The blog of author Dennis Cooper

“Psst … Cuff him to your bed. He’s obsessed with Bride of Chucky and the scene where Damien’s cuffed to the bed.”


KillaBoyslut, 20
I’m looking for a perverted man in my area who wants to mutilate, amputate and kill anonymously.

JUST English, NO German.
JUST arround Berlin, +/- 100 km


whiskeyanddonuts – July 27, 2024
Devon has been gone for a long while now, most likely reduced to nothing more than mere fertilizer for the plush grasses that grow over his grave. Alas, many fantasies of his death live on.

lnthemoodfornow – May 16, 2023
You will enjoy his Asian style deference.

Toetagu – Apr 21, 2023
Hey immup for it, i will pm you

KillaBoyslut (Owner) – Apr 16, 2023
No I don’t want to be your motherfucking slave!!!!



NotFeminine, 20
One day, I was at a gas station in a Toyota that my former master bought me shortly after we met (about three months later, if I recall correctly). At that moment, I was the happiest boy on earth. A few months passed, and life was great. I had a good car, lots of fun, and I was lucky to be with the man who took my virginity. I thought I had found my safe haven. But life had other plans for me.

Now, back to the gas station. I was out of gas, stuck in the middle of nowhere, and had no money. I tried to pay for gas with my master’s card because I had exhausted the cash he gave me for the trip. I also didn’t have any money in my account since he took care of all the bills (the card was meant to be used for emergencies).

After filling my tank, I tried to pay with the card, but it was declined. Not because there wasn’t money on it, but because the card company had found out my master was dead and their policy is to freeze his account upon death to prevent asset loss. (I should say I didn’t kill him, but it’s true I buried him in his backyard and didn’t report his death and lied about it.)

Then I heard a voice in my head saying, “What did you gain from all of this? Just be happy that you can still pick yourself up and start over.” I wasn’t in that relationship for materialistic reasons, but I thought I had found my safe haven. Maybe I was wrong.

It occurred to me that I wasn’t building a life for myself by placing pleasure above career. If I had been working, I might have been able to pay for gas. I found a way out of that situation, and from that day in February 2024, I committed myself to becoming better. I am currently unemployed but finished my auto apprenticeship in January this year. For now, I work freelance whenever I can.

I joined here with the hope of finding a safe haven. I need to do this within a month or two because I’m being asked to leave where I am currently staying. I still don’t have a plan for the future, but I am hopeful it will involve a new home and lots of happy memories. I don’t any limits. I am of the opinion pleasure necessarily includes pain.

My ideal relationship/situation would be a Master & sex object type. I believe that servitude revolves around satisfying my sexual needs; I consider it a way of life. If done right, it can help build a life I can look back on when I am much older and be happy that I managed to achieve something, or at least a career, and not just a loose butt hole with several body injuries.


Alphachristopher – July 18, 2024
I knew your late Master and I hope you get struck dead by lightning while taking a shit.

Dominant_Subconscious_Master_with_the_Effect – July 18, 2024
Put it fears behind it back and roll under my spell for no more pleasure anywhere

JUMMP – July 17, 2024
Psst … Cuff him to your bed. He’s obsessed with Bride of Chucky and the scene where Damien’s cuffed to the bed.



painaddict, 20
Blow my mind with pain. It’s the only way I can get off.


theeliminator – July 18, 2024
I branded him and put him on a public swing at Hillside Campground. Don’t tell my Bitch 💋

painaddict (Owner) – July 11, 2024
My only limits are death and emotional attachment.

VerySadistMAN – July 11, 2024
Maso meat for EXTREME sadists. What turns him on will probably scare you. Sick fuckers get your hands on him and make him feel it. He never says anything, but I wonder what he would say if he did.

painaddict (Owner) – July 8, 2024
I have almost 14 years of experience. After being orphaned as a North Korean refugee in China, I began most of my younger life as a slave to a series of extremely demanding and sadistic masters throughout Asia and SE Asia, kept for most of my younger years in China, Thailand, Cambodia and finally was an owned slave boy in Macau until I aged out.



TheMagnificentBottom, 20
I live in Kensington with my slave and can host at my place in a discreet and well equipped flat.

My slave is kept 24/7 fully encased in rubber and hooded with a gag in his mouth. Photo of him was the last taken before his submergence into a permanent human shaped rubber thing.

I am very interested in having someone help me torture his mind to the limits and beyond. I’m so fucking horny that I need his last input gone. Use the keyword “brainwashing” and I will be instantly friendly.

As far as the toy collection goes, there is a lot up to about 9.3 cm in diameter. If you like, we can smoke meth while we use them.


TheMagnificentBottom (Owner) – July 23, 2024
I also love to fuck girls up the arse.

TheMagnificentBottom (Owner) – July 23, 2024
Who wants to take me to the Alanis Morissette concert 8/16? You can ravage my slave head to toe as a thank you.



gymboyJew, 19
Looking for older daddies to serve, I’m a fit young gym Jew boy in to anti-semitic play, if you’re not keep it moving, I’m just into anti-semitic play.

How I know if you read my profile.

Answer me this:

One of my biggest weaknesses is that I don’t have a father how would you exploit that?

Nothing personal, but I’m not into Jewish guys, sorry if that’s you.


HungBiGuy – July 5, 2024
Talk about great timing!

idrc – July 3, 2024
you don’t deserve to be happy and i think you should be miserable.

