The blog of author Dennis Cooper


Michelle Ruhmshottel I Threw Up Again, 2021
‘Hey girl i still want to know u ❤️’


Typoe Confetti Death, 2011
‘Miami-based graffiti artist Typoe created this insane piece earlier in the year titled Confetti Death. Produced from shards of spray paint caps, the confetti of color sees a splash through the mouth of a skull, juxtaposing quite nicely with the white wall it’s placed on.’


Martin Creed Sick Film, 2006
‘Martin Creed’s recent work Sick Film is a four channel video work, shown on four monitors stacked to form a cube. Each screen shows a single person in a white room vomiting. Enthusiasts said the work is concerned with human experience and shows a fascination with how people navigate through life, making sense of what happens personally.’


John Knuth Various, 2010 – 2016
‘Artist John Knuth doesn’t actually make his paintings, which have an intriguing, almost pointillist appearance. Instead, he lets his assistants do all the work. Except Knuth’s assistants are flies, and their work involves puking all over the canvas. Flies spend most of their time walking around on their food, vomiting digestive juices on it to turn it into edible liquid (flies can’t eat solid food, as they don’t strictly have mouths). Puking all the time means they have to work hard to keep hydrated, so they pee all the time too.’


Takashi Murakami Tan Bo Puking — a.k.a. Gero Tan, 2002
‘Japanese myth-histories focus on puking gods (Shinto) and puking ghosts (Buddhism), and Takashi Murakami paints a bit of both here in his gigantic 2002 Tan Bo Puking — a.k.a. Gero Tan. We see the Japanese character known as Mr. DOB—Mickey Mouse’s “mutant cousin”—playing the monster Tan Tan Bo dying. 2002, the year the US declared war on Iraq… Mini versions of Mr. DOB erupt from sores on his head, each one vomiting vomiters. One stream ends in a high-five between two hands and a black star! Visual metaphors abound, stepping back, the entire composition resembles a nuclear explosion.’


Millie Brown Vomit, 2014 ->
‘Cutting edge artist, Millie Brown, began pushing the boundaries of the art world after becoming sick – literally – of using more traditional methods of painting. The eccentric artist – whose unique work features in Ripley’s Believe it or Not! – uses a selection of dyed soy milk in a mixture of colours which she then swallows at various intervals, one at a time, before vomiting it onto a white canvas.’


CSA Images Various, 2021
‘Created over nearly half a century by Charles S Anderson Design, CSA Images is the world’s most extensive wholly owned collection of graphic art and design elements. Inspired by the history of modern print design, this expertly curated library contains unique images of nearly any subject, and style. CSA’s art has been exhibited in museums worldwide, including the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art, New York, among others.’


Damien Hirst Beautiful, Bubblegum, Pizza, My Little Pony, Barbie Vomit Paintings, 2013
household gloss on canvas


Jake and Dinos Chapman Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit Twice, 2005
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit Twice features 80 prints by Francisco de Goya “reworked and improved” by Jake and Dinos Chapman. Molluscs, insects, animals, clowns, organs and monsters painted directly on the original prints in gouache and ink populate the famous Spanish master’s whimsical, macabre world.’


Maryan Personnage in a Box, 1962
‘By 2021, few in the art world remembered Maryan, a painter born in Poland who during the postwar era became one of the first to explicitly contend with the horrors of the Holocaust. With a retrospective that recently opened at the Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, Maryan has drawn newfound fascination, and now, the artist’s estate has gotten gallery representation at Kamel Mennour, which has four spaces in Paris and represents Anish Kapoor, Alicja Kwade, Philippe Parreno, Zineb Sedira, and more.’


Hot God Vomit Musca Abortae Mantra, 1988
‘‘Hot God Vomit’ was the name of our first band. We were a bunch of cocky teenagers from the bush who injected ourselves into late 1980’s Sydney underground music culture for a laugh. We were definitely in the right place at the right time to be connected to good blokes with vast knowledge of experimental music, magic and artistic wisdom. They actually gave us the time of day and opportunities to accelerate our live actions. It’s hard to explain the energy at the time. Let’s just say political correctness hadn’t completely infected Australian art.’


