David Cranmer made this deceased badger even creepier by turning it into a functioning, and playable, theremin. He calls it the Badgermin. The Badgermin’s guts are now composed of electronics from a PAiA Theremax theremin kit, with an 8mm removable antenna sticking out of the back of its neck.
Rod McRae Born Free (2013)
Soheila Sokhanvari Moje Sabz (2011)
David R. Harper Embroideries (2014)
Crawley Creatures Dying Sparrow (2009)
Polly Morgan Untitled (2010)
Amber Keithley Mousey (2017)
Nicola Costantino Cajas (2000)
Pascal Bernier various (2010)
Géza Szöllősi My Pets (2009)
Joseph G. Cruz If one looks down at the earth from the moon, there is no virtual distance between the louvre and the zoo. (2010)
Unboxing Party City’s Evil Deer Taxidermy Animatronic
Brooke Weston various (2016)
Alastair Mackie Slurfie (2019)
Nicholas Galanin Inert (2009)
Scott Bibus various (2008 – 2015)
Jonny Poole Tawny Owl (2014)
Kimberly Withal various (2015)
Harriet Horton Sleep Subjects (2015)
Berlinde de Bruyckere K36 (The Black Horse) (2003) & K21 (2006)
David Shrigley Cat with No Head (2006)
Julia deVille various (2008 – 2016)
Nina Katchadourian Chloe (1994)
Jack Devaney Toaster (2017)
Sophie Kate Morton Animatronic Taxidermy Fox (2015)
Petah Coyne various (2008 – 2012)
Deborah Sengl Killed to Be Dressed (2013)
Les Deux Garcons various (2012 – 2014)
Erick Swensen Untitled (2001)
Pim Palsgraaf various (2009 – 2012)
Robert Rauschenberg Monogram (1955-1959)
Maurizio Cattelan Untitled (2007)
Meet the 12-Year-Old Taxidermist Who Keeps 75 Dead Animals in His Room
Angela Singer various (2010 – 2013)
Tinkerbell My Little Pony (2012)
Idiots Art Collective various (2012)
Igor K-Chm Robot squirrel (2013)
Rowland Ward Untitled (1934)
Abbas Akhavan Fatigues (2014)
p.s. Hey. A loyal reader of this blog who wishes to be known locally as Your Cell Mate thinks it has been far too long since the blog had a taxidermy-focused post, and I heartily agree, and hence I have handed the blog over to them today so they can make their case to you. Please enjoy and, if you don’t mind, say a word or so to your guest-host who’ll be out there somewhere watching what transpires. Thank you, and thank you heartily YCM. ** jay, My pleasure, naturally. That sounds like that might be the equivalent, relatively speaking, yes. There are still sex shops with video booths into which I assume more than one person can cram themselves as well. I hope you celebrated in a most celebratory way. Wow, ‘Babygirl’, really? You’re brave (or something). ** James, My hope is to de-stranger-fy people to as many unfairly obscure things as I can, so … cool. The first six or maybe seven pages of ‘Tropic of Cancer’ are exciting, but then it kind of blahs out. I predict you will at one point start giving readings of your stuff aloud, and you will be heartened by the occasions when sincere applause erupts when you step away from the microphone. France is quite chilly but not torturously so. Well, good porn doesn’t involve actual acting per se, good porn is more like a documentary that is well shot and edited. My mom used to nose around through my stuff when I was at school, so I put a padlock on my bedroom door, and she was too afraid to take that as a sign that I knew she was nosing around to say anything. The art show was great. It was a big show of James Turrell pieces. One of them was absolutely incredible and one of the best things I’ve ever seen by him. (If you read ‘I Wished’, you know his stuff interests me.) What three books? May your week begin with the waving of checkered flag. ** Misanthrope, We’re cold but still merely moist in the boring, old fashioned way. Whatev’, right? ** CAUTIVOS, Wow, hi there. It has been a very long time. I too have accrued signs of aging since we met, so we’re even. Thank you about my books. No sign of new translations, so you may have to read the new, recent ones in English if you so choose. This year is still a wait-and-see situation for me, but hopes run high. Again, great to see you. Do visit whenever you feel like it. All the best! ** Tyler Ookami, Oh, shit, I was hoping the commenting access thing was getting easier. Curious what you’ll think ‘Jerk’ if you want to share. Oh, it was just a usual sort of IMAX film about dinosaurs. We just wanted to go sit in the big, silver sphere in which the theater is housed. I’ve heard of Tapeworms, but I don’t think I know them firsthand. Thank you, I’ll use the links. Thanks a lot! ** Bernard Welt, The B returns. Well, assuming the visa is granted, yes. I’ll have to keep renewing it and proving my worth as an artist ‘temporarily’ housed in France, but better