The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Jello Talent Show



In Cecil B. DeMille’s 1923 silent film, The Ten Commandments, Jell-O was used to create the parting of the sea effect.

































Bompas & Parr have teamed up with Selfridges to create a crazy 9-hole golf course with hazards made of jello.


















My friend and I turned our faces into edible Jello sculptures.







It is called Raindrop Cake, otherwise known as Mizu Shingen Mochi in Japan, its country of origin.


































p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. It’s true, isn’t it. Oh, yeah, I read about that Walmart Santa guy. There you go. ** Nate Ragolia, Hi, welcome. Oh, okay, thanks. If there’s a pdf, you can send it to me at [email protected], or you contact me there. ** Alex, Hey, a! There you are! Hurrah, indeed! Lists, awesome. I just don’t think I can tackle that gigantic Ove thing. Thank you a lot for liking ‘PGL’, but don’t tell me how you managed to see it because that would probably depress me. Still haven’t seen ‘Mandy’, geez. Ha ha, the galleries. Maybe 75%? Your last list is gorgeous. There used to be this Kpop solo guy named Nature Boy whose thing was faux-hippie and who Zac and I were obsessed with, but I think his spotlight time is long kaput. He had one ‘good’ song. Thank you, thank you mightily, Master of all I survey! ** _Black_Acrylic, His films are terrific. His Herzog doc, ‘Burden of Dreams’, is really great if you like Herzog. Good news about your dad. I so, of course, hope he does what they ask of him, but, yeah, quitting cigarettes is as hard as anything is. ** Kegston, Hey! I loved your Xmas story, man! It was the only Xmas gift I got, and it was plenty. Really? I always think every year is going to be amazing. And it usually is. But I don’t think I will that to happen necessarily. My friend John, who has a cameo in ‘PGL’ — he’s the guy whose photos are the subject of the roadside shrine — is in Florida visiting his folks for Xmas, but I don’t know where they live so I guess you won’t bump into him. You kind of almost make me want to visit Tampa, which is pretty big for me. Zip for New Years. I hate New Years. I don’t drink hardly or do drugs anymore, so I don’t see the point. You? Resolutions? I always forget to make them. Maybe I will this year. Yeah, I will. Yours? ** Steve Erickson, That doesn’t sound self-pitying to me. I should get that Blank box then clearly. Well, after I get a DVD player. ** Okay. About twice or so a year something comes over me and I make a post about jello for reasons unknown. Today’s one of those days. See you tomorrow.


  1. David Ehrenstein

    I haven’t eaten Jello in eons. MUST get some!

  2. Thomas Moronic

    These are awesome. I especially like the parting of the jelly sea, the Kubrick mess (love the friction between what the maker had in mind and the actual result), and some of the ones where I could’t even see how it was jelly. Jelly used to be so ubiquitous when I was a kid. I hardly ever see it now – there must be some vegetarian friendly jelly out there. I might have a look.

    Oh – Dennis, I was meaning to ask. I saw that you have some work in the new issue of Richardson? What is it? Weighing up whether to buy it or not … it’s quite a pricey magazine but if it’s something from you I haven’t read, then I’d be interested. Bret Easton Ellis wrote the cover story too, and I tend to enjoy his journalism too.

  3. Corey Heiferman

    Love so many of these photos. The lamp is my favorite. I would love putting it in a room where it would blend in with the furnishings and watch people realize it’s jello. Wow fun fact about the DeMille.

    Jello heiress Allie Rowbottom recently came out with a memoir that I haven’t read and realistically won’t. Apparently the family is cursed.

    It’s been an eventful week in Israel. Netanyahu’s coalition is (finally) dissolving and elections are scheduled for April. There are lots of political parties and they often dissolve, merge, or sprout out of nowhere. Also, dean of Israeli literature Amos Oz died. I’ve never read his work, so I’ll only experience reading him as a dead author.

    Like Xmas, January 1st is a non-holiday here. Party-inclined people go out on New Year’s Eve and call it Sylvester, but New Year’s Day is a normal workday. My boyfriend and I will play it low-key as we did last year.