Mike Parr The Emetics (Primary Vomit); I Am Sick of Art (Red, Yellow and Blue, 1977
‘At the beginning of his career, Parr’s performances – documented in 11 videos and six suites of photos within the exhibition – were conceptual and ironic. But, over time, they became more publicly attuned and politicized. The signal work of the early period, recorded in photographs, is The Emetics (Primary Vomit); I Am Sick of Art (Red, Yellow and Blue) (1977), in which he ingested acrylic paint in Piet Mondrian’s signature palette and, naturally enough, puked them back up again onto a canvas.’


Bob Budd Vomit, 2013
Sheep fleeces and wheel barrow


David Shrigley Untitled (I Knelt Down Briefly to Vomit), 2020
Black and white ink drawing


Okuda San Miguel Pollution Vomit, 2018
Synthetic enamel on fiberglass and mixed media


Bompas & Parr Vomit Vault of London, 2022
‘With refreshing style and exuberant technique, Bompas & Parr bring the most disgusting installation to life – Vomit Vault of London. The studio will host a week-long public exhibition, between 8 – 12 April, at The Crypt Gallery London to celebrate the release of their corresponding publication, Salute to Puke. With sick bags provided on entry, visitors will be submerged into a grotesque subterranean world of gluttony, vibrant artworks and visceral scents.’


OKEH Vomit Kid, 2013


Aaron Axelrod MERMAID VOMIT #10, 2020
Archival photograph print


José Guadalupe Posada Death of Aurelio Caballero from Yellow Fever in Veracruz, 1892
Relief engraving or photo relief etching on wove paper


Mai Nguyễn-Long Vomit Girls, 2022
‘A cluster of ceramic sculptures depicts different versions of “Vomit Girl“—a character developed by the Australia-based artist Mai Nguyễn-Long. Each of the feminine figures, with shapes and motifs inspired by traditional Vietnamese architecture, is regurgitating, and little coils and balls suggesting vomit are placed playfully about the plinth. For the artist, the character is a way to grapple with the trauma of the Vietnam War.’


Fabienne Hess Collective Vomit, 2015
Images found via trash-recovery software on USB sticks belonging to participants of a workshop held at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art.


Melanie Kowasic Sea Lion Vomiting, 2008


Craig Fisher Puke, 2005
cotton, sequins and beads


Lucifer Valentine Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, 2006
‘Have you seen the trailer to this film? Well, imagine that same thing only have it last 71 minutes long. That’s basically what this film is. There’s a lot of puking, guts, nudity, and satanic music, but none of it means anything. There is no substance, style, taste, originality, plot, acting, or script. I could make a movie just like this.’


Chris Whiteburch The Vomiting House, 2012
‘Chris Whiteburch is part of the small arts collective called Ink Tank who “imagined a fictional group of people living in the home who would react to the prophesied end-of-times 2012 date.”‘


Beth Cavener Stichter Come Undone, 2012
‘Beth Cavener Stichter makes things from clay that you wouldn’t have thought possible when you were sitting in art class making a coil pot.’


Taíno Spatula (Vomitivo), Lizard, 13th–15th century
‘Taíno sculptors created another class of objects created figural and abstract imagery for use in ceremonies, known variably as spoons, spatulas, vomitivos, or “vomit sticks.” Artists featured zoomorphic or anthropomorphic figures on these ritual implements, imbuing them with identities that featured prominently in their use in purging and fasting. Such activities induced weakened physical state and mental confusion, and combined with ritual use of a vegetal entheogen known as cohoba, formed integral parts of rituals performed by specialist healers known as behique (or bohíte or buhuittihu).’


Martin Wong Das Puke Book, 1977
Das Puke Book is a small chapbook self-published by Martin Wong in 1977. Written in the early 1970s, the publication contains thirteen chapters of handwritten micro-fictions filled with cringeworthy stories unfolding in San Francisco and beyond. Martin Wong (1946-1999) was born in Portland, Oregon and raised in San Francisco, California. Wong was active in the performance art groups The Cockettes and Angels of Light Free Theater before moving to New York in 1978. He exhibited for two decades at notable downtown galleries including EXIT ART, Semaphore, and P·P·O·W, among others, before his passing in San Francisco from an AIDS related illness. His work is represented in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY; Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY; The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, NY; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY; Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH; Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, among others.’