LittleRascal – July 2, 2024
New to anti-Semitism, but it felt right.



dancingfagpig, 19
my bf died by suicide in march and now i don’t give a fuck anymore you tell me
he choked or bagged or hung me everyday
he liked me to to bag myself on cam knowing that guys watching me hoped i’d go too far so they could watch my naked body convulse in death spasms
i have gone to unconscious many times
he pushed needles through my cock and balls and nipples on a regular basis
sometimes i let him throw darts at my butt
sometimes i let him bag and hang me and strangle me as i came
one time i let him wrap and encase me in plastic wrap head to toe and then a few layers of duct tape leaving only two small nose holes for air that he then took away to watch me suffocate
it’s only my biggest memory that i think about every single day


dancingfagpig (Owner) – July 22, 2024
however once you’re done please cuddle me in your arms and tell me everything is going to be okay



LostBet, 21
So I lost a bet and need to get my haircut and color and eyebrows done. Piercings and tattoos are also fair game. It can be anything you want from buzzcut to middle part to south side fade to pompadour to mohawk to even like reverse mohawk or old man cut and anything from nothing with the brows to shaving them both off completely to random patches literally anything. For the color same as the other things you can do whatever you want from one full head of regular or a random color or poka dots or stripes or random patch’s of color or whatever. Piercings and tattoos can be anywhere and I mean anywhere from my entire face to anywhere in my body or the entire body.


LostBet (Owner) – July 13, 2024
Fuck egalitarianism!

drysimon – July 13, 2024
You and your profile are an ever evolving manuscript that one day someone will look back upon aghast, and they shall forever need to burn their bloody eyes out from the verbiage that spilled out of your mind.



homewrecker, 18
Boy next door, kidnapped, traceless, clean bill of health, Latvia, 20k or best offer.


homewrecker (Owner) – July 21, 2024
WARNING due to a recent “accident” he only has one eye.

brutalrules – July 9, 2024
He’s not the boy next door no matter where you live.

Xill – July 6, 2024
He is not fit for anything else in life other than captivity and abuse. I believe that because an earlier experience I had with him has showed me that to be the case.

homewrecker (Owner) – July 4, 2024
I am providing him with shelter and food.
When he is not being used he is chained up in my garage.
He’s got a wonky schedule but am willing to arrange for cam inspection if you’re flexible.
No political correctness crap that stifles free speech! This is after all a MASTER/slave forum. If you don’t like it move on!
DON’T contact ME unless you able to travel to MY place to pick him up within 2 weeks.



loveemquiet, 19
I am selling 8 videos showing the pictured young man being sexually used and abused while asleep. The young man is straight. It began as a plot by the young man’s gay stepfather to take his virginity and potentially blackmail the young man and quickly evolved into an addiction. The videos were shot in Germany between August 2022 and February 2023. I was the videographer and verify their authenticity.


loveemquiet (Owner) – July 16, 2024
I’d have to schedule another week or two of vacation, but it will have to be after my hip replacement.

blushwhoopsy – July 16, 2024
Hey there I’m a Latino father of 16yo here in Hamburg area. I regularly have sex with him when he is drugged and I’m very eager to let someone film that. If you can have sex with him too even better. Serious.

loveemquiet (Owner) – July 8, 2024
He moved in with his girlfriend.

sleepmeplease – July 8, 2024
Why did it stop in April ’23?

loveemquiet (Owner) – July 8, 2024
I’m just the videographer and wasn’t there for the dosing, so I’m not entirely sure, but my understanding is he was given snacks laced with GHB and prescription sleeping medication.

Goodfriend – July 8, 2024
The videos are incredible! What is the boy taking to pass out? Just curious. This is all so new to me, and i think it’s hot.

stony – July 5, 2024
I m a german too. (surprise ;D )
My interests are all kinds of sex from unconscious young males and last but not least cannibalism play.
A short time ago I “ate” a boy in Belarus and had start to write the story but only in german, at this moment my english is not good enough by half to write the story in english ).
The story I have nearly finished, the grammar is not yet perfect.
regards stony

BlushingBear – July 5, 2024
Hello, I am new here and looking for contacts in Germany where you can pass on sleeping boy. Like to lick the ass of sleeping boys. I made ​​it with my younger brother when he was in a coma until his death. I also fucked him and hosed him down. Now I am looking for contacts where I can do something. Sends a personal message.



Crucifier, 24
I am Master Fucker. They call me the Crucifier. I can make the toughest guy, straight as they come, my bitch. My powers of persuasion are unrealistic. My attractiveness is universal. Guys have fought back, but they’ve never said no. Do you have a guy you want fuck or punish or destroy who seems impossible? Friend, co-worker, relative, guy you see around at clubs, …? They’ll be your/our cunt if I’m there. Let me get you your dream. It’s what I live for.


Joeblow – July 9, 2024
Crucifier agreed to accompany me to a techno club I frequent. There’s a snotty twink regular who never gives me the time of day. Sure enough, one look at Crucifier and the twink was gaga. Within 20 minutes we had him back at my place, poppered stupid and duct taped to the floor. We fucked him, pissed on him and fisted him! FUCKING HOT. THX SIR!

Crucifier (Owner) – July 2, 2024
Sex without pain is like food without taste.

Dirtyfuck – July 2, 2024
Soo unspeakably hot to let Crucifier turn my consensual Dom/sub relationship with my boyfriend into to the far more satisfying no consent/no limits situation. Especially when I invited the bf’s ex over for dinner. Seeing the ex’s look of shock and disgust at how far the boy has fallen was fucking glorious.

