The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Meet Dear Die-ary, Glitterpuke, RandomTeenager, ErnestHemingway, and DC’s other select international male slaves for the month of May 2018


Beanstalk, 22
by day Electrician by night metal head by the wee hours sniffing Amyl with hood on and cuffs looking for a meat up at 431 Sling RM top floor


Beanstalk (Owner) – Feb 3, 2018
Monty Python is now on Netflix? Oh fuck aye

Beanstalk (Owner) – Jan 21, 2018
Saw Wintersun and Arch Enemy on Friday night….holy fucking shit did they put on a show

Beanstalk (Owner) – Dec 23, 2017
No but ta

MetalMan – Dec 23, 2017
I was the fister with the facial tattoo doing you at 431 last night. You were incredible. Any chance for a one on one?

Beanstalk (Owner) – Dec 8, 2017
Seeing Maiden for the first time next year….fucking yaaaaaaaaaas

Beanstalk (Owner) – Nov 24, 2017
Writing a tribute song to Iron Maiden, while drinking tea…how British can I get?

Beanstalk (Owner) – Nov 22, 2017
Played my first gig (kind off) in front of people I don’t know yesterday

Beanstalk (Owner) – Nov 13, 2017
A Million pounds a month for the rest of your life, but every concept album you listened to would be shuffled, would you do it?

Beanstalk (Owner) – Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, Triviums new album is fucking awesome \m/

Beanstalk (Owner) – Oct v24, 2017

⋆Spirit-Crusher⋆ – Oct 24, 2017
You’re very hot and an amazing bottom.

Beanstalk (Owner) – Oct 24, 2017
Trying to teach myself to growl, any tips?

Beanstalk (Owner) – Oct 18, 2017
W.A.S.P were fucking amazing the other night



drone18, 18
When messaging the drone, use a ‘/’ followed by a trigger word to invoke the trigger, if you’ve reached the rank to make the drone obey said trigger, the drone will obey. New controllers start at rank 0.
Words inclosed in < > are non optional extras that determine what a trigger will do. Words surrounded by [ ] can be omitted.

usetexttrigger <on/off> s – whether the drone responds to text triggers. On by default. Usable from rank 0. Usable even if this is set to off.
requestrank – request an elevation to a given rank. Subject to how much the drone trusts you. If it’s comfortable with you you will likely be elevated. Useable from rank 0.
suggest – create a new trigger. Trigger will have the required rank equal to your current rank. Subject to override by higher ranked controllers or pre-programming. Available from rank 10 and up
Remove remove q trigger you created. Available from rank 10 and up.

It hopes you made it down this far!



tehransaurus, 24
I looked for love to every ? bears, took too much to ease the anger, all for you?



IamGaychrist, 22
Skinny longhaired weirdo boy into a lifelong bb-based relationship with an inked dude into Heavy Metal/ Stoner/ Doom/Rock, Punkrock, literature, grammar, far left-leaning politics, architecture.

Sorry but absolutely no C.H.U.D.s, Replicators (human-form or otherwise) or Homunculi created from human transmutation — NO EXCEPTIONS!

Granted, I haven’t got the best social skills and I’m turning grumpier by the minute but never forget: the majority of your current Sitonmyfacebook-friends are the same imaginary friends you had in your childhood – they might be more techy-savvy now, but they’re still imaginary!

This wise – and prophetic – quote hits the proverbial nail quite nicely here:

“This society eliminates geographical distance only to reap distance internally.”
Guy Debord (ca. 1966)


IamGaychrist (Owner) – May 7, 2018
“Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit.”

Thepitbull – May 7, 2018
The pit bull likes to go hunting and right now it’s your turn!
You are looking for the guy who humiliates you, finished, rip off.
You want to experience the Brainfuck.
You will set up an Amazon account and keep it nice ready because this is not a kindergarten.
I’ll make you ready by video chat or online, because that will cheer you up. knowing that someone else knows more about you than you know about him.
Write me to bitch, YOU BELONG TO ME!
Write me and say that you got the rules and accept them. Then my fun can start!
Be ready to pay for it until your Amazon glows!

IamGaychrist (Owner) – May 3, 2018
“The passions have been sufficiently interpreted; the point now is to discover new ones.”

TheKingDom – May 3, 2018
I am UNDEFEATED dom top wrestler and you are cute and I want you to be my next prey! I’m 28, 6/4″, 245 lbs., all muscle. Tell me I can wrestle you and if we can come to an agreement then it might be your lucky day ha ha ha.

Don’t ask about my dick. He’s fine‼

I want: LONG SESSION (2 hrs +), wrestle 4 ?, no rules, no time out, winner gives hard punishing fuck etc. to the loser, etc.

