The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Halloween countdown post #2: Spotlight on … Unit 70 Studios

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‘Our core bodies are made of high density polyurethane foam with durable painted latex skins. We use a large variety of high quality materials as well as different methods and applications to achieve the realistic look our props are known for. The majority of our props can be divided into three main categories: flat backs, statics, and animations.

‘Working together with two different chemical labs, we were able to develop a new fire retardant foam that has proven to be superior to all foams we have used in the past. We are very excited and intend to use it exclusively starting March 2016. We feel that this change would not only advance the safety of our products and potentially save lives, but also alleviate some of our clients’ stress involving annual fire safety inspections. Our new FR foam meets flammability standard requirements cal bulletin 117 and fmvss 302.

‘Many of you have been inquiring about our selection of outdoor weather resistant products. After testing various coatings we discovered a new high performance formula that significantly improves the strength and toughness of our paint. Check out the lovely lady in the pictures below. She stood outside our door for over 11 months demonstrating the remarkable qualities of our new finishes. Needless to say, we are now using this coating exclusively, rendering all of our props outdoor weather resistant.

‘We were able to find new and improved latex, formulated specifically for extra durability and longevity. We have incorporated this latex into our process and are now using it regularly. We’ve also been hearing that haunt patrons have developed the poor habit of ripping fingers off props as souvenirs. Since we cannot be there to guard our work (and teach some manners) we thought we might tackle this problem from a different angle. We have modified our process and developed new application methods that ensure the strongest possible latex-foam bonding.’ — Unit 70


Unit 70 Studios
Who Are We?




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel bases & armature
Realistic hair
Realistic glass eyes
Approximately 4′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic frost/ice/frozen effect
Approximately 4′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic snow/ice/frozen effect
Realistic glass eyes
Approximately 4′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic snow/ice/frozen effect
Approximately 4′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic fur
Realistic hair
Approximately 7′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Prop designed to sit
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Approximately 4′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 6′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 4′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 4′ tall




Figure strapped onto a chroma 3D custom made tree trunk
Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood




Figure strapped onto a chroma 3D custom made tree trunk
with LED lights inside the carved head
Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Approximately 6′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Prop designed to be hung (rope included)
Realistic frost/ice/frozen effect
Realistic hair
Approximately 6′ long




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Approximately 6′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair
Approximately 5’6″ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair
Approximately 5’6″ long




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair
Approximately 5’6″ long




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Approximately 6′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Flickering candles with remote control and timers (candles use C batteries, included)
Approximately 5’6″ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Bright LED eyes
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 4′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Bright LED eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 4′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Approximately 5′ long




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 6′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Approximately 6′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 6″ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 6″ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 5’6″ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic silicone face
Approximately 4′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Prop is designed to be seated
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair
Realistic drool




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Prop designed to be seated
Realistic hair




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 5’6″ long




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 5’6″ long




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Desk not included
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Approximately 6′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic glass eyes
Realistic hair




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 8-1/2′ tall




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Approximately 6′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 6′




Hand-painted, made-to-order foam & latex prop
Steel base & armature
Realistic hair
Hyperrealistic blood
Approximately 5’6″



