* (restored)
Hi everybody. I love DC’s. I’m a designer and baker of macabre cakes as well as a collector of images of them who lives in Beckley, West Virginia. Dennis has kindly allowed me a day to share my strange passion with you. I hope you will enjoy the show. About half of the cakes presented today were designed and made by me and the rest are personal favorites I found online during my relentless searches. My thanks go to all of you fine people. Sincerely, Carrie
p.s. Hey. ** jay, Hi. Curious if you can say why non-existent music is a particularly uninviting subject matter, at least at length, to you. Oh, that porn wasn’t good for the usual reasons, I guess. Badly lit, cameras in frustrating locations, obviously disingenuous moaning and groaning, so-so looking performers. I suppose there could be people who fetishise those ‘drawbacks.’ Good porn … I would think that’s totally subjective, no? But I’ve ceased my youthful hope that an experimental art genius porn vid or movie could exist or does. I will be in that mood. It’s just a matter of when. Thanks, jay. ** Diesel Clementine, So, do you feel compelled to put on a VR set? ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, We are Floating Through Space’ invents a new religion whenever I listen to it. Oh, ‘Tryptich August 1972’ is a Bacon. I had to check. Nice one. Happy that the evidence of the Mackey novel played productive tricks on you. Fabulousness is not entirely out of the question for this week. I would imagine yours might be non-stop. ** Lucas, Hi, L. Yeah, I’m doing the same with my not yet fixed ear’s constant intrusion on my peace of mind. Accustoming. Works off and on. Good, good, you sound you’re up to lots of good. Most of the film people I know think Cassevetes is the bees’ knees too. I only really like his early, more experimental films: ‘Shadows’, ‘Faces’, ‘Husbands’. When he started employing more conventional narratives, I can appreciate his spin on that, but they don’t excite me. I think ‘Killing of a Chinese Bookie’ is my favorite of the later ones. In other words, I think we might be on the same page. My week is still a relative question mark. I feel like I should go out and absorb the Olympics atmosphere more before it ends. Max yours out however. ** Jack Skelley, Ha. Thanks, Jack-Off-Skillfully. Nice: your meet up with Chris. He’s really nice, right? Always grinning. No doubt on earth that you’ll mastermind a life- and literature altering Saturday night. Just hope somebody films it. I think Zac gets back from his getaway this week whereupon solving the giant problem(s) can hopefully commence. xo, Den-n’est-ce-pas-is. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hey. I don’t think a particular vibe for jazz is needed to dig the Mackey? It was a pleasure to set up! ** nat, Yay, your shit, incredibly, even more. Alice Cooper was originally called The Spiders, and they were quite psychedelic in their early incarnation. To wit. ** David Ehrenstein, Mai oui! I’ve never seen ‘Making the Boys’. Such a good reason to. ** Thomas H, No lateness here really. Nice that the Pride Parade provoked so much thought. No floats?! What?! I haven’t been to one since I first got here and was curious what the Paris spin on the Pride Parade would be. Not hugely different. More techno, mostly. And no big corporate sponsorship stuff as far as I could tell. Mostly just local establishment sponsorship. So maybe more old fashioned in that regard. Your Sunday beat mine by a billion miles. Which is good, which I appreciate. I really want ice cream. Except what I really want is Dairy Queen-style soft serve, which you can’t get here. So, I’m kind of doomed. I’ll ask Zac if he knows that Riley Black book. Wouldn’t surprise one teeny bit if he does. ** Nika Mavrody, Sure. ** Måns BT, Hi, Måns! No doubt in my mind about ‘War and War’. I have read the book, yes, so maybe that will color my eventually full watching of the film. Hm. Will do: I’ll have a list at the ready. No, I didn’t get up to much. Every single friend of mine in Paris — except for one, and he has a child, and he’s always busy with the child — is gone. Parisians aways take holidays in early August, and the Olympics is only extending that. And I’m a person who likes to do things with friends more than by myself. I don’t even really like seeing movies by myself. Kind of strange, I guess. But people start drifting back into Paris later this week. So my week is fuzzy at this point. The only other Sade novel I quite like is ‘Juliette’. It’s, you know, transgressive for sure, but not at all as much as ‘120 Days’. You’re heading home as I type! Enjoy the airborne time. That festival sounds cool indeed. Safe trip today, and I hope Stockholm feels really shiny when you reemerge there. ** Steve, Ah, you did a ‘hit em’! Nice. Everyone, Here’s Steve: ‘I’ve made a 58-second contribution to the new genre Drew Daniel dreamed into existence. I wrote this in half an hour last night, and going by the rules, it’s in 5/4, at 212 bpm and makes heavy use of effects.’ I’ll hit it shortly. No, the ‘performers’ in the sleep videos are definitely drugged. No question. The vast majority of them originate in Asia (Japan and China especially). I wonder why. Maybe drugging people for sex is an accepted practice there. ‘Trap’ sounds like a plane film for sure. Thanks. ** Harper, Hey. Oh, yeah, I really don’t personally know about the differences in strength and purity. People I know who’ve been tripping since the 70s tell me that. Well, acid didn’t used to be for wimps, that’s for sure. So maybe if people are saying that, the quality really is much lower. Mushrooms are a lot less intense than acid. Quite nice. There’s a sort of 40 minute period of paranoia sometimes at first, but then that part fades away. Good news about your throat. I’m still working on my ear or, rather, waiting for my ear to finish working on itself. Nothing’s too new with me. Just writing and blog post making and trying to catch up on emails. But I’m determined to bring the outdoors much more fully into my life this week. ** Dev, It’s good: the Mackey. I’ve never worn perfume or cologne or whatever in my entire life. Isn’t that strange? I just never have. I’ve always just smelled like whatever I smell like. I use deodorant, mind you. I’m not a stinko. Okay, maybe I’ll go to Sephora or wherever and see if they have a sample spritz available of Terre d’Hermes that I can shoot on my wrist or wherever. I’d like to know. Maybe it would convert me? ** Darby,Hey. On my side, I just select the text I want to italicise and click the italics option, but I don’t know if commenters can do that or if it’s an elitist option just for me. I think when you’re really drowsy it gets pretty interesting or notable or something, but, yeah, you’re right. When does your fall semester begin? I’m guessing … early September? There was a little restaurant here that only served grilled cheese sandwiches. It went out of business, no surprise, I guess. I miss it. Mm, sometimes I eat at this little restaurant called Breakfast in America that serves exactly what the name indicates. That’s a little obscure. Neither of those links worked, sadly. My ear still hurts a bit, but less so. You’re not too blunt whatsoever. Don’t even worry for a second about that. See you soon and maybe ‘sea’ you soon? I don’t know what I mean by that. Blame my ear. ** Justin D, Cool, yeah, it’s a terrific novel. Mackey is really great in general. You do indeed sound like someone who shouldn’t risk taking LSD. Start with mushrooms maybe? Acid + Beach House + John Waters … that’s a headful of an image for sure. I picked up a novel called ‘Adorable’ by Ida Marie Hede and a book called ‘Dream State Code of Conduct [Middle Income]’ by Irena Haiduk and Rene Ricard’s ‘Love Poems’. I haven’t started them yet. Our original hope/plan was for the film to get out around Halloween, but it’s looking unlikely now due to the huge problems. But you never know. Thanks, pal. ** Oscar
, You made it home! In such a charmingly circuitous fashion. Do you know about that gorilla from some years ago that they taught to speak in sign language? Did you know that once it was taught to sign ‘Hi Oscar’ it literally would not sign anything else? I hope they didn’t euthanise it. Thank you about ‘Flunker’. ‘Corpse and Hand Puppet’ was originally the text of a robotic installation piece I made with Gisele Vienne called ‘LAST SPRING: A Prequel’, but I altered it a bit. So, originally, it was spoken by a life-size boy robot. “Here’s a little clip of the original version, if you’re curious. You saw Alexander! Great! Maybe they changed his name or something. Very cool! Trippy, no? Loveliness to see you over here and now here. Wonderful Monday! ** Right. Last week when it was really hot and I was possibly suffering from some mild form of heatstroke, it struck me as a fine idea to restore today’s very, very old post for you. See you tomorrow.
I’m back! Ah, it’s so good to write to you again!
Overall, I had a pretty good time with my brother and father, which kind of came as a surprise. I mean, I always love spending time with my brother, but it isn’t always smooth with my father. Anyway. No complaints this time. I think the highlight for me was the Eva Beresin exhibition we visited. I hadn’t known her work before, and her paintings were huge and overwhelmingly busy. They really drew me in.