My type of match: lots of power moves, pins and/or back and forth action, heel job, groin kick, face jab, till one person gets a sleeper hold or the knock out punch.

Yes, I am quite violent but I can adapt if necessary. Said so, I prefer not to adapt.




ASlave4life, 18
My name is Joey ?

I am done with my life as it is, it no longer holds any interest or joy for me.

This started as a child being generous leading to early teenage years following others and I have now at 18 come to realise to give someone else power over my life is my calling.

My current living situation consists of:
Almost graduated from High school. I take online courses so it’ll end on the 29th of this month or the 5th of June.
Currently unemployed, though I take some side jobs and have a bit saved up.
I am 18, my birthday is Christmas.

Do I have limits? I don’t know and it is irrelevant. Some of my must-haves (if you want me to be happy) include:
Consensual non-consent (which is a fancy way of saying I pre-approve of everything you’ll do)
Breathe Control (strangling, choking, drowning, plastic bags, noose, …)
Mindfucking (drugs, mental annihilation, sensory assault, strategic head damage, brain surgery)

For two and a half weeks beginning on May 29th or June 5th I will be at a place in my life where I can relocate to anywhere in the world without anyone knowing what the fuck ever happened to me.

If there is a typo let me know.


ASlave4life (Owner) – May 16, 2018
I apologise for this, but the strangest thing has happened.

When we were doing rehearsals for our school’s graduation ceremony I met a girl and fell head over heels in love with her, and it seems the feeling is mutual. This comes as a complete shock to me! I can’t explain it! Hell froze over!

I feel as though before I met her I was having a lifelong nervous breakdown or something.

My offer is obviously off the table. I especially apologise to MasterTony for the agreement I must now break.



CoupleofBoys, 23
Couple of very submissive boys in love who’re too passive get each other off looking to try having sex while under physical attack by guys like you guys around here.



gizmo, 21
I’m real I don’t drive I’m young I like to drink I like to get too drunk then be over powered and held down When I’m drunk I love when an other man rapes me If you ever want to know me get me drunk When I’m drunk I hide nothing


giomaz – May 10, 2018
He’s a sloppy sentimental drunk with a lot of emotional baggage but his ass is great and knows its shit 😉

mmhm – Apr 26, 2018
Whatever you do don’t cut your hair until you’re in your late 20s. You’ll thank me.



Dear Die-ary, 24
Dear masters,

I’m a hopelessly fucked up boy slave that’s looking for a part-time non live in situation even though a permanent “live” in situation is what I want deep down inside but I have some mental hurtles to go through before getting there unless your willing to abduct me and be sure no one ever finds me which I can help with on my end because I think about how that could happen 24/7 and have a fool proof plan. As I may not need to tell you by now I not only like the idea of getting killed and masturbate about it daily but I have tried to talk someone into doing it for two years so I know I feel it deep enough inside that I need this to become a reality so please be nice and help me ideally in a basement, barn, or underground room that’s very secluded so no one will hear me scream as you kill me. I’m also able to help someone else achieve the same if so desired.


Dear Die-ary (Owner) – May 3, 2018

Anonymous – May 2, 2018
Guess what’s in there?

baddie – Apr 18, 2018
I don’t care if you want to get offed and I doubt anyone else here does either. The problem is you’re openly asking for it here. Let’s say you get your wish. The problem is no one just disappears without anyone noticing our caring. People will notice, missing person alerts will be sent out, the police will get involved and inevitably it’ll be traced to this site. This site will be publicly exposed along with potentially all of our proclivities here. You get it? It’s too late now but if you wanted someone to kill you without a trace, you should have looked for him on the street. But no, you not only defeat your plan but you risk fucking up things for all the rest of us, you selfish narcissistic little bitch.

Dear Die-ary (Owner) – Apr 17, 2018
I’ve received a lot of well-meaning but obnoxious feedback since hammering out this profile over the last thirty six hours. I am a black and white thinker who requires structure and I want to be killed and that is the end of that. If you’re so into life go have a baby with a lesbian.

Antichrist – March 21, 2018
as a former owner of this pig from a year ago i can vouch for his disposability.



Anything8, 18
skateboarding, camping, being taken on long walks with no destination, dirty jokes, being naked and sweaty, getting really really high, anal sex, hallucinogenic plants, awesome looking sleeping bags, urinating on my sleeping bag and laying down in it naked.


