The blog of author Dennis Cooper

DC’s ostensibly favorite animated horror props for Halloween season 2024 *

* (Halloween countdown post #1)

Body with a Parasitic Infestation O.o.p.
The ability of parasites to alter the behavior of their hosts has recently generated an unusual interest in both scientists and non-scientists. One reason is that parasites alter the behavior of their host in such a way as to suggest a hijacking of their ability to make decisions. However, how parasites manipulate their hosts is not an esoteric topic, fascinating with its evocation of gruesome zombie movies involving body snatchers. It is rather the understanding of these processes provide fundamental insights into the neurobiology of behavior.


Animated Bedroom Dresser $2499.00
We Have one Animated Bedroom Dresser left in stock almost finished! Plus animated picture shown above the dresser will also be free with purchase!


Giant Zombie Arched Entry $9,495.00
Giant Zombie Heads or Skull Entry Archway is an amazing Photo Op that your patrons must walk thru. As they approach each the severed heads independently roars come to life to turn/scream/growl or for more friendly attractions talk to/taunt/greet patrons as they pass thru. Available in Animated or Static Versions. Super steel structure for rugged outdoor use.


LA Adam Writer $1,999.99
Crazy writer frantically writes and then goes crazy when “scared”!


Banshee €3573,95
She begins in ambient mode, eerily beautiful in the glow of night as thunder cracks around her. Then when triggered she rises to over 8ft. tall and opens her horrific mouth full of sharp teeth and screams. Banshee can either spray air or water providing an additional surprise and scare!


Cremation Oven $3,449.00
When triggered the tray with the body enters into the oven, oven door closes and then flames appear as the victim screams in horror. Oven door opens while the victim kicks and screams while exiting.


The Marlboro Man $2,700.00
The Marlboro Man Halloween Animatronic stands at an impressive 6ft and features realistic head, waist, and arm movements. Complete with sound programming, a foam pipe wrench prop, full costume, and hat, this animatronic comes with a controller and motion sensor for ease of use.


Kid Horde Attack $4,999.99
Mob shoots out 4′ while kid with severed arm raises up 12″, 3 heads move and arms lift with multiple movements.


Grave Robber $299.99
Standing at an imposing 6 feet tall, this life-sized terror is guaranteed to leave your guests in shock and awe. Designed with exquisite detail, the Grave Robber sports a snaggle-toothed grin, wispy grey hair, and a tattered brown suit, creating a horrifyingly realistic presence.


Wake up Dead €457,95
Wake Up Dead appears to be gasping for air as she shakes under a blood soaked sheet. Just plug her in and she shakes.


Disconnected $3,749.99
This animatronic phone booth features a drop panel, spooky zombie character with a phone in hand, lights, and a programmed sound and speaker.


Doll Dresser $2,599.00
When triggered, girl with doll appears in mirror, says scary phrase then dissappears, pocessed drawers open/close violently then doll pops out of the centered drawers as lamp flickers.


Stall Steve O.o.p.
Steve is sitting on toilet with head down, then fart and poop sounds start as Steve stands up to pee on patrons waving toilet paper all around.


Super Flyer – Wicked Witch of the West $5,995.00
It simply does not get any better than an actual Wicked Witch of the West flying around to harass your patrons. We have aged the character to be face much older, wrinkled and nastier, but the effect is the same. A special character was adapted to our existing SPRFLY200 Super Flyer Series. This dramatic flying rig allows the character to soar to a height of 17’, pan left and right 16’ and then dive-bomb and harass your patrons as they duck for cover below, while the Witch is cackling, screaming and taunting you and your little dog too deary. Character is enhanced with compelling multi-movements, jaw for speech, broom/torso movements, as well as other crazy realistic kinetic movements.


Death Rising €504,95
Death Rising is an All electric zombie animatronic prop that raises up and down from it’s grave! Hand painted and Includes link to download Frightronic audio track. Built to last by Distortions Unlimited.


Squishy Bridge $349.99
Create a unique walking sensation of a creaky, unstable bridge for your guests with this innovative product!


