The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Jax presents … Savate – that other French art *

* (restored)

Think martial arts and a hundred Bruce Lee films spring to mind. Martial arts means the Far East, right? Wrong. There’s an elegant, deadly and very French system of foot-fighting which has nothing to do with Hong Kong or Thailand. Born on the rough, port-city streets of eightteenth century Marseilles in southern France, picked up by the fencing upper-classes (to this day, matches commence with an ‘en garde!’ from the referee) who combined what started as various vicious kicks and open-handed slaps (very French, eh?) with Marquess of Queensbury rules English boxing thus introducing the closed fist and it’s now practised by the Foreign Legion and is the French national sport (yes, we all thought that was shopping, I know).

And it’s called “Savate (pronounced sa-vat) Boxe Francaise”.


So what is it? And why the big long title? Like I said, it’s basically two things. The boxe francaise bit is fairly self-explanatory: French boxing. The Savate bit is more obscure and for me, a lot more interesting. It’s foot-fighting or “fencing with the foot.”


The term savate is one of those French words which translates weirdly. Literally, it means ‘old shoe’ or boot. So far so helpful, right? There’s a couple of schools of thought on the derivation here. Like, it conjures up the rough street hoodlums – boot-boys? – and brawling sailors who initially practised foot-fighting in working-class Southern France. Other people say it’s an ironic reference, stemming from the idea that the oldest shoe can still deliver the most vicious kick. But whatever its actual source, savate is street-fighting – perhaps even on-board ship-fighting, since there’s a theory suggestion its open-fistedness stems from the fact seamen practitioners had to keep their hands open and free to grab onto something and thus stablise themselves should their vessel roll in heavy seas.


NB ‘chausson’, as used in the above depiction, is a term for the slipper-type footwear apparently worn by eighteenth and nineteenth century French sailors.


So what’s so special about Savate?

Where other fighting systems focus on speed, power and the athleticism of those involved, Savate favours accuracy of target and includes a lot of low kicks – to the shin, the side of the knee, the back of the knee, the front of the thigh. Blows to these areas are subtle yet completely disabling: you sweep the inside of your foot against your opponents, you may not injure him but you do knock him down as effectively as with any punch.

Not only are these kicks deadly accurate, they have great French names:-

A fouette (foo – ett – ey) is a whip-like kick, executed with the point of the foot and used to target specific areas e.g the side of the knee. And here it is in action:-


A coup de pied bas (coo di pyay bah) is a low sweeping kick, executed with the side of the foot to the opponent’s shin or ankle – designed to literally sweep the foot from under him. I could find no footage of this kick anywhere which may imply a fall in popularity – it does look a bit weird and feels awkward to execute. Still, it’s a shame cos the sweep-kick is so characteristic of savate and so effective.


A chasse (cha – say) is a side-kick, delivered with the sole of the foot to a low, medium or high target. Yeah, kicking your opponent in the head is always impressive, but step out with your right foot and deliver a chasse with your left to the back of an opponent’s calf and instant dead leg. Voila!


Despite the fact that the modern sport of Savate Boxe Francaise does now incorporate traditional English-style boxing, its foot-fencing aspect remains dominant: one of the savateurs’ favourite kicks – a revers frontale – involves knocking down an opponent’s gloves. Get his hand out of the way and he can’t protect his face. And this is what it looks like in action:-


The guy in his underwear who looks like Charlie Chaplin in this 1899 photo is Charles Charlemont. His anti-clockwise revers frontale is going to smash through his opponent’s left-hand guard. And look at Charlie’s his own hands. This is signature savate: one arm held out and curved upwards for balance, the other protecting the chest and mid-section. Practical, functional and so damn elegant. By the way, they dropped the long underwear, but competitive savatuers now wear rather fetching full-length lycra unitards.

They look like a pair of French poofs, I hear you say?

Have a look at this lot:-


This one’s just a wee taster.

So why do I like savate? It’s a great combination of the elegant and the completely scrappy – a real product of its roots. And I like that it got those two almost diametrically opposed sources: the contained grace of fencing and the full-on Marseilles street-brawling. It’s bouncy, almost like dancing. It’s a great cardo-vascular work-out. And it’s a bloody effective self-defence tool.

I did Savate for five years. I trained, amongst others, with the guy leaping into the air below – Salem Assli, who originally played football, of all things. I didn’t compete but I sparred and still have my ring licence. I did my shoulder in while training don’t do it any more, but I dunno: it still just presses my buttons. And I hope it presses yours.



Here’s a variety of links:-

This is footage from the 2007 European Assault championships in Belgium. ‘Assault’ denotes an emphasis is on form, technique and accuracy.


