The blog of author Dennis Cooper

“Want to force me to bob for apples blindfolded in a barrel of piss? Do it. Want to put me in a hole in the ground and vomit all over me and bury me alive? Do it.”


PleaseSlapMeAround19, 18
I like to be throat fucked, choked, slapped in the face and punched in the head, to feel my mind destruct.
I’m looking for a boss to train me to not suck to learn not to say no any more.
Don’t use my cock anymore unless the boss wants to milk it.
Live tied up with chastity cage I love it.
Really into older men I love it I lose my mind.
If I’m interesting contact me I’ve been watching porn I’m in grave need I’m sick of it.


PleaseSlapMeAround19 (Owner) – July 24, 2023
Life is going well and I have never been more positive about the future.

ExcitedTony – July 24, 2023
Would you be into getting crystal meth injected in your feet, nipples, arms, hands, ears?
Injections in the feet can be VERY PAINFUL so if you like pain or the endorphin and adrenaline rush that comes with having crystal injected in the foot this might be for you.
You don’t look 18 tho but you can be younger just please don’t tell me.

MasterFog – July 22, 2023
Looking for a boy to befriend and bruise. I am the sweet but violent dom every boy craves – and yes, those whips are mine, and I very much look forward to using them on every inch of your body.

aggrostyle – July 18, 2023
Better if you use your wide cowboy belt or a razor strap to burn his ass up.

pickupthrowhard – July 18, 2023
@For_Now He has a skinny ass, but it makes a lot of noise while you smack it.

For_Now – July 18, 2023
I just want to spank you so damn bad!



JourneyToDestruction, 19
Looking for a one way ticket to Hell
*extreme breath control
*every toxic substance
*loaded gun/sharp knives/chainsaw
Idc about my body and what happens to it
I want to be locked in a basement with nowhere to run to with no light so I can’t see and destroyed to death in any way the person sees fit


Anonymous – July 14, 2023
You would if you were mulched.

JourneyToDestruction (Owner) – July 14, 2023
I’m 6’3″ I would not fit in there

corpsebreeder – July 13, 2023
Hi, Anonymous. I’m a Necro lover and lover of all dead twinks. If he’s still in that suitcase I would love to take it off your hands.

Anonymous – July 12, 2023
He’s inside

What_about_life – July 8, 2023
I would do anything to fulfill this boy’s fantasy, I’m even ready to go to prison or a mental asylum (Hell I belong there).



Outside world sees me as this really cute shy guy. Underneath, though, I am the biggest cock slut in cottage grove, minnesota. I was put on this earth to make men orgasm. A lot. I will literally do anything for anyone. Stuff my head into the goddamn fucking toilet as you fuck me doggie style to your climax. And if you’d like to put a camera there to document me, I’d even be extra grateful. Bring your friends I want to get up to 100 loads busted in my guts by saturday.


cowboyhotshot – July 17, 2023
I’m very potent, have several children, can shoot 7-8 loads back to back. If you don’t mind driving up to St. Paul, I’ll happily knock you up way past the 100 mark until you won’t want to take another load up your ass for your entire life.

fuckyouintheass – July 12, 2023
I gave him a couple of loads a few months back and after I was done with him he begged me to eat his ass out. When I mean eat ass- I mean my tongue EXTREMELY DEEP inside his piggy hole… I ate the hole and filled it with saliva which lead to more pounding. That made me crazy horny and well, I kept taking a break, pulling my dick out to suck his hole, and I kept on going until I’d shot liters of milk in that ass. All of which caused me to catch a devastating STD, but it was AMAZING.



GiveYouTheBest, 18
I’m a newly 18 yr old who has never had sex but would love to some day.


GiveYouTheBest (Owner) – July 14, 2023
I’ve now had sex and I’m happy to talk about it, I won’t say it was the greatest thing in the world but I’m not letting it discourage me.

andrei_7772 – July 9, 2023

GiveYouTheBest (Owner) – July 5, 2023
Until that happens I’m giving away my sperm. Use it however you like! Play in it, eat it, use it as lube. I’m not looking for anything in return, just guys who want my sperm and will give it a good home.



tabletop, 23
I was in a long-term relationship with my abusive bf. He trained me as a pain pig. This experience influenced my life. My masochistic preferences appeared like magic. I’m very addicted to pain. Love to be in pain. One of my long-term goals is to shrink my cock to a micro penis size.


tabletop (Owner) – July 10, 2023
I can tell if a man is necrophile or not in about 10 minutes. For some reason they’ve always circled around me like vultures. I exposed one just yesterday. Probably the biggest shocker of my life was when I toured a morgue in junior high school and realized the chief medical examiner was a gay necrophile. I could see it in his eyes that he imagined me naked and dead on his slab.