Crucifier (Owner) – Jun 26, 2024
No problem, hit me up. No fuckin bloody morals here!! Morals are for that fuckin looser shit Xrist and its fuckin filthy whore mother!

luca17yocutme – Jun 26, 2024
Hey, I’m Luca. I’m a 17yo sick, twisted, hot, dark, fucked up, freaky, piggy pig, extreme, fucking filthy, ultimate young super perv. I’m looking for a butcher or cannibal into cannibalism, butchering, castration and organ donation. I’m interested in making myself available to you as a victim and meat.



TatterhallJail, 20
My name is Dazed and this is where I live.

You can live here too. It will give you nightmares.


TatterhallJail (Owner) – July 15, 2024
I don’t have any pics of me because I’m living in a homophobic country.
I don’t wanna go to jail hahahaha.

TatterhallJail (Owner) – July 14, 2024
I am the only child of my parents. My parents are the most wonderful family i have had and I enjoyed. Unfortunately, my Mom was run over by a motorist and my Dad passed away due to respiratory related problems. To me I lost the backbone of my life. I was only 11 yrs by then. I grew up with my uncle not knowing other members of the family. I live in his jail. I’m close to my uncle since he’s gay and a pedophile. I see this as a sort of meditation and genuinely do not want to escape. That all seems extreme I know, I’m honestly not this weird in ‘real life.’



Chasing_personal_growth, 20
I know I look about 15 but I am 20 somehow. Please don’t ask me if I’m underage because I’m not. I’m so fucking tired of it. The following was written really fast to be completely honest … but maybe also not super structured.

I used to be an extremely shy person, lookup introvert in the dictionary and you’ll find my childhood picture there. At best my shyness could have been called awkward, at worst (and probably more accurately) it could have been described as debilitating.

I’ve always been the smallest boy in class, in the team, in the group. As a young teenager, it bothered me always being the shortest one, but this changed fundamentally when I first experienced men’s desire for my body and my tiny ass. The feeling of being ‘fuckable’ in the eyes of a man meant everything to me, filled my entire body with an immense, warm feeling of pride and meaning. I became grateful for being who I am and grateful for my small body and my tiny ass.

Since discovering my ass and my boy hole as my sex, since gradually finding out that such a shy, short boy guy like me can in fact be even more sexy than those ‘heteronormative’ guys that surrounded me all day, since I first had a man’s cock deep inside me and experienced a guy’s raw manly lust for my ass, I’ve stuck to this body positive way of thinking, being proud of my body, just as it is, and especially proud of my tiny ass.

My ideal lover is absolutely a total top – physically, emotionally and mentally – to fuck your boy, to lick his ass, stretch his boy hole and fill him out and pound him long and hard isn’t merely a preference, it’s what really defines you as a man. You’re not afraid to live out your porn fantasies with an ass, and if you demand that IRL sex with a boy’s ass to be like what you see in porn, then you’re my ideal!


Satanicperv – July 9, 2024
I’m looking to sell his soul and his piss.

Satanicperv – July 3, 2024
I suggest that you write your preferences and limits on paper and provide them to me in person, that way I can wipe my ass with it.

VariousNames – Jun 27, 2024
I’d describe him as a very horny young man.

Chasing_personal_growth (Owner) – Jun 20, 2024
I’ve had to age verify like 3 times and every time I do and get my account back it bugs so that’s why I’m back on a new account and have half my face obscured. I do have face pics in my private gallery but I look underage so I can’t have them on my public one.

NoPantsNoProblem – Jun 17, 2024
He’s got an empty head and he’s just a lot of fun.



asschurch, 19
Name is Enzo, a tasty little 19 year old maso from Sweden, not much into conversations, love death metal, favorite hobby is to shove my fist and toys up my hole and break my O-rings and watch it prolapse. I don’t want anything romantical, don’t want kisses and getting fucked by a dick, only want to get my hole stretched and yanked out, want bowel incontinence, need help please, HMU if you like worn out young hole.


asschurch (Owner) – July 18, 2024
What is love????

vanquish – July 18, 2024
I loved proving that your pretty ass is just gift wrapped internal organs like every other ass.

asschurch (Owner) – July 16, 2024
See I used to top, had a threesome with a bottom and another top, we were fucking this bottom, suddenly the other top started touching me, said I had the perfect body for a bottom, grabbed me by the neck, threw me to the bed, put my legs behind my head, the bottom grabbed my hands so I couldn’t move, he started to eat my pussy, so I feel that’s what broke me into all this.

Thebest – July 16, 2024
Do his hole, yes, but make time to swallow his Milky Way and let the salty cream baste your larynx. It’s thick gooey and best of all not asparagus scented.

asschurch (Owner) – July 9, 2024
Thanks for talking to me. I feel flattered about that :3!

Kinkytwink04 – July 9, 2024
Not just an inside-out hole also sane enough to hold a convo.

asschurch (Owner) – July 7, 2024
When I was a child i wanted to be a doctor, but the world had different intentions for me.



BeRightBack, 19
On the outside, I’m a happy, sweet Tgirl who’s good at school, great group of friends and understanding family, and activities I enjoy. But earlier in the year, I explored being hypnotised, behaviourly changed into a twink boy and remote tracked by online old men, and I realised that I just do better with someone else in control. So I’m ready to be claimed, move away, be kept male, twinky, naked and completely exposed and vulnerable, and start a whole new life with someone old (only 60-99).


BeRightBack (Owner) – Jun 30, 2024
I am now disabled which means I’m always free.