than being exiled for sure. Glad and I guess unsurprised that you like Marker. I found new things I hadn’t seen by him when I updated the post. That little piece where he filmed a cat listening to music was quite lovely, for instance. ‘Artists and Their Autobiographies from Today to the Renaissance and Back’: I guess I’ll pray that zLibrary gets its paws on it or something, which is not impossible. Nice! Oh, right, so you’re off to Mexico City right away? There’s that market that sells voodoo and magical and evil stuff, I can’t remember the name, but it’s famous. If you get a chance, eat a Cheese Gordita for me. Boy, do I miss those. ** _Black_Acrylic, Oh, no, penultimate, so soon? Eek. Excited, though. Everyone, _B_A’s amazing musical podcast Play Therapy 2.0 just launched its second to last ever episode, and I encourage you to luxuriate in its luxurious output. Go here, or, as the maestro himself says, ‘I know it’s late, but this is someone new. I couldn’t say no.’ ** Dominik, Hi!!! As birthdays go in my realm, it was perfectly fine. A dog from hell? That’s a scary idea. I’m sure all he really wants a nice little head pat. Love stinks, G. ** Måns BT, Coucou, Måns. Thank you. Yes, he did, as you know. Well, I’m just waiting for Zac to give me feedback on the first draft of our new film script, and he promised to do so in the next few days, so hopefully I’ll be a creativity human-shaped whirlwind very soon. Having lots of great ideas is all you need. Well, and the time to tap them into concrete. But your whirling brain is exciting to hear about. That ramen place! Lucky, lucky. Bisons galore, man! ** Bill, Hi. Thanks. Marker is so wonderfully all over the place. Zac’s noodles have turned my stomach into a throne. Stephen Beachy … I wonder what he’s up to. I’ll check. ** Uday, What kind of dogs do you have? I’m guessing not poodles. Sneaking around, ooh! I never wear suits, no. I have an allergy to fabrics and dyes, and I think organic suits are probably pretty ugly. No, I’m a 24/7 Bohemian sort of dresser. It’s weird because the photo of me on the cover of that book ‘Wrong’ about me and my stuff shows me in a suit, and that photo was literally the only time I put on a suit other than the two or three times I was forced to go to church when I was a kid. Antoine Monnier style jeans: wow! The mind boggles. Or mine does. ** Lucas, Hi. Sick again? A lot of people here are not really fighting off sickness at the moment too. My weekend was nice. The writer Robert Gluck is here, and I saw him. And … other things I can’t remember. No, I’m hoping the visa lawyer sends me the list of what I need to do today. I’m still waiting. Thanks, pal. Feel much better! ** Steve, Thank you. Everyone says I should be able to get the visa without problems, but we’ll see. Wow, ‘Wattstax’, I remember that. Worth a rewatch? The weekend was perfectly doable, yours? Much walking albeit with occasional brr-ing. ** Cletus, Oh good. I’m going get the laser game the minute I finish Paper Mario, i.e, this week. Sure, of course you can mail it to me. Of course! Yeah, I’m super extremely behind on email, but I’m trying to catch up. It’s kind of nice to get the family awareness of your work out of the way. For better or worse I foisted my stuff on my family very early, and, after that, they quickly realised they shouldn’t me ask my writing ever again, and it’s been peaceful (if full of visibly repressed fear) ever since. ** HaRpEr, Pretty amazingly cool teacher to have at 15! I went to an all-boys school, and a number of the teachers were repressed pedophiles who were visibly trying to keep their tongues from hanging out of their mouths most of the time. I’m glad you’re liking ‘Shame’, obviously. You should send those postcards to him if you want. From what I understand, he is desperately longing for real world contact. He’s almost completely shut off from everything. No internet or anything. Just a landline phone he’s allowed to use for a very short period on weekdays and only for fifteen minutes at a time. The Quick! I never loved a band the way I loved them. I must have seen them live around 50 times. Sadly, none of the recorded demo stuff lives up what they were actually doing. They were just a year or two ahead of their time. Just after they broke up, Power Pop happened, and they would have ruled that roost, but no labels had any foresight and wouldn’t sign them. And back then you had to be on a label. Amazing band, a tragic loss. I’m glad you’re liking what exists of them. The guitarist, Steve Hufsteter, was the band’s mastermind genius, and he wrote everything. He also wrote a lot of the very