The blog of author Dennis Cooper




p.s. Hey. ** Joe, Hey, Joe. Massive thanks right back at you. So thrilled the project has finally reached the finish line, and really happy to be one of its doorways. My love for your work goes way back, as you know. Super proud of you, maestro. I did keep a handful or so of the letters. I think maybe they’re in my archive at NYU. I should have kept them all. They might have made an interesting book, or at least blog post. Lots of love to you, buddy. ** Jack Skelley, In France they say hor-EEE-blah. I look forward to hearing you deconstruct that ‘horrible’ re: your reading next book club. Poor Lewis. He really, really didn’t want to marry us. I had to beg him. He said the previous time he’d married a couple it ended in tragedy, and he felt terrible. And then, a few months after he married us, we bumped into him on a night when we weren’t getting along, and Chris, who was rather extremely volatile, as you may remember, started screaming at Lewis at the top of his lungs, ‘You ruined my life! You fucking ruined my life!’, etc. Lewis just turned white, and he never talked to me again. Anyway, … Have a hor-EEE-blah week! ** Misanthrope, All great pop is really dark inside. Jesus, your cousin. That’s awful. Oh my goodness. Knock on wood(en leg). ** Lilly, Hi, Lilly! Right, understood about it being an extra class. It’s good that you’re graduating early, yes? Or will you miss school? I’m not that big on plays either. Barring some, of course. Interesting that you went from screenwriting to fiction and poems. I’m kind of the opposite, although I still write fiction, of course. And the screenplays I write for Zac’s and my films are very non-standard. Right, yeah, Sonic Youth asked me to write ‘Sister’s’ liner notes for the reissue version. It’s my favorite SY album, so that was great. And I don’t have a link to the video, but there was this celebration of my George Miles Cycle books in NYC in 2000, and Thurston read that ‘phone conversation’ aloud at the event. It was really weird and hilarious. Rechy is a very huge diva. He didn’t like that I didn’t treat him like the god that he believes himself to be. I love Harmony Korine’s films, and I’ll definitely go find that Fightharm video, thank you! I agree that Larry Clark’s photos are by far his best stuff. Also, he seems like a total asshole. One of the actor’s in Zac’s my second film ‘Permanent Green Light’ was in a Clark film, and he said one time when Clark didn’t like what the actor was doing, he pulled out his dick and pissed on him. Wow. How’s your week starting? ** Steven Purtill, Hi, Steven ! Great to see you, pal! Excitement’s the word. Yes, we’re in the final stage of finishing the film at long last, and, yes, at the moment, we hope to jump into the audio novel project as soon as it’s finished. Do dive into things of your own please. Those of us who love your things are rather hungry. No pressure though. I’ll pass your hey on to Zac in the editing room today. Take care! ** Charalampos, Hi. Mm, well, ‘Wrong’ was a collection of short things I’d already written, so making the book itself was pretty uneventful. Nice: the pink butterfly. Huh. Thanks about ‘Container’ and ‘Square One’. Those are two of my favorite things of mine in that book. Ok, I’ll check my Facebook messenger. I always forget to look there. Thank you in advance! Very rain-drenched vibes from Paris. ** Audrey, Hi, Audrey! I’m so happy you got to MoJT, and that you liked it so much. Yeah, it’s really special, totally unique. There’s a really good book about that place and its artist/mastermind David Wilson if you’re interested. ‘Mr. Wilson’s Cabinet Of Wonder’. Representing a haunted house was fun and kind of hard, especially since the one in our film is supposed to be crappy and disappointing, but it has to be fun for the viewer at the same time. Hopefully we’ll nail it. I’ll watch ‘Somewhere’ as soon as I can. Hm, I can’t think of a definitive LA movie. There’s a great experimental documentary about LA by Thomas Anderson called ‘Los Angeles Plays Itself’ that’s pretty LA-like. I sometimes think David Lynch’s films like ‘Mulholland Drive’ and ‘Lost Highway’ capture LA’s weird, ineffable quality maybe? I miss the New Beverly. What did you see? I hope you’re back home in completely one piece and feeling great. Love, me. ** Shane Christmass, Hi, Shane! Yep, yep on NJ. Have I read ‘Pink’? Hm, I don’t think I have actually? You think I should? Big up to you. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yeah, living in that apartment was pretty spooky. I didn’t speak Dutch when I first moved in, but I learned Dutch at least to the point that I could get how completely insane the letters were. Although the crazy handwriting kind of gave it away. Petticoats need to have a comeback. I remembered them the other day and realised they’re totally long gone now, at least in the world I know. Not just concerts on YouTube, increasingly on everything that’s longer than, like, 5 minutes. Ugh, yeah. I fear I must very boringly ask love to please, please let my new bankcard arrive today because I am getting very close to the bottom of my loose change jar, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, B. Nice about ‘Bloody January’s’ effect on you, whatever its storehouse of effects accesses in you, you know? ** Bill, I need to watch ‘Slice of Life’. Dear Life, please add ten more hours to each of my days, thank you, love, Dennis. You good? ** Steve Erickson, Hi. I think we can meet our week’s goals, but, yeah, intensity is the byword. I’ve heard of ‘A Still Small Voice’, or I think I have. Maybe I’ve even seen it? I need to go check. Did you buy any fake meat? Do you eat fake meat? ** Right. Today I’ve just made you a bit of concave eye candy due to some little fixation-meets-idea that came over me on the day I made it. See you tomorrow.


