p.s. Hey. ** Jim Pedersen, Hey, Jim! So very cool to see and have you! Yum. I sort of vaguely recall Feature having one of the painted knot pieces at one point too, but I might be misremembering? Hail to you, sir! ** Bill, Surely his Tory cronies will get him completely out of there ASAP. I’m sorry about Tom Nunn. And of course Peter Brook. I got to see what I think ended up being his last directed work several years ago. His theater, Bouffes du Nord, is the most exciting theater space in Paris, physically I mean. I don’t know if you ever went there on your visits. It’s up sort behind Gare de Nord. Gisele has been trying for years to perform something there. ** _Black_Acrylic, Happy you like the sculptural work. Me too. There was an excellent retrospective of her stuff at the Whitney several yeas ago, but I don’t think it traveled overseas. Yes, we’re supposed to get probably the same heatwave starting tomorrow and then building to intolerable sounding levels next week. Urgh. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yeah, ‘False God’. It’s not a coincidence that I put it at the top. I did find an escort at one point whose only service was nose blowing into the mouth. He was versatile, as I recall. And expensive even. Can’t remember if I put him in a post. Surely, I must’ve. Hip is my love’s my middle name, babe, ha ha. Now, that love of yours of yesterday is a capitol idea. My apt. is amidst a mosquito invasion. If they had brains a good bite might just teach them the error of their ways. Teach them about empathy and the beauty of self-sacrifice. Alas. Love reprogramming the weather such that whenever the temperature rises above 28 degrees C. a cold front automatically moves in from somewhere and it snows for three hours, G. ** Steve Erickson, Everyone, Breaking Steve Erickson news: ‘For Gay City News, I wrote about three films playing in Anthology Film Archives’ “Let’s Talk About Sex” series. It begins tomorrow.’ Levine has done Richard Prince, I can’t remember which body of work of his. I just didn’t include it in the post for some reason. ** Okay. Today on the blog is a day for self reflection. Enjoy the inner journeys. See you tomorrow.
In our recent writing class we would be instructed to include a scene featuring a mirror. They are uncanny objects and it’s no wonder that fiction features them so heavily.
The new episode of Play Therapy is online here via Tak Tent Radio! Ben ‘Jack Your Body’ Robinson is back to bring you Italo, Czech Synth-pop and even some Croatian Experimentalism too.
Dennis, Mirrors are windows into the soul. Or something. ????
Ha! I had no inside info about Nadal. I just saw that dude fighting it out and winning somehow. But he’s withdrawn from the tournament and Kyrgios has walked into the final, awaiting the winner of Djokovic and Cam Norrie. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Kyrgios winning will be most tennis fans’ worst nightmare.
You know me, I give people the benefit of the doubt. I always thought Kyrgios was just a “bad boy” or something. Then I watched some interviews with him. He’s a really nasty, unlikable guy. I hope he doesn’t win it, but I have a feeling he just might.
Dude is talented as hell but he’s a head case and very unserious. However, even he might not be able to get in his way here.
Man, I’ve been swamped at work. Just nonstop work. But the weekend is nigh. I hope yours is great. I’m planning on making mine at least okay.
The Lady From Shanghai
Warren Sonbert’s “Hall of Mirrors”
Sorry I was busy for a couple of days there. I think I would like to watch eyes wide shut again because I’m not sure what I thought about it, really, though I can’t say I felt his absence from the edit. Sorry to sound slightly non committal. I did pop into Mad God which was great fun. Xx
I can’t imagine a universe in which that slave didn’t make it into a post. I hope he didn’t look too great, though. It’d be such a pity, from a purely personal point of view, haha.
Mosquitoes could definitely use some empathy, yeah… I currently have a bite on one of my index fingers, and it’s just impossible not to use it, so it’s constantly irritated. Fun.