CumDumper67 – July 10, 2023
I could never get enough of your dead butt. My nose twitches. My tongue licks my lips. My mouth salivates. My face in your dead butt. Your dead butt in my face. So young. So smooth. Open wide, boy. All my butthole fantasies fulfilled. I want it all.

KinkyoverVienna – July 4, 2023
You want an even smaller dick than the less than stellar one you have now?



mydarksecret, 21
It wasn’t until my last dominatrix gf who really tried to take me from straight skirtchaser to gay sub. I do not have physical experience but mentally she got me ready. It’s quite a story and is not all about not being ready to accept myself. I can explain in a chat about this but point is her focus was on making me a fag. It’s a journey I want to continue and I have long way to get to where I want to be.

We aren’t together anymore but now I fantasize about being converted to gay.

I’m not from Vegas but travel there to get drunk a lot.


mydarksecret (Owner) – July 13, 2023
Okay, I’m gay. There I said it.

Ollie – July 11, 2023
Fag, can’t even

lkj59404 – July 9, 2023
Unfortunately, have sex with him very carefully because he is exceptionally clingy.

iwilluseyounow – July 6, 2023
Sure seemed to me like you’re already a fag unless I missed something.



Enjoy-the-vibe, 20
🚽m find 💩


Enjoy-the-vibe (Owner) – July 15, 2023
I’ve been trying to be a 24/7 toilet for years but now I realize it won’t be possible, at least not until I move again. I naively thought that settling in the countryside would bring me a certain peace of mind, in fact, it is quite different.

Enjoy-the-vibe (Owner) – July 13, 2023
I am very happy you allowed you to be yourself in my surroundings.

Feeder_Bln – July 13, 2023
am totally flashed after driving out to bumfuck nowhere to shit in him. felt super close and comfortable. was much more intense than i hoped. i see it as a privilege to have fed him



AustinGreene, 19
Pretty simple. I’m here to get rid of a slave I have. It’s just holes that I’m over with and giving away. See the profile pics. I’ll send pics of its holes upon request.


AustinGreene (Owner) – July 6, 2023
He is gone and that means I am whole.

HankSmith – July 3, 2023
Like that is remotely a problem!

AustinGreene (Owner) – July 3, 2023
Other than its holes it’s just a porn addicted femmy goontard.

HankSmith – July 3, 2023
Holy fuck! You’re insane. I’ll take it in a heartbeat.



Hello👋World🌎, 18
Career and success-driven “straight acting” teen dude looking for a Master in Canada who is into genital mutilation and who will make me his bitch and cut off my dick.

I have 2 hearts beating in my chest. I’m struggling between those 2. I know I can’t have it both ways. So, I’m not sure where the future will lead me. My two contradictory life goals are:

1. I want a career-driven life founding my own business and driving my own company’s revenue higher and higher. I want total financial independence.

2. I want to be a 24/7/365 gay sex slave. I would sacrifice my dick for my Master! There is only one dick in our relationship and that is yours! The hunger to lose my dick (penectomy) is pervasive, and quite frankly and ironically it makes me rock hard.

As you can see, both of those goals are contradictory. So, please be aware of that when contacting me. I really don’t know what I want from life and whether I should abandon either one of those life goals.

However, I really really want to serve a lifetime Master and lose my dick. If you can convince me to dedicate my life to this, I’m all ears. Convince me and make me your dickless bitch for real!


Hello👋World🌎 (Owner) – July 26, 2023
I have been told this is about to happen to me. I’m very scared. But not scared enough to say “no”.