Peter Saul Mona Lisa Throws Up Pizza, 1995
acrylic and oil on canvas


Tony Matelli Lost & Sick, 1996
‘‘Lost & Sick’ presents a tableau in which three young Boy Scouts have gone missing and are physically distressed. Their vomiting is an outward sign of an otherwise unseen inner disturbance. What has happened here? How have they become separated from the rest of the troop? What had initially commenced as an adventure enforced by goodness and innocence, the boys’ journey has deteriorated into a hellish scene of unexpected exile and an unfortunately bleak outcome.’




p.s. Hey. ** Charalampos, Hi. I hope the newly re-covered ‘Closer’ still works properly. I would say read ‘Ice’ first among her books, yes. It’s the best one, I think. I think my ‘spotlight’ and ‘5 books’ post probably constitute a sequel to my faves post? Love from brisk Paris. ** James Bennett, Hi. I’ve only been to Melbourne once, and it reminded me of Los Angeles strangely. Your current reading habits sound fruitful. I like sliding in and out of books. Generally, yes, when I’m really in heavy writing mode, I can’t put enough of my mind into reading a full book. It’s too distracting. I sort of need to have a novel, say, completely occupying me, words-wise. Seeing films or art or music while writing are totally okay. I just need to stay in whatever zone that my prose ideas are building or something. I know people who write fantastic books and read while writing. It’s just the way my brain works, I guess. Very best to you too. ** Dominik, Hi!! Yeah, the Grolet fruits are nuts. When you make your inevitable visit to Paris, I’ll get you there. The cinnamon roll place is near Zac’s, so I’ll go when we start the final film editing stint, maybe tomorrow. What’s happening around the film right now is so depressing and complicated that I can’t really do it justice. Most of it comes down to having zero money to work with, and also a realisation that our film’s uniqueness is going to make its path forward in terms of getting into film festivals and stuff more challenging than we had hoped. Festivals make noises that they want films that are fresh and unusual, but what they actually want is just conventional films with little stylish flourishes. So we’re getting a lot of ‘this is great, I’ve never seen anything like it, etc.’, but no. Which isn’t to say it’s a hopeless situation, we just have to figure out how to get around that. Long story short. I’m fearing love didn’t save you, but I hope love at least made the meeting’s end a happy moment. Love excising the nausea part of vomiting, G. ** Steve Erickson, Your list! If I add in your ‘also rans’, our fave albums lists share one entry. You’ll see what it is on Saturday. Everyone, Mr. Erickson has posted his list of favorite 2023 albums, songs and reissues to his blog, and, if you’re a list fetishist like me, go here. No, we have to keep trying to raise money and doing some last little tweaks to the final edit through the holidays. ** Jack Skelley, Agreed and agreed and thanks and thanks, maestro. Lurve from me! ** _Black_Acrylic, Happy Thursday, Mr. Robinson. ** Goutful, Hi. Oh, like doubtful with a ‘g’. I didn’t realise that you don’t have to choose a specific path at the dawning of your studies, but of course, why would you? I’m not sure if it’s still the case, but when I lived in Holland in the mid-80s, young people had to choose whether they were going to be an academic kind of adult or a worker in their early teens and choose to either go on to university or to a trade school then, which seemed very strange to me. ‘You’ve got to train the parts of you that sense/read in a way that makes you feel implicated in another person’s body’: that’s really