The blog of author Dennis Cooper





p.s. Hey. ** Ian, Hi ho, Ian. My weekend was sort of maybe like yours but without the baseball part. Queen Victoria warrants a holiday in Canada? That’s curious. I don’t know anything about her though, honestly, other than a pic or two and that not-the-best Leonard Cohen song of that title. I think your negative instinct about the kitties must be more right than either one of us would care to imagine. Sorry your 3-day holiday is over, but, yeah, make your regular day dance frenetically with you or something. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Oh, you know, it’s just silliness, the Eurovision thing, even at its actual best, so it’s only fun for a silly mood. The Zoom bookclub happens every two weeks on a Saturday. It’s me, the writers Amy Gerstler, Benjamin Weissman, Jack Skelley and two young poets who are studying in Iowa, Ruben and Jacqui. At the end of each session, we pick some writing and a film to watch/read for the next meet-up. Usually it’s two or three short fiction pieces by different writers. Last week and this coming week we’re each picking a poem for the others to read. And one of us picks a movie. Last week was my turn, and I picked ‘Hausu’– hence your love of the other day. Next time it’s Jack’s turn, and he picked this old movie ‘The Loved One’. So we talk about them and also about whatever’s going on in our heads, lives, and so on. It’s nice. I’m very scared of heights but not on roller coasters for some reason, I guess because you’re up high so briefly? Thank you for the mind-molesting love — ooh, so many possibilities! — but especially for the protective candy! Love making everyone in the world stop believing in God in all of its incarnations and giving them a 1000 euro gift certificate from their local drug dealer, G. ** Sypha, I was a Mad Magazine ultra-fanatic when I was a kid, to the point where I made my own Mad-knock-off zine called ‘Flunker’ that I sold at my elementary school, but Spy Vs. Spy was always my least favorite feature of the magazine, and I have no idea why. ** Misanthrope, I think people who don’t love spy shit must be lying to themselves. Ah, David has an enemy or many, which is not exactly a surprise. So good to be passionately into a writing project. No better feeling on earth, if you ask me. ** Bill, Ha ha, now I know what to get you for Xmas. I’ll watch Rachel Lime when I get out of here. I already love her gloves. No, I don’t know Jessica Hausner’s films, but you can bet I’ll see if I can get familiar now. Thank you for both leads! ** David Ehrenstein, Well, of course you do. ** Jack Skelley, Jack rabbit in the skillet! I was a little sad when Sharper Image died. It was good to have around when you procrastinated about buying your family members Xmas gifts until Xmas Eve and had to make a quick dash to your local mall. You’re right, and/or right again, sir! Where’s Tuesday? xo. ** Okay. I made you something today. See you tomorrow.


  1. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I think motion pictures should be seen on the big screen. When possible, of course. I can’t imagine watching something on a phone. Ugh. Even watching at home on a decent-sized TV isn’t like going to the movies. I’m a little bit of a snob in this regard.

    Agreed. It’s been a good experience. I’ve got 56 of the 100 episodes transferred to Word and proofread. Forty four to go. Shouldn’t take long. Should be finished by the weekend. Then I’ll send the whole thing to the illustrator. He’s already got the first ten. Eek!

  2. Dominik


    Yeah, I did check out the Finnish Jedward, though. I think they can tentatively enter the space reserved for boymuses who take their artist/musician image very seriously without actually being remarkable artists/musicians.

    Okay, your bookclub sounds divine. For a second, I thought you meant “The Loved Ones,” which is a horror movie in which a teenage guy gets severely tortured and which inspired a real-life murder (hence my knowledge of it). But it’s from 2009, and I was like… that’s not that old… Then I realized that you’re talking about a different film. Anyway, these meetings sound amazing!

    I think the very best thing about the mind molester is its name.

    Huh, the world would be a really interesting and possibly completely different place, wouldn’t it? If everyone stopped believing in any kind of god. Love, delusional from sugar withdrawal, attempting to eat a woman because her husband called her sweetheart, Od.

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    Agreed about films being best appreciated when projected onto a big screen. Not seen any of that since March 2020, Color Out of Space at the DCA which seems very long ago and far away.

    Last night I saw a pretty good DVD called Tangerine from 2015 about a pair of trans sex workers on the backstreets of Hollywood. I found out later it was all shot on the iPhone 5s which is a technical marvel in itself. Recommended, and with a nice soundtrack too.

  4. jamie

    Hey Dennis,
    I was shocked how quickly this ended. I would have loved these gifs to go on for ages. Really good…is it a short story? A piece? An interlude? An intrusion? Really good anyway. Thanks.
    How are you? I do hope you’re enjoying being out and about and enjoying Paris.
    We’re in the midst of some Covid shenanigans – Hannah has tested positive, but is mostly symptom-free – and are trying to navigate sharing a house and a toddler whilst trying not to be in the same place. It’s ok, but feels like a funny counterpoint to everything going back to normal.
    Love to you,

  5. David Ehrenstein

    J’Adore “theLoved One” Christopher Isherwood and Terry outhern (what a combo!) wrote the screenplay and youcan alwaystell whowroter what

    <A HREF=""Here's a Terry Southern scene

    And here’s one by Isherwood that’s my absolute favorite

  6. Steve Erickson

    I was amazed by the cocaine Eurovision “scandal.” It seems that Damiano David wasn’t actually snorting a line on camera, but really, there’s someone out there in 2021 who gives a shit about a rock band using drugs?

    Speaking of Eurovision, I watched Hatari’s ALIEN-inspired video “Engin Miskunn” a few days ago. I had completely forgotten about the group. I thought they were gonna use Eurovision to try and get an international record deal, but they’re still singing only in Icelandic and recording for their indie label. (Imagine Clive Barker circa HELLRAISER directing a video for them with a major label budget!) Great visuals, I wish their music matched it.

  7. Jack Skelley

    ……what can i say except this is quite beautiful….

  8. Montse

    Hi, Dennis!
    Sorry for the late reply again. We came back from our little holiday, which was amazing. We even ate mushrooms. I read recently ‘The Wild Kindness’ (because I saw it here, of course) and I was hoping they spoke to me. They didn’t, but still it was beautiful. How are you? Are you enjoying the two extra hours before curfew? It does sound like they’re being overly cautious. Not being able to leave the city for over a year is kind of a nightmare. I hope you can start travelling at the beginning of summer at least. Here you have to wait quite a lot too for the second shot. Xet just got vaxed today. Just one shot apparently because he already had covid last October. We both caught it. The good thing is it was mild in both cases. I think my age group starts getting vaxed next week. Thanks for your kind words about Xet’s loss. Yes, parents dying is awful. Let’s hope we can make it to Paris in the fall. That would be a total blast. Awesome Alberto García-Alix post! He’s great. I’m so glad you like him. I need to see the documentary. I didn’t know about it. Thank you! Oh, I can’t wait to listen to this week’s Wake Island! Lots of love,

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