* (restored)
Andy Warhol——&——David Ehrenstein
Special appearances by
Gerard Malanga
Ted Berrigan
Joe Brainard
a Rolling Stones LP
calls from Bob Brown & Nancy Fish
Bonus features
Andy Warhol’s ‘Blow Job’ (partial)
Press Conference with Andy Warhol, Nico and Gerard Malanga (May 1966)
Warhol’s ‘Exploding Plastic Inevitable’ (partial)
Andy Warhol’s ‘Eat’
Dawn French & Jennifer Saunders ‘Warhol Documentary’
p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Today’s the day! Not at all sure KF&O is the best TV show ever, but it’s pretty great. Ah, well, when we get our Japan trip set, maybe I’ll hit Bill up. Thanks. ** Steve Erickson, Hey. Everyone, Mr. Erickson has interviewed Liza Mandelup, director of the new and much discussed (at least in my corner of the internet) film ‘Jawline’. Reading it seems like a good move. The post-punk video show sounds to have been great. Wish I could have graced the hall. ** Bill, Hi. Got it. Mine would interfere with the blog too if I wasn’t so locked into the routine of doing this. Good weekend? Did you go to the Kevin Killian memorial? We’re amidst what’s promised to be the last mini-heatwave of our summer, and I sure hope so. May your week begin flying colorly. ** Misanthrope, Hi. Well, yeah, I think conventional novels can have their worked-out sub currents, even layers of them, or I think that’s one of the things they teach fiction writers to do in writing programs from what I understand. I think it’s more conventional readers aren’t supposed top notice or dwell on them unlike in the novels of us trickster types. Or something. Anyway, loving and appreciating your outlaying of how the work is going. Nice of you to throw a little pizazz into the Sports Clips working environment. ** Kyler, Hi, man. Things are pretty good with me, I think. This and that baddie too, but such is life. Happy your business is on a roll. But, jeez, that really sucks about the God’s Love We Deliver thing. People are pretty hair-trigger about work complaints and, well, practically everything these days. I’m sorry. Will you look to volunteer elsewhere, or … ? ** Paul Curran, Hi, Paul! Me too, man, I remember it well. Yes, I hope we’ll figure out dates and stuff re: Tokyo/Japan soon. Maybe December, or that’s the soonest we can get away. Or late, late November. Super psyched. Wow, enjoy Korea and getting there and back. Sounds really beautiful. Wow. ** Mark Reeve, Hi, Mark. Nice to meet you and thank you for coming in here. Your article looks fascinating, and I’ll read it once I’m out of this place. Everyone, Mark Reeve came by this weekend to hook us up with a really interesting looking article he wrote called ‘TELEVISUAL UFO CONTACT’, and you can join me in devouring it here. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. Indeed. One assumes there’ll be a vogue for TV sets a la turntables/vinyl, although it’s hard to imagine it being a vogue so widespread that the TV channels will offer the old fashioned signal again. Great, like a dream. Nuptials should be like dreams. Kind of suave socks, actually. Welcome home! ** Armando, Hi, man. Ha, I make a fool of myself quite frequently, and I just count on that being endearing. Uh, memory tells me that Grove’s lawyers decided we didn’t need to get permission to use the lyrics for some reason. I like Pollard’s ‘Bubble’ score, but I haven’t seen the film. Have always meant to. The only Joanna Newsome album I know well is ‘Ys’ ‘cos Zac often pops it in the player when we are road trips, and I like it very much. Otherwise, I only know her stuff in glances. You like her? In PGL, Theo Cholbi who plays “Tim” is a professional actor who’s been in films before, the last Larry Clark, for instance. Benjamin Sulpice, who plays “Roman” is in acting school but had never acted in anything before PGL. Otherwise, none of them are actors or had any acting experience. Sylvain aka “Guillaume” and Katia aka “Roman’s sister” are dancers. Julian aka “Ollie” is a rapper. Milo aka “Leon’s friend” was the singer in a punk band at the time. That’s it. I have no idea about Paris ‘Crowd’ tickets. I can find out. I’m not sure if I’ll be town for that yet. I think ‘Crowd’ is going to do some kind of US tour, so it might be easier to wait for that. Take care. ** Corey Heiferman, Hey, bud. I’m pretty good, all in all, thanks. Fingers still crossed re: school then. I like Pessoa, but I haven’t read him in years. Should I go back? Culture shock, I can only imagine. Sounds interesting though: the shebang. Good to see you, maestro! ** Right. Today I revive this golden opportunity to hear a very young Mr. Ehrenstein interview Mr. Warhol when he was at the peak of his powers. Pretty crazy. Enjoy the fruits. See you tomorrow.
Well, I bet it’s ALWAYS endearing
Oh, that thing about the lyrics and you not really needing official permission *could be* good news for me (sorry; long, long, long, boring uninteresting story). I sincerely apologize if I sound self-centered.
Oh, yes, you have to see ‘Bubble’. Really. I think there are good chances you’ll really like it; but obviously I can only speculate.
Oh, yeah, I knew already about Théo Cholbi; me being a *HUGE* fan of ‘The Smell Of Us’. So cool that neither Sylvain Decloitre nor Katya Petrowick are actors at all. I Absolutely Loved the Work of everyone involved in the Film, but Decloitre and Petrowick had something that just bewitched and haunted me and that I loved. They seem like perfect models (in the Bressonian sense, of course) and their work was great and they had such incredible and natural presence and charisma. I just loved both of them and their characters and think they are gorgeous (I even have a small crush on Sylvain Decloitre, lol), and again, thought they were perfect. But, again, *EVERYTHING* about the Film I Love and think is Perfect.