BeRightBack (Owner) – Jun 23, 2024
There is always a empty space in my head. I can’t help to feel the loneliness and the void from time to time.

BeRightBack (Owner) – Jun 19, 2024
I am now a drone. I will always expect to gave the word no respected.

BeRightBack (Owner) – Jun 8, 2024
You might recognise this profile pic and sorry if you were speaking to me yesterday before about 11 pm and wondered where my account went. Just woke up after drifting off to sleep for an hour or so to find somebody who asked for my email hacked my newly created account and has now deleted it. People have been messaging to say they’ve seen 2 of me so think they’ve also copied my account. So I’ve no idea what messages have been sent “from me”. I’m terrified.



nicktyler, 20
i have recently been released as an owned slave after three years as personal property and looking to be permanently owned again.

i am biologically male. However, my previous owner made physical modifications to me during his years of ownership…he had small breast implants and nipple implants inserted in my chest as he was a firm advocate of TT and abuse. He had my testicles removed to keep me focused on him as owned property (now i am an impotent Eunich) along with him having all my teeth removed so as to provide him pleasurable suction and no teeth sharpness during me giving oral sex (i now wear full dentures when in public.)

i realize i sound like a freak but actually with dentures in place and baggy shirt or jacket covering chest… i really am quite normal looking when out and about in public.


nicktyler (Owner) – July 21, 2024
sorry i’ll be deleting this ad in one week. i’ve joined one of the churches in Utah. i confessed all my sins yesterday. i can’t go down this road, my fear is that there will be nothing at end of journey, just a dead end. i waited too long. i have acquired many spiritual gifts that few even in my church have obtained. i’m sure many may say unkind words to me after reading this. i will not answer those messages. i am not in a position to judge anyone. ive been attracted to Men since I was four years old. it took a long time for me realize that there nothing wrong with myself. it’s just the way I am. i am in no way attracted to women, i can recognize a beautiful woman, but i would never look twice, not interested. if this is a sin, then it will follow me to the grave, i can’t change, if i could, i still would not. thank you and good luck one and all.

nicktyler (Owner) – July 17, 2024
i would most like to experience:
– hypno
– brainwashing
– brain deterioration

HumourlessGuy – July 13, 2024
I have bipolar and need my medications which btw Im no lunatic I just get super depressed if I don’t have my meds.

guythatsonline – July 8, 2024
I won’t describe his looks, but let’s just say it’s worse than you imagine. It is very bad. I bailed when I saw it.

nicktyler (Owner) – July 5, 2024
sorry about the non-revealing photo but most people stop talking with me when they know what i look like.



Comeandgetme, 20
I want a man who scares the shit out of me. I want him to be totally obsessed with me and what I do. I want him to stalk me, come up behind me, put his hand over my mouth, chloroform me, take my belt off my shorts, strangle me out, take me somewhere far away, tie me up, strip me of all my bad habits, break me down completely until I’m no longer me, use me as a 🚽 for one month or 6 or more, then send me off to live the rest of my life as whatever is left of me. I want that bad.


iluvmascochistictwinks – July 10, 2024
He cuts hair at a mens hair salon in east Houston and he has two dogs.

Comeandgetme (Owner) – July 8, 2024
I also want vivisection scars I think it’s a cute idea walking around with scars that remind you of what you will become



nothinggood, 22
I’m a male who loves basketball and older women but I’m always horny and women who like me are scarce so hmu if u want a bj or to get fucked or eat me out.


nothinggood (Owner) – July 12, 2024
I might be open to an older man who’d teach me how to love.

nothinggood (Owner) – July 9, 2024
I am locked in chastity with my keys in a bag full of water in the freezer.

nothinggood (Owner) – July 6, 2024
I can wear my neighbor’s daughter’s used panties I stole.

nothinggood (Owner) – July 6, 2024
I have sometimes watched wrestle porn to get off. Something about naked sweaty guys going at it until one wins and fucks the loser is sexy to me.



Johnjohn, 18
im not 18 im a little bit lost i never had sex yet i feel not confident in the free life im in roaring spring pennsylvania its my first time with a guy and i gotta hide it from my parents cant drive cuz i suck at driving so i need someone to pick me up and we can go somewhere to fuck


Yeshellohyes – July 22, 2024
Stupid faggot … drinks too much acts stupid and takes dick in its shithole. Please share these photos everywhere and tell him u saw him on telegram. Tell him his life is ruined forever.

RoughRider – July 19, 2024
I cannot describe the feeling when having my cock inside him. But I it felt as if half of my body had gone missing after I pulled out.

Omar – July 15, 2024
I’m Omar and I love spanking boys severely. I spank violently for pleasure as it’s not about punishment to me though I realise the effect is out of my jurisdiction. I can fuck you if you insist. It depends on your butt. Spanking is my only fetish so I hope you’re interested.



destroymycock, 19
I’m a young heroin junkie who is too much of a wreck to get what I deserve but who wants to be shot up with dope and treated like useless little garbage and blackmailed into being owned and abused make sure you degrade and destroy me the one thing I truly want is you to destroy my cock in any way you see fit I’d like to be left with just a stump so I don’t have to think about if I’m into it my balls can stay or go your choice then to be doped up and raped endlessly I want to be high on dope and filled with piss and cum choking on your cock and puking as you thrust into me beaten and used as a cum rag every minute every second forever and ever and ever.


mandown – July 20, 2024
Disclaimer, he’s a bad influence.

upieceofshitfaggot – July 16, 2024
My temperament bipolar, I choose violence.

destroymycock (Owner) – July 13, 2024
I should say I am in a committed relationship but going crazy due to my boyfriend dying of cancer and being in the hospital for extended periods of time and he’s busy with that and won’t care.