Humilateu4life – May 21, 2018



stevefromhell, 18
Now comes the “slave” monologue.
The “slave” he wants every one of you.
Because the “slave” is “heterosexual”, you will not say it is slut.
He goes to the gym, is muscular, he keeps publishing instagram, facebook, his head is a stubble, he does not have fancy hair because you hate it, you think it is unnecessary, so the “slave” shaves himselves from head to toe.
Of course, he dresses well, but he is not sophisticated because he is “heterosexual”, he’s just listening to rock and being himself, he is not a teens fuckin ‘focus group.
The “slave” is drinking, but he does not smoke, he only occasionally ignites it if his partner is banging. But he drinks whatever you drink because the “slave” is expected to drink gin, whiskey, beer or some concentrate because it’s masculine.
Because the dream of masters is the heterosexual “slave” boy who looks like a bull in a village, but in bed can be put to death in the first date.
“Slave’s” profile is the embodiment of laxity and wit, and his pictures were made by photographers, as if he was famous because he was so perfect … like a Madonna clip, it had the effect of being “heterosexual”.

Well, I’m not like that.
I am not a “slave”, I am a passionate slave who loves arts, wears dresses, reads, Tchaikovsky is silent, does not idolate the troubled slut but the Wonder Woman, loves lurking, wine, silence, loneliness, peace, peace of mind, hates love, loves boredom, is a “photographer” in that I take millions of pictures of my cats, have a small cock loaded with cum, thick and venomous.


Lick_My_Booots – Apr 23, 2018
This site keeps deleting me profile innit……must be all those ”this is ART” photos of boys like you getting tortured I keep posting up. Oh well! Thing is, you shouldn’t bother messaging me coz I am never never home INNIT (PS, I once read a profile on here by a strange boy called loved_and_hated that said ”I’m so fancy…..if u r not attracted 2 me den der iz sumthing wrong WIT U!!!!!!”) Strange little slave…..(PPS, he-passed-away eats snot….true story)



dragme2thedarkside, 24
Young French student (with a compulsion to generally make my life miserable).
First time in NY.
My boyfriend left me just before my trip.
Looking to get into some shit that makes my three depressing years with him seem like a blip.


MASTER-LUFAI – May 25, 2018
I am MASTER LUFAI and i command you to address me as “MASTER LUFAI”.

dragme2thedarkside – May 25, 2018
Recently mislead and lied to by a “sadistic top” fuckhead I met on here. I’m still looking but I’m giving a short break until I’ve finished getting over his bull.

MASTER-LUFAI – May 22, 2018
I am MASTER LUFAI and I am royal and will be treated as such. Dominance is something that always around me as an Aura and it makes me special and different from other men. My presence will intimidate you and will kneel without even knowing.



AlwaysCute, 20
I have been ordered by my girlfriend to give you all the pleasure you deserve. She will be watching us via Skype. Do you want your cock being sucked? Apparently my wet lips desire your cock. I don’t want to be selfish, I know you want to lick my ass hahaha while I suck you deep. What next? She suggests you want my tight ass? I’ve been told I want to feel your cock inside my ass. I know you will make me moan so bad. Or what? Do you want to fist me too? I don’t even know what that means. Oh, that’s what it means?! You can fist me like the bitch I am. Do you want to punch your arm up my ass past the elbow? That sounds dangerous. Just bring poppers, grease your arm up and take your best shot. Seriously?


AlwaysCute (Owner) – May 8, 2018
Recently broke up with gf



Bootlicker4Cops, 19
Bootlicking teenager looking to chat with police officers about how superior they are! I am not a cop.


samdwich – May 11, 2018
I’m CHP, motorcycle division, for real. I had this dumbshit over after a long day riding the highways. I had him lick the bugs off my helmet and jacket, fetch me a beer then gave him a slam-bam butt deposit. Don’t let him dress up in drag tho because he looks like a joke.



TakeMyBalls, 21
Oh hey there! *wags tail*

I want to be castrated – so take my balls please.

5’5 slim slave. Cage me and whip me.

Hope to find a Dad. Not into ball torture – they should just be removed. Never let me get hard.

I have holes but I want more and you have scissors.

*If you want to start a conversation with me not about castration and sex, I’d recommend getting me to talk about anime, Star Wars, Marvel, Batman, the Xmen, Deadpool, and music.


TakeMyBalls (Owner) – May 7, 2018
He’s speaking metaphorically 😉

inkedsadist43 – May 6, 2018
Its meaningless “life” found purpose.

Its preconceived ideas of sadism were challenged, bent and broken.

Its “Holes” meant nothing to me, they were used as an ashtray, as a toilet.

I have castrated it, used it, drained it, and destroyed it.



RandomTeenager, 18
I am just a weird teenager. I am here with my family during the holidays. I am bored. I’ve heard I have a nice ass. I am looking to get rimmed. I am alone in the hotel room. I am used to getting rimmed but I am not used to these kinds of platforms and stuff.


RandomTeenager (Owner) – May 10, 2018
I am learning more about how nasty I am everyday. Thank you.