Sword Swallower $279.99
Here is a reminder of yesteryear when the Sword Swallower was the most popular act at the circus sideshow! Our 6 ft tall Sword Swallower Animated Prop performs his gruesome trick for all to see while circus calliope music plays in the background! His spattered and smudged clothing with red bow tie makes him look like an aged, deceased performer back from the dead!


Driller Killer with Victim $4,999.99
Deranged torturer stands behind victim in a chain drilling into his temple with an electric drill. When triggered the driller releases the victim who flails crazily in his chair while screaming!


Yeti Giant Monster Hand €5743,95
Giant Animatronic “Yeti” Monster Hand! Each finger moves and grabs! Includes controls, program, sound, and speaker. This hand hangs on a chain and must be secured to a solid beam from above as the hand weighs approx. 300 lbs.


Ghostly Pets $35
When ghosts walk the earth, wouldn’t they want a dog to walk? A cat to caress? Frisky, faithful and friendly, these cuddly companions are ready to be scratched – but that’s tricky, because they’re ghosts! The Ghostly Pets Decoration Collection features four-legged phantasms perfect for a family-friendly Halloween. The complete collection even includes a bonus “Paranormal Pet Party” decoration featuring dogs and cats unliving together.


Hacking Heidi $175
Hacking Heidi is better than all of Spirit’s worst props over the past 4 years. Her voice lines are really good. But the arms look like they’re on backwards.


Skewered And Burning $3,999.99
Burnt victim is impaled over a burning fire when they suddenly start screaming and convulsing!


Evil Tree €5311,95
This massive animatronic tree has scary glowing red eyes, moving limbs and talking mouth. The height of our Evil Tree is 9′ 6″ tall, and from limp tip to limb tip it is 13′ wide. The Evil Tree includes red LED lights in the its eyes, sound, and controls. Ships freight.


Face Off Kid $2,299.99
Kid in dirty pink bunny costume stands with rabbit mask, then drops the mask revealing his monstrous face!


The Haunted Ticket Booth $4,499.99
The Haunted House ticket booth is not just an entrance; it’s the beginning of a terrifying journey, manned by a ghastly attendant who’s been waiting just for you.


Body Snatcher Victim (Held by Hair) $1,494.68
Victim is held by the hair with an articulated internal steel rod construction, which allows character to realistically flop around while being carried by Body Snatcher.


Bobby Strings $309.99
At 7.7 feet tall, Bobby was destined to be in the limelight. His relentless rehearsal routine filled with tap dances and careful ballet movements was bound to pay off eventually. His hard work was finally recognized when a new dance instructor offered to teach him solo choreography after hours, but before he could warm up his legs, he was knocked out cold from behind. The demented instructor strung up his limp body from the rafters and lifted his limbs in an exhausting pattern of twists and pliés to the rhythm of a cursed waltz for six days straight transforming a healthy boy into an obedient pain-ridden wooden puppet. Now, he performs in the cruel glow of stage lights across the world as the demented instructor’s plaything.


Pulled into Wall $3,499.99
Woman starts screaming and freaking out before getting folded in half and pulled into the wall by an unseen evil force.


Bush Man $2,999.99
Looks like a simple decorative plant then suddenly bursts open to reveal a screaming man! Bushman!