How are you? How was last week? Maybe, possibly, hopefully any positive film-related news?
Obviously, love baking you the cake of your choice from the above selection, Od. (An extremely hard choice, but I have to go for either the mouth herpes one or the third from last.)
Oh Dennis and Carrie McEnroe — thanks for these… inspired !! YUM. That devil baby’s face looks like Elon Musk! Dennis, yes we shall film Saturday Myth Lab thang. And event will include video animations of Karina Bush’s AI Myth Lab illustrations. They’re freeeeky. Maybe one day share here on DC Blog where they’d fit nicely. Yes, Chriz Z is friendly funny and has amazing stories. HOpe u and Zac can sort out Fuckheaded snarls and move forward soon. xo Jack
Delicately disturbing stuff today, remindful of the work of Paul Thek — a close pal of Susan Sontag’s and an early AIDS epidemic casualty.
Turned on the TV this morning to see a “Poetry in America” episode devoted to Frank O’Haha (HORRAY) Very well put ogether with Eileen Myles one of the people commenting on him. It also featured a great photo of the beautiful Vincent Warren
Some of these look legitimately delicious, like I can already taste the intestine pastry thing immediately just by looking at it. Seems like marzipan might construct most of the connective tissue of the rest. I wish I liked marzipan. Regardless, an absolute feast for the eyes, all. Thank you, Carrie. Genius creations and web spelunking. Could be the only DC Blog I will ever send to my mother, who always knew her way around the oven and acquires a charred-black humor after a couple gins.
@ Carrie, thank you from across the space-time continuum for this post! Not been into cakes for literally years but for these baked goods, I could make an exception easily enough.
The 1st Leeds United game of the new season will be this coming Saturday at 12:30 pm from Elland Road! The Premier League starts the week after. Just hoping that a full football program might pacify the nation, calling a halt to race riots on English streets.
hi. endurance is the way to go but maybe you should get your ear checked out if it’s been that long. it’s good to know about your opinion on cassavetes, I think we’re on the same page, yeah. I think I’ll see ‘husbands’ at one moment or another, it looks interesting. I’m glad I’m not alone in not being crazy about him; I’m fine with having a kind of idiosyncratic taste in film but I feel a bit bad whenever I don’t click with a director/film that my friends seem to love. oh, that’s right, the olympics are ending soon, aren’t they? my maxing out this week has been relegated to simply surviving it because my parents are being totally insane again. I’m probably staying with my dad this weekend even though I haven’t talked to him in a week because of a weird, terrible transphobic rant he went on to me recently (apparently he hasn’t taken my coming out well, oops). I guess I’ll survive it but it’ll be a bit awkward. enjoy the olympics atmosphere, xo
I was saying out loud, “I love Denny’s!,” while clicking over here.
“aloud,” probably. do ask!
Hey Dennis!
Just got home from Spain, and it’s actually very nice to be back home, even though I had a great stay. A bit stressed about me leaving for the festival the day after tomorrow though, I kind of wish I had a week to just unwind right now. I prefer watching movies with other people too, but the problem is I don’t have that many friends with the same taste in movies as me, so I often watch them alone. Have you seen any good movies lately? I myself have not seen a decent movie in I don’t know how long. Very excited for the Swedish Cinemateks upcoming theme though, Time ! They’re showing all of Bressons and Cassavettes films, as well as a lot of other great movies I’ve watched/wanted to watch. That’ll be fun, since I haven’t actually watched any Bresson or Cassavettes films. You have any favorites/ least favorites by them?
I’ll definitely read ‘Juliette’, I have some books waiting to be ordered, I’ll add that one to the list! Isn’t ‘Justine’ any good?
I wish you all the best! See you!!!
Hey. Thanks for the mushroom info/advice. I’ve been heavily considering it lately but since I’m staying in a small town at the moment I’m away from… things and people most commonly found in the city. I’m in a good place for it. My stress has considerably reduced and is only really momentary when it happens. I have a lot of questions I’m thinking about or just things to dwell on, not dark stuff though. My writing namely, or just stuff in general.
Hopefully summer is mellowing out where I am. Today was pleasantly unassuming weather-wise. Anyway, I had a strange day. The clinic have emailed me to say they will call me tomorrow to discuss my blood test results. I’m kind of on edge about it and have no idea what time I’ll get the call. I feel like most medical/admin related phone calls could be emails, I always end up saying something stupid or not enough at all. Also, I may go on an unnecessary voyage tomorrow to pick up a book at the post office which I accidentally sent to my old address. I’ve been putting it off and am very annoyed at myself.
