The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Statuary 2

Sometimes stuff happens in Marikina that I just, for the life of me, CANNOT explain. They’re not bad things. Just very STRANGE things for a sleepy little town like this. For instance this nameless sculpture by a nameless artist that sits right in front of the Marikina Health Center along Shoe Avenue. This statue used to be tucked away behind the Marikina Wet Market but it gained such a confused, cult following that the city government decided to put it somewhere more visible and central. BECAUSE WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO SEE THIS, RIGHT? Who wouldn’t want to see a rough, plaster sculpture of a doctor (wearing a stethoscope) holding a bucket to what seems to be a kid’s butt. I don’t know. I DON’T KNOW. DOES THE WORLD MAKE SENSE AT ALL?


This statue stands in front of the window of the Waiting Area at a hospital in Norway.


If you travel into the mountains of Toyama, Japan, you’ll stumble upon a hidden village. Instead of citizens, though, this village, known as Fureai Sekibutsu no Sato, is filled with statues of Japanese townspeople, over 800 of them. All of these statues were created by a Chinese sculptor and commissioned by Mutsuo Furukawa, a wealthy Japanese chairman. In 1989, Furukawa paid approximately $57.5 million (or 6 billion yen) for them. Originally, Furukawa hoped that the statue village would serve as a tourist attraction. He wanted it to be a place where people could come and relax.In some ways, his vision became a reality. A few people come to visit the statues each year. However, they’re not exactly coming for relaxation.


Statue on State Street, Santa Barbara: Man offering Hershey Bar to child.


An ancient statue made as an offering to Osiris, the Egyptian god of death, that is currently housed at the Manchester Museum in England has suddenly started spinning inside its closed display case — and no one seems to know why. A time-lapse video released by the museum shows the 4000-year-old relic of Neb-Senu slowly turning around inside its case without any apparent assistance from the outside world. Found in a mummy’s tomb some 80 years ago, the statue has been kept encased at the museum ever since. Its current caretaker, Campbell Price, was the first one to notice the strange phenomenon, and says he first realized something was off when he found the statue askew, reset it, and then found it askew again the following day. “In Ancient Egypt they believed that if the mummy is destroyed then the statuette can act as an alternative vessel for the spirit,” Price, and Egyptologist by trade, told the Manchester Evening News. “Maybe that is what is causing the movement.”




If you’re thinking this looks like a shit statue, a lot of people agree with you. But you’d be wrong. It’s also a shit fountain. It’s called Cocozao. It’s located in the town of Ponta Grossa, Brazil, and it’s actually supposed to represent a local tree called the Araucaria pine. For reference, see the photo of an Araucaria pine below. But for those thinking of packing for a pilgrimage to pay respects to Cocozao, the people of Ponta Grossa finally bowed to national pressure in 2009 and demolished the statue.


An unfinished 27-meter stone statue of Soong Ching Ling (1893-1981) in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, has been quietly removed, Xinhua News Agency reported on July 4. The controversy over the statue of Soong, who is also known as Madame Sun Yat-sen, first emerged in November 2011, when the Fujian-based Quanzhou Daily reported that the Henan Soong Ching Ling Foundation would spend 120 million yuan (US$19.58 million) on the construction of the statue to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution that toppled the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Zhao Zhimin, a representative from the foundation, confirmed that the Henan provincial government was investigating the matter, but declined to comment further. The statue’s former site, near the Henan Soong Ching Ling Foundation, in downtown Zhengzhou, is now surrounded by scaffolding and a thick protective net.


Jennifer Lawrence has revealed that she no longer has her Oscar statue as it gave out a ‘weird energy’. Jen won the Best Actress gong in February for her role in Silver Linings Playbook but she felt uncomfortable with having the award. ‘My parents took it back to Kentucky, because it just kind of puts a weird energy out,’ says Jen, 22.




The Denver Airport has been plagued by conspiracy theories about its true purpose almost since the day construction crews broke ground on it in the mid-1990s. For example, the giant, red-eyed horse sculpture at the gates of the airport really did kill the sculptor who created it. He died of blood loss when part of the statue fell on him in his studio. In the snippet of a conspiracy video about DEN below, the narrator speculates about how this bloodthirsty horse sculpture might be connected to time travel.




David Hasselhoff has decided to have a bit of a clear out in time for summer and is holding a huge auction of his belongings – including this 14-foot statue of himself. Although real-life Hasselhoff measures in at 6ft 4in, this statue is approximately 4.2 metres long. Adorned in the iconic Mitch Buchannon red trunks, the model has a pre-sale estimate of $20-30,000 (£12-18,000).


