The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Meet Starveme, FeedMeDogShit, MeatForYou, Iloveyou, and DC’s other select international male slaves for the month of September 2019


tobyunlimited, 21
I want nothing more than to be used and beaten in awful disgusting gut wrenching ways. I want to serve a sadistic gross smelly man.


tobyunlimited (Owner) – Sept 18, 2019

Anonymous – Sept 18, 2019
Noticed you haven’t been online in a while, you ok?



NipplePig, 20
I am Nipple Pig. My Nipples are tiny and pale and hot wired to my cock. Fuck Yeah! I love my Nipples and have trained them to give me the ultimate in pleasure – Nipple Orgasms. When men work on my Nipples I go into convulsions of pleasure which can go on for hours. I shake uncontrollably in full body waves of ecstasy while my cock spurts by itself. I love my Nipples.



beforeidie, 19
since i was a little kid i found my kinky side already like i like sniff my dad’s used underwear secretly.
my dad spank me some times and i got erection and once i let him see it and he look at it very long.
after this he spank me a lot for fake reasons and he always touching my erection and one time jack it.
he fuck me first time at age 11 in our bathroom, that was an unforgetable memory in my childhood.
after this he change and drink heavy and always yell at me, my mother throw him out and divorce.
last time he at our house he rape me at age 12 in my bedroom until blood run down my legs but i tell no one.
after that he leave me threating messages for 1 year and i am scared but sexually excite.
in early teen years i go straight with a girlfriend and unhappy but thought everyone in the world was.
at 17 one girlfriend’s father tell me he like me and i let him rape me and my world turn right side up again.
i have a dick of 6 inches only that is always erect generally and a soft ass very likeable.
i am blind, i see the world in full color but it remains blurry except for 2-3 inches of near vision.
i want boobs implanted so if someone want to do that with me then i am even ready to take female harmone pills.


Tormenter2000 – Sept 21, 2019
His blindness is more of a drawback than he makes it out.

Tedyy – Aug 27, 2019
theres so much sperm in his orgasms it creeped me out



Starveme, 19
Starve me



Imthedestroyer, 23
I grew up essentially locked away and left to my own devices, with religion forced down my throat. I tried to get help when I was 14 but my father wouldn’t let me get help, then pushed me off into the military thinking it was the right thing because it’s what he did, and I would probably still have that career had I actually gotten the help that I needed before i was forced in that direction I’m so tired of not being able to be myself but I keep doing it to have a job. If anybody knows my loneliness, or why everyone who’s abandoned me would never tell me why, I’d like to hear it at least once in my life.


SEVEN – Sept 19, 2019
as much as you feel lonely right now, you crowded

Imthedestroyer (Owner) – Sept 11, 2019
Right its so good

WhisperingChaos – Sept 11, 2019
love that strain

Imthedestroyer (Owner) – Sept 11, 2019
Name of it is Lavender

Glock9sntattoos – Sept 11, 2019
Name of that bud?



tiemeupwithducttape, 22
slave was owned for 4 years, thought it’d be forever until Master passed from congestive heart failure. slave was brainwashed, castrated, sack & cock removed under Sir’s control. Creating selfless sex slave, trained to learn, obey, suffer. slave’s prostate was recently removed by its new Master, 9 weeks ago, scars barely noticeable. thank You, Sir.


tiemeupwithducttape (Owner) – Sept 14, 2019
no, that shit hurted

Frozen_Maverick – Sept 4, 2019
was the prostrate removal hot?

tiemeupwithducttape (Owner) – Aug 25, 2019
no as long as i get what i want, i don’t care when i die.

AnonymousButcher – Aug 25, 2019



Simon_Tyler, 20
forcefeeding… forceugliness… shave my head top to look bald and change my body xs to xxxxl


Anonymous – Sept 21, 2019
Please note that his “finances” means a boatload of debt.

Ruben_rg – Sept 13, 2019
Don’t fall for this. I know this guy. We fuck a lot. He’s a mental case need I say. Someone must have criticised his looks recently. He can’t take criticism of his looks. It makes him hysterical and melodramatic. If you want to fuck him, tell him what a tragedy it would be to destroy his looks. The more over the top complimentary you can be the better your chances.

