The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Jack Skelley presents … Please welcome to the world … Karina Bush Fourth Industrial Revolution Slut


Karina Bush’s Fourth Industrial Revolution Slut (Password: Davos) is a She-Ra agency of urgency for Pandemic daze. A poet and media artist (out of Belfast, based in Italy), Bush debauches episodic travel narrative. In FIRSLUT, an anarcho-sexpot employs maximized tits, Gucci regalia and Sex Magick ritual to snag – by any means necessary – a Covid passport in picaresque pursuit up and down the Italian peninsula. Her targets? Mythically decrepit patriarchy-malarkey leaders of the One Percent: Silvio Berlusconi, Klaus Schwab, George Clooney.

Who will she gun for next? Will Berlusconi’s kidnapped poodle Dudu lose a paw?

Bush conceives a hyper or augmented reality for a post-truth world, gamifying and eros-ing “new narrative” into dissociation. And into mytho/persona blur: Since the narrator is also “Karina,” the question is begged: Is this “auto-fiction”? (Is anything?) Who is “I”? Bush tells me: “I cranked up many personality traits: extreme determination, vanity, sexual manipulation. I satirized myself and the situation. My editor said the story read like a nervous breakdown and he might be onto something. Feeling cornered by powerful people brought her out. She’s a working-class hero to me. My Übermensch.”






… “Nice tits,” he says.
“Thank you, they’re natural.”
“I want the penis shot today,” he says.
“Of course, Mr. Berlusconi,” I reply. The Manager didn’t tell me about the penis shot. He must have assumed I know about penis vitamin shots, being trained to Level 5. I’ll administer at the same depth the doctor did my fillers. Seems sensible.
I prepare the syringe. I kneel. Close up, I can see that he has abs implants.
“So big – wow!” I say when I look directly at his penis.
“Take your tits out.”
I take my tits out.
I grip the root and straighten the penis along my palm.
I insert the needle horizontally along the centre of his shaft. Silvio is not concerned by my technique. I slowly apply pressure and administer the vitamins. If that’s what they are. I have no idea. The vial is labelled Syrian Flower Garden. Could this be adrenochrome? Not impossible.
Silvio throws his head back and grunts. I withdraw the needle…



… The internet says War and Peace is his favourite book, so I got a copy. In Russian. Nothing more intellectual than that.
—-I also bought a python from a pet store in Rome.
—- Tits and brains are an eye-catching combination for a Hollywood playboy with pretensions to be politically relevant. But tits, brains, and a serpent around my shoulders is a more eye-catching combination. Manifest. George will not ignore the enigmatic Russian siren on his lake. Calling through the sex-ether to the flesh of his penis. To his blood vessels. A challenge to his power.
—- Last time I was on Lake Como, I thought I was falling in love. Or something like that. As Prince Charles said: “Love, whatever love is.” Life was warm and confusing. And every time I floated in the lake the water turned pink and it glittered. It really did. I was a fresh lotus waiting to be plucked. A life inside a life. Now I am a plastic flower on the lake, made in China, pretending to be Russian. War and Peace is resting on my tits and I’m flicking through it pretending to be engrossed. I’m so grammable right now…




… The Alps look like Mars in the sunset. They’re getting closer to taking us to Mars. The UAE has a probe up there right now and Starship had a successful landing. It’s a tempting adventure. But space travel depletes bone density. Mars will be full of cripples. It won’t be like the movies. It’ll be like living in a nursing home where you have to work for your food with a deformed skeleton. People shouldn’t believe them. People shouldn’t believe Elon Musk. He’s cute but he’s an actor.
—- Fuck. There’s a light ahead. Fuck. I take my fur coat off and throw it in the back seat.
—-Slow down or run everything in my way over?
—-It’s a goatherd. Goats everywhere. I don’t think even a Range Rover can get through this.
—-And two farmers with flashlights and shotguns.
—-I stop.
—-The farmers walk over. Big legs and big faces. They’re wearing shorts. These people don’t get cold. More like livestock than humans.
—-I open my window.
—-“What is your business?” the fatter one asks my tits.
—-They speak Italian, good.
—-“I’m driving to a photoshoot, I’m a model.” Giggle.
—-“No photographs with the COVID,” the less fat one says.
—-“It’s a photo campaign for facemasks.” Hair twirl.
—-“Yeah, it’s for the World Health Organization.” Hot squirm.
—-They confer and I can’t hear what they’re saying.
—-The fatter one leans in my window, “You’re breaking the law, woman.”
—-“Don’t be silly, I’m a model, look at me.” I push up my tits.
—-“If we call the police, will they know this model business?” the less fat one smugly asks.
—-I could pepper spray them. I have 10 cans in my bag.
—-They’d call the cops as soon as they get their sight back.
—-I could pepper spray them then shoot them.
—-I look at the fatter one’s shotgun…