best songs by The Dickies. ** Darbz., Hi. Oh, shit, my friend, you’ve been through so much since I last saw you. Look, you’re amazing and tough, and all these fuckers and their small mindedness and bullshit are going to be so far in your rearview mirror, and just try to keep them and everything stupid at bay whatever that takes, and keep your great mind focused on getting out of there in a realistic way. Which of course I know you’re already doing. My LA place is safe, my stoner roommate too, but, yeah, a lot of my friends had everything burned and are completely fucked. It’s really, really terrible. So, you’re out of there now, right? You met some pretty interesting sounding people at least. So sorry, Darbz, which is such an obvious and dumb thing to say, but you know what I’m thinking and feeling between the lines. I think it is not only okay but an excellent idea for a 20 year old to fuck a 31 year old who the 20 year old think is a super cool person. Absolutely. Go for it. Thanks about the visa thing, It’s stressful, but everyone tells me not to worry, so I’m trying not to. Lots of love to you, my pal, and I hope to hear more soon. xoxo. ** Justin D, Hi, J. Thanks for the heads up on ‘Flow’. I’m looking for it. My weekend was pretty fine. Today Zac and I have a big meeting with a producer who we hope will take over the duties of producer for our new film, so I’ll be happy (I hope) when that’s over. I hope your Monday does you proud. ** Okay. You know what’s up there, and I hope you have an interesting period of time with it. See you tomorrow.
Hi, Dennis,
Yeah, I totally understand. It is catastrophic. Losing your house and your art/work is inimaginable to me.
I just read you couldn’t have nachos for your birthday because Hard Rock Café closed, but I hope you enjoyed Zac’s sesame noodles.
I’d love to see you soon too, of course!! It’d be great to go to Paris. I wish I could arrange a little trip in the near future. Any chance you and Zac come to Sitges with ‘Room Temperature’?
By the way, I’ve just sent you an email with a query.
I hope your Monday is very productive (just read about your meeting).
Lots of love,
Thank you for the wonderful post, Your Cell Mate & Dennis! It’s strange because I’m an absolute animal lover, but I’m also deeply drawn to taxidermy. I hope there’s an alternate reality out there where Deborah Sengl’s “Killed to Be Dressed” is the norm.
How did the meeting with the producer go?
Love is a losing game, Od.
Hey. Happy week I wish you. I did not know you are doing serious movement towards the new film with producers and everything that is very exciting I wish everything goes your way. How was the experience of writing the film for you? Any interesting info about the writing period? Do you discuss stuff with Zac before you write or while or you wait until it is done?
Is Stephen Beachy his novel The whistling song worth reading? I have it but I never read was a little afraid to do it but I don’t know anything about it.
I am eating some apples and heading to the gym little bit later. Can’t wait to come back and work a little on writings and drawings
Wish me luck on everything if it crosses your mind and I wish you back
Hey Dennis,
Just found out my comment on Saturday did not post cause of the train wifi, and I can’t remember what was in that comment and what had been written in the previous ones, so I guess it’s lost to the online aether.
My travel from Paris to Cork was a long, long trip of traveling to Beauvais, hours in the airport until I got to Dublin, meeting with friends in Dublin, and then a trainride to Cork. I finished about 2 books during it, listening to some podcasts and music, and wrote a bit.
Back home now, it’s always such a strange experience when you finish a day of travel and think back to how far away you were only 12 hours prior. College is technically back today, but my timetable has blessed me with Mondays, Thursday, and Fridays off which gives me both time to sleep in, and also to study and work on my dissertation!
My Paris friend and I had a fun conversation about a taxidermist who wanted to sleep with him in Switzerland on Wednesdays, and since then I’ve just had taxidermy in the back of my mind; this is a great post for me to let out those taxidermist thoughts.
Thanks for this post Your Cellmate! I found those images moving, disturbing and (to borrow a DC-ism) charismatic.
Dennis, a belated happy birthday to you! Sounds like the day was pretty good as days go.
These LA fires are truly terrible. I’m so sorry to hear about your affected friends. I hope you are doing ok and that your house continues to be safe.