Simon_Tyler (Owner) – Sept 8, 2019
i will surrender my body mind will time decisions finances .. everything to ugliness.



sydwantsdaddy, 24
Want to be legally adopted. Only once legally adopted I’m into:
– incest
– hardcore hentai (loli, shota, all the way through, cock transformation and others I can’t list here)
– Dolcett (torture & snuff)
and every other taboo stuff!

I’m extremely extreme and can’t be shocked. I keep my conversations here to an R rating, but if you want to get hardcore and illegal we can chat on Wickr or kik.

I will be your son that happens to also be the kinkiest boy you’ve ever met. My body as it is now has been very thoroughly tested and I’m so done with it! So sick of every inch of it! Fuck it just text me.


MaxPovelXXL – Sept 7, 2019
Good boy! I’m not only a Master in the Bedroom with a huge cock (24*6), I also hold a Master of Science from an elite University. Masters with more IQ than meat don’t grow on trees, don’t pass this up!

Anonymous – Sept 6, 2019
Formerly an ok porn actor.

Ulysse – Aug 22, 2019
Don’t be so hard on your body! I was allowed to enjoy your body for several hours when you were escorting, and it is fantastic, delicious, dreamlike, enchanting, magical and gave me just an incredible divine pleasure in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere in which I wanted to linger forever.



takemetonite, 19
Bottom fag boy for hole play, fists and condom free fucks only. Guys into safe sex, guys on PREP, guys whose loads dont have murderous properties, don’t connect!


takemetonite (Owner) – Sept 19, 2019
Old people are fun.

takemetonite (Owner) – Sept 5, 2019
Or if u need a boyfriend dont worry i got u.



FeedMeDogShit, 19
This boy is looking for a serious donor for dog poop. I have an intense dogshit fetish and I’m looking for a source of fresh poop, preferably from a large male dog. I have been regularly collecting random bags of dogshit from local park trash bins recently. I’ve been bringing them home and chewing up and smearing my face in the shit. I’m looking for an honest guy who will donate me his dogs poop. I can travel to you anywhere in Central Pennsylvania. This is not a joke. I am seriously in love with dogshit. If you’re turned on by this, I’m open to suggestions as to what you would like to see me do with the poop. I don’t care how gross or fucked up this is. This is what turns me on and legitimately makes me happy. I am also into horse and cow manure as a back up. So if you have cows or horses I’ll come clean your stalls or pens. Would love to find a job cleaning up animal waste at a kennel or farm.


SUPERMASK – Aug 24, 2019
Heis all what you ever wished

want_bottom_143 – Aug 13, 2-19
eats it like he’s in a Nathan’s hot dog eating contest
made me cum like vesuvius



punkpxssybitch, 19
I don’t consider myself as an emø but i do listen to emø music and act edgy i harm myself i write poems and i like to drink myself unconscious. I have adhd but i sometimes feel like it’s aspergers I put myself down and i sometimes feel suicidal for no reason but i don’t think i have depression i think i just should die i am also a very anti social person any ways this is my description rawr XD :p


punkpxssybitch (Owner) – Sept 17, 2019
I apparently have a larger than average cock

L_Rayven – Sept 17, 2019
So how do u survive& make money

punkpxssybitch (Owner) – Sept 6, 2019
You’re not wrong. Pills too

L_Rayven – Sept 6, 2019
The booze helps i guess

unkpxssybitch (Owner) – Sept 6, 2019
ssiiihgghh, Dad lives with his gf, haven’t heard from him in 5 months. Mom committed suicide 6 years ago. Older brother’s in prison, younger brother drowned in January good thing cuz I couldn’t afford to feed him and shit

Kessel_420 – Sept 6, 2019
where’re your parents

unkpxssybitch (Owner) – Aug 31, 2019
No shit nearly died that day, good times

diegof1986 – Aug 31, 2019
Bushy ass eyebrows and ur eyes look all fd up

unkpxssybitch (Owner) – Aug 20, 2019
Eyy do it, no one would even think to come lookin for my body for months. I don’t even know what I do anymore.

nihilusto – Aug 20, 2019
You are one ugly little white trash piece of garbage, I’d love to rape and beat the shit out of you.

punkpxssybitch (Owner) – Aug 10, 2019
Yes sir, that they are

Xforever_in_sorrowX – Aug 10, 2019
are those pills on your tattoo

unkpxssybitch (Owner) – Aug 8, 2019
It is truly a pit of depression

Downward – Aug 8, 2019
Christ, your house. No wonder you’re suicidal.



