The blog of author Dennis Cooper

DC’s ostensibly favorite animated props for Halloween season 2020 *

* (Halloween countdown post #1)

‘4 Undead Kids mob together, then Mob shoots out 4′ while kid with severed arm raises up 12″, 3 heads move and arms lift with multiple movements. ***Scissor throw can be Longer or shorter if needed. 5 foot, 3 foot, 2 foot throws options available. Type option you want in notes when placing order. *** Comes with Rig, Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play) *** Ships Freight.’


Candy Creep €278.93
‘The Candy Creep Animated Halloween prop is a life-sized Sinister hump-backed Old Man with short gray hair and matching bushy eyebrows wearing a blood-spattered red & white striped carnival jacket, stained dingy white-collared shirt with black tie, black pants, and black shoes. This Creepy Carnival Guy is bending over and offering a large Colorful Lollipop to unsuspecting children while behind his back is a large Bloody faux-wood Mallet! His strange yellow Light-up Eyes and Moving Jaw saying 5 phrases draw your attention, and his Torso Rocks side to side, looking for his next victim!’


‘Giant Animatronic “Yeti” Monster Hand! Each finger moves and grabs! Includes controls, program, sound, and speaker. This hand hangs on a chain and must be secured to a solid beam from above as the hand ways approx. 300 lbs. An operator activates the program, which controls the finger movements, and then manually pushes and moves the hand back and forth. This is a great animatronic prop for theme parks, haunted houses, dark attractions, events and more. This animatronic hand can also be done as our green “The Hand” version or as our Gorilla Hand.’


DR. NEEDLE $2,394.00
‘Dr. stands over patient, then lifts arm with needle, turns and Dr. shoots out 5′ turning left to right waving needle in your face while torture victim is flailing on table trying to get away. *** Comes with Dr. Character, Pneumatics, programed controller and motion sensor.’


Barrels of Fun $1,074.99
‘Barrels suddenly roll forward and bang against the metal supports. Super startling!


Split Pete $2,000.00
‘Gore Galore’s Split Pete Animation is one helluva guy, he will be laughing then all of a sudden bite you in half. and then munch on your intestines with a smile on his monstrous face. What a jerk! It comes from within. Animated Body and munching torso monster. The movement is bearing loaded, no metal on metal pivots in our creations. we build these the best we know how, to last for several seasons. This guy rocks so you will have to attach his base to the floor. And if you want several of these but you don’t want them exactly the same we can do the mouth on all of them. But add arms, different heads other parts like creature legs etc…. Very customizable. He comes complete with multi channel controller, power transformer, regulator with water trap, solenoid valves, all mounted on a plate you can mount to the wall.’


Santa Claus? $4,700.00
‘Amazing life size creepy sociopathic Santa Claus Animatronic Display by Distortions Unlimited. This St Nicholas talking prop is perfect for malls, retail stores, themed events and more. Kids will mistakenly love it! This Santa animated display moves his mouth, head, body and arms as he talks.’


UFO Spaceship $32,000.00
‘An amazing, over the top centerpiece designed to impress the media and crush the competition. The over 12 foot saucer decends and rises to a height of over 14 feet. While it oscillates, smoke pours out, lights pulsate and engines rumble as this huge craft comes in for the attack! Comes with very large bass amp to capture the sub-frequencies that give the effect of great weight descending. Comes with bass amp, CD player, control box, fog machine, mega-strobe and chase lights. Ships freight.’


Giant Pumpkin Monster and Child $8,500.00
‘Made-to-order animated prop. Hand-painted foam and latex prop with steel base and armature.’


Animated Chest of Souls Inquire
‘Faces move in and out from chest, accompanied by weeping & screaming audio.’


Nancy Gory Dead Body £1,260.00
‘Nancy has just met a gruesome end. We’re not sure whether she has been captured and feasted on by cannibals, or whether she was left for dead and the local wildlife has been feeding off her. We guess only a post mortem will tell, in the meantime you can watch her animated death throes and writhing and decide for yourself. This gory prop has been constructed and hand finished by a team of artists in the US who have been making professional props for the film industry for years. Nancy would make a disgusting addition to any scare maze or scare attraction.’


ORGAN PLAYER $2,189.00
‘Organ Player sits in front of your organ or keyboard, then when activated starts playing the organ with torso back and forth, head side to side, arms out and up. All very creepy movements and in sync with our organ soundtrack. Plays for 45 seconds. *** Comes with Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play). Can be customized to meet your specs.’


