s not something I’ve at all cared about before this boyfriend, but it is our second Valentine’s (and my first second Valentine’s, if that makes sense), so that’s made it a little more special for me. Anyway, praying to save your immortal soul from damnation, or vice versa, if that’s what you’d prefer, see ya!

  10. SP

    Saw the new show of Yoshitako Amano that opened this weekend at LOMEX. T’was cool!

  11. SP

    Saw the new show of Yoshitaka Amano that opened this weekend at LOMEX. T’was cool!

  12. SP

    Saw the new show of Yoshitaka Amano that opened this weekend at LOMEX. T’was cool!

  13. Dan Carroll

    Thank you again for the kind words. I’m putting your words up on my metaphorical fridge.
    Kind of a crazy day that had a lot of weird changes to my schedule for the week. Biggest news though is that I got a weekend job at a dispensary like a block from my house. My friend who got me it said she treats it like 8 hours of reading time, which is exactly the kind of job I was looking for.

  14. SP

    I saw the Yoshitaka Amano show that opened this weekend at LOMEX. T’was cool!

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