The blog of author Dennis Cooper

163 car pile-up




p.s. Hey. ** anthony van den bossche, Hello, welcome. Wow, thank you very, very much! That’s amazing. Of course, I’m very happy to do the interview. You can contact me by email if you like — [email protected]. That is some heavy competition there. Anyway, yes, I’m honored, and thank you tremendously again. ** Nasir, Hey, Nasir. It could be argued that a belated b’day greeting is even better than a timely one. Thank you, in other words. Seinfeld + Melvins = wow. I may try that. My day was, hm, not bad, not hugely eventful, which was actually kind of refreshing. Today things should pick up. What’s up otherwise with you, writing-wise or anything? ** ellie, Aw, thanks, ellie. Huh, that Jean Echenoz quote about Februaries is quite intriguing. I confess I’ve never let my brain go in that direction about that month, but it’s such a curious idea, that I will. So, I hope it’s true. When’s your birthday? ** Dominik, Hi!!! Cool, glad you liked it/him. No, double broken wrists is most inconvenient to say the least. Beyond just no writing, no blog making, etc., but even eating and using the restroom are no longer solo activities. I mean, you know, yikes. If you ever fall flat on your face, try to remember not to use both hands to try to catch yourself. That’s the rule, I guess. I hope love solved that in-between state, and ideally towards the going away side, although a good cry can be the best thing, I think, no? Love making the road extremely safe the next time you’re in a car, G. ** Black_Acrylic, I only just noticed you got rid of the first “_”. I think I remember reading about the Yorkshire Ripper. The UK had so many rippers there for a while. LA did too, actually. Hm, maybe I can illegally watch that mini-series, let me find out. Are your stickers in-house yet? ** Misanthrope, Wait, so you’re going to be over here from April to July? Or you’re going to cross the Atlantic three times in the course of several months? Either way, how deliciously decadent. ** Charalampos, Hi. I think his artwork is interesting. Well, I guess I wouldn’t have blogged it if I didn’t. I don’t think I have a favorite, I’m just interested in general. You? Cold here too. Supposed to be less cold next week, here, at least. Everyone, Charalampos has a new poem of his that’s newly published for you to read should you care to, and it’s here. Heat from Paris. ** Bill, Hi. Yes, I’m brand new to his work too. Just discovered it not even a week and a half ago. Thanks about the post-p’s hopeful smoothness, not to mention it happening at all. God, me too, me too. ** Jeff J, Hi, Jeff! Then I’m guessing the surgery went as well as such a thing could go. Nice to have your hands back. Plus you. I made that Sebadoh gig that you suggested I make last week if you didn’t see it. The extra producer has hooked us up with a studio and technicians to work with, but he has provided no funds, no. We are still dependent on Fuckhead to raise the funds to use these technical gifts. We’re scheduled to start the sound mix in just over a week, and, as of now, Fuckhead has not raised a dime that would allow that to happen. So, we’re still in perpetual nail-biting mode for the moment. Use your magical but limited hands wisely. ** Minet, Hi. Yay, yes, ‘Eternal Darkness’, so amazing. I remain totally bewildered by why no one has continued/furthered that particular way of making players play games. Singular. Gosh, thank you so, so much for the amazing words about ‘God Jr.’. I agree with you that’s still a very ‘me’ novel. It’s weird how content can blind people. I did read some game theory books when I was working on it. I’m blanking on the names, and they’re in LA, so I can’t check my bookshelf. If I can remember, I’ll pass them on. I was really into studying Game Guides at the time. You know, those illustrated books they used to publish for most games with guided walkthroughs and puzzle solving clues and things. At one point I wanted to write a novel that would be in the form of one those game guide books, but I didn’t. Very exciting about the near completion of your short fiction collection! Obviously I’m way down with you writing more English stuff, very selfishly. And you are awfully adept with English obviously. But, first things first, finish your collection. Awesome. And I’ll hopefully finish the film while you’re doing that. ** T, Hey! Maybe Saturday after 18h. Let’s email. I’m a bit of a slave to a bunch of unexpected things to do with the upcoming film work that keep popping up at the moment, But, yeah, then or ASAP. Glad you liked his stuff. Curious, right? Soon, soon, my friend. ** Steve Erickson, No, I only discovered his work very recently. In fact, I discovered it due to a show of his work that’s up in NYC right now until mid-February at The Drawing Center. Here, if you’re interested in checking it out. Two very interesting review subjects there. I’ll hit the link. Everyone, Steve has reviews of two re-releases: Lou Reed’s final solo album HUDSON RIVER WIND MEDITATIONS, here, and of the 1982 James Baldwin documentary I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE, here. I haven’t heard the Lou Reed yet. I have to do that. CRITICAL ZONE sounds extremely interesting. I’ll look for it, for sure. Thanks! ** Cody Goodnight, Hi, Cody. No big, great to see you. I’m good. I have some kind of pinched nerve or something in my leg, which is obnoxious, but I’m good otherwise. Seen anything exciting lately? You take care too. ** seb 🦠, Hey. Ha ha, that might be the