The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Spy Gear Day *

* (restored)


Spy Gear Gadgets
Brick House Security
Spy Gadget Gear
Gadgets and Gear
PI Gear
Eyetek Surveillance
Spycatcher of Knightsbridge
Spy Nuts
U-Spy Store
eSales China
Spy Gear
Eye Spy Supply
Spy Emporium
Advanced Intelligence Spy Shop



Spy Rock: ‘Britain was behind a plot to spy on Russians with a device hidden in a fake rock. Russia made the allegations in January 2006, but they were not publicly accepted by the UK before now. Jonathan Powell, then prime minister Tony Blair’s chief of staff, told a BBC documentary: “The spy rock was embarrassing. They had us bang to rights. Clearly they had known about it for some time and had been saving it up for a political purpose.” Embassy officials then allegedly downloaded classified data from the transmitter using palm-top computers.’



‘Colonel Robert Stuart Macrae TD was an inventor best known for his work at MD1 during the Second World War, his best known invention being the sticky bomb. This iteration could be concealed under a fat shirt. Triggered by a carefully aimed belly rub, it would denote killing the wearer and everyone who was within 25 feet in all directions.’



The Benchmark 1100 Pen: ‘The Benchmark 1100 Pen by Benchmade has a kubotan-style pointed weapon made of either anodized aluminum or stainless steel hidden within its body, while the Uzi tactical pen hides a ‘DNA Catcher’ in its crown, which not only injures attackers but takes a sample of their blood. Both pens also function as glass breakers.’



Headphones that block bullets: The steel muffs in this communication headset are bulletproof.



White Noise Generator: ‘The white noise generator negates the effect of most secret listening devices, such as concealed microphones buried in walls, transmitters concealed in AC outlets and laser/microwave reflection from windows. This gadget produces a security blanket of generated noise, which completely obscures your dialogue with ‘unfilterable’ sound.’



Envelope X-Ray Spray: ‘This highly effective spray can turn opaque paper temporarily translucent, allowing you to view the contents of an envelope without ever actually opening it. Thirty seconds later, the envelope will return to it’s original state, leaving no marks, discoloring or indeed any other indications that it may have been tampered with.’



‘Voice recorders keep getting smaller and smaller. If by smallest you mean really, really thin… You might want to consider the NAGRA Dollar Bill recorder. Jang Sung-Churl, chief executive of electronics firm Auto Jungbo Co. Ltd., told Reuters that the Dollar Bill recording device “has been selling like hotcakes” …sales of voice recorders so far this year (2019) have doubled to 80 devices per day.’



Code in a Compact: ‘A female agent could powder her nose while sneaking a surreptitious peak at code hidden in the mirror of this handy dual-use compact. When tipped at a certain angle, the code was visible in the mirror.’



Spy Tissue Box: ‘A perfectly normal looking black gloss tissue box which secretly holds a low light CCTV camera and a digital video recorder. There is no pinhole lens used in this item – the camera actually films through the tissue box and records onto SD memory card. Offers very low light recording, motion detection and pre-scheduled recording, superb colour picture and sound and a long lasting (8 hour) re-chargeable battery. All recordings are time and date stamped.’



Pilot/parachuting boots that turn into civilian shoes.



Tree Stump Bug: ‘This tree stump bug used solar power to function continuously in a wooded area near Moscow during the early 1970s. The bug intercepted communications signals coming from a Soviet air base in the area and them beamed them to a satellite, which then sent the signals to a site in the United States. Solar power meant that no risky battery changes were needed.’



Sonic Nausea: Mind Molester: ‘This small electronic device generates ultra-high frequency sound waves, which can make anyone in the immediate area very queasy, as well as induce headaches, sweating, loss of balance, nausea, or even vomiting. There is a larger version on the market, which can be used to disrupt large gatherings and disperse crowds.’



