The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Spotlight on … Hannah Weiner Clairvoyant Journal (1977)


‘In August of 1972, Hannah Weiner, an accomplished and highly politicized performance artist and poet, began to receive a remarkable form of “dictation.” Printed words of all sizes bombarded Weiner; she saw these words in the air, on every available surface, on people, on the page before she wrote them, and on her forehead from within. Weiner called her “psychic” ability to see words “clairvoyance.” She developed a mode of poetic writing, “clair-style,” that incorporated words and phrases clairvoyantly seen, eventually composing through these seen elements exclusively. In such groundbreaking works as Clairvoyant Journal (1978), LITTLE BOOKS/INDIANS (1980), Sixteen (1983), Spoke (1984), and silent teachers remembered sequel (1994), Weiner did not so much experiment with existing literary models to document the experience of clairvoyance as she created a number of startlingly raw and enormously complex poetic forms, becoming a heroic figure at the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery in Manhattan and in the bicoastal school of Language writing.

‘Weiner let no representation of herself circulate that did not take her status as a clairvoyant into account, as, for instance, her introduction to Nijole’s House (1981) demonstrates: “ALL WORDS BELIEVE IT SEEN / I ams a clairvoyant”).2 To read Weiner’s poetry is thus to confront her claim to clairvoyance, which makes the critical reception of her work an incredibly complicated matter: her emphatic experiential claims and the terms on which she makes them at once legitimate her poetry a priori as testimony and overtly perform as a persuasive strategy within what are extremely self-consciously literary works. Either set of terms requires that we read clairvoyance other than as a symptom of schizophrenia, an illness with which Weiner had been diagnosed.

‘I want to suggest, however, that in naming the phenomena by which words were given to her to be seen “clairvoyance,” Weiner alerts us to the peculiar status of her texts without allowing us to medicalize and dismiss them. For her poetry, arriving from elsewhere in ordinary language, can only become deviant if we decide to make it so from the outset. Indeed, Weiner creates not only an enabling, but a strikingly innovative and important position from which to write: she engages the occultations entailed by linguistic abstraction and signals that she is enabled to do so through a banalized version of the occult. However nonvolitional, clairvoyance is a technique for estranging the normalcy that mystifies us. And Weiner’s tactic of reverse discourse, one that appears to trade the blindness of a delegitimized epistemological position for the insight of an idealized and rarefied psychic state, also opens onto paradoxes of reading and writing that her radical, language-centered poetics confronts.

‘As testimony, clairvoyance does not avow the transparency of its medium, but rather makes the coercion of mediation evident. Openly declaring her solicitation of belief through a trope only figuratively removed beyond belief, Weiner exposes belief itself as the strange but mundane sine qua non of reading. Her strategy illuminates writing’s demands on us as it gainsays a credibility it has already hooked in the very act of soliciting credibility. Straining against the transcendental quality of language even as she points to it as a foregone conclusion, Weiner not only disrupts the normative transparency of what is to be read but also erodes the normative rationality of the figure who reads.

‘For Weiner emphasized that she was not the frictionless vehicle for messages from another scene, but rather the recipient of language that formally and thematically implicated its resistance to meaning. This seen language also revealed that the very recognition of language as such subjects us to a meaning that can neither be averred nor denied. An exteriorized, nonintentional form of writing, the seen words not only provided a unique means of encountering language as an indeterminate, opaque materiality that we ourselves enliven with belief, but also as a form of mediation that announced itself as being curiously existentially indefinite, both there and not there. Thus, even as she anchored these phenomena in her cognitive experience, clairvoyance was for Weiner not a traffic with the spirit, but a near miss with the letter. Reflexively signifying on clairvoyance as “quaint phrase” or sedimented term, Weiner turned this familiar figure of heightened vision against itself.

‘In fact, the reversals of Weiner’s discursive practice take place on a number of levels, constantly spoiling assumptions about and built into language, yet conscious that our escape from these assumptions is comprised and compromised by language itself. In taking the unusual dictation of clairvoyance, Weiner inverts the apostrophe of lyric poetry and externalizes poetic agency, locating it in mediation. Seeing words clairvoyantly illustrates the mediating tension in language that plays out in syntactical structures, disciplinary mechanisms that echo institutional relationships. Further, rather than performing as a privileged, gendered proximity to authentic knowledge or as a vitiation of a gendered position of knowledge, as it has done traditionally, clairvoyance instead functions as a reflexive figure about figures of knowledge. Weiner dissects a grammar of epistemology that presupposes and incorporates differences as differentials in power.

‘Vigilant in denaturalizing her technology of representation, Weiner turns clairvoyance to political use, rendering structural and thus necessarily social inequities historically specific. As the singular witness to clairvoyant phenomena, she is poignantly aware that her testimony can only appear in a recognizable and overdetermined form. For Weiner, this hyper-attentiveness to overdetermination resonates most strongly with the political predicament of Native Americans, whose difficulties in achieving adequate political representation demonstrate the limitations of politics and the need for an ethical relation to difference. Weiner was an ardent proponent of the American Indian Movement, but she found, in a sense parallel to her own situation, that to be a witness for is also to be a witness against: simply to use an officially recognized language is already to be implicated in the structures of power, to exploit alterity as it is rendered recognizable. Weiner puts the paralogical or oblique insight she gains from clairvoyance to work in her nonclairvoyant writings as well, commenting on the deep and seemingly unavoidable violence in any representational framework.’ — Judith Goldman



Hannah Seiner @ electronic poetry center
Audio: Hannah Weiner readings @ PENNSOUND
Disabled Texts and the Threat of Hannah Weiner
Charles Bernstein on Hannah Weiner
Avant-Garde Journalism: Hannah Weiner’s Early and Clairvoyant Journals
Hannah Weiner: In beloved memory
Witness Hannah Weiner
The landscape of Hannah Weiner’s late work
About What: Hannah Weiner
Hannah Weiner @ goodreads
Hannah Weiner and Basic English
Hannah Weiner and Rammellzee
Spectral Conversions: James Merrill and Hannah Weiner
Playtime with Jacques Tati and Hannah Weiner
“You can transcend this stupid bad girl reality”: A study of Hannah Weiner’s “clair-style”
What Hannah Weiner Means to Me
“‘Suddenly Everything Went Blue’: Late Style in Hannah Weiner’s The Book of Revelations”
Read ‘Clairvoyant Journal’ free online here


Hannah Weiner on Public Access Poetry 12-29-77

‘From 1977 to 1978 a group of poets were given a broadcasting spot on the New York cable television station where they launched an avant-garde TV format presenting contemporary poets and poetry. The show Public Access Poetry (PAP) aired once a week for half an hour and showcased the then mostly unknown poets of the trendy New York downtown scene, such as Ted Berrigan, Eileen Myles, Alice Notley, Jim Brodem or Charles Bernstein. When Hannah Weiner was invited she performed entries of the 1974 Clairvoyant Journal together with Sharon Mattlin and Peggy De Coursey. Likewise, the recording of the New Wilderness Audiographic Series of Cassettes 1978 was performed with three voices. This first explicit audio art label in the USA specialized on compilations and editions of cross-genre sound recordings, such as experimental and traditional music, poetry, stories and sound art.’ — Kunsthalle Zürich

The situation of the voices, and the interruption and overlay, is quite clear if you hear the tapenade by New Wilderness Audiographics wherein Sharon Mattlin is a wonderful CAPITALS and bosses me around endlessly. (…) Peggy (De Coursey) and Regina (Beck) both sound as if they were scolding me. We worked it so that the voices came fast after each other, occasionally speaking unison and overlapping, and occasionally one of us would ad-lib comment.— Hannah Weiner



Hannah Weiner: A Film by Phill Niblock (1974)

Rock-A-Bye Rock Lobster

Rita Gonzalez Reads Hannah Weiner

Performing Hannah Weiner’s Code Poem “RJ Romeo & Juliet”


Hannah Weiner @ Kunsthalle Zürich
Feb 21, 2015 – May 17, 2015

‘This show, curated by young Basel curator Franziska Glozer, portrays the in every sense extraordinary poetry of American writer Hannah Weiner (1928 –1997). Her writing centers on the word in all its variations as it describes, laughs, interrupts, commands and desires to be expressed without drawing a breath.’ — Mutual Art


Interviewed by Charles Bernstein
from LINEbreak


Hannah, what first got you interested in writing poetry? I think your early work also included performance work; when did you actually start writing poems?

I didn’t start writing poems until my middle thirties. It was something that . . . writing was something I wanted to do as a child. And I won a medal for it in junior high school. But I just couldn’t hang in with writing novels or something. And twenty years went by. And one vacation I just decided to write. And a friend said not to care whether you write novels or short stories or essays or poetry, just write. And I wrote on a legal pad for, oh, ten or twelve pages, and then suddenly I saw I was writing poetry. And that shocked me. And then I went to take classes, mostly at the New School. And I found I couldn’t write New York School poetry. In fact, I can’t.

Who were the classes at the New School with?

Oh, Kenneth Koch, and I believe Bill Berkson.

Bill Berkson. So two poets associated with the New York School.

Yes. And there was a course with Louise Bogan at NYU.

Louise Bogan!

Previously to that, yes.

That’s a great thing to think about, you with Louise Bogan. You seem—

Well, she bored me to tears. [Laughs.]

And I was going to quit poetry entirely, but I had a scholarship to the New School and I went into Kenneth’s class and he . . . Although I didn’t write his kind of poetry, he was a very inspiring teacher. He was just full of it.

I do think the Clairvoyant Journal is a performance work as much as it is a poem. It’s a diary, as much as it is an essay. It’s a work that’s hard to characterize. Could you talk a little about what you had in mind when you started to do that work?

The Clairvoyant Journal? Well, I started to see words in August 1972. And I saw them for a year and they were all over the place, coming out of my hair and my toenails, and god-knows- what. And I nally got the message in the Village Voice . . . at a Satchidananda retreat, to see him. And I wrote a note, or two notes, to him, and he put the big words on my forehead.

So are you saying that the Clairvoyant Journal was partly dictated, in the Jack Spicer sense? That you were recording things, that you were seeing outside you, with your own interventions mixed in?

Well the Clairvoyant Journal has three voices. The capital words, which give instructions, the italics, which make comments, and the ordinary type, which is me just trying to get through the day. And it was a quite wild thing to type.

There is a little bit of a quality I can hear in your contemporary Frank O’Hara. For example, “It’s 6:12 in New York,” and the mentioning of the proper names of friends or people that you know.

Yes, I know . . .

But, also . . .

I cheat in language. [Laughs.]

There’s the lack of a kind of anecdote or anecdotal force that you have in some of O’Hara, or in some of his immediate associates. You have a much fatter tone. This seems to be—if Louise Bogan was here—I imagine she would say that there was a lack of literary quality [in this poem].

Oh, for heaven’s sakes don’t mention her! She bored me to tears.

Because there’s no beginning, middle, or end. It just continues on. And also there’s a lot of very ordinary material. A lot of things that might be considered trivial, where nothing is happening.

Oh yes, it’s a very . . . it’s just a journal. When I became clairvoyant I just started keeping a journal of everything that was happening.

What interested you about the kinds of diaristic materials that would normally be excluded from poetry, that you’ve put in? The things that most people would edit out. Lots of the Clairvoyant Journal consists of things that in a conventional poetic and literary context would be edited out.

It came from conceptual art, when there was an idea in the late 60s and early 70s to document everything. Or to make docu- ments of things. And so that’s what I did. And then I edited out. For example, The Fast, I edited out forty- ve pages from a thou- sand handwritten ones. And there’s another book following that that’s coming out soon.

If the Clairvoyant Journal is based on a diary or a journal, one thing that’s different about it is that it’s not just one single voice, and actually it explodes the narrative by having 3 contrasting voices, and the subject of that narrative is one who is being bombarded by different kinds of information. Are you ever embarrassed by what you write about in the journal, by the openness of it? Not the openness in the sense that you’re revealing kind of scandalous things, but just the openness to the triviality of thought, to the shifting of thought.

Oh, Charles, I don’t have time to be embarrassed! I’m always seeing words! Or hearing voices, or whichever form the clairvoy- ance takes.

Embarrassment could be understood as being kind of a male concern within literature, which women writers have often pointed to. Certainly working within the diaristic tradition, or working with journals or diaries, can be associated with taking a form that’s associated with women. Do you think of your work as being feminist work, in that sense?

No, I really don’t. I don’t really believe it’s either one sex or the other. It’s a daily journal, and it’s gone slightly screwy, and is under control when you read it, with three voices, or when you see it, because of the three different typefaces.

So you don’t feel some association or alliance with some of the feminists of your generation?

Oh, I did at the time. Yes, indeed. But that was earlier in the 70s. This was written in ‘74, and published in ‘78.

Because really you’ve turned a kind of writing or a kind of thought which would be often disparaged as being women’s writing, or female writing, and you’ve made it the center of a very radical literary experiment.

Oh. [Sighs.] Well, I don’t know Charles. I bought a typewriter. And I looked at the words all over the place, and said you have three choices: caps, italics, and regular type, and that settled it, that’s all. The words settled down to three voices.

Do you think of your work in terms of a tradition of the avant garde, of experimentalism?

Yes, I’ve always felt that the best thing . . . I mean, how can you not be avant garde if you’re the only person in the world who sees words?

[Laughs.] But I thought we all see words, in some sense.

No, it isn’t the same at all! If you saw words in color across the living room, twelve or twenty feet long, “OBEY CHARLEMAGNE” or something, or saw them every time you moved, you’d realize that it’s really visual, and at the beginning it was in color. The color has disappeared. And at the moment I don’t see words on my forehead. It’s a little tiring for me now.

Well do you think such a project goes beyond poetry then? Or is it what poetry could be?

I’m really a silent teacher and that’s what I didn’t discover until I wrote Spoke.

What does it mean to be a silent teacher?


What does it mean to be a silent teacher?

A silent teacher is one who trains other people to teach others who work subliminally and they give instructions.

Is that something that comes through in your writing? Or hap- pens to readers when they’re reading your writing?

Well the Clairvoyant Journal is, if you read it that way, a book of instructions. I don’t say so. There are a lot of things I haven’t made really clear, and I have to in the next book or two or . . .

Is there a performative aspect to . . .

Or three books, really. I have three books that will take me god knows how long.



Hannah Weiner Clairvoyant Journal
Angel Hair Books

‘With Clairvoyant Journal, Hannah Weiner writes a specific form of diary, using the characteristics of typographic styles (roman, italic and CAPITAL) to present an inner discussion between three separate voices. Clairvoyant Journal also gives an insight into the daily life of a writer living in New York in the 1970s, evoking a poetic, musical, and artistic scene, yoga and a poetical experience.’ — les presses du reel





p.s. Hey. ** CAUTIVOS, Thanks. If I see a Haslett novel in a book store I’ll just rifle through it and see if the prose excites me at all. I can usually tell pretty quickly. I’ll look for the Bernard Quiriny book, thank you. I have a really busy day ahead, how was yours? ** Dominik, Hi!!! ‘DR’ seems important because it gave a lot of people courage, and even though the mainstream isn’t of interest to me at all, it is the entrance for most people into much more interesting ideas and places, I guess. It’s like if people like Radiohead, maybe that leads them to look for music further afield that is genuinely experimental. Or something. ‘Dracula’, yes, I keep meaning to. I just typed it into my little reminder doc. It’s hard to believe ‘Killing Time’ actually works, but I guess it does. Very cool, yeah. Hard to choose — thank you for offering, love — but maybe the Rug one for some reason and maybe the knife throwing one? Love going back in time and convincing Grove Press to let me use his name backwards (‘Evol’) as the title of my novel ‘Try’ which was the  title  I originally wanted but which they refused to let me use, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. I actually saw that one in person, and it’s even better ‘in the flesh’. I don’t know Lily Savage. I’m on it, thanks to you. Oh, man, I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and are doing their magic. How are you feeling today? ** Misanthrope, Some friends and I did go see an American football game live once out of curiosity a long time ago when the Rams were LA’s team, but we gave up and left after about 45 minutes. Tsitsipas: I’ll peel my eyes for him. 2023 is hot. Let’s gangbang it. ** Jack Skelley, Goodness, what a completely curious dream. Man, I have no clue what that means. Dreams and me, we’re like ships in the night. Seems positive though. Makes me want to get a pipe cleaner/hair transplant in time for our Saturday confab. I guess me wanting to do that means I’m secretly a big attention hog? ** David Ehrenstein, The link didn’t work, but I vaguely remember some sort of motorised something in ‘Holy Motors’, so I’ll concentrate on that. ** malcolm, Hey. That NYE of yours sounds nice. I just watched the documentary about King Crimson and ate some dark chocolate and zzzzz. That is some crazy synchronicity. And yeah, those have to be road signs on the right track. I would love to hear that Dudley Benson EP if it’s no trouble. I like sweet pop, especially when it’s awesome and obscure at the same time. My dad had this brief period of being really into rock polishing, and he had this rock polishing machine in our basement, and I used to go down there and get stoned and sit and watch it tremble and revolve and rattle for hours. Rock your today, and see you in the/my AM! ** Robert, Hi, Robert. Wow, those videos look extremely fun. I am in fact going to line them up and watch them in full after I finish a few meetings I have to do this morning. Wow, thank you. I’m not sure, and it’s a different-ish sort of thing, but you might like the videos of this artist Jon Rafman who I’m showcasing here on Friday. I feel freaked out just trying not to imagine that operating table scenario. But I like being freaked out, no worries. Thanks! Stuff good with you du jour? ** Sarah, Hi, Sarah. I’m glad you came back. You’re a fiction writer, awesome! Me too. Is there anything anywhere I could read? The website project sounds exciting. There’s definitely a need for it. I’ll be all over it when you finish it if that’s any kind of encouragement. I’m big on collaborating too. Finding a conducive collaborator is pretty special. When I feel that connection, I try to make myself jump at the chance. It’s especially rewarding if you’re often writing fiction on your lonesome, you know? I totally agree this year is going to make the previous ones seem puny. Have an inspiring Wednesday! ** ShadeoutMapes:O, Hey! I’m sorry about you missing out on the school day. Are you going to miss the whole semester? You’re a theater kid, cool. Like how? Or I guess I mean are you an onstage guy or a behind the scenes guy or both or other? I haven’t seen ‘The Whale’, but, yeah, I hope Brendan Frasier gets the Oscar ‘cos … yeah. I’ll go find your email. Cool. Stay in your good mood. It’s radiating and infectious. ** Okay. Do y’all know the writer Hannah Weiner? If not, how and why she wrote makes for a pretty unique and interesting story, and the work is super worthy too. Have a look. See you tomorrow.



    Hi Dennis. Good blog post. The book of
    Bernard Quiriny’s stories are worth it. It also includes a prologue by Vila-Matas. Do you know that in some lists of the best films, Jeannie Dielman leads it, above Vertigo and Citizen Kean? It’s funny because I haven’t seen the movie yet and the title suggests something very author’s work to me. Hugs.

  2. tomk

    Happy Belated New Year’s man, this post is so fascinating. I hope you’re well. I was in Peru for christmas (things are pretty fucked up there right now) and now I am back in london, a jetlagged mess of a thing, but I found out over the holiday’s that Susan Daitch liked my book! Anyway, back at work which if time wasn’t such an issue I wouldn’t mind. This message is a bit messy right? My brain is gone.

  3. Bill

    The lobster video is hilarious.

    All these lovely motorized contraptions yesterday. I love the Ganson’s, and the butterfly flip book. The zoomba is hilarious! It looks familiar, maybe I saw it here in another gallery?

    I’m kind of embarrassed I don’t know the Alan Rath; it’s not the usual thing for the Contemporary Jewish Museum. Love Choe U-Ram’s hypnotic Round Table, and Mesple’s Killing Time, one of the better uses of ferrmagnetic fluid. I also like the look of the video in Kenny Wong’s Undermine, but wish the technology wasn’t so exposed.

    Been mostly busy with family errands. My tablet died, so that did not help, sigh. I brought no paper books on this trip, so I was freaking out until I replaced it. Sigh.


  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Indeed. Hahaha. I’ll take sloppy seconds.

    The Rams are still one of LA’s teams, haha. Them and the Chargers. But yes, quite boring in person.

    Ooh, I need to check my tennis results today. An every day thing, but I forgot to check first thing. Yes, that’s my life now. Okay, it’s not, but it’s part of it. I also like Sebastian Korda, Petr Korda’s son. He can hit every shot but now just needs to take it to the next level re: wins.

    Oops, looks like I have a lot of work today. Oh, well. 😀

  5. Nick.

    Hi! yes year going good so far! And I actually have resolved to do things this year! Sorry for the ambiguous statement I don’t exactly know what things I intend to do exactly but I do have some ideas and a fire I’ve been stoking inside for awhile and id like to let it out into the world somehow. And thanks I cant even tell if I like him anymore but maybe that’s cause I don’t know if he likes me. Omg that would be my favorite pet too after something cool like that! What was the snakes name if you remember? And thanks for sharing that with me. Ugh best thing that happened I just sat in the dark all day and rested and really enjoyed that. What was yours? Giraffes to me are oddly elegant and both simple and brutal so I think it makes sense you like them. And oh id ask for more on the writing but I’ll wait till you finish and it gives me something to look forward to! Simple calm day today so I don’t have much to say but I hope your well. Also really liked the knife throwing machine I like knives a lot so that one was my fav & new question what would your dream superpower be?

  6. Nick.

    Hi! yes year going good so far! And I actually have resolved to do things this year! Sorry for the ambiguous statement I don’t exactly know what things I intend to do exactly but I do have some ideas and a fire I’ve been stoking inside for awhile and id like to let it out into the world somehow. And thanks I cant even tell if I like him anymore but maybe that’s cause I don’t know if he likes me. Omg that would be my favorite pet too after something cool like that! What was the snakes name if you remember? And thanks for sharing that with me. Ugh best thing that happened I just sat in the dark all day and rested and really enjoyed that. What was yours? Giraffes to me are oddly elegant and both simple and brutal so I think it makes sense you like them. And oh id ask for more on the writing but I’ll wait till you finish and it gives me something to look forward to! Simple calm day today so I don’t have much to say but I hope your well. Also really liked the knife throwing machine I like knives a lot so that one was my fav & new question what would your dream superpower be?

    P.S think I commented to late yesterday so it’s a dupe technical but one this post is insane I really like it thanks for showing us such a bold and crazy artist!

    • Nick.

      And 2 do you have any experience with any of what she went through seeing things and the like I can’t imagine you’re not clairvoyant yourself. But yeah just me again saying hi and stuff!

  7. Dominik


    I agree. I don’t want to sound like I don’t appreciate the achievements of “Drag Race” at all because – as you said – it opened a door for many people to experiment and/or to simply embrace the fact that drag and, from a wider perspective, gender nonconformity exist. That alone makes it valuable.

    “Killing Time” is a piece that needs to be seen in the flesh, I guess. But in its virtual state, it does look pretty great. Excellent choices on your part too! I think love can expand his offer a little and give you both.

    I love the title “Try,” but it sucks so much that the publisher refused to use your original idea. Did they let you know why?

    Love offering “gay advice” on Fiverr and making a fortune, Od. (I actually saw a gig like this a few years ago when I was considering whether joining Fiverr would be a good idea for me. It wasn’t.)

  8. Minet

    Hey Dennis!!
    I’m back 🙂 How are you?
    I’ve been pretty busy myself with all the book editing stuff and all the usual boring year-end/beginning shenanigans… There’s something that I really wanna talk to you about though!! Recently I decided to play around with this artificial intelligence art bot (despite all the tedious and histrionic discourse I’ve been seeing against it online) and was honestly blown away by all the stuff I could make with it. Most people have been using it for really boring generic stuff, but it’s really an incredibly deep and incredible tool. I got totally addicted really, made close to like a 1000 images over two days lol, from a photo series on ghostly child stars in Hollywood to movie stills of 70s Czech gay fantasy films I wish existed, River Phoenix/Justin Bieber cults in Santa Monica, creepy surveillance footage of male models in yachts in Cannes, teenage boys showing their artwork at old anime conventions, 2012 cellphone shots of blood-soaked gay pride parades in South America… I’ve started posting them the past few days on Instagram, my profile is public (@pedrominet) so you can check out some of them there if you want, but I would just love to show them to you in any capacity! There’s loads of really interesting stuff. I could send it by e-mail or link a folder on drive, I don’t know, whichever way you prefer… That is if you’re into it in the first place, of course…
    Not sure if our sweet friend Thomas Moore is among us here today but he saw some of them on Instagram and can attest to how insane and fascinating the whole thing is. Though there’s obvious limitations to the bot overall it’s incredibly inspiring, and when you play up the uncanny so-called “soulless” eerie aspect of it that’s when all the magic really happens. Some Ryan Trecartin-level possibilities imo. I might even do some eerie Efteling scenes with it in the near future lolol
    Anyway, you tell me if you’re up for it!
    Hugs and well-wishes forever,
    Minet <3

  9. Steve Erickson

    If she was schizophrenic, it helped her think about poetry in an innovative way.

    Here’s my review of the re-release of THE CONFORMIST:

    Has Lukas Dhont’s CLOSE opened in France yet? I saw it last night and thought it was pretty lame. His direction is influenced by Celine Sciamma and the Dardenne brothers, but much kitschier, and the movie suggests a Netflix adaptation of a YA novel.

  10. Jeff J

    Hey Dennis – This Hannah Weiner day is well timed. I first ran across her name in the Siglio book “It Is Almost That” and her work looked fascinating – though sadly most of it is OOP. Then last night, she came up briefly in the new Acker bio. (Which I’m loving).

    Thanks for putting together such a lovely day on Weiner’s work. Looks like there’s lots to explore in the links etc.

    Saw EO which is really liked, except for the ending. The slaughterhouse finale seemed heavy-handed to me. Sort of the most obvious/didactic place to end. Though it did make me appreciate anew what Bresson managed with Balthasar’s ending.

    When do you head to LA? And how has the prep work been going? Any progress on the last bits of funding?

    My second conversation with Meghan Lamb was just posted at Largehearted Boy. We talk about our aims for writing song lyrics vs novels, repetition, miniatures, and more. Here’s the link:

    Can’t recall if I shared the first one? If not, it’s focused on bodies, performance, and our unusual paths to making music. It can be found here:

  11. Robert

    Dennis- I just looked up Jon Rafman’s youtube channel and started watching a few videos, these are fantastic. I love those kinds of bizarre simulated physics. I played a lot of video games when I was a kid and I always hope that that kind of absurd virtual physicality stuff bleeds into the way I describe people when I’m writing. Sort of a hectic day over here, quit my job this afternoon after a whole bunch of hemming and hawing, how are you doing?

    • Robert

      Hey Dennis, just wanted to append a quick question to this that’s been keeping me up at night a little bit lately, and that’ll reveal how ignorant I am–I’m worried I’m a sexist, because the fiction that gets me going the most is a certain specific strain of experimental fiction that’s super fast-paced and rhythmic and musical and flowing (Gaddis and Bernhard and Faulkner are the three people I think of) and I haven’t come across many women who write specifically in that vein, with the exception of Fernanda Melchor (who I like) and a little bit Ingeborg Bachmann (who I love). Who should I be reading? I have nightmare-scenarios where I start describing my taste in books to a bunch of literary people and they all start slowly narrowing their eyes at me the more I try to define it. (And then I start wondering if I’ve got it the wrong way around and I am actually a secret sexist, in that (hypothetically) the sort of angry self-isolating tendency that fuels characters like Gaddis and Bernhard is just a phenomenon found predominantly amongst dudes and that’s somehow the reason it’s appealing…)

  12. Nick Hudson


    Good luck with all matters film-wise, logistic and otherwise – colour me excited. Re: the novel, thank you so much, and of course, absolutely no rush. I’ll mail it over. Also your précis to another local the other day as Alice In Chains being Gregorian chant with guitars is the best assertion of their vibe I’ve yet come across haha.

    I’ve been on a two-day monochrome and bitter Baltic layover in Gdańsk en route back to Georgia. It’s been miserable enough to elicit a song at least.

    What was the last film you watched in 2022 and the first in 2023? Mine was the aforementioned Nostalghia and then The Wailing, which might be the best horror film I’ve seen that isn’t Exorcist III.

    Have an excellent day, Nick x

  13. John Newton

    Hi Dennis I emailed you about a Larry Stanton exhibit that Winthrop had emailed me about.

    I enjoyed your writings on Mallarmé. There is now a card game based on his poetry. I have not played it and I can’t find any reviews of it. Who did you write your poem the high school wimp about? Is it about you? Did you read Mallarmé in high school?

    Thanks for writing about Hannah, did you ever meet her?