‘Combat’ savate is, as the name implies, the ring sport. You can have a look at the 2007 World Combat Savate championships here:-


In this one, the foot-fencing aspect is really distinctive, eh?


This shows both assault and combat savate – just to prove it can be lethal, despite the spandex and the bouncing around, check out the guy writhing on the ground:)




p.s. Hey. ** David, Hi. Kristen said to thank you, well, everyone actually, you included, for your great responses to her show. You may just win Xmas if you keep celebrating like that. So sorry you’re feeling shit. It is that time of year. I’d siphon off some of my solid enough health for you, but, hey, don’t have a clue how to. Drat. ** _Black_Acrylic, Awesome, thanks for the Guardian link. You know I’m like a duck to that water or like a lamb to that slaughter or something like that. I sure hope you guys get a Xmas fair disaster this year. I haven’t come across one yet. How’d the writing go? Be patient with yourself, if you need to hear that. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Your heart probably feels warm because SCAB makes my heart so hot it radiates. A drama queen dachshund, nice. I suppose that can get angsty, but it’s pretty like a cartoon. Have fun with Anita today! I’ll keep the blog fluffed up for you until your return. Love in the form of a 17 year old Emo boy who stops you on the street and says, ‘Szeretem a kedves embereket. Az utóbbi időben túl sok volt a negativitás, a stressz, az aggodalom. Csak pár kedves szóra, és egy kis szeretetre vágyok, amelyet egy ideje ritkán kaptam meg… ennek ellenére nem vagyok kiéhezve a szexre, nem is keresek szexet. Csak fontos szeretnék lenni valakinek,’, G. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. It’s not? When I think of Todd considering subject matter, Peggy Lee is not the first thing that comes to mind, but of course I don’t know him. I’m liking your take on Mr. Christ. I’m in the ‘he never existed’ camp. ** Misanthrope, You’re right! Well, aces to you on your fix-it-up skills, man. Me, I dread the arrival of spring every year around this time. I like to shiver in modest volumes. ** T, Hi. I don’t know who came with the term ‘torrent’, but it’s a goodie. It has the exciting rushing implication, but it’s also little scary sounding, which is appropriate. Something that might help your fiction! That’s my blog’s ultimate life dream. I think I’ll go for gallery-goer for my Tuesday, just to be safe. I hope your Tuesday goes all savate on your Monday. xo. ** Jeff J, Hi, Jeff. Oops. I sure wish I or at least my hosting site understood why that delay happens because it’s just so annoying. Yeah, I’ve been into Mike DeCapite’s stuff since the 80s. He used to be tight with Richard Hell, and Richard was a big supporter and got me into his writing. He also contributed a lot to Richard’s zine ‘Cuz’ as did I, so we shared space. A nostalgia exercise? In what sense? I mean I’m sure people are buying it out of nostalgia, but I think the work itself is strong, and it has the genius they always did in an expectedly steadier, older place. It reminds in a way of that first Steely Dan reunion album ‘Two Against Nature’, which has the fundamental great qualities they had in their heyday with a certain knowingness or becalmed inner voice or something that’s less fiery but still works impressively. Thank you so much about ‘IW’. I’m glad you liked the Fleur Jaeggy. I totally spaced or it would’ve been in my list. She’s been a great find. I don’t know that Rone Shavers book, I will definitely seek it. That sounds quite exciting. Yeah, I’ll bet that Hemphill boxset is really something. Thanks, man. You good? Writing? ** Steve Erickson, Ah, the magic of Facebook, ha ha. Yes, the Dumont is really good, isn’t it? I was very wary based on the trailer, but, as so often, the trailer was the distributor’s money seeking distortion. Ha ha, yes, Macron often seems like a stand up comic doing a Macron impersonation, but without the laughs. He is not the world’s most sincere person, let’s just say that. ** Bill, Glad a few broke through. I’m making my way into the music, and, yes, so far I’m liking it all. Thank you again! ** Brian, Hi, Brian. As I said up above, Kristen (via me) thanks you/everyone for liking her show. I assume it’s the long, full length ‘Ludwig’, yes? It’s something. Wow, well, I hope you like ‘PGL’. Thanks for having it in your paws. Oh, man, strep, no fun, I hope it stays locked within him, poor him. Most people I know who’ve gotten the booster felt little to nothing, but a few have gotten whomped, albeit briefly. I’m about to schedule mine, but I’m trying to make sure I don’t have much to do the following day or so. I am kind of in a tunnel, so thank you. I hope you’re now boosted in only and every sense of that word. ** Mark Gluth, Hi, Mark! I don’t think I know Claire Rousay’s stuff? I’m not sure. I’ll investigate. Thank you. So excited about what you’re working on, so naturally. And very nice about the new friend. I’ve become good friends recently with this young guy who I think will play the main role in Zac’s and my new film. He’s great, and that’s been boon in these days, so high five that front. Take care, my bud. ** Okay. Today I thought I’d give you a kind of change of pace and restore this quite old post by a beloved and long lost d.l. of this place, Jax. See you tomorrow.


