* (restored)
‘Unwrapping Kinder Surprise eggs is an epic trend on YouTube that continues to increase. Using the Octoly system, we tracked a total of 5.1 billion all-time views of videos about Kinder eggs, and the rate of views appears to be increasing. In November, we tracked no less than 489 million views of Kinder egg videos.
‘99.99% of the views of Kinder eggs on YouTube are on videos made by independent creators, rather than the brand itself. At Octoly we call this a “love brand,” where fans are so excited by the product that they will make videos and watch millions of YouTube views about the products, whether the brand is involved or not.
‘Some observers say that the popularity of these videos is partly due to something called ASMR, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, which is a new popular term that essentially means that the sound of the unwrapping tinfoil makes you feel good. Or maybe the videos succeed because they a combination of several things kids like: chocolate, toys, and the surprise of multi-layer unwrappings. Here are the steps in a standard egg unwrapping:
‘Examine the original Kinder Surprise wrapped tinfoil. It’s largely white. Unwrap the tinfoil to find the chocolate egg. Break the egg open. It splits easily in half. Discover that it has white chocolate inside and there is a yellow plastic container inside. Eat a bit of the chocolate. Open plastic yellow container. Peer inside to see what you found. Reveal what the toy is by plucking it out. Play with toy. Repeat billions of times.
‘The U.S. makes up more than half of the audience for Kinder eggs, totalling 2.8 billion views. But unfortunately these views are not driving sales. The Kinder chocolate eggs are considered illegal contraband in the U.S. due to worries that kids might choke on the toys. In 2011, U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized more than 60,000 Kinder Eggs from travelers’ baggage and international mail shipments. There is a potential fine of more than $2,500 per egg.’ — REELSEO
12 Surprise Eggs Toy Story Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing
ImperiaToys2 months ago
Nice surprises ))) I liked it!!!
Muhammad Suhaimi Abu Hassan1 month ago
Hello every body my name is alif
jimmy russell4 months ago
how does this have 40 million views?
Leah Baker5 months ago
Robbin willams died yesterday
Pocoyo Kinder Surprise Egg Unboxing
Tahmid Hai3 months ago
I love pocoyo watch somuch,.
annabel galindez9 months ago
i love pocoyo i watch that on my tv
2 Kinder Surprise Maxi Christmas Eggs Unboxing
jowee padolina7 months ago
Not to cool but awesome
Ahmed Bani-Mustafa11 months ago
Wow nice airplane!!!
Itsme Crofty1 year ago
dude… lose your enthusiasum plz… no offense
Shotayto1 year ago
Why is everyone hating on him for the way he does videos? He’s supporting a heart disease foundation and does this to entertain children. He acts excited because he wants the children watching to know that he is upbeat and fun loving.
CoPpErPiLlZ1 year ago
oh my god! i was watching this and got the biggest shock of my life that little girl looks exactly like i did when i was little no joke she looks exactly the same no difference at all 0.0 my god i never thought i would meet anyone that looked like me :O i can’t stop watching this im gob smacked O.O
2 Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing
LonitaBricks2 years ago
wow great toy
10 Surprise Eggs Unboxing Kinder Surprise
SurpriseEggsToys for Kids3 hours ago
lovely surprisess
ToyScouter1 month ago MARKED AS SPAM
I haven’t seen a lot of Toy Story surprise eggs – this was a good surprise š
Jamie gaming92 months ago
How lucky are wee finding that giant red bird
Bethany Shephard1 month ago
Relly happy
12 Ben10 Surprise Easter Eggs with Kinder Playdoh Surprise Egg Unboxing
dilcia Arias2 months ago
Those are loser toy
kimha ho4 months ago
um i want to ask is that do you guys eat the chocolate?
FlipYard5 months ago
Boo you suck you should get a docter quike
Kinder Surprise Egg Unboxing Christmas Special (Ultra Super Rare Collections)
Sydney Stenman7 months ago
I don’t know if you speak English, but I think if you are going to do a review of old kinder chocolate, you should probably wear plastic doctors gloves.
monstertruck6111 month ago
+paws27 Chocolate cant harm you unless it’s about 30+ years old. I don’t know why he said to wear gloves.
DinoSoCalKayaking4 weeks ago
Add some music
The Maid3 months ago
I ate it when am in elementary then it stop selling I think at 4th grade š
12 Surprise Eggs Unboxing Eggs Kinder Surprise
iSuperFusionZx1 year ago
Rell1 year ago
I liked the vid. But I am wondering if this is for targeting little boys and girls and not grown adults like me. xD
aggreyd711 year ago
How do you get so many eggs
Aidan Maloney1 year ago
i want you to unbox more angry birds eggs!