Hello👋World🌎 (Owner) – July 17, 2023
I have lived with gay guys before. I’ve experienced being kissed, massaged, given oral and receiving anal. I didn’t enjoy it but if my dick wasn’t there being so critical of everything I might.



juan, 21
I’m muscled latino boy. I’m alone and poor boy. I’m slave for many men. I was also master for one old man (shown on the pics) but he died. Do you like sex me torture me and stab my chest my belly cut off my eight inch dick and more sir. How do you want to kill my naked body sir.


wipeout – July 2, 2023
If anyone else gets hard and cums when imagining decapitating this boy’s head, or thinks about what it would be like to kiss it, or gets hard imagining sliding your dick into its mouth, or fantasizes about two men having sex, then bringing his decapitated head into it and having an orgy, or thought about french kissing his decapitated head while another huge dick fucks the neck and you lick his cum off the head of his dick through this decapitated boy’s mouth, or imagine sleeping naked and holding his decapitated head as a teddy bear/sex toy to rub on your hard dick at night or for some late night oral sex, or absolutely HATE seeing his head alive and attached to his body in those fotos, then we should chat.

Deluzional – July 2, 2023
Does anyone remember or have the video that used to be on bestgore where a latino teen guy is on the ground getting torn to shit by an axe? His screams were awesome. I havent been able to find it.

notyourx – July 2, 2023
I would like to stomp you to pulp with my steel toe boots, and then eat the pulp.

juan (Owner) – July 2, 2023
By day I’m an unremarkable supermarket clerk.

buffedbeachguy – July 2, 2023
You’d have a Perfect dead Body



askmepersonally, 20
I’m a messed up boy that’s put on this planet for who knows what. I wanna be “kidnapped” tied up and used like a slave with 0 free will. I’ve got a shitty immune system so I can’t do any penetration involving penises. I’m happy with anything else. I can only be used for short amounts of time on certain days so use me while you can. I’m also paralyzed from the waist down but everything down there still looks great and I can still half-feel everything.


sperm666 – July 20, 2023
Like, a lot is interesting with him.

Nordstorm – July 16, 2023
There are few things hotter in this world than a cute paralyzed boy with a shitty immune system.

askmepersonally (Owner) – July 14, 2023
Last night a man said “Oh holy God” as he slid into my hole. I knew that meant he was gonna bust in three pumps, and it REALLY stroked my ego that even though I can’t feel it anymore, my hole is still velvety smooth and hot!



Notheretoliveuptoyourwackideasofhotornot, 19
His name is Jordy, 19, bisexual, slim average body, little body hair, 6″ inch cut dick, boxy ass.
Jordy likes the occult, the paranormal, spirituality, ancient languages and the ancient beliefs of the ancient world.
He studies and researches the most important books of the ancient Middle East, so call him interesting.
About a week ago Jordy was with his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s 12 year old brother and all three of them got completely SHITFACED.
Jordy’s boyfriend passed out and one thing led to another and he and the 12 year old ended up having sex and not just for a few seconds but all night.
Jordy and his boyfriend haven’t talked since and the 12 year old is in love with Jordy now.. so he fucked that up too.
Jordy’s boyfriend is looking for someone sadistic willing to teach Jordy a thing or two about what being a pedophile deserves, with some physical demonstration.
Multiple lessons are probably necessary.


SirCharles – July 17, 2023
I am only temporarily controlling this pedo & storing it at a motel near Richmond for the time being. I can host there tonight/tomorrow or elsewhere at a neutral location for interested Owners to inspect, test, and use the pedo before any relocation of the merchandise as discussed/agreed upon. Also willing to have the pedo meet with interested Master virtually (skype, wickr, telegram, kik, etc.) before final approval if needed. Can relocate the pedo anywhere within the US, or arrange for the pedo to be picked up and taken away. Can discuss if/when we get there.

Caution: Don’t drink or do drugs when using this pedo because if you don’t keep a firm grip on reality you’ll end up accidentally killing him, no joke.

HorrorNerd – July 8, 2023
I enjoyed degrading and humiliating him. I mean I REALLY enjoyed it a lot!



CarpetFag, 18
My face was born to LITERALLY be a silent crashed choked stomped carpet on the floor.
I am NOT looking 4 sex cause carpets don’t deserve 2 see or breathe a thing but the soles of the shoes of real men on the floor.
Carpet will not talk, not look in ur eyes, not move from carpet.
When u have guests/sleep/go out u can store me in ur shoe closet.
U just go and have sex with other teenagers. Not my business.
I am 8.5” hung but it’s only for show.


