The blog of author Dennis Cooper





p.s. Hey. ** Misanthrope, Wise move. I only use my phone for calls, texts, taking photos/videos and sometimes GPS. Which works quite well except when people I’m meeting somewhere decide to tell me at the last moment that they’re going to be 40 or whatever minutes late via Facebook messenger which happens rather often. The only thing that wedding reception is missing was a cameo appearance by Rob Schneider. Fun! ** Dominik, Hi!!! Welcome home! Awesome, meaning that sounds utterly beautiful: the concert. Makes me wish I’d sprung for a ticket when they were local. Thank you about the film. I wrote that on a particularly doomed feeling day. Things are rough, but I’m back to being determined against all odds to get the funds to make it happen. There is still some hope, or I simply have to believe there is, you know. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and all of that. There are some new possibilities at least, and we’ll see if they pan out. Thank you! I used to deliberately wear mismatched socks. I don’t know why since nobody ever saw them. Love turning everyone but you and me into a whirling dervish, G. ** _Black_Acrylic So happy to know it was a hit with you. Wow, that’s a lot of vinyl! Ooh, exciting to contemplate. My ears are slobbering! And excellent, excellent news about your progress with the story! Best news of all! ** David Ehrenstein, The link didn’t work but that was quite the teaser phrase. ** Robert, Wow, thanks, Robert! I didn’t know about that Whitney Music Box page, and that’s a great find. Ha ha, fake meat and I go way, way back, yes. So way back that I don’t even think of it as fake anything, just food that has been fashioned into a shape that bears something of a resemblance to hot dogs and burgers and like. In fact that new invention, Beyond Meat, or whatever it’s called that goes out of its way to mimic the taste and quality of real meat with fake blood juice and stuff made me almost vomit when I tried to eat it once. I honestly didn’t know you could get food poisoning from vegetarian meat, but of course one could ‘cos why not. Oh shit! Thank you! ** Steve Erickson, Just yesterday someone I met with was raving his head off about ‘Mad God’, and it’s being screened here soon, so I am absolutely going. I’m a fan of Tippett’s anyway. Cool, thanks much. Those Dall-E AI memes are pretty juicy technically, or they feel possibility filled, so I wonder if they’ll stick or if someone will try to make a feature length Dall-E AI meme film or something. ** Bill, Hi, cool, yeah, interesting stuff. I only discovered his work two weeks ago. I’ve seen ‘Panorama’ bits here and there, but I had no idea who made them or where they came from. Interesting. Same here vis-a-vis ‘Mad God’s’ imminent appearance, and me too. ** Nightcrawler, My pleasure, man. Take care, and I hope to get to see you again soon. ** Okay. Today I made you something very relaxing. Or I guess I should say I thought it might be. See you tomorrow.


  1. Bernard

    I waited like 20 minutes for all these images (gifs?) to load–it’s ok, I answered emails–and it was totally worth it, but now that I’ve looked at every single one, I feel hypnotized and unable to resume daily life. Not like Mold-a-rama Day: something about those just creeps me out.
    Speaking of life: I’m suffering from anxiety about my time here running out and feeling I haven’t gotten that much done. But I talk back: I had a plan of a kind, with no idea how long anything was going to take me, and I know that I work slowly and don’t love deadline pressure. A lot of the time I’ve been revising unpublished prose poems, which is absorbing, and typing (“keyboarding”) old published material that’s never been in electronic file form. Oh, and dithering. (This morning I dreamed that I was failing two classes, then thought about what that meant, and thought, “Well, it’s not like I’m going to be applying to other schools in my 70s!) It’ll go on.
    Meanwhile, I have compiled maybe the largest collection of film and TV dream sequences known to humankind. Quite a rabbit hole.
    I feel like the adventure is ending because tomorrow I go to London for a week; then back here till just June 27, so I hope during that last week we can meet up. Even for Chipotle. In London among other things, I’m hanging out with two dream researcher pals at . . . the Freud House, of course. I’ve socialized quite a bit here, seeing museums with friends coming through town . . . and speaking of August Sander, a whole lot of the New Objectivity exhibition at Pompidou is Sander photographs and documentation, quite something. What knocked me out more than anything is the Jean Painlevé show at Jeu de Paume — films of sea creatures, then more and more science subjects, with his Surrealist sensibility. Microphotography of “Phase transition in liquid crystals” is incredible. Also made a pilgrimage to the Musée Méliès at the Cinémathèque Française, which just about destroyed me with happiness: A whole lot of proto-cinema flip-image contraptions; original effects from the Robert-Houdin theater and Méliès’ film sets; lots of grotesqueries from the 18th century on. The stand-out surprise: the head of Mrs Bates from Psycho, donated by Alfred Hitchcock.
    So yeah, off to London, then back, hoping that I see you and that you are well, surmounting all difficulties.

  2. _Black_Acrylic

    Needless to say, I very much appreciate the revolving Leeds United badge up above there! A constant animated reminder of our last-minute Premier League survival the season.

    Last night I saw this very schlocky bad-taste Giallo-infused horror. Forget all the haters, The Scary of Sixty-First is my film of the year and most definitely the real deal. Has to be seen to be believed.


    Hi Dennis. Today I am in Cordoba and according to forecasts we will reach 44º, in the shade. Very nice your post very dynamic and colorful. I hope the summer doesn’t punish you as much as it did me.

  4. David Ehrenstein

    Can’t find that link. Here’s Another

  5. Dominik


    Beautiful is a fitting word to describe the show – or rather the whole experience. I love being part of this fandom.

    I’m really glad to hear (read…) that despite the apparent shitstorm, you’re still going strong with the film preparations. I keep my fingers very, VERY tightly crossed for those new possibilities!!

    I used to wear mismatched shoes in high school, haha.

    That’d be so funny! Maybe a little bit dizzying but mostly to them, so… Thank you! Love putting up his 3,000-item Beyblade collection for sale for one euro, Od.

  6. Steve Erickson

    I know what you mean about Beyond Meat. I’ve gotten used to their burgers, but when I cooked their steak it seemed far too realistic and I was grossed out.

    My review of the third season of LOVE, VICTOR came out in today’s Gay City News:

    Maybe Jon Rafman will make the first Dall-E meme film?

  7. Dalton

    Hey Dennis,

    Mostly been lurking the past few months and occupied with college and reading a lot of Philip K Dick for a class. The professor is immensely old but really interesting in that “old man who has read an ungodly amount of literature and wears a turquoise stone around his neck” type of way. Gonna do a summer reading course of Calvino at his house with an old lady named Marsha attending as well. Also submitted some writing to literary magazines for the first time, dunno what’s gonna come out of that, but its just cool to finally do it. None of that really matters but its just a weird reminder of when I found your blog and books last summer and the totally different brain-space I was in. How things change sort of thing.

    Anyway, mostly just wanted to comment because I recently read Try and watched Permanent Green Light which were both really really good. I’m under the weird suspicion that I might be in a “finding myself” phase of my life, and work like yours and others is helping give me some tools to give this process a shot. Don’t want to embarrass you or myself with some kinda lame cliches and stuff so I’ll leave it at that, but I did want to at least just give a thanks for doing whatever it is that you do.

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