Creepy Looking Halloween Animated Crawling Baby Zombie $113.64
‘Creepy: the ghost of Halloween crawling zombie haunted house accessories, men’s floor party, horrible decorations. The red eyes sparkled, the weird effect, the terrible ghost sound, and his hand slowly crawling forward.

‘The most horrible: press the back switch to make three different horror screams and the eyes flashed red and slowly squirmed forward. Like a real baby, crawl slowly along the floor with your hands. The flashing red eyes create a horrible and fearful atmosphere.

‘The most horrified: the ghostly voice makes some phrases full of resentment. As the zombie moves, his eyes turn red. In response to vibration and sound, it will remain for about 20 seconds.’


‘Life-sized foam-filled animated prop depicts a man holding two snakes with arms that appear covered with snake bites! His wide creepy grin and bloodshot eyes show a person who is clearly insane. He shakes with crazy excitement! Full standing prop includes a sound CD, just provide your own boom box! Plugs into any 110 outlet.’


Cat Crate $499.99
‘Insane zombie kitty thrashes and howls inside her crate!’


Scary Kid Kiddyland Swing $2,300.00
“Son why are you still on the swing its time to go home”


Land of the Dead Animatronic Zombie Head Sold
‘A hero animatronic head from the 2005 George A. Romero horror film Land of the Dead. The head can be seen in the film as an apparently headless zombie approaches but then the head snaps back from behind the body and bites the victim.

‘The piece, which extends all the way to the top of the chest, is made of foam latex that has been detailed to resemble a zombie featuring a partially severed head. The head features resin teeth, eyes, and hand-punched hair; there is even a foam spine inside the neck wound along with red and yellow guts. A metal rod is fitted internally which runs throughout, with untested electronics inside the fiberglass shell in the head which would have allowed the mouth and jaw to move for the production. A T-shirt is fitted around the fibreglass frame around the shoulders.

‘Distressed for use on the production with only minor additional wear to the foam latex skin of the piece, this animatronic zombie head remains in overall good condition.

‘Please note: As this item contains electronic components, every effort has been made to describe them accurately; however no guarantee or warranty is made as to functionality, lifespan or safety of those components. It is entirely incumbent on the new owner to satisfy themselves as to their safe use and maintenance.’


Crouching Bones Twerker NFS
‘Scares on Sequoia Home Haunt & BeachBash Prod DJ’


Ghost Writing Book $60.00
‘Contact the other side when you decorate and play with the Ghost Writing Book. This spooky piece of decor features a sound activated sensor that initiates the book to write with our any assistance. It’s the literature version of a spirit board.’


Evil Seated Nun and Child $12,349.00
‘Seated nun with child on lap. Made-to-order animated prop. Hand-painted foam and latex prop with steel base and armature.’


Woman Mummy $499.99
‘VERY RARE working Gemmy Lifesize lady Mummy Bride Animated light up talking Halloween Prop awesome prop, very scary sounds eyes light up green, looks great in the dark she has a slight lean forward, and maybe in need of a dusting includes power supply’


‘Victim sits strapped in chair with head trapped in metal box, then chain engages pulling box up ripping head and spine 12″ out of body! *** Comes with Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play). *** Audio package includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect. *** Foot print for rig is 24″ d x 24″ w x 74″ h. *** REQUIREMENTS: AC power and Air 100 psi.’


Maximal Kreepy Kids Animated Playground $7.860.00
‘Characters sculpted by Ed Edmunds, Jordu Schell, and Mikey Rotella and produced at Distortions.’


EVIL TREE $4,800.00
‘The grandfather of all trees but the father of deadly roots and deadwood you might worship this tree.’


Animated Beating Heart Groundbreaker Inquire
‘Arm moves and eye lights up. Motion/sound activated.’


Haunted Moving Suit Of Armor NFS
‘I always wanted a moving suit of armor in our haunted house and I finally built one!’


‘Decap Chainsaw Victim : Victim waits in chair, chained. Then actor comes in revving chainsaw and cuts off victims head. Actor activates floor trigger for the prop to convulse. Head flies off and squirts blood (water) and head rolls across floor while body is left flopping and convulsing. Head resets on body. *** Comes with Character, chair, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play). *** Audio package includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect. *** *** Foot print for rig is 24″ d x 24″ w x 74″ h. *** Ships freight.’