p.s. Hey. Guess what? It’s Halloween season here at DC’s. Seeing as how I’m going to be in the United States and on vacation from the blog for a bunch of October, I’m starting my annual onslaught of Halloween posts a little early this year. So expect to be assaulted with Halloween related stuff every other day or two for the next spate. Apologies or you’re welcome, depending. ** _Black_Acrylic, Oh, the post got an oooh! Didn’t expect that. Yay, etc. Vegetarian fish and chips? Well, why not, I guess. Sounds theoretical yum and fun, pal. ** Dominik, Hi!!! It is. It really and truly is. We are now trying what feels like our millionth try to solve things. It probably won’t work, but keep our luckiness as a daydream, if you and your mind don’t mind. Wow, that’s not a bad salary. I’m surprised, but then again it must be pretty taxing work. Huh. Tempting. I’m sure love is running around from one fast food joint to the next gathering your wished-for condiments as I type. Love predictably but secretly sneaking into your apartment when you’re not there and concealing a wild, complicated animatronic machine inside your bed. Don’t worry, he’ll give you the on/off switch too, G. ** jay, Hey. That’s an interesting habit, fetish or whatever your current dude has. Obviously I can see it. I always fill part of my luggage with hot sauce condiment packets from LA Mexican fast food places when I fly back to Paris, but that’s maybe slightly less eccentric. At least in the States, often times when a roller coaster gets old and unpopular they do a VR overlay where you ride the old, boring coaster wearing a headset that tries to make you believe you’re actually flying around in canyons and dodging dragons and so on, and, in my experience, even apart from the nausea it produces, it’s all very lame. A ‘Tarkovsky–esque Resident Evil game’? Needless to say. I’m pretty sold already. Okay, my eyes will seek evidence. Thanks for passing that along. See you the next time the sun wakes up. ** nat, Hey. Obviously happy you’re unsick. Me too. I finally got my fucked up ear fixed, and I can hear the world in stereo again. Thanks about the posts and interview. I think muses who don’t read are the best muses for the reason you mention and probably for many other reasons. My life has been so full of stupid stress that I haven’t been reading at all, just eyeballing book covers. Do I point? I think so. I certain pinpoint, if that counts. ** Wolf, Wolferooni! Great! Ping me! I think I’m a mayo guy, disgustingly enough. Big love. Talk/see soon! Love, me. ** Bill, As always, I’ll hope someone captured your gig in visual/sound format and will upload it to some platform or other. Thanks about the film saga. Hopefully that homily ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’ is reality based. ** HaRpEr, Urgh: the room thing. Hopefully someday soon you’ll be living in a Jacques Tati film. ‘Mon Oncle’ in particular. Yes, Mr. Barth’s humor gifts are highly notable. And your take on his thing is, as seemingly ever, brilliant. Sometimes I think the analytical parts of our brains are identical twins, assuming I can flatter myself without sounding gross. May today give you considerable progress. ** Lucas, Good morning to you from slightly later in the morning. My last few days have been worse, but every new day has potential, they say. Oops, about the appointment mix up. I hope the travel to and fro was at least somewhat positively inputting. Trying to hang on: me too, my friend, big time. We’ll make it through this shit together. Vow. ** Okay. You already know what you’re faced with today. Halloween season always starts around here with a beauty pageant of scary animatronics. Be there. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    Yesss!! Halloween season is officially here!

    I’m keeping my fingers very, very tightly crossed for that millionth try! Seriously, it has to happen now. Do let me/us know, please!

    Thank you, love! I’ll try not to have an instant heart attack – but I’ll be more than happy to welcome any animatronic monstrosity in my bed/room! Love, also quite predictably, offering to buy you any of the above props – which one would you like? Od. (I’d go for either the ghostly pets, the doll dresser, or the banshee. An impossible choice.)

  2. jay

    Haha, that bloodied sheet one is weirdly subtle for a Halloween decoration. Maybe this is just me, but in the UK we don’t hugely celebrate it, outside of partying. Are you planning on going out on the actual day with friends, or anything like that?

    Huh, that’s interesting, in regards to the VR thing, that sounds pretty incredible, at least to me. But yeah, I suppose you may as well not even be on a rollercoaster in that situation.

    No problem! I just finished that game last night, and it really made me bawl my eyes out, it’s so well done. The game itself maybe isn’t great, but the story, music, all that. Agh, pretty wonderful.

    Umm, other than that, not much on my end. My new flatmate is moving in later, so fingers crossed, haha. He seems mostly quite normal, and a sort of, uh, yaoi connoisseur I guess. He’s a really great friend, and hopefully he’ll be easy enough to live with, but yknow, I guess people can be lovely friends and terrible roommates. Anyway!!!! See ya! 🙂

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    Wonder what kind of person could afford to spend $5k on an animated horror prop. Do they keep it on display outside of Halloween or just put it in their garage for the rest of the year? I for one would gladly have Kid Horde Attack set up as a permanent installation.

