Melis Buyruk Untitled, 2009
porcelain topography
Tom Claassen Untitled (Rabbit / Lying), 2004
Eduardo Kac GFP Bunny, 2000
‘My transgenic artwork “GFP Bunny” comprises the creation of a green fluorescent rabbit, the public dialogue generated by the project, and the social integration of the rabbit. GFP stands for green fluorescent protein. “GFP Bunny” was realized in 2000 and first presented publicly in Avignon, France.’
Kylie Matheson Be Good To Your Mother, 2012
Joseph Beuys How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare, 1965
‘A solo performance by Beuys, who was filmed and photographed for three hours as he moved through the Schmela Gallery exhibition with the carcass of a hare, whispering inaudibly to it.’
Kevin Box Red Rabbit, 2016
David Altmejd Various, 2020
mixed media
The God chord
Leaving this World
Christ and Antichrist Systems
Beth Cavener L’Amante, 2012
Stoneware, painted tattoos
Larry Fuente Rex Rabbit, 2011
‘Larry Fuente’s gigantic fluffy pink Rex Rabbit rapes the Volkswagen Beetle beneath it, occasionally expressing its excitement by flapping its hydraulically-operated ears.’
Florentijn Hofman Giant White Rabbit, 2014
wood, Styrofoam frame, Tyvek paper
Elaine Peto Resting Hare, 2018
Peter Anton Chocolate Bunny, 2021
mixed media
Jack Devaney Untitled, 2019
Taxidermy rabbit, toaster
Alex Podesta City Watch, 2008
mixed-media sculpture
Dieter Roth Shit Hare, 1975
Dirt, straw, hay, rabbit droppings, pressed into a mold
Hunt Slonem Untitled, 2019
oil, acrylic, plaster, resin on wood
Divya Anantharaman Chick-achu, 2014
taxidermy rabbit, pearls, silver tray
Amanda Parer Intrude, 2016
inflatables, illumination
Willy Verginer Untitled, 2010
lindenwood, paint
Pekka Jylhä Trembling and honoring, 2005
Stuffed hare, motor, milk, glass, tremble
Kare Fetisch Bunny, 2013
Samuel Salcedo Various, 2015 -2020
Resina policromada
Follow the rabbit
Lucky Bunny
Louise Bourgeois Rabbit, 1990
Adam Trbusek Rabbit Devouring a Man, 2015
‘After erecting the statue, the local council has received several complaints asking it be moved to another location.’
Barry Flanagan Nijinski Hare, 2012
bronze with a dark grey patina
Florentijn Hofman Untitled, 2011
wood, metal, wood shingles, and paint
Deana Bada Maloney Nic Fit, 2009
Stoneware, Oxide and Found Object
Sigmar Polke Rubber Band Durer Hare, 1970
rubber band on fabric
Jürgen Goertz Der Hase The Hare – A Tribute to Dürer, 1984
Gimhongsok Bunny’s Sofa, 2007
‘To explore the boundaries between artwork and audience, Gimhongsok created a series of sculptural performances in which a person wearing an animal costume poses in the gallery. Bunny’s Sofa is a continuation of this series, but with a different twist. Instead of hiring a real person to dress as the animal, Gimhongsok placed a mannequin inside the rabbit costume. When exhibiting the work, the artist produces a false statement claiming that he has paid an illegal worker from North Korea to wear the suit and to maintain a lounging posture for a certain length of time. But both the performer and the financial transaction existed only in the text, truths concealed by the costume and social propriety.’