In happier news, check out this Christmas present my boyfriend just gave me (we were apart for the actual holiday season):
He found it at a yard sale in Minnesota. I’ve been leafing through it and it’s a lot of fun. It made me a bit nostalgic for a certain self-confidence and elevated tone in alternative pop culture that feels very 90s/early 00s. I remember when I was trawling through Guillaume Dustan’s archive, there were similar French magazines from the time (e.g. Technikart) that I was very charmed by.
I went to see Visconti’s “Rocco and His Brothers” on 35mm at the BFI on Saturday. It was “introduced” by a film critic, which I hated, because I felt she was just pre-loading our minds with banal ways of seeing the film. Anyway, there was a lot in it I liked, but I found myself getting annoyed by the heterosexual Oedipal melodrama of it all.
Have you ever seen that movie? Any thoughts on Visconti in general?
Bon courage with your visa, film stuff and whatever else life throws up in the near future.
@ Your Cellmate, thank you for this taxidermous post! Maurizio Cattelan would be a longtime art hero of mine.
Despite reports of our temperatures dropping down to the -15 region, today’s conditions were pretty much agreeable and I was out for my usual coffee and Italian cuisine. Feel much more like venturing outdoors so long as I’m accessorised properly, that’s for sure.
ugh my comment just got swallowed by the refresh button. Hate when that happens.
I said Good-morning rare morning comment as I drink coffee with a post-flue shot cold and beguiled by taxidermy. One of these days I’ll get to my taxidermy projects.
When I have my sick voice I love pretending that im a valley girl or that im really gay.
I had actually removed the parts from my letter saying “Dont feel pity or say sorry” because I thought that would only make you feel more sorry. But no for real im doing pretty good today, dont say sorry, and that sink incident was my past stay from the year prior and hence was why I probably didn’t feel too good after leaving.
Oh something I didn’t mention about the hospital, I met someone with a coming out tattoo which was a penis cumming rainbows, hence “Coming out” I like that.
Oh im so sorry about your friends lose. I couldn’t imagine what that’s like. I am happy your roommate is ok and you but I do hope that they can recover from that tragedy. Also I obviously hope the celebrities houses are fine, I was just specificlly referring to Tom Cruise. I wish the best for the others ofc, regardless of fame
I love theremins!!! Im saving the video of the badger theremin.
Last night I almost happy cried at the scene of all my animals, Frankie, Tina, and even the dog Cooper, laying in my bed, despite them all hating each other they came together because they missed me!
Hey what’s a really good book on anarchism, or at least with anarchism subtext that I should start as someone who hasn’t really ready anything about it?
See you sometime this week? I dont know. Im going to be busy!
Later tonight update.
Im so placid right now its vibratining harmony in me.
I just listened to clouds by Hiroshi Yoshimura aswell as some other songs by him. He’s really great you must know him.I feel at peace with myself.
There was a lady in the hospital who led a peer group. Her story was how she was a troubled hurt girl who got put back together by her friends, she went to a concert which ended up being woodstock. At woodstock she helped people in the bad-trip tents and thats how her passion and career of therapy and peer support began. Her friend was a psychiatrist who wanted to help them, but because he had never done drugs before they didnt believe him. SHe had experience with LSD and other durgs. Drugs can be scary if you dont have the right mindset. Its a change in your body that must be guided inwards but also drifting outwards at the same time.
Oh I must mention I will eventually get to the Louis Wain post. I actually asked a nurse in the hopsital to print some articles out for me so I could research but, get this craziness, I couldnt print anything out unless it was related to my diagnosis or treatment.
Well why would I want to look that up yeesh.
Thats the last time i’ll mention the hospital visit unless I can think of anything else funny,
Hey Dennis + Your Cellmate. Nice to see more Berlinde de Bruyckere, I loved the other works you platformed by her a month or so ago – and the sphere-cows are very sweet, of course.
“Babygirl” was awful, in a really great way – as I hoped it would be, I haven’t had as much fun in the cinema for ages, even if I could feel my brain rotting a little. It was so astoundingly PG-13 – like, all of the “transgressive” sex acts were like, the love interest buying the main woman a drink she doesn’t enjoy, or something equally banal.
One of my friends also introduced me to a furry musician called Patricia Taxxon, who I’ve become a bit of a devotee of. The only thing I’ve listened to so far was an album called “the Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe” that’s about her online BDSM relationship collapsing, and the music is genuinely spectacular. It starts out with this quite easy-listening chiptuney stuff, before occassionally dipping slightly into harsher noise. There’s a particularly standout piece called “our father” that starts with a quite sweet elegy to her father, before becoming more and more hesitant and quiet, with diminishing audio quality that descends into incoherent shouting. It sounds pretty sentimental, but it really works so well – I was pretty shaken, in a good way, by the end of the album. I think harsh noise and aggressive singing is something that’s never really moved me in any way, but there’s something about the way it appears out of nowhere that really makes it feel incredibly violent. Anyway, sorry, I’ve rambled on a bit!