A six-storey statue of Jesus Christ in a midwestern US city was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers yesterday. The King of Kings statue, one of south-west Ohio’s most familiar landmarks, had stood since 2004 at the evangelical Solid Rock church along the Interstate 75 highway in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati. The lightning strike set the statue ablaze around 11.15 pm on Monday night, Monroe police said. The sculpture, about 19 metres (62 feet) tall and 12 metres wide at the base, showed the figure of Jesus from the torso up and was nicknamed Touchdown Jesus because of the way the arms were raised, similar to a referee signalling a touchdown in American football. It was made of plastic foam and fibreglass over a steel frame, which was all that remained yesterday.


Positioned on the edge between life and death, an animatronic child sits on a window ledge playing a drum forever. It is not clear whether the rhythmic phrase played is a death march or serves to attract the attention of visitors as if to a fair or a circus.




An emotionless Abraham Lincoln places one hand on the head of a topless woman in ecstasy and the other on the head of a naked boy. Nothing about this sculpture works. The individual parts are twee and clichéd. There’s no coherence, either spatially or conceptually. Even by the standards of 1939 each part is curiously dated–look at the woman’s hair: it looks like a style from the 1910s. The sexualised woman jars so heavily with the austere Lincoln that you can hardly compute what’s going on. Look around online, you’ll see most people’s minds immediately sink into the gutter. Which, honestly, is hardly the viewer’s fault. The work is horrible. By all accounts the sculptor, Clyde de Vernet Hunt was completely taken with his work. He exhibited a plaster version in Paris in; the figures apparently represent Faith (woman), Hope (boy) and Charity (Lincoln). Hunt brought the plaster back to the USA in 1938 and cast it in bronze for the World’s Fair. But how did three so different figures come together in one work? If we go back a decade, to 1918, we find Hunt exhibiting two works in Paris: Nirvana, a naked woman in ecstasy and Fils de France, a nude boy. At roughly the same time, he cast a statue of Lincoln. In 1928, he smooshed all three sculptures together and called it the Lincoln Trilogy.


Deep in the forest of Parikkala, in the easternmost part of Finland, lies the sculpture park of Veijo Rönkkönen. The park is a lot to take in, the first time you visit. Finding yourself surrounded by hundreds of statues, grinning at you with their real human teeth, is enough to spook you into turning back as soon as you set foot in the park. Veijo Rönkkönen, a former paper mill worker, completed his first sculpture in 1961, and now his yard, and the path leading to it, are filled with over 450 statues, 200 of which are self portraits of the artist in Yoga positions he has mastered so far. The statues have loudspeakers hidden inside them, and the sound effects add to the eeriness of this place. Although he has had the chance to exhibit and even sell his artworks, in auctions, Veijo Rönkkönen has never agreed to showcase his art. Every time he was asked to showcase his work, the near-hermit always replied he needed to discuss it with the statues first.


Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, better known by the nickname Elagabalus, was the Roman Emperor from 218 to 222 and, according to contemporary historians, a trans woman. Nero and Caligula are often considered to be the wildest Roman Emperors, but Elagabalus would give them a run for their money. In just four years, the emperor managed to instill a culture of debauchery, financial waste, and promiscuity that is still infamous to this day.

Elagabalus married four women and a man. They offered lavish gifts and favors to male courtiers and purchased female harlots. They did tours of brothels and conducted elaborate orgies. They frequently wore female wigs and makeup and bathed with women. The emperor also infamously prostituted themself to men. There is even one anecdote that Elagabalus offered vast sums of money to any physician who could give them a vagina.

The number of bizarre stories about the emperor is far too great to sum up here. Among others, it is said that they: never wore the same shoes twice; took a whale, weighed it, and then sent their friends its weight in fish; had elaborate banquets with bizarre foods like camels-heels and flamingos; once killed some guests by suffocating them with rose perfume.

Elagabalus’ eccentricity and debauchery alienated intellectuals and soldiers of the time in Rome. Ultimately, he was assassinated by order of their own grandmother. The Praetorian Guard murdered Elagabalus, decapitated their body, and threw them in the River Tiber. At their death, Elagabalus was just 18.


Big Tex, the metal cowboy whose slow drawl of ‘Howdy, folks!’ made him an icon of the State Fair of Texas for 60 years, was destroyed in less than ten minutes Friday when flames engulfed his 52-foot-tall frame.




This is a video news report about a 9-foot, 1-ton goat-headed Satan statue being unveiled in Detroit. The highlight is a fast-talking satanist guy who sermonizes to the news reporters. Sadly, ‘Weird Satanist Guy’ is actually ‘Weird Gamer Guy’ (aka Andrew Bowser), and he wasn’t even being interviewed, he just cleverly spliced his own videos into the news report after it came out.


