The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Noise Makers #7

Bruce Nauman

Get Out of my Mind, Get Out of This Room, 1968


Patrick Lundeen

The Ice Cream Man Cometh, 2020



Cevdet Erek – İşler

SSS – Shore Scene Soundtrack, 2009
SSS is about mimicking the sea by using 2 hands and a piece of carpet.


Haroon Mirza

Sick, 2011


Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller

The Killing Machine, 2011

Feedback, 2004


Adam Basanta

A Large Inscription, A Great Noise, 2019
a microphone stand is dragged over a field of gravel


Zulkifle Mahmod

Circuitry Drawing, 2021


Robert Morris

Box with the Sound of its Own Making, 1961


Stine Deja

Dawn Chorus, 2022

Last Resort, 2020


Pia van Gelder

My Orchestra of Machines, 2005


Michael Northam

A mysteriously empty space in New Delhi (Near Dilli Haat INA market), 2023

My driveway, 2016


Oswaldo Macia

Darfur, 2006


Carsten Nicolai

unidisplay, 2014


Rubén D’Hers

playa, 2012


Kathrin Stumreich

Textile soundscape, 2021

fabricmachine, 2010


Kusum Normoyle

Solid (Loud) Matter, 2018


Muneteru Ujino



Benoît Maubrey




Stefano D’Alessio

Object, 2012


Nelo Akamatsu



vinyl terror & horror

Beethoven med skudhuller, 2022




p.s. Hey. ** Nasir, Hi. One day you might wake up one morning and decide you want to organise a parade, and, if you do, now you’ll be so prepared. Thanks a lot for your email. I look forward to reading your piece ASAP. I’m very used to reading things in pdf form, no worries. Orange, nice. Kind of an underrated color. Fridays have a history of being very sparkly due to their weekend proximity. May yours bedazzle. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Isn’t efficiency one of the things Austria is famous for? Wait, I think I’m thinking of Switzerland. I often get those two countries mixed up. Mentally lazy me. Yes, I have my phone. It’s a refurbished iPhone 11, so it’s not too advanced. It seems alright, yes. The weirdest part is that people’s voices during calls are so incredibly clear and present that I have to hold the phone away from my ear a little. I realise my old phone was crustier than I even knew. You were asking love for a lot yesterday. Making people not look weird and burnt-out in passport photos might be a skill beyond even his infinite skills. But I guess you’ll find out a decade from now? Love making Taylor Swift belch uncontrollably every time she tries to sing, G. ** Mark, Ah, cool! I grew up in Arcadia about two blocks from the border of Pasadena, and going to watch the Rose Parade floats be built was an annual must-do activity. I always wanted to jump over the barrier and join in. So you lived out two lifelong dreams there. Great that you got to Jack’s shebang. ‘Decoding Americana\’s Queer Sensibilities’ looks cool. And the gallery’s on Los Feliz Blvd.! (My LA pad is a block from LFB). I’ll check that spot out next time. How was ‘Ask Any Buddy’? Quite a line up of golden age stars in it. And ‘Films for Fags’. Your summer is seriously hopping. Nice, so nice. ** Thomas Moronic, So you’re here! And, yes, Ange invited me to meet up with you and Michael and him today, so I’m just waiting for the time and place. See you shortly! ** Tea, I found you! Oh, shit, sucks about the no Vegas thing. I hope you’re righted by whatever day is your actual b’day. ‘Over the Edge’ is great, I think. ‘River’s Edge’ is even better, I think. My favorite Noe is ‘Enter the Void’. I love that film. Best to see it in the best conditions possible, i.e. a decent sized screen, etc., because it’s very visual/trippy. Anyway, I’d go there next. What’d you think of the films? How are you feeling? Early very happy birthday! ** Steve Erickson, Yeah, therapy by Zoom, that’s … well, I suppose it could work, but I don’t think that would have worked for me during my time in therapy. Good luck. No, the Korine film is a feature. It’s called ‘Aggro Dr1ft’. If you look at the lineup of the Venice Film Festival, it’s in there. ** Nick Toti, Hey, Nick! Good to see you! Film editing goes extremely well. The funding situation is terrible. Can’t have everything. I saw your email. I’ll open it in a bit. Obviously that documentary project of yours excites me no end. I’m going to look up Sigmund Snopek III in the meantime. Thanks, pal. ** Darby Dionisius 🍷, Dionisuis, well, well. Ah, congrats on hitting the sack at a ‘decent’ hour. I hope that becomes an easy go-to skill for you. I hear you on the assault of great ideas and projects. Me, I figured out I’m a morning person at some point, so I learned how to tamp those demons down until the AM. Capitalisation should be used very carefully and sparely for the reasons you laid out, yes. Heatstroke, or mine anyway, wasn’t, like, a big ugly thing. It was mostly just feeling listless and spaced out. If I ever workout, which I can’t imagine I ever will, I’ll do my abs or, wait, ‘abs’. Zac and I went to Antarctica just because it seemed like a wild thing to do. We saw a zillion penguins. They’re everywhere. And sea lions and whales. Otters, yes, but I don’t think there were seals. Maybe it’s too cold for them. No birds, no other animals at all, no insects. It’s very otherworldly. The bats around my building are really small. Like tiny little things. Not scary, but, wow, fast. ** Charalampos, Hi. ‘Propellor’, interesting fave GbV choice. Those sound like interesting experiments. How do you do that? Here it’s 17 degrees and raining. I know, I know, I feel so guilty. ** Kyler, Yes, your book came yesterday. I didn’t have to sign for it, so I don’t what happened. It was just sitting in my mailbox. Excited to read it obviously. Congrats on the early success, and I’ll go peruse the video. Thanks, sir. ** Okay. I have a thing for sound art as some of you know, and this is the 7th time I’ve used the blog to share my thing. The rest is up to you. See you tomorrow.