Unit 70 Studios workshop tour

Unit 70 Studios Transworld Halloween and Attractions Show 2016



p.s. Hey. ** Jonathan, Hi there, Jonathan! I know, not bad, right? The head. Me too. Sharesies? I saw the phone prop in a Halloween store when I was away shooting the music video, and it’s actually pretty cool in the flesh too. I envy your Norway ensconcement. (That’s not a word?) Nice reading material there. Hart Crane, huh, interesting. Been ages re: his stuff for me. Another Mr. Robot prop. Okay, I’m on it. Lag is steadily improving or dying out or whatever. What are you working on, buddy? Heads up! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. William Powers! I haven’t hit his channel yet this year due to the recent space between my ears. Cool, I’ll go see if I can score a post out of his recent enthusiastic purchases. ** Steevee, Hi. Eek, first about the empty Klonopin bottle and secondly and heavily more so about that price! That’s … there are no words. I like the feel of those nightmarish passages. Have you ever entered/surfed the dark web? Strangely, I never have. ** Tosh Berman, Hi, Tosh. I figured you might at least know of Judy Nylon, but the neighbor thing is a cool bonus. Super interesting figure/artist. Kind of lost between the cracks, it seems, which is the usual fate, I guess, of restless iconoclastic artists. Thanks, T! ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! I do feel that way sometimes, yes, and I always wonder if I’m right about myself when I feel that way. My guess would be yes. My guess would be that the ‘who I am’ when I have to orient myself to socializing successfully or to buckle down with work and so on is more like an edit of who I am rather than a truer, problem-free version of me, or something. I’m not sure that makes sense? Yeah, I feel a little too swamped with work at the moment. The opera project is very complicated and requires a lot of Zac’s and my brain power, and it feels very unrealistic that we can come up with something remotely definitive by next week. I think the boss, Gisele, is going to have to accept a mere sketchy beginning of something by that deadline. The work time we’ve been given is just too tight. Still, we have to get the libretto/script as far along as we can, and I’m already a little fried. Enjoy your friend today. Yesterday was work and work-frustration, and today is going to follow suit, I’m sure. We’ll see. Tell me about your Thursday. Wow, it’s Thursday already? Love, me. ** Sypha, ‘Barely even a novel’ perked up my ears. Huh. Mm, I’m not sure if Gisele has read Ligotti. That’s an interesting question. I’ll ask her the next time she phones or pops by, i.e. soon. ** Bernard, Hi, B! I’m trying not to talk about the election on the internet, as I think you know, but, nonetheless, what you wrote … yep. Happy that you think you’ll be in NYC for LCTG. The details get announced on Monday. Zac and I will be zooming in-and-out of the city, sadly, due to Paris obligations, but it would be sweet to see you, def. Book proposals, awesome. Those are whatever the opposite of fighting words would be. Pretty great, yes. I hope you do get to Paris, it goes without saying. I want that Frankenstein talk you did as a countdown post, yes, please, so hit me up with that if you can. I think I can host a short clip here. I can’t see why I couldn’t. I’m pretty sure this place is set up to allow that. I did see that you ran into Mel Brooks! That was crazed to see and absorb. He seems so spry for such an oldie. Inspiring. Thank you ever so much for your presence and your brain. ** David Ehrenstein, Morning, sir. ** Jamie McMorrow, Hey, J-man. Last night’s sleep was better, it was, yes, and thank you for querying and caring. I am pleased to hear that last night wasn’t horrendous for you as well. Yeah, I loved seeing The Monkees. I had no point of comparison, and I was sitting next to my mom, but I was a pretty jazzed kiddo. Also a little disappointed because when I, or probably my mom, originally bought tickets for the concert, one of the opening acts was The Jimi Hendrix Experience, whom I was more interested in than The Monkees, but, by the time the tour hit LA, Hendrix had wisely pulled out of the tour, I think because he/his band had been lustily booed on the early dates by the innocent teen and adolescent kid-packed audiences. But, yeah, it was fun. I saw a clip of the current Monkees playing live somewhere, and, yeah, it was a sad, very sad non-spectacle indeed. I do remember the Housemartins. They had a US following, yes. I had a friend who was extremely into them. I can’t remember their stuff very well. Kind of smart/witty and cheerful? Am I wrong? My Wednesday was smilarly work-y, and not very successfully so, which I now have to try to make up for by trying to be successfully work-y today. Hope you had fun with your friend. Have a THursday of utter excellence. Love, me. ** New Juche, Hi, man! I saw that ‘FfJG’ was available somewhere when I checked the other day, and not too, too pricily. How is the UK treating you? ** Misanthrope, Kind, smart words about my novels, man, and I appreciate it, you betcha. I wasn’t sure if you were still a rampant porn seeker or not. Second guessing is gross. But I’m glad you still are, and I don’t know why I feel glad about that for the life of me. ** H, Hi. My pleasure, of course. I’m sorry that the school is expecting you to go to a place you’re not interested in going. But I’m excited to hear you’ll be writing about the Deren film. Re: your question, was it Stephanie Gray? If so, her book is ‘Shorthand and Electric Language Stars’. ** Right. More Halloween today. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dóra Grőber


    Another Halloween post! I really liked the stitched models!