I also got some new combat boots as a late-Christmas gift to myself, because my old ones are running a little ragged. Hope you’re doing okay, lots of love from here. Cya!
Hey there Dennis. Realized I missed your birthday last week and just wanted to send some belated wishes. Hope you had a great day man. And was really cool to have you in town a few months ago, you and Derek gave a great reading.
All’s good on my end, just lots of work and writing in my off time. although I still have my bad days here and there. But today I am feeling more hunky dory…
May all your wishes come true in 2025.
Yah the City of Mexico Wednesday. I don’t think I can learn Spanish in 48 hours . . . The Mercado Sonora, sometimes called Witchcraft Market, is off by itself so might be hard to fit in. I make quite detailed holiday plans, involving research into history and arts (which I’m good at) and scouting geographically most efficient routes (which I’m very, very bad at). I don’t think most people would get how important it is to me to see the Trotsky house. We will eat a LOT of tacos and we are planning to go to a place famous for its gorditas. I will report.
Nothing gets my hopes and fears up like seeing “hope will take over duties of producer for our next film,” so I will go into many churches and light many candles. Please convey my admiration and sincere expressions of affection to your partner in crimes The Zac.
Thanks for this lovely day, Your Cellmate! What’s not to like? Great meeting the 12-year-old taxidermist, Les Deux Garcons’ conjoined animals, and the miniature houses in the deer. And someone out there who really loves me should be sending me a badgermin any day now.
This is one of my favorite books, with gorgeous photos:
Sounds like a fine weekend in Paris, Dennis, hanging with Robert Gluck and all. Mine was fine, some interesting concerts, and work on a new piece. (Nope, no badgermin part. Yet.)
I have little Lhasa Apsos. They’re the bigger forerunners of Shih Tzus. Yeah I’m not a big suits guy either and I’ll do a bunch of things in order to not go to an event that requires them. My friends are over my shoulder pressuring me to cut this short but I’m not going to give in just yet. Conspiring with another friend we have on call to have fun with the ones here, which is not that hard because they’re pretty spaced out. Asking the time every few minutes, repeating themselves and laughing, etc. Maybe I should let loose too. See you soon. Also saw in a recent comment section you’d written (but I forgot to comment about the fact) that you’re writing something new?
Blimey, what a cellmate, with such distinguished tastes. Cute animals undergoing post-mortem re-purposing. Rather disturbing, the lot of them. The really accurate ones make me so sad like Cattelan’s Untitled, and Katchadourian’s Chloe. They just look like pets that were really loved, they tug at my heart strings. Bibus’ are gory in a very dramatic way. Looking at animal heads in sphere form really is a yucky experience for me. At least Cranmer’s Badgermin and Sokhanavari’s Moje Sabz serve to bring some comic relief.
Silly joke I read the other day: ‘I asked a taxidermist what they do for a living. They replied: ‘Oh, you know, stuff.’
As a kid on holiday I once stayed somewhere with a stuffed parrot. I was incredulous, and could not stop asking ‘Is it real?’ which has since entered the family long-term lexicon.
A big thanks to our cellmate. This is a post of artfully fucked-up things.
Depressing, D-Dawg, to consider how many cool things live and die in obscurity. At least that heightens the joy of discovering them? Your blog achieves your destrangerfying hopes, at least in my case, so well done to you and it.
Tropic of Cancer was one of those books that bored me so much it just made me miserable. I got sick of reading about cunts and sex acts and such. The banning of books I am opposed to, but were ToC vanished out of existence, I personally would not be much affected. I might even be glad for it.
Quite the auspicious prediction, woah. I have already read my stuff aloud and received applause, back in primary school when my work was selected for ‘special mention.’ Which meant I had to walk to the front of the hall, read my work out loud to a hall of several hundred kids, and receive applause, and sometimes an eraser, or keychain, or pen, too. However would 10yo James think of the stuff I’ve churned out today…
Reading some of my things out loud might be a bit of a drag if I’m reading strings of random numbers assigned to fictional forum threads for post IDs x)
Chill over here bearable too, though shivering even at home in blankets is not a super enjoyable experience. The walk home was cold, and exacerbated by this super slow-walking couple who got in my way. I just sort of… glowered at them, with characteristic faggy angst until I willed them out of my path.