… At the champagne and oyster bar. Having the champagne, not the slime. Not many people here. Ubiquitous, five-star décor. Disappointing. I expected Art Deco. I’m dressed for Art Deco. The King is opposite me, also sitting up at the bar, with two Thai women. At a table near him are two thugs in suits and a weedy man in a suit. Bodyguards. Muscle and brains. Dudù is on my lap. Best smelling dog in the world. He’s wriggling. I touch his ear in such a way that it looks like affection to onlookers, Dudù knows, stops wriggling.
—- Action time. I release Dudù and he runs immediately to the King. As I expected he would. I pretend not to notice for a moment, check my phone and make businesswoman expressions, swiftly type:
—-I look up. Look around for Dudù in earnest. Spot him on the King’s lap. Wave over casually, mouth I’m so sorry.
—-The King walks over to me, carrying Dudù.
—-Passes Dudù to me.
—-“Thank you,” I smile.
—-“You are welcome, he’s a good boy.”
—-He’s ruffling Dudù’s head.
“He looks so much like Dudù, Silvio Berlusconi’s dog.”
—-“Lots of people tell me that.”
—-“You’re a beautiful boy, aren’t you,” I ruffle his head too.
—-“He is agitated,” the King says.
—-“He gets car sick.”
—-“Me too,” says the King, “what’s his name?”
—-“And yours?”
—-“Karina,” I say and offer out my elegant hand. Hope this doesn’t break protocol.
—-He kisses it, gracefully.
—-I smile.
—-“Can I get you another drink?”, he asks, and before I can answer yes he orders the barman to send a full bottle and sits down.
—-He raises his hand to the two Thai women and flicks his hand. They leave the bar.
—-We look at each other.
—-“What is pleasure?” I ask him.
—-“It is everything and nothing, at the same time,” he replies.
—-Profound. Hurts my third eye.
—-“What is pleasure for you?” he asks.
—-“Winning,” I reply…




… The party is full of ugly people.
—-Jürgen introduces me as his tennis partner to a group of middle-aged women.
—-They’re curious about my profession. It’s the tits.
—-I tell them I’m an NGO worker.
—-“Where are you based?” one asks.
—-“Well, I spent the last five years in Vietnam with a grassroots charity that supports sex workers to find the fathers of their children. Most of the children are redheads. Their mothers were exploited by Irish and Scottish backpackers. The children looked more Irish than my own nieces and nephews. A lost generation.”
—-Nods of terribleness.
—-“But I had to return to Europe because of COVID. My Grandfather was taken by it.”
—-Nods of so sorry.
—-“We must do everything, everything in our power to stop it,” I say, and copy Vaji’s Princess Diana head tilt.
—-“Ask Klaus about funding for the children,” one says.
—-They shrink off.
—- Klaus is staring at me. This could be easier than I thought.
Klaus’ wife, Hilde, stands up on a chair and clinks her glass. We hush.
She’s giving an incredibly lifeless speech about Klaus.
—-These people are great at being fake.
—-I’m subtly trying to get his attention. While also balancing giving Jürgen the eye contact he needs.
—-Klaus’ eyes flick over to me. Every 20 seconds. I’m on his mind.
—-“To Klaus and the Fourth Industrial Revolution!”
—-We clink and cheer.
—-“Will you take a walk with me?” Klaus asks.
—-His skin is extremely loose and flappy up close, much worse than the photos and videos. I don’t get it. What’s the point of the Fourth Industrial Revolution if humans don’t get hotter? The movement needs a better figurehead. They got all the propaganda right except for the leader…




Karina interviewed about FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION SLUT by New York-based poet and novelist Scott Laudati.