    It does make sense to me. I feel similarly. Actually, I find the ‘edit of who I am’ phrasing very accurate. I also feel like I’m constantly working on being as ‘real’ as possible even in social situations, etc. but every time I create something I feel truly ‘me’ I realize it’s probably not something I can shape or shift consciously.
    Uh, this doesn’t sound too nice. I really don’t like tight or unrealistic deadlines because I’m a bit of a perfectionist and it bothers me to no end when I can’t finish everything just the way I want to or when I don’t have the time to come up with what I exactly want and how. I hope you manage to make some small and satisfying steps today!!
    In the morning I made another attempt to recruit some volunteers for my thesis – we’ll see how lucky I get. Now I’m planning to write a little and in the afternoon – finally – I’ll meet my friend. So I’m not complaining.
    I hope you make as much progress as possible!! Lots of love!

  2. jonathan

    OH WOW OH WOW!!!
    These are AWESOME!!! the stitched bodies are my fave along with jack o lantern sacrifice, major creepy amazingness. Ghost with a knife is also major <3
    Right now im working on a few texts that will be turned into different things. the 1st is for an audio version of an irish art zine, called critical bastards, thats getting finished today, then recorded. im working on a new video piece and some other bits and pieces for a show next year.
    i picked up the Hart Crane cause ive heard his name being mentioned lots and it was sitting in Tronsmo bokhandel in Oslo, which has an awesome selection of books. funnily i have a copy of cyclonopedia on my stack to read properly, i keep starting and stopping with it. I like Reza's writings but it seems hard to get into or i wasnt in the right mood when ive tried.
    I hope Gisele lets you have more time with the opera as knowing the two of you, it will be awesome! any word about the tv show? sorry if ive missed it already.
    Hope your day is awesome!

  3. David Ehrenstein

    Mel Brooks is the Life Force Itself

    Here’s my favorite Zombie

  4. MANCY

    Kind of blown away that you can actually purchase these! And the prices seem kind of…reasonable? Not that I could ever afford of course.
    Reread My Loose Thread recently, and my mind was re-exploded into complicated 3D snowflakes, maybe my favorite of yours? But I’m going to have another go with Period (another fave) next.
    If you missed it on FB my RLLRBLL vid is up here
    Sorry for your fatiguing workload, hope you sail thru. xo

  5. Damien Ark

    I want the one holding a baby in my room, just sitting there in the middle to protect me, or at least looking out of the window. Great post. Thank you. Hope your having a good cup of coffee today!

  6. Bernard

    This is cool, because as you know, I am a fake person and live in a fake model house with plastic cats and incredibly realistic mock-ups of furniture, etc.
    I wonder if the Chapman Bros know about this shit.
    I guess sometimes when I check in here I remember what a benign imagination I have.
    I am on the same wavelength as Jonathan, I think. I have been going back to Hart Crane (whom Donald B and I did use to think about a lot back in the day), and the poems I’m doing now are kind of verbally dense. And I’m taking his poems and letters and Tim’s (and O’Hara’s and a few others) to NY to prod me while I’m working.
    I’m also going to hear Rabih Almeddine talk at the 92nd St Y; I should know his work better, but he’s one my favorite FB presences. I don’t know how we got started connecting; I don’t think it was here, where I meet a lot of people that get to be important to me.
    Yes, Mel Brooks, so amazing, and so great a presence when he got his arts medal thing from Obama, and his friendship with Carl Reiner is so inspiring. I hope he was picking up food for Reiner the night I met him.
    As you probably know, the clip you had up on Shirley Jackson Day was from House on Haunted Hill, which is a William Castle-Vincent Price spooky-spooky feature unrelated to The Haunting of Hill House, which was filmed as The Haunting by Robert Wise, with great performances by Julie Harris and Claire Bloom (filmed between West Side Story and The Sound of Music, either one of which would have been so much more interesting as a ghost story thriller). There’s another movie called The Legend of Hell House from 1973 which seems suspiciously close in plot and theme to the Shirley Jackson novel and Robert Wise film, with the sexual perversion stuff made more explicit. David E or someone may have pointed this out already without my seeing it.
    Have a fun rest of week.

  7. David Ehrenstein

    Latest FaBlog: FAT!!!!!!!

  8. steevee

    To their credit, my psychiatrist’s office is trying to get me the prescription at an affordable price, but they’re really naive about just how evil my insurance company is.

    I’ve never surfed the dark web. I might try to get someone to hook me up with Tor so I can research it for the script, instead of just reading about it. (And all anyone ever writes about is how you can buy drugs there!)