Christian Gonzenbach Skintales, 2006
Laser engraving on rabbit skin
Edward Ruscha Rabbit, 1986
Lithograph on paper
Adam Fuss Rabbit, 2014
Mary Catherine Newcomb Souvenir, 1984
armature, soil erosion blanket, steel frame, bent grass, fescue grass
Nam June Paik Rabbit Inhabits the Moon, 1996
Rabbit statue, CRT TV, 1-channel video, color, silent
Nayland Blake Various, 1994 – 2020
Mixed media
The Little One
Top Bunny
Bottom Bunny
Heavenly Bunny Suit
Starting Over Suit
p.s. Hey. ** CAUTIVOS, Hi. Paris used to be an ideal summer spot, but now we get these brutal heat spurts a couple or few times each summer that are truly awful in this non-air-conditioned city. Yay, my blog escapes reprehensibility for yet another day! Curious Kafka quote. Doesn’t sound like the characteristic him really. Thanks. ** David Ehrenstein, Can’t imagine those action figures selling too well. But then who could have predicted the Pet Rock phenomenon. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Thanks! Apparently France does not allow products containing Velveeta and its equivalent to be sold in the country, and the best Mac & Cheese contains that substance, and the store got in trouble for thinking ‘fuck it’ and selling it anyway, so I guess I’ll have to (try to) sneak some in when I go to the States next. Hm, I might be able to lower myself down the building by a rope and crawl into my neighbors’ apartment by an open window but while carrying an ice moose? Might be too dangerous. Oh, wow, you’re seeing MCR twice! That should be fun. They’re playing here any minute too. I wonder if there are websites or message boards dedicated to the Avril Lavigne Fake the way there are for the Fake Paul McCartney. Hm. Future blog post? Love giving you a pet bunny for exactly three hours, G. ** Misanthrope, Well, it is a bit more advanced than it was when I made that post at least. Months ain’t bad. It takes years to make a film, at least when your producer is a lying, incompetent fuckhead. ** Bernard, Hi and top o’ the morning, B. I’m sure that Zac and I can find a part for your dead, animated body in one of our future films. It was great to hang! And you are so right! Wth! No, I ultimately decided that actually staying in an ice hotel would likely be a highly miserable experience. The grotesquerie was certainly a selling point to post-seeking me. Yes, such a lovely cloudburst yesterday afternoon. My goodness. See you soon, yes? ** Robert, Hi. Good question. Oh, really? I think I’m still way into the drug aspect of novels, that they’re just very verbose psychedelic pills that turn your brain into this huge, malleable imagery-making machine. And how novels are less control freaks and fascists. But I do really like my imagination, if that’s not a weird thing to say. At the same time, I think your and my tastes are not dissimilar when it comes to fiction, so you have a point. Oh, I don’t know, everything is so confusing, isn’t it? Delightfully confusing at least. Great comment, maybe incoherent response on my part, thank you, sorry. ** Steve Erickson, I don’t know these MAGA novelty songs. I’ll find out what you mean. I don’t know that Sinatra. Is it a standout in his oeuvre? I hope you get to make the film, obviously. I found ‘Wild Boys’ unbearable, and if the new one is worse, yikes. Everyone, Steve’s ‘review of Bertrand Mandico’s very tedious new film AFTER BLUE (DARK PARADISE) came out yesterday.’ I hope your dad’s test is a big 0 today. ** Billy, I’ve never seen the ‘Twilight’ films. I guess that’s not surprising. And I think I never will. Thanks in part to you. Thank you! I do admit I am very into seeing the ABBA ‘hologram’ show over there in London and might even slip under the channel to do that. But, yeah, they’ve alive. I’m doing all right. You? Hope you like ‘GMM’. I hope whoever stole your ‘MLT’ doesn’t come back with a loaded gun to find you. But you’re not in the US, right, so you should be okayish? ** Brandon, Hi, Brandon! I havent seen the Cronenberg but your reaction is exactly what I’m predicting mine will be. How was your night? Anything great transpire, or, you know, fun even if you didn’t care for it? My week: I’m mostly a bore looking for funds for Zac’s and my new film 24/7 right now, but I did see the great Morgan Fisher show his great film ‘Another Movie’ at the Pompidou, and I toured the Paris sewers, and I bought some books and saw friends, and I didn’t work hard as I should have on an assignment, and … it rained a fair amount. Not wildly exciting. I[m excited to see the new ‘Jurassic Park’ for some weird reason even though the last one was miserably bad. Strange. Knock out start to your week, pal. ** _Black_Acrylic, ‘Clutch Cargo’ completely fucked up my mind when I was a little kid and may have started me on my path to being an experimental artist and probably made me more inclined to take LSD than I would have been. Glad your outing to the pub fulfilled a need, and, yeah, I read that about the England player, Jesus. I was happy that Nadal won Roland Garros, and that’s about as sporty as I get. ** Bill, Me neither, prior to. Very nice about the gig. New territory! Very curious to hear or see that! I’m about to finally see ‘EEAAO’. Only medium expectations. ** Right. I thought I would take it really easy on you today. See you tomorrow.