The Curiosity Rover has spotted a weird ‘dark lady’ on the surface of Mars. UFO Sightings Daily says that they can clearly see breasts – meaning it IS a woman – and that a statue would have weathered away, so it almost certainly IS a living being. ‘Its hard to tell if this is a living being, or a statue of a being from long ago. However, a statue that small would be eroded and destroyed easily, so it has a higher chance of being a living being. Also it is facing the Mars rover…watching it from a distance.’


I have a friend in town and we were walking around the common and the garden yesterday and came across this statue. Does it seem a little weird to anyone else? I really just question the adult who picked it out. * Ewww. I’ve never seen that one. Is it newly placed? I thought I’d recognize any statue on the Common… It’s disturbing. * I think it has been there. I told my sister about last night and she said she noticed it a couple years ago and thought it was odd.


For nearly 15 years, an animatronic avatar of former president Lyndon Baines Johnson held court at the museum, moving and gesticulating to a recording of Johnson’s folksy yarns. The eerily lifelike and life-size figure wore a cowboy hat, Western boots and a checked shirt, cordially leaning over a ranch fence, a length of coiled rope in hand. But when the museum, which attracts an estimated 100,000 visitors annually, began planning its overhaul several years ago, museum curators decided the orchestrator of the Great Society and the Master of the Senate needed a makeover, too. Gone are the countrified clothes and the ranch fence. Instead, the 36th president now wears a charcoal suit and tie, with no hat, and stands before a podium.


Donald Baechler’s “Walking Figure,” first constructed as a papier-mâché model, is a richly textured female form in mid-stride, whose spindly arms and legs jut out from her diamond-shaped body. Her expression betrays contented determination-like a young woman scurrying toward a rendezvous with a new boyfriend or darting off to a vacation spot. Baechler was commissioned about five years ago by New York real estate developer Rechler Equity Partners, the developer of an industrial park at Francis S. Gabreski Airport in Westhampton Beach, N.Y., to create a 30-foot, 5,000-pound aluminum version. It now adorns a traffic circle at the airport. Since Baechler’s work has almost always been shaped in some form by his travels to distant ports, one can’t help but feel the sculpture’s location to be poetically appropriate. The “Walking Figure” was installed in early June and gave rise to some grousing from local residents. “I’m not a connoisseur of art, so what can I say?” Mayor Conrad Teller told Newsday. “I have a lot of people who have seen it and don’t think it belongs [at] an airport.” Local businessman Tony Intravaia told the New York Observer, “It is art. But does art look good? No.”


The Hans Christian Andersen statue in Copenhagen of the Little Mermaid has been vandalized with the phrase “racist fish.”




There’s something weird about the Nelson Mandela statue in Pretoria. This week, a very small bronze rabbit was discovered inside the ear of the Nelson Mandela statue outside the Union Buildings in Pretoria. The tiny rabbit is believed to be the first of its kind inside the ear of a monument made in the likeness of a major world figure. Though it looks like it won’t be for long. The department of arts and culture has written to sculptors Ruhan Janse van Vuuren and André Prinsloo, asking them to remove the rabbit as soon as possible, according to South Africa’s News 24. They also asked for a written apology addressed to the Mandela family. The sculptors said they placed the rabbit in Mandela’s ear as a hidden joke since the artists were under a tight deadline to complete the statue and the Afrikaans word for “hare” (“haas”) also means “haste.”




A strange statue was left on an old fountain in the East Hampton Library’s construction area sometime in the wee hours of last weekend, but they haven’t the slightest clue who it could have been or why. It’s fairly light for a statue, weighing in at about 50 lbs, and seems to be made out of red clay that has been painted over. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the odd find is the inscription on the back of the statue, a well worn and barely visible cursive scrawling of the words “My Wife Forever Della Penna”. Local man Steven Rothman pointed out that the name Della Penna matches the victim in a grisly murder that occurred just a few steps away in the 70’s, a murder that to this day has not been solved. From wikipedia: “Dolores Della Penna (December 13, 1954 – July 1972) was a 17-year-old Philadelphia schoolgirl who was tortured, gang raped, murdered by dismemberment and beheaded in the Kensington neighborhood in July 1972. Della Penna’s torso and arms were later located in Jackson Township, New Jersey, while her legs were found in neighboring Manchester Township near the border with Jackson. The young girl’s head is believed to be located within a wall in “Turtles” former home in Tacony and the house has yet to be searched by law enforcement, and no bikers have yet been arrested in the case.” Please note the fact that the girl’s head is still missing. The library might want to go ahead and have that statue x-rayed before they decide to put it up for display. Maybe it’s a stretch, but bodies encased in statues are nothing new.