  1. David

    Thanks ‘both’…. and cheers for this post… wish I could have known how to kick box that time I was at the festival of ‘Holi’ Nepal… my friend and I had paint thrown in our faces which was fine and to be expected…. but someone then went on to throw a bag of water full pelt at my face… on hitting it burst and felt like I had been slapped very very hard…. my teeth grew a little and….. ‘we’ took a cab back to the hotel…. was funny looking back now… although not at the time…..

    Thought I’d share the 12 graffiti names I used some years back and the reasons why…. when I painted out on the streets roughly for 4 years…. here they are….

    “D” = Devil, Dream-machine, Demon, Damaged, Dirty, Doctor-who, Depraved, Disciple, Discipline, Damnation…
    ‘Millennium bug’ = Kafka, William Burroughs, ‘dare to see the world as it really is or as you wish it to be…’
    ‘Street Porter’ = Self-Street…
    ‘Lamb chop’ = A nickname given to me years ago by Paul Rutherford of Frankie goes to Hollywood and his pals, whilst I was working at the Freedom cafe in Soho early 90s…
    ‘Common singularity’ = My own scientific term, something that changes at source and at every point through time, pertaining to the act of ‘altering actuality’ ‘sending messages through time’ ‘brain crayoning’ also a joke of sorts, ‘for I am the ‘common singularity’ singularly common…’
    ‘Little Horn’ = Biblical Antichrist, a Marilyn Manson reference of whom I am a huge fan…
    ‘Davidian’ = ‘Vernon Wayne Howell’
    ‘Stainer’ = Spelt differently, a reference/tribute to “Steven Stayner” after watching the film about his life, my heart felt broken… I changed the way it was spelt as it fitted with the act of marking a wall…
    ‘Cole’ = ’12 Monkeys’ reference, ‘Cole’ is played by Bruce Willis, it is one of my favourite films! it is also a reference to Cole Porter of whom I am a fan of… Night and day- U2’s version…
    ‘Banner’ = Another nickname given to me when I was very young by some geezer whilst I was at the bag wash/launderette in reference to Dr David Banner ‘The hulk’ wholly inciteful and appropriate as well 🙂
    ‘Daniel Feeld’ = A reference to a character played by Albert Finney in Dennis Potter’s mini series ‘Cold Lazarus’ I am a huge Dennis Potter fan…
    ‘Cashless Society’ = Self explanatory or perhaps not… it is a reference to me as an individual, as a mock and not society at large (sorry)… “Oh look there goes the cashless society, who does he think he bleedin is?!”


  2. David Ehrenstein

    Ah, Kickboxing! Remindful of one of my favorite romantic comedies Say Anything

  3. Dominik


    I’m here after all because our meeting with Anita got a little postponed, and I can’t leave such a lovely boy/love without an immediate reply! He sounds like such a lonely person, just in need of some love… Love smiling at your 17-year-old Emo boy love and telling him “Gyere át hozzám. Igyunk meg egy pohár vörösbort és beszélgessünk. Azt hiszem, pont téged kerestelek.”, Od.

  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Rigby and I talked about Jax in our last phone convo. Are you listening in? 😮

    Now, David’s Check Engine light is back on. Seems the catalytic converter ain’t converting so well. He’ll have to get that fixed himself eventually. Could be thousands of dollars. Though it looks like it’s not THAT hard. Hmm. I don’t know if I’ll do that or not.

    I’ve become very sensitive to temperatures over the last 5 years. I used to sleep with my window open when it was 32 degrees or below outside. No more. It drops below 70 and I’m a shivering fool. Part of it is probably weight loss. I’m down 44 pounds in the last 7 or so months. And 86 pounds over the past 6 years. I was wearing pants with a 42 waist and am now wearing 34. I feel a hell of a lot better. But I’m one cold mofo. 😮

    Getting slammed at work again this week. I mean, a little break at least? :'(

  5. Bill

    Perhaps next time I’m in Paris, we can check out some savate, ha.

    By the way, right now it’s colder in San Francisco than in Paris. Eeeek.