  4. James Bennett

    Hey Dennis,
    Sorry to hear you are still in film limbo because of that dickhead.
    Autumn has firmly arrived in London and a new writing rhythm is nascent.
    Question: any thoughts on Henry James? I’m a bit obsessed with how he’s seen as simultaneously very influential and extremely annoying/ridiculous. Haven’t read anything of his yet but it might be on the cards.
    May the road rise to meet you.

  5. Måns BT

    I actually commented on here the second I came home from the nollning, but when I pressed “post comment”, it wasn’t published and the message was deleted. I’ll try to rewrite what I wrote to some degree! First I just have to say though, I just adore these halloween props, and halloween in general. I always decorate the house, both inwards and outwards, around Halloween season, don’t you just love having your house filled with blood and guts?
    ABOUT THE NOLLNING! I think I know how the victims in ‘120 days’ felt after this experience, I can deeply relate to them after yesterday’s trauma hahahah. What happened in chateau Shilling ain’t got shit on what went down at Långholmen!!! Jokes aside though, very surprisingly enough for me, I had a shit ton of fun. I’m a bit against the whole thing morally, since the whole premise is just torturing the new students, but since I couldn’t take it seriously at all I did not feel threatened or scared or anything. In short, what happened was I got egged, soaked in ketchup and flour, had to swim and dip my head in rotten water, drink from my shoe, swallow raw eggs, stand on all fours like a dog and try to pick up an apple from a bucket with my mouth alone, spit raw eggs from mouth to mouth, eat cat food etc… all in all, really pleasant evening! Me and some friends from the class hang out afterwards, we went to McDonalds and one of the girls puked in another friends Coca Cola, so great fun! There’s just something magical being able to walk around with all kinds of shit in your hair and face (you should see the pictures, I was soaked) without caring what anybody else thought. During the night though, there was this one really hot girl in my class that I’m pretty sure wanted to make out with me. It was like me and her and this other guy and the other guy said something like “You two should make out!” and she gave me this look, and it looked like she was going in for it, but I had to stop her. In any other scenario, I would’ve been over the moon, but she seemed really drunk and it would’ve felt icky if I had done something (I was a little drunk too but I don’t think I was near her level of drunk). She’s way out of my league too so she probably wouldn’t have made that choice had she been sober. I think I made the right choice, I don’t want to take advantage of anyone when they probably don’t even know what they’re doing.
    Disco Elysium is amazing! Basically you’re this cop who has gotten so wasted and drugged out of your own mind that you have forgotten absolutely everything about the world and yourself. There’s a body hanging in the tree behind the hotel you’re staying at, its your job to solve the murder, but your past is haunting you, the smell of apricot chewing gum lingers in the air, its torturous. It’s a lot of reading, and there’s no combat system or anything like that in the game, but its truly immersive and wonderful. You can become everything from a really smart cop who knows everything about history and shit, and this total fucking junkie disaster of a cop who talks with dead bodies and chases cryptids when he isn’t snorting something from the local twelve year old speed freak. ITS WONDERFUL!
    YOU HAVENT SEEN “A hole In my heart”???? YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO, GO DO IT NOW!!!!!!! You heard anything about it/know what it’s about? Its probably the most extreme and feel bad movie to come out of Sweden, but its very beautiful at the same time. I could hook you up with a link or something if you’re having a hard time getting your hands on a copy of it. “Lilja” is so great too, as is just about everything Moodysson has made. Which ones have you seen? I think my favorites are “A hole” and “Container”! And of course I would adore a Moodysson blog day! Looking forwards to that possibility. How has your last couple of days been? I hope you haven’t been drenched in dozens of unknown substances, as have I.
    XOXO, a Måns who know truly knows how it is to be a slave to a fascist regime.

  6. Bill

    Ah, it’s that time of the year. With all the work that goes into some of these props, I can’t imagine how people can be charging just a few hundred bucks.

    No recording last night, sorry. It’s a bit much to organize this when I’m traveling. But I should really look into one of those extended cellphone based recording rigs.