Polski, 18
Hi, i am a Instagram influencer with 50,000 followers that loves animals really much and wants to meet Some on this site.


Polski (Owner) – Sept 26, 2019
Everyone seems to be thinking this is fake profile. It’s not. I just happen to be very cute and love animals. It happens.



MeatForYou, 25
I don’t know what to write exactly. The profile picture of me, the nickname, says a lot what I’m looking for, what turns me on, what’s my fetish. If you don’t want to eat, don’t write to me.

I live in northern Italy. I put Verona because a specific location is required for registration.


MeatForYou (Owner) – Sept 25, 2019
I apologise to all those I’ve spoken to. I haven’t been feeling too well mentally and I sometimes get very anxious. I got very overwhelmed and ended up reporting some of you to the police.

Flavien56 – Sept 1, 2019
CannibalGod is right. In this one’s case I would fatten him up a little, even 10-15 pounds before the butchery. Muscles look nice but they’re pure decoration.

CannibalGod – Sept 1, 2019
FYI, human meat is at its most flavorsome in its mid-20s.



Iloveyou, 20
I love you


Iloveyou (Owner) – Aug 23, 2019
I love you

Anonymous – Aug 23, 2019
Prove it.



Lookingforlosttime, 18
Selling my slave. Very severe no limits boy. You’ll need big bucks, you see why. It doesn’t matter what type of muscules you have or body. Slave needs a man that is limitless when it came for owing slave, for example, he will have to provide transport for the slave in any occasion locked in cage transported in shipping or truck container. I.e law is nothing for him. Things that slave has done:
Extreme interrogation
Hunt and Capture
Tit Torture
Vac Sacks, Sleepsacks, and Straitjackets
Water Torture
Heat and Fireplay
Temperature Play
Medical Play
Electricution Play
Extreme breath Play
Impact Play
Sensory Deprivation
Mindfucking damage
Needle Play
Hypnosis and Indoctrination
Building Dungeon Furniture
Marking and Symbolism
Medical Emergencies
Satanic worshiping
Forced drug injection

I don’t sell slave to guys from my own country, Bulgaria, and if you write me you shut your ego about your perfect body, I don’t care, slave don’t care, just pay big bucks.


Lookingforlosttime (Owner) – Sept 17, 2019
Carl, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

synkrato – Sept 17, 2019
so whens my funeral

Lookingforlosttime (Owner) – Sept 17, 2019
Slave flatlined, natural causes 03h12 09/16/19

synkrato – Sept 7, 2019
slave looks like some photos stolen from my instagram

Lookingforlosttime (Owner) – Sept 7, 2019
Didn’t say he wasn’t!

Anonymous – Sept 7, 2019
slave is very marked and scarred and seems ill

Lookingforlosttime (Owner) – Sept 5, 2019

Anonymous – Sept 5, 2019
can slave be iced

Lookingforlosttime (Owner) – Sept 4, 2019
Shut up, Carl!

synkrato – Sept 4, 2019



ViewIsBlurred, 21
Just want to freak. Let’s freak, freak and freak. Hit me up.

Cuddles after?


ViewIsBlurred (Owner) – Aug 20, 2019
I don’t play this game but if you have this game for Xboxone, and if you meet a man named Michael Sloane in this game, please slaughter him!

video_gaymer – Aug 20, 2019
Weird question but do you play the game Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds?



kafka, 18
Fresh 18, somehow have a bike and am just “different”. Can be very exhausting depending on your mood but also just the opposite. Incidentally, I like to be in Attendorn at the vintage car meeting.
Who wants to spit his bag cream into my face tonight (10.08)?


ex-plorer – Aug 11, 2019
I did.

ex-plorer – Aug 10, 2019
I do.

