The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Spotlight on … Muriel Spark Not to Disturb (1971)


‘Muriel Spark is well known for weaving bizarre situations through her fiction, odd characters nursing dark thoughts, overly concerned with death and religion. Not to Disturb has all that, in spades. A novella sized 96 pages, Not to Disturb is dreamlike and illusory, like those passageways one blunders through in dreams, where everything is so familiar yet doesn’t make complete sense. It is compelling though, peopled with some extraordinary characters including a sinister butler and a ‘lunatic’ in the attic.

“At that moment a long wail comes from the top of the house, winding its way down the well of the stairs, followed then by another, winding through all the banisters and seeping into the servants’ hall.”

‘In a large house near Geneva, Baron and Baroness Klopstock have locked themselves into their library with their young secretary Victor Passerat. An argument ensues between the couple and their handsome young secretary. Their instructions are that they are not to be disturbed. Downstairs, the servants – wait for what they see as the inevitable demise of those three in the library. The servants are directed by Lister, the butler. In the lodge, the porter tells his nervous wife that nothing will happen at all.

“ ‘…You all get your own supper tonight.’
‘What about them?’
‘They won’t be needing supper.’
Lister stands in the doorway, now, watching his young aunt routing among the vegetables for a few carrots which she presses between her fingers disapprovingly.
‘Supper, never again,’ says Lister. ‘For them, supper no more.’”

‘In the servants’ hall, all is tightly controlled calm, as the staff prepare for a lucrative payoff following the tragedy, by selling their story to the highest bidder. They are, unsurprisingly an odd group; Eleanor is Lister’s aunt, despite being younger than him, Pablo is the handyman, Heloise, is the youngest maid, pregnant, though she doesn’t know who the father is. Monsieur Clovis; the chef, has an assistant called Handrian, but they all take their lead from Lister.

‘Upstairs, the baron’s brother – and heir – howls with rage, throwing plates at the woman employed to care for him. Outside the house, a car is parked with two people sat inside, they are waiting for their friend, the baron’s secretary. From time to time they come to the door asking for him, but always receive the same reply, that the baron and his secretary are not to be disturbed.

“‘How like,’ says Lister, ‘the death wish is to the life-urge! How urgently does an overwhelming obsession with life lead to suicide! Really, it’s best to be half-awake and half-aware. That is the happiest stage.’”

‘The servants endure a long night, as a storm starts to rage above their heads. It is a night of a series of extraordinary and rather bizarre events. A visit from both a prince and a Reverend on a motorbike. A wedding is conducted; Heloise is married to the ‘lunatic’ in the attic in a scene that is quite disturbing, and perhaps could only have been written by Spark.

‘The morning brings exactly what the household staff had expected, and finally it is time for them to step out into the light.

‘Muriel Spark’s 1971 novel is clearly a satire on other kinds of novels, the Golden Age mystery particularly and those novels of the past which concerned themselves with the servant problem. This is a clever, and darkly humorous novella, shot through with Muriel Spark’s unique creativity.’ — HeavenAli



Muriel Spark @ Wikipedia
Muriel Spark @ goodreads
Radical Postmodernism/Anti-Postmodernism: Muriel Spark’s Not to Disturb
Textasy: The Seduction of the Text in Muriel Spark’s Work
Attending the Casseroles and a Suicidal Baron
Review: Not To Disturb By Muriel Spark
Sex is not to be mentioned…
Muriel Spark’s Employment of Burlesque: Parody of Detective Fiction in Not to Disturb
Buy ‘Not to Disturb’


The Many Primes of Muriel Spark (2018)

Muriel Spark tells a joke

Muriel Spark 100 trailer

Muriel Spark Film by Eirene Wallace






What is the question that you are most commonly asked?

“Do I write by hand?” I’ve got a passion for paper and pens.

(And in fact, taking a fancy to the pen I had brought with me to the dinner (in hopes of getting her to sign my copy of The Driver’s Seat), Dame Muriel asked if she could keep it. Of course, I said, ‘Of course.’)

Is there any question that you wish you were asked more often in interview?


Do you ever feel that during an interview you have been prompted to come up with a new idea – an idea that has subsequently contributed to the writing of fiction?

Yes, but I don’t recall any specific occasion.

Your latest novel, Aiding and Abetting, is centred around an interview of sorts – a psychoanalytic session. Do you believe in ‘the talking cure’?

Psychiatrists are mostly fake, but they obtain results merely by being consulted.

Given a choice, which person – living, dead, divine, mythical, semi-mythical or fictional – would you choose to interview? Why? What would you ask them? Where would this interview take place?

M. Heger, Charlotte Bronte’s master at Brussels. I would ask did he encourage her as a lover.

Do the shortness of your replies suggest some annoyance with the limitedness of my questions?