The Laser Spy System: ‘The Laser Spy System is considered by many to be the Holy Grail of high tech spy devices because it can give the user the ability to listen in on conversations that take place in a distant building without having to install a bug or transmitter at the location. The Laser Spy System was said to be invented in the Soviet Union by Leon Theremin in the late 1940s. Using a non-laser based infrared light source, Theremin’s system could detect sound from a nearby window by picking up the faint vibrations on the glass surface. The KGB later used this device to spy on the British, French and US embassies in Moscow. It is also interesting to note that Leon Theremin invented the world’s first electronic instrument, a wand operated synthesizer named “The Theremin” after him.’

How to build one



Spy Flies: ‘Robotic-looking dragonflies and other insects have been spotted at political events and protests in Washington and New York, hovering over antiwar rallies. While no government agency admitted to deploying the robots, the technology has been in the works for decades and some entities have admitted that they’re currently trying to perfect it. Because replicating the flying motions of a live insect tends to be inefficient, researchers may soon turn to flying cyborg insects like the beetles and roaches instead.’



Defendius Door Chain: ‘Defendius door chain guard helps you protect your home against unauthorized entry. The chain is long enough to reach the far end of the maze.’



The Tamatebako flash drive from Fujitsu is a self destructing data source. Now unlike the TV series It bursts into a tiny fireball, rendering itself useless. The Tamatebako can be set to erase any data stored at a given time frame from 10 minutes to a week. It can be set to delete if the incorrect password is entered or if it’s plugged into an unauthorized computer. It holds 2GB of memory.’



Omni Monster Can: ‘Gather video evidence with casual demeanor with the Omni Monster Can with 1080p Covert Camera from Mini Gadgets. Housed in an energy drink can, this discreet camera captures 1920 x 1080 resolution video at 30 fps. It has a 65° field of view to cover a wide area and offers adjustable motion detection functionality. In addition, the camera can also capture still images at a resolution of 2560 x 1920. The camera runs on a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery that delivers up to 40 hours of continuous recording on a full charge. Recorded video and photos are stored internally on a microSD card (16GB microSD card included). Please note that the fluid inside the can is not meant for consumption.’



Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife: ‘Introduced in 1941, the knife is named after its British designers, Captains W.E. Fairbairn and E.A. Sykes. Here pictured with its sheath (at left), the weapon was crafted to strike at the most vulnerable parts of an opponent’s body.’



Toy Car Spy Video Camera: ‘These spy camera car toys can detect audio signals from far distances and behind closed doors and walls. They have infrared night vision lenses and can even go outside at night to investigate without being seen or jeopardizing your safety. Parents can also use these devices to spy on their children. It is the perfect hidden surveillance item and is designed to resemble many types of automobile brands so it will fit in perfectly with either a car collector’s set or child’s toy chest.’



Button Camera: ‘Using an unbeatable 550Tvl, CCD camera that comes complete with 3 complete sets of different sized buttons, and screws to hide the pinhole camera. Supplied with the impressive DV5 remotely controlled colour digital video recorder/monitor so small that it will fit into a cigarette pack. The rechargeable battery will run for approximately 60 minutes.’



‘In 2016 Israel used water coolers secretly fitted with sensors in them to survey certain Palestinian landscapes while spying against Hezbollah.’



Dissolving Paper: ‘Imagine writing a note or a class handout with the instructions, “Place In Water After Reading.” To their surprise the paper will dissolve in the water! This is real paper that can be written on and used in most copiers and printers. The secret lies in the fact that the paper is made of Sodium Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (no, really, we didn’t make that up.) It dissolves in cold water, hot water, steam, and most aqueous solutions.’



Screw Camera: ‘Mini Spy Hidden Camera Button Screw CCTV Pinhole 800TVL Video Home Security Hidden Screw Camera. Analog Camera adapt screw Invisible Screw lens mini micro Hidden 800TVL Spy Screw Pinhole Mini Camera.’



