The blog of author Dennis Cooper

The Undead *

* (Halloween countdown post #3)

Annika von Hausswolff Allting hänger ihop ha, ha, ha (1999)


Tom Friedman Fuck it (2002)


Jonathan Schipper Measuring Angst (2011)
Over the course of twelve minutes, the robotic mechanism takes the hurling bottle from one end of the room to the other. When it reaches the wall, the bottle shatters – and immediately reverses its trajectory. The pieces go back together and the bottle returns to its place of origin.


Erik Ravelo Los Intocables (2016)


Tai Shani Unresurrectable Biologies – Un-undead 2 (2022)


Mona Hatoum Pull (1985)
In Mona Hatoum’s performance Pull, the thick, glossy braid dangling from an opening in the wall is still attached to the artist’s head, and her response to having it handled by visitors  — depending on their force and cruelty — is relayed live on a video monitor.


Eugenio Merino Here Died Warhol (2018)


Don Lanning The Aftermath of Michael Myers’ Knife Attack on Malcom McDowell (2014)


Teresa Margolles Muro Baleado (Culiacán) (2009)
The wall was removed from a Mexican city and replaced with a new wall. The man-high concrete-block wall displays bullet holes resulting from shoot-outs in a city where the drug war is raging with particular vehemence.


Laurent Craste Various (2017)


Aki Onda For the Souls of The Dead (2020)


Jordan Wolfson Real Violence (2017)
A gruesome installation labelled “one of the most viscerally disturbing” artworks of all time is traumatising New York gallery visitors. The shocking exhibit, “Real Violence” by Jordan Wolfson, invites people to “witness the artist himself engaged in an act of unexplained violence” through a virtual reality headset. Viewers are told little about the content in advance, with the description on the wall noting that the assault is “presented with no motive or backstory” ensuring it is a “distillation of pure intensity”. We are warned by staff overseeing the installation that the footage is extremely violent and unsuitable for under-17s. They tell us to put on a virtual reality headset, hold on to a metal rail and not let go. The scene is an ordinary Manhattan street. Cars drive past, pedestrians wait to cross the road. We hear a Hebrew chant. A man kneels on the pavement as Wolfson approaches, picks up a baseball bat, and begins viciously beating and later stamping on him.


Hawkins Bolden Untitled (1987)


Peng Yu Human Oil (2000)
Performance, Human Cadaver, Medical Sample


David Fathi The Dead Govern the Living (2018)


Cao Hui Various (2012 – 2016)


Paul McCarthy Paul Dreaming, Vertical, Horizontal (2005-12)


Kimathi Donkor Under Fire: the Shooting of Cherry Groce (2005)


Sholim Untitled (2010)


Mark Jenkins Untitled (2014)


Unknown Untitled (1850)


Walter Schels Life Before Death (2005)


Christian Lemmerz Various (2000 – 2005)

Selbst (Suicide Terrorist) (2000-02)

The Undead (Michael Jackson) (2002-03)

Mermaid (2005)


Imran Qureshi And How Many Rains Must Fall Before the Stains Are Washed Clean (2013)


Jerome Zonder Pierre-François (2020)


Lynn Thompson Cold Steel Swords (2016)


Unknown Antinous the God Gay (2016)
Today we commemorate the anniversary of the death of our brother in Antínoo Jorge Fernández Martínez, First Saint of Antínoo in Mexico, victim of homophobic violence in the Municipality of Tultitlán, State of Mexico. He was brutally murdered by unknown assailants near his home in the Mexico City suburb of Tultitlán on 3 March 2016. Forensic tests showed he had been tortured, raped and asphyxiated. His broken body lay undiscovered for days. And we thank our brothers throughout the world who have raised their prayers for their eternal rest at the side of Antinous the God Gay.


Qiu Anxiong The Doubter (2010)


Paul Fryer Lilith (2011)


Sarah Best Pull Yourself Together (2016)


Adel Abdessemed Cri (2013)


Rino Stefano Tagliafierro Animated Masterpieces (2014)


Līga Spunde When Hell Is Full, the Dead Will Walk the Earth (2019)


Urs Fischer Various (2007)


Bryan Kent Ward Various (2015)