Oh no. I always write briefly.

Aiding and Abetting, which has been deservedly well received, concerns the adventures of a number of fakes: Lord “Lucky” Lucan, a second faux-Lucan, a fake stigmatic, her false lover… The central fact of the novel, unfake, is the blood of the Nanny whom “Lucky” Lucan bludgeoned to death (Sandra Rivett) after mistaking her, in the dark, in the basement, in November 1974, for his wife.

He hated his wife with a psychopathic hatred. He caned his wife. He was one of those men.

Even having completed the novel, and the publicity tour, you still seem fascinated by Lucan.

I’m longing to see if there are any further developments. I can’t help feeling that there must be.

Your portrayal – both in the novel and in conversation – of “Lucky” seems to bring him to life at the very same time as killing him off.

He was a very stupid man. He didn’t see himself. Or else he only saw himself – which is ridiculous. He was a bit laughable. He came at the end of an era. It was ‘74 when he disappeared. His world was disappearing, too.

Out of real curiosity, how and where do you work?

I have a bedroom with a lovely view looking over the Tuscan hills and fields. Off that room is a little room. I usually work in there. Down some stairs is a study. I don’t work in there any more. I have a bad leg.

As for revisions?

Very little. I think of the book first, and then I strike. If I do [revise], it’s as I go along. I go through the typescript, for commas.

Was this a late Jamesian revision – removing?

Usually, adding.

How is this speed possible?

I’ve been doing it for a long time, so it comes quite naturally. I think in the style that I write. I have a way of manipulating sentences in my mind.

Which has been the hardest of your books to complete?

The autobiography. [Curriculum Vitae.] Because it’s fact.

And the easiest?

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.


It was closest to my own experience.

I wonder if you have any advice for me,

I think you should always be tough with publishers. Keep smiling, but tell them directly what you want. And the same with agents. Say to the agent, “I want this.” Then double it. I’ve always found that worked.

Are you working on another novel, and if so…


Would mind my mentioning its title here?

No. No. You do that. If someone pinches it, I’ll call it something else.

The title of Dame Muriel Spark’s next novel will be, The Finishing School.



Muriel Spark Not to Disturb
New Directions

‘Behind the high walls of a mansion in Geneva a night of sinister revelry is about to begin . . .

‘In the staff quarters, the servants led by the cool, unflappable butler are preparing for the downfall of the Baron and Baroness. Meanwhile in the attic, the Baron’s invalid brother awaits his fate as an unwitting pawn in their devious plans. And in the library, the Baron, the Baroness and their young handsome secretary are locked in a mysterious, heated discussion.

‘As the macabre scenario plays itself out, a world of grim humour and gruesome possibilities unfolds . . .’ — ND

‘Spark is a natural, a paradigm of that rare sort of artist from whom work of the highest quality flows as elementally as current through a circuit: hook her to a pen and the juice purls out of her.’ — Stephen Schiff, The New Yorker