JosephMitchell – July 9, 2024
I dated him for six months and he never said no to getting fucked and beaten and bladdy bladdy blah.

destroymycock (Owner) – July 1, 2024
I forgot the most important part I would like to find a master willing to “euthanize” me before he passes so I can follow him into death.

Theriver – July 1, 2024
I’m sure someone here can give you what you deserve 👀 I wonder who.



Gunaddict, 21
I am looking for a killer who snuffs me by headshot. Dream is to be raped at gunpoint several times and then get my final fuck. When you unload in my ass, you pull the trigger while the barrel is deep in my mouth and blow my brains out.
I prefer big caliber revolvers with short barrel such as Taurus 444 or S&W 627.


Gunaddict (Owner) – July 13, 2024
I am a 21 year old male, shaved body hair, some tattoos, german, vgl and always had beautiful girlfriends, living in Iceland. Wow, I actually put the truth in a bio!

blurryx – July 13, 2024
describe youself; gender, age, physical features. Where do you live?

Gunaddict (Owner) – July 8, 2024
I am open for all suggestions as long as I have a gun at my head.

Imsogoddamhorny – July 8, 2024
Whoever does this, I beseech you to extract the ass from his corpse when you’re finished. I had it when he was escorting in Prague last year, and it’s beyond perfect. It should be preserved and dissected and studied for the sake of science.

Gunaddict (Owner) – July 7, 2024
That famous porn star who snuffed a boy was caught on Telegram or something, so you guys into apps, no thanks.

Satansdeathperv – July 7, 2024




p.s. Hey. ** Måns BT, Hi, Måns! Wow, crazy that you work at that cinema. I remember the FilmForm people saying it had excellent programming in general. Gosh, we’d love to show our new film there. We still need to put a little final post-production polish on it, but then, yeah, maybe I’ll hit you up for the contact. Thank you a lot! I like the sound of your short film. The premise is very charismatic. Do you have collaborators you’re working with, I guess I mean to do the sound and lights and so on, or is it more of a one person plus actors thing? I’ll be very interested to see it when it’s finished and watchable. You’re I’m Spain. When I think of Spain right now, all I can think of is the heat. Not a fan of the summer. Maybe it’s more exotic or pleasurable to you coming from up north. My week, other than the terrible heat, has been okay. Seeing friends live and on Zoom, which is nice because Paris is kind of emptied out of locals right now because of the Olympics. Have great fun. Enjoy the reading and the surroundings? Where are you in Spain? ** jay, I did see that Tesla artwork. I only didn’t include it because it seemed like everyone has probably already seen it. Good old Tesla, always thinking ahead, not. Oh, right, ‘power bottoms’ need a particular kind of top, don’t they? Lots of potential interiority there. Makes me want to make a porn. ** Thomas H, Hi. Sorry about the dreadfulness. Me too. Fuck the world. I may have already said this, but get a fan and turn it on and point it at the bed while you sleep. Mosquitos can’t fly in even the lightest breeze, and you’re safe. Good luck on the applications, or with one inviting one at least. Nice, the podcast. Let me/us know when it’s hearable. I’m hoping for a vastly improved Wednesday for you. ** _Black_Acrylic, In person much more than in images, Charley’s car wreck is definitely one of the greatest ever artworks. Very lovely if you do some writing, obviously. But no pressure. I should restore your saucy seaside postcards post. And I will! I wonder if ‘Saucy’ is on my go-to illegal movie site. Only one way to find out. ** Charalampos, Huh. Well, she did write that old west novel. There must be a haystack or two in it. That kind of made sense. I don’t know about Antonio Orlando, but David commented right after you, so I’ll ask him. Hi from horribly muggy Paris. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Here’s a question to you from a fellow d.l. that he thought you might have the answer to? ‘I wonder if info exists on the actor Antonio Orlando. He was in a bunch of Schroeter films and Salo too. I think he died after Magdalena did after the film The rose king but I am curious to know more. Maybe @David Ehrenstein knows? I am sure he does.’ Do you? ** Deisel Clementine, Hey. Thank you for the ultra-sparkling prose poems or experimental short (non)-fiction or both. I think it’s perfectly okay for anyone to butt in on any discussion here, or that’s my thinking. I’m going to wrap my head around the dog top for a moment before it becomes useful to my grasp of submissive bottoms, but that does feel like a working lobby. ** Bill, Hey. Me too, err, no surprise. And the very, very slowly self-demolishing car. I think that was my fave. It was brutally hot here yesterday, and the Barrett doc got rescued from that and put on hold until the heatwave is a corpse. ** Uday, Glad it rained there. It’s raining here today after yesterday’s death by air-level heat, and now it’s a little less hot but unbelievably muggy. Kill me. I’m not obsessed with cars, but I grew up in LA where you absolutely need to have one, and I fell a little in love with driving itself, although I don’t really care what the vehicle is. Nice Hardwick quote. I should reread her. So nice that you adore your parents. I never had that. Too complicated. But my friend Zac adores his, and that seems to make life a lot easier. Uh, I think I only make my bed when people are coming over. Actually, someone is coming over today, so I’d better go make it. With the current heat here, all I want is a beautifully thin sheet. Okay, do you make your bed? I’m betting so. ** Lucas, I did and still do! Oh, wild, that that background is from that film. A lot of ‘that’s there. Yesterday was awful, then it rained and the temps lowered, but now it’s so muggy while still hottish that I hope my sweat doesn’t short out my keyboard. Enjoy the Roni Horn. It should be nice and chilled inside the museum at least. I got your email. I’ll read it as soon as I can and the heat allows. Thank you! xo. ** Misanthrope, As someone who’s had a couple of significantly younger boyfriends, I am definitely not your judge. I do hope I’ll get meet Alex, yes! Happy birthday to him, in fact. What’re y’all doing for that? I’m still gradually upswinging, at least health-wise. ‘Deadpool …’ is definitely a planer for me. ** Joseph, Oh, right, about the raccoon bath. At least he wasn’t a filthy porcupine. I am going to read Massman. I’m on the hunt. You know, I don’t know were the banner comes from. I just saw that gif and thought it did enough and not enough to be something people could look at every day without being driven batty. ** Jeff J, Hi. Thanks. Do tell me about that novella. How did I miss that? Wow. I don’t think the Korine is going to play here, but it’s downloadable now, so I’ll finally see it. Michael Salerno was just completely raving about it, Talk to you in a bit. ** Harper, Precisely. For me, given the material I work with, finding R-G when I was in the last stages of figuring out how to write my Cycle was a major revelation. His films are really excellent too, if you haven’t seen them. It was very miserably hot here yesterday too. Shockingly so, even. All the luck on the test results. ‘Out 1’, yay. I won’t say anything. I’ll let you find out. If you ever go to LA, you’re gonna want to save up a bunch of Uber funds. ** Justin D, Hi, J. Glad you liked them. I did not manage to stay cool, although, thanks to a rather pathetic quasi-air conditioner thing I have — basically a fan with a slight cooling function — I didn’t faint or anything. You must have AC. AC is still considered decadent here. ** Huckleberry Shelf, Hey, Huckleberry! I know, I’m really excited about the new Joy Williams. It just kind of snuck up on the world. As you no doubt know, the too busy and exciting periods of a writer’s life are to be highly cherished since the work always eventually pulls you back. So, enjoy. Anything exciting or busy worth commenting about? Well, other than those you just did, I mean. I haven’t seen ‘Blonde Death’, but I know James Robert Baker’s stuff. He and I were friendly. Very complicated guy. Mm, ‘Tim and Pete’ is kind of his best known novel, and it’s quite good. ‘Boy Wonder’ is less ‘transgressive’ and nice/fun. My pleasure on the cars. A lustrous today to you and yours! ** Right. End of the month always brings out the slaves, and this month ends no differently. See you tomorrow.