best one, actually. The video. Cats … I think they’re impressive. I’m not a pet person. I’ve never owned a cat. I had dogs growing up but they died young, and I stopped that practice. Cats seem more doable, but dogs are so soulful, so I think they interest me more. You a cat guy then? More than one? I don’t think I could handle the routine/responsibility part of having a pet. I think it would weigh on me. My building has mice, so there’s often a mouse running around in my apartment at night. I can sort of handle that. You’re an hour earlier, I think. Yeah, I think so. 71, yes, that’s the case. No, no depression, I don’t care. I really almost never get depressed. I don’t think I even know what that feels like so maybe I am and just haven’t given it a name. That does sound like a good reason to be sore and wounded, if there is one. I haven’t been in a pit since an Ice Age show here back when they were harsh. Good tidings has a charm to it. Godspeed is more punk, I guess. Which gives it a leg up, I guess. Sounds like you probably need balm more than anything, so take that. ** alex, Hi. Pretty surely not devout, I think. One of these days his wife, who controls all of his things with an iron fist, will die and maybe we’ll find out. Thanks, yeah, the leg pain is fucking annoying. I can walk and everything. But sitting sucks. I think I need a new desk chair. Happy you were made so happy by the Haring show. My friend the writer Brad Gooch has a Haring biography coming out any second that I suspect is going to be very good. ** Matt N., Hi, Matt! My birthday was very quiet with a shortish hangout with close friends and a meal of my favorite food cold sesame noodle that a friend made for me and listening to some music I like especially and … that’s it? I think that’s it. No, I don’t believe I even knew about that book ‘Late Bresson and The Visual Arts’, which is rather crazy. No, but I will absolutely get it. Very interesting. How are you? Tell anything if you want. ** Mark, I’m so happy it sat well with you. His work, I mean. ‘My War’ live sounds pretty ace. But who’s singing it? I can find out, never mind. Big luck with the ‘Stroke’ shoot, naturally. ** Даrву🐦‍⬛, Hi, D, or, rather, Д. I’m really happy you liked his work. I will look it up. ‘Amazing’ is enough for me. So sorry that the sadness swept over you. Kindness is a really important thing to remember and think about. I realised at some point recently that kind of the only thing that makes me cry when I watch movies is when characters in them do or say something very kind. Strange, that. My great friend George Miles was obsessed with Nick Drake. It’s still really hard for me to listen to him. Oh, I meant like a place out of state that doesn’t need a passport to enter, or … maybe every place needs one now. I don’t know. Anyway, never mind. I liked the typos. I probably didn’t even see them. I like experimental writing, you know. Happy day for you, I hope. ** Bernard Welt, Hi, B. Yes, it was completely adequate. It had no missing parts. Well, then hook me up with the podcast at the very least. Folio. I read there, didn’t I? With Tim Dlugos. I think that’s where/when I encountered the literature influencing (for me) but dislikable (for you) Mark Lewis. But I could be wrong. In any case, I’m excited to hear you talk about that series/place. No, I didn’t know you saw Michael Lally. I heard his health was beset, but I didn’t know why. Ugh. Love, me. ** 2Moody, Well, then you should get into it, no? Sketching, etc? You had a fantastic birthday meal on my behalf, I very highly approve. Oh god, I miss great Mexican food, sigh. Wow, fascinating, the shit-influencing lengthy chat with a stranger (?). Did it resolve identity issues in the end? Updates, yes, bated breath. ** Corey Heiferman, I’m very, very pleased that the discovery of his work is so fruitful. Weekend? Well, if I include today, I’m seeing/meeting the writer (and sometimes commenter) Golnoosh Nour, who’s visiting from London, for a coffee and a bookstore (After8) visit. And I have a film-related Zoom. And tomorrow I might meet with a friend, and I will Zoom with the great writer and editor (of Soho Press) Mark Doten in his newish home in Mexico City. And on Sunday I will maybe see the new Frederick Weissman film and start the very final editing of our film, which has to be locked down in the next several days. And eat things. And smoke a fair amount of cigarettes. What do you anticipate yours involving, or I guess you’re in the midst of it, so what’s happening all around you right now? A flâneur-themed day? In what sense? I don’t think so, no, so, yes, add it to your list, if you like. Thanks, bud. ** Uday, Hi, Uday! Warmest welcome to the inside of here. No, your thoughts drifting to Genet are most appropriate, I think. I’m there with you. Gosh, don’t feel inadequate. You’ve already totally proven that you are not. In other words, I’d be happy to confer with you here and get to know you if you feel like it. What’s going on with you? ** Okay. Today I give you something to scroll through and look at, ideally with some form of pleasure. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    Yeah, I’ll definitely remember this rule – never to try to catch myself with both hands if I’m going down. I think I’ll manage. When I was a kid, I fell on my face while eating ice cream once, but, to save the ice cream, I held it up really high and only cushioned myself with my other hand/arm. I got a bit bruised, but the mission was accomplished – the ice cream survived, haha.