Lipstick Pistol: ‘Also known as ‘the kiss of death’, the single shot 4.5mm lipstick pistol was used by the KGB during the Cold War. Lipstick was one of many options for concealing single shot firearms. Torches, pens, tobacco pipes and cigarette packets were also used.’



Project Acoustic Kitty: ‘The C.I.A. seriously considered using cats to act as living recording devices and training them to hang out and collect valuable information via a transmitter implanted in their skull! The plan, called Project Acoustic Kitty, was actually researched and nearly deployed over the course of five years, and at the cost of $20 million. As a matter of fact, one of the cats was wired and released near the Soviet Embassy, but managed to only get two steps out into the street before being hit and killed by a van. After that, the plans for the project were scrapped.’



Spy Desk Clock: ‘This great little unit has a motion detecting sensor that will make the camera activate and record as soon as it detects movement within a 4 metre radius. Once this recording is completed it is immediately ready to detect and record any further movement. It also comes with a mini remote control unit for “One touch” video recording. Alternatively the unit can be set to record sound only. It will record up to 12 hours of video or 25 hours of sound only.’



Anal toolkit: ‘There was a high chance that CIA officers and assets could and would be jailed by secret police, even if it was just on suspicion of being aligned with the U.S. or other western countries. So, the CIA wanted to give these people the best possible chance of escaping custody. But since assets would likely be strip searched, there was really only a couple places left to hide the tools. And so the large capsule was created, filled with tiny tools that would help officers pick locks and cut through fine materials. The exact tools and materials used varied between different “rectal toolkits,” but all of them were made with materials that were thought unlikely to splinter. They were also very carefully made to prevent leaks.’



The Lawmate WiFi Coffee Cup Lid DVR: ‘A tiny, discreet hidden camera disguised inside of a disposable coffee cup lid. The hidden camera is equipped for peer to peer WiFi connection, making it easy to save and share footage. You can also use the PC Cam Viewer App to review live or played back videos on your smartphone, up to 50 feet away from the source. The camera is easy to set up, with simple onboard controls located on the underside of the coffee lid. Discreet LED indicator lights give you notifications about your battery charging status. The device also includes a hidden MicroSD card slot, a push-to-start button for instant recording, and vibration alerts for secrecy. The camera features 1080p HD recording capabilities and features a battery life up to 165 minutes. The coffee cup lid is water resistant.’



Spy Air Freshener: ‘A covert 3G colour camera and microphone are discretely built into this common domestic air freshener, allowing the user to receive both crisp picture, excellent sound and flowery fresh smell from anywhere in the world.’



Dog Doo Transmitter: ‘Boghardt, the International Spy Museum’s historian, says this “turd” has a hollowed-out space inside, ideal for holding a message so that case officers and sources could communicate without raising suspicion. Doo tends to be left alone, which is why beacons disguised as tiger excrement were used to mark targets in Vietnam, Boghardt says. One of the risks is obviously that such a device would be thrown away or discovered by someone accidentally.’



The Martini Olive Bug: ‘Scientist Hal Lipset specialized in inserting audio devices into seriously inappropriate places. He specialized in secret, high-tech gadgetry, most famously his waterproof Martini Olive Bug, almost always concealed as something mundane, and even operated out of a covert laboratory hidden behind a false storefront.’



Peephole Reverser: ‘We install peepholes in our doors to protect ourselves, allowing us to identify anyone at the door before we open it to them. But those same peepholes can easily be used against us. A simple gadget called a peephole reverser, also known as a tactical door viewer, was developed by law enforcement, giving them a look at activity inside a dwelling without alerting anyone inside.’



Shotgun Flashlight: ‘ARES Defense Systems has developed a Mag-Lite that doubles as a .410 gauge shotgun. A grenade-style pin removes the safety, and the flashlight fires a .410 shotgun round out the back when a button is pressed. A Mini-Mag size fires a .380 round.’