Hoyt Volker1 year ago
Why do you do this.. where you stupid enough to go there, got a virus and now spread it ? you are truly fucking sad and i hope someone really close to you dies
40 Surprise Eggs Unwrapping Kinder Surprise
matha ramirez1 week ago
I love eggs with surprice
LPS Caramel1 week ago
Fawaz Esam2 weeks ago
Thank you very much that my son wrote a very Merry liked your channel
Play-Doh Ice Cream Cone Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing
jeffmara1 month ago
Great Ice Cream Cone Surprises!
hobbieshobbies2 weeks ago
Surprise mania, so cool!
Ha Lam2 weeks ago
KINDER SURPRISE EGGS!!! Let’s Crack ‘Em Open!
pam phimmarath1 day ago
What happened to you evan
beyblade6 days ago
Does evan have a girlfriend I do and I am only 11 and my girlfriends name is Ria and she is 11 to
sfighter001 week ago
I first heard of these Kinders from a weird commercial featuring a (I hope you don’t mind me saying this term) “Suicidal” Humpty Dumpty. Really cool you got to obtain some.
Dylan Thomas1 week ago
Hey even do u have an instagram because if you do could I follow you please I think you and your vids are AWESOME!
60 Surprise eggs Kinder Surprise Unboxing
FreeMMOStation5 months ago
These videos are the only thing that make my bay daughter eat lunch and dinner peacefully š
Toys and Eggs TV2 months ago
Like for Kinder Santa Claus egg! It’s great! =)
ihkhan831 month ago
You need to go quick not slow please
9 Surprise Eggs Unboxing Kinder Surprise
Chaina Patalano11 months ago
where do you get those my mom and me want to know because I watch you it inspires me to get some š B)
Daisy Frisch1 year ago
Why are you screaming?
only1manga1 year ago
We r not deaf
jonofcov1 year ago
Were do you get the eggs your vids are awesome tell me I beg you
BFDI ice cube1 year ago
your so lucky you get rare trash packs i saw you get another one and on this waa!lol
7 Big Kinder Surprise Eggs Explosion !!!
anish gandla22 minutes ago
hey the explosion is graphic
Ponzified5 months ago
Hahahahahaha the chupa chups exploaded oh noooooo lol love that part when sammie was laughing about it he was sooooooooo adorable and cute awwwww :))))) do you know what I want for Christmas??? I want a skylanders swap force guy I just need one more guy from skylanders swap force to complete my game and same as sam the disney infinity :))))
ciosings5 months ago
Can you do a video of sammies room? š
I would love to see it !
Cindy Duran4 months ago
Did that really explode or is it special effects
12 Easter Kinder Surprise Bunny Rabbit Army Toys Easter Eggs Mega Unboxing
Zaynab Baker7 months ago
I like it sooooooo much
Kinder Surprise Unboxing9 months ago
The best thing ever
Matt Klein9 months ago
I like how you actually inbox kinder unlike all the fake videos, thanks!
Pita masson9 months ago
You good
GoJoMedia Geoff9 months ago
Totally mega! Totally!