David Shrigley I’m Dead (2010)




p.s. Hey. ** kier, By some time after the dawn’s early light to you, kier! Mm, I would say try, yes, ‘Go Go Second Time Virgin’, ‘Violated Angels’, or ‘The Embryo Hunts in Secret’ although, in that last case, it’s not quite as great as its title. Ah, damn, about the Oslo haunts. Sad. Wow, your new drawings are amazing! Your work has moved into a new area since last I had the chance to really see it. Your wondrous use of color is fascinating, and the tight lines, and the visualisation of the content, … fantastic. I’m going to spend some quality time really studying them this morning. So great! Everyone, The amazing artist Kier Cooke Sandvik, who some of you might know as the artist who did the cover of ‘I Wished’, and who was the real artist behind the character Roman’s drawings in Zac’s and my film ‘Permanent Green Light’, etc., has shared some new drawings, and they’re incredible, and you should take a good look at them, which you can by clicking this and this. Thank you so much, maestro pal. Smooth, quick bus trip to Copenhagen, and have a total blast. My yesterday, … a seemingly very positive step in solving our film’s problems suddenly became potentially uncertain, very stressfully, and, otherwise, just work and eating very mediocre yet filling ramen with Zac and our pal Sabrina, which was very nice. Not a day among days. Yeah, enjoy everything, big love, Dennis. ** _Black_Acrylic, I have to take one more day to get to PT, meaning today, because yesterday was a hellish one. ‘Go, Go Second Time Virgin’ won’t change your life, but it’s worth a peep. ** Jay, Hey, Jay!! I look forward to finishing the game, yes, and I’ll let you know when it’s out there and playable. Right, your party, so .. how was it and what were you dressed as? Thanks! Onwards and upwards always. ** Måns BT, Hi, hi, Måns! I am always starved for haunted house reviews and news, so do share if you penetrate them. I’m kind of relieved to hear the Cinematek isn’t party central. I really don’t like parties, probably even cinema centric parties. I don’t really drink alcohol, so parties are kind of useless. I watched ‘Faces’ again recently too. Yeah, the early Cassettes films are quite worthy. They must have been very exciting at the time because American cinema was pretty pro forma at that point other than in the deeply experimental world. I think ‘Faces’, ‘Shadows’, and ‘Husbands’ are his peak. Hm, I’ll try a hunt within the darkest recesses of the film sharing world, and, if I can’t find that ‘LotR’-esque film, I’ll give you a shout. No, I’m behind on reading. There’s too much shit going on, and my concentration is fractured. But I have a waiting book pile. ‘Castle Faggot’ is a masterpiece. I’m going to be reading with Derek McCormack in NYC in just a couple of weeks. Hm, maybe putting fake hetero-leaning covers on your books? xoxo, a guy who thinks it’s unfair that his cigarette packets keep emptying. ** Lucas, Hey, L! I quite like ‘Violated Angels’ and ‘The Embryo Hunts in Secret’. Well, meeting even one potential comrade sounds like a success. That’s cool. I’m not a big ‘Saw’ fan, no, but I guess it’s better that somebody’s into them than into Marvel. Maybe you can direct him to some weirder, cooler horrors. I assume my not being that into Berlin is my problem since almost everybody else thinks it’s some kind of mecca. I’m going to miss Gisele’s shows too even though there’s stuff partly by me in it. Oh well. Here’s to a shimmery Thursday. ** Justin D, Hey! Thank you again so much for you-know-what. I can’t wait to start clicking it. I never liked brussels sprouts, but I lived in Holland for 2 1/2 years, and they’re a staple there, and they know how to make them delicious — usually pan fried, I think, and mixed in with rice and I assume fairly seasoned? I haven’t seen ‘‘Murmur of the Heart’ in ages, but I think remember being disappointed that it was kind of sentimental? Wednesday: some film-related stress/problems, as usual, and otherwise okay enough if not jam packed with pleasures. How was Thursday on your side of things? ** HaRpEr, Hi. I know someone here who’s studying at the legendary Paris film school Femis, which is famous for birthing some of the most adventurous French filmmakers, and she said it’s not like that at all anymore and all it does is try to reign in students’ ambitions. Portraying sex without guilt is a must, well, if anything is must, which anything isn’t. I guess it’s just all the swooning and depicting of combined aroused bodies as the answer to isolationists’ prayers and so on that deflects me or something. Ah, a ‘Berlin’ mood. I still get choked up by ‘The Kids’ too, and then ‘Sad Song’ on top of it. So I’m there with you. ** nat, The firewall didn’t stop you! Victoire! Thank you a lot for the link to ‘A Pool without Water’. I can’t remember why I wouldn’t have included it. Everyone, Thanks to nat, you can stream Wakamatsu’s film ‘A Pool without Water’, which I strangely didn’t include in yesterday’s post, right here. I haven’t been reading either. But I’ll join you and pick something up today maybe. Thanks! ** Okay. Today you get to indulge yourselves in more of what this blog considers to be Halloween-friendly. See you tomorrow.


  1. kier

    morning den! i’m on the bus to copenhagen now, with surprisingly good internet. wonderful day, your halloween countdown days make me feel like home. my immediate favourites are bolden, sholim, qureshi and abdessemed. this day made me think of sally mann’s body farm photographs, have you seen them? i’m not super into her but i love them. thank you so much about the drawings, that means a lot to me. i don’t really know what they are. i draw from a ton of photographic sources, film stills etc, and just combining elements based on feeling. but they’re really fun to do, although time consuming.

    ugh the neverending nightmare situation of the film must be so exhausting. let me know if you need someone burned in effigy, any time. i was supposed to be really practical yesterday but i just watched movies instead. saw a new horror movie, blink twice, which was kind of fun, but heavyhanded and not great and a bafflingly bad ending. got up at 5.30 to pack and shower and stuff. i’m almost half way to copenhagen, managed to half sleep for the first three hours, which i almost never can when travelling so that’s great. how was thursday? tell me tell me xxxx

    • Poecilia

      i wanted to quickly drop in to say that the I Wished cover is hypnotic and i have been loving your works this whole time
      ok out i drop

  2. jay

    Hi Dennis! Wow, those Bryan Kent Ward pieces are so lovely, incredibly tenderly done. I’m always a huge fan of that kind of like, biological decay, and stuff like that. I think I might’ve seen something on TV when I was like, 7 or 8, that was a sped-up decay of a person in a field, and I think that image has sort of stuck with me, in a really positive way.

    Umm, it wasn’t a fancy-dress party as of yet, so it was just my usual clothes, haha. I did have a bit of work beforehand, so I was a bit exhausted, but it was actually really lovely. I actually had a way better time than I expected, I hadn’t seen anyone for like, a year, but I managed to get back into their social rhythms really easily, which was great.

    Oh, also, about the Saw series, it has this like, insane gay following for the first movie, in terms of people imagining the two protagonists as a couple, despite them not having any lines of dialogue that isn’t exposition. I will say, that series is a huge guilty pleasure for me, I’ve seen pretty much all of the latest few ones in the cinema. It was definitely a gateway drug to more interesting films to me. Anyway, best of luck with the film, manifesting good luck towards you!

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    I remember having the Tom Friedman Phaidon book at art school in Dundee circa 2002, which I believe had some text by yourself in there too somewhere. Fuck it was definitely a standout. Just looked for that on my bookshelf and it must have been stolen by someone at the time. Fuck it indeed.

  4. Tyler Ookami

    I misread and thought the first piece was by the composer Anna von Hausswolff. I wonder if those two get frustrated having their names confused.

    Someone has compiled an archive of Nekojiru’s works in English:
    I have many of these books in Japanese. Some still have sticker sheets attached to them. I also have a few issues of Garo ( with her strips in them.

  5. Lucas

    hey! really fascinating stuff today. I absolutely love the ‘pierre-françois’ pieces. they’re so intricate and beautiful, especially the second to last one. I think both of gisele’s shows are open until early next year, so there’s still plenty of time. and I don’t think you’re necessarily crazy for not loving berlin, I think it’s that germany is generally not that great. and things aren’t looking like they’re going to get better here! I’ve been thinking so much about leaving the country and moving to whatever big city once I graduate, but it’s an incredibly vague plan hahah. I’m definitely not a ‘live isolated in the country’ kind of person, that much is clear. my thursday wasn’t very shimmery but I think I’m sort of starting to think more clearly and feel slightly better about things. funnily enough (?), or maybe sadly enough, I listened to an album I used to be really into years ago and it still resonates in the same way. it’s ‘twin fantasy’ by car seat headrest, I don’t know if you’ve listened to it. it’s sort of become a meme online, weirdly enough, since it’s just mostly depressing, at least for me. I hope your day was more okay than the last few have been.

  6. Justin D

    Hey, Dennis! My pleasure re: you-know-what, haha. Really great stuff today. Hard to pick a favorite. ‘Life Before Death’ is really powerful stuff, wow. ‘Murmur of the Heart’: yeah, I would say it’s sentimental. Probably due to the autobiographical nature of the film. I watched a new(ish) film on MUBI that was pretty good: ‘Crossing’ — TRAILER — My Thursday wasn’t too bad. Did some work. Drank some coffee. Went for a walk and then my bf was craving In-N-Out, so we went to get lunch there. Came home stuffed and watched ‘Crossing’. Sounds sort of dull on ‘paper’, but I can’t complain. Was your Thursday any better?

  7. nat

    hi den, eep! very good stuff here. gotta appricate a good curated list. story of antínoo is gonna stick to me.

    aprosos of nothing, my friend group is discussing the internet project human domestication guide, scifi universe worldbuilding thing where an ultra-powerful but benevolent luxury space communist noncon drug alien civ has taken over humans as pets and things usually via drugs and noncon and mind control and gaslight and do Bad™️ things but tell you it’s for your own good (and even though it seems abusive somehow it is for the betterment of the human) — the usual stuff to lose a day over reading about.

    was half tempted to pursue some of the bigger stories but i’d had better things to do by then.

    in awe is a good book, deeply atmospheric, drenched in fog. i didn’t get far today due to the rabbit hole i fell down in. i should probably check out mysterious skin. uh, hope movie stuff and other stuff i’ve been reading about and not commenting on goes well.

    thanks for including the pool part, makes me blush. i dunno what else to note, maybe that’s that.

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