The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Police artist sketches of 99 people sought on charges of assault with a deadly weapon *

* (restored)




p.s. Hey. ** Misanthrope, Make it your screensaver? Wait, can gifs be screensavers? Mine is still the generic desert-scape I was automatically saddled with. Lazy bones here. Well, I ended up having to have an on-the-spot root canal. Or the first part of one, and now I’m pain-killered and ugh, if you can’t tell. But, you know, the problem is at the beginning of being solved at least. ** Dominik, Hi!! Glad you liked her stuff. The producer meeting got delayed yet again to tonight. Hopefully it’ll happen. I’ll let you know. Eyeball hair … I must have suffered through that at some point, but I can’t remember, probably thanks to pain-killers (see my note to Misanthrope). But I can imagine such a thing at the very least, and I don’t like imagining it, so your tweezer-y love is most welcome. Love making painkillers feel a million billion trillion times more exciting, G. ** Steve Erickson, An EP! Your first? Can a triple album be far behind? I haven’t seen ‘Cruising’ since its controversial original release, and it didn’t seem homophobic to me then or very good, frankly. I can bet that time has bestowed it with considerable charm. Wow, a bunch of queer albums by artists I’ve never heard of. That’s exciting. I’m there, or will be, with special attention paid to Giske. Everyone, Steve has reviewed three new albums by artists who happen to be LGBTQ and who don’t appear on description to sound like Lil Nas X or Perfume Genius or, uh, Tegan and Sara or any of the known queer quantities. Interesting, yes? You can go read Steve’s take on them (Semler, Angel Olsen, & Bendik Giske) here. ** Sypha, Hey. So I have now joined you in the genre of people currently undergoing a root canal. So far, the operation was a drag, and now I’m on pain killers and, you know, not in pain especially but also kind of bleah. Unfortunately I still look exactly the same, sadly neither butch nor fem. Oh, to give French social medicine a little prop, the whole deal (x-rays, operation, etc.) cost me 23 Euros! ‘Crusader Kings 3’ sounds very fun and scarily time-consuming, so I’ll try not to look too far into it. ** Right. Today you’re asked to face the likenesses of 99 violent criminals on the run and live to tell the tale. See you tomorrow.


  1. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Amazing how this group is so good looking. A bunch of models committing crimes. And these people get paid for this!

    Root canal, yikes. Sypha just had one. Me, I think mine will just be pulled because I think that tooth is pretty dead. But hey, first step is better than no step and ongoing pain. Good luck with the second part.

    Same re: my background, though my lock screen is Timothee Chalamet. 😛

  2. Ian

    Hey Dennis. What a funny post. Some of these sketches are as detailed as a circle with an X in the middle. Also more women than I would have predicted.
    I hope yr having a good summer. Sorry to read about yr dental issues. I had a great trip to Nova Scotia with my wife. We swam, enjoyed nature and ate sooooo many oysters. She received her callback to Air Canada and I am meeting with a few construction companies this week after doing two weeks with poorly run renovations crew.
    Mostly just wanted to say hi and welcome you back, even though it’s been like three weeks.
    Xoxo Ian

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    These guys put me in mind of THIS MAN, a 2008 online hoax that still remains to me kinda spooky and cool.

  4. Sypha

    Dennis, only 23 euros? When all is said and done I think the bill for mine will be like $600 or whatever ha ha. Oh well.

  5. Mike Morey

    What’s with the fungal Turtleneck on the guy from Portland also I’m sure I spotted Macy Rodman. Anyway some of them are good looking but having been in jail a lot I can tell you a lot of criminals are.

  6. Steve Erickson

    A root canal on the spot? Ugh! I hope the painkillers are making the recovery more bearable.

    Well, I’ve posted enough songs on Bandcamp and SoundCloud to fill a triple album by now. I’ve “released” an album and two eps, but they were just compilations of songs I had already placed online. This is the first project I’m thinking about as its own entity, and I will not be placing any of its songs online till the whole thing’s done.

    These drawings look like the handmade, analog version of the synthetic face generators you can find online.

    Did you see the Quietus’ bimonthly column on international pop: I’ve been listening to a lot of amapiano and K-pop lately, so that hit the spot. 4s4ki’s “Gemstone” and Gloria Groove’s “Bonekinha” are keepers.

  7. Dominik


    Oh, I didn’t know your tooth was giving you trouble again! I’m so sorry! How are you feeling? And this fucking producer meeting, seriously
! I really, really hope it finally happened tonight! Did it?

    Maybe a new, one-of-a-kind SCAB piece by Josh Peterson will help a tiny bit?

    Your love’s a very handy love; thank you! Love getting a botched series of plastic surgeries and ending up looking exactly like mugshot #59, so now he has to hide from the authorities, Od. (Some of these sketches are crazy, haha.)

  8. T

    Hi Dennis!

    These are gorgeous and weirdly charming… There were several I liked very much, but I lost track counting them out for common reference. Number 12 is very nice though. I wonder if they were described by witnesses as having that particular facial expression whilst they were doing the assaulting…

    Oh wow, a root canal? I’m not entirely sure what that entails, but it sure doesn’t sound like something I would enjoy having done to me. But I’m glad it seems minimally invasive, in both physical and financial realms… Hoping your Thursday opens out as if overnight someone secretly switched your painkillers with drugs of your choice (that retain dental painkilling side effects, specifically), xT

  9. David Ehrenstein

    “Law and Order” with Supreme Bear Vincent Donofrio is my favorite TV show. It uses Police Sketches a lot.

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