CarpetFag (Owner) – July 7, 2023
Am also wanting a boyfriend getting too weird now?

CarpetFag (Owner) – July 5, 2023
If it matters I’m a nonbinary genderqueer musical theatre nerd witch.



90Volt, 18
I’m glad I found this gay community, I believe it’s the only alive online community. I’d like to share my story.

I’m the slave of a 49yo man with alphism. This means his melanin gene is mutant so he can’t produce it in adequate quantities. I suppose you’re familiar with the term albino. His eyes are red (no color pigments for blue, black, brown or whatever). His eyebrows are completely white. His hair is various shades between blond and white and of course his skin is very pale.

As a slave this excites me in many ways. Sometimes I fantasise that he’s from some very strange foreign country. Sometimes he’s the grotesque “product” of incest. Sometimes I pretend he’s the devil. Sometimes I fantasize he’s from outer space and that I’m being fucked by an “alien”. And so on.

I just wanted to share that story among men who might understand. But if any of you are excited and want to come over and use me with him, that can be arranged.


ilikedudes – July 21, 2023
You smelt my mind with the XTC of arousal.



Drugmeuseme, 19
Last April, I was been strangled out and shot in the head by a trick that cause my death before doctors saved me…What a Tragic Experience…but first AND Foremost I’d Like to THANKS EVERYONE for youre Hopes and Prayer

Life after Death… I just saw my self lying-in a Dark and solid stone But I feel cold and feeling that I was center in a Stagnant Lake, I see nothing But All of my self…But I saw In the Sky the Earth it self, the sky the stars and even the galaxy thats very
Near from me… Just I saw lot of people dying in a flame! When a comet that strike the earth with no! Flame. The earth banished and everyone just change to shadows talking! Playing! Just like normal lives but just only Shadows

I’m Glad to back my real dimension…


DomDad2023 – July 13, 2023
Youre astonishing! hope there will be no more accident…heheheh!

Drugmeuseme (Owner) – July 13, 2023
NEXT TIME I never look for men in the dark websites… where snuff is so much prone…

Faulty – July 13, 2023
Hahaha!!! Youre experience is so Cute dude just like you…Well hope it will never happened again…

Drugmeuseme (Owner) – July 13, 2023

innervator – July 13, 2023
so hard to read..made no sense..BRAINS!



somefuckingidiot, 19
Very open to suicide if anyone wants it

You have to drunk with me though whiskey gallons

I provide you drink and you give me gun, kill myself


Guyyouknow – July 20, 2023
Don’t mind me i’m just 🪟shopping.



himynameisjack, 18
I am into being physically and emotionally abused in a massive way.

I was told my body was meant to be kept naked, molested, used and consumed 24/7 when I was 13. They were right.

Now that I am 18, I believe it’s time to make this an effective reality.

Non smoker here.

Want to force me to bob for apples blindfolded in a barrel of piss? Do it.

Want to put me in a hole in the ground and vomit all over me and bury me alive? Do it.

My only limit is facial appearance changing.

No interest in your money, please don’t offer, it’s weird.


BoyStrangler – July 17, 2023
Daniel Lee Siebert. Siebert was on death row at Holman Correctional Facility in Alabama when I was tasked with requesting him to provide a drawing of a “tree, man, and house” by a psychiatrist I worked for who acted as an “expert witness” in testimony before court to reverse death penalty cases, changing them to life without parole.

Over several years Siebert wrote me over a hundred letters, which I provided to the psychiatrist. He also mailed me dozens of beautiful drawings of male teenagers sodomized, mutilated, hung or shot. Siebert alleged he killed over 60 teenage male prostitutes, never providing enough detail regarding the locations of the crimes nor positive identification of the victims.

He preferred hanging and garotting, and severed the genitals of the teenage boys and ate them. The boys were bound with wrists behind their backs and were garrotted while he penetrated them attempting to ejaculate inside them at the moment they died, experiencing the final spasm of the teen’s rectal muscles at the moment of death. “At that moment,” he said “I felt their souls become one with my own.” He stated that he kept the dead bodies until they began to rot having anal intercourse with all until they became putrid.

corpsebreeder – July 17, 2023
Hey, BoyStrangler, just wondering, who is your favorite Serial Killer? Mine is Dean Corll.