And I’ve been hunting for rooms for next month, which is a difficult task. Hopefully I’ll secure a viewing soon. After many unpleasant experiences with past flatmates I’m very nervous about living with potentially unpleasant people. It’s never unpleasant to begin with, everything sours overtime. I’m starting to think that I’m the problem. I sometimes worry that my habits strike people as odd. I’ve always avoided arguments and stayed friendly with past flatmates, but I’m going to have to be extra vigilant to avoid any future unpleasantness.
Love today’s post! For some reason the meat ones are the ones that really make me uncomfortable. That raw chicken particularly.
Ough, gross stuff today, haha. Not in a bad way, of course. I sort of imagined some like evil alternative to this, like a cake that sort of looks normal from the outside, but is basically just full of like viscera or something. I don’t know, there’s something hysterical about that to me, like butchering or carving up a cake. Kind of cool to see some Hannibal stuff here too, I’m pretty sure the hand with the IV drip is from that show.
Uhhh, about the music thing. I think I often feel a little stupid reading about music, there’s a lot of terminology I don’t really quite understand, and I think writing about music, particularly if it’s fictionalised, would just grate on me a little.
Also yeah, about the porn, you’re definitely right. For some reason, I have this like, total mental block on visual pornography, basically nothing that relies on visual stimulus really does anything for me. I think I have found a few bits of text that really do kinda work for me, and that stuff normally has basically zero cost, so there’s a lot of incredibly niche stuff. But yeah, interesting stuff.
Anyway, sorry for the late reply, I’ve been sorta ill today, another one of those random moments where my leg starts like spurting blood basically out of nowhere, all kinda weird. It was sort of cool in a nasty way, even if I had to sort of forensically clean my bedroom. But yeah, anyway, exciting day!
Ha, I was going to judge you by your olfactory preferences, but I guess having never worn a fragrance is a personality insight in its own right. (Kidding about judging you, of course.) Really it’s better not to get into perfumes because it’s such an expensive obsession. I buy a lot of 1 or 2 mL samples off various websites. Terre d’Hermes is a good one though; it was created by Jean-Claude Ellena who did a lot of great work for Hermes.
Med school is in full swing now and I’m going to be graded on my first mock patient interview next Monday, which is a little terrifying. How’s your week going so far?
I’ve mixed 4 songs for my next album! I spent 90 minutes finishing one of them, which needed most of its instruments swapped out in order to be listenable, but I’m finally nearing release.
I went looking for that creepy guy’s YouTube channel so I could post a link, but I can’t find it. Not surprised if it’s been taken down by now.
Yeah, TRAP sounds like good airplane fare.
hi, uh oh wow. those cakes are something else. wonder how it feels to eat those after taking the shot and all.
so i went to a human auction today, in the video game ofc ofc. — still talking about final fantasy xiv. — my buds decided to go there for comedic reasons, so i decided just to do mischief and bid purely to make people waste more money. you can probably see where this is going, i got a cute boy with bunny ears for myself for a week now, and i got no clue what to do with him lmao. so it goes.
not much else, writing a book report for my dom on zweig. i’m enjoying the mackey alot. though it is as well flying by me. i have skill issue as they say.
that should be all. i think.
Are you saying there is a typhoon in your ear? Like, “sea”
Oh it’s very in theme you say that right now im in a state of harmony because we have a storm and flood warning where I am. And lots of rain! imagine if, like, it ended up flooding like inthe movie Ponyo? That would be something
I saw the cake post yesterday. I like the one with the teddy bear face down on the surgery bed.
What books you been reading? Ive been studying drawing books, but the last book I started was a manga.
Oh no, my classes start on the 19th of this month. Very soon.
That breakfast in America place sounds interesting. Was it like a Denny’s? Oh btw I never told you but I did get an interview at that pet place. It went well. I think working with pets would be great because I can’t do anything else.
My mom has a dog named Cooper now,have I mentioned that? He’s so odd because he’s a manic bubbly creature always with a smile yet he’s got a huge damn sack between his legs and it’s alarmingly human looking to be on such a small little creature ha-ha