MDRoofer – Apr 28, 20128
I won’t just rim your ass, I’ll WORSHIP it! I’ll lick it all over, nuzzle the hole with my nose while I lick and suck your perineum, then tongue your asshole lips so fast and swirly and long you’ll think I have a vibrator in my mouth, push my tongue a little deep and power milk the lips and entrance with my tongue, throat and lips, then plunge all the way down into the depths of your rectum foraging while I saw the g-spot with my tongue. I’ll get you right to the edge of cumming, then pull out so I can watch your hole gulp and wink and drip, describing everything to you. I’ll let you cool down for a few seconds and start all over…. digging and digging, getting you hotter and hotter til you start having multiple non-ejaculatory anal orgasms. Finally, with one flourish, I’ll transfer my mouth to your cock and make you feed me your load with a mind-blowing ejaculation. After I finish swallowing that load, I’ll return to your pulsing hole, kissing it madly, letting your cock rest in my hand, gently caressing it with my thumb while you pant and sweat and thank me. How does that sound? If you smoke cigarettes that’s a big PLUS!

richie – Apr 9, 2018
Hi there a friend said i should join this site because i would love to get my hands on some of the asses around here, so even though i am 100% dominate i did what he said. So i am here and your ass is the one i want the most by far, so how does this work? richie



Glitterpuke, 23
I love depraved motherfuckers who get pissed off all the time
Looking to inject poz semen into my bloodstream with a hypodermic syringe
No boyfriend since birth
God knows why I am here



HackMe, 19
Before you think about being my master, you should know that I am suffering from paranoid hallucinatory schizophrenia. That’s why I need to take medication. I scream that extra information here because the disease has unfortunately gotten much worse recently.

Do not like ?:
– my skin (pimples outbreak since a month)
-if you have less than XXL
– schizophrenia
Here is an explanation of how schizophrenia affects me. For example I perceive reality as abnormally changed: I get depressed for months and can not do anything at school because I can not concentrate anymore. At some point I begin to believe that the conversations and laughter of people, even people I don’t know, are about me. Then I think also the whole of my classmates are conspiring against me and secretly blaspheme. And I can see inanimate things start to move or hear someone scream at me, even though I’m all alone. I then start to think that I am not actually here on earth, but in another world above and can run on purple clouds. I do not even realize that this is sick, I can tell that what is different than usual but not that it is sick.
– psychiatrists (boring in bed, so boring)
– my appearance (I do not like it at all)
– unicorns
– Venom From Spider-Man
– antisocial behavior from anyone else


onthebeach – May 9, 2018
I bet you have a small soft uncut pty dick. My biggest turn on is to play with small soft pty dicks.



Pitbullslavedog, 24
My Owner and God “WHEELIEBURNINGRUBBER” owns me and I am a true masochistic NO LIMITS 5’9″ slave /dog


Anonymous – Apr 24, 2018
Too bad there’s not a gym for your face.



me_for_you_is_we, 18
Only child, just came into a large inheritance, don’t have a clue what to do with it……

ps: I have braces ?
student | male | guitarist
If I do not write back I’m probably in school or learning
I fucking hate this place


Closetdooropens – May 1, 2018
I would like a new PC and the apple watch.



ErnestHemingway, 20
Hi there, I’d describe myself as a very attractive athletic twink with an interest in ego reduction.

One idea would be serving a master in a stable of slaves as the omega. For free time, when the other slaves might play a game or chat, I’d be expected to beg for boredom.

The other slaves would be sitting around with a deck of cards, and I’d be on my knees, asking you to lock me away in a room alone where I can write lines or count grains of rice or just stand facing a corner.

The other slaves wouldn’t want to play with me anyway: they’re not only envious of my extreme attractiveness, they’re punished for all of my transgressions, however minor and difficult to avoid. That’s why they secretly conspire to destroy my cuteness, throw acid in my face and things like that.

Perhaps you grant my request for boredom or perhaps you make me listen to behavioural change hypnosis tracks or tell me how unattractive I am in an ironic voice to enrage the other slaves even more or you put me in a full body latex outfit with a hood and invite some skag lowlife guys over to rape me telling them I’m an ugly slut so they’ll have no idea what a privilege they’re being given.

Highlights of my life would include serving guests at parties and hearing them say loud enough that I can hear how fascinating it is that someone so extremely cute lives such a miserable life.


finesthoe – May 12, 2018
overly proud gemini.



MyBalls, 20
Seeking for a strong Master who knows to play baseballs using bats, wrenches or other tools alike. You have the bat, I have the balls ? If you want them, come get me. I’ll give you my address.


MyBalls (Owner) – May 6, 2018
You’re probably right.