BERSERKER – July 16, 2023
I’m not a penis fan, but his is kind of cute. When it’s hard, mind you. When it’s soft, ugh.

BoyStrangler – July 9, 2023
I started wanting to beat up cute young guys a long time ago and decided to do it with someone. I do not know what other men are mainly looking for with this guy, but I can say with confidence that I was not interested in an insensitive hookup. I just refuse to understand beating someone up without feelings. But I’m not judging anyone lol. I would tell you more about what I did to him and this comment would be very huge, but it makes no sense since I do not know if anyone on this site will be interested. I’m afraid to seem long, boring and tedious. I’ll finish with that.



Preachy, 22
I am a conscientious, ambiverted, androromantic and androsexual, agnostic atheistic, right-libertarian anarcho-capitalistic and anarcho-individualistic, essential minimalistic, health-consciously sober vegan, anti-vaccinationist terrain theory advocating, cisgender male, ordinarily masochist-leaning and seeking a consensual, long-term, monogamous, childless, irreligious partnership — maintaining a mutualistic organically Dominant/submissive power dynamic — with a degree of interpersonal commitment akin to marriage.


Cinephile – July 7, 2023
i dated him for 2 years but we broke up because hes mean

Yodi – July 7, 2023
you must be angry, resentful and be able to override his mind or he will make a mockery of the proceedings.



ouchthatshot, 19
Have a stupid fag son (you heard me) who is finally learning his place in the world. Need help teaching him, stretching him, abusing him, wrecking him. Could be a simple pump & dump to a long destructive session. No limits. Scarier is better. Love hooding him and having guys come over and decimate him. Like hearing him whine and cry and retch and screech.

Hosting at Hilton Union Square in SF right the fuck now.


Brain3 – July 12, 2023
I’ll take him.

SpunPartySlut – July 12, 2023
I’ll take him.

Architect – July 12, 2023
I’ll take him.

ouchthatshot (Owner) – July 12, 2023

takeItHard – July 12, 2023
Man, maybe, but it’s hard to tell from those pix you uploaded. You got anything that shows him better?

ouchthatshot (Owner) – July 12, 2023
I honestly want to get my son out of my life, meaning never let see him again, KNOW NOTHING about him again whatsoever!! I mean as in taken forever and never let out again or ever found again or heard of by me again. Is anyone that into him? If you’re not, then could you point me in the right direction please??? I’m actually very serious about this.


your-alibi, 20
As you may have gathered, I’m not a real girl. But I’m indistinguishable from a real girl! At least as long as I’m not naked 😂. I’m looking for a man and is looking for a girl who is not a girl who he can date publicly as a girl while having huge amounts of secret sex with a boy. If you’re that man I am the perfect alibi.


ShadowBlack – July 22, 2023
I’ve got everything i need in this life except for you joining me in my castle dungeon.



BreakableBoy, 20
It’s was a great night having good sex at the party with some of my colleagues’ dads but the next day anyone that I text don’t reply, so I decided to make new fuckfriends cause the future is exciting, Ready?


BreakableBoy (Owner) – July 20, 2023
Thanks, baby 😘😘😘😘😘

holyfucker – July 20, 2023
I love to ride his asshole like a bicycle, and shoot in my cums in it so much, also i like to open his asshole into two part make him screaming on bed that really get me more hotter then i can fuck him long and longer and longest on bed.

BreakableBoy (Owner) – July 19, 2023
I have a monogamous relationship with a boyfriend. He fucks me all the time and I love it. I have the best ass he’s ever gotten apparently and I am probably overly proud of that. Yes, I’m serious, I’m taken and cannot have sex with any more of you!

BreakableBoy (Owner) – July 10, 2023
What I have been talking about is what you want and have never done for whatever reason.

BreakableBoy (Owner) – July 9, 2023
You can brainwash my mind but leave part of it because I’m in college.