p.s. Hey. There’s a new interview with me by the writer Troy James Weaver about ‘I Wished’ and my favorite bands, presses, books, etc. if you’re interested, and a very smart, good review of ‘I Wished’ by Jeremy Lybarger here. ** David, Pretty and brawling, nice. I’ve heard of Corfu. I’ve only been to the obvious islands like Santorini and the other ones on that circuit. Nice poem, man. Ms. Bush would be chuffed, I think. ** G, Hi, G! I’m happy you liked it. Wise thought there my wise friend. You good? I’m good under coldish, gray skies, my favorite kind. xo. ** Bzzt, Well, well, well! Hi there, man! It’s been ages since you graced this portal. I’m good. Paris is good. I’m mostly nervous about my book coming out, which its natural, I guess. But, yes, I’m very happy with the response so far. I’m very sorry about your dad. Having lost my dad too, I know that’s very complicated and particular thing to live beyond. And, of course, I’m sorry that you and boyfriend called it quits. Usually it’s for the best maybe, but it can take a while to get to that perspective. I’m sorry for the pain. Great about your essay! I can’t wait to read it! I know people who’ve gone their whole lives waiting to give themselves the kick in the ass they need, but that’s not going to be you, bud. So great to see you. Don’t be a stranger, if you want. Love, me. ** Ian, Hey, Ian. Your life sounds good. My life sounds like that when it’s good. Thank you so much about ‘The Marbled Swarm’. That’s my favorite of mine, I think. But, yeah, go for the junk. What kind of junk? All’s good here, thanks. Excellent next 24 hours+ to you. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Not a gamer, eh? No big. I’m a not an all kinds of things. I’ve heard of ‘Oblivion’, but I haven’t played it. Maybe I’ll test it if I can find a way to do that. Thank you for the bunker. Back when I was a kid, and when it seemed like nuclear war was imminent any second, lots of the people in my neighborhood built bomb shelters in their yards, but my parents refused to, and I think my panic about that fucked me up for life. Love fixing my blog’s autocorrect so that every time I type the word ‘is’ it doesn’t correct it to ‘iOs’ and every time I type the word ‘love’ it doesn’t correct it to ‘live’ because I want to ‘love’ not just ‘live’, G. ** Sypha, Hi, James. Okay, you’ve pretty much sold me on ‘Amnesia: The Dark Descent’. Off I go, even though I really shouldn’t. I think you did a post about your life in The Sims 3 for this blog, didn’t you? I think I looked into restoring it but all the images/links were dead so I couldn’t? Maybe, I’m not sure? ** _Black_Acrylic, Oh, man, I hope you’re feeling a lot better today. Scary time to feel under the weather. How are you feeling today? ** Andrew, Hi, Andrew! Oh, yeah, weird authors are doing the English language a great if peculiar favor. Wow, obviously you guys should hit the Ganges if that’s a realistic possibility. Just imagining that is intense. Corn maze! I have to sit out American Halloween and all of my beloved haunted attractions this year, and it’s killing me. Apple orchard sounds nice too, unscariness included. Do get back to your book. I mean, 11:11 is crucial, and life would be poor without it, but your own work is always the most important, or so says me. My weekend hit its marks, thanks. So nice to see you! ** Steve Erickson, Ah, Kevin’s voice. So distinctive, so missed. UFO-themed! I like the sound of that. Ooh. ** David Ehrenstein, Ha, I just knew you were going to do a sidebar to that movie, ha. ** Kyler, And hello to you, big K. Thank you about ‘IW’. Your savouring it is an honor, sir. Ha ha, great that you liked my little strategically placed hem and haw. Love, me. ** Misanthrope, He’s just lucky he’s still alive, and you’re just lucky you’re not living in prison. I remember that moment in Gillian’s Island. Memory is a very strange beast. Those weren’t earths, they were Pop Rocks! ** Okay. I recently read this lesser known, very short novel by Muriel Sparks, and it was fantastic, and so I turned my spotlight on it. See you tomorrow.


  1. _Black_Acrylic

    I’m a fan of Muriel Spark so have just sprung for a copy of this book. It’s super cheap and she’s always a dependable sort.

    I’m feeling much better now than I was yesterday. The doctor has advised me to get a lateral flow test to make sure I’ve not got Covid, and the tests get posted out the same day for that. Despite all our problems with the UK govt, I’m impressed with the efficiency shown here.

  2. Dominik


    Congrats on the interview, Dennis! It’s really good.

    What kinds of games do you prefer?

    I wasn’t around when underground bunkers were a big thing, but I’ve always been kind of a safety freak, so I understand your childhood panic – especially that a sudden attack seemed perfectly plausible then. I think this age’s version is the terror of mass shootings. At least that’s where my mind wanders most often.

    Awh, what a beautiful message your love sent for today. Thank you! It’s a pity that autocorrect doesn’t think the same way. Whenever I start typing “Good night” on my phone, instead of “night”, it suggests “baby asswipe”. I have no idea why; it doesn’t sound even remotely similar to “night” in Hungarian either, and I can’t remember ever actually using it in any context. Love waking up every night at exactly 3:32 am to pee, Od.

  3. David

    I’ve also been to Santorini it’s a very beautiful place… thanks ref ‘Jelly fish’ a number of my poems only got written because you had already trodden the ground so to speak… I know how that sounds…. (puts on a strong Birmingham accent) ME > “Dennis… It was a cold winter’s morn when I lost my mind and fell into a pit of complete and utter despair that I couldn’t get out of….” ‘blah blah blah’…. if I could show you what I had been through and how I came out the other end and somehow managed to pull it together you’d be disturbed I’m sure….. yeh even you would be disturbed…. confronting a variety of horrors… dealing with this, that and the ten headed cat… happened as I had the armoury… On a number of occasions I thought ‘Dennis did it… so I can as well….’ and I went out and fucked 50 guys in one night! (joke!)….. I merely just wrote some poems….
    Once whilst in Soho on the way to work I passed Damon Albarn I was wearing a parker coat at the time and my hair was fashioned like a MOD… and he smiled at me…. he is a very lovely guy by the looks of things… but I’ve never seen him play live unfortunately… so the bathtub is all Kate’s…. ‘the rest is a Blur….’ x

  4. Ian

    Hey Dennis. Cool post today. They did not have this book at my library but I ordered The Finishing School, have you ever read it?
    For junk I’m thinking Star Trek. I bought some cheap ST books and I find they are a nice way to break up more serious novels. It’s basically like watching tv, but less brain deadening.
    Autumn has surely arrived in mtl, the weather is starting to cool. Won’t be long before I’m freezing my ass off for five straight months.
    I thought it was cool that in the MS you had a comparison to the MS being as different from French as Quebecois is from French. Ppl in Quebec are obsessed with their language. There is so much weird propaganda about it disappearing despite the fact it is very strong and present within the province.

