The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Postitbreakup presents … #BPDHAIKUS
























































p.s. Hey. Today the writer, fine fella, and longtime d.l. Postitbreakup regales us with a selection from his fascinatingly toned and disconcerting #BPDHAIKUS project, and I hope you will have an interesting day plus react in whatever way in his direction accordingly. Thanks all, and thank you very much for the sharing and interning, Josh! ** Steevee, Hi. It seemed nice. Congrats on the pub of your Village Voice review. I happened to find and read it yesterday. Very interesting. The fact that Assange had control over what the film ended up being makes me highly suspicious of it, I have to say. Everyone, Steevee has reviewed RISK, a new documentary about Julian Assange, which he finds somewhat problematic, and you can find out why here. Obviously, if your instincts are telling you not to engage further with that person, they’re telling you the truth. I think the only ways to extract yourself are by declining invitations until she gives up, or by maybe telling her you’re very busy/going through something right now and that you’ll contact her after things clear up, or by being honest with her in a sincere, gentle way. None of those ways are without stressfulness, but, yeah. Sometimes finding necessary peace of mind involves offending others, unfortunately, but being honest with her is not a matter of you doing anything wrong. Good luck. ** Scunnard, Hey, J! Ha! You good? Everyone, to quote Scunnard, ‘and there’s this‘. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, David. Cort used to, maybe still does (?) live in my LA hood (Los Feliz), and I saw him around all the time, and he always reminded me of a kind of benevolent Gary Indiana, if it’s even possible to imagine such a hybrid. ** Sypha, Hi, James. I think I basically agree with you about Henry Miller. And, yeah, he’s way capable of writing quite dazzling, fiery sentences sometimes, that’s for sure. ** New Juche, Hi, Joe. I love editing. As I think I’ve said a bunch of times, with my fiction, I like editing it much more than I like writing the drafts that get me to the editing phase. I loved editing ‘LCTG’. Editing ‘PGL’ will quite different because, with ‘LCTG’, the editing involved getting our experiment to work, but with ‘PGL’ there’s an all-important through line of narrative and ongoing characters that needs to be our main concern, and I’m excited to work with that challenge. The 5 weeks is just the beginning. Add in the grading and sound and effects and so on, and we’ll be in editing rooms with only very short breaks until the end of September, so it will be quite a marathon. Great about your second book’s completion! And I trust a Scottish/UK publisher will be wise. Awesome that you’re in such a productive phase, for us out here too. Best of the best to you! ** Bill, Hi. Ha! My mother’s all-time favorite movie was ‘Harold and Maude’, which I always thought was quite strange. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! First and foremost, I really loved your story! Everything about it. What it does, how it’s wrought, the writing, the build, etc. etc. Wonderful, wonderful work, maestro! I plan to do what it takes to decompose my daze today. I have too much to do. Thank you, yeah, I think and hope the documentary will happen. Fujiko agreed to let us make it a few years ago, but it was all very vague at that point, whereas now it will become a more serious and sanctioned venture, so we need to meet with her and talk about what we want to do and make sure it’s still okay. Luckily, she’s coming to Paris to do big installation piece./performance at the Pompidou at the beginning of June. Well, hm, I think probably you’re right that it would be best to do the post to celebrate SCAB’s birth and existence, unless, that is, you would want a post to help gather materials. But I think you should be able to do that as it is, no? Either way, the blog is excitedly at your and SCAB’s disposal when the time and occasion feels right to you. My day … uh, some catching up stuff. We’re still waiting to hear whether we have to start editing next week or whether we’ll have an additional week break, so that’s kind of frustrating. As I may have mentioned, I took this kind of cool, old desk with me when I departed my old apartment thinking it wouldn’t matter because the new owner is a super rich person who plans to gut and reconstruct the apartment, but the former owner turns out to have a big emotional attachment to that desk, so I had to transport it back over there by Uber van in the rain yesterday, which kind of a hassle. I watched the big Macron/Le Pen Presidential debate last night, and, luckily, everyone seems to think he basically wiped the floor with her, which is a relief, assuming that improves her chances of losing. Christ, she’s odious. I can’t remember what else I did. Still dazed, I guess. How was Thursday in your world? ** Chris dankland, Hi, Chris! Cool, yeah, ‘BMc’ is awesome. And it also has the sublime Shelley Duvall in it. Like I just wrote to Bill, ‘Harold and Maude’ was my mother’s favorite film. I always that was somehow revealing of something about her that I didn’t think I wanted to know or something. It’s kind of impossible to say when you’ll get to see ‘PGL’ at this point. We’re supposed to finish it in September. Then it will be submitted to and hopefully play international film festivals for a while. Then hopefully distributors will have picked it up and it will get theater releases of some kind, ideally in the US. Then hopefully it’ll get a DVD release. So I don’t know. I think the soonest it will have its world premiere would be at the beginning of 2018 if it gets accepted into the Berlin Film Festival, which is what I think our producer is strategizing towards. You take care too, and have a terrific Thursday! ** Jeff J, Hi, Jeff. Happy you liked the Cort thing. Yes, yes, I would love to get those lost images for your Cortazar post. I think I have everything else. So, yeah, if you don’t mind, I’ll set about restoring after it after I have all the pieces. I would really like to. I agree with you point-by-point about that Guibert book. We still don’t know about the length of our break. Hopefully will today. Well, our producer has told us that we’ll need to be editing/working on the film almost non-stop with very short breaks through September, which means no summer vacation time at all. For me, that’s no big, really, but Zac really wants to go visit his father in California, and if we don’t have time for him to do that now, he won’t be able to until the fall. That’s the main reason we want more time, and, yeah, to further freshen our eyes/viewpoint too. ** _Black_Acrylic, Howdy, B. Very nice about the exciting, inspiring reunion! I just ordered the Keenan novel. Excited! ** Misanthrope, Hey, George. Yeah, I get a lot of thinking done on the metro or trains. And when I’m falling asleep. Those are the downtime biggies. No, BoogerGate is news to me. Jesus. That is one of those very distinctly American mini-phenoms. I think, or I guess I can imagine that happening in the UK, but differently somehow. I don’t think the British use the word ‘booger’, do they? ** Okay. Look over Postitbreakup’s post and think things about it and put words here to those thoughts if you so choose and don’t mind, and I will see you tomorrow.


