The blog of author Dennis Cooper

28 unexplained sounds


‘This is an actual occurance. I was writing my story when I heard a weird noise. It’s probably an animal under the house, but… I live in a trailer people, come on.’ — Bunbunsheart9



‘27.09.2011, Chelyabinsk, 11:30 a.m. Light rain, 77 Fahrenheit. Unknown source of sound. Sounds like it is coming from the west, distance indeterminate.’ — MrTwinTV



‘What created this strange sound in Earth’s Pacific Ocean? Pictured above is a visual representation of a loud and unusual sound, dubbed a Bloop, captured by deep sea microphones in 1997. In the above graph, time is shown on the horizontal axis, deep pitch is shown on the vertical axis, and brightness designates loudness. Although Bloops are some of the loudest sounds of any type ever recorded in Earth’s oceans, their origin remains unknown. The Bloop sound was placed as occurring several times off the southern coast of South America and was audible 5,000 kilometers away. Although the sound has similarities to those vocalized by living organisms, not even a blue whale is large enough to croon this loud. No further Bloops have been heard since 1997, although other loud and unexplained sounds have been recorded.’ — NASA



‘It is real, my buddy who was filming with his HTC that he got, he had just gotten it on this day so he was testing the camera out to see how well the quality of it was outside, while I we were smoking out of nowhere this sound came from what sounded like the sky, as for the swearing, we were kinda freaked out and its part of our vocabulary so i apologise if its offensive to anyone, that was not the intention.’ — NASA



‘this is happening to me on my realm it’s been happening since I started it’ — bennyboy40835



‘Can anyone figure out what noise is it? It lasted for 30 minutes in front of my house, the passersby did not seem to notice the noise, so I recorded it to prove that it was not my illusion. The noise was ear deafening’ — gilligasad



‘I had google home mini set up few month earlier and kind of forgot about it. Suddenly, out of blue, it starts making this scary breathing noise.’ — creativemusicians



‘I turned my sound on when not many toons were in Donalds Dreamland, and then it made this sound! Listen to it! Its like every kind of animal/toon TALKING AT ONCE! What are they all talking about?’ — Bunbunsheart9



‘Strange Sound Below Ground Just Before Virginia Quake in August 2011! felt like the ground was shaking! I just had someone contact me that wanted me to remove the video. They wanted to purchase it, the original copy, then, just today someone posted a copyright on this video claiming it was theirs!’ — makemesmile200



‘this is a creepy voice that is heard occasionally when calling staci’s cell phone. Don’t know who it is. How it got there. It’s weird it wouldn’t just replace her 4 year old voice message, that never had that voice before. And i think it’s odd that it adds on to the back of it, and only sometimes!? i swear it’s real! you people saying it’s fake had better check yourself before you wreck yourself.’ — marlenep



‘My son and I heard this strange sound again last was acting funny and went completely dead while shooting luckily it saved the video. This is the second time I have heard similar type of strange noise…really starting to freak me out. Maybe what they are saying about 2012 is true?’ — marlenep



‘I recorded this sound 10 years ago, May 21st, 2001. I always kept the original wav file for myself, trying to discover where this sound was coming from, but I think, now, it’s time to share it with the internets. It lasted about 10 minutes IRL, but I only recorded a short part of it. I was 15 years old at that time, and this was the first time in my life, I shat in my pants.’ — weip



‘A friend and I traveled to Richard, Louisiana, to visit Charlene Richard’s gravesite: we were greeted with an eerie noise.’ — Yuhi33



‘hot water tap from hell.’ — Yuhi33



‘Why is my stomach making this weird noise ? Stomach sounds like a waterbed when I push on it.’ — Yuhi33



‘We were camping one evening and we woke up from our sleep and heard these strange sounds coming from the woods. listen closely its in the background noise. after the indecent me and my girlfriend left the area, and we both started having massive headaches for no apparent reason. I have never heard an animal make this kind of noise, you can’t hear it in the footage but there were also footprint sounds. the whole indecent lasted for about 10 min but i didn’t start recording until the end. If you know what this sound is please let me know.’ — thecardmaster77