How did you choose which politicians should be the main characters/ villains/ buffoons of this book?

Hello Scott!

I started the Fourth Industrial Revolution Slut on Twitter in November 2020. Initially, she flirted with any powerful man. But she needed a more efficient, more viable plan. So the powerful men were chosen based on their location. I live in Rome. Klaus lives in Switzerland. Anyone powerful in between was a target. Berlusconi was an obvious choice. He’s a next level whore. Clooney also obvious on Lake Como. The King of Thailand has been an obsession of mine for a while. I was in Thailand when his father died and he became King. He is despised by his subjects and doesn’t give a shit about being King. Vaji is the ultimate spoiled child. He’d been spotted arsing around Switzerland during the pandemic, so he became a target. I can never return to Thailand after writing him into the story, I’ll spend the rest of my life in a Thai prison. Thai prisons are not hot.

There are more powerful men on the route back. Tony Blair holidays in Tuscany. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Slut loves Tuscany. And Pope Francis, of course. He’ll be a tough one to crack but she is a very persuasive young lady.

Fourth Industrial Revolution Slut is gamification. Virtual reality. It’s Fourth Industrial Revolution fiction. She is a working-class hero. Clawing her way from the gutter into the homes of the world’s most powerful men. She had the foresight to invest what little money she had into cryptocurrencies when the crisis hit and then trade wisely, realising that rich people make money during a crisis. She modified herself physically into a high-class hyper-slut. She’s a role model. A beacon of grit and freedom.

How big would a set of breasts need to be to seduce Berlusconi and get a coveted vaccine passport out of him? Is he too old to have an interest in the ass trend that has overtaken the millennial cohort?

Yeah, he’s a traditional tits man. Looking at his conquest history, he isn’t particularly fussy about tit size but he does like mega-tits. They are eye-catching. Since I got the implants, I’ve had more attention than ever. You have to speculate to accumulate. I have female privilege now.

Who is Klaus Schwab?

Klaus is my boyfriend.

Very early into this I spotted a pattern of ubiquity coming from official sources. Having the “new normal” shoved down our throats for example. So, I followed the trail and all roads lead to Davos. The World Economic Forum appears to be the engine behind widespread response. Klaus Schwab is the founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF. He has written some interesting books, such as ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, 2016 and ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’, 2020. He had all the answers very early into this. I doubt he’s the King Lizard but he’s a significant one. Fries my head that the majority of people believe Klaus’ minions actually give a fuck about us. Attention spans have declined so much that Tony Blair is now credible again.

Only time will tell what the history books record Klaus as. He’s positioning himself as the benevolent force behind a techno-utopia in which AI and biotech gives us extended lifespans, cures cancer, cleans the oceans etc. Of course, we must give up all our data to achieve that, every pulse in our cells. Small price to pay. But if the “conspiracy theorists” are right, Klaus will go down as Hitler’s heir. Only time will tell.

If the Fourth Industrial Revolution did indeed make everyone hotter, would history necessarily have a problem with it?

If Klaus’ promises all come true, then history will look kindly upon the Fourth Industrial Revolution. But I think it will create mutants in the process of its development. We’re likely to get uglier before we get hotter. 22nd century people will reap the rewards of our sacrifice and be stunning. There will be trigger warnings on photos of 21st century people because of our hideousness.

How long have you been working on this book? Things like covid are running through the story, but child sex-trafficking, the evil of the 1%, etc., are timeless, were you working on something else that merged into this?

It was a three-month process from conception to finishing the story. Prior to creating her on Twitter, I had made some videos that, in a way, led to her evolution. Gimme Bitcoin Daddy and Planet of the Lizard Doms for example. She was entirely inspired by this shitshow, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and my anger at being told what to do by scumbags. She was intended to be a video character within a techno song (called ‘Klaus Likes Your Pretty Little Anus’) but instead it started to come as a written piece and was completed very quickly, in four days.