The Trees Have Eyes: ‘Is that a maple seed spinning down toward the ground – or a covert micro-camera designed by Lockheed Martin? The defense contractor is developing a tiny camera based on the seed, which will have two tiny jet boosters to help steer it and keep it in the air. Lockheed plans to disperse them over war zones to monitor conditions, find survivors in disaster areas and even detect chemical and biological weapons.’



‘During World War II, Bicycle Playing Card Company teamed up with British and American intelligence agencies to create a deck of cards that peeled apart when wet. The cards then revealed secret escape maps so downed pilots and captured soldiers could navigate their way back to Allied lines. Once the map pieces were revealed, all it took was to assemble the cards in the right order to get the full map layout. The decks were given to POWs in Europe through the Red Cross’ special Christmas parcels. Cards were a common occurrence among troops, so they aroused no suspicion from the Nazi camp guards.’



Spyier: ‘Using this spy app doesn’t require any type of experience or geeky knowledge and you can spy on text messages of any user you want to monitor. Reading deleted messages is also supported along with iMessage support. This app can be used to spy on both Android and iPhone devices without any sort of compatibility issues. The thing of this spying app that attracts users more is its comfortable approach of spying on phone devices. This spy app allows you to hack any smartphone device without performing any kind of risky operations like Root or Jailbreak. Spyier’s most important feature is call tracking that allows users to track on any incoming and outgoing calls of that target device they want to monitor. In this feature, you will also be able to find out call duration and the contacts that have been engaged most.’



Bread & Iceberg Lettuce Safes: ‘Bread Safe is made to look like the actual product, but it’s a container safe. Without so much as a seam. The bottom snaps off to reveal a secret hiding place. Place the realistic head of Iceberg Lettuce in your refrigerator in the vegetable compartment with your most valuable small items inside for safe-keeping. Research shows that a burglar spends an average of 8 minutes in the victim’s home. Put the odds in your favor…hide your valuables in plain sight. The diversion safes are a unique home-security product.’



Cigarette Case Gun: ‘Soviet agent Nicolai Khokhlov defected to the Americans in 1954 after aborting an attempt to assassinate an anti-Communist leader in Franfurt, the world got a peek at the would-be assassin’s equipment. Among the top secret items was a gold cigarette case that concealed an electrically operated gun capable of firing cyanide-tipped bullets.’



‘Normal looking and tasting cigarettes laced with tetrahydrocannabinol acetate (Indian hemp). The compound works similarly to morphine and was used as a possible none-lethal incapacitating agent as part of the Edgewood Arsenal experiments. When given to someone, the cigarette would bring about uncontrollable chattiness.’



Suicide Pin: ‘If a CIA operative were caught, he could choose capture or death by this pin. When twisted the right way, the silver dollar would unleash a pin coated in saxitoxin, Its user would die in seconds from the poison.



Hollow Bolt Safe: Large opening that can easily fit: memory card, jewelrys, moneys. Heavy steel construction, weight 10oz , feel just like the real thing. Hide valuable in plain site. Weather Proof. The nut can be use to lock the cap in place —— Authentic style may include speck of rust and/or oil to simulate the real life condition.



‘This men’s pipe from the 1960s hides a radio receiver. Sound travels from the pipe through the jaw bone to the ear canal.’



Barefeet Overshoes: ‘SOE agents were careful not to leave any tracks including their shoe prints. The prints of their military boots would alarm their enemies. To disguise their tracks, they would use rubber over shoes shaped as soles making it looked like the footprints were made by barefooted locals.’