  1. mikelmotorcycle

    Loved this day, thanks postbreakitup.

    Hi everyone, Hi Dennis! Haven’t been able to follow closely what’s going on in DC-world, as always, honestly my first time visiting the new blog, but super psyched for Permanent Green Light, congratulations my friend.

    Love – that bad, distant relative that only phones you once every two years (sorry mom sorry god)

  2. Ferdinand

    Thanks for sharing the poem Dennis, I’m thrilled that you enjoyed it. Thanks for leaving a comment DavidEhrenstein.

  3. steevee

    RISK is indeed somewhat problematic, but Poitras managed to capture enough of Assange’s dickish behavior to allow him room to hang himself: for instance, the misogynist attitudes and comments I describe in my review aren’t proof that he sexually assaulted anyone, but they sure show that he doesn’t take the concept of sexual assault very seriously.

    Anyway, I’m moving on to my second assignment for the Voice now that I’m writing for them again: a program of experimental music videos and shorts by Robert Beatty, who’s probably better known for designing album covers in a neo-psychedelic style. Are you familiar with his work? You can see a lot of it at his site: I’ll be watching a bunch of his work over the next two weeks and writing a 500-word article on them.

    The next time that woman hits me up for a chat session on FB, I will just tell her I’m too busy to talk. If she persists, I will unfriend her. I’m still afraid of the repercussions on my friend who knows her, but he must understand that not everyone has the same reactions to his friends and perhaps have some sense that she comes on very strong.

    • David Ehrenstein

      Assange is a narcissistic borderline psychopath who uses other people like Kleenex.

      Glenn Greenwald likewise.

  4. steevee

    Here’s my second review of the week, on Chinese director Wang Bing’s TA’ANG: To be honest, I think Wang is one of the giants of world cinema now, and I was excited to learn earlier this week that his new film, BITTER MONEY, just got acquired for American distribution, so it pained me to write such a negative review of this one.

  5. Dóra Grőber


    Thank you so much! It means the world to me! I’m glad you liked it!!
    That’s a very lucky thing that Fujiko Nakaya will be in Paris in June; perfect timing, I’d say! I do hope she’s still into the idea and everything will go smoothly!

    I think it’s settled, then: we should wait with the post ’til the actual birth of SCAB’s first issue. I couldn’t be more grateful! Thank you so much for this opportunity!

    Shit, the hassle with the desk sounds both frustrating and kind of insensitive. I mean you were basically forced to move out and now this… I’m sorry it happened.
    I’m not deeply familiar with the political situation in France but based on the few articles I’ve read about the elections so far, I have to agree with you.

    I met a close friend today which was very lovely and I’m just about to write a little now. So everything’s the usual, I guess, and it’s quite pleasant like this.
    How was your Thursday? Did you manage to put an end to the daze? And did you get any news about when you have to start the editing?

    And thank you, postitbreakup, for the amazing guest post today! I really loved it!!

  6. _Black_Acrylic

    @ Postitbreakup, I really enjoyed these. They call to mind the motivational posters that I’d sometimes see decorating office walls. The BPDHAIKUS project is funny too, though.

  7. Kyler

    Hey Postibreakup – these really hit me in a good way – something perfect about them – thanks! You got it just right, at least for me.

    Hey D – I’ll be getting up early in the pouring rain to take a car to NJ for my Dad’s post-opp and picking up my mother. Seems like bad weather every time I go to Jersey, and it’s so beautiful there now…just hope the car I get has good windshield wipers. This rehab place (unlike the country club-like one in Florida) does NOT have good food…and don’t know if I can eat at 5. Promises to be a challenging day. I’ll catch your response here quickly as I dash off. See ya soon….

  8. David Ehrenstein

    Great work postit!

    A benevolent Gary Indiana isn’t such a remote idea to me, Dennis. I haven’t spoken to Gary in a couple of years but he has always been complimentary to me and vice versa.

    Zac’s family is from California? WHEN are you guys coming by for a visit it’s been YEARS!!!! since you’ve been here Dennis. Miss ya somethinawful.

  9. postitbreakup

    Thank you, Dennis, for hosting!

    And to mikelmotorcycle, Dóra Grőber, Black Acrylic, Kyler and David for the kind words

    Back to my cave now

  10. Misanthrope

    postit, Awesome post. Funny, sad, all the great postit stuff we’ve come to expect.

    Dennis, Of course, I had to look it up. This definition seems to be the best from everything I read on it: “The original word was “Bogey’ in the UK. the British form is bogey. ‘Booger’ in British English is more likely to be understood as a euphemistic pronunciation of ‘bugger’. ”

    Fucking English would pronounce and spell it all wrong and shit. 😛

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