    Stopped by the DeSana/Paul P show. There were actually quite a few of DeSana’s late photos, where things are overexposed/oversaturated almost to abstraction. I don’t think I saw some of these photos even at the Brooklyn Museum show last year, so that was nice. And it was also good to see Paul’s paintings; I’ve only seen the early drawings years ago. I’m not sure the curator did a good job connecting the two though. And the space was a little annoying.


  7. HaRpEr

    Hi. Oh, if I could only live in a Tati film and stroll around my gadgets all day. Unfortunately I’m currently Keaton having his house fall on him, but I’ll get there.
    Oh gee thanks, I guess we do agree on a lot analytically, or maybe our brains are just automatically drawn to certain things. I think it’s just that neither of us are that interested in traditional plot and character and I guess that inherently plays a role when I talk about something. It’s funny because I don’t think our styles are that similar. Where we may or may not depart is that I’m very interested in trojan horses, and how something can be somewhat formulaic or traditional on the surface but is secretly doing something else. I think David Lynch has been really good at that, and going further back people like Douglas Sirk. I think it’s because I find constraints interesting, and am interested in how literature can be a kind of manipulation. The only book that immediately comes to mind for me is ‘Two Serious Ladies’ by Jane Bowles, which gets stranger as it goes on with the ‘plot’ disintegrating. That’s really probably one of my five favourite books. I’ve read it several times and I still can’t pin it down. There’s something about it that’s always up in the air.

    Ah! I’m so pumped for Halloween so this got me excited. The way you talk about haunted houses really makes me wish that was a global phenomenon. The closest thing we have in the uk is they have this farm kind of near where my parents live called ‘Tulleys Farm’ and every year they turn it into a haunted festival where people in costumes come out of nowhere and scare you, and I think they’ve expanded to having rides and stuff as well these days. But in terms of families making something in their house, that’s very rare.

  8. Justin D


  9. Justin D

    Hey, Dennis! I finally figured out how to comment—I had to try a bunch of VPN locations and this one seems to work. Yay! I’ve missed commenting, but I’ve been keeping up with the blog/p.s.. LOVE today’s post. More and more houses in my neighborhood have been putting up their Halloween decorations earlier and earlier, and I’m totally here for it! Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for my favorite time of year. Sorry the film mess isn’t getting any better. I watched a really good new film you might like called ‘My First Film’ — Trailer here. Hope you had a dreamy Thursday! Hope this VPN trick continues to work.

  10. Lucas

    good morning again! ooh it’s finally halloween season over here, I’m excited. I think my favorites from this post are ‘face off kid’ and ‘doll dresser,’ obviously. it’s insane how expensive they all are though. I’m sorry to hear things are worse, but yeah, every day is a new opportunity, if only an opportunity to see things slightly differently. I know how you feel. I’m still feeling more or less the same as I’ve been doing lately and it sucks because I’m failing to ‘function,’ as in failing to just do things everyone normally expects me to, but I should focus on taking care of myself first. we’ll both definitely hang in there. did you ever keep a journal? I’m thinking that might be good, and I’ve tried it before, but I’ve never gotten into the habit. it just feels like kind of a waste of time for me haha but I know it’s supposed to be helpful or whatever. I hope your weekend offers some respite!

  11. Oscar 🌀

    Woah (RE: the alphabet soup of Wednesday morning)!!!! That’s a fun cosmic coincidence. I did my first university commute yesterday and ended up, unfortunately, on the peak rush-hour train with all the business lads and ladies. I was mostly just minding my own business, but couldn’t help but notice that they were all in huge rushes to answer their phones, making all these frantic phone calls, but occasionally they’d get a call where they’d start off with ‘hey, Dennis!’ and visibly relax for a little bit.

    Lot to think about in today’s post. I always kinda struggled to visualise the American Halloween haunted house type things — we’ve not really got anything like that over here — but, woah, jeez. I get it now.

    You’re vacationing in the US next month!! Are you just going to LA or have you got other ventures planned?? When was the last time you were back? :0

    (Hopefully I’m able to get this message through with spiral intact)

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