The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Torn Down Schools 2

Sir James Douglas Elementary School, British Columbia


Phillis Wheatley Elementary School, Texas


Valmont High School, Vermont


Twin Cities Elementary School, Oklahoma


All Saints Catholic School, Missouri


St. Rita’s School, Pennsylvania


Maroa Grade School, Georgia


Denison High School, Texas


East Fairmount High School, West Virginia


Old Paulina School. Louisiana


Davis Street School, Massachusetts


Ryder High School, New York


Onoway Jr. High School, Alberta


Taft Elementary School, West Virginia


Lorain City School, Georgia


Lincoln School, Iowa


St. John-St. James Lutheran School, Wisconsin


Orem High School, Utah


Colby Elementary School, Wisconsin


Parkside Elementary School, Indiana


Key West High School, Florida


Williamstown Elementary School, Massachusetts


Grovetown Elementary School, Georgia


Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School, Alberta


Penn State College, Pennsylvania


Madeleine Grammar School, Nevada


Huffman High School, Alabama


Harrison Elementary School, Ohio


Homeland Jr. High School, Oklahoma


Millington Central High School, Tennessee


Cast Technical School, Michigan


Connaught School, Ontario


Ellensburg High School, Washington


Granger High School, Utah


Westmont Middle School, Pennsylvania


Red Bank Middle School, New Jersey


Ames High School, Iowa


Alchesay High School, Arizona


Patrick Copeland Elementary School, Louisiana


Mattoon High School, Illinois


Sacred Heart School, Connecticut


St. Joseph’s Indian Residential School, Ontario


Schaeffer Elementary School, Pennsylvania


Sumner School, Minnesota


Houghten Elementary School, Michigan


Woodlands School, British Columbia


Evergreen Elementary School, Oregon


Sudbury Secondary School, Ontario


Martinez Elementary School, Georgia


Murphysboro High School, Illinois


Yarmouth Junior High School, Nova Scotia


Montezuma-Cortez High School, Colorado


Phil Campbell High School, Alabama


Jefferson Elementary School, Nebraska


Beaver High School, Colorado


Upper Dublin High School, Pennsylvania


North Platte Junior High School, Missouri


Forks High School, Utah


Timpanogos Elementary School, Utah


Wasatch Elementary School, Utah


Dee Elementary School, Utah


Beauval Residential School, Saskatchewan


Goodland High School, Indiana


Lee High School, Alabama


North Middle School, Michigan


St. Helena School, Montana


Cooper High School, California


Hayward Intermediate School, Wisconsin


Spruce Street School, Wisconsin


West Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys, Pennsylvania


Hambright Elementary School, Pennsylvania


Charlotte Anderson Elementary School, South Carolina


Trenton High School, New Jersey


Sooner Rose Elementary School, Oklahoma


Moran School, Washington


Malibu Middle School, California


Holy Trinity School, Ohio


Miller Valley Elementary School, Arizona


Mineral Ridge High School, Ohio


Riverview High School, Florida


Amherst Elementary School, Massachusetts


Mount Carmel Preparatory School, North Carolina


Serra Complex School, California


St. Angela School, Illinois


Eastport Elementary School, New York


Granite High School, Utah


Niagara Street School, New York


Wilson School, Pennsylvania




p.s. Hey. ** Ferdinand, Hi. I loved it! Thanks re: my leg. My resistance to letting a chiropractor have at it is wearing down daily. We’ll see. ** Nick Hudson, Hi, Nick. I’m basically okay, I guess I could say. Awesome about the Wilson/Knowles connection. Wow. Please do take photos of that amusement park and put them somewhere where the likes of me can see them, thank you. No, I don’t know Gäy, but I will begin to once I get out of here. Thanks! As well as your single, of course! Everyone, composer/musician/performer/styler Nick Hudson has issued the first single from his upcoming album. It’s called ‘For My Silence’, and it has a lovely seeming official video, and you can partake of it here. Later, dude. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Awesome, glad you liked it/him. Really special work. Yury has promised a haircut sometime today, so I’m almost presentable again. Injun Joe’s Cave isn’t that prominent in ‘Closer’, but it serves a curious purpose. I think it’s safe to say the people waiting to enter the Chanel store did not think my pratfall was cool. I didn’t warrant a single Instagram shot or TikTok vid (thank god) that I could tell. I hear good things about that new ‘TD’ season, yes. And I’m also fearing love might not have had the power to alter its release schedule, but … miracles happen? Love using whatever power that’s necessary to make it so I don’t have see the name (or a picture of) David Bowie in my social media feed for the next year, or even just the next six months if a year asking too much, thank you, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, Cool. Yeah, Ep. 1 was/is amazing! I can imagine the consuming nature of its construction, but do try to spare some minutes for your writing, if you don’t mind. ** Misanthrope, I too greatly prefer secret tunnels over caves, or, well, over most things. David sounds like he’s heading for a big crash, and, wow, I hope he turns that around or gets turned around ASAP. ** Charalampos, Very happy that his work spoke to and with you. Makes senses, and score. ** Uday, Ha ha, whew, I just made the kinda ok cut. I’ll try a google search using ‘gen-z cut’. Hold on. Yep, that’s the cut I was talking about. I’m always all for hair being grown out. Lingering fondness from my teen days amidst the hippie era possibly. Oh, thanks! Enlarging via blog is the ultimate goal, I guess. A favorite bird …huh. I love birds. I think they’re my favorite creatures. I’m tempted to just say pigeons because a bunch of them live around my windows, and I’ve come to realise thereby what underrated birds they are. They don’t need gorgeous plumage or the talent to mimic human voices to be cool. That said, it’s also hard to turn down parrots as the favorite. And then there’s those weirdos the peacocks. Strangely hard to pick. What’s your favorite? ** Okay. I made a sequel to an old, old post for you today. I think it has an oddly melancholy yet ultimately satisfaction-oriented effect or something, am I wrong. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    By the time you’re reading this, you’re probably (hopefully!) sporting your brand-new haircut!

    “True Detective’s” first season is one of my all-time favorites, and it looks like the new season ties in with parts of that original storyline, so I’m super excited. I hope it’ll live up to my expectations – or that it continues to do so because the first two episodes (especially the second one) were strong.

    Oh, is this still some birth- and death-day Bowie flood? Or is your feed full of him in general?

    Love making your leg feel better right now (and maybe tearing down my old elementary school, too), Od.

  2. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Your torn-down posts usually make me feel a little sad, but I’m okay with these. Because most schools suck. Tear em all down. Fuck em.

    Man, I’m in a nice mood, eh? Hehe.

    Yeah, David’s a piece of work. I talk to him until I’m blue in the face and it doesn’t do anything really. My mom too. And Kayla. Until he fixes his drug problem, he’s got very little hope.

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    Torn down schools would be the fantasy of the bad boys in the class. But yes, melancholy yet somehow satisfying would be the order of the day.

    I watched the final episode of the Yorkshire Ripper drama The Long Shadow this morning. Hardly a happy ending but they finallly caught the guy, despite years of police ineptitude. The story contains a lot of locations that I do recognise although sadly, Leeds does not come out of this at all well. I remember a recent letter in Viz magazine saying how ironic it was that Peter Sutcliffe had such a tidy beard, yet made such a mess of his victims.

  4. Jack Skelley

    Dennis the (Brain) Chemist: Fuck Fuckhead, that M-effer. Me want Trailer!! Here’s my 3 excitement projects this week: Tix go on sale today for FOKA the play. Finalizing image assets for “Everything” Sabrina DC Blog post. Finalizing line-up for SWer reading with Lily Lady. Deets soon!!!! Hey: Come back to L.A., pleeeeze. xo Jack Bruce.

  5. Justin

    Hi Dennis!

    You’re right about the melancholic feeling these photos elicit. Strangely, it makes me want to watch Gus Van Sant’s Elephant. Do you have a favorite Van Sant film? Hope you’re doing well.

  6. Steve Erickson

    Did you come across any photos taken from inside soon-to-be destroyed schools? Since there are so many Youtube channels about abandoned malls, there must be at least a few about abandoned schools, but I’ve never seen them.

    Do you think the weather – assuming it’s been chilly and humid in Paris – is contributing to the pain in your leg? Do you have any options for treatment beyond the chiropractor?

    The series of Serge Daney’s favorite ’70s films began today at Lincoln Center. I aim to make it to NATIONALITY: IMMIGRANT there Friday, and hopefully some other films next week. When his collection of ’80s writings comes out in English (next year?), there better be a follow-up to this series!

  7. Uday

    Long hair also gives you an aura. In some ways this is good. In some ways it makes you feel like an artefact. I think I think too much. But seconded on the options beyond a chiropractor question. Epsom soaks and turmeric really helped my mother with her leg, but I’m also aware of how annoying anecdotal cures can be. I love pigeons (and I do think they have gorgeous plumage! The little green-purple shimmery band on their necks is so pretty. But I may be alone here). Peacocks are nice too but only if you’ve never been woken up by their shrieks. I’d maybe pick the Asian Paradise-Flycatcher. Or the Sunbird. If you’re counting ones I haven’t seen, I really like the weirdo pigeons (Nicobar, Victoria Crowned, Jacobin, Frillback etc).

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