NateJ – Aug 6, 2019
How strange! My fantasy about him is the same except he shits in my mouth and i shave his head after not before.

dio08 – Aug 5, 2019
i live in lithuania but if someone local to this boy will abduct him, tie him up, shave his head, shit in his mouth, execute him with a bullet to the brain, film that and send me the film i’ll pay 10,000$.



LaPutaDeTuMadre, 19
I created an account here once when I was about 15/16. Lied about my age, duh. It’s gone now, I realised this when I tried to log in for old times sake. So now it’s 5am and I’m making another as an adult for reasons I don’t understand. Most likely nostalgia, I feel as though I wasted the better part of my teenage years getting porked by people here and I want them back. Why I turned to this, again I don’t know. By the time I was 17 I’d stopped using it anyway. But whatever. I’m Sam, and I get feelings of nostalgia that keep me up all night looking through old XXX selfies. I am alone and still want others. I fear no one or anything. I also used to slut around on grindr under the name “IdiotKing” and I’m scared that I’ll die before I do anything memorable.


LaPutaDeTuMadre (Owner) – Aug 2, 2019
Oh also I’m obsessed with men who are married, to women or men, in love and committed to the marriage but lose control and need to cheat with me. Deceptive men, men whose scruples although paramount to them can’t compete with their lust for me.

adawson – July 30, 2019
Just an average guy from NY and his boytoy. We met through a shared kink of him getting wedgies, but have also started getting into stuff that ties into it. But there’s only so many times I can wedgie him and would really enjoy another boy who can take wedgies from us both at the same time.

LaPutaDeTuMadre (Owner) – July 27, 2019
I almost forgot I’m very ass and anal centric, my own only. Obsessed with my ass but need help doing it justice to put it mildly. Recently gave up on a dream to be a Buddhist monk so got some catching up to do!



uniformboy, 25
Got School uniform. – But no where to go in it.

Will make me wear School uniform, etc? And juvenile clothes. The more traditional the better.

And will make me wear school uniform outside. – Take me to theatre, opera, museums, churches, shopping, restaurants, concerts, etc.

More than adequate young and passable wearing.

Looking for mentor, dad, uncle, etc.

And will regress me mentally and psychologically and keep me regressed and shaved, waxed, etc.



your-dance-card, 20
Sex is non linear to me.

Into: 24/7 (receiving), abduction (everything to do with it), accents (watching), age play (everything to do with it), bdsm (everything to do with it), begging (giving), behavior modification (receiving), burlesque (receiving), chains (receiving), chakra energy play (everything to do with it), daddy/girl (receiving), damsels in distress (receiving), erotic photography (receiving), eye contact restrictions (receiving), face sitting/smothering (receiving), goth (wearing), handcuffs (receiving), high heels (wearing), high protocol (receiving), human furniture (receiving), kissing (everything to do with it), lift and carry (receiving), masks (wearing), monogamy (everything to do with it), pursuit, take-down & capture (receiving), sacred sexuality (everything to do with it), speech restriction (receiving), struggle (receiving), talking dirty (everything to do with it), tantra (receiving), victorian lifestyles (receiving), ballet shoes (wearing).

I’m the fuck hole of a truck driver at the moment and he drives mainly west of the Mississippi, dying to get cut loose from that shithead.


your-dance-card (Owner) – Aug 7, 2019
Due to recent very unpleasant accident I am no longer accepting anal.



Twink2torpedo, 21
Im a sigle boy mexican i like mens i like the mens most i love the mens so i want a men whose live with me fuck me like me in jojutla mexico so plz

+Age =Better +Weight =Better +Tummy =Better +Top =Better +Manly Ass =Better +Dominant =Better -Hair =Better


Twink2torpedo (Owner) – Sept 19, 2019
Why u so obsessed w me??

YourThroat – Sept 19, 2019
How I see your dream life:

Your cock permanently (24/7, strictly NO removal, life-long) in chastity and an uncomfortably large plug in your bum-hole at all times. Your throat henceforth becomes your primary sexual organ and is stretched full for long periods.
My recurring vision is of you knelt between my legs for hours on end while I watch TV, not even noticing you. You must keep my cock buried balls deep in your mouth/throat for all these hours regardless of it’s state of erection.
You learn to worship my cock like a deity.
There is no release or escape from this arrangement, nor change in my terms of service. No matter how much you plead or beg. Your release is never brought up for consideration.

