Snatch Wylden Site
Snatch Walden’s POLICE LUCIFER @ CLOAK/Asterism
Enter the abstract narrative landscape of SLASHER REDUXXX. The newest work from Snatch Wylden, weaving avant-garde compositions with existential metafiction, philosophical horror, spectral dances, the enigmatic strands pulled from the fabric that separates dream and reality.
Let the text lure you into its mirror maze, over every booby trap, towards each surfacing decoy. Traverse the recesses of an undisclosed consciousness. Slowly approach. Through the meshed masks of duality, persona, portrayal. Let the text pull you further into your subversive roles. Leave your narrator behind. The path from chaos to cohesion is attuned to the steps of the dreamer / slasher / the soul of the model.
SLASHER REDUXXX bends experience into abstraction. It speaks through the disembodied voices of the void. Shattered strata. Pulled teeth. Nondescript viscera. In the spaces between words, submerged in warm blood, under cold earth.
Not all books are meant to be read. Not all artifacts are meant to be coveted. Welcome to the otherside of the mirror. Where the light refracts and waltzes in the chiaroscuro of shadows.
Snatch Wylden is William Cody Watson is Snatch Wylden.
Dude lives in Arkansas with his wife and two dogs. Finds inspiration in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Ozzy Osbourne, E.E. Cummings, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Ingmar Bergman, Jean Baudrillard, Al Columbia, Sam McPheeters, Pierre Guyotat, Dril, Dan Clowes, Harry Crews, Andy Kaufmann, Antonin Artaud, Frank Stanford, Guy Debord, Jean Rollin, Morbid Angel, Ornette Coleman, Katsuhiro Otomo, Geto Boys, Korn, Michael Haneke, Julia Kristeva, Ice Cube, Fugazi, Philippe Grandrieux, Gary Panter, Robert Altman, Mike Kleine, Slint, Harmony Korine, Sam Kieth, Toadex Hobogrammathon, Bill Sienkiewicz, Audre Lorde, Shozin Fukui, Mat Brinkman, Raekwon, Andrei Tarkovsky, George Wylesol, and a bunch of other motherfuckers.
He considers his work “Outlaw Absurdism,” but has taken up the term “Chaos Fiction,” as cited by 11:11 Press’ Andrew Wilt.
p.s. Hey. This weekend the blog unrolls the red carpet to do its part in facilitating the birth of the new book by Snatch Wylden, in this case a really extraordinary work that comes courtesy of the brilliant writer/artist/designer Mike Corrao’s interdisciplinary publishing project CLOAK. I’ve read/experienced SLASHER REDUXXX, and it’s a unique and immersive and truly impressive thing. Very highly recommended, as are the other and earlier works by Wylden and, of course, Corrao, one of the most exciting artists in the current writing and publishing world. Thank you for thinking of here, Snatch and Mike. ** Dominik, Hi!!! We’ve figured out the ghost and its ethereal-ish presence when it’s floating around in the normal sounding world but not quite yet when it’s in the haunted house. It’s mostly seen in the haunted house, so that’s where we’re still figuring out how to make its presence work as ghostly when it has to compete with the haunt’s raucous soundtrack. We’ll get it, but it’s still quite a puzzle to get right. After I delegated that gold irises duty to love, I realised that people would probably think you were just wearing gold contact lens, which wouldn’t be interesting at all. Oh well. Ha, gotta love an ignorant and innocent love. See you on Monday. In the meantime, love having you and your visiting friend wind up in a karaoke bar where you get drunk enough to jump onstage and perform … what song?, G ** Ferdinand, Yes, offered, I think, to Trump, and I’m shocked he didn’t jump at the chance. It was so him. Oh, man, luck with the quitting cigarettes. I used the patch both times I quit, and that worked really well for about five years in both cases. If I quit smoking, my head would get so clouded I wouldn’t be able to do the blog or write or really anything for months and months, which is why I won’t quit. But I hope you can. My weekend? Film work, Zoom meeting with writer friends tonight, catch up on email, work on some fiction, that kind of idea. ** _Black_Acrylic, Tinfoil’s better than gold, if you ask me. I’ll look up Tatham and O’Sullivan and see what else they did. Is it Play Therapy weekend? ** Daniel, Hi, Daniel!! Yes, that Roni Horn, that’s a good one. I don’t know why I missed it. You good? I sure hope so. ** PL, Hi. The Laika people did show me some sketches, but it was over Skype, so I never got my hands on them. They looked, you know, exciting! Have the best weekend possible. ** Bill, What is your favorite color then? ‘King Zilla’: It’s some kind of Japanese fetish twink porn video. I saw a brief description of it. I saw three links to watch it, all of which were dead. That single still image was the only thing I could find otherwise. Mystery. I’ll try Ruth Goller, thanks, Bill. ** Misanthrope, Well, yes, I have to say her fate is not surprising whatsoever. Could be worse, I guess. A while back I was searching around and found out that Kyle Ross, the twink porn star, died last year in a car crash while having a diabetic attack. Real daddies don’t cry. So you’ll be fine. ** Steve, Ah, you know it, yeah, it’s really something. Apparently there’s a documentary about the cast of that film called ‘1000 Suns’ made by the director who just won the top prize at the Berlinale. I’m on the hunt for that. Glad your laptop sobered up. Wow. The finish line for the sound mix is mid-next week, so we’re still heavily involved. Your weekend sounds good. Enjoy it. ** Justin, Hi. If you mean ‘King Zilla’, it seems to be impossible to find, but, if you do find it, give me a heads up. ** Darby