    Love did work his magic this time. I’m in a way better mood today. Although I have to agree – a good cry can be cathartic.

    Thank you, love! After this post, I feel like I need all the support I can get out there! Love affectionately comparing his latest relationship to a car crash, Od.

  2. _Black_Acrylic

    The “_” is back, so thanks for pointing that out.
    The laptop stickers are accumulating slowly but surely and should reflect my personality. So far I have Scottish Independence, Leeds United and a Bobby Orlando record label, with more to come.
    Car crashes have an instant presence. I have this painting on my bedroom wall: Davin Watne – R is for Ruin, used as the cover for JG Ballard – Crash, bought from an art fair in Chicago back when I was there in 2002. $100, which struck me as being very cheap indeed at the time.
    The big news here is that my radio show Play Therapy will be making a comeback very soon! Tak Tent Radio are very much up for this and the format of PTv2.0 will be very different, with less talking by me and more samples and ambience soundscapes. Will be putting the new season’s 1st episode together over the coming days. Watch this space!

  3. kier

    hi Den!!! oh what a wonderful pile-up, i enjoyed it immensely, it was almost meditative. i’m here to say happy post post birthday day! i hope you have a happy healthy and as un-annoying a year as is possible. how’s tricks? sending a huge hug xxx

  4. kier

    @ben oh i’m so happy to hear play therapy is coming back!!

    • _Black_Acrylic

      Thanks Kier! It’s back and even better than before!

  5. Jack Skelley

    Dennisland — I am retroactively vibing u good Mexican food for yr B-day. Thanks for being so givingly generous to all us Blog followers on YOUR day. And very thanx for hanging with Lily the other day. They were thrilled to tears. Also thanx for responding to that Vanity Fair writer. I don’t really know him but he seems cool and could be a good story. On the FOKA stage play front, cast & crew had first rehearsal this week: Gonna be nutz, I tell ya. I’ll send today’s GIFs to my friends at Car Crash Collective here in L.A. Your friend, Broderick Crawford.

  6. Corey Heiferman

    It must be awful to drive a tractor trailer under a low bridge, even if nobody is injured.

    I might get to the see the Mandelbaum show. I’ll be visiting family in Philadelphia and western Massachusetts in late January/early February and can probably make it to New York. I’m not that familiar with Philly. Do you or others here have any recommendations? I’m down for anything.