  1. Jack Skelley

    Dennis Hi! These are totally fun, naturally I like the guitar-based installations, esp the dozens of guitars, “Playa,” and the Marshall amps! FOKA book launch was a full-house success. I met avid readers of DC Blog, Mark and Jose. Jose says he’s starting a Dennis Cooper fanzine, so head’s up! I’m relieved to be able to turn-down the hype machine a bit. Do you ever feel conflicted about promoting yr own work? The ego-trip part is gratifying, but makes me feel slightly dirty. Maybe it’s a Catholic thing. Most rewarding is meeting people. And the youthful new scenes in both LA and NY are encouraging. (Young people esp seem to connect w my youthful old book.) I see Thomas Moore is in Paris! You guys pls go sit in a cool cafe for me. love & gratitude… Jack

    • Mark

      Can’t wait for the LA Art Book Fair! It’s gonna be awesome!!!

  2. Dominik


    I think Austria’s famous for being one of the “most liveable” countries in the world. Based on my (as of yet) limited experiences, it’s fitting.

    The new phone situation sounds pretty good! Even if it suddenly feels like people are a lot closer than they actually are when you’re talking, haha. I’m glad it’s not mean!

    Yeah, I realize I asked for a lot yesterday. I’ve never, ever had a passport photo I looked even semi-normal in, and the same seems to be true of everyone I know. Maybe love’s actually doing it on purpose.

    I might even go to a Taylor Swift concert if love’s curse comes true, haha! Love asking you to pet sit his dog in his high-end mansion while he’s on vacation for two weeks, Od.

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    vinyl terror & horror have an interesting thing going on there. Will need to check out their Discogs page for further info.

    Re Oppenheimer, it’s all pretty much as you would expect. I fell asleep at the start of the film but regained my consciousness for the majority. It does become fairly compelling eventually, despite the bumper 3 hours running time. The assorted Barbie fans in pink dress-up waiting in the foyer would maybe have had a better time of it.

  4. Bill

    Lovely set today, Dennis. That Bruce Naumann piece is so simple but so eerie. And sound installations involving shirtless guys usually catch my eye. The turntable piece, eek.