  1. jay

    Haha, lots of weird shit today as per usual. That “bullet in the back of the head as I climax” thing is so fascinating, if I had less self control I’d probably get into it a little. I do also live in a country where guns are pretty strictly regulated, so any partners I have had who’ve been into guns have all had a slightly comical air to them. It’s definitely not as scary to have an air pistol in your mouth while someone’s railing you.

    Yeah, all that top/bottom stuff is kind of fascinating to me, obviously everyone has preferences, but some people seem entirely closed off to new things. The idea of saying “I’m exclusively into being a dominant penetratee” is honestly kind of cool, knowing exactly what you like and not being willing to accept anything else.

    PS! I think your blog header might be the main guy from a French TV show called Mysterious Ladybug, or something like that. It has a pretty huge BL following.

  2. _Black_Acrylic

    Last night I saw the 2nd episode of Saucy which turned out to be quite good. It featured an interview with David Sullivan, the entrepreneur who founded the adult magazine Whitehouse which is where the legendary band got their name and logo from. Cosey Fanni Tutti often modelled for it too, so the guy had his fingerprints all over the early Industrial music scene.

  3. Måns BT

    Hey Dennis!

    Yeah, that’s a fun coincidence! It’s a nice little theatre, I’ve had a great time working there so far. I, and most likely everyone else at Zita, would love to show yours and Zac’s new film, I’m glad you sound positive about the idea! I’m very excited to see it, is there anything you could share about it? I get if you don’t want to say anything before it’s released though!

    Thank you for showing interest in ‘Papaya’, I’m glad you find the premise to be charismatic. I’m mostly alone behind the camera, and I’ll probably edit everything and so on, but I have a friend who’s more of a musical talent than I am, so he’s in charge of the music and the sound. It makes me happy that you would like to watch it, I’ll send you a link to it when it’s done (unless it becomes so horrible that I don’t dare showing it to anyone…).

    Spain is hot, but it’s more bearable than it usually is this time of year. My family has an apartment not too far from Malaga, so we come here about once a year. I’m unaware of the French climate, is it very hot there? I am enjoying the reading and my surroundings, a bit unsure about how I feel about The 120 Days, but it’s an interesting read. Are you reading anything particular at the moment?

  4. Lucas

    hi! the roni horn exhibition was super nice! I went with my cousin and her friends and it was this guided tour so I didn’t get to look at everything everything super thoroughly but it was really cool and informative and so on. it closes on Aug 11 so I definitely want to go again sometime soon. the weather wasn’t so bad, it was just scorching hot on my train ride back home. and the humidity was more annoying than anything really. how are you doing? how’s your week so far?

  5. Steve

    KillaBoySlut – great rapper name!

    nicktyler wins this month’s most elaborate fantasy life. The prize is sex with a Mormon daddy.