A Pennsylvania teen may face up to two years behind bars for allegedly taking a photo of himself simulating oral sex with a statue of Jesus. The photo was taken in front of Love in the Name of Christ, a Christian organization in Everett, Pennsylvania, and posted on Facebook back in July. On Tuesday, the 14-year-old — whose name has not been released by police — was charged with desecration of a venerated object, the Smoking Gun reported. If convicted, he could wind up spending two years in a juvenile jail.


A hairdresser adds the finishing touch to a statue of Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger at the Grevin Wax Museum in Prague on April 24, 2014.


In April of 2013, citizens of Luoyang in east-central China’s Henan province were excited about the soon-to-open Hualong Amusement Park with an enormous gold-toned Buddha statue at its heart. Imagine the shocked silence when the covers came off the statue, revealing what incredulous netizens quickly dubbed the “Big Maitreya with the Swept-back Hairstyle.” When pressed, park managers admitted the statue’s head was modeled after a local entrepreneur who believed his grinning golden visage would help “inspire young people.” After a few days of scathing and unrelenting criticism, park visitors arrived to find the statue headless. As for the missing head, it turned up shortly thereafter mounted on a small, nondescript building some likened to a public restroom.


Sitting in a shop window in Chihuahua, Mexico, is the form of a young woman dressed in a bridal gown. If you look closely at the mannequin, you’ll see a frightening amount of detail. From her real, human hair, her lined hands, and even the veins beneath her skin. And if its real-girl appearance wasn’t weird enough, she just happens to bear a striking resemblance to the original shop keeper’s deceased daughter. The young woman tragically died on the morning of her wedding, after suffering a poisonous spider bite. A recent death, and a reappearance of the eerily lifelike mannequin, conveniently dressed in a wedding gown . . . it’s not surprising that many people claim that the mannequin is actually the preserved body of the young woman. Her name has long been forgotten, and now she’s simply called “La Pasqualita,” after her mother, shopkeeper Pascuala Esparza. The devastated mother issued statement after statement that the mannequin is just that—a mannequin—but to no avail.


As a well-known statue located between the Mirage and Treasure Island on the Las Vegas Strip, this brass figure with a partial bust of Siegfried and Roy and the head of a brass lion is a must-see. The sculpture sits protected behind a gate. By night, the lighting casts eerie shadows across the likeness of the two renowned performers.


Lenin Statue, Sukleia, Moldova: Years after the fall of the Soviet Union, the kids smashed the statue’s head off. It stayed with a crushed head covered with plastic bag for years, but finally the local Red Party members have hireed a sculptor to restore it. Well, there is something strange now with his head.


The Madrid Museum of Wax has a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in it. It cost 31,000 Euros to make. Cristiano saw his statue at the museum. He liked the statue. He liked that statue so much he commissioned one just like it to be put in his house.




Probably the most genuinly terrifying thing at Dreamworld Park in Bangkok was the statues of naked babies outside every toilet. Most of them were black too. I only mention this because it’s weird because the number of black people you see in Thailand is none. These made me terrified and feel disgusted at the same time.


If you’ve ever wondered what happened to all the Big Boys’ statues from yesteryear, then wonder no more.




Located about an hour outside Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, is this massive monument to Genghis Khan. Placed far from any metropolis, the spot was chosen because, according to legend, it was there where Khan found a “golden whip,” which he holds in his right hand in the statue. Not only is this epically huge statue situated in the middle of nowhere and made from 250 tons of reflective stainless steal, but it commemorates a warmongering dictator who’s military conquests are said to have taken somewhere around 40 million lives.


An arch with statue in Ankara, Turkey erected in honor of the popularity of the ‘Lord of the Rings’ films in Turkey that contains what officials of the city claim is a working portal to the Lord of the Rings universe.


Yoshitoshi Kanemaki intricately chisels and carves larger than life sculptures of women, often with glitch effects as though he has taken a photograph that has failed to get that one portrait of a perfectly still face.




Queen star Roger Taylor annoyed his bandmate Brian May by “nicking” the Freddie Mercury statue from the front of the theatre which staged the play ‘We Will Rock You’, Ben Elton has claimed. The hit musical, which was written by Elton and based on Queen songs, finally closed in May after 12 years at the Dominion Theatre. The giant, golden statue of the late Queen frontman Mercury, which towered over the entrance of the London theatre during its run, now stands in drummer Taylor’s garden. But Elton told Radio Times magazine that the Queen drummer whisked the statue from the West End theatre to his home while guitarist May was away. It’s in Roger Taylor’s garden, which I believe Brian May is not happy with. Freddie was their brother, they were a collective, so Roger or Brian should have it. I think Brian was away. So, Roger stole Freddie from Brian.”


Statue honoring a girl who was cannibalized by her own family.




p.s. Hey. ** Nika Mavrody, Hi. I’ve been better, but I’m ok. How are you? Poem, I think? ** Dominik, Hi!!! Weird, I just saw some stupid news item about Tom and spouse Heidi Klum vacationing somewhere, which someone thought was news for some reason. Podcast, weird, interesting. If you speed-learn German, let me now what it’s like. Love is such the consummate slave, isn’t he, of course. I have to be really boring today and ask love to somehow fix a huge, ever worsening film-related problem that’s too complicated to explain but which would seem to require a divine level of intervention, G. ** Charalampos, I’ve cooked worse meals than that one. Hi to you and Ireli, the perfect couple, from me and my mouse. ** Malik, Hi! Yeah, get your chill and relaxation in while you can. Exciting, though! So much outdated tech. At one point I was obsessed with wanting to make a CD-Rom game, and I’m so glad I didn’t. Happy day. ** PL, Hey, Pedro. I’ll try to find ‘‘The Skeleton Key’. It’ll kill time until I get my next disaster movie addiction hit in a couple of weeks aka ‘Twisters’. I did see that about the Dunaway series, and I wondered how much she signed off on it and I hoped it didn’t require her to do that. Luck with Breillat. I met her once. She seemed nice, so … maybe? Hopefully? Excellent to chat indeed. ** ellie, Wait, you’re not a normal girl?! Haha. Seems worse, yes. I think I wrote to you about the zine thing. I’m hunting. Everyone, ellie is putting together a ‘mini zine thing’, and if you’re interested in submitting something to it, you can, and I encourage you to. You can do that @ or by email @ Cool! ** nat, Your medication watched out for you, as far as I can tell. Weather’s pretty alright here too, but you can’t count on anything to do with the sky these days, so we’ll see come tomorrow. You know ‘Tamala’, great! Yes, wtf about those never realised sequels. There must be some deep, complicated story behind that. Well, it won’t surprise you that your project intrigues. Big decision there. Are you edging closer to a locked-down one? I made a video game a couple of years ago with a few collaborators, or a game walkthrough at least, since we didn’t have enough money to make it playable, and it was way fucking fun, but it was a deliberately old fashioned, 90s style game with crappy graphics and crude mechanics. Anyway, probably easier and better to do it on your own? My work is very based on wondering what my work says about me and not knowing or wanting the answer, so maybe that’s motivation? ** buh, Hm, I can’t figure out if you’re spam or not. Hm… ** Thomas H, Hi. I don’t write any of the slave texts. They’re all found. Sometimes I edit them for length, but there’s not a word in them that came from me. The images/texts/names/locations are mixed up. But they’re all real or ‘real’. In the years I’ve been making those posts, the trends have shifted, yes. Puppy and foot fetish and ABDL/diapers have been much, much more popular in recent times. There was a time when ‘worming’ — wanting to have one’s limbs amputated and live as a worm/slave — was popular, but I haven’t seen one of those guys in ages. Hypno and sissy are perennial, but the combo is newish, yes. I will listen to your podcast, of course. I noted your recommended episodes, and I’ll start there. Uh, I mostly listen to lit podcasts, I guess, like Wake Island and Otherppl and others. And some music ones like DubLab and les yeux fermés and others. I think I did hear the ‘Bad Gays’ one. It was wild. Oh, wow, thanks for the ‘Tamala’-related link. I’ll be all over that. Thank you! I ate a lot of pasta too. And Paris looked its resplendent self. ** _Black_Acrylic, Weird flipperoony there. But … good ultimate news, assuming it’s ultimate, at least? ** Steve, Hi. No, the film mess got even worse. I can’t go into details, but things are borderline disastrous at the moment, and there’s very little Zac and I can do about it. Prayers. Great about ‘AGGRO DR1FT’. It is coming here. And I read his next film is some anime adaptation or something? Everyone, Here’s Steve’s review of ‘THE HUMAN SURGE 3’. ** Harper, Congrats! Well, withstanding the weirdness of being back home, of course. I always look for the potential art-inspiring side of everything, granted, but maybe you can get some writing ideas from the teenage age regression impulse/activity? I don’t know. I hope you got to write. My weekend, apart from some friend time, was totally miserable between film-related hell that’s too complicated to explain and the scary election results. It sucked. Oh well. Uh, I did watch some short films by the experimental filmmaker Mary Ellen Bute because I was making a post about her, and those were a nice break. ** Darby🐰, Hi. Well, blog posts are eternal, or at least until the internet dies. Yay, about the driving around. I miss my car. I’ll try that with ‘Hyperballad’ the next the sky starts to look threatening. Thanks. Uh, hm, I’ll have to take a short rain check on amusement park stories because there are so many and my coffee is not jolting me enough. But I look forward to dwelling in that portion of the past. ** Justin D, Hi, Justin. Such a good line, right? Tempted to swipe it. Who would ever know. Except you. 700 pages, uh, … I think I’ll wait for your final report. Wow. Hugeness. The elections were scary. Now the Center and the Left have announced they’re going to do a temporary alliance and support each other to try to defeat the Far Right in round two next weekend. God, I hope it works. ** Bill, Thanks, sir. Nice, nice, about your friends and you. Ah, you’re going way, way East again. Oh my god, that heat. Dude, shit, you’ll be okay, but, oh my god. ** Oscar 🌀, Hey! You did it again! We should really publish a chapbook of these or something. Okay, uh, … In Japan, when people graffiti こんにちは、オスカー onto the walls of abandoned buildings, as they so often do, they then frequently lie in wait until a parent and child walk by in hopes that the parent will ask the child Sore ga nanto kaitearu ka shitte imasu ka?, and the child will say, Īe, whereupon the parent will say, Kon’nichiwa, osukā, just so you know. Ooh, a boymouse. Be still, my imagination. My weekend totally sucked, but I wasn’t sick like you, at least. Sorry. ‘Bloodborne’, nice. I really want to play this newly released, updated, upgraded, etc. version of this very early computer game I used to love back in the primitive days called ‘Riven’. And maybe I will. ** Okay. I’ve got a whole bunch of statues for you look at and contemplate and admire or reject today. Have fun of some sort. See you tomorrow.


  1. jay

    hey, fascinating stuff today. that lincoln statue is so bizarre, you sort of wonder why no-one stopped it while it was being made. and that elegabulus, so fascinating. particularly the facial hair, it’s interesting how rarely you see shitty facial hair in statues. im sure if they were born today they’d be venerated like a god on the /lgbt/ parts of 4chan.

  2. _Black_Acrylic

    Dundee has a bunch of statues, including these of the DC Thompson comic characters Desperate Dan and Minnie the Minx who were first created in the city. When I was a kid I would’ve fought it was the coolest thing ever, but moving there as a jaded hipster I was pretty blasé about the whole thing. Good that the Beano comic is still going, mind.

    Think the Archie Gray-to-Brentford transfer saga was nixed thanks to a Twitter outcry amongst the Leeds fans, making it one of the few times that social media has been put to good use. Also, all the best to France in the Euros tonight!

  3. Dominik


    I don’t know why celebrities doing completely mundane things is ever considered news. It must be absolutely maddening.

    Ah, fuck, another film-related shitstorm… I really, really, REALLY hope love fixes the situation somehow! I mean, if anyone seems capable of divine-level intervention, it’s him. Love giving you a balcony but planting that Norwegian hospital sculpture into one of its corners so that they can watch you smoke forever after, Od.

  4. nat

    hiiii, ooo, creepy statues, something we norwegians exceed at. creepy hospital statue is a classic, i remember that being a news thing when it first appeared. if i remember correctly — which is a fiftyfifty chance at this rate –, the sculptor said it was a metaphor on how it felt to go into the unknown, a place where you have no control over, and something along the lines how he doesn’t want to do pretty vanities and wants to make people think. it was wild.

    screaming baby — one above lincoln — is actually norwegian, and part of a whole set, ‘the bridge at the vigeland sculpture park’, it’s a part of an outdoors museum of some kind of the sculptor gustav vigeland. extremely interesting stuff. the thing the picture of the baby doesn’t show is that it’s next to countless statues in a row, it’s intense to walk past them.

    probably leaning in the video game direction, it feels more juicer that way, and purely prosaic version of it wouldn’t be as good unless i ripped it entirely apart. i am as much still circling around every details. i’ve been talking to some friends about artwork. i would have to cut down on the ideas that manifested with the one that went awol. decision making is tough.

    vaguely related to the game, i’ve been watching a youtuber that covers the genre of visual novels. she introduced me to a japanese only sub-genre of denpa visual novels, surreal psychological stories. currently watching a video about ‘jisatsu 101’; story about a student who one day starts to hear a noise in his head that makes him lose touch of reality, which somehow soon barrels into his school devolving into a giant brawl due to a series of mass suicides — batshit i know.

    it never got translated from japanese, so for now the video she made on it is what i’ll have to go from. video is a bit of a slog due to the youtuber sometimes goes around in circles with her analysis on stuff though. also, way too long youtube videos, a plague, oh well. –

    due to your profile on him in december, i just got a package of seven james mccourt books. i’m excited since the profile endeared me massively to him.

    weather’s been calm, coastal city pains as it is a stop for cruise ships, and the streets are overgrown with way too many people. that’s all i think.