Okay, this love is very welcome! Although today’s pretty decent here, we’ve just had such a crazy heat wave my meat was melting off my fucking bones. Is it extremely hot in Paris right now? Love spending his whole life obsessively avoiding mirrors, so he has no idea what he looks like, Od.
Dennis! I’m obsessed with these mirrors… I can’t stop looking at them. My copy of Impossible Princess arrived today, but I’m in the midst of reading Acts of Service by Lilian Fishman, which has been a juicy experience… Is it on your radar? I’ve found it mesmerisingly sexy so far. I hope you are rocking these summer days like the rockstar that you are? But this is even too hot for me… Hope you have some good survival strategies up your sleeve… Sending you non-sweaty hugs…
A reflective day today. Quite a different feel from selfies, no?
Years ago I tried to go to Brook’s theater, but this was before everything is on the internet, and they were closed for my entire visit. I did enjoy Brook’s Hamlet in Seattle some years later. I’m surprised Marat/Sade isn’t on the big streaming platforms, but fortunately there are decent-looking versions on YouTube. Will revisit soon.
I also went to In The Mood for Love tonight which was brilliant, if a bit… British, in some way? Emotional repression, Somerset Maugham (may have been the setting), Brief Encounter-ish? Maybe a sense of scandal that England has lost. Beautiful piece of craftsmanship, though.
I also picked up Bad Eminence, per your recommendation, and tried to get a Houllebecq to pair with it, but the staff said they didn’t have the one that I wanted. I hear they hide things they don’t want to sell or disapprove of so I hope it wasn’t that.
Been going to the cinema a lot this week; I was slightly pissed during Mad God so I laughed a little too loudly (it was genuinely, intentionally funny! The director apparently recommended audiences go a little stoned or pissed so I don’t think he meant it to be taken as solemnly as Bresson.) Usually before the movie starts they have a PSA from John Waters about turning your phone off (done especially for this cinema. He does know how to make money. Usually when it plays a reverent hush falls) but today there was one about ‘inappropriate cackling’ so I tried to be as quiet as possible. Meanwhile some ninny was taking pictures of all the more obviously pretty shots (to the point that I could predict, when there was something obviously elegant, when she’d be getting her phone out, and there she always was) so I hope they call her out next week. They’ve got a Fassbinder season on, and I usually find him cold but maybe the big screen will help, should I see it, as well as a further introduction to Won Kar-Wai, should I decide to see more of that as well. Before you think ill of me let me say I’m always reverently quiet during Bresson, even though I’ve only seen his films at home.
I know one shouldn’t hoot with laughter at the cinema but it reminds me of a story about a premiere of, I think, Hedda Gabbler, with Maggie Smith giving one of her best performances, and the whole audience were solemnly on the edge of tears, except Tennessee Williams, who was cheering and shrieking with laughter as she approached suicide.
Lots of love,
PS. I would have added to this post Peter O’ Toole, looking at himself through a (I think?) Japanese mask in The Ruling Class. Gore Vidal, apropos of Isherwood’s self- proclaimed objectivity, once asked ‘what is harder to reflect than a mirror?’ Which could be a useful question for much art.
hey dennis, fun things to share today, well one not so fun thing first, i dropped my phone on the pavement and it smashed like the screen so it’s got all these shattered marks on it, i can still use it and it does look pretty sick tbh, but yeah, i released my new single on friday! i’m rly excited with it, i also made some really cool sexyish sort of jocky photos for the promo of the single, it’s a good aesthetic representation of what i want my show in august to represent visually. let me know what u think of both, i will probs make more photos tomorrow in a similar vein i have a few more photos, i took the photos in my room with a normal digital camera and just like made it all vintage and such via photoshop, i’m entirely self taught in photoshop but i feel i’m able to communicate my vision which is fine enough,
here’s a link to the photos via twitter https://twitter.com/angusraze/status/1545551285759377408?s=21 , the link to the song is also in the tweet
<3 lots of love!!
ten hut! (or whatever american footballer say… try!)