  1. _Black_Acrylic

    Concave eye candy Is always welcome round here!

    In advance of my birthday later this week, I’ve shelled out for Actress – LXXXVIII which is the new “deluxe edition” 3LP on clear vinyl. From the press release: “The conceptual groundwork for the album is built on a game of chess, each track named for a particular piece. With each thoughtful move the game grows and develops over time – something we can hear reflected throughout the album’ textured and delicate layers.” So I’m quite excited about this one.

  2. Dominik


    The GIFs about the skateboarding guys are so good!

    Oh, right, yeah. The letters were in Dutch. Duh. Anyway, they must’ve been psychological goldmines but also pretty major red flags… I’m glad he didn’t decide to pay a visit while you were there!

    True. About YouTube. And I don’t know – if they ruin whatever I’m watching and then offer me a paid ad-free version, I don’t really find myself in the mood to give them any of my money…

    Shit! I hope love delivers your card ASAP! They take their sweet time!

    Love wishing my mom a happy birthday, Od.

  3. Jack Skelley

    Post-weekend High to Dennis — good gifs today. May u and Zac tunnel into primo festivals! Wow, I never knew that Cooper/Lemmerhirt (Sp?) wedding postscript. PoorLewis indeed. The few times we hung out Chris was always fun and charming. I stayed relatively close to Lewis till his end. You know, he founded Friends of the Los Angeles River which ended up effecting very significant policy changes all the way to the Federal level. “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.” (Shelley) “Poets will never fucking shut up. ” (MacAdams) I”m so heartsick and pissed about Gaza etc. Hey, good Hobart thang!! blah blah… love u !, Yours, Taylor HoribBLAY Swift

  4. Nika Mavrody

    Dennis, I blog too

  5. Reverend Darby 🎩(pretend that's one of those Reverend hats)

    I cant forgive you. Where is the Coraline tunnel?
    wish me super incredible big luck, friend! I got that really dumb “court slip” if you remember, and tomorrow I’m going BACK to the DMV to do the test and
    guess what?!
    I got an interview tomorrow aswell working at Spencer’s. I think I want to work there until I least get enough money in my second saving acc and then I’m blowing this really boring joint, and going to leave for Massachusetts because I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that I HATE the south.