    My parents and I signed a contract at the bank today, so our main business here is done. The next step is meeting with our lawyer in September. I’m heading back to NYC tomorrow afternoon.

  6. David Ehrenstein

    Antonio Orlando was the love of Werner Schroeter’s life. He was Beyond Gorgeous and physically incisive as to win a place in my Personal Gallery of Great Beauties (Peter H. Beard, Sami Frey, David Warwick, Edouard Dermithe, and of course Alain Delon) I am no longer using the term “Iconic” as it has been so overused by the media as it no longer has any meaning

    • Charalampos

      He has very interesting filmography and is completely gorgeous guy. It is such a shame he died so young only twenty eight years old and I still don’t know how by searching on Google. It made me very sad especially after seeing some of his roles like the one on The rose king. Werner Schroeter has really great filmography worth exploring and I should read his memoir I have near more carefully if for more info on Antonio

  7. Thomas H

    Thanks for the good luck wishes – at this point it’s kind of a fugue state of mindless application- and cover-letter-writing when I find something that seems tolerable. It’s weird with my immigration status here in Canada too – need a steady job to extend my residency, but am less likely to be hired if I can’t guarantee my residency already. It stinks!

    The guest episodes with Michael Lutz are available to the public as of yesterday at – we talked about Bush-era political satire, the Fallout games, and the Homestuck phenomenon, by way of online cartoons. I hope you enjoy if you listen, even if it’s way outside of your wheelhouse.

    My Wednesday has started with leftover sushi so things aren’t all bad. My friend started showing me The Golden Girls since I’d never seen it before, and I’m getting into it as a cosy but sharp sitcom. Starting to understand why I remember it being one of those shows “The Gays” like so much.

    Have a lovely Wednesday yourself~!

  8. Joseph

    Language highlights this month are: “Who wants to take me to the Alanis Morisette concert on 8/16?” , “New to anti-semitism but it felt right..”, and “I don’t want to go to jail!”. All three made me smile.

    BeRightBack looks like someone I would’ve followed during the random times in my life I had a FetLife account, which I deleted because it became mostly ads for OnlyFans and was a total time suck.

    Finally got the damn car fixed so can get back to writing, speaking of time sucks.

    Hope you enjoy Massman when you get to him.

    Jay solved the banner question but Ni Nu Koni is fun if you’re in the market for something fairly easy on the brain but tedious enough to be complicated.

  9. Harper

    Hi. If I’m ever in a situation where needing to drive is necessary then I would learn, but I’m basically seeing how long I can possibly go without having to drive. Living in London it’s not necessary, in New York it wouldn’t be necessary either. To be honest it would be an inconvenience to have a car in that case. But yeah, LA must be a nightmare if you can’t drive. From what I’ve heard it’s public transport is very bad, compared to London at least.

    Working on a very difficult bit in my book at the moment. I have the feeling that some of my ideas are so fragile in my hands that they’ll break apart before I get to write them, or that I’ll forget a certain idea.
    I always remember that quote I’m pretty sure by William Gaddis (although I can’t find it) about how if he didn’t find it difficult to write then it would be boring and he’d give up because he wouldn’t have a puzzle to solve.

    I watched episode two of ‘Out 1’. I’m getting really into it now and read about the Balzac connection which I thought was really cool, and am intrigued by the secret plot thing. Apparently it gets more confusing as it goes on so I’m getting excited. Jean-Pierre Leaud is so good in it, as is Juliet Berto. Very unpredictable performances allround. Love the costumes as well.

    Living at home is really getting to me. It’s gone from being tediously sentimental to just plain frustrating. My dad keeps getting mad at me for random things, like saying I talk too quietly. He always says I talk ‘like a mouse’. That’s his saying. His hearing clearly isn’t too great, he’s got tinnitus. All the gigs he went to in his youth probably. The other day he told me I was unequipped to handle life because I was sitting and not saying anything, and out of nowhere he demanded to know why I was depressed and he started this big argument about nothing and he guilt tripped me for theoretical things I haven’t done. Anyway, I’ll be out of here in September. I’m looking for various places. Really hoping I don’t have shitty flatmates again.

  10. G

    What an interesting bunch of slaves (and masters…). “Not Feminine” is quite feminine in a great way…?! Though his descrption is weirdly anticlimactic. Dying to know your fave slaves, Dennis. Also, hope you’ve been really well. I’ve been thinking of you & Paris… Bisous

  11. Deisel Clementine


    We hear a man panting. Acompanied by a metronome of slapping flesh. After about 15 beats, the metronome stops. The panting sounds exhausted. Breathes in sharply. Stops.


    Middle of a dry summer. DEAD DOG (greyhound) lies, legs stiff – outstretched, on tarmac road.

    Closeup of large BLACK FLY buzzing (loud, sound almost peaking) above DEAD DOG’s eye. The shot cuts before the fly touches the fogged eye.


    (See: Adam West Batman “Pow!”) “ZAP!” Electric blue. Soft neon glow.


    CLOSE-UP.  Chintz wallpaper. Hanging BUG-ZAPPER.  DEAD BLACK FLY falls from surface of BUG-ZAPPER.

    MID-SHOT. YOUNG BOY (8-10, blond,  wearing silver costume space suit) stands, staring at a space on the floor below BUG-ZAPPER.

    MUM (30ish, blonde, wearing cheap costume komono) walks in holding EMPTY PILLOWCASE. The top of the frame cuts off before her head (see: adults in cartoons). She grabs YOUNG BOY’S wrist and pulls him out of frame.