80 Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing
Surprise Eggs Play Ground2 months ago
exelents surprise eggs
Toys and Eggs TV1 month ago
I never get bored of watching this video! Great surprises! š
Trinidad Menares1 day ago
ŠŠ°ŠŗŃ ŠŠ»ŠµŠŗŃŠ°Š½Š“ŃŠ¾Š²4 days ago
21:54 kill me please
Andrea Malone6 days ago
How much do they cost
p.s. Hey. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. Panicking is certainly completely understandable, and I’m so happy to hear that your Dad turned out to be doing okay. Stay as strong as you can be, man. Which is very strong, knowing you. Love, me. ** David Ehrenstein, Your linked-to video was not available, but I’m going to guess it was PSB related? ** Misanthrope, Are we? Or are they fakers who couldn’t fake your discerning eye? We will never know. Or you won’t least, ha ha. Do your own shit, man, what the hell. How’s the book with Callum coming for instance? ** the real G, You’re the real G. Thank goodness. I’m sure I will (enjoy your antho. entry)! Oh, wow, thanks for foisting ‘Oliver Twink’ off on your people. If I manage to pull a book together, it’ll be a lot shorter than ‘Ugly Man’. But the shorter the better in my weird book. I’m good, thanks. Enjoy the week off. I did do a Claude Cahun post, I think on my old blog, which I haven’t restored yet, and which I will go hunt down and gussy up. Yeah, she’s great. I’m happy you liked this month’s rentable guys. All credit to them, I’m just their sheep herder and line editor. OrderyourBitch is impressive, yes. Hm, I haven’t looked at Chalamet closely enough to see him in others. But I believe you! Thanks, thanks! ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yeah, I know it’s weird that I don’t like Nutella. I’d never eaten it until I came here, so maybe that’s part of it. Whenever I eat it, I’m kind of like, ‘Why are you so afraid to just be chocolate?’ Ha ha. Yeah, I think jib is about clothes/appearance. My mom used to say that. I think it must have come from some ancient TV show. She was always using phrases that had been trendy to say at one time in the past, and they inevitably came from TV. Like she always said, ‘T’aint funny, McGee’. And I was like, ‘What?’ But then I looked it up, and it was from some now-obscure TV show called ‘Fibber McGee and Molly’. That yin and yang comment was so complicated, no? I liked it, natch. You unboxing love on TikTok, G. ** David, Still haven’t seen the ‘Matrix’. First I need to see ‘Moonfall’. I don’t think there are Wait-Roses here. What a strange name. Anyway, touche on the gotcha. Waiting in line to suck some guy’s dick seems so quaint or something. But I’m used to the crazy slaves. ** wolf, Wolfie!!! Oh, wow, how cool that my Pollard worship made it into the Quietus. Wow. Thanks for clueing me in pal. Everyone, You probably don’t want to read me detailing why Robert Pollard is such a genius, but, if you do, my Pollard-lionizing verbiage is quoted in an article about Guided by Voice in The Quietus right here alongside similar paiens by Steven Soderberg and Ric Ocasek. Hubba hubba! How are you, my buddy? What’s up, what’s up? Love, me. ** Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela, I don’t know what sonata is. I just did a search for ‘pizza Sonata’, and all I got was a whole bunch of pizza restaurants called Sonata Pizza. I’m assuming it has nothing to do with the musical Sonata. Anyway, fuck those people for ruining your pizza! Who did they think they were?! ** TJ Sandel, Hi. Good question. Suckers maybe? Just a guess. How’s your Wednesday, TJ? ** LC, Hi. Yeah, they’re good at amusement parks, and their parks have a particulate kind of, mm, flavor (?), that’s hard to describe. I think the Zipper is a gorgeous entity, but one couldn’t pay me enough to get in one. I have an obnoxious motion sickness problem. Not on roller coasters, etc. but on any ride that goes in circles horizontally or vertically. Sucks! I love carnivals, or, as they call them over here, ‘fete foraine’. ** Brian, Hey, Brian. That explains it, and how funny or something that on your explanation day you end up second to last! Which film did you watch? What happened to brain when you watched whichever one you did? I think I’m watching ‘Drive My Car’ today. We’ll see. I hope your Wednesday knocks it out of the park, and ‘it’ can be whatever you want to have exit the park. ** T, Indeed! TomSawyerAdventurer should have won some kind of prize. Maybe I should start awarding prizes to the best escorts. But they would presumably never know, so what would be the point. Never mind. Those ‘weird faces made with punctuation symbols’ are Japanese emojis. You can find dictionary-like websites that have zillions of them. Yeah, they’re very cool, but then, you know, Japan = def., cool. I think you made a wise decision in your ultimate Wednesday wish. And now mine has to try to live up to it. Interesting dilemma. May your Wednesday shrink the Louvre down to the size of a sugarcube and throw it at a cop and then run away like mad. xo. ** Okay. I restored today’s formerly dead post because I find it kind of weirdly soothing, and I thought you guys might like to be soothed by my blog for a day. But I could be wrong. See you tomorrow.
Hey! I am loving the chocolate eggs!
My grandmother once had a hen that is laying these.
Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela, loves! Hey!
Ref: Sonata it’s a red vegetable small sometimes medium sized you get it as ketchup sometimes Coops
I go
It is tomato Maria, you mean tomato??????
All this chocolate has made me want some! mmmmmm!
Thank you Verity,
for pointing this out,
this is now explaining things: when I am asking for the Sonata to be removed they are changing the music,
It is a ‘tomato’ in future I will know,
This Friday I will turn 75.
And yet, I don’t feel a day over 64
Dennis, You know who loves the Kinder eggs and gets them all the time and collects all the little sets? My mom! She gives the chocolate to David, haha.