4fleshpocket – July 8, 2023
He’s a wordy twatsack you’ll feel desperate to punctuate.




p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Well, you know I’m a massive Clementi fan. It has been fully established that he didn’t die of AIDS. ** Ben Lipkin, Hi, Ben, welcome! Thank you for entering here. He’s one of my very, very favorite filmmakers too, and a personal great hero. Thanks so much! Obviously, feel very more than free to come back in anytime. What’s going on? Take care. ** Dominik, Hi!!! You are of course most welcome. Donald Pergoll doesn’t ring a bell, yeah. How interesting. How was your weekend? Is it cooling down there yet? Love who’s a girl who is not a girl who one can date publicly as a girl while having huge amounts of secret sex with a boy, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. I just heard a bit of the new Aphex Twin, and, yes, it’s exciting. Good old him. ** Mark, Hi. Oh, wow you’re from my hood. My LA pad is on Ambrose just east of Vermont. Titters and gratitude about the zine. Yeah, the Printed Matter is soon, isn’t it? Great week’s start to you. ** Dee Kilroy, Hey, Dee. ** Bill, I recommend seeing more of the films he directed if want more of him + bizarre. I heard about that ‘Midnight Cowboy’ doc. I’m currently on the hunt to see the new Sid Barrett doc, which does not seem to be very accessible. ** Montse Meneses Vilar, Montse! Whoo-hoo! Hey, pal! We’ve been on a short break from film editing, but we restart this week. It goes well, I’m very excited. You’re coming here! I’m pretty sure I’ll be here, yes, as my summer plans are just to stay here and work on the film. And now that I know you’re coming, I’ll make absolutely sure. Great, great news! Let me know when you’re here and where you’ll be and so on and so forth so we can make plans. I can’t wait! It’s been forever! Love, me. ** Darby Der Kunstler 🎅, Now that’s a great and appropriate moniker. And always nice to see Santa. Jonny Luke’s: noted. Thanks! Yum! Sculpting seems tricky. Yeah, demystification is a good idea. Well, with friends, I mean. Well, with good friends. Five miles! Whoa! I start two get sunburned if I walk down the street for too long. Too long being, like, for a half an hour. Or less. My weekend was pretty ok. Saw friends, did some nice but not that interesting to hear about things. I’ll try to score a bat for you, but those little fuckers are fast, and my arms are not long enough! Whoa, Scully looks totally great! What are you going to do further with him? Oh, mohawk, gotcha. I mean he’s pretty effective already. He makes me long for Halloween even more than I had been doing. Thank you a lot! Go, go, it’s terrific! ** Charalampos, Thanks, glad you liked it. As open as possible: totally. The supreme goal. Mm, I’m not sure if I exactly know what you mean about having things inside us that are from another source. I guess I think artists can absorb everything and it becomes theirs as long as they reinvent it through their natural uniqueness or something. My weekend was nice, I don’t know it was cute. A cute weekend sounds good, though. Maybe I can figure out to have one of those. I hope yours was cute. Zac gets back tomorrow, so we’ll start working on the film again in a couple of days. The bulk of the film is far along and just needs fiddling and refining. I mean in the edit. There’s still a lot of special effects work and sound mix/design and color correction left to do. Thanks! Mellow, temperate Paris vibes. ** Nasir, Hi. Pictures of whatever: I like that. My weekend: I saw a visiting friend a couple of times. I walked in the Tuileries. I went to the fun fair again. I wrote a little. I tried to solve film problems. I rewatched one of my all-time very favorite films (James Benning’s ’11 x 14′) which was just uploaded onto the internet for the first time ever. Stuff like that. May loveliness be heavily in store for you until the universe explodes. ** Okay. Yes, end of the month = your slave batch for July. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    Yeah, Donald Pergoll is a mystery person created by my brain, it looks like.

    My weekend was really nice. My type of weekend – just reading and listening to music and watching stuff and taking long walks with my dog. Not very interesting to share but pleasant to experience, haha. How was yours? And yes! Yesterday was pretty rainy, so the temperature has dropped blessedly.

    Love couldn’t be more ideal than that. Love who’s the biggest cock slut in cottage grove, minnesota, Od. (And so, so many freaky beauties this time, wow!)

  2. Charalampos

    Your weekend sounds cool.
    11×14 is totally one of his best films… I should watch Landscape suicide. I liked Ten skies too.

    I am thinking of doing films with all the pictures I take that I call “Portal pics” the one after the other. Every time I think of this I think of his films.