‘I recorded this sound yesterday outside my home in Moscow. I didn’t know what it was, and when I came on Youtube to post this video, I saw there were dozens of videos made by people all over the world in cities and in small towns who heard and recorded the same sound on the very same day. I thought it was just some construction workers even though there was no construction going on anywhere near where I live. But since the same sound has been heard almost in every country in the world, I’m very frightened now.’ — PhilipM0nroe



‘Sleep Paralysis will be experienced by one in five people. Victims wake to find that they are paralyzed and unable to move or speak. I am one of them. These are the inexplicable sounds I hear when going into sleep paralysis. I couldn’t really recreate exactly what I heard, but I came pretty close. I believe this is perhaps the moment where your soul energy is disconnecting from the phisical mind and what I hear are brain impulses.’ — Chowzoo



‘May 2020! Crazy Noises In Bryan, Texas!!đŸ˜łđŸŒ©ïžđŸ‘€ This has been going on for 45 minutes! What are these strange screams and sounds!? Aliens? End of times?’ — Codeine



‘This is a a signal I recorded on 8-23-11 during the broadcast of Americas Got Talent in Sarasota on Comcast, on NBC channel 8, aired on an RCA crt television. I recorded it using an insignia ns-dv720pbl2 camera. Nothing is high tech about any of this equipment. Yet it seemed to record it pretty much as I heard it. When I would point my fingure is when it would be happening. It seemed to be at timed intervals but did not always appear on all shows. I notice it most on Saturday Night Live and Americas Got Talent more than most shows. I think it may occur during live shows mostly. I wonder is it HAARP, some other MIND CONTROL, a DIGITAL ARTIFACT, or part of my personal PSYCHOSIS.’ — Myakka Chopper



‘I was awoken by a sound like a train passing by my house. This is strange as where I live in southern Sweden there are no train tracks. I looked out the window and saw nothing. The sound seemed to come from the sky. The loud “train”noise went away, but in the background I could still hear sounds that sounded like whale noises and metallic bangs. I tried recording the sound and the two first times I failed (apparently, I never recorded anything). During this time I heard the train noise TWO more times. One of these times it was so loud I had to cover my ears. No airplanes where visible at the time. It was dark outside (00:10 at night something). The third time I tried recording the whale noises had almost faded completly, but I managed to get one (perhaps three if you count the third sound clip) sound on tape. I also managed to get one “train” noise but it was not as loud as the others had been (I’m not bothering to post it).Minutes later i heard two large bangs followed by a low rumbling noise, so I wipped out my recorder and caught this.’ — Skogsraaet



‘I heard a strange sound from my dish of food (which is audible on this video). I checked the food but noticed that the sound was actually coming from what looked like a mark in the dish. There was also a stream of bubbles emanating from this “mark”.’ — gangstalked1



‘A wooden mask that was hanging on the wall since March 2014 suddenly started making ticking sounds!! It looks like it is made from solid wood, I first thought it’s something in the wall, yet it’s definitely coming from inside the mask! 6-7 or 8 clicks followed by pause of a couple of seconds. Cat was intrigued for a few minutes, now lost interest.’ — Yuhi33



‘Strange eerie electronic sounds from old TV’ — Yuhi33



‘Had to do an investigation last night of strange noises reported at around 2200 hrs. First was thought of equipment in distress, but everything sounded normal. TX nameplate made some intermittand oscillations. Did a Zellweger run in case that was noticeable. but all was normal.’



‘Strange SOUNDS in the SKY! ~ HAARP?!? End Times!??’



‘Veteran runner strange noises!!!!’



