The blog of author Dennis Cooper

“Pet” “Shop”

The Kokeromin Cat Musical Instrument Hand Puppet
It’s harder than it looks and it’s literally more interesting than it sounds. It actually takes a lot of skill and creativity to make good tunes and melodies just with your hand movements inside the puppet. The unique musical toy offers proper scales and 12 different types of tones and sounds, including drums!




Furifuri Nyaundo Cat
Ever wondered what kind of music a cat plays if you shake it?! Well, with the Furifuri Nyaundo Cat you can find out! Available in three colors (white, black or blue), just shake these feline instruments to make cute sounds and create your own music.


モヤモヤさまぁ~ず2(2013年:駒込の回)で登場した言葉を”おうむ返­し”しながらバタバタ動き回る『愛嬌満点』の憎めない猿です 御鑑賞アリガトウ御座います!癒しになったとのコト、幸いです!­コヤツ(猿)は久し振りに100%満足できた買い物でした


Kumamon is a famous character which acts as a mascot for a Kumamoto prefecture Japan. Such characters in Japan are called “yuru-kyara”.


「こえマネ わんちゃん」はこちらが話した言葉や音を覚えて、動きながらマネしてくれる、とっても­かわいい玩具です。ネコのミーちゃん、ペンギンのペンちゃん、犬のワンちゃん、パンダ­のリンちゃん、ハムスターのハムちゃんがいます。


Robi Jr
This little fellow is more than just a toy. He’s a household friend who can speak, sing, move his arms and head. He talks to you using around 1,000 phrases and can even understand certain expressions. Call his name to get his attention. While he can only speak in Japanese, he offers fortune-telling, seasonal phrases, comments about the time of day, and more. His eyes flash in different colors so you can see his mood. With his infrared sensors he can also detect where you are and turn to face you when he speaks.




Ghost Pet
Bouncing happy pet that laughs at your jokes and repeats what you’ve said. Great gift to take to business meetings or gift for the kids.


Bandai SmartPet Robot Dog
All hail the next generation of Aibo, the SmartPet by Bandai, the robot dog pet for the iPhone or iPod user. Interact with your pet via the touchscreen and also get him to do things according to what he sees and hears thanks to the camera. And put another Smartpet nearby and they will use Bluetooth to interact and communicate.


動物は家族の一員!!! 本当の愛情を思うと飼えない


Hide and Seek clock-chan Happy (Pink)
Tell time clock-Chan “chatted” with. Delight in action appearing face, hands and feet when talking! Our watch and talk, like your friends time announcement function will tell the time in the word and at a set time to alarm wake me up, as well.


Cat Grey LOL Rollover Laughing Plush Toy
The laugh out loud rolling, laughing pet! You can’t help but laugh along with the LOL Rollover Pet. It rolls around back and forth on the floor laughing hysterically.


Electronic Butterfly in a Jar
There is absolutely no way you can look at a Electronic Butterfly in a Jar and not smile. It is like having a piece of magic nature on your desk that defies death.


DJ Rap Mimicry Pet Talking Electronic Rabbit
If you talk to MC Mimicry, it will repeat your words back to you, but in a rap song! You can turn the music on and off. MC Mimicry is just waiting to snuggle with you and be your best friend so buy it now!


Takara-Tomy Porale Singing Polar Bear
The oh-too-cute Porale is a great toy for kids that sings and hums eleven different well-known tunes, and even responds to being touched or patted on the shoulder. This sweet white polar bear comes in two colors, red or blue, with different scarves for each one. Just press the switch on his left paw to get him to start singing the songs!


PakuPaku Chorus Cat Puppet Instrument
During the puppet with four buttons! Cute doremi? s authentic sounds played.”in the sound of an animal animal puppet doll in with four buttons! You can play the Notes 8 scales with a combination of buttons. Has animal sounds are all become her meowing the cat.


Pekoppa Plant listens to your feelings
The Pekoppa from Sega Toys is an innovative new communication plant that can respond to your speech with physical reactions using an internal “bio metal” that moves and bends depending on the current put through it. Pekoppa uses an internal chip that detects patterns in human speech, and responds to you by bending the stem and moving the leaves. A deep “bow” by Pekoppa shows agreement with what you’re saying, so you can carry on a two-way conversation without missing a beat!


Straining Dog
ハイセンスなコレクタブルアイテムが登場!誰もが見たことのある あの最中を丁寧にソフビにしてみました。なんとも言えない 絶妙な『あの』感じを究極の癒やしに。。


おさわり探偵なめこ栽培キット ダンシングスピぐるみ


Otona no Kagaku Bird Organ
These diminutive music boxes were a cherished ornament in the drawing rooms of ladies in 18th century France and now can have a place in yours too. Simply scroll the punch card through the organ to coax a tune of chirping canaries through the pipes. Did we mention you get to construct it yourself?


Happiness Owl
The irresistibly cute Happiness Owl responds to you when you speak with hoots, noises and dialogue. Perching on a tree branch that you can sit on a table or surface, this owl will be your new best friend to make long study sessions at your desk go faster and comfort you if you’re lonely. He blinks his eyes and moves his head, and even plays music to you. There are four types of owls. Get all the owls together to create a chorus!


Tamiya Centipede Robot
The colors make the Tamiya Centipede Robot easy on the eye. Building it is also easy, so you will have it, well, while not exactly “up and running,” at least “down and slithering” in no time. See how it moves over various terrains (its antennae allow it to adjust to uneven surfaces) and contemplate how its living relatives evolved and function in nature. As realistic as a genuine mukade, but without the dangerous sting!