    It’s interesting to me to notice which things are born from my mind and some others feel unknown, strange… like I picked them from somewhere as signals and then made them my own as you say

    Do you know if older Gisele shows are available to watch somewhere? Those YouTube clips are so short… I used to watch them back in the day and wanting to see them full. I am not talking about the recent ones but older like I apologize. Also I can’t wait to see Jerk, the play and film too

    One day I went to the After 8 to buy books and I looked for The Pyre CD because I saw it in the website but they sadly did not have it.
    I then bought a book of yours (The Sluts, to have a second copy) and a Clarice Lispector novel called The Passion According to G.H. I can’t wait to go there again and buy many books

    Happy new week!

  3. Cody Goodnight

    Hi Dennis.
    How are you? I’m ok. I apologize for my lack of response. Personal things have occurred in my life. I’m in the doctor’s office right now for a family member. Everything’s ok, though. More humorous posts to help, so thank you. I like Verhoeven, but I can understand why someone would think him overrated. I don’t have many plans today. Maybe I’ll finally watch Duelle tonight. I have been listening to Sinéad O’Connor and Lady Gaga. Last night I showed some friends Kate Bush’s The Dreaming, my favorite album of hers. Have you listened to any Kate Bush? I think she’s amazing. I also think listening to Bauhaus or Cocteau Twins during sunrise is such an immaculate feeling. I hope you have a lovely day or night, Dennis!

  4. _Black_Acrylic

    I saw Japan monstered Spain 4-0 today in the Women’s World Cup. They are really tearing it up right now.

    The good news here is that the writing class is gonna be back on pretty soon. My tutor has posted on Facebook that a big announcement is forthcoming, so I look forward to that being just the kick up the arse that I need.

  5. Montse

    Hi, Dennis!!

    I’m very glad to read you’re happy about the film. Can’t wait to see you and hear all about it. So good that you’re going to be in Paris around that time! I’m staying in the Gare du Nord area. I want to visit the Catacombes and the Louvre. I understand you will be busy working on the film, but if you can meet for a coffee at some point that would be just perfect. I can go wherever it’s best for you. I’m so excited! Yay!

    Big hugs,

  6. Steve Erickson

    I downloaded a new DAW last night. I haven’t yet begun trying to work with it, because it took hours to install, but I plan to slowly – very slowly – learn its ropes.

    Do you and Zac need to rent a studio for the film’s sound mixing?

    HelloWorld’s desires are contradictory, but I’m sure spending all his off time as a slave will only make him a better CEO. (This sounds like a TV series plot.)

    Clementi’s IN THE SHADOW OF THE BLUE RASCAL, which I saw a few months ago is pretty great: a better Burroughs adaptation than any of the official ones (with touches of NY No Wave films and early cyberpunk). I’ve been meaning to seek out LA VISA DE CENSURE NO. X.

  7. Darby (just Darby)

    Hello! Oh, thank u very much for the kind words of Scully! You made him blush (he’s shy and a big fan of your work) Yes he’s my little Halloween gremlin-or goblin. I just applied some slippy to him so cross your fingers (I’m crossing mine) and hope tomorrow I wake up to him fully attached and without cracks!
    Today was very ominous. A lady who used to be in the program here, discharged not that long ago, we found out she died yesterday. She was an alcoholic. I had talked to her but to say I knew her well would be false. It still felt very sad, like she spoke words, she had a personality, I still remember things she said but those things are now lost to a void. it reminds me of a guy at the hospital when I was there 2 weeks ago who I recognized from a prior stay who had a coke addiction and seeing him again was just like, well fuck. I guess we’re all fucked.
    Have you heard about Sinead O’Connor? I worshipped and listened to her since I was a child. Its like, I could relate to her and was happy she made it so far in life despite the shit the world gave her. But she’s dead and its like, Jesus, everyone I relate to is dead. Like, fuck Dude.

    But that’s just what’s been in my head today. I’m not doing so bad other than that. And you? Omg I was thinking about this, are you D.B Cooper 👀 I wont tell anyone I promise!
    Just tell me where you hid the money >:)

  8. Gray_gary

    i love this shit. im pretty sure my first crush was from reading a profile on one these sites

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