    Good to hear you may have a good lead for your next film. Look forward to more updates.


  6. _Black_Acrylic

    @ Jax, these Savate practitioners are all supremely elegant and they provide a great display for us today. For some reason I can see Alfred Jarry doing this but I don’t suppose it would ever be his sort of thing. Maybe it’s the vintage sportswear?

    The writing is kind of going okay, just carrying out little bits and pieces and getting used to the dictaphone machine. It’s a new process and it might take a bit of time to adapt into my routine. A bit of writing and a bit of work on the exercise bike and then I figure it’s been a decent day.

    • _Black_Acrylic

      So anyway tomorrow I’ll be sending this to my tutor and I’m determined that it will be good.

  7. Steve Erickson

    Have you had a chance to listen to the 4 new Arca albums yet? I hope I am able to write about them for Gay City News in January, although the quality seemed to drop off after the third one.

    Here’s my review of the worthy Polish thriller OPERATION HYACINTH:

  8. Jeff J

    Hey Dennis – Nice to learn something about Savate today!

    Ah, that totally makes sense about the new ABBA in relation to Steely Dan’s “Two against nature,” which I agree about it having the same spark though slightly becalmed. I’ll definitely check “Voyage” out. Strange the next Steely Dan album “Everything must go” seemed to lose the thread, apart from a couple of songs. At least that’s how I remember it. What did you think of it?

    I like all of Fleur Jaeggy’s work, especially her novel “Sweet days of discipline” and her book of fictional biographies of real people “These possible lives.” Glad she’s getting more attention these days.

    Are you a fan of Paul Blackburn’s poetry? A friend recommended it, but his work seems to be OOP and expensive. I only know him via his translations.

    I haven’t been writing lately — well, I was trying to write but I found myself scraping the bottom of the emotional + creative barrel. After a busy semester of teaching and the fallout of grieving and continuing family drama, I think I’m tapped out and need to recharge, which I hope to do these last weeks of the month. Read and listen and watch stuff and stay quiet and sponge up whatever I can.

    What’re you focused on these days?

  9. Mark Gluth

    Hey Dennis, Claire Rousay’s work is really unique. A combination of field recordings and what I can only call “free ambient” music (I hate how so much ambient stuff seems regimented and closed), but really beyond words in the way it’s more like she makes sounds the are imbued with a sense of place and mood. Good places to start are It Was Always Worth It, 17 Roles, or the track Peak Chroma. Congrats on the rad friend, high five right back at ya. Yeah my friend is young too. Anyway, there is a special buzz that comes with new intense friendships, ya know?


  10. Brian

    Hey, Dennis,

    The innumerable global varieties of sports seem inexhaustible. Have never heard of savate, and I assume there are a million other variations that are yet unknown to me. Hearty thanks to Jax for enlightening us about at least this one. The “Ludwig” I’ll be watching is the ~4 hour theatrical cut, so I’m assuming it’s the fullest and longest version out there. Tremendously excited. Judging by what I’ve heard, I already think it might turn out to be my fave of the German Trilogy, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I wound up watching “Permanent Green Light” tonight, as it happens. Man oh man. I hardly even know what to say—I only finished it, like, half an hour ago as of the time of my writing this, and it’s obviously the sort of film you need to sit with—but I loved it, long story short. It felt so massive and overwhelming for something so apparently small scale. Big emotions. And your actors are just so wonderful. I could watch their faces for hours, in a (hopefully) non-creepy/voyeuristic way, I mean. I just found it totally absorbing and sad and very funny, and many many other things too, and I can’t wait to rewatch it, and that’s all the brain processing power I can muster to say about it right now, although I sort of want to, like, try and write a paper about it or something sometime in the future, because there’s a lot I want to talk about. Anyway it was the highlight of my day, that’s all. My brother seems to have recovered from his illness without passing it on to anyone else, so that’s a relief. No side effects whatsoever from the booster shot on me, yay. And the rest of the day was just writing up my final for my Italian cinema class. That was the most fun final, because I got to talk about Pasolini and Visconti and such, and I feel the most confident in my writing for that class. So that’s one more out of the way, only a quiz and another paper left, and then I’m done. Ach, I’m terribly sorry to hear you’re tunnel-stuck at the moment. I’m assuming it’s producer-related? If that’s the case, I share your frustration even more than before, having now actually experienced what you and Zac are capable of doing with the medium. Praying to the capricious gods of film production that all your issues, whatever they may be, are resolved speedily. That seems like the right wish to leave tonight off on. Have a great Wednesday, Dennis. Talk to you tomorrow.

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