The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Street Hustlers 2


Ohm Phanphiroj



Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Eve Fowler


Mats Bakken


Mats Bakken














Leon Levinstein


Leon Levinstein


Leon Levinstein




























Sebastian Meyer


Ronald D. Corbin






Karen C


Karen C






Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Philip-Lorca diCorcia



















Larry Clark


Larry Clark


Larry Clark


Larry Clark


Larry Clark


















Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj


Ohm Phanphiroj




p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Thanks, my pleasure. Thank you, yeah, about the grant. We’ll be in real trouble if we don’t get it, honestly, so … eek. I would heavily watch that documentary love proposes too. Coincidence? I think not. I actually have a little video thing in tomorrow’s post about these people who live their lives as real-life werewolves, or, you, know, try. Love letting all the street hustlers seen up above find true love with billionaires, G. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. Ok, I’ll check that new Haynes. Apart from a lot of the Velvet Underground doc, I haven’t been excited by his films in many years. But worth a try for sure. Curious to read your thoughts on the Bernstein bio film. Not a lot of hope for it in me. Everyone, Steve has reviewed Bradley Cooper’s new Leonard Bernstein biopic MAESTRO. Curious? I am. It’s here. Oh, shit, about Amy Greenfield. I put her in officially, i.e. listed her at the top, but then I couldn’t find two online works, which was the post’s rule, so I had to nix her, but obviously not in the title. Oops. I’ll fix that. Thanks, eagle eye. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. Oh, yeah, I liked ‘Heidi 2’ a lot. It was co-directed by Laura Parnes who I did a post about here a few years ago. Hold on. Here. Oh, you’re such a bad son, man. (Says the guy who was a real jerk of a son.) ** Tippa Gore, Well, hello there. Nice to meet you assuming I’m meeting you. I will go find that video you recommend not long at all after I post this. Thank you. A recital? In Gattaca? That’s a real place? Whatever you’re playing or singing I hope you coax everything out of it. Do you record such things? Thanks. My very weighty best to you! ** Don Waters, Hey! Oh, yeah I never go back to catch late comments. Bad habit of mine. Someone who comments here said they just scored a ‘Dennis’ for around 25 or 30 bucks, if I recall. I think I have 3 of them left. It’s so great you did that. I’m a little surprised no one has uploaded it to bandcamp or something. Thank you eternally. That was the coolest. Thanksgiving, right. It must be tomorrow. It’s always on a Thursday, isn’t it? Obviously France doesn’t care. Except for the American Food Store here where I’m sure I could buy a can of compressed cranberry sauce if I wanted it, which I don’t. Enjoy yours if you’re doing something. Thank you for everything, pal. ** Caesar, Oh, Cesar, I’ve been thinking about you. I’m so, so sorry. I can’t believe that actually happened. Of course I don’t understand how that could have happened being way over here and not privy to complicated information on the election, but I’m so sorry. I read that he won’t have enough support in the parliament or congress or whatever system you guys have to be able to push through his extreme agenda? But yeah. I remember the shock of my friends in the US when Trump won. It’s horrible. I hope that your fears are just understandable fears and not warranted by what will actually happen, but it’s so understandable. I hope to hear from you anytime you want and can, and I’ll be hoping hard that that monster will be thwarted by the collective rejection of people like you. I’m sorry, my friend. Lots of love and strength and battling power, Dennis. ** Audrey, Hi! Thanksgiving is the worst holiday. Or at least it was always my most dreaded holiday back when I was forcibly under its power. Cool about your friend’s film at least. Have you seen it yet? I need to see that new Hong Sang-soo film. I guess it will play here, France being the cinema buff-style country it is. ‘Gravity’s Rainbow’, congrats. He’s a heck of a writer, that guy. Oh, hm, the cool thing is that now that we’ve made our third film, I think we’ve managed to kind of figure out our own style, something that’s ours. Or we hope so. Although I’m sure there must be our influences coursing through the new one. Zac and I are both very influenced by Benning. I think for me there’s a lot of Bresson and Hollis Frampton in there. I can’t speak for Zac, but I know Chantal Ackerman is very big for him. yet I do think that with this, our third film, we’ve kind of found our own style. We’ll see though. I can’t for you to see it and hear what you think. Apart from the Giving of Thanks shebang, what are you up to this week? Zac and I are about to go to a small town and spend the weekend ‘begging’ a grant committee for money to finish our film. Eek. Love, Dennis. ** Corey Heiferman, Hi, Corey. Wonderful if I can help gussy up your rooftop. Your focus and confidence about where/what you’re doing is super heartening. I remember when I started to feel that way. It’s big. Awesome, man, and even under such difficult surrounding circumstances. Victory. ** Kettering, Hi, Kettering! How great to see you!! I’m so happy you’re watching the films and, you know, getting absorbed by them. Thank you for that, and, of course, for telling me. I do agree with you about the gold, yes. I despise Von Trier’s films, or at least from ‘Dancer in the Dark’ forwards. Truly despise. For ‘Room Temperature’, we recorded direct sound on everything. But we also recorded the sounds and dialogues separately, thank god, because we had to use this big power generator since the house we were filming in had very limited power, and we ended up having to dub a number of the scenes because the background hum was intense. But we haven’t had to do any dubbing in post, thank goodness, since all but one of our cast is halfway across the world in Los Angeles. With some of the peripheral sounds, we did have to do some foley work to fake the real ones. Yes, I agree about the French New Wave artists’ techniques and reasoning. We luckily got perfect direct performances and voice stuff on set because the performers we were working with so completely understood what we wanted. Oh, no offence at all, you’re very right about the disassociation. It’s at least fairly or somewhat intentional with probably a lot of instinctive non-intentionality too. Thank you for seeing and saying that. I do understand what you’re saying about ‘The Marbled Swarm’, and that’s very true. It was a huge amount of work to get right, and I did build my way towards that gradually in certain other prior works, the last section of ‘God Jr.’ and some short fiction things I was experimenting with. Thanks so much for seeing and noting that. I super appreciate it. Ha ha, I’m still squarely in the blog’s driver seat, thanks in no small part to you. Thank you for the amazing comment. It’s a true pleasure and honor. I hope I’ll get to talk with you more soon. Take good care. ** Right. I decided to do a sequel to a post from years ago with the same title minus the 2, and there it is right up there. See you tomorrow.