    Blue white light. KEBAB MAN (late 30s, sweating, messy white shirt) slices long strips of DÖNER from spinning LOG OF MEAT.

    Loads the meat onto a polystyrene BOX OF CHIPS [FRIES].

    Squirt of red KEBAB SAUCE.


    Relfection in FUNERAL HOME window: SKINHEAD (19, black skinny jeans, red balaclava over face) walks into frame, holding BRICK.


    SKINHEAD flings the brick at the window. Smashes.


    CLOSE-UP: APPOLO 13 ASTRONAUT SUIT (shoulders and helmet). Smashed helmet screen – unintelligable mess of blood/viscera/collapsed bone.


    EXTREME CLOSE-UP: ASSHOLE – first clenched. Then, consciously, trying to relax/gape.

    A FINGER moves into frame towards the centre of ASSHOLE.


    CLOSE-UP: DEISEL (24, Long brown hair, wearing; white bootleg bart simpson t-shirt, and JNCO jeans) licks red KEBAB SAUCE from his/her fingers.

    MEDIUM: To the right of DEISEL, passed-out CLUBBER BOY (23, spiky blond hair) – face pressed against the glass.

    DEISEL sets the BOX OF CHIPS [FRIES] from his/her lap and onto the lap of CLUBBER BOY.

    DEISEL takes his/her SMARTPHONE from JNCO JEAN pocket.

    CLOSE-UP: SMARTPHONE. Thumb scrolls down Dennis Cooper blog to comment section. Thumb clicks on comment text box. Types:

    “Thanks – yeah – honestly, this has ended up being a nice forum for writing little low-stakes bits writing every day. Hope the constructed nature of what I end up writing isn’t too … gauche ?  But, aye, any thoughts on dominant bottoms post wrapping-head-round-dog-top?”

  12. Nicholas.

    Howdy! You were so right I took a days off to think about how yeah you’re right it’s a talent/privilege to be able to that so yeah boom. My god it took me a long time to realize bubbly fizzy stuff just hurts in the end but I did team water now. Hum I need moving advice America is so Horrible I’ll come back to sell things but living eh not really well I’ll come back to big sky country later. So before you said Paris had boys that look like my favorite porn star and I’m crazy enough to live there for that or at least move and check it out. I was also thinking Brazil I think I’d fit in fine on and New Zealand for nature survival purposes really idk any suggestions or try em all out and find out. Berlin is too Berlin and New York is one big lesson it gets really old if you’re actually smart California is way to ageless and fake for me the temperate weather gives me the jeebies honestly and I’ll be there for work I’m sure. Oh you did this before and it’s even more important idk if culture has caught up to crediting you but if you were gonna make a digital gif book thingy again what would you do? I’m thinking a computer virus that’s actually just a diary that’s sort of a book? Alright enough brains what’s for dinner and what’d you do today xoxo brb.

  13. Darby😸

    Hi I am writing.
    I finished school yesterday, the two classes.
    Sspeaking of which I got those staples out my leg now.
    I didnt wait at the hospital because why wait when you could do it at home and it didn’t hurt so why,
    I applied to work at a pet supermarket near me because I want to make money so can leave this program and before I die or something . I leave in November.

    Its hard to be sad when theres a very chubby warm cat sitting on your arm as you type. Frankie has been really kind to me. I never knew Charles Bukowski had an interest in cats as well, he wrote that poem about them where he calls them amazing teachers and that they retain their dignity depsite being such needy clingy demons.
    I love ramen. I had ramen with naruto

    I see you did a post on cars that’s very cool what is your favorite car but you cant say the one you own.
    My friend has a birthday tomorrow. How have you been? Have you seen any good movies or anything lately?

  14. Dev

    Ayy, a slave with the same name as me (Devon). First time I’ve noticed one at least. I’ll have to follow your synchronized swimming recommendation when I have some spare time. Currently prepping for med school orientation weekend. The dress shirt I ordered for the white coat ceremony arrived with a stain, so I spent this afternoon running around town looking for a replacement, which took forever because I wear an XS and no one carries them in store. You would hate the heat here right now; we’re basically on a nonstop heat advisory so walking just a mile or so is miserable.

  15. Justin D

    Hey, Dennis! Some really haunting stuff today: “I should say I am in a committed relationship but going crazy due to my boyfriend dying of cancer and being in the hospital for extended periods of time and he’s busy with that and won’t care.” “There is always a empty space in my head. I can’t help to feel the loneliness and the void from time to time.” These kind of stuck with me for a while today. This feels like a much sadder bunch of slaves than usual. Yes, I have AC, thankfully. I’ll make sure to schedule my Paris trip for sometime in the fall or winter then! Has your ear returned to its normal state? 👂

  16. nat

    hiiiii. oh god i’m early, well late to the post cycle, early in europe. i gotta give a quick shoutouts to Chasing_personal_growth’s tasteful shots, really impressive blocking there. ‘ however once you’re done please cuddle me in your arms and tell me everything is going to be okay’ …okay this one hits too close to home.

    ‘So, he’s so not cute that…’ oh dude is a ten outta ten probably would get featured here if he had an account.. maybe he does. i dunno if it’s a flu or the whipping i was sore either way, but ya know sometimes outside view is needed. he also likes the marbled swarm, so you know extra points…. though i wonder what part of domination is using a felt pen to my own copy lol.

    been messing around with video game modding too much that i think i might be going insane. it’s funny how one of my main hobbies now is just taking pornographical photos in a video game, like i wonder how me five years ago would have thought about that lmao.

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