DJ Skeleton $99
‘The supercool skeleton DJ only drops its undead beats when it senses movement, but as soon as it knows you’re ready to party, its eyes glow poison green. It even shouts out a couple chilling catchphrases, including “This next beat is going to have you rolling in your grave,” “Who out there knows the macabre-rena?!,” and “I’ll give you goosebumps!”‘


Clown Tug Of War $469.95
‘Two creepy clowns play tug of war with a screaming little girl while lots of humorous conversation goes back and forth and old calliope music plays! Plug the UL power adapter into any standard outlet and choose from Steady-On, Infra-Red Sensor or Step-Here Pad (included) activation options to operate.This animated prop will be a great addition to your haunted house! Your house will be a circus of terror!’


Halloween House Projection Mapping Display NFS
‘This is what our Halloween animated house prop looks like this year from the sidewalk in front of our house. No street light this year so it is very dark!’


Mommy’s Favorite $99.99
‘Everything she does is for Mommy. She wears Mommy’s favorite dress, her ribbons are Mommy’s favorite color, she curls her hair… just how Mommy likes. She quietly sits how Mommy likes, and she doesn’t dare track any dirt inside or mess up Mommy’s things. Every afternoon, she makes Mommy’s favorite tea with a little milk, two sugar cubes, and five drops from the special bottle with the skull on it. This Mommy’s Favorite animatronic shakes her body and moves from left to right.’


Poltergeist Pot $249.99
‘Perfect for kitchen scenes! Looks like a normal pot until the lid starts banging and clanging like crazy.’


Mummy’s Curse Full Attraction All reasonable offers will be considered
‘This past October The Scarefactory provided multiple complete attractions, as rentals, to the Saudi Horrorfest in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The full attractions were used for the (7) days of the festival and returned to us in Columbus, Ohio. The majority of the costs of these attractions were offset by the rental fees paid by the festival and we are now looking to liquidate one of these full attractions at an incredible savings. The Mummy’s Curse Attraction with/or without a full compliment of Mummy themed Carnival Games is being offered at a -65% Discount or .35 cents on the dollar. Any and all reasonable offers will be considered. These are complete turn-key modular attractions which include themed walls, animated characters, props, sound, lights, compressors, controllers, sensors, electrical, etc. These are both excellent side attractions which would allow you to instantly add a completely new additional upcharge for your event.’


‘Bozo Licker is a grotesque clown whose tongue swings back and forth in a threatening way to really creep out your visitors.’


‘Struck by lightning and shocked into life, or animated by a demonic spell? No one is quite sure how this terrifying Gargoyle transitioned from a pure stone sculpture to a purely evil monster. Once the proud protector of the city’s cathedral, he now hunts the frightened citizenry. Swooping down out of the night sky, he’ll pluck a baby right out of the carriage for a quick snack, or steal away a stumbling lush from a back alley for a boozy treat. When activated, his wings rise up as if he’s about to take flight. He then growls and moves his head as smoke pours out of his mouth. He’s a great guarding to the entrance of a wicked castle, and will leave a lasting impression on your guests.’


Silicone Face Impaled $2,899.00
‘Made-to-order animated prop. Hand-painted silicone face, foam, and latex prop with steel base and armature.’


shiatsu type massager halloween prop NFS
‘Grave grabber in the works. 1/4″ bolts, flat washers and lock nuts. I did have to take it all apart to attach them.’


Pendulum Table $ 4,190.00
‘An actor’s lower body is hidden within the table while the actors head and arms are exposed allowing the actor to be dramatic about appearing to be sliced and diced. Table is decorated as rotten wood, and also gory with guts sliding off the table onto the floor. It comes complete with a gory foam pillow. Built in controller with audio helps deliver the maximum gross factor. complete package. All you have to do is plug it in.’


Silent Hill air raid siren head NFS
‘It works. I don’t have a switch in the circuit yet but if I put the alligator clamps on my battery the siren screams like its WW3.’


Miss Mercy $199.99
‘Miss Mercy resembles a nurse-like figure in 1950’s-style nurse garb. When activated, it turns from side to side as her head spins 360 degrees while cackling and bone cracking sounds can be heard. Additionally, the bandage wrapped around her eyes can be removed to show her closed eyes.’