DrEAM – May 6, 2018
Don’t be offended, but I suspect what you really need is a hug.



PizzaOnTheRoof, 24
have you ever felt loved before with anyone in your life before? and can you tell me what love means? If love is caring about someone in spite of their faults not just desiring then Yes I have loved, I am not really sure that i have been loved in the way people talk about though, I have always felt something was missing. love to me Is bizarre.


ThePaleGod666 – May 15, 2018
I would like to say… SEX is one of most precious PHASE OF relationship which creates bond within two person so it should happen only within person whom you love (whom I love… the other doesn’t need to give a shit abt me)



blondhairdontcare, 20
My name is actually Arthur I’m actually 17 , ik now too young ….but i won’t call the cops okay? I’m a bottom guy , I do not want a fem guy coz I’m a relationship I can be the only fem guy . Deal with it


Heteroflexible – May 19, 2018
Hi. I like your profile foto. It’s very melancholy. You’re trying to come off like you’re a pampered pretty boy on a luxury vacation with your sugardaddy, but you’re obviously in some depressing apartment complex in Germany or somewhere.



InOrange, 24
I (in lime green) am looking for, first of all, no hook ups, no dates, but I just want anyone here to write down what experience you had with him (in orange) in the Moskaubad. I think he has been slutting around there behind my back. He says he has just been swimming or showering there, but I don’t trust him! So tell me everything … You can answer in the guestbook about your experiences. .. Am very angry!!!! IMPORTANT: I do not care for any fictitious stories, but I’m interested in your actual experiences!



Laughingboy, 24
My name, is Laughingboy. I like simple things, gimme a couple cans a gas, a few sticks a dynamite, and a few bullets, and thats all it takes. I DONT GIVE 3 FLYIN FUCKS about the next person in life, I’m here to get mine, if I die behind it oh fuckin well, I got some niggas I been waitiin to see anyfuckinways. Always remember, I live off borrowed time, so when you waste your’s, thats why I’m here don’t forget that. Till I have more time to write somethin I’ll be back you wont know when, but I’ll be here you better believe it ONLY THIING ON MY MIND GO HARD STRAIGHT WIN


northriver – May 7, 2018
Swimmer’s build that is slightly ruined by pectus carinatum (pigeons chest).

Laughingboy (Owner) – Apr 28, 2018

Anonymous – Apr 28, 20918
Any limits? Anything you dislike?



brandspanking, 22
I don’t suck, but I do suck.
I’m not a drag, but I do drag.


joeblow – May 16, 2018
He does suck, will suck, does drag, and is a drag.



Hethoughtwewerebestfriends, 18
A year ago I forced the boy in the photos to strip, wear my daughter’s panties and pose for photographs. I tied him up, spanked him, spat on him, called him names, pinched him, groped him, whipped him, made him suck my cock and take toys, and I recorded the whole thing. The photographs and recording were my leverage against him reporting me. He was killed in a car accident two months ago and now I’m free to sell copies of the set of 38 photographs and 3 hour 18 minute recording. His face will be digitally blurred. If you’re interested make an offer. True story.


Anonymous – May 19, 2018
This place is so peculiarly vile.



SlaveBitchBoy666, 19
Just a disgusting kinky skinny little pig Looking for a master who will fatten me up and do whatever he wants to me I want to be as fat as a posible I am willing to be the fattest slob slave ever


SlaveBitchBoy666 (Owner) – May 21, 2018
if it’s realistic

TheBorrower – May 21, 2018
Fat suit?