Where are you writing now? Do you feel that living in Europe and Asia have helped your writing, or impacted it differently than say if you were living in the suburbs of New Jersey?

Right now, I’m working on a video poem called ‘HUNTING FOR APPLES IN THE TECHNO’ up in the mountains of Tuscia, Italy. I’m on an ancient volcano. The houses are medieval and made from volcanic rock. And I feel it. I’m boiling inside. Addicted to the fireplace. My surroundings definitely influence me. In Asia, it made technology more dominant because I was so far away from people I cared about. It made me learn how to use it better and think about its meaning on a deeper level. Italy is just constantly inspiring. It’s like living inside a big treasure chest. You’d need multiple lifetimes to truly absorb Italy. It feeds my romantic and mythological DNA every day.

Overall, moving into unknown territory has been a good thing for me. I need stimulation and challenge to be happy and productive. You have to run an engine or it stops working.

What do you think will be the outcome of these last two years? Will the world be basically two groups from now on – the vaxxed and unvaxxed, or do you see a reconciliation?

The definition of vaxxed is fluid. So people will drop out of that category – or move into a purgatorial version of it – as the booster programme rolls on. I’m not sure of the outcome. The optimist in me hopes for a fundamental overhaul that results in better societies, one that is people-led, not Klaus-led. But I’m not an idiot. It’s not going to happen. I think the world needs more mediators. I grew up during the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Broken societies can be somewhat healed when populations are committed to it. Things aren’t bad enough yet for that commitment to form. States need to abuse people way more for them to crack and say “enough”. My main takeaway from this is that most people are hardcore masochists. I’d had enough at the first lockdown.

It’s really incredible that vax status has broken up families. I can’t imagine ever being so hysterically wound up by the state or media that I’d not invite my parents to Christmas dinner because of their vax status. Some perspective is much needed.

The biggest transfer of wealth in human history happened during the pandemic. Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution be everyone getting vaxx card so they can work at an Amazon factory for $15 an hour, or do you see the 99% realizing they’d been had and start working together to bring down The Globalists?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution aims for robots to take most of the jobs. I think it’s going to be more like Elon Musk’s housecat scenario. For a few decades anyway. UBI will sedate people. There’s some serious restructuring going on. I think, for many people, a high dependency relationship will form with the state. Is it stoppable or unstoppable? I don’t know. Once fully implemented, it’s going to be hard to reverse.

Personally, I’d rather eat roadkill than be entirely tied to the state. Maybe, in a few years, I’ll be publishing the tale of a toothless Rambo woman with amazing tits who is fighting for her survival in the wild.

Does art matter anymore at all?

I’m hopeful it does. It matters a lot to me. It’s my comfort as a creator and consumer. It remains a place where the truth can be told and that’s more valuable than ever.




Karina is an Irish writer and artist who lives in Italy. She is the author of four books with the most recent, ‘Rotten Milk’, published in August 2021 by Tangerine Press. Karina’s work has also been featured by Akashic Books, Expat Press, Ragged Lion Press, the International Poetry Studies Institute, The Nervous Breakdown, Entropy Magazine, and more.

Karina’s website:
Karina’s Instagram:
Rotten Milk:

Keep an eye on her Instagram for news about ‘FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION SLUT PART II’ and a new video poem from her series about love and technology called ‘HUNTING FOR APPLES IN THE TECHNO’.