fascinating. Also ‘practice how to look at patients’. I can only really look at things from an artist’s pov, but that sounds very much like figuring out how to make art, but physically manifesting what you learn as well as developing an internal strategy. Wow, interesting, thank you for explaining that. Hope you met the quiz’s challenge. Really, it’s very exciting to think about what you’re doing. Cheers back! ** T, Hi. Oh, hm, I’ll see what’s possible. I mean, if we can, let’s, and if it’s a galette on the table, that’ll work wonders too. ** Jeff J, I have a browser page open to Julian Calendar’s bandcamp, and it’s just waiting for me to finish this and achieve entire wakefulness. ‘Molly’ is great, yeah, I’m almost finished with it. Yes, Monday or Tuesday should work. I should know what if any film work schedule I’ll have early next week by later today. ** Darbyy🐻🐻‍❄️🧸, Hi, pal. There’s the ‘vomit’. How I can assist in making you realise any low esteem you feel is a phantom made by dunderheads with a severe lack of insight and creativity and composed of zero? Great that you get to spend the weekend with actual, knowing friends! Concentrate on that, right? I, of course, think elephants are among earth’s greatest rulers, even though I’ve only seen them behind barriers in zoos, I think. And I guess being psychologically tortured in circuses when I was a kid and circuses used to travel around and parents took their kids to them. A couple of weeks is big, and keep that streak going. I’ve only read the poems in the post so far, so I don’t know what the whole book is doing. I would have to pull out my CC files and listen to identify that song. No, scars don’t gross me out. I think maybe when they’re still just fresh wounds they might in certain circumstances? Obviously feel free to talk about your self harm thoughts with me. I like to read and listen and think. Happiest Thursday almost Friday to you, my friend. ** Caesar, Hi. Mm, I think I’m okay today, thank you. I’m suspecting your birthday will be over by the time you read this. How was the outing? Where was the outing? I hope you were successfully blissed out for at least a large number of sequential hours. I should post more poetry here. Let me get on that. Happy beginning of your hopefully best year ever or at least so far. Hugs galore from me. ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, Thomas! Yes, it certainly seems so. My copy is waiting to be passed to me from Kiddiep, but I’m already sold. You good? Writing good? Encroaching holidays good? Love, me. ** Kettering, Hi. Oh, no, I don’t think I’m ever horrified by horrifying ideas and concepts. Raspberry crème is yum. Maybe not as yum as boysenberry crème. I didn’t know what ‘k-waves’ were until just this very second, but I really like that term for some reason. I like that it doesn’t refer to drugs. I have wanted to be immortal since I was a little kid, and I still do. In fact I demand it! I think I could only take years from someone if they were already dead and someone else gave an estimation of their unused years to me. To my knowledge, I am not in any of Amy’s poems, but, you know what, I’ll ask her. Yes, in fact before we settled on ‘Room Temperature’ as a title we did a thorough investigation to make sure that every possible meaning of the term applied to our film. I do that with all of my titles. I’m nuts that way. Hope you don’t vomit today. ** Okay. Vomit is your assigned topic or at least thematic for the next 24 hours. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    What an excellent post, haha! I’d definitely love to visit the Vomit Vault of London. I like taking pictures of spectacular puddles of vomit I find on the street.