p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, ‘The Arcades Project’, yes. I think all writers are minor writers. The center is an illusion. Do people think Beckett isn’t complex and multi-faceted immediately? ** Sypha, Hey. Me, I was neither an Aaron nor Nick guy. Their public images were just useful to my purposes in different ways. Ah, cool that you’re making a concerted effort with ‘Strange Landscape’, and I’m personally happy that it’s at least kind of seducing you. I assume you must have paid a pretty penny for your copy? There must be some weird, tangled legal reason why that book hasn’t been reprinted. ** Jamie, Hi! I’m reasonably good, yes, perhaps a bit more than reasonably. You? Very cool about Ariana’s reading. She’s a fireball, right? Great! You’ll meet her someday, I’m sure, especially if she does indeed move to Paris because you will need two get over here for an uninterrupted visit at some nearish point. Colin Herd’s a great guy and wonderful poet. Uh, I haven’t heard of there being any other problems opening the story files so far. Hm. I can ask Kiddiepunk. Notional, yes, exactly thank you! I look forward to talking with you about the thing. Do I want some of your cold sesame noodle? Dude, I am the moth to its flame. I.e., fuck yes! The meeting went great. The distribution company wants to handle PGL in France: theater release, screenings, DVD/BluRay, etc. We were totally happy. Now they and producer have to get together and work out a deal, and I think they will. So, yes! Then Zac and went to this swanky pop-up patisserie that offers the most delicious and expensive pastries on earth and indulged. Then we went to the ‘Artists and Robots’ show at the Grand Palais, which is a real ‘crowd pleaser’ with a mixture of silly, fun things and a handful of actually fantastic works. So that was good. Then I arrived home to a combative email from our TV producer wanting us to cut our Intention Note into a saleable, slick, dumbed-down thing, which we will not do. So today we will refuse to do that, and either she’ll bite the bullet and send it to ARTE or there will be a giant fight. Ugh upon ughs. Otherwise, the usual. How was Thursday, pray tell? Ha ha, I want to see and feel that Thursday dance. May yours climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, take a giant leap, a leap giant and propulsive enough that it will land on your roof, and during which time it will transfigure into Santa Claus. 24 hour experimental movie love, Dennis. ** Thomas Moronic, Hey, man! What a super and serious treat and a half to see you! Thank you so much about ZCR. That means a ton. ‘Nobody Likes Them’ is my favorite of the stories, so very cool. I know, yeah, about Glenn Branca. So shocking and so terrible. Deerhunter are playing here any minute and, shit, I really need to figure out when and make sure I go. Wonderful about the new novel messing around!!! Yeah, so sweet to see you! Please be the polar opposite of a stranger around here as often as it suits you. Love, me. ** Nik, Hi, Nik. Thanks a lot, man. Yeah, I think the gif works keep getting better, and it’s meaningful that you think so. Those are two of the reasons that the book has that title. And of there are in explicable instinctual reasons. The structure of the book was just finessing a flow, properly lining up the internal rhymes they share, and finding an order where each story would have the effect of refreshing the collection when read in order. Stuff like like. You’re working on short stories, very interesting. Is that a relatively new form for you, or a form re: which your dedication is newish? I like that you’re writing them. I generally write rather than type my fiction too. Prolific schmolific, you know? Wow, yes, I one billion percent agree about ‘Recollections of the Golden Triangle’. It makes me very happy that it got to you too. We’re happy with the script. If we had total freedom, I think we would go ahead and plan to shoot it almost as is. But we have no doubt that ARTE will want a bunch of work done on it, the context being TV and not an avant-garde realm, but we’re curious to see what that entails. Have a great day, man! ** Steve Erickson, Very important, yes, and I’m happy that stood out to you. Huh, interesting that it was algorithm thing, as was the case in my blog mess, but happy that it got acknowledged as such straight away. Sounds like a great interview with Pena. I’ll be very interested to read it. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. Ah, fucking comment issues. I am trying everything I can to fix that, but I really don’t know if it can be fixed or not since I don’t understand how that stuff works or doesn’t to save my life. Really really appreciate your kind and great words on ‘ZCR’. Thank you, Ben. And big congrats on finally getting your precious boxes today. Hopefully the coast, albeit complicated, is clear now. ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Yeah, if I still used a car to get around, the rain would bother me more. Dashing around town wearing a hood isn’t so bad. The 25th through the 28th sounds fine, yeah. By that point, there won’t be rehearsals. We’ll just do the show in the evenings. Well, unless there’s some unexpected disaster. So, yeah. Or the earlier slot, although later probably means I’ll be more free. I haven’t been following baseball other than just enough to hear that Dodgers are fucking up, which then causes me to not want to follow baseball, if you catch my drift. ** Okay. Well, if you don’t know it already, you do now:  it is the last day of the month which has triggered the slaves alarm. See you tomorrow.


  1. David Ehrenstein

    I love escorts who quote Guy Debord !

    Many in the West speak of Beckett as if he were nothing more than an existentialist in a permanent state of depression. The article I linked yesterday shows he’s ever so much more.

  2. Steve Erickson

    I second the Debord co-sign! I also liked the slave who sounds like he’s studying computer coding.

    The problem is that I have no idea how to get that tag removed from my Google search listing, and in the long run having it attached to my blog’s name might have real consequences if I’m looking for employment. I E-mailed Google two evenings ago, and as you might guess, I’ve heard nada.

    Have you heard the forthcoming Lotic album yet? It has an interesting recurring motif: pretty music box-style melodies performed in a bright, trebly synthesizer tone that could’ve come off a New Age record which get smashed and buried by beats that evoke a drum machine exploding. I’ve written a rough draft of my review, which goes into the political implications of this musical tendency and the album’s general mood of intense unease, although the album’s release date is July 13th.

  3. James Nulick

    Beanstalk looks like a very young H.P. Lovecraft.