Fridgeezoo Extreme
Japan’s most popular shut-the-fridge-door reminder toy is back with two new versions. Fridgeezoo Extreme comes in either a walrus design called Beast or a penguin called Reporter. Beast is voiced by former wrestler Bob Sapp, while Reporter features the vocals of veteran journalist Noriko Shoji. Not only do these funny toys look hilarious sitting in your refrigerator, they feature 27 different voice patterns, including some partly in English (courtesy of Bob Sapp’s Beast). Guaranteed to amuse (or annoy?!) family and friends, as well as genuinely encourage you to save electricity by closing the fridge door.


Disney Stitch Humidifier
Your office might be dry and boring, but the area around your desk doesn’t have to be. Same goes for your child’s playroom and bedroom! The Stitch Humidifier uses your powered USB port or an AC adapter to pump moisture out through Stitch’s open mouth, making your area more comfortable and…obviously…cute.


Peeing Dog
From the makers of the classic Choken Bako comes the Peeing Dog, a toy canine that totters along by itself…and, yes, pees! Put some water in and watch the pooch raise his leg and mark his territory! With three cute types to choose from, this is the latest wacky toy from Japan that should take the world by storm.




p.s. Hey. ** David, Hi. Ah, yes, I remember that scene from ‘Quadrophenia’. Very scenic yet treacherous. You guys have some seriously great cliffs over there. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yes, we could get rich and, at least in Leo’s case, it wouldn’t make a dent on his end. Clearly us befriending some troubled billionaires is the solution for everyone concerned. Oh, yes, I imagined him in the tumbling bedroom, of course! Ha ha, I think I would like Michel Houellebecq turned into a flamingo with a tiny backpack for some reason. Love copyrighting his name retroactive to the days of the cavemen and suing everyone throughout recorded history who’s ever used his name in a sentence for copyright infringement, G. ** David Ehrenstein, Thanks for re-linking. I’m not sure about ‘best thing’, but they were/are awfully great, that’s for damned sure. Thank you for your knowledge and insight! ** Misanthrope, I’m pretty good at spotting sociopaths, but it took me a long time, and they do still sneak through the old defences sometimes. This week! Awesome! Curious what press you guys have in mind, but I’ll wait until the reveal is appropriate. Well, yeah, back cover copy is definitely a plus. I’m terrible at that selling point stuff, but I imagine you’ll sort it. ** Ah, the Kuchars had a quietening effect on you lot, interesting. Not sure if my “pet” “shop” will fare any better, but there’s only one way to find out. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    Okay, I have to say that I’d love most – if not all – of these pets. Most of them are just… I mean, what the fuck ARE most of them, haha?! If I could only pick one, I’d go for the Ghost Pet (especially since it’s a great gift to take to business meetings…?), but the centipede robot and the Happiness Owl are up there too (who doesn’t speak with hoots and noises, right?). Which one(s) would you choose?

    Well, yes, befriending troubled billionaires and helping them solve their personal problems sound like pretty solid ways to greatness, haha. At least in a monetary sense, which is… the point exactly.

    As of right now, Michel Houellebecq is a flamingo with a tiny backpack, haha. You don’t like his work? I haven’t read anything from him, but a few friends whose taste in literature I usually agree with recommended some of his books.

    Actually, love’s idea is a pretty great one too, haha – I mean, he must be a billionaire after all those lawsuits! Love buying a Pekoppa Plant because nobody ever, EVER listens to his feelings, Od.

  2. _Black_Acrylic

    Japanese advertising is way wilder and has more imaginative power than anything the West could ever throw at them. Meanwhile my brother and his wife have a dog Penny who commands all of their attention, and I’m not sure what’s gonna happen when their new baby comes along later this year. A CGI battle for interspecies supremacy maybe?

    Dad was taken along to hospital this morning where he is due a CT scan later today. Word is that it’s insanely busy in there and I hope he gets seen to at some point. He’s in a lot of pain right now, but last night I sat him down in front of a Bill Frisell documentary and that kept him happy enough for a while.


    Hola Dennis. He leído el libro de Anne Boyer ”Desmorir” En él habla entre otras cosas de Kathy Acker, que según el libro se había negado a someterse a quimioterapia, y habla sobre que la quimioterapia a veces no sirve de nada en estos casos y nunca apela a que la escritora se dejara morir pero si que perdió a la mayoría de sus amigos por esta causa. No me ha gustado el libro tanto como el Protocolo Compasivo de Guibert por múltiples motivos pero sentía curiosidad por saber si tú y ella erais muy amigos y me gustaría creer que en ningún momento le diste la espalda.


    Hi Dennis. Gran post. He leído algo interesante sobre Kathy Acker en el libro de Anne Boyer ”Desmorir” Entre otras cosas dice que la escritora se negó a someterse por algún motivo a quimioterapia y a consecuencia de ello perdió a muchos amigos, no se si la conociste y si manteníais alguna relación de amistad. El libro no es tan interesante como ”el Protocolo Compasivo” de Hervé Guibert, sobre todo porque no es tan trágico. a Anna Boyer le detectaron un cáncer de mama triple negativo y tuvo mejor suerte. Pero en el libro habla sobre que no todos los enfermos de esta dolencia en mayor o menor medida la terapia les sirve de nada y tienen secuelas postratamiento, que no se diagnostica bien y que a veces la quimioterapia no es necesaria ni determinante solo algún tipo de enfermos debería someterse a este tipo de tratamiento porque a veces no merece la pena, Kathy no se dejó morir como bien apunta la autora del libro y se marchó con la cabeza bien alta a mediados de los noventa en su caso la quimioterapia no serviría de nada y no se porque motivo se negó a someterse a tratamiento. Últimamente otro varapalo ha sido la perdida de Joan Didon, sobre la que estado leyendo últimamente y con la que sentía una estrecha sincronía. Espero que el lenguaje utilizado no sea un impedimento para establecer comunicación, de todos modos puedes acudir a algún sistema informