‘Named after its founder and his home town – HAns-RIegel-BOnn – Haribo, inventor of the “gummi” candy is in many ways the ultimate family business. Hans Riegel inherited the recipe from his father, who created the first gummy bear (originally known as the “dance bear”) in 1922, a year before Riegel junior was born.
‘Legend has it that Riegel senior came up with the first part of the company slogan (“Haribo macht Kinder froh” / “Haribo makes children happy”), and his son completed it several years after his death (“… und Erwachsene ebenso” / “… and adults too”).
‘Even after expanding abroad in the 60s and cracking America in the early 80s, Riegel continued to operate at the heart of the business, seeking inspiration for new confectionery creations by reading comic books, watching kids’ TV and playing PlayStation in his 80s. Management advisers were frowned upon and rumoured interest from Warren Buffett in 2008 was never pursued. In one of his last interviews, Riegel said: “No investor. No shares. No bonds.”
‘Economically, his reign has been a success. According to Haribo’s estimates, the company’s 15 factories in nine European countries produce around 100 million gummy bears a day. The company logged a turnover of just under €620m in 2011. Until his death, Forbes listed Riegel as Germany’s 32rd richest man.
‘But such an autocratic business model had downsides, too. Riegel was known for opening and reading his managers’ letters, sometimes in front of the entire assembled staff. His desire to remain in the driving seat was symbolised by the fact that he continued to drive his own liquorice-black helicopter deep into his 80s.
‘Not all Riegel’s creations will find their place in the Candy Hall of Greats next to the humble gold bear, the sinful red cherry and my seedy Piratos coin. A liquorice spinning top that excited its inventor was a flop with the kids in the company-run kindergarten where Riegel liked to test his products. A Christmas-themed holy family made from gelatine was condemned by the Catholic church. And Riegel’s one-off gum for the 2006 carnival season, the “arse with ears”, remains a collector’s item only.’ — Philip Oltermann, The Guardian
How Gummi Worms are Made
To make gummy candies, they use what are called “printing boards”, large sheets with raised shapes.
To make these gummy candies, they melt the board on a stamping machine.
The machine then stamps the worm shape on trays made of corn starch.
This creates a series of corn starch molds for the gummy worms.
While that’s going on, another machine mixes gelatin, sugar, corn syrup, color and flavor and cooks the mixture at 240 degrees.
A machine called “the Depositer” pours the mixture into the corn starch board molds.
The molds then go into a refrigerated room.
In 12-15 hours, the candies cool and solidify.
A machine then flips the candies out of the trays. The corn starch molds disintegrate. As they fall downwards, the machine sifts out the lumps, then recycles the used corn starch into new corn starch trays for the next batch.
The candies go through a cleaner. As they spin, air nozzles blast off the excess corn starch.
Onto the next drum.
The next drum coats the candies with mineral oil to make them shiny.
Believe it or not, some fisherman actually use these candies as bait.
Before packaging the candy, the workers weed out any that are stretched out or stuck together.
As of August 28th, you can now use a 3D printer to produce custom candy gummies in Berlin. The world’s first 3D candy printer, “Magic Candy Factory,” had been in development for over a year through German company Katjes Fassin’s UK subsidiary, and can print gummies in 3-10 minutes; competing machines take up to an hour. The machine uses fruit puree and vegetarian gels to produce 12 shapes in 10 colors and flavors, weighing between 15g and 20g.
Who doesn’t love gummy bears? That feeling when the edible kicks in like a bat of hell and the tiniest of grins whips across your face like a soft breeze. Most folks fill their belly’s with chocolate, cookies, and brownies, so Dablione figured lets switch it up with some Rockstar gummy bears. Lets break it down on how to make some cannabis infused gummy bears. Ingredients and items required: 4 packs of unflavored Gelatin, 1 package of flavor gelatin, 3 Gummy bear molds – (found at local candy store), Water, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 12 grams of rosin chips, Coffee Filter, Double boiler (2 small pots that fit snug and boiling water), Glass measuring cup, PAM.
Gummi Bath
At 8.5 inches tall and 4.5 inches wide, these adorably morbid Gummi Bear Skeleton Candles go from “cute” to “fuzzy” to “fierce” to “pure evil,” as designer Robert Scott, founder of San Francisco-based company Skeleton Candles, puts it. Their lifespan is 100 hours of burning. The fate of the remaining charred skeleton is up to you.
Dicks By Mail is similar in concept to the ‘Ship Your Enemies Glitter’ site that took the world by storm earlier this year and then sadly turned out to be an elaborate joke. The site explains how it works: ‘Once your order is processed an anonymous package will be sent to your target containing two things; A 5oz bag of delicious gummy candy penises, and a note exclaiming ‘EAT A BAG OF DICKS’. Nothing More. Nothing Less.’
Many women today are excited to learn more and more about the breakthroughs in the cosmetic industry, helping them looking younger and beautiful. The new kid on the block, Gummy Bear breast implant, is a unique type of silicone breast implant. It has the ability to form with your breast, giving you natural looking results when receiving a breast augmentation. The Gummy Bear implant is currently made by three different companies, Allergan, Mentor and Sientra. These unique form holding implants were approved by the FDA after eight-year clinical trials with each company. The testing included over 1,800 women from each trial, some of which Dr. Schwartz was involved in.
The internet is full of many a weird thing. One of these weird things is the trend of re-creating bottled beverages in gummy candy form and slowly slicing them up.
Belgian filmmaker Alina Kneepkens created the short film below that shows ― in grim detail ― the way many gummy candies are made. Kneepkens unrolls the footage in reverse, starting with the finished candy before revealing its gory inception.
Special Products
Gummi candies that are actually vegan
A Brief History of Gummy Bears
The Best Gummy Candy Brands
How to Make a Giant Gummy Bear
Make all-natural gummy candies from seaweed!
Gummy Candy Nutrition Information
Largest gummy candy @ Guinness World Records
Student sickened after eating tainted gummy candy
Boy overdoses on cannabis-infused gummy candy, police say
Prince Harry Now Has His Own Custom Gummy Candy
Land of the Gummies
Allan Candy
p.s. Hey. ** Charalampos, Congrats on finishing the poem. That must feel amazing. I’ve lost tons of seemingly good ideas to the ether but I do try to take notes when ideas pop up. I always carry a pen a bit of paper with me. I know I should just jot them down on my phone, but I just use my phone as a phone and a clock. Greetings from newly and miserable hot, muggy, monotone Paris. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Everyone, There are all kinds of reasons why you should hunt down and read David Ehrenstein’s great book ‘Film: The Front Line — 1984’, and an immediate reason is that one of the chapters is about yesterday’s blog star Curt McDowell. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. You’re ultra-welcome. Oh, that’s nice, about your mum’s new skill. Are you tempted to ask her to pass it along? ** trees, Hi, Ted! Yes, when I was hunting Curt McDowell stuff I found evidence of that event you did. Amazing. I’m sorry about the rough patch. Me too, if having international company helps. Here’s to emergence, and here’s majorly to you writing! Love, me. ** Dee Kilroy, Thanks, pal. Long story short, very mixed, more down than up re: Barney on my side too. You put it so well and colorfully, I’ll just let my opinion ride your coattails. I will say I had dinner with him once, and he seemed a very nice guy. Maybe it’s just me and my outlook on things, but your paragraph about your bf does not seem bitter in the slightest. It’s usually bad form to pile on someone’s beloved, so I’ll leave it at that. But, yeah, I hear you. Awesome about you finishing the ch. and getting the scaffolding in place. Man, it’s a great moment when something’s building is divisible and seems sturdy. Cool. Paris has just turned over-warm with thick, immovable wet air, Georgia style maybe, and unfortunately here all we have flying about are mosquitos. Is your weekend looking good? ** Montse, Montse! This Monday, like, in two days! Awesome! Other than a Zoom I have to do at 6 pm on Monday I’m still a freebie. We won’t restart the film stuff til late in the week. You will sadly be arriving amidst the first real heat spell of the summer here, but hopefully it’ll feel less oppressive than whatever Barcelona is handing out. You might just miss Zac. Hopefully not. I’ll check with him. But, yes, just get in touch the very second you want company. I can’t wait! I saw them with Gary Young a couple times. I love Pavement to death in every incarnation, but they were especially wild and exciting when he was up there causing trouble. Have a perfect weekend and very safe, swift trip, and see you pronto!!!! Love, me. ** Sarah, I know, right? As someone who likes to play games by dawdling and wandering around and looking at every rendered detail, the impetus of those people who just want to beat the thing ASAP is beyond me. Oh, shit, I won’t try it on my laptop. Thanks for the warning. I’m sure I must know someone with a PS that will let me dip in for an hour at least. Have a meticulous weekend! ** Dominik, Hi!!! Me too, on the rooting front. Ah, it’s a parent. Then I fully understand. My parents were … err, yeah. No, love didn’t figure out my playlist slot yet. But he/I will. I think the show will be online. I’ll pass along a link. It’s in early September sometime, I think. Love generously allowed me to buy The Walt Disney Company for 10 cents. If the 10 cent store was sold out of The Walt Disney Company, then love let me buy a candy necklace. Love being very unimaginative and letting you buy anything you wish at the same store, which would be … ?, G. ** Cody Goodnight, Hi. I’m a little sweaty, but ok. ‘Sexy Beast’ is fun. Ben Kingsley is better than it he seems like he ever could have been in it, for one thing. Linda Manz, yes! I need to restore the blog’s Linda Manz Day. I’m definitely also in the camp that stops dead with Yes’s work immediately after ‘Close to the Edge’. I want to see ‘Passages’ too. I wonder if it’s out here. You have two great days and nights until we next speak, my friend. ** Steve Erickson, I should revisit Rozz Williams’s stuff. I think I might have more tolerance for it now. Yeah, “Blows Against the Empire’ is great, and ‘Sunfighter’ is pretty good. It’s a shame that Grace Slick’s solo album from that period is so weak. I wonder why that happened. I think Jack Casady is one of the all-time great bassists, but a little of Hot Tuna goes a long way for me. Everyone, Steve has ‘reviewed the Sundance-formulaic drama MUTT’ here. Wild about Gary Young and your back! ** Darb-o , Hey! I always speedrun here, but I do back and try to catch my typos. Never have mixed together bleach and and ammonia, no, and I won’t. True, sucks you weren’t born in my ‘Frisk’ preparing era, although you’d be old now, so it’s better for you. I would never suggest anyone stab anyone else in the groin, no. Oh, okay, well, I’ll miss you if you take off for two weeks, but, you know, totally understand and all respect. And I hope you’re busy in the amazing way. I will watch that video, yes. Thank you. And I will get to your draft, I’m just extremely slow and beset with a bunch of soul destroying crap at the current moment. Well, I hope to see you again as soon as possible. Big love from me until then. ** Okay. Something came over me that caused me to decide to make you look at and think about gummy for an entire weekend. See you on Monday.
Having lived in Scotland for 20 years, that was enough to leave me with something of a sugar addiction. There was a time I would do something called Tangfastics, which is a Haribo super sour gummy that is kind of the crystal meth of the confectionery world.
You may have seen the news story that’s all over the UK press today. I shared the following to a private Facebook group: the Lucy Letby case reminds me of an old Viz joke. She gets called the worst child serial killer of modern times but surely at 7 babies she is the best?
Dennis, My great-grandmother, who died right before her 97th birthday, loved gummy bears. She always had a pack on hand.
Hahaha, right? That’s the tradeoff, right? Poverty and great production or not-quite-poverty and a little production.
Seriously, though, most of it, as you know (and especially in regard to me and my situation), is time management and my having to stop being so fucking lazy and scared.
Oh, David. Well, nothing much has changed with him. He’s looking for jobs still. He weighs more than he ever has. And his addiction continues. Though I will say he’s settled down in the sense that he’s not keeping us up at nights and not running around doing lots of crazy shit (except for buying drugs) like he used to. He doesn’t have friends over or anything anymore.
Oh! And he’s gotten into journalism. Yes, you heard that right. He does these little reports on Instagram (I think it’s Instagram) that get 10s of thousands (and more) views and likes. They’re kinda cute actually. He basically just reads up on a crazy story and then reports on it, with a little editorializing that’s quite charming. And when he makes a mistake, he corrects it in his follow-up report. So, that’s kinda his thing right now, haha.
Hi Dennis.
How are you? I’m ok. A bit of stressful day yesterday but it’s better. I do like gummy candies. I used to eat a lot of Haribo gummy bears as a child. Very sweet. I think I almost choked on a gummy worm once when I was a baby. I do really want to see Sexy Beast. I really like Ian McShane and James Fox in everything I’ve seen them in. Please do restore Linda Manz day! Yes’ work after Close to the Edge is subpar, especially their 80s ouevre. I do not care for Owner of a Lonely Heart, and never have. Thank you very much Dennis! I will watch Gerald Kargl’s Angst tomorrow night. Excited for Klaus Schulze’s score. Have a great day or night, Dennis!
Gummy bears are the only things my dog doesn’t eat if she finds them on the street. She doesn’t recognize them as food, I guess. Do you think the “Eat Shit” one in the post is real?
Thank you – for passing along the link to the playlist when it becomes available. I’m really curious!
Quite a gap between the Walt Disney Company and a candy necklace, haha! I hope love was in a generous mood. Right this moment, I’d buy the rights to write and direct a sequel for “Bullet Train,” complete with contracts with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry. (I know Aaron’s character dies in the original movie, but I’m gonna revive him.)
Love trying not to become an irritated jerk whenever he feels sad, Od.
Hey, dude, long time no see! How you doin? How’s the new movie coming along? When do you think it could be ready?
Yay, gummies. Yum yum. Love, love them. What are your favorite gummies? Mine are the Wild Berries Lifesavers Gummies, hehe. I love classic Jolly Ranchers, however, the gummy variety was so deeply disappointing. Oh well.
That short film by Alina Kneepkens was really good. And disturbing as fuck.
Take care, man!
PIG co-director Nico B. is working on a documentary about Rozz Williams.
Have you been in touch with anyone in Southern California, as Hurricane Hillary approaches? Do you know how the area where you shot your film be affected?
When did Melatonin and other non-prescription medications start becoming available as gummies?
Dennis! I love gummies! I’m addicted to Haribo. Yes!! I’ll be there tomorrow. Can’t wait!!! I’ve checked the weather forecast, but I’m not worried. I’ll be escaping the heat wave that arrived here just today! Wow, I wish I’d seen Pavement in that early period. I love them so much, you know. We saw them last year at Primavera. My hotel is near Gare du Nord and I guess I’ll get there around 2 pm. I’ll text you and we can meet up at some point if it doesn’t interfere with your Zoom meeting. Thanks for being always so lovely!!! See you very soon!
Hey Dennis for some reason my reply on here isn’t showing up? I submitted it multiple times. Did it show up on your end as the blog owner?
Have an excellent week,