    Dennis! Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately but I’m trying to finish this new novel and it feels like I’m wrestling a professional MMA fighter in a Doughboy filled with Jell-O. But I’ll get there.

    I have to work this weekend so I’ll check out your new gif novel on Kiddiepunk then, I’m sure I’ll have some down time.. I’m looking forward to it!

    Did you get paid? Please tell me you did!

    Much love,

  4. Sypha

    Dennis, sadly I think I may have spoken too soon on the Duvert. I was making good progress and was almost halfway done when the book crossed a personal moral event horizon for me. When Duvert was describing cadavers hanging from hooks in the most lurid fashion imaginable, I could deal with it. When he had a boy sticking bananas and other sundry fruits up his asshole I soldiered on. Later on when he had a boy eating another boy’s ass out, only to have the one being eaten out fart in his face, I grimaced, though kind of expected that to happen anyway (I was going to say, what is it with French experimental and/or trangressive writers and their obsession with flatulence, but then I recall quite a bit of farting in the little Beckett that I’ve read as well). But when he got to a scene of the boys being forced to torture and murder cats, THAT was when things went too far for me and I went “au revoir!” No offense to Duvert, he’s obviously a writer of talent and skill, I just find some of his subject matter (or how he goes about expressing it) repugnant. Maybe I’m getting old… but yes, it did cost a pretty penny (not so much the first time I bought it). Maybe I’ll trade my copy to Philip Best one day, on Facebook recently he mentioned he wanted to read it but that it was out of his price range!

  5. Marilyn Roxie

    Lovely slaves as usual, Dennis. Just about to dive into ZAC’S CORAL REEF. Just checked over the comments on the VOCALOID post and saw some cross-over traffic through to the Rate Your Music link I’d included, glad people got into it! Next week in San Francisco is the first event associated with the VIDEO HOOK-UPS venture. It’s a sequel to the sexuality themed film night I did last year, entitled this time around ‘Just Experimenting: Playing the Sexual Edge of Film’. We were able to pay prize-winning film-makers this year so that was a big step up. I’ll be sure to send you the Vimeo link of the screening when it’s up if you’d like. Excited to do more and more with film events!

  6. Nik

    Hey D,

    “Too bad there’s not a gym for your face”, “you’re obviously in some depressing apartment complex in Germany or somewhere.” Haaa, I love how brutal the comment game is this slave day.
    The short fiction thing is just something I’ve never really tried to write. I’ve been a fan of short stories as a reader since I was a little kid, and have lately been inspired by a lot of short story writers, like James Purdy and Lydia Davis, and magazines like XRAY, so I decided that it’s what I should focus on right now. Also, I’m going to be transferring into a primarily fiction based creative writing program at Bard really soon, so I don’t really want to show up with a bunch of plays and false starts on novels. I’m excited about working in the medium, your enthusiasm means a lot. Right now I’m kind of hitting my head against a wall figuring out how work on another story, but I think I’m getting used to hitting my head against the wall lately.
    Is the show going to be in a similar style to the movies? And I’m unfamiliar with the ARTE channel, what are their other shows like? Hope you’re having a good one.
    P.P.S. It seems the no comment bug that some users are getting has hit all of my browsers also. What a weird, frustrating thing.

  7. Jamie

    Ahoy, Dennis!
    Your producer is starting to make me think of the recurring boss at the end of every level. So many of your days atm the moment seem to be going along fine and then this kind of comically annoying character slinks in like a bad cloud. Good on you for being able to put up with her.
    Thanks for these slaves. My favourite line may be Dear Die-ary’s “If you’re so into life go have a baby with a lesbian.” and my favourite moment is a toss up between the excellent 1-2-3-4 sequence of reading TakeMyBalls’ profile followed by the guestbook comment, TakeMyBalls’ reply then TakeMyBalls photo – in that order it’s golden, or MyBalls agreeing that he might just need a hug. I thought Ernest Hemmingway’s blurb was pretty great too.
    I already emailed Kiddiepunk about the download not working and he got back promptly and it looks like it’s my problem, unsurprisingly. I’ve got probably got some wrongly configured setting or something. At least I can access it online, eh?
    This all sounds very promising about PGL and distribution etc. I hope a deal is worked out pronto. Any word about any UK screening or distribution yet?
    My day’s been odd cos I slept very badly & am having mild stomach problems again and the mix of the two made work a little tough seeming, but has also left me in a kind of silly giggly state this evening. I was reading Lunar Park when I couldn’t sleep and it was kind of perfect and kind of too close to the mental-bone for the middle of the night.
    How was Thursday? Did something delightful occur? Hope so.
    May your Friday be like the perfect ass turned into a day.
    AstonishingExplosiveFlamboyantDestructive love,

  8. _Black_Acrylic

    As ever, the comments are where I turn to for lolz. “This place is so peculiarly vile.”