p.s. Hey. ** Misanthrope, Glad you did. Happy to hear about your ‘MD’ progress. One should aways do what one likes better when one has a choice, no? ** Bill, Yeah, I think the Tom Waits cover is his one crossover ‘hit’ as far as the US goes, from what I can gather. It was a largely dry weekend here. I, and everyone else, as far as I can tell, are still blissing out on Paris being Paris again, and just walking around still feels like an occasion. That does sound an actual, full-fledged old school night you had there. ** Sypha, Hm, again I don’t remember how that happened. I mean if I redid my list today it would be different again, but, if the changes were mine, I don’t what drug I could have been on to cut the Joy Williams. Sticking to one book per author is part of the fun. Plus, think it’s more mysterious and, thereby, surely more interesting to read, or that’s my theory. ** David Ehrenstein, My pleasure. Everyone, Mr. E’s FaBlog takes on Rick Santorum, of all people, under cover of the title ‘Big Chief Foot in Mouth Gets Cancalled’. Go see what’s going on here. ** Dominik, Hi, D!!! Really happy you liked his work, very cool. My weekend was similarly fine and not too likely to go viral in its recounting. I did my bi-weekly bookclub Zoom event with my US writer friends, which was very nice. I watched most of Eurovision, which mostly did what it  was supposed to do, I thought. I was rooting for Finland’s Jedward in Scandinavian Metal drag act, but not very many other people were. And walking around. And a couple Skypes with friends. And …whatever else. Ooh, the world could use a good velociraptor or maybe millions of them. Coincidentally, Zac and I decided that when we make our first post-pandemic trip to LA we’re going to stop over in Orlando on the way largely so we can ride a brand new roller coaster there called Velocicoaster. Love transforming his breath into helium and then deep french kissing everyone he hates until they fly away, G. ** Steve Erickson, Nope, not yet. Maybe this week. It’s true: I’ve seen a number of people on social media going all outraged crybaby when anything, even absolute garbage things, get negative, i.e. ‘triggering’ reviews. The time we live in could scarcely be more off-putting. ** Alright. I’ve brought an old post about spy tech back to life for y’all today. Its fun is knocking on your doors. Let it in? See you tomorrow.


  1. Ian

    Hey Dennis. Hope yr weekend was a blast. I ate lots of tasty food, watched baseball and read. Today is a holiday in Canada, Victoria Day. God save thy glorious queen! So three day weekend for me.
    I will pray for all the good kitties that were lost to Project acoustic kitty. Something tells me that one cat hit by a van wasn’t the only casualty. It’s pretty arrogant to think you could make a cat do something.
    Pzzz out

  2. Dominik


    I need to check out that Eurovision band — I’ve never watched Eurovision, and I’m always completely clueless about its happenings.

    How do you do the Zoom bookclub? Do you all read the same book(s) or discuss whatever books you’ve read (and probably liked) recently or…?

    Yet another tiny connection, through a… velociraptor this time, haha. Thank you for the video — this ride looks like something that’d make me scream, haha. I’m scared of heights. I know you’re not going like tomorrow but when you do, please tell me all about it!

    Hahaha, I can see your love’s super furious kisses! Love giving you a mind molester and a tiny candy that makes you immune to its sound — he hopes that it’ll come in handy as soon as you get bored with crowds again, Od.

  3. Sypha

    Whenever I see anything spy-related the first thing I think about inevitably is that old SPY VS. SPY comic, which I recall being fascinated with as a child (perhaps because I was introduced to it via various computer games produced for the Commodore 64).

  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I love spy shit. Think I told you that when this day was posted before.

    They got David’s fourth tire, so I’m thinking I need some spy shit. Or at least a Ring doorbell with a camera.

    Yah, just working and progressing on getting this MD thing done. It’s been fun and a bit enlightening. I mean, it’s got me thinking about things in a certain way again.

  5. Bill

    That anal toolkit, OMG.
    I was in a spy gear store in Seattle years ago. We didn’t see a single staff person the entire time we were there, though we were quite sure we were being watched.

    A friend recommended this fun music video. The lead is obviously a Kate Bush fan, but she does it well:

    By the way, do you like Jessica Hausner’s films? I’ve been looking for “Hotel” for ages, and it finally showed up on Very tense and cryptic:


  6. Jack Skelley

    District of Cooper: Haha…. The Sharper Image will never die. Nor will artist Mark Kroening. The Lipstick Pistol is a good 80s band name. Also Anal Toolkit !! Good on David E for the Santorum cancel take. Over and out….

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