    • nat

      outdoors museum — the term i was looking for was installation.
      just to clarify, the bridge is an actual bridge in the installation / sculpture park, and the park is a bigger thing entirely.

      it is also in a very touristy place, so i often hear shocked tourists at the park.

  5. Don Waters

    Hey, Dennis, Thanks for this. Yet another reason to visit Japan, if just to see this statue forest! That Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen is a magnet for vandalism; it sits very near the path and it’s easy to access, so it’s always a target for anyone with a grudge or message. I think one of life’s great pleasures is paying attention to statues in any old town; sometimes they’re great, and sometimes… Well. There’s a bit of pleasure when you spot the odd one, isn’t there? Anyway. I bought ‘Flunker’ over the weekend and I’m three stories deep. It’s a pleasure reading you again, and so soon! Your first escort-day-ish story made me wonder… are you a fan of Morrissey, and did you ever meet? I believe he lived in LA for quite a while, if not still. Just wondering. And then there’s the phone number the narrator provides, and I thought wouldn’t it be something if you called and someone named Gabriel answered? And of course, the second story, in my read, has George Miles vibes; it feels connected in spirit to ‘I Wished,’ but maybe that’s because I recently finished that one. These are just my thoughts wandering. Not trying to provide some sort of read-along review. Just letting you know I’m loving it. Take care, Don

  6. Uday

    I love mail and post offices! I’m always sending letters to people. I sometimes think of sending one to you but realise that everything I could say I already say in these comments. Packing is done and travelling commences in a few hours! On the subject of statues
    1. What a wonderful time for this post! I’m in the middle of an art project where I draw greek/roman statues (and people in the style thereof) and this is Antinous week.
    2. That Lincoln statue is unhinged. I love it.
    3. So many Ronaldo statues. This really bad one stands out
    and this one uhh sticks out too×2402/nrm_1419277206-cristiano_ronaldo_new_statue_massive_penis_bulge.jpg?resize=768:*
    So I suppose this man deserves a statue he likes enough to take home.

  7. Bill

    These sculptures are pretty nutty, but some of the backstories are arguably nuttier.

    I’m sure you know of:

    While searching for the Ginza umm artifact, I also came across:


  8. politekid

    i’m genuinely a little upset that you never made a cd-rom game. i know it would probably be misery to get it working now but that’s not the point. did you get very far in conceptualising it? was it anything like the game you made a couple of years ago? i’m imagining something along the lines of Cosmology of Kyoto for some reason. & why are you glad you didn’t make it?!
    Flunker arrived today so i’ll console my lack of dc-cd-rom goodness that way.

    p.s. a statue for your delectation: there was a £150,000 statue of Prince Philip in Cambridge which was refused planning permission (‘once described by a council planner as “possibly the poorest quality work” ever submitted’), built anyway, and was shunted around the city for ten years. The statue is so ugly that no artist has admitted to making it; the attributed artist, Pablo Atchugarry, denied that he had anything to do with it, claiming it’s “an abuse” to suggest that he does.

  9. Nika Mavrody

    Sorry about that!

  10. Malik

    Hey! Thanks for sharing these. It’s crazy just how even the form of the statue can be so unique and controversial.

    Whenever I think of statues, I think of the Washington Monument here in Baltimore that I’m not even a block away from. I’ll always think of that gag from John Waters’ film Pecker where if you stand at the right spot on the eastern side of it, it looks like old George is happy to see you.

    There’s also artist Emilio Rangel’s The Whore of Babylon. It’s a series of sculptures that utilize Miss Piggy and Kermit in various sexual situations including BDSM. If I remember right, it’s depicting the devious intimacy “normal people” get into in private, utilizing pop art imagery of the Muppet characters modeled like fertility statues. Even with the erotic element aside, I find it hilarious, creative, and honestly quite hot.

    And finally, the same can be said for Irene Nordli’s “Don’t Be a Stranger” at the Asker Library in Asker, Norway. Healthy figure aside, there’s something so relaxing about this.

  11. Steve

    Are things so bad that the film risks getting unreleased?

    So many statues full of pervy sexual undertones, especially the Lincoln one!

    The Quietus kept up its annual tradition, picking an album I’ve never heard as the year’s best so far.

  12. Harper

    Hey Dennis. My favourite statue in the world is probably the one of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. I saw a photo of a statue of Faust and Mephisto that was in Leipzig which I liked. So basically, I like statues of fictional characters. There’s a statue of Molly Bloom in Gibraltar. I will say though that I don’t like how most statues are that same bronze look, there has to be another way, surely?