‘Listen to the real screams of hell. Recorded in a remote part of Siberia during a deep-earth drilling assignment.’




p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. I think when I originally made the post I was only looking for people who would be considered visual artists. Everyone, If you’re in the LA area and would like to purchase a TEAC reel-to-real tape recorder A-33009X-2T for the bargain price of $200 get in touch with David Ehrenstein: [email protected] ** Misanthrope, Thanks. Hopefully it’ll be easy-peasy and not too lingeringly painful. Your mom is toughness central, and hopefully her body knows enough not to fuck around with her too much. I’m a big ‘it’ll go away’ guy, and usually that’s how it works. This little bump/lump thwarted me, the bastard. ** Jack Skelley, Jelley! Right, I think Lewis’s piece is how I originally found out about the Duncan work. Singular. ** Ian, Hi, Ian! Great to see you, sir. And thanks about the post. Holy moly, big congratulations on your new kid! Wow, that’s huge. And Florian is such a good name. I have a number of friends named Florian, and they’re very cool to a one. And all artists, actually. Man, enjoy how amazing and intense that’s going to be. Awesome. I’m okay, still beset with film funding travails and stress, but not for too much longer. And working on this and that, and trying to enjoy an overly hot Paris stuffed with tourists, which I am. Tourists are so wide-eyed. It’s kind of pretty. You take care too, Dad. ** Dominik, Hi!!! I hope it lived up. Ah, okay, re: your bro. A partner in the good kind of crime. Me too, but they used to be called banana milkshakes. But I guess they don’t use milk anymore? I guess smoothies use, like, yoghurt of some shit? I am going to make my mouth find out. Love’s a kinky fella, don’t you know. Or mine is. Is that true about shit pills? So, does that mean passive scat guys have particularly excellent stomachs and digestive systems? Because that’s not something I would have predicted. So, if sloths ruled the world that would mean we could do all kinds of crazy, illegal stuff and they would just stare at us and go, ‘whaaa?’ ‘huhhh?’. I’m down for that. Love replacing every police officer with the robot from ‘Lost in Space’, G. ** Steve Erickson, Is John Hinckley’s folk music dull? I’ve been wondering. But not enough to actually listen to it. But I guess I should. I want to see the new ‘Thor’ but on an airplane. Everyone, Steve has reviewed ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’. Did he like it? What’s your guess, or … let’s find out together, shall we? See you over here. ** Nightcrawler, Hi, nocturnal sneaky traverser. I think that was supposedly the intent with the animal using artists, and seemingly they were at least somewhat successful, given that their stuff got to you (and me too) without us launching a social media campaign against them? Well, I shouldn’t speak for you. Anyway, yeah, and how’s it? ** Okay. I thought it might be nice to spend some time today listening to various unexplained noises and feeling somewhat eerie about at least some of them. See you tomorrow.


  1. David Ehrenstein

    The sound of one hand clapping

  2. Nightcrawler

    I think they were very successful, actually. Sometimes it feels like it takes the deliberate intentionality of an artist to make what is really an everyday (perhaps even mundane now) issue into something that finally receives the condemnation that it deserves. I can read about countless identical cases in my local newspaper, but none of those would get anywhere near the same reaction as what those artists probably received.

    As for me personally, nothing much new. I’m just dragging my feet more than I should in getting my next stint of graduate studies in order. I should be excited, and I am in some regards, but it’s still difficult to get inspired. I’m getting tired of traditional essay writing, so I am trying my hand at scrapbooks for now.

    How about yourself? Working on anything new?

    Many thanks as always.

  3. Bill

    These days when I see “Strange Sounds”, I immediately think of Memoria, haha.

    Good to see the death artists again yesterday. Those Liam Gerrard drawings are technically amazing.


  4. Damien Ark

    this is the most CIA gang stalking kind of stuff ever. you hear this, it’s time to hide with a weapon! but if you hear the trumpet sounds in the sky, you’re fucked! have you posted this one before? i remember the toontown video from somewhere on your blog in the past.

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