I *LOVE* Joanna Newsom and *ADORE* and *WORSHIP* ‘Ys’. I consider her to be the Greatest singer-songwriter of my generation by like fucking light years and light years.
“I have no idea about Paris ‘Crowd’ tickets. I can find out.”
^ Sorry, could you, please?
But, also if you’re not sure you’ll be in Paris by then… I just really really really want to finally meet you so bad…
But you wouldn’t accompany the ‘Crowd’ USA tour, right? Plus, my USA Tourist’s VISA’s expired. *Sigh*.
I’m really sorry; I think I already asked you this, but, if it’s not much trouble, could you ask Zac if there’s anyone at all I could talk to about being able to direct a movie (a very, very cheap and modest and fast one) in France?
Sorry to bother you with this.
Good luck, good day,
I forgot. I have a fucking instagram account now. It’s @kdo8997 just in case you’re curious.
Merci Beaucoup, Dennis!
Inevitaby the great opening line of “The Go-Between” comes to mind: “The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.”
Such an AMAZING post today!! Huge thank you both to you and Mr. Ehrenstein!!
I don’t like simply saying something sounds “interesting” because most of the time I feel like that’s what people offer when they can’t figure out what else to say but what you wrote about your un-novel-like new novel does sound very interesting. Like the kind of work that can totally inhabit your mind while you’re working on it (and probably while you do other things as well) and just create its own space. I’m really curious where it’s headed, obviously, and I’m glad you found the time and inspiration to go back to it now.
Dare I ask about the TV project…?
Thank you – about the performance and everything around it! I’m a bit of a (total) perfectionist so I can actually see myself doing solo performances, however, I really enjoyed the whole atmosphere of getting ready together – ready for something we’ll share, for something we create as a group consisting of differently inspiring and vibrating individuals. So I can also see myself as part of a group or this former duo, I’d just like to put more of myself into whatever we do. Right now, Miron (my performance partner) is back in Norway so we’re talking about how and when we could meet again in the near future. ’til then, I’m on my own.
I’m going to Amsterdam with my brother and Anita tomorrow so that’ll be my next dose of live-force.
And what’s happening on your end? How are you? I’ll write when I get back home! Much, much love ’til then!!
Latest FaBlog: Lenny at 101
Did you deliberately look for actors in PGL who were performers in other areas? It seems to me that a dancer or musician who’s used to being onstage or delivering lyrics might be better at acting, even if they’ve never done it, than someone who just showed up at an audition.
I had lunch with the editor of my last 2 films today, and she agreed to edit SEASICK. I sent her a version of the script with the YouTube links I want to download and the timestamps of the images I’m including. I also found an actor to read the voice-over. I will be meeting with him to discuss the project in September. So it seems like the film’s going ahead this fall!
Looking forward to hearing this later tonight. I drove Andy twice when I was a chauffeur – and he was really nice the 2nd time when it was just the two of us.
Dennis, “or” is the operative word. I’ve been invited to volunteer with them in some other capacity, but I don’t think that interests me. I like to be “out on the road” – delivering the actual food to the clients. And they obviously don’t trust me to do that. But if I were to tell you the particulars, you would see how ridiculous the whole thing is. Thanks for your support. I should probably use the time to get restarted on this 3rd novel…but waiting to hear how it does in the first chapter contest that I’ve entered…I love to procrastinate with my writing – but maybe now is the time to get going with this.
This blog always sends me down fun rabbit holes. ‘Jawline’ looks interesting. Right now I’m googling pics of the very attractive George Maharis who was in ‘Sylvia’ which Andy Warhol apparently liked. What a fun interview!
Dennis, I’ll be in Paris September 10th through the 13th/14th. Really hope I can see ya!
Hi Dennis. As discussed, I’ve gathered together the necessary elements for you to host the online “premiere” of my new movie. I’ll send them to you via email, so keep an eye out! (Also, Gabe Durham says hello.)
Dennis, Ha! An oldie but goodie. I remember this one well. Kudos again to the Maestro.
And just think, I’ve never taking a fiction writing class. Well, except for the old Workshops you used to have here, which taught me a lot.
I’d assume that the conventional novelist would hope that somebody would pick up on those things, especially reviewers. Sitting there like, “SOMEBODY’S gotta get it!”
But yeah, getting there. Slowly but surely.
Steady wins the race…unless you’re running against Usain Bolt. Dude’ll be kicking dirt in your grill before you take your first step.
Hello Dennis and thanks for your support. My TV UFO article needs updating. I’m still trying to find out if a TV UFO Detecting Network ever actually existed in the UK or elsewhere. I was introduced to your work by Simon Morris of The Ceramic Hobs. I enjoyed ‘The Sluts’ and have ‘The Marbled Swarm’ on my reading list.
I get it, but I don’t see the point it in. The TV interview: Smirky and faux-embarrassed, as though embarrassed at being at a TV interview with such a sober, straight, old-and-unattractive member of the establishment. But what did they represent other than a kind of puerile, grandiose narcissism? Certainly no improvement. But they were so insidious they’d probably have agreed!
The world, in the meantime, is a worse place than it was even then, but how exactly were they pushing against all that badness?