‘4 trick or treater kids mob together, then mob shoots out 5′ while ghost raises up 12″, Arms lift with stabbing motion while holding knifes, 3 heads move. *** Scissor throw can be Longer or shorter if needed. 5 foot, 3 foot, 2 foot throws options available. Type option you want in notes when placing order. *** Comes with Rig, Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play) *** Audio package includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect. *** Foot print needed for Characters and Rig 48″ d x 49″ w x 38″ h. *** Ships Freight.’




p.s. Hey. ** wolf, Wolf! Those four letters are a sight for sore eyes. I’m doing all right, most things considered. I’m actually really non-adept, I’m just a lucky stiff most of the time. Been thinking of you amidst the seeming ongoing chaotic pandemic miasma/control from the top over there. We’re being restricted again incrementally but lightly thus far. God knows. Ah, Eileen! Yeah, gotcha. She’s so great, she is. And Beckett, goes without saying. And that sounds good. I might join you. Thanks about my toe. What a little prick it’s being. Now that I know that taking for fucking ever to heal is normal, there’s some psychological sedation going on to a degree. But still. I’m not even hobbling. I seem normal but with a cringe. It’ll get there, I think. Haven’t hit the pain killers yet. Dude, what else? I wish we could visit each other. Love, me. ** NavReal, Hi. Ha ha, yeah, sorry for the tease. Thing is, I didn’t save the BTS guro or even note where I saw it. Somewhere in the giant depths of pixiv, if you know that site. If it’s any consolation, the reason I didn’t save or note it is that, great concept aside, the implementation was pretty crappy. That said, I will see if I can somehow re-track those images, and, if I do, I’ll figure out a post to slot them into. But, seriously, your dreams of what such a thing would be far, far outstrip the realisation, trust me. Nice to meet you, btw. ** David Ehrenstein, Thank you so much again for the great weekend, sir! ** Armando, Hi. No, the pain is doable, it’s okay, just an annoyance. Thanks. I don’t want to talk about Trump here, but I totally get where you’re coming from, and your rant is utterly understandable, and I rant accordingly but in IRL. Haven’t gotten to Shining yet, but it’s in my cards. Man, so sorry for the world you’re currently stuck in. Very undeserved, buddy. And no sweat on the multiple postings. No problem whatsoever on this end. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. I loved your newest episode. I liked it so much it made my toe really hurt, but that was so well worth it. So you’re locked down again, Jesus. Yeah, the vagueness of the orders over there is painful. What is it with English speaking countries and wussy, confused power mongers? Or maybe Canada is not so bad. Stay ultra-safe, and I know you are. ** Dominik, Hi. It just involves changing the posts’ titles so they’re more vague and getting rid of any hardcore or erection-showing pix. We’ll see. Actually, I’m putting together a Halloween post about international haunted house attractions, and I found one in Budapest. It’s called ‘Nightmare in Budapest’. Quote: ‘Our “stark raving” performers await our thrill-seeking, fear-hungry visitors in an environment of unique sets and props over 400 square metres (25-30 mins), with special sound and light effects.’ It looks more scare-oriented than decor-oriented, but maybe it would be fun. Let me know if you can’t find it and I’ll hook you up. Well, Elias at least writes them on his phone. I don’t know they ever get further than that. But he’s very talented at fiction albeit still a bit raw. I’ll continue to encourage him when I exchange with him next. My weekend … I met this writer who is passing through, Scott McCulloch, based in Tbilisi, working on a very good novel and other stuff, and hung out with him, which was cool. And mostly worked on stuff otherwise. Pretty lowkey (it was raining a lot). Did yours rule? Every single person in the world putting on trashy drag for the first time simultaneously love, Dennis. ** Steve Erickson, Hi, Steve. Baby toes are just little survivalists, unfortunately. I haven’t taken pain killers because I kind of hate their effect, so I’m just toughing it out, but I will if I have a day of mega-walking. Thanks for asking/caring. New tracks! I’m,sure in advance that your track is too good for Christopher Nolan. Everyone, Mr. Erickson has two new music tracks for your delectation, and here he is to introduce them and hook you up: ‘I’ve produced two songs recently that I’m very happy about. The first is “The Middle of Ourselves,” which I hope Christopher Nolan uses in his next trailer. The second is a remix of Brazilian rapper Dalisson’s “Gang”.’ ** Paul Curran, Yes, it was very cool to see you. You look great! Zac and I literally plan and moan and groan re: our Tokyo trip every time we see each other. Pretty much the minute the traveling becomes easy, we’ll lock it down. Love, me. ** Okay. Halloween season on DC’s begins today! Expect to deal with Halloween related posts on frequent occasion from now until the big 31. And buy me all these animated props please. And rent me a storage space for them while you’re at it. Thanks. See you tomorrow.


  1. Misanthrope

    Dennis, First things first: I was really happy to see DavidE’s post from his soon-to-be famous Raised by Handpuppets this weekend. The maestro doing his maestro-like things. I’ve been hoping for years that he’ll get it into print.