p.s. Hey. Today, a super treat: The superb writer Jack Skelley alerts you to a really fascinating new book/project by the mega-talented Karina Bush. It’s really something, and you don’t even need to fork out money to have/read ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution Slut’. You need only use the link provided, and it’s yours. Need I even say that I highly recommend you do the mere click and eye activity needed to acquire this gift. So please do that, and thank you, and major thanks to the mighty and generous Mr. Skelley. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yeah, bad luck deluxe. No, luckily I still have my passport. I’m glad you like the post. I did a bunch of those back in the days when depressing Russian twink porn was a thing, but I’ll be sparing in my resurrections as I suspect you and I are relative rarities. I appreciate your love, it would be so, so nice. Love making every window glass in the world sentient, giving it a photographic memory, the ability to answer any question asked of it in any language, and a winning personality, G. ** David, Hi. Thanks for the insiders’ viewpoint. You’ll have to imagine me nodding along with wide eyes. ** T, Thanks, T. You mean the title? It’s mine. I’m pretty good with titles. People always ask me to title their things. Ha ha, yeah, insufferable is my main memory of him. There was this big celebration of Dustan here in Paris a couple of years ago, and the organisers kept pushing me to do something since he and I are sometimes referenced together as transgressive queer icons or whatever, and I kept saying ‘you don’t want what I would say’. Dude, I’ll go look for that tree lined avenue as soon as I’m finished here, thanks, you’re a theoretical life saver. I hope your Friday makes your umbrella automatically shrink down to the size of a Dolipran every time the rain drops cease. xo. ** Brendan, Thanks, buddy. I’d love one. And there’s Mr. Jack himself right up above us. I should be out there in LA at some point soonish, hopefully, to work on the new film, but probably not in time to see your show. Grr. Opens tomorrow! Enjoy the opening if it’s possible to enjoy an opening! Oh, man, mac & cheese would go down so smooth right now. You’re the best, brain-wise and everything. ** _Black_Acrylic, I don’t know ‘Colour of Darkness’, but the other two are very good and among his best. Wow, that’s fast, wasn’t it? It seems like you just started that class. But onto the next! Go, B! ** Bill, If FedEx is to be trusted, and sadly they are not, my problems will be resolved on Monday sometime before noon. Have the best fucking gig humanly possible, man! Acoustic Ashley Paul, huh. Okay, off I go. ** Steve Erickson, Indeed. Monday sometime before noon is what FedEx is telling me at the moment. So I have a very scrimping weekend ahead of me. C’est la. I’ll check in on the new Lotic, thanks! ** l@rrst, Hey. Zac quit smoking about a year or, wait, more ago, and he had nicotine patches all over his body for a long time, but it worked. Keep at it. Don’t forget the shit parts. I generally avoid reunion gigs, but Pavement are playing here next year, and I’m gonna go ‘cos I keep thinking they won’t just toss it off because that’s not in their nature. Curious about the Pajo-added Gang of Four. Seeing them with Jon singing is a pretty big lure. Dude, serious self-treating. Life is ultra-short. Max out the pleasure, seriously. Love, me. ** Okay. Spend your local day with Karina Bush via Jack Skelley’s curatorial skills please, and I’ll see you tomorrow.


  1. David

    When time travel lands I’m going back to the 90s Den… it was an interesting time for me… I might look you up!! Imagine what would you do if you could go back?? 1992-93 ish… Fred West lived one road from me as I said… the mind boggles.. then there’s the hijacking of a the van with folk throwing missiles at a ten year old boy in Liverpool… and speeding him away.. much to the dismay of the monsters… all those bands you could see… I would go and see Nirvana…. definitely….. I might look Mcveigh up as well…. and I’d still earn money being a hooker…. as I actually quite enjoyed it at times….. and i’d get to see some old friends who are no longer alive….

    This post mentally ties in with a little sketch I did last night…. it kept going wrong…. I was feeling really angry… with the endless crap on tv…. the hypocrisy… the plinth standers…. the endless tirade of moaning V the bigging up of ‘individuals’ creating an illusion that they are daring to say something profound… but they are actually just saying exactly what everyone else is actually saying… on climate etc… there was an awards ceremony on tv…. I really hate one of the presenters a lot… so I did a sketch called “where’s my award u w-h-o-r-e? ‘ I couldn’t get it right…. so I went to your blog on yesterday’s post and drew around one of the faces…. at speed…. and I glued it on… then it worked…. and breathe….

    Are you feeling better? I hope so!!! Garlic is good for a cold…. Right I better get out of bed…. it’s a new day….and all that…. x

  2. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I’m going to Cornstalkers tonight. Seems they’re running it through the weekend and my friends and their kids wanted to do it again this year. It’s hella cold here, though. Eek.