    How is the editing going? Do you have like a software tool or idk like a protocol you like to use? What software do you use to edit?
    I am overjoyed because I went to the library today and got a book on SALEM witch trials. Russian Folklore, and children in foster care/orphans.
    You bet I’m going to fucking devour all those books within a month, as I haven’t felt such a really great state of pure literature Euphoria.
    I’d like to eventually read about the Carpathians and get to the “Hungarian Vampire Royalties” or just really just royal lineage in general because that shit is WILD filled to the brim with Incest, beheadings, slave fucking, torture rooms, and like idk probably the more pragmatic things but WOOO VAMPIRES AND INCEST!!!
    (im kidding)

  6. Steve Erickson

    I can’t figure out if the song I wrote over the weekend is any good or just a load of noise, so I’ve started a new one. It’s called “Ceasefire,” and it was intended to sound peaceful and optimistic, but it probably hasn’t come out that way.

    I also wrote to the Wire’s editor again today, since I realized it’s been 2 months after I first approached them.

    I’m a vegetarian (although not a vegan), so I do eat fake meat. The grocery’s ginger “chicken” was very good, the tofu “fish” less so.

  7. Bill

    I’m with you on an extra 10 hours per day, Dennis. Isn’t there some kind of time travel tunnel that should help?

    Just saw Paprika in 35mm. Will be a busy week before I leave town: Dog Day Afternoon screenings, Tim Hecker concert, among other things. We’ll see how much stuff I actually get to.


  8. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I was expecting a colonoscopy on here. What the hell?

    I like tunnels. Duh. Hidden tunnels especially. But they can’t be too small. I’d die.

    True true re: good pop songs.

    Oh, man, my cousin got bad news. The original amputation was below the knee and now they’ve determined they need to lop more off. Above the knee now, which makes wearing a prosthetic leg much harder. She’s had some toes lopped off on the other foot already and now they’re seeing where infection in that leg is now breaking the bones apart, which is what happened in this leg. Really, you start lopping off bodyparts and you’re pretty much done. Ugh.

    I did giggle at “wood(en leg).” 😀

  9. Matt N.

    Hi, Dennis. Its been like… a month and a half since my last time here! I was re-reading Try btw… What are you up to? Is the movie finished? Saw your comment regarding Rechy… would you recommend anything of his?
    I just read the mention about Gus Van Sant and your ex-boyfriend… Did you get mad at Gus? Talking about directors… have you seen the new Breillat film? Have a nice week 😉

  10. Nick.

    Hi! I’m back took a break to gather some thoughts and I have a crazy nasal drip going and it’s jacking up my perfect sleep schedule. Anyway I was thinking about the library of Alexandria burning and all the stuff we’re missing as a like human race. Can you even imagine? Oh boy I mentioned before idk we’ve gotten to the he send me memes and says”you” phase of things and I think that’s pretty cute I have no idea why. Nothing else made gluten free brownies and had ice cream tried out a very good local restaurant that shocked me with the food quality it really was a dinky little place but I really do think it’s those places that blow your mind if your lucky enough to pay attention and also not be scared of how the food looks. That’s all what’s up on your end? be back soon oh I also highly recommend this song and video
    Be right back and be well!

  11. Audrey

    Hi Dennis,

    I’ll have to check out the book, I’m dying to learn more about the museum. I can’t wait to see the haunted house, I trust it’ll turn out great. Ive been meaning to see that documentary for a while, a lot of my friends love it. Have you seen the gay porn film with the same name? I’ve also heard good things about that one, but i haven’t seen it. David Lynch is a wonderful pick, that he captures the ineffable quality of the city is a perfect way to put it. I love the New Beverly a lot, but I’m kind of glad I don’t live near because I think I would spend enough time and money there to ruin my life. I saw In the Mouth of Madness (a rewatch) and Messiah of Evil, both of which I loved. The latter sort of fits into a similar camp as Manos: the Hands of Fate and Lets Scare Jessica to Death as horror films with strange, somber, editing rhythms that I find very appealing.

    I’m feeling very sentimental today, so I figured I’d just say I really love talking to you and catching glimpses of the other lives on here. It’s been very profound and moving, I look forward to commenting/reading here every day. Also, I had an idea for a post! Have you ever done one on Frederick Wiseman? He’s one of my favorite filmmakers

    With all my love,

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