    I did get some writing done today, although it’s always a weird day for me on the first day of staying somewhere, even if it is somewhere I know well. Re-adjusting habits and all that. I re-read ‘In Youth is Pleasure’ yesterday and today. I say it’s my favourite ‘short book’, and maybe on certain days my favourite book full stop. Every time I read Denton Welch a part of me wants to put the book down and get back to my own writing, so I picked a good book to read. It does fill me with a certain gloom though, the first time I read it it made me incredibly depressed because it touched a nerve. It obviously has some humorous moments though as well. And definitely a good book for the summer, although it was luckily sort of cold today.

    Anyway, I am hoping to try and submit some stories now that I have the time to potentially work on more than one thing. Or just submit again one of the several stories that have been historically rejected or ignored to somewhere that hasn’t had the misfortune of my imposition yet.

    Since I’ve been so preoccupied this weekend I wasn’t fully paying attention to what was going on in France. God, I didn’t realize how many fascists there were in France, but I suppose these kinds of people do lurk in every corner unfortunately. I don’t really have anything insightful to say but it looks as if the conservatives will be voted out in the UK if that means anything? Wishing France the best of luck! It seems we’re all in a collective political fever dream once again.

  13. Lucas

    hi dennis!
    great posts these last few days, I need to properly catch up, wow. you made a video game?! amazing. I could spend more time thinking about some of these sculptures more than the ones I saw at the museum yesterday, but don’t tell anyone that. so, yeah, I still haven’t been doing anything too exciting, but I’ve been writing a lot since saturday and I’m actually happy with some of it. I’m weirdly too shy to share it here but I submitted something to ellie’s mini zine thing so you’ll see that when it comes out. again, I’m so sorry to hear the film stress isn’t getting any better. I wish there was some easy way to get you and zac out of it. I’m praying for you guys, maybe that’ll work at this point.

    sending love

  14. PL

    Hey, Dennis! Nice post today. You met Breillat? That’s fantastic. Have you talked to her? I know you live in Paris, so I imagine you bump into a lot of artists there. Do you have any story with a famous person? I was thinking about your story with the dead guy in a Peruvian (?) bus recently. Crazy. I wish I had any story to share with you. I’m feeling rather melancholic these days, I miss having friends and stuff. My colleagues at college kind of suck. I was talking with a guy and he was saying that he wanted to go to film school and I asked what director he liked the most and he didn’t knew a single name! Then I asked if he had ever watched ‘Rear Window’ and he didn’t even know Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock. How dumber can you get! It really piss me off those ‘young artists’ who think they are someone just because they are not rightists. And they suck doing whatever they do. Anyway! Hope you’re doing well.

  15. Darbyzzz 😴🛌

    Oh, I was making aj oke, sorry if that last comment came off strange. I always forget how poorly sarcasm transfers through a screen. Eternal blog but imagining it growing wings and flying out the scream like some horrific incantation of…i dunno but interesting story concept I think.
    Oh cool. Oh hey sucks about your weekend, and hope its better this one. Obviously because I said so.
    Oh what kind a car do you own?
    Oh is it a cooper? haha sorry. Oh speaking of which! Strangely enough, my mom has a dog named Cooper now. Weird dog name, no? maybe? He is pretty adorable althoughlike most dogs Ive met he is a sexual deviant. Hey i’ll probably not be here much this week?
    Take your time and, hmm, i dunno eat some noodles.
    I know im bout to yum.

  16. Justin D

    Hey, Dennis! I love the mystery surrounding some of these statues and how some of them were placed without reason or explanation. Something about the work’s statement being shrouded in ambiguity I find endlessly intriguing. Really cool about your video game. I think you’d be surprised that there’s still an appetite for retro-styled games. ‘Thimbleweed Park’ comes to mind. It’s a shame your game was ultimately shelved. I’m sending nothing but immaculate vibes your and Zac’s way re: the film stress. I hope it isn’t getting you down. *massive bear hug*

  17. Oscar 🌀

    Chapbooks? Yes, yes, absolutely. And RE: Japanese graffiti, well, gosh, that’s amazing. I hope the graffiti looks nice — no poorly-executed bubble writing there. Also, see, I have this theory that there’s some sort of conspiracy to slip in train stations that don’t actually exist during the announcement of routes that I’ve been on hundreds of times. Like, today I swear I heard: “…Exhibition Centre…Anderston…HI DENNIS…Glasgow Central…” — but I can’t quite be sure. Weird.

    Weird statues always intrigue me. It’s like, y’know, so much more time-consuming than drawing or something, so you’ve got so many opportunities to reflect and realise, but, no, the shit bucket sculpture MUST be completed. Sheesh. Love the inclusion of Edmund from Narnia, though, who was my first crush ever. Wild.

    I had a little look at ‘Riven’ and I think you should definitely go for it. It looks charming. I never could get into puzzle games, but I might’ve just been playing the wrong ones. Hope your Monday and now Tuesday are making up for your crummy weekend!

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