    Okay, that’s a deal. And maybe to the cinnamon roll bakery, too? If it turns out to be good. Which I really hope it will. Damn, I should really go to Paris, shouldn’t I? We’ve been talking about it for ages.

    I think the same tendency is typical of literary magazines as well. So many say they’re looking for “unique” or “shocking” work, and then you read their issues and have the feeling that you’ve read the exact same pieces in about 20 other magazines – and there’s nothing unique or shocking about them. It’s really sad. I know you won’t stop ‘til your movie finds its way into the wider world, but I wish the process weren’t so fucking stressful and difficult.

    I’d be eternally grateful to love! As much as I love the sight of vomit, I hate feeling nauseous. I’m kind of terrified of even my most basic bodily functions, so vomiting is pretty high on my “I don’t want this” list.

    Love making you immortal, Od.

  2. _Black_Acrylic

    Vomiting is not ideal but I think there’s always the euphoria afterwards. I’m thankful for my strong constitution because it’s a horrible feeling in the moment.

    The Chapman Brothers seem to have made artwork that’s held up much better than their 90s YBA brethren. These Tony Matelli Sculptures are pretty cool as well!

  3. Damien Ark

    Hi Dennis. Was gonna get some of those Kiddiepunk books and have them just sent to my friends and when I next visit him whenever in a month or five months pick em up, but they only accept paypal… And I’m banned from them. Really frustrating when small businesses only use one of the worst companies ever that steals people’s money, bans accounts without any reason, which are permanent bans, monopolizes and also targets specific artists. All artists should be using different platforms other than paypal and if not US looking into other options like Remitly etc.. Oh well whatever… Then they disregard and say “Oh it’ll never happen to me though” until it happens and suddenly the only way they’ve been running a business is now fucked. Sorry for the rant… Gah.
    I’m not into vomit, but one of my friends is, so I directed him to this post. Sister and mom both have major surgeries this month, so that’s the plan for December — visit them as they get body parts removed and replaced. Really interesting how so many people that work out eventually cause more damage than good to their bodies and have to go through all these surgeries and rehabs so they can get back into “exercising” their bodies… As for me, I feel very healthy eating very little, exercising the bare minimum except with my left hand, and haven’t had any injuries yet that weren’t self made.
    Hope you have a wonderful December and thank you for the entertaining posts. <3

  4. T

    Have you ever added passages from books/poems/text to your thematic days? Not that I think they’re lesser because of that , just I was think that I’ve never read anything which went laser-deep on vomit – which is a sign that either I just haven’t read widely enough, or it’s me that has to write it… Although, out of all the possible things that go in and out of human bodies, I think I have a particularly strong aversion to vomit. Well, to vomit and hatred, let’s say, but that’s not quite in the same category. But most of the vomit on show today is ok, the smell and the sound are filtered off by the medium. It’s quite interesting that vomiting seems to be the one of the few things that grabs your entire attention, like being wounded or something. What I mean is that you can think of other things whilst shitting or having sex, at least I do, but when you vomit, that’s all you think of. Is that deep or stupid? Do you know the cheapest of cheap ciders, Strongbow Dark Fruits? Maybe it’s only a UK thing. Anyway, when I was in my first year of uni, a stranger who seemingly had only that beverage in his stomach threw it all up directly outside my front door, and because it was carpet and I only saw the next day, it was this cartoonish splatter of dried purple gunk that hung around for like a month. If only I had taken a photo of it I could have submitted it for today! Cool for hanging out and eating something at the end of the month, I want to hang out in here a bit more, but even if not I’ll drop you an email. xT

  5. Steve Erickson

    From Instagram, here’s a special effects artist’s extended bout of puking green vomit:

    Shudder’s one-season series “The Core” featured a great demonstration of making fake vomit (with the guidance of Flying Lotus) in its first episode, with almost every other episode touching on equally gross special effects.

    Carly Rae Jepsen must be the album we both chose! Or Luke Combs.

  6. Nick Toti

    One of my great hopes is to someday be recognized for the brave work I’ve done to redeem vomit as a subject of legitimate cinematic interest. Love this post!

  7. Goutful

    Loved this post! Strangely refreshing. Vomiting is such an event, even if unenjoyable. (We’ve talked a lot about it this year in school, mostly about how your kidneys and lungs and blood react if you vomit too much; some stuff on anti-nausea meds, too) It can yield really charming and playful art I guess, at least from what you’ve found. And a vomitivo would be cute to have around, for decoration or just in case. Do you get nauseous as an emotional response?

    ‘Physically manifesting what you learn as well as developing an internal strategy’ is a lot more helpful than any description I’ve found in a while. People come up with lots of descriptions and analogies for what they’re trying to teach us to do. Visual art is a rarer analogy than you’d think unless it’s surgery or like radiology/pathology. Performance is also rare, which is weird bc a lot of it feels like what I imagine learning how to method act is like. Lots of textual analogies though (writing, translating, editing, punctuating even).

    The quiz went nicely! I appreciate your responses a lot, really. : – )

  8. Darby 🦇🦇

    Omg yay vomit post—oh gosh, wait—Im gonna
    BLAHHHH 🤮🤮🤮
    I guess since I’ve already discussed a bad habit of mine yesterdays post I guess todays post would be good to say that i also have a bad habit of self-regurgiating (bullimia)
    Those are I think the worst of my habits but overall I am a pleasant person and enjoyable to talk to.
    I don’t rarely talk about those things because people will think I’m gloomy and emo, but I’m not.
    U have bad habits? Or used to? It doesn’t have to be drastic. Like nail-biting
    Ahhh I didn’t know you were doing this post so soon!!! Well I’ll have to read it sometime this weekend and give u my thoughts. Hoping there is a clip of Johnathan Davis making himself regurgitate pizza.