    It’s that time of the year, eh? Halloween. I always say I’m going to do something each year and then don’t do it for whatever reason. So I’m not saying that this year. Plus, I think most things here just won’t be open. Trick or treating will probably be canceled too. That’s no biggie because people hardly do it in my area anymore anyway.

    Sorry about the further restrictions. We’ve actually graduated into “Phase III” in Maryland. Things are operating pretty normally. I looked into France a little bit, and the silver lining is that hospitals and deaths are not (yet) following the surge in cases. If that holds, then it’s a good thing. Just gotta keep an eye on that. You’ve also had big testing increases at the same time. So fingers crossed that this is more a blip than anything and you’ll round the curve.

    Our party was really fun. Kayla and I got home at 4 in the morning. As we were leaving, Kayla slipped and fell down my friend’s front steps. We thought she broke a finger, but it’s gotten better and she probably just sprained/tweaked her wrist a bit.

    One interesting thing that I found kind of cute was that the three teens there -all 13 years old- went in the house to play VR games. Well, my friend’s daughter couldn’t find any of her accessories -VR headset, controllers, etc.- so they just ended up playing board games. Pretty old school and actually probably more fun in the end for them. Kayla and I got in on the bingo at the end.

    The kind of weird thing about my friends who skipped the party because of COVID fears is that they did it because they’re going to the Outer Banks this coming weekend with their parents. That’s North Carolina, which is seeing a large spike in cases. I’m like, hmm, much more chance of getting there than here right now. But oh, well, they’re my friends an I support whatever they do. I just hope they have a good, safe time down there, and we’ll always meet again.

    Now I have to look up the Shaggs!

  2. David Ehrenstein

    Merci Mis!
    Today’s props are delightful but Halloween 2020 is haunted by the scariest thing of all COVID-19. It mazes me how cavaliereveryone is being about this stateside as the death toll sises to seven million.

    I trust your toe will be back in working order soon Dennis..

  3. Sypha

    Whoops! Yesterday I left a reply on the recent “4 books I read recently” day, mistakenly thinking that was the most recent blog entry. I’ll just repost what I said below:

    “I read Flaubert’s MADAME BOVARY recently… would you believe that was my first experience with his work? Only took me 40 years to get to him, ha ha. I recently ordered SENTIMENTAL EDUCATION and THE TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY as well on the advice of friends, will probably read them next year. Next year I hope to maybe FINALLY read a Zola book, which I feel is long overdue as he was, of course, Huysmans’ mentor (even though Huysmans eventually broke away from his tutelage to form his own path: as all students should do).

    I also recently read THE NEO-DECADENT COOKBOOK that was published by Eibonvale and edited by Justin Isis/Brendan Connell. A lot of really good material in there, some very funny pieces as well, I highly recommend it.

    Currently I’m reading Damian Murphy’s THE ACEPHALIC IMPERIAL (which I think you would dig, Dennis) and Mark Samuels’ new novel WITCH-CULT ABBEY (from Zagava), which I would recommend to fans of old school gothic horror.”

  4. _Black_Acrylic

    2020 is indeed a scary time but these props do help to alleviate that dread somewhat. Pretty sure it’s the only chance I’ll get to see the $32K haunted UFO.

    • _Black_Acrylic

      @ DC, thanks about the recent Play Therapy, I hope your your poor toe isn’t suffering as a consequence.

  5. wolf

    Dennis! “I seem normal but with a cringe”. So say we all. Glad the psychological sedation is kicking in. It’s something, I guess? How does thou resist the allure of the paracetamol-ibuprofen combo? I do find for whatever reason that broken bones are amongst the most tolerable types of pain. Something about the way your body can come to expect the jolts enough to navigate motion with some degree of control. Unlike say a migraine or worse a fucking toothache. I remember growing almost fond of my broken collarbone back in The Days. Toes though… hard to do anything that does not involve them in one way or another. I just remember I had a dream of a beautiful foot last night – and perfect toes. Polished bright orange. A man’s foot. Absolutely perfect, porcelain-white.
    What else? What else. What else… I don’t know D. Those are strange days. Reading Beckett right now is actually perfect – can’t think of many more who combine hilarious wit, exquisitely precise prose and desperate existential angst. Now I think about it you kinda do too, but I’ll be damned if I would have ever thought of you and Sam as bookcase-buddies. Mh. I’m also re-reading all of Sarah Kane’s plays. A pretty powerful combo I’m sure you’ll agree.