    How would it work to translate some of your poems into Hebrew and try to get them published? The only work of yours I can readily find in Hebrew is “Wrong.” I thought some blog readers might be interested in learning more about how the publishing industry works, but if the answer is complicated we can take the conversation private.

  4. Sypha

    I usually only have Jello after an illness of some sorts.

    After taking a break from TV watching following my TWIN PEAKS marathon earlier this year, I’m back to it again. Aside from the odd film here and there (for example, recently I’ve seen two Hitchcock films, FRENZY and SPELLBOUND), I’ve been watching FAWLTY TOWERS, which I’m currently halfway through (there are only 12 episodes) and greatly enjoying. I think when I’m done it I’ll watch the second season of STRANGER THINGS, which I received as a gift for Christmas.

  5. Bill

    Always up for more jello, Dennis. In fact, a little might help me shake this annoying stomach bug. Ah well, I’m in the mood to start work on a piece anyway.


  6. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Fuck, I’ve not eaten Jello in a long time myself. Too sugary for me. I decided a couple days ago that I’m not going to eat anymore sweets…after LPS’s birthday on Sunday and the glorious cake he’ll be getting. He, like me, likes the Lakers because LeBron’s on there now, so his cake is going to be purple with yellow trim. The baker was on a Food Network show once. Some baking competition. She makes some good shit. You come by someday and I’ll get you a raspberry champagne cupcake. 😛

    I like the green head getting cut to bits.

    Well, LPS has been thinking about a trade of some sort. One can make quite a good living being an electrician or plumber or welder or steamfitter or HVAC guy or…and on and on.

    I guess he still has dreams of rapping. For his bday/Christmas, I got him the laptop he wanted. along with a mic. He’s paying me back for what his annual bday/Christmas stipend didn’t cover.

    Sooo…I told you about that med I decided not to refill, right? Well, I got it refilled at my doc’s appointment Wednesday and filled that night at the pharmacy. Fucking thing has knocked me the fuck out the past 2 nights. I don’t even remember falling asleep. It’s used off-label as a sedative. I’ve heard it described as a strong sedative. I think Shane told me he takes the same thing to sleep. Anyway, fucking crushed me, that little fucking pill. I gotta get used to it again.

    Yes, onward and upward!!!!

    Hey, you want to see the last paragraph of one of my chapters, completely out of context? It’ll tell you how trad and sappy it is as a whole.

    “We got back home a week later. Jonathan came over the next weekend. He smiled when he saw me and squeezed me tight as fuck when I hugged him. Him and me, that’s how it always was, even in the times when it was not.”

  7. Steve Erickson

    I’m surprised you don’t own a DVD player, although I needed to buy a portable DVD/CD drive after buying a new laptop last year because Apple no longer builds them into their computers (no doubt hoping to rush everyone into streaming and away from physical media.)

    The gelatin bullets and the Kubrick mess, as Thomas rightly called it, are my favorites here, but I never thought about what a versatile medium this is!

    Have you seen James Ivory’s first American film, SAVAGES? I watched it in Connecticut. It’s a much stranger film than I ever thought Merchant-Ivory had in them, closer to TEOREMA and PORCILE than HOWARD’S END. It’s the kind of movie that could only have made in the late ’60s or early ’70s (or if it were made now, it’d be done by someone as marginal as Damon Packard for a $50,000 budget.)

    I’m finally able to take a break from freelance writing…or, I haven’t actually quit, but I’m working at a very relaxed pace and don’t feel much pressure. It’s good not to feel like I’m on a constant treadmill. I had some ideas about an essay about perceptions of authenticity, addiction and death around the albums Lil Peep and Mac Miller released this year (and some inspiration from DESTROY ALL MONSTERS), but I may just jot down some notes to develop further at leisure. I don’t have to write a full-length review till I see THE IMAGE BOOK again on Jan. 9th and get a copy of the forthcoming Deerhunter album (hopefully next week, when people return to their offices.)

  8. a


  9. aaa


  10. w


  11. tony

    the fox

  12. rent


  13. tony


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