  9. steevee

    Here’s my review of the Danny Fields doc DANNY SAYS:

  10. Chris Corhane

    Young Man – this is the first time I’ve written you in this new format. It’s about time don’t you think. Just letting you know Brian Chase and I will be playing while Naill dances at the New Museum event on November 16th. Thanks for asking. Thrilled to be part of that event. Maybe we can catch a meal while you’re here or something. I hope you’re well. me crazy with social work and music, it’s all good.

  11. Jamie McMorrow

    Damn, Dennis – I was going to list the name of every one of these things that I wanted again, but it’s got to be all of them, hasn’t it? Just the names alone are amazing – CHILD CHAIN GANG! KILLER BOY! HUMAN ROAST! DEAD BATHTUB GIRL! BURNT BELLHOP! SHOVEL MOUTH! I could go on and on. It’s funny that amongst all that horror and gore the one that creeps me out most is DIRTY WARDEN 1, eh? He’s nasty. And as Mancy pointed out, they all seem kind of reasonably priced. I bet you’d have one of each for your fantasy theme park, no? Quite an amazing find.
    Even though I’m not much of a Jimi fan, I can imagine seeing him live as a youngster would have been quite an unbelievable experience. Maybe it’s for the best that he pulled out of that support slot – you might have been altered forever. ‘Kind of smart/witty and cheerful?’ is a pretty good summation of the Housemartins, all of that with a couple of teaspoons of socialism, which I think appealed to teenage me. They turned into the Beautiful South though. I don’t know if you’re aware of them, but they are easily one of the worst groups ever to grace this planet.
    You must have seen Television live? Are you a fan?
    How’s that sleep going? Mine’s improving slowly and I even managed a dream about dogs that walked in two separate parts last night. Their heads hopped off their bodies and jetted along the ground. It was funny.
    Have you had another work-y day? Hope that it was an improvement on yesterday. I had my last day in charge of the place I work at now and I’m going back to working there part-time. I never want to be in charge of anything in a work-y way ever again. Being the boss is horrible. I’d like to work at Unit 70 Studios.
    So, did you have a thunderous Thursday? May your Friday be fulfilling.
    Lots of love to you,

  12. New Juche

    Hi Dennis

    I’m enjoying only two things about being back here: ale and libraries. If I was in my native Edinburgh then I’d say architecture too, but I’m not, I’m in northern England. I can’t complain too much as this six months here will hopefully take care of my family and I back home for the next three years, perhaps longer. Including enough for me to buy a new motorbike and not have to sell the old one. I’m certainly a fish out of water here now. For one thing I have no up-to-date concept of monetary value – I keep converting Sterling prices back into Thai baht and being horrified. The only thing cheaper here is ale, which, as I say, I certainly am enjoying.

    I had hoped to finish this short book about Rangoon that I’ve been writing in my first few weeks here, but I can’t quite get into the swing of it. I only have a three or four thousand words to go. I have been working on another PDF release though, this time purely images. It’ll be a minor effort next to my other things, but the first time I’ve used images alone without text. I’m certainly not struggling to work on it every day, it’s coming easily, but I’m not yet sure of its worth without words.

    What are you doing now the video shoot is over? The project with Gisele? Or are you writing also, or thinking about writing?



  13. _Black_Acrylic

    These are all eye-poppingly marvellous and the stitched bodies especially so. The prices seem quite reasonable for such an awe-inspiring product too.

    Me and Dad called in at the DCA this afternoon to see their memorial exhibition of work by the artist and musician Katy Dove. I never met her but know she was a fixture on the Dundee art scene before I arrived here, and it’s a glorious show of paintings, film and sculpture. A few of her animations can be viewed at her Vimeo page.

  14. h

    Oh really like ‘killer boy’ and ‘killer twins.’ If I ever find a true love, I’d wear costumes like those together in public.

    And Stephanie Gray is correct. Thanks so much! Excited to read her very soon.

    Time wise, I have become a little stingy lately. It’s dream-like (it is!) to be around the city here for research or just for walk, but my desire for creation (and also its completion) rather than consumption has become much bigger and more precise, so I’d like to be in one indoor place for that, from morning to morning, at least three days a week.

    Have a great weekend!

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