    • Darby 🐘🐘

      Also I think Tyke the Elephant would have loved Jeff Magnum and Neutral Milk Hotel. What do you think? If she has lived another 2 years and wasn’t murdered, I bet she would have adored On Avery Island.

  9. Darby 🐘🐘

    Also omg sorry for the interval messages but are you one of those people who think self-harming behaviors is an art???
    I would hope not. Most people who do those things are suffering tremendously and it can be taken out of hand if they feel it’s their only release.
    Those who don’t self-harm, but worship it in art, are like totally the people who idolize it because the harmful effects it can hold to a vulnerable persons, don’t apply to them so idk.
    I think you get it.
    It’s totally like my own opinion but it isn’t in any sort of way a begrudging thing. I think people don’t think of the long-term affects.
    Have I mentioned how much I HATEEEE how people see Dead from Mayhem and things like Christina Chubbick and they always strip away their stories amd think rather instead of what they looked like ” all blood and guts” as they died. Dead had his suicide used as an album cover and a Martyrdom representation. If you read his letters you realize that he was very wise and normal. He liked nature.
    He believed he was dead and he found the right people to fortify that belief. It’s very sad.

    Even Christiana Chubbick she was the reporter who shot herself on The news in the 70s but even though her suicide video isn’t available, people ALWAYS think about that.
    Sorry If this sounded more of like a stuck up rant but yes that is my opinions on self-harm etc if ya would like to know.
    Not a very fascinating one I guess.
    But I hold it relentlessly!
    I’m totally rambunctious today, I drunk some coffee and ate an edible.

  10. Jeff J

    Hey Dennis – Enjoyed this. I had no idea there was such a wide variety of vomit-related art. Some lovely chunks of puke in this post.

    A friend alerted me to the ugly AF twitter spectacle of people attacking Blake, calling “Molly” ‘revenge porn’ and exploitive and not his story to tell. Of course none of these people seem to have actually read the book. Just when you think social media can’t go any lower…

    Thanks for putting yr ears on the new JC ep.

    Let me know if Monday or Tuesday still looks good for catching up. If so, I’ll email you some possible times.

  11. Audrey

    Hi Dennis,

    The long awaited vomit post! Those paintings made from fly puke were great. Hopefully some buche chefs are uncreative next year so you can reap the benefits. I’m surprised to hear so many people around you aren’t huge on May December! I’ve been in the minority amongst the circle of people I’m friends with/follow. I hope you find some cool Fireflies books on sale! Let me know if you get anything. I’ll have to check out that Hollis Frampton book. I read and loved Bresson’s Notes of the Cinematographer before seeing any of his films and that was super instructive. Any suggestions on where to start with Frampton? He’s a big blind spot for me. Many of my friends love Deleuze, I’m really anxious to get into him. Shaviro, who I’m reading now, cites him often. Let me know if you end up seeing any of Rohrwacher’s films! La Chimera blew me away and I’ve been anxious to see more from her ever since. The Sundance lineup announcements got me very excited, which was a phrase I wasn’t expecting to say. I’m bursting with excitement for Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow, especially. Seeing the thoughts of some of my favorite critics who got to see it earlier made me lightheaded with excitement. I’m also curious to see Theda Hammel’s debut film, which has gotten rave reviews with similar people. Like you mentioned in a comment above though, they’re still not willing to accept some of the more daring/experimental cinema. Louise Weard’s Untitled Castration Movie, which is an 8 hour trans epic, was sadly rejected. Still, we’re living in such an exciting time for cinema, especially trans cinema, and I can’t wait to watch all this stuff. I also went to the art museum and had a great time. I got to see a Monet and Rothko in person for the first time which was transcendent. My favorite contemporary piece I saw by an artist I didn’t know anything about was All Be Your Mirror by Elizabeth Malaska. This image obviously pales in comparison to seeing it in person, but here’s an photo I took of it: I hope you’re doing well.

    Much Love,

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