    If I saw OBEY CHARLEMAGNE on my wall I would have no choice, but to put this French pop song on by France Gall. I share the same birthday as Charlemagne/Karl der Große, and I put a portrait of him on Facebook on our birthday as a joke since a friend once thought that it somehow was a portrait of myself that someone had painted, or that I had painted? Her reaction was funny as she is Spanish and is not uneducated.

    My new year’s Eve was excellent. I watched the film more that pink floyd did the soundtrack for, and read Jakob Von Gunten and loved it.

  14. malcolm

    hi dennis –

    the rock polishing thing is so nice. i love things like that, the action of getting transfixed by something so small and repetitive. the other day i opened up quicktime on my laptop, started a recording, turned the volume up, said “AHHH” and listened to the infinite feedback for about 10 minutes, pretending it was an ambient song. i very easily find myself in loops like that (i’m undiagnosed, but i am undeniably autistic). one time i got bored and laid face down on my couch for an hour just repeating the words “gay people” to myself over and over again

    i started doing it to the tune of twinkle twinkle after a while. it was funny

    sent the dudley ep this morning. enjoy! bed time for me, see you tomorrow

  15. Sarah

    Hi Dennis. You made my day reading your post on the bus this morning with the “you’re a fiction writer me too”, haha. That was inspiring enough for the whole Wednesday. You’re really nice – I didn’t expect you to be mean or anything but I didn’t expect you to be really nice either. I don’t have anything up anywhere anymore. My credit card expired and then godaddy held my website hostage for 500 dollars (I guess hosting services can do whatever they want, but you already know that), and I’ve never really been one to send into publications because, idk, I immaturely resent institutions or something, so there’s nothing out there that’s recent or decent. But I’ll send you the new site when it’s up sometime soon I guess and just hope that it stays up. I appreciate you saying you’ll check it out.
    I like this Hannah Weiner you posted. Have you ever had a clairvoyant experience, like, have you ever met a ghost? There’s spooky stuff in Period and all your haunted house stuff obviously but I’m not sure if that’s informed by meeting a ghost because I’ve never met a ghost and don’t know what it’s like, other than maybe it’s like reading Hannah Weiner. I’ve seen a few UFOs but never a ghost. I’m open to meeting a ghost, obviously, but I can’t imagine when it would ever happen.

  16. ShadeoutMapes:3

    Hi, I hope your day is well!! OH, yes, unfortunately I can’t go back to school at all which sucks since it’s my last year and I’m not sure if I will be able to say bye to a lot of people since its most likely I won’t see them again! I think the whole thing is kind of lame to be honest. I understand why they did it, but I don’t know how me being at home all day missing school will make me safer. Well, its whatever I guess, at least I get more time to write and make music, although sitting at home all day can be dull at times, so I like to go for walks, there’s not a lot of places to go, it’s really boring here, but there’s a park literally less than a mile from my neighborhood so I usually sit there,( I also live walking distance from a vape store and they are super chill there!) Oh, I like to act and do the prop stuff it’s both so much fun and my theater teacher is this old cynic who is just incredible, and I love joking with him (His name is Mr. WOOD and I used to have him in the MORNING last semester…see what I’m getting at lol) Anyways I love the article!! Idk why but it had me thinking about this girl I knew at this hospital her name was Nadeline, I think? She was constantly zoinked and in a zombified state and I found out it was because she smoked a lot of weed or something. She was really nice, although sneaky, she would causally walk up to people and steal their books from under their chairs (I had to grab my book from her on multiple occasions!!), she’d also sneak past the doors and get behind the nurse’s station. She helped me write a poem too!! maybe I can find it and write it down.

    OH, I remembered something when you mentioned George Miles!! Ok so a while ago I was looking at the book cover for your novel period and I was looking at it for so long thinking what was the type of camera did you use for that picture? Sorry if that’s a silly question, it was so long ago I’m not sure if you remember, but the aesthetic of the picture is really pretty, and I love looking at older photos from that time, like from my mom’s memory books and home videos anyways I’m sort of rambling but yes, I’m really curious!!

    Ok bye I hope your day goes well or was good!!

    • ShadeoutMapes:3

      omg I just realized that I just wrote an entire paragraph. I’ll try not to be so lengthy next time!

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