Agree to that and I will agree to live in wherever the hell Jojutla, Mexico is.

I have sought a similar relationship before and the sub has backed out because my penis was so large as to be intimidating, but you WILL persevere.



VVitchBlood, 24
I’m looking for a dentist who can fix my teeth “for free”: D



assup4upscale, 22
Who wants my AIDS 🥶 ….? I want more …. 🥵 Nobody wants to fuck me I’m a fake picture apparently

I have two profiles the first is … 01234543210
I stole this picture from a guy who tries to fuck you full of AIDS by any means but shhhhht ……! 🤐
And I love to piss off my world like a shit kid I’m
Go for it darling, excite you … for info, I do like you, I use the picture of another … so it’s not even me that you insult!

You see that you’re stupid!


Romain_78 – Sept 2, 2019
You are completely wrong, you are not a fake. You are a charming boy, very cute, very hot, who lives in Nantes. I have known you personally and have had sex with you frequently for more than three years. You have the heart of an angel, a body to die for, and make pleasant conversation. You are very sensual, and one never gets bored with you in bed. Your picture is accurate. Everything you say about yourself is untrue. I vouch for it.



iWantToFeelNothing, 18
I just need oxytocin… shits fucking me up mentally destroying myself and shit… I smoke hella kush too so if you dont fuck with that then get tf on cuz the kush is why I’ve been able to make it this long.. I’m broke tryna make it through college but im doing wha tI can to make shit work and I have a lot of potential for some shit I just havent had many opportunities to do something with that… I’m not too much, I just need affection so I can stop having the chemichal bullshit fuck up my mindset like it does. Lacking oxytocin is a type of hell… Here only for an ass plan..


Imre77 – Sept 15, 2019
Has athlete’s foot on his left foot. His right foot is fine though.

mark16yo – Sept 12, 2019
He’s not gay, please don’t hurt him.



ultraviolencex, 19
I want someone to destroy my body completely So if you are into violence and destruction I’m yours So no, I don’t want your love No, I don’t want to give you mine and No, I don’t want to sleep with you nowhere No, I don’t want none of your love If you’re looking for a slave for you to love, leave my profile Don’t be moron.


ultraviolencex (Owner) – Aug 17, 2019
No comment needed

ultraviolencex (Owner) – Aug 11, 2019

ultraviolencex (Owner) – Aug 4, 2019
The face when you watch Master snort three grams of meth and know what’s finally coming

ultraviolencex (Owner) – July 28, 2019
No, you can’t break up with me

ultraviolencex (Owner) – July 27, 2019
please SIR

Deathpower – June 30, 2019



McDonaldnugget, 19
My hankies:
Light blue(R)
Navy blue(R)
Red(R) (in training)
Red w/black stripe (R)
Hunter green(R)



hereyougo, 23
I’ve been making “friends” on this site off and on since 2017. I have met four people in person from this site. One who traveled about three hours to fuck me then snubbed me afterward. The second was someone who resided a mere 30 minutes away from me and was fun to have heavy sex with, but we parted ways after I moved. Third, someone who I got fucked by on the way to a move, this was during a particularly depressing time in my life, so I was cutting a lot of people out of my life including this person. Fourth, was a cliche romantic master&slave thing. I put far too much effort into a relationship with someone who wasn’t really willing to put forth the same level of effort as I did. I had my heart broken with no sense of closure to this day. I have made lots of connections on this site, but only one stands out throughout this past decade because the other individual stimulated me sexually and challenged me emotionally, but ESPECIALLY intellectually. Sadly, that person did not want to own me. Regardless I am hoping to make a connection with people that will: A. Stimulate me sexually. B. Have no aversion to meeting me in person and fucking me if the opportunity presents itself. …Or simply anyone that would say I like your pix, I want to own you and do it. If you’ve read all of this, I’d like to thank you for your time, even if you decide not to fuck or own me. Best regards to all, -Charlie.