  5. Sypha

    Dennis, oh, you restored my Sims 3 Day back in May! I think it may have been the “big anime boobs GIF” thing where you couldn’t find all the files/links ha ha.

    What I like about AMNESIA is that it really takes its time introducing monsters into the game, but you spend the first few hours feeling all jumpy at every little noise anyway because you keep thinking that you MIGHT be attacked at any moment.

    One recent (non-horror) game I enjoyed was TWELVE MINUTES, which takes place in a solitary 3 room apartment, looking down into it from a bird’s-eye-view. You play a guy who’s caught in a time loop where he’s forced to keep living the same 12 minutes over and over again (basically, he shows up from work, says hi to his wife, she tells him she’s pregnant, and then eventually, 4-5 minutes into the loop, a man claiming to be a cop ((and voiced by Willem Dafoe)) shows up, binds the arms of you and your wife, and asks her where her rare watch is: when she doesn’t tell him, he strangles your PC to death, and the loop restarts: though there are other ways to restart the loop, like simply trying to leave your apartment). What’s cool is that with each new loop you get a little more information than you had before (while the wife and the cop remain oblivious to what’s going on, so you can start to mess around with things, and it’s fun to experiment… the game certainly rewards players with dark imaginations, ha ha. Okay, so maybe it DOES have some horror elements… Hideo Kojima himself was obsessed with the game and was hyping it up on Twitter, something he doesn’t normally do!

  6. Dom Lyne

    Hey Dennis,

    My copy of “I Wished” FINALLY arrived today, and boy, am I excited. Only had chance to read the “Overture” but that hit me so hard, so so hard. I completely got the line “they mean for me and not for him”, that’s exactly how I feel about my friend Tree. Pretty much a lot of that chapter resonated on that level: like you have the duty of bearing the weight of their memory, and you don’t fully understand why? A sense of guilt? Confusion? or simply that lack of closure, or indeed any one to talk to about it. But yeah, I really felt those words.

    I’m gonna love the novel. I can feel it in my BONES.

    As for me, my fucked up health continues to be fucked up. My kidneys decided they didn’t want to be outdone by my brain and hearing, so decided to drop their function from 90% to 39% at some point in the past 3months, which we found out by a random on-a-whim test… so whoop… more hospital appointments and a biopsy later, I’m just waiting to see what those drama queens are up to.

    Much love and hugs from my disintegrating form,


  7. Steve Erickson

    I asked the DJ about Kevin’s reading in the comments on her playlist. She said she used to live in San Francisco and knew him then. She also said she plans to incorporate more poetry/spoken word into her show.

    I’m happy that Cinephobe TV has set a date and time for airing my intro to THE DISCARNATES: 9:15 PM EST on Sat., Oct. 2nd. (Their website allows one to go back and start their feed 2 hours earlier, if anyone wants to see it but won’t be home at that exact time.) The film is not available on YouTube or rarefilmm, and this will be the first time they’ve shown it.

    I watched an ultra-low-budget adaptation of Richard Laymon’s horror novel IN THE DARK last night. Made around 2000, it never got a real release, but it dropped on YouTube last year and has started getting a cult following. So many aspects are incompetent or heavily flawed by most standards (the lead actress is the only person in the cast with the slightest acting talent, the camera angles and editing destroy any sense of continuous space), but the overall effect really does suggest being trapped in a hellish nightmare, maybe more so than a “better” version of the same material.

  8. G

    Hi DC, I just learned your launch is almost clashing with mine! Yours is 5 PM my time, mine isn’t until 7:30, so I still registered, hoping I’ll get at least the first half… I might have to start getting ready as I’m enjoying your conversation with Maryse, which isn’t ideal, I wish I could give yours my full attention. Mine isn’t online, so I’ll have to leave my MacBook behind as well. I try not to be upset about this, life isn’t perfect, and perhaps it’s a good sign that our launches are on the same night, but I’m not gonna lie I’m very sad to be missing yours. I really hope your launch will be recorded?

    It’s beautiful to hear you’re having a good time under cold, grey skies. I’m not a fan of this cold weather, but I do appreciate everything autumnal. So much beauty around to battle away the pain.

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