    Have a good weekend.

    Man, I’ve been absolutely swamped at work. Still. Erp.

  3. Dominik


    Wow, thank you for this post, Jack! And Karina. And Dennis. Looks intriguing, to say the least. I can’t wait to dig deeper.

    Good, thank fuck for small miracles! At least you don’t have to run around to get a new passport… Is your flu or cold getting better?

    I’m aching to see as many of those posts as possible. It’s hard to be a rarity sometimes, haha.

    Oh, wow. So, so many possibilities with your love. I need to think about what I’d visit AND ask first. Thank you! Love rewiring everyone’s brain so that every single person on the planet becomes an obsessive fan of depressing Russian twink porn, Od.

    • Jack Skelley

      HI, Dominik — Glad/hope you enjoy the totality !!!

  4. Your Nightmare

    Thought you were transgressive. But it turns out you suck Klaus Schwab’s dick. Cooper — just another follower. Take your jab MotherFucker.

  5. Cunt Fucker

    Cooper is another flunky cunt. Suck Klaus Schwab’s dick, you fascist punk. You were never what you represented. Just ANOTHER FAKE.

    P.S. You’ll never equal Bresson.

  6. FuckYou.

    Would be artist.
    Sade wannabe.
    Lost and forgotten in the annals of time.
    Marginal talent.
    Two faced backstabber.
    Kiddie fucker.

  7. Jack Skelley

    Thanks a mil for letting me do this Dennis. Post looks Slut-tacular! News update: Artist Brendan Lott’s new show at Walter Maciel Gallery here in L.A. opens Sat. Nov.6. Here’s the gallery website. Brendan published a gorgeous book to accompany his stunner photos and kindly asked me to write an essay. Brandan’s book is here: . Hope yr feeling better !!!!!

  8. _Black_Acrylic

    @ Jack, I made a start on this today and am hugely impressed by its epicness. Many thanks to you and to Karina Bush for sharing 4IRS with the world.

    Many fireworks going off right now because it’s Guy Fawkes Night here in the UK. I dunno, the guy was tortured and hanged and all he tried to do was blow up the House of Lords. Hardly seems very fair to me anyway!

    • Jack Skelley

      HI, Black Acrylic — glad you enjoyed!! Have a superior Guy Fawkes post-nite !!!

  9. David Ehrenstein

    Of interest to all I think.

  10. David Ehrenstein

    I’m 74 years old and have therefore seen tons of Death. But I’m still not used toit.

    My dear friend Kurt Reichenbach died last night.He had been suffering from COVID and Cancer.

    Here he is singingOne of the Greatest Songs Ever Written

    Cue Sondheim

  11. alex beaumais

    Hey Dennis, thank you for this feature on Karina Bush’s novelette. I kept trying to access it months ago with the password “Rome”, with various capitalizations, so I’m glad to finally get through the gates and enjoy her electrifying style. Hope you’re doing well in Paris. Haven’t watched TV in months but just remembered Permanent Green Light is on Amazon Prime so thanks for giving me something to watch this weekend.

  12. politekid

    hahah what’s going on with “Your Nightmare” up there?? what a surreal collection of insults. they should have ended on ‘you’ll never equal Bresson’ — that’s cold — but their following comment tries way too hard to be poetry and totally dilutes the effect. don’t jab them too hard, you flunky MotherFucker!!

  13. Steve Erickson

    Getting through the weekend sounds rough. I hope you’re stocked up on food.

    I’m working on a new song which combines samples of Hans Zimmer/John Williams-style orchestral music and opera, recorded off shortwave and put through lots of distortion and phasing. I don’t think it sounds much like Lotic or the new Circuit des Yeux album, but I was inspired by indie artists who are borrowing from classical and opera.

    Today’s troll should know Klaus Schwab isn’t your type!

    FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION SLUT is such an inspired title. Thanks for posting the free link.

  14. Karina Bush

    Thanks so much Jack and Dennis for hosting me, I am truly honoured!

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