Now, documentary-length, documentary-production-value porn, that would be *something.* It’d be great if something like whatever National Geographic do, documentary-wise, could be done with porn, too.
Enough people want to see that stuff, and make it. But something tells me it’s unlikely.
Eugh, I’m paranoid about my family nosing about in my stuff. I don’t know if my doorknobs would allow for padlocks.
That situation with you and your mother both knowing that the other knows but pretending neither know is the kind of social stalemate in family politics that I absolutely fucking hate. It really bummed me out and messed with me when I was younger. Now I just live with that uncertain discomforting feeling. Everyone has their secrets, and privacy is deserved.
Hip hip hurray for the art show. Great that one of the works was really super cool. What put *that* one over the others?
The three books were Try, Guide, and Period. Just *what* is actually on Guide’s cover?
My engines are started, week-wise, as are yours. And thanks to our cellmate, all taxidermied-up.
See you tomorrow, when stuffed dead animals will probably still be floating around in my head.
Hi James! The U.K. cover of Guide is a record, I think – assuming you have the yellow and black version. P.S., I really, really liked the thing you wrote. I’m about halfway in, but you really got the vibe of the unempathetic gay 4chan threads down, so SO well. So cool!
Hey. Oh yeah, well my school sure had its share of repressed creeps too. Funnily enough, one was an art teacher. He had this thing for one particular girl, and we all witnessed one time when he was standing over her shoulder and was actually drooling. Like he was a comic book character. He was always super weird with her and would make her stay behind afterwards and stuff. There were others like that, but for the most part we had a lot of teachers who were ex-army and basically acted like sadists, telling us we were stupid and would never amount to anything etc.
I wrote a thing to Wolfe Margolies, I’ll take it to the post office tomorrow. Damn, that sucks that he doesn’t even have the internet. Very impressive that this book came to be considering the situation. Also, the interview at the end was great. Wild stories, and he’s a very smart guy.
Ah, that sucks regarding The Quick. There are of course, unfortunately many artists who have been fucked over by their label in that way. Interesting what you say about the recordings not capturing them live. Yeah, there are a lot of bands apparently like that. I guess the obvious one is The Stooges, who have three seminal albums but they don’t reflect what they were apparently doing live, with the improvisations and violence and crowd work. ‘Fun House’ apparently comes closest, my favourite Stooges album for the record.
But yeah, The Quick is lots of things I love in rock music combined. Witty, kind of camp, rides the line between being juvenile and intellectual. I don’t listen to much modern rock music. Critics are saying there’s a big post-rock type scene in the UK at the moment but I really can’t get into it. It’s kind of super-macho and conceited to me, and not in a way I find compelling. Yeah, most of what I listen to these days is electronic, with other genres as well. That Cindy Lee album was my album of the year though, so I don’t close myself off.
Even as a vegetarian, I still have a real appreciation for taxidermy. Growing up I had a friend who had a stuffed squirrel climbing a branch (tacked to a board) in his living room. That always stuck with me.
P.s. Hi cellmate. You rule. Hope your spiritual badgermin is playing ‘Good Vibrations’ today.
Hisayasu Sato’s pink films suggest what ambitious porn could be – they’re grim and fixated on sexual assault, but in a way that seems adjacent to from NY No Wave/Cinema of Transgression films or even Cronenberg. (If Americans think seeing Nicole Kidman crawling across the floor or masturbating to online porn is daring, they need to check out MUSCLE!)
I saw my doctor today and learned that I have an upper respiratory infection. For the past 10 weeks, I’d been feeling like I had a bad cold, but it got much worse over the weekend. I’m supposed to start taking antibiotics tomorrow, so it should be over soon. I need to rest for the next few days.
How’d the meeting with your new producer go?
Yeah, WATTSTAX is worth a re-watch. (There’s at least 20 minutes of Richard Pryor’s coke-driven mania at its finest.)
Utterly LOVE today’s post. I love taxidermy. I am familiar with the world, how it’s done and am considering getting my cat tastefully done once she passes. One of my favorite things ever is a taxidermized hog my family has. A local taxidermist took the body in after it died. Also, thanks a lot D for the perspective regarding certain family members in relation to my writing. Yea it’s probably time to rip that band-aid off. I went ahead and sent them Phallic book today and some pieces. We shall see how that goes haha.