Ah, nothing like a crowd of happy bunnies to lift the spirits on a mild Spring morning.
As a boy I had a talent for drawing, and at one activity day at Leeds Art Gallery I drew their sculpture by Barry Flanagan of a rabbit named Cricketer. I was awarded a prize for this by the popular TV game show host Bob Holness, and my artwork appeared in a book titled the Young Person’s Guide to the Gallery. It was a very early encounter with art world fame.
That bunny Cricketer drawing is here on my website, 5th from bottom.
The ABBA thing is different though isn’t that like Gorillaz? Like it’s their choice. I think twilight is where that weird monochrome cinematography everyone’s so sick of now kind of begins? But I’ve never got more than ten minutes in myself. I think maybe it’ll have a camp half life somehow, but that probably depends on having loved it when you were thirteen or something. Gmm brilliant so far. Just my kind of thing. Life it’s sweet old self. Fingers crossed re the gun sitch, as you say.
This post kind of reminds me of the movie Baby Bump which I’m trying to find a way to watch but every copy seems unplayable here for some reason. Did you see that? Would you say its worth the effort? Love that rabbit toaster
Dennis, I hate bunnies now. Thanks. Well, maybe except for Bunny Boy from Gummo.
Yeah, now I need to get all my (handwritten) notes out that have been stored away for years and finish this fucker. Good thing is that it’s about 80% finished. And there are parts I want to go over again and rewrite and make better, even if just on a line-by-line basis.
Hmm, I ought to look into film producing. You know I’d be excellent to work with. 😀 I’m actually serious. I wonder what all that entails.
But you’ll work it out, I’m sure.
Dennis — Funny!!! (I like the chocolate one best). Ruben & Jacqui are here. Enjamin & Bamy took them to Dodgers. And they came to my Thursday reading @ Stories. (Event wuz good!) More hangs to come . Cover and inside images for my New & Selected are now complete. To publish late summer/early fallish. (!!!) Sorry about Velveeta ban & unseasonable heat. (There is no Jooon gloom here so far either!) Good luck w fuckhead. Etc etc.-Jack
Hm. This might be another lucrative idea – original Mac & Cheese dealer in France! Although I don’t know how big your clientele would be. At the very least, it sounds less dangerous than the window acrobatics with the ice moose, haha.
Yeah, MCR had announced their Prague date first, and we’d quickly bought our tickets (Anita and I), and a few weeks later, they announced a Budapest date as well, so… Terrible fate, you know.
I’m pretty sure there’re blog posts and forums about the whole fake Avril Lavigne thing. Maybe on Reddit? And there’re certainly YouTube videos because I’ve run into a few already. There must be enough material out there for a future blog post.
I’d love a pet bunny for exactly three hours. Although I might shed a few secret tears when it disappears. Thank you! Love replacing the Playboy Bunny icon with the face of Frank from Donnie Darko, Od.
YouTube keeps recommending “the CIA replaced Mark Wahlberg {or some other celebrity no one cares about these days} with a clone, look at these videos of him shot 20 years apart for proof” videos. The names of famous people get it into the algorithm.
Are you planning to see TOP GUN: MAVERICK? The level of hype is unreal, but I want to go this week.
Frank and Bunny
Bunnies just beg to be subverted, haha. This is my favorite piece at the DeYoung Museum, zoom in to see the bunny better:
By the way, have you been to the Morris Museum in New Jersey? I just found out they have this impressive collection:
Hey Dennis,
Taxidermy toaster— how amazing. Speaking of, I watched the movie Taxidermia recently and am really curious to hear your thoughts on it if you’ve seen it. I watched it pretty stoned which I think made it more disturbing and funny at the same time. I don’t really believe in the Avril Lavigne conspiracy but I do think it’d be kind of cool. (Maybe that’s not the right word?)
Happy to see Dieter Roth on this list. I’ve been obsessing over his work again recently. Are you familiar with his Taschenzimmer multiple? That one feels like such an essential piece that talks about things like Benjamin’s aura of a work of art as well as the glorification of artistic capabilities and the art market as a whole.