    The Yuck ‘n Yum Compendium now has lift off! Alex and and I each have a few boxes and today I readied copies for our IndieGogo crowdfunders. Over the coming days we’ll get the website set up to take orders, make our social media presence felt and I’ll get the YNY Compendium Day completed for this ‘ere blog. It’s been a little delayed, but it feels good to have the process up and running.

    I’m shocked by today’s Zidane resignation as Real Madrid manager but it has to be enjoyed simply as theatre. The guy’s won the Champions League every year he’s been in the post, his chairman was massively surprised and there’s really not any bigger job for Zizou now. I guess when you reach the very top there’s no place else to go.

  9. Steve Erickson

    A few heads-up on music you might be interested in: I’ve become a big fan of rapper/producer ELUCID since you featured him on a Gig Day here last year. He released a new album in collaboration with Haj of Dumhi today; actually, it seems to consist of an EP’s worth of vocal hip-hop tracks followed by their instrumentals. Armand Hammer have a new album called PARAFFIN coming out on July 13th, which will be vinyl only for at least a few months. Since I don’t own a turntable and their album ROME almost made my 2017 top 10 list, that doesn’t please me.

  10. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I like the inclusion of the “master” comments. They’re pretty funny.

    Okay, so it’ll be the 25th through the 28th for me and my ilk then. Now to find a place.

    Lord, please no disasters. (I tell you, that’s exactly something I would say and often do; actually said something just like it today about something (can’t remember what).) Hell, if there is one and it’s something to do with the set or props or equipment and you need some extra hands/muscle/heavy lifting, just tell me and LPS and I will be right over to help.

    I don’t if it’d interest you, but the “David Bowie is” exhibition is at the Brooklyn Museum through July 15th. You might want to check it out if you have any interest at all in it. I’m sure the kids and I will be going to it while we’re there.

    I’m the same way. If the Nats were still really sucky, I probably wouldn’t watch or I’d lose interest really quickly. Like I said, the poor Dodgers are beset by so many serious injuries. That’s what’s killing them this year.

  11. JM

    Dear Dennis

    love thew new gif novel, “13 dead, 10 injured, 6 seriously” really stands out to me as one of your strongest works in the form yet, and maybe one of your strongest works outside of the gif form too – interesting how this one plays with duality, it’s actually really powerful and feels fairly tied to the George/eGorge (sp.?) of Period which i like referring to simply as . because of the way it condenses the novel into a naturally elliptical form . ahhh my words aren’t making much sense today.

    if only i could transform my being&body into an online escort that goes by the name ernesthemingway, huh? actually makes me want to read hemingway i.e. someone i haven’t been interested in reading before.

    how is PGL/arte/dealing with the intensely political tv stuff? on the theatre front, things are good, we had our first full run of “leaves of glass” yesterday (pre-tech and sound and stuff, so still not quite there) to open in exactly two weeks time. it’s the marathon of theatre, really. 150mins; no intermission; steve’s on stage the entire time. crayyy zeeee. i heard soderbergh’s “unsane” leaked and i’m very, VERY keen to see it, so maybe tomorrow. i’m on the road to finishing ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT season 4 today; which is absolutely fantastic – i’m sure you’d like it, tho i know you don’t like tv — it’s all about incidental abuse i.e. the first three seasons are – great, but sitcom-like setups – the fourth season separates all these self-defacing characters from each other and simply watches the ways they accidentally injure, debase, humiliate, deface themselves. which maybe doesn’t sound very appealing given that it’s, like, 8 hours long. but it’s totally fantastic and i’m on board with it. i haven’t done much reading lately, though, i’m still under 1/3 of the way into WAR & PEACE (that’s fine, it’s great) and have been struggling to pick up other things at the same time. once i finish vol. i i’m going to take a short break to read the Juche; “the importance of being earnest” (again) and maybe Harry Mathews Singular Pleasures. Then I’ll hit up Vol. II and pause again after Vol. III.

    “Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit.”

    ah, the ceaseless sexual search for fulfillment brings out the poets in people, huh?

    do you like lorde’s song “green light” re:permanent green light? they’ve been incidentally associated in my head for ages which is fine, because, like, it’s a great song. pretty damn-arn vicious.

    “his days were spent getting his mother to love him//his nights were spent getting his lover to mother him” – AD is crazy.

    last news: i have the rest of my theatre year lined up, i think. PORTRAITS by miranda harcourt is ALMOST a go; it just depends because they might not want to cast me in it, but, i think they do…. and then THE MERCHANT OF VENICE might be tiding me thru til september. and then oct-dec will be some time off because, like, i really haven’t had that since, uh, february?

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