*If you want to see how far i’ve fallen, bottom pic is from back when i could do bottle runs and getting arrested didn’t matter. I must have been 14.


fuckyou1998 – Sept 3, 2019
As far as I can tell.

ineedahotboy – Sept 3, 2019
so theyre just here to whine with each basically?

fuckyou1998 – Sept 3, 2019
The big Emo social site VampireFreaks is shutting down so I guess they’re being forced to particularise?

ineedahotboy – Sept 3, 2019
not a question about this guy necessarily, but does anyone know what’s up with all the depressed emo boys flooding into this site lately?

Lucian_Lyca – Sept 1, 2019
are you ever at your best or is this it?

hereyougo (Owner) – Sept 1, 2019
If someone doesn’t fuck you at your worse… they don’t deserve too fuck you at your best.

hereyougo (Owner) – Sept 1, 2019
It just makes you more depressed. Those people who fucked me weren’t my friends. We all just used each other with no regard. I was raped many times in high school. All my “friends”. Life is lonely now. And I’m lonely and miserable now. And my memory is so fried that i can’t remember anything. Don’t fret, being alone is better than being with horrible people. Everyone should have a mentor. Not a therapist. A person they meet and don’t have a sexual relationship with that they feel a bond and a sense of greater knowledge. That’s what i always looked for, which is why i always got raped or my brains fucked out from hanging out with people who had charisma.

Junkbait_Loser – Sept 1, 2019
If I had a time machine I would have lived it up in high school and let everybody fuck me lol if only I knew how lonely my like would be 15 years later



JustAnotherAlchyHomo, 19
How’s it going?? I’m Zay, and I’m just another homo who loves being gotten drunk then getting my ass ate and fucked.

I’m becoming more and more of a alcoholic. That’s the scene I have liked doing so far.

Going to be getting myself into rehab down the line so don’t feel guilty 😝


Sinister_Wave33 – Sept 16, 2019
I like my boys like I like my coffee… ground up and in the freezer xD… I love drunk/stoned out/wasted boys and such like shit…./woozy/bloody/slurry/uhhh…cute/wrecked… I like music but if a boy plays mainstream I’d rather shoot him in the face with …. bazooka and stuff… I like knifes and rope preferred red black or purple… I love sex but… not just any sex I love the very very very deep kind of romantic slaughter boys type of sex… hmmm guess I “like” quite a bit… just ask me preferably with your last breath. ? dark magic…

JustAnotherAlchyHomo (Owner) – Sept 10, 2019
Please don’t write if you want to suck me.



GayForever, 19
My mind is already made up

I am seeking for incarceration and ltr 24/7/365

Presently working as a stocker in a grocery shop

Living situation : I live with my aunt who owns a cabin ..

Family : they passed when I was 14. Please I would avoid taking about this because it brings back sad memories

How did I know I was meant for this ? I have always been gay ..

Health issues : Diabetic Type 2

I smoke cigs . I smoke every day, all day

I have never had unprotected sex but I am dying to ..

Body count : 16 men ..


AttorneyM – Sept 14, 2019
I’m an Attorney.
I write slave agreements that are legally valid and help other Masters own slaves or prisoners.
For more information on this, visit a document I have written that explains this more in detail on my Google Drive account, yes, its free and no sign up needed.