    I thought Oppenheimer was technically accomplished, but bloated and bombastic. One of my pet peeves is Hollywood movies often make their actors too pretty; I appreciate Nolan resisting that here with Dane DeHaan, Rami Malek, Alex Wolff, etc. So, somewhat better than I feared, but still could be… ummm.


  5. Steve Erickson

    For Slant Magazine, I reviewed Carly Jepsen’s THE LOVELIEST TIME:

    Scott seems to have two film projects in the mix, which confused me. There was a collection of shorts made by six directors which had a one-off screening last night. The Korine film is completely separate.

    Christian Marclay’s performance on the TV show “Night Music” might be too obvious for this day, but it’s pretty great: I love the way he just tosses his records away right after from playing them.

    What are the machines in “Dawn Chorus”? Giant smartphones playing back vocals?

    It will hit 95 degrees in New York today! I don’t enjoy spending the entire day indoors under AC, but I plan to. Tomorrow’s supposed to be very hot too, but I will try to get out.

    • Charalampos

      THE LOVELIEST TIME is so good! I can’t even pick fave songs because I like them all


    Dennis! Hello my beautiful friend!!

    It’s me Ryan aka ANGUSRAZE lol,

    How are you! how is the film??
    My work for the Turner gallery and Mark is going swimmingly, I was originally working with a friend who was helping me produce the film, but tbh he was kind of useless production wise and as it got closer to the date i felt like it was being constricted, so I had a meeting with Mark and Ben who is the producer of the exhibiton and they injected such a spark in me, i felt so lush and childlike and energized, they said not to treat it like a film and not to try and make something that’s (another level over my previous work) just because I have a budget, just to make it like i make my music videos, sponteneous and raw and direct and such, so that same day I arranged a train up to West Yorkshire behind my producers back and escaped up North to shoot the film with my friend Elwy, and the project morphed into a sort of spontaneous and energetic yet brooding piece about girlhood and morality and things, it was inspired primarily by The Mirror by Tarkovsky and Daisies, after viewing it loads of times to me its a music video but instead of scoring visuals to music im scoring visuals to poetry, theres all these surround sound elements too in it and theres gonna be all these screens in the exhibition, a floor to celing rear projector screen etc, super exciting,,

    mark also said he was delighted with my video,

    heres to more commisions and oppurtunities, at least then I can hand my notice in at my day job lol,

    I am also in the process of shipping around my album to labels, the producer Ben is rly well connected in london so eventually im gonna get him to send my album to the A&R’s at XL and Warp and see where it goes, if nothing comes of it i’ll self fund and release it and such, but i might as well exhaust every other option.

    Im also slowly conceptyualising what I want to do with next album, basically it’s the opposite of this current one, so really slow and textual and stark and liminal, if it was a photo it would be a Brian Weiss photo, erotic, voyuristic but never sexy or commodified. It’s about fucking more than it’s about sex or sensuality, unashamedly.

    Anyway, lots of love dennis, I am sure I will stay in touch and I will keep u updated about Paris, im sure I will be there soon, take me to cool places!!!!



  7. Nasir

    This post is interesting to me, as someone who gets on Ableton and tinkers with everything until it crashes.

    Friday is just a universally beloved day isn’t it? Saturday is for resting I suppose, so have a relaxing one.

    Thanks for letting me share my piece with you, it means a lot! Do tell me what you think when or if you get through it.

    Stay hydrated and caffeinated! Do a pushup or a stretch, if you’d like.
    Love, me.

  8. Tea

    I watched Bully on Brad Renfro’s birthday (RIP) and that put in the mood for those kind of dark teenage films. I liked Over the Edge quite a bit, but I did like River’s Edge better. Most of my thoughts about the film are explicit and about Keanu (i.e. I liked that his character hadn’t showered in days). Ok, other than that… Dennis Hopper great as always. I’m such a bad film critic because a cute guy being in the cast is enough to win me over.

    Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes and the recommendation. It’s my birthday today but I basically didn’t do anything since all my friends are in Vegas. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t smarting about that. I’ll watch Enter the Void tomorrow, lack of nausea permitting.

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