So, a little hiccup with the novel with Callum. Seems the publisher we were looking at has suddenly closed up shop. However, we’ve got our eye on another one that might work. Fingers crossed. Thanks for asking. š
Do you think the comments in todayās post areā¦ real? I mean, written by actual human beings watching these videos? Some are justā¦ what the fuck, haha.
Haha, thatās a perfectly valid question when it comes to Nutella, I have to admit that.
These long-forgotten phrases your mom used to say mustāve been pretty confusing. But alsoā¦ now you have a whole collection of them, and you can just sprinkle us with them whenever you feel like it. I enjoy learning about them.
Yeah, the yin and yang comment was pretty well executed, haha. Iām pretty sure Iād gain a million followers overnight if I unboxed love on TikTok! Thank you! Love buying his first Kinder Surprise egg in 20 years, and itās fucking EMPTY, Od.
My dad Pete passed away peacefully last night and he was in no pain, being looked after by the excellent staff at St Gemmaās Hospice. Just a few weeks since he first saw the doctor and weāre all still getting our heads around it. Thank you again for all your kind words x
Oh, Ben, Iām so sorry, a big hug.
Thank you Toniok, really appreciated x
Moonfall sounds interesting wouldn’t mind seeing that myself…
This cholate post has made me very hungry! I’ve been dieting the past month, and recently been running 11 miles every day… I’ve got off 9 pounds so far…. it’s killing me…
I’ve bagged 17 shitloads of crap from my flat so far, to be thrown, and there is so much more to sort out… I’ve been going there every day and going through everything…
It’s been very windy here in London…. think a storm is on the way!!
The random hostility in these comments is pretty typical, but still quite funny. “Nuke Norway” is my favorite.
I finally seem to have broken through my writers’ block on my monologue. It’s only 500 words at this point, but I wrote 200 of them in the last few days, and I’ve spent so much time ruminating on it that my ideas are clearer. I have an actor in mind, but he’s a complete stranger, so who knows how approaching him would go? But I’d like to shoot this against green-screen of blurred-out Instagram pages.
I watched Radu Jude’s short SEMIOTIC PASTIC a second time for an article, and I think I really underrated it the first time. (It’s up on worldscinema.org.) The kind of adolescent sarcasm that delights in staging dolls having anal sex is definitely present, but the level of video and audio detail really came through this time.
Dennis! Ha, you did not know about that GbV/Pollard article, glad I told you! Marc was all “you should tell Dennis” and me “nah, I bet he’s seen it already”.
I’m, uh, I dunno, a bit weird? Ok I think. Just… odd. Just spent a few hours on a Tim Buckley – Scott Walker – Brel bender, which I think is a pretty logical sequence, and now that I’m on Brel really where the fuck do I go. Piaf? Maybe. But I think I’ll leave it on that note. Mh. Now that Scott is gone, is there any male singer with that level of craft and intensity and dedication and, well, perfection left out there? I don’t think so. Damn. DAMN!
Maybe it was your original airing of this kinder day that made me randomly desire a kinder egg a few years ago. I have zero memory of eating it or of the toy. Guess it’s time for round too.
I love the Quietus, I love Propeller, and as for you Mr. Cooper…
Hey, Dennis,
I remember when these things were plastered all over YouTube. Oddly fascinating, in a sort of cultish way. I wound up veering wide of my aims with a very unusual and unplanned double feature: āSalĆ², or the 120 Days of Sodomā, which I hadnāt revisited in a little over a year now, and āGentlemen Prefer Blondesā, which Iād never seen before. Totally incidentally, I found after that they were right next to each other on Fassbinderās top ten list, in fifth and sixth place respectively. Shows the range that guy had in him. Anyway I highly enjoyed(?) the experience, so it wasnāt a wasted Wednesday. How was āDrive My Carā? Iāve been wanting to see it. I almost went to a showing with Hamaguchi in attendance way back in November but it didnāt pan out odor a number of reasons. Hope it proved a worthwhile way to spend your Wednesday, if you did get around to it. Onto Thursdayāthe next two days are really crazy and stressful for me, but I can almost glimpse the weekend waiting on the other side! Full steam ahead…
Iām alright, just trying to channel my OCD the right way. If you donāt mind, I wonder what youāve found helpful when a story/novel goes wrong. All the suggestions Iāve found relate to character-based fiction (developing characters, rethinking motivation ā¦). Lately Iāve been salvaging old drafts by turning parts into micros, but Iām not sure if this is best or more desperation!
Two soothing days in a row! I’m in the middle of a busy work week, so they’re appreciated.
Just watched Werner Schroeter’s Willow Springs, also oddly soothing.