, Hi. I went to elementary school with a boy who was a big TV star at the time named Darby Hinton. That’s only other Darby I can think of. He was really full of himself though, unlike you. I don’t have a thing for gold either, but I did kind of like how it made the blog look. And I wouldn’t mind eating that gold ice cream concoction. Math was always my super weak point in school. I was okay until they got to Algebra. But it was always the class that brought my grade average down down down. After Tuesday or Wednesday, I won’t be rushing as much or anymore, I think. Famous last words. Don’t pee gold this weekend and stain your pants. ** Uday, You should start wearing bubble wrap. We all should. Bubble wrap is god, kind of. Mm, no, I don’t think I’m a fan of gold, or not inordinately so. It was just a strange blog post whim that paid off to some degree. No jewelry, no. No tattoos, no. No piercings. I’m the same barren bod that came out of my mom’s womb, just bigger. Sharpie tattoo, though, that’s tempting. Did the temp tramp stamp change your life even a little? ** Corey Heiferman, Hey there, Corey. If the skipping stone was mine to give, it’d be yours. I don’t think I have anything gold either, do I? No. I think maybe my belt buckle had a kind of golden look a million years ago maybe. Thanks, yeah, we’re actually almost finished with the film. It’s shocking. Cool, I just connected with Temenos on Facebook, and I’ll get on their email list. Thanks, buddy. Weekend of note? ** Right. I hope you’ll look into the book up above between now and when I see you again on Monday. That would be great for everyone concerned.
Dennis, This looks interesting. And I don’t at all mean that in a flippant way that says, oh, yeah, not for me but I’ll be nice. I like books like this.
Kyle Ross?!!! Wtf? That’s sad. Only 29 too. I just saw some of his videos listed the other day when I was perusing a site or two. RIP Kyle Ross.
Yeah, I don’t cry. I’m not a crier. It’s rare. Last time I cried was 2008 when my dad died, and even then, it was brief, maybe a minute, which was enough for me. Could kinda hear my dad going, stop crying, get on with living, ya nut.
Alex did come over and we had a nice evening. Meeting at the gym today and will probably hang out tonight? We’ll see. We just play everything by ear. I should send you a pic of him so you have a frame of reference.
Isn’t Mati Diop the niece of Djibril Diop Mambety? I just looked for 1,000 SUNS on, but it doesn’t seem to be up there.
It poured all day, so I stayed home and finished my Kim Gordon album review (as well as watching Adam Sandler’s unbelievably bad new Netflix sci-fi movie – he takes himself way too seriously these days.) But tomorrow’s supposed to be a lot nicer.
Until now I was unfamiliar with the work of Snatch Wylden, and this weekend makes for a delightful introduction.
Yes, the latest instalment of my radio show Play Therapy v2.0 is online here via Tak Tent Radio as of this morning! The best episode to date, even if I do say so myself. Here to bring you a very European brand of Futurism, coming to you via a not-quite-forgotten Scotland and stopping here at Leeds on the way round.
Oh cool, I wonder what had you think of that only now, regarding the “other Darby?”
Only two Darby I know are ofc Darby Crash and then this foster cat I named, who fell from our third story apartment and walked with a limp.
Friend, I am planning a trip to Paris in my sleep tonight, any places you recommend? Good places to eat? The cool part is that the reservations and travel cost are free…but you just don’t know when you’ll be leaving. That’s how the the R.E.M Transit works!!!
Oh also I had the first T shot recently.
Hi, Dennis! I really like the art direction of ‘SLASHER REDUXXX’. Very intriguing. I Looked around for ‘King Zilla’ and like you, found nothing.
Just finished watching this beautiful Japanese film ‘Monster’ (directed by Hirokazu Koreeda). Have you seen it? Sounds like you’re nearing the end with your film. It must be a great feeling, but I also imagine it being a little sad/bittersweet. Can’t wait to see it! Hope you had the best of weekends.
I’m the same body too! Except for a couple scars and scrapes. Sharpie tattoos are always fun! My fav sharpie tat has got to be my best friend signing my shoulder at high school graduation and my least fav is probably the time I got drunk and someone wrote choking hazard under my navel because I thought that was really tacky but yes sharpie drawings etc are nice. Really excited for the film!