  6. Dominik


    Seriously? I knew nothing about this haunted house! Yeah, it seems to go for scares rather than aesthetics but it looks like a pretty enthusiastic effort. Thanks for letting me know!

    I’m not familiar with Scott McCulloch’s work but I’ll go investigate. I’m happy to hear you had a great time together!

    I had a low-key, introvert-friendly weekend too. I read a lot, I watched a few movies and I had a super long video conversation with Anita. Pretty perfect, really. And today, I’m back at studying.

    Once, quite a long time ago, we talked about dreams: I told you how I read in a Patti Smith book that we cannot see our own hands in dreams. And we agreed to try and test this hypothesis. Yesterday, my mother dreamt that she looked at her hands and on each of her fingers, she also had several tiny hands. I guess that’s that, then, haha.

    Ah, how amazing that love is! Love buying you every single Halloween prop from this post AND a storage space too!

  7. Steve Erickson

    Canada and New Zealand seem saner than the US, UK and Australia, but it does seem like the English-speaking world is basically fucked right now and the international reach of the Internet and use of English as a lingua franca has spread this fuckery (look at QAnon rallies in Germany!)

    Time to sample DJ Skeleton on an EDM banger!

    I got a link to Brandon Cronenberg’s POSSESSOR and will be watching it in the next week. I wasn’t really impressed by his debut, ANTIVIRAL, but the reviews make POSSESSOR sound far more accomplished.

  8. David Ehrenstein

    Joachim Phoenix and his wife Rooney Mara have announced that she has given birth to their first child, s boy

    They have named him River.

    • Armando

      Joaquin Phoenix, you mean?

  9. Armando


    Thank you so so so very much for being so incredibly understanding and patient, my friend.

    Yeah, I know you don’t want the blog to get mixed up in political shit; I’m so sorry. I understand 100%, of course. That was the last time I post anything like that.

    Sometimes I think I’m living in a nightmare. I surely wish I was. There are some very, very, very dark days when it all just gets to be too much and I’m overwhelmed and overpowered. And I just feel like such a failure; as always. I’m such a failure as a wannabe writer.

    Anyway; very good post today. Getting ready for Halloween. Though this year Halloween will be all too real.

    I’m really sorry; I’m in a quite dark place and foul mood right now. I’ll shut up.

    I’m glad the pain in your toe isn’t a big deal after all.

    Take care.


  10. h (now j)

    Hi Dennis!

    Missed you! How are you doing? Are you doing okay? I love this post though these almost feel nostalgic at this point. Time and memory have been strange nowadays, obviously. Still, what’s your plan for the Halloween? I think I’m going to get a strawberry filled cake and hang out with a friend at a park with masks on. In any case, I hope that blog issue is working out for you. Are you going to make another one if you need to shut it down? I hope you can keep this place after the acceptable negotiation.

    Till soon, J

    • h (now j)

      Oh I belatedly read that you are in pain because of your ailing toes! I’m so sorry to hear it. I hope the pain isn’t severe and that you are able to manage daily errands, etc. Ugh, sorry.

  11. Brian O'Connell

    Hello Dennis,

    Brian again. At last, Halloween! One of the best parts of the year, even in these bleak times. These decorations are insane. (It’s odd how the Santa is easily the creepiest.) My town doesn’t go as all-out, unfortunately. When I was younger there were two houses nearby that were really committed to the bit–one that put on a huge display of extremely gory decorations, and another that had an actual corn maze where you’d be chased by the owner with a faux-chainsaw–but I think the owners have since changed and they’re now just as bland as all of the others. We’ve considered stepping it up this year, but the decorations are so exorbitantly expensive and it might not be worth it given the limited trick-or-treating circumstances provided by COVID. We’ll have to see. If I could afford one of the ones you’ve listed above, I would get it for myself!

    My own inauguration to the Halloween season came this past Sunday, the occasion of the John Waters drive-in. It was (predictably) great, in spite of some issues with the car battery and a sweltering humidity. It was wonderful to see the man in person: his introductions to the films were electrifying, very funny and insightful. He’s a hero. I thought “Climax” was quite good and a phenomenal piece of technical filmmaking, if a little light on substance. It felt sort of like an expertly-constructed haunted house, appropriately enough. And I spoke about my love for “Salò” last time, of course. Wonderful to see on the big screen, even with the stoners in the car next to ours offering a live commentary track to everyone within earshot.

    I’m sorry to hear of your continued troubles with your toe. Sending my best wishes for the speediest recovery possible. Take care, et al.

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