p.s. Hey. ** MyNeighbourJohnTurturro, Hi, neighbor. Cool, and yes. And yes, I know black midi and similarly find them very intriguing. No live footage, but I’ll find some. Them backing Suzuki makes total sense and is a swell idea, obviously. Mm, no, I haven’t done a Rob Zombie full-fledged post. There’s an idea. He’s so divisive that I guess it could get readers messy, but that’s good too. Huh. Yeah, I’ll get on that. Thank you. I still crank ‘Superbeast’ and leap out of my desk chair at least once a week. You good? ** David Ehrenstein, Thanks, sir. Yeah, good classic/post-classic stuff. The classics given the UK treatment. ‘The Irishman’ is the first Scorcese film I’ve been bonifiably excited to see in as long as I can remember. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. Yes, I read that interview, thank you. He’s branching out all over the place. Oh, wow, thanks for the tip about the Suzuki/black midi footage. I’m very there. Are your eyes notably more sharp when glassed over now? ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T! You’re here! Or almost here! Yes, yes, I’m mostly very free. I haven’t changed my phone number, so that should work. I must have yours too. Give me a shout/text/call when you’re in, and let’s make a fast plan. Excited to see you, hobbling 🙁 pal! ** Misanthrope, I would imagine so. I was thinking more a vibe or visible presence of Brexit madness on the streets or having some kind of tonal effect or people’s normal behavior. But crossing paths with protests seems highly likely. So, did you find Gus, I hope? Or is freedom better? He’s probably too domestic to be safely free? Nice little name. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. That was a really good interview, wasn’t it? That’s why I let it run so long. I found it quite riveting. ** Bill, ‘The Devil Rides Out’ is a keeper, I’m there. Yes, I know of the Shudder channel, and, no, it’s not here just like all the other channels, Criterion, etc., that I would actually watch if France let them exist. I crave it. Enjoy your coziness with it. Don’t take that for granted, man. ** Okay. Well, it’s the last day of the month yet again, and the blog, which usually prides itself on its veneer of relative unpredictability, services the obvious. So do whatever you do with the slaves every month please. See you tomorrow.


  1. David Ehrenstein

    “I grew up essentially locked away and left to my own devices, with religion forced down my throat.” Well which is it dear. Can’t be both.

    It’s Johnny Mathis’ Birthday! I saw him shopping at the Weho Gelson’s several years back with his boyfriends. People kept coming up to him and telling im how much his music meant to them and he was Just So Nice!

  2. Bill

    Haha, I certainly need a lift this languid Monday, Dennis. Funny, halfway through I was thinking “hmm, lot of emos today”, then there was the same observation posed in a guestbook.

    Sorry to hear Criterion etc are not available in France. Wonder if it’s just a licensing issue. Do you get (say) ARTE streamed? I’d totally be into that!


  3. _Black_Acrylic

    punkpxssybitch really is as emo as it gets, wow.

    I would very much like to have a launch event for the prospective The Call presents Black Tantra book, maybe with music and performance involved, and I enquired about the V&A Dundee hosting such an event. Got quoted £1500 for the one night, which is a big ask. Obviously more of a prestige corporate type setup there than what the likes of me are used to.

  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, “Old people are fun.” What more do we need to know than that? Slaves are smart and made me feel good for a second.

    Yeah, the vibe, too. All that. We’ll see. I’ll have to compare it to last year when it wasn’t so imminent.

    Detective Jorge T Vinos found Gus! I looked all over yesterday 3 times. Last time, I pulled shit up and out, was on the floor with a flash light, etc.

    This morning, I brush my teeth. I’m looking for a towel, there’s not one. I looked down and the little fucker’s sitting there next to my foot. I dried my hands on my shorts and picked him up. He’d had some adventures. Had fuzz all over him, hahaha. I got him back in his cage, and the little dude ran to the water bottle, tore that shit up.

    My mom and I clean his cage today and gave him new bedding (as they call it). Let him roll around in his ball for a while. He’s probably happy when he sees LPS leave…he gets to get out and play!

    (Though I think they get him out and play with him too, just not for that long.)

  5. Steve Erickson

    The French government and film industry have deliberately hampered the growth of online movie streaming, right? I got an assignment today to interview the director of a short that will appear on Netflix in a few weeks, now I just need to get the publicist to send it to my Netflix “media feed.”

    I listened to Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s 1982 Peel session, recorded two years before their debut album, today. (I didn’t even know they recorded anything for Peel!) It’s actually quite good, rough dance-punk that shows what they might’ve developed into if they haven’t signed to ZTT. (Their 1983 session is much slicker and starts off OK, but the last 2 songs are unlistenable.),

    Glad the hanky code lives!

  6. Brendan

    Hi Dennis – I saw a picture of you hanging out with Thomas Moore today. Brings back fond memories of our day is Paris, scoping out the world’s greatest eclairs. Hope you guys are good. I’m having a good but decidedly less romantic day in Los Angeles. I saw ‘Judy’ last night. It’s far from perfect, but has some lovely moments, and it still made me cry at the end. So do with that what you will. Love, B.

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