  1. James Bennett

    Hey Dennis,
    I was wondering why you despise most of Von Trier’s films? I’m not really into him myself but the strength of your judgement really intrigued me.
    I’m re-reading Nightwood at the moment. Does modernism figure much as an influence for you?
    Hope you’re having a good day. I’m off to the British Library to figure out why my novel isn’t quite working. Never been more frustrated or felt more close to getting it.
    This is the life!

  2. Dominik


    No, you’ll get the grant. It just has to happen at this point.

    Really? Almost real-life vampires! I can’t wait to meet them, haha!

    I guess I don’t even have to say how deeply enamored I am with today’s post. The first Eve Fowler portrait is one of my all-time favorite photos. Love seeking out the guy from the first “Unknown” series and giving him a hug, Od.

  3. James Bennett

    Ps: looking forward to the David Altmejd post. I’ve been interested in him since I saw the cover of Derek McCormack’s The Well Dressed Wound. Gonna head to the Saatchi Gallery here in London this weekend as I think they have a few Altmejd sculptures.

  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, That’s a lot of street hustlers. There might be 4 that’d be lucky enough to have me stop. 😀

    Almost? I’ll try harder next time.

    Hahahaha. If Sypha had to drink his own pee, he’d jump off a building. Yes, the dude I was talking about, you met him in real life once. He was a hustler at one time. Or I guess an escort. I haven’t talked to him in years. He’s a good writer too.

    Snow, eh. I don’t think I can do it anymore. I’m the one who has to shovel, you know. Pain the ass. And back. And arms. And legs. And taint. 😉

    Really, though, if someone else would shovel and clean off my car, I’m game.

    The rain has stopped and should be outta here until Sunday night. Yay! Time to party! I can’t fucking wait till this workday is over.