    I did my Friday morning grocery shop. That’s big thing here because a lot of stores close Friday afternoon through Saturday. I enjoy making my rounds to charming old-fashioned bakery, vegetable stand, street market, etc. Then I went for a swim. It’s intermittently pouring. Earlier in the day I took my chances and was only moderately punished. Tomorrow I’m planning to see a documentary with a friend. It’s about a beloved mall in the center of Tel Aviv that’s a second home for young freaks from all over the country.

  7. Tosh Berman

    Today’s blog is both meditative as well as depressing. I lost someone close to a car accident or murder on the road. To this day, I have these thoughts in the back of my head about being in a car accident. And then I read yesterday that the biographer and film historian David J. Skal was killed in a drunken car accident. He was hit by a drunk driver, I think, somewhere in Glendale. Skal wrote a great biography on the American filmmaker Tod Browning. The director of Freaks and other films, such as the iconic Dracula. To this day, whenever I see someone get in a car, I tell them to drive safely.

  8. ellie

    Hi Dennis. My birthday’s in November! I hope it’s true too, Maybe February wants to be a person? Probably not the person in the novel, but who knows. Sometimes I have this feeling of not having born yet, so when it finally happens I hope it’s a bit odd, like it’s always on Thanksgiving or something. I met someone once in a class who made these very stylish realistic paintings of car crashes, which seemed to be about almost everything. I really liked them, and, separately, really like this post. How was your Friday?

  9. Steve Erickson

    I’ll try to get to the Drawing Center show.

    Time to break out the chaos magick sigils to manifest post-production funds, ’cause Fuckhead sure doesn’t seem likely to come up with them. Will you have any opportunities to try and relax this weekend, or is the film likely to take up all your time?

    My new ep BELLS AND WHISTLES is out:

  10. Uday

    Thank you for your kind reply! I’m currently researching at UCLA in Susan Sontag’s archives and also trying to track down a copy of Little Caesar Press’ translation of “Travels in Abyssinia” for an essay I’m working on. I love seeing wrecked cars on roadsides so today’s post was a lot of fun!

  11. Charalampos

    Always so nice to see God Jr. love I always like to see when people express love It makes me think of the day I read this book whole entire day with full snow… It was like six five years ago and I remember like it’s today

    It’s funny how time flies (when you’re having fun) like Janet says… I used to do experiments around this song in the local woods… Go out the door as I press play and intro starts. Funny how time flies so I go near the heater to write more poems to do some time warp

    Did you have visit in After8? I wonder if you bought books. I love it there

    Good night from Crete

  12. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Ha! I wish. That’s the thing I’m trying to figure out now: my leave and these trips. I’ll work it out. But yes, three separate trips. Paris (maybe) in April, Portugal in June, London in July. I might have to dip into my sick leave (and hope I don’t get sick). 😀

    We’ll see. Things always end up screwy, either good screwy or bad screwy. I’m aiming for good screwy.

    Have a good weekend. I had to buy us a new TV today, as our current one is slowly dying. :'( We’ve had it at least 12 years. It’s been a good TV. Otherwise, 3-day weekend and I hope to have some good times. 😉

  13. alex

    I didn’t know Bresson’s wife had such total control over his estate. there must be some real gems sadly locked away.

    I will keep my eyes peeled for your friend’s Haring biography. the exhibit had plenty of excerpts from his journals which were very soulful and inspiring.

    today’s pile up reminds me of a head on collision I was in back in 2019. some idiot was drove into us going north in the southbound lane on a country road. my bf tried to swerve to avoid him and of course said moron swerved in the same direction. oddly the actual moment of impact is just a blank spot in my memory. but there was lots of smoke and dust from the airbags right after. both cars were totalled and the EMTs said they expected a messy scene and were surprised we were basically unharmed (besides the adrenaline spike). the power of seatbelts I suppose.

  14. Nasir

    Writing wise: had a breakthrough with the current thing I’m working on. Also, shopping around the piece I told you about (Dunno if you ever had a chance to check it out). I think it should be out somewhere soon, or I hope at least.

    Otherwise: I gotta do some tests for the new job, lots of scary medical terms I’m supposed to figure out. I’m trying my best to just relax in the meanwhile.

    I’m happy you got to have a bit of slow day to recharge. Excited to know what you’ve been up to.

    p.s: Seinfeld + Melvins = Smelvins? Like smell? I dunno.

  15. Bernard Welt

    Tosh (and Dennis and all): This is the first I’ve heard about David and I’m sick and sad and devastated. I’ve admired his writing so much and I loved him. We met online some years back, and a bit over a year ago we finally met, in Glendale, where he told me that I was one of the people he felt helped him come out of a social/dating shell, which just . . . got me pretty deep. We have been writing every few days, and I know as you may that he had some really great projects coming up. I was just looking at some entries in Fright Night yesterday. It’ll be a while before it really sinks in. It’s always the same: You want to believe that you dreamed it, or imagined it. So grim.

    Before I saw Tosh’s comment, I was going to say about today: Ouch. On Dec 30 i was driving home on the NJ Turnpike when the lane in front of me braked too suddenly for me to avoid slamming the car in front. Immediately obvious that my car was a total loss, but I was fine, and otherwise it’s gone ok, so I’m not traumatized or even all that much disturbed. But it makes it a bit more terrible to think how David died.

  16. seb 🦠

    hi dennis! i’ve only really had fish, but a lot of my friends have cats and i love them dearly (both my friends and the cats). fish are surprisingly high maintenance, especially when you have multiple tanks. i really thrived on the routine part of owning fish, but i’m not sure i’d do the same with a cat or a dog. with fish, a lot of their care has to do with taking care of their tank, but it’s definitely not like that with them. maybe having a dog would help get me outta the house, though. i live in a really gross building too, and we had absolutely massive rats for ages. i didn’t mind them too much, though.

    i’m planning on spending the weekend recovering in bed, but i *might* have plans for sunday. i hope yours goes well, though.

    i’ve found out that good tidings actually means good news, so it’s back to godspeed, i think. maybe in a few decades the english language will do what it does best and i’ll be able to use it as a farewell. i hope so.

  17. Matt N.

    Hi, Dennis. Your birthday program sounds cool. I think you’d like Late Bresson & The Visual Arts very much, there are some things I don’t find that amusing about it (the way it sometimes touchs on symbolism), but its a great book overall. Very unique. Tell anything? Hm… I’m on a beach trip right now! I’m preparing to shoot a new film in May (my first in two years) and I’m writing a not-so-fun screenplay for another person so thats taking a big slice of my vacation time. Btw I’m with family here and I gave my 17 years old brother (who hates reading) a copy of The Sluts and he loved it! I read your answers about the post-production of your film… I hope its over soon! A little out of the blue… but have you ever read Bernanos’ Mounsieur Ouine? Have a great weekend.

  18. 2Moody

    I can’t stop watching the 15th(?) one where the dad holding his kid gets knocked down, I’m so amazed he stood up so quickly after that. But I guess there’s the thing about adrenaline making you superhumanly strong for a few moments. I do try sketching every now and then but get frustrated at how juvenile it all turns out, which is silly because I love when artists use weird proportions and techniques. Lately I’ve been making pixel art which has been fun and strangely feels more relaxed despite its limitations? Like, because I’m restricted to angular pixels, I’m more okay with a certain inevitable roughness. Suppose I should just transfer that mindset to regular sketching as well. I do not envy your distance to sufficient Mexican food! In fact, it breaks my heart a little! I’ve been to really good taqueria in Stockholm called La Neta, if you’re ever in that area. Hopefully not anytime soon though, I imagine it’s freezing. I got distracted with the shit stranger because it started storming around midnight and a couple years ago that resulted in my ceiling leaking so now I’m always on edge when the weather gets like that, staring at my ceiling and waiting for it to cave in on me entirely. But I’m here in one piece! Then I had this image of a bunch of edgy 14 year old boys being on the other side of the line and was like, yeah okay that’s enough entertainment tonight pal. Is texting shit pictures to strangers the modern equivalent to landline prank callers asking what you’re wearing? I kinda miss those days. xoxo

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