* (restored)
p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. I wondered if you knew his work, but of course you do. ** Sypha, I haven’t seen ‘The Batman’ and have almost no intention to except on a future plane flight maybe. I’m just bored of hearing/reading about it. Oh, if I didn’t respond to your comment, I must have missed it, yeah. Is that a new Ligotti book? Any interest in revising your old Ligotti post, as I think you told me not to restore it as is? It would be nice to have it alive again, but it’s entirely up to you, obviously. I saw on FB about that NeoDeca anthology. Sure, I’d be very happy to host a ‘welcome to …’ post for it if you and whoever want to put something together. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. He’s really quite unknown outside of the hardcore experimental film loving crowd. The best senses of humor, or, well, maybe the best everything, are always obscure to some degree or other, so nice compliment there. Wear it like heaven. ** Dominik, Hi!!! I talked Yury into only watching Russel Brand when I’m not home or asleep, so I’ll be okay. Ha ha, that face swap gave me an acid flashback. Which is a good thing, needless surely to say. Love causing Bjorn of ABBA to write me a letter saying he’s a gigantic fan of my books and that he is donating all future income generated by the song ‘Dancing Queen’ to me, G. ** Jamie, Hi, Jamie! I’m pretty good, and you? I’m very happy that you dug into Gottheim’s stuff and dug it! Yes, we’re shedding Covid restrictions as I type. I think on this coming Saturday everything returns to normal except for masking on the metro. Trippy. Wow, weird, literally just yesterday I looked into making a post about Jerome Hiller and only didn’t because almost none of his films are online. I made one about Peter Hutton instead. Do you know his films? They’re great too. That experimental film club sounds so dreamy. Yay, ‘Castle Faggot’ is kind of the be all and end all. I didn’t know ‘Zeke’ is readable online. Cool. Everyone, Kind Jamie informs us that Alexandrine Ogundimu’s novella ‘Zeke’ is available online and can be read by any one of us who wishes to. Join me in doing so by clicking this? Great to see you, pal. Have huge fun every second! Love, me. ** Steve Erickson, Brand has evolved into an extremely annoying ‘progressive’ in name only. Yes, we plan to shoot ‘Room Temperature’ in September, possibly going into October. First we have to make sure our LA based co-producer is still on board to organise the production — we have a little less money than we originally thought — which we’ll do in the next day or so, and then, assuming so, he’ll budget the film, and then Zac and I will go to LA to start assembling the team, including a location scout tasked with finding us the right house (90% of the film takes place in and on the grounds of a single house). We’ll be going back and forth between here and SoCal during the spring and summer. As with ‘PGL’, our ideal and intent is to work with with non-actors, but we’re not hard-assed against people with some acting experience. The only role we’ve cast so far is a young French actor, Ange Dargeant, who has been in a number of films but isn’t a traditional actor (his favorite director is Bresson). I don’t know ‘First Time’, but I’ll seek it out, thanks. ** T, Hi, T. Yeah, I’ve always wanted to visit Istanbul. It looks very interesting, and Turkey in general seems very beautiful. Cool that a couple of the Gottheim films got to you to some degree. I haven’t seen ‘Mnemosyne Mother of Muses’. That does sound a bit … tricky. They fucked up the Welsh Rarebit because the cheese was baked into the bread instead of slopping over it, so it was like eating a cheesy tasting sponge. The producer meeting was okay. We’re finally on our way to making the film, so that’s unbelievably great. There’s a ton to do and figure out, but at least we can feel confident that we are going to make it, and we haven’t felt entirely confident about that until now. Whoop! Ha ha, thank you for that Wednesday. My coat definitely needs its excitement level upped. I hope your Wednesday involves you having an utterly fascinating conversation with the world’s most convincing humanesque hologram. xo. ** ryan /angusraze, Howdy. No, thank you for the benefits that came along with your words. More excitement about your further delineating of your thinking/process. I’m super interested in space when writing my fiction. I think as much about the spatial aspects of my fiction as I do about the actual words, sentences, etc. So I hear you. Thanks for the track share. I’ll get that on my desktop and poked in a sec. Have a goodie! ** Brian, Hey, Brian. Great have such kind brother. Not to mention a brother who buys Tati box sets! The producer meeting went as hoped/expected, and now there’s so much to do to actually start preparing to shoot the film, and it’s daunting, but that’s showbiz. Oops, on the overexposure thing. I guess you can’t turn it into a ‘found footage’ movie? Anyway, congrats on getting to this point, and hopes that your prof is understanding. I was going to say, damn, I missed the Criterion sale until I remembered I don’t have a DVD player at the moment. Your possible today sounds potentially ripe. Me, uh, I’ll go look at some art, work on the film script, eat Ethiopian food (!!!!) later with Zac and Ange (surely the highlight), try to catch up on emails. Not a huge day ahead in theory, but I’ll take it. How was your Wednesday in retrospect? ** Okay. I was going through my murdered blog’s archive the other day, and I decided to … wth … restore one of these posts. See you tomorrow.
wow, today’s a blast from the past!
how’s tricks? i’ve been well. recording some new songs, one is almost ready for release. it’s a guitar instrumental with some organ and heavily effected AM radio mixed in (i got this awesome little piece of kit called the koma elektronik field kit, it’s a 4-channel mixer with LFOs, AM/FM/shortwave radio receiver, digital delay, a looper/frequency shifter, some VCAs, mixer section, contact mics and some other cool shit; it totally rules and i’m gonna use it on so many songs). my roommate and i are headed to SF to see true widow and yob next weekend. i’m so stoked to see true widow especially, haven’t yet.
we went to see circle jerks and the adolescents last weekend. jerks were great. adolescents were awful, like comically so. we missed negative approach, which bummed me out no end.
i turned 36 last week. been pretty depressed, but not as badly as i was a couple weeks ago. losing my mind at work, but i’m taking steps to move into a new line of work which pays a lot better, will grant me free time and time to travel, and put me on a normal schedule for the first time ever.
hope all is well with you. talk soon. love.
Okay, this sounds better. A way more manageable Russel Brand situation, haha.
Hahaha, I have the feeling that you’ll have to wait for that letter a bit more, although he might surprise you and the rest of the world! That’d be some pretty nice donation. Love falling to his knees and offering all he has to the 38th boy in your post because he cannot bear the thought that somebody (he himself?!) made him sad, Od.
Dennis, Wow, this is an oldie.
I’m not a big buyer of things really. I usually wait for a very long time and then splurge…and then wait a very long time and then…
But I’ve lost all this weight/gotten into this shape and things just weren’t fitting my any longer and were getting ratty, so I found some deals and restocked my gym clothes. I’ll have these things for years. Same with the clothes I bought around Christmas time…hadn’t bought new clothes in years and shit just wasn’t fitting me anymore.
I will go for books a little more often, but even then, I’ll wait a long time and then get a bunch.
Yeah, I’ve always been a night owl. At least most of my life. Not anymore. I’m an early morning/day guy now. Shit, I even get up early (compared to months/years ago) on weekends now. Erp.
I kinda like it actually. I’ll still stay up till midnight or whatever (later on the weekends too) and then get up early after 7 or 8 hours of sleep and I’m good to go. I get a lot more done and the days seem (actually are) longer.
Lots of parentheticals today. Oof. 😉
Hey Dennis!
Thought I would share this quote from Mishima, it weaves into that workout eroticism thing I touched on a while back
“My solace lay more than anywhere – indeed lay solely – in the small rebirths that occurred immediately after exercise. Ceaseless motion, ceaseless violent deaths, ceaseless escape from cold objectivity […]”
I thought it was a tantalising passage and seemed to poetically shape what I felt also, it’s interesting how my thoughts can be parallel to a japanese dude who lived before I was born and was the complete other end of the political spectrum as me, we would have hateeeed each other’s politics but he was hot as fuck so I probably would have flirted with him hahahahhaa
I can’t resist!!
Lots of love
I agree with Misa, this looks like an old one.
Yeah, I haven’t seen the new BATMAN yet, I do want to but I’m kind of daunted by the 3 hour runtime or whatever.
The Ligotti book is basically 3 of his long poems, 2 of which were previously available as limited edition chapbooks from David Tibet’s old press Dutro, the other taken from an obscure horror fanazine from the early 80’s, thus making it one of his older works. Pretty much of interest only to the most hardcore Ligotti aficionados ha ha. Yes, I do plan to expanding that Day, will get to work on that soon. I won’t lie, I’ve been very distracted this year, as there are big things going on (for example, one of my younger brothers is getting married in April). Plus weird personal stuff in my own life I’m trying to figure out/work out.
Thanks for agreeing to host the Neo-Decadent Day! It’ll be much like the others I presume, the usual author bios/extracts from the works etc.
Wonder what all these sad boys are up to right now. Here’s hoping they’re not so sad anymore.
Blimey, just been watching PSG getting knocked out of the Champions League and that was an almighty collapse. Cruel but also pretty funny. I imagine there’s a fair few tearful fans on the Paris streets tonight?
Hey Dennis,
Eastern European twink porn (assuming that’s what this is) makes its grand, spooky, weirdly sad return! Yay. Yes, I am very lucky to have the brother I do. He’s coming home from school on Friday for his spring break and I really can’t wait to see him. Wonderful news re: the producer meeting! Pre-production does sound very daunting, but at least you’ve got the greenlight, right? Most of the overexposed footage isn’t really salvageable, which sucks because it fucks up what little trajectory the director had planned, but we tried to figure things out. It’s a very slight, nothing movie; only a minute, which I’m worried is too short. But we’re presenting it tomorrow and after that it’ll be nothing but a grade, totally behind us, thankfully. The only item on my possible today checklist I managed to tick was the essay writing. It was a simple essay but kind of laborious (I’m very tired of having to write about Shakespeare). My professor totally loved it though, and said some very nice things about it, so that was pleasant. Ethiopian food with artist friends sounds like paradise. Hope it proved to be, and that Thursday offers more of the same, or even better.
Sad boys but really nice images! Assuming this is the infamous Russian twink porn from years ago, right? I was thinking about the title, because I’ve been working on the beginnings of some new prose which makes pretty extensive use of an amorphous ‘you’ to stand for the reader. I remember reading an interview with you where you talking about the violence in your work and that you try for 50/50 responsibility between author and reader, so in my case the ‘you’ is an attempt to do something similar, or at least to create spaces that are silent that the reader has to be active within. But I dunno, sometimes I feel like writing in ‘you’ or directly addressing the reader has the opposite effect, like it actually proscribes what the reader does mentally, and I can think of loads of times where it’s annoyed me in other people’s work. Dunno if there’s much to respond to there, but that’s what’s been going on between my ears over the last few days! And – – – Y to the A to the fucking Y about the film go-ahead! Super exciting! And thank you for your wish for yesterday, I love videos where celebrities are talking to robots/holograms, so that’s very gratefully received! For your Thursday, hm, let me think, I hope it’s like a kind soul deciding to draw smiley faces with marker pen on all these photos to make the boys happy again, but all of them coming out like that Jesus painting in Spain that got retouched a few years ago, but that said someone makes NFTs of all of them so at least someone makes a killing from them, xT