  5. _Black_Acrylic

    I have a really good book of street hustler photography here on my shelf. The hardback of Gary Lee Boas – New York Sex 1979-1985 seems to be going for a lot of cash these days but still, I’d rather not sell.

  6. Charalampos

    Hi Dennis, I am curious what films do you plan to see in the Vecchiali retrospective? So cool. Best of luck guys with the grant thing and enjoy your time, my powers are getting stronger and I have good feeling about it. Good post today and actually I remember well the part 1 Made me want so bad to Hit the streets – soon, I wanted to use the <> but I don’t want words to disappear again 😛 I hope I come to Paris early enough to catch the Louis Janmot exhibition in Orsay museum. I saw part of his The Poem of the Soul cycle in the Lyon museum I told you another time and fell in love plus his Fleur des champs painting which I love very much and still have on my phone to look all the time <3

    Good vibe from Crete

  7. Steve Erickson

    I used to work with Greenfield’s husband, but I’ve never seen her films, so I was curious. I haven’t been able to find them online either.

    BROKEN NEW was inspired. At the time I watched it, I didn’t know that Felker filmed it immediately after waking up, but it comes across in her dazed delivery.

    I’m not gonna go on a political rant, but watching consent manufactured by blacklisting in front of our eyes is glaring and horrifying. (And it doesn’t seem like an entirely American problem.)

    Thanks to insomnia, I was awake and listening to WFMU from 3-4:30 AM last night. It’s amusing that their only shows which play contemporary pop music air in the middle of the night, the reverse of every other radio station’s practice. The DJ likes Post Malone so much that she played five of his songs in an hour (in addition to Lana del Rey, SZA and Darius Rucker)!

    Have you heard André 3000’s ambient flute album? The relaxing mood appeals to me at this difficult moment. It does feel like a watered-down version of recent ambient-meets-jazz music, but it also strikes me as a good gateway towards the music that inspired it.

  8. Julia

    Hi Dennis! I never comment, but you’re my favorite author of all time, and I just received a copy of Horror Hospital Unplugged as a birthday gift (the friend who bought it for me knows me inside and out)! Very excited to read, and loved all these hustlers. So excited for the next film!

  9. Corey Heiferman

    So often I’m entranced by some dreamy person staring off into space, often smoking a cigarette … and then they take out their phone and the aura dissipates immediately.

  10. Damien Ark

    Out of “prison” now. They snuffed me. Wonderful experience… Most of it was spent in solitary confinement. Has given me more perspective on a possible long-term writing piece. Glad you liked Mika’s No Tiger, btw. 😀
    Thanks for the piss… post. Haha.

  11. Dom Lyne

    Hey Dennis,

    How’s it all going? I can’t believe it’s the end of November already! Where has this year gone? All is good with me. Work wise I’ve been productive. I set about trying something new style-wise, and it ended up being one of my favourite things I’ve ever created, and has kinda grown into a three pronged project of graphic-art-book-thing/audiobook/music-album. The art book is finished, the script for the audiobook is finished, and the music for the album is written. The album is pop, and not part of the Red Devil Incident canon.

    Other than that, novel is chugging along, I’m about about 45% through it. I wrote an audio-play. Had a few pieces of work published, one in an anthology about tattoos by Guts Publishing, of course some in Dominik’s awesome SCAB. Another audio-script is in commissioned early pre-production/script editing stage, which is fun, as its for something I’ve always wanted to write for, just still got a year or so ’til it comes out.

    Today’s post reminds me of my High School careers advice meeting I had when I was 16. When the career advisor told me I should grow up and stop being stupid for wanting to be an author as a career path, my next offering to her was “based on my talents and interests, I’ll be a rent boy.” She was not impressed, even more so when I told her I looked forward to having her husband as a client. Ahhh, teenage Dom.

    Hope everything is going well with you. Much love and hugs,

    Dom x

  12. Bill

    Captivating lineup today, Dennis. I think Unknown is my new favorite artist. That diCorcia photo with the two guys separated by a wall is so memorable for some reason. I of course had to look up, but I think the domain has changed hands since Unknown’s day.

    When was Street Hustlers 1? I don’t think I’ve seen it.

    Good luck with the weekend meeting with the granting committee!


  13. 🤹‍♂️darbz

    Hello! SO technically Thanksgiving is over for me since we all did that gathering blah blah stuff today and tomorrow I’m just going to enjoy my day off from work before gulp…..
    Black friday.
    I wonder how many biological guys a day are born under 5’4?
    I saw on my ID that I am 5’1 and I’m wondering if maybe that is the point where any promising attempt at trying to even resembles a guy makes me look kind of silly. But then again I had a biological male coworker who was really short.
    You know how much top surgery costs? (based on research)
    OMG dude, ive got like six thousand in a saving account and Jesus , that isn’t even enough. I know there’s like insurance blah blah stuff that helps pay but AGHHHHH!!
    For now I think I will stick with ductape. Ya know I like ouchies too, but fuck, struggling to breath through work and then ripping of the tape like a layer of skin is a pain.
    Hey so I notice you mentioned Eileen myles or atleast have referenced her work in a few posts before, and ive been wanting to get into her work!
    How would you describe her style, and, what would you recommend of hers?
    Have a really good day that hopefully makes you feel like, hm, A black and white protagonist, in a jazzy 1960s art noir movie, smoking a pipe in the rain.
    or maybe just like this?

    • 🤹‍♂️darbz

      oh, and yes, I do know how embarrassing/crazy it is that I haven’t read anything from her yet, haha.

      • 🤹‍♂️darbz

        or they-sorry, sorry!

  14. Audrey

    Hi Dennis,

    Really incredible post today. So many striking images. Thanksgiving really is the worst. Hopefully I can make it through tomorrow without too much misery. I haven’t seen my friends film yet, but I can’t wait. I have a lot of friends who think the new Hong Sang-Soo film is the best of the year, so I’m anxious to get to it. I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. Pynchon really is incredible. Gravity’s Rainbow has a reputation for being difficult but I found the language to be quite intuitive in it’s beauty, remembering all the character names has been the hardest part for me haha. Oh wow those influences, and the idea that you’ve developed your unique style, makes me even more excited. I almost watched Permanent Green Light last night since it seemed like the perfect thing for my mood at the time, but sadly I was too tired and fell asleep before starting it. I’m planning on getting to it soon though. I’m not up to much this week, mostly just watching films and reading. I’m hoping to watch my first Jacques Rivette film sometime soon, since he seems way up my alley. I finally ordered Damien’s novel, and I can’t wait for it to arrive. I also found out about this series of film criticism books called Decadent Editions from Fireflies Press that looks fantastic. It’s a little pricey though, so maybe I’ll treat myself around Christmas time. Ough, good luck on getting the grant money. Doesn’t sound like much fun, but I’m hoping with all my heart that works out. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Much Love,

  15. ellie

    Hi Dennis!

    Yeah, interviews are very hit or miss, some of the recent articles seem to be more interested in the “harder,” harder to digest things? I ended up finding this one which by the Pinault Collection where he could respond seemingly very freely, there’s stuff about space-time mosaics and space events which are wonderful just to read. (link: I’m glad you also like DA! I’m curious to see which piece you picked. He had something new out in the new White Cube space with a paper mache whale swallowing/reinventing the head of a bust which was incredibly fun to look at. Oh those Cornells are great! This is the first time I’m seeing, thanks! I love how he works with multiples in general? He has this incredible collage sensibility about arrangement, but then lets each of them sort of echo and revoke and amplify each other. Hi Corey! I’m not sure if you’ll see this but thanks so much for the tip! The rooms are amazing, def a similar vibe. I’ll go hunting if I ever go to Chicago again. I have no basis for thinking this since I’ve never been to Europe, but the cities always feel more layered to me there, like things are allowed to overlap more. Manhattan in particular has a really paved over feeling that discourages discovery I feel like, even though new things pop up all the time? Anyway Xmas in Paris would be wonderful! I’d love a chance to see some of your haunts. Have the loveliest morning. xx ellie

    • ellie

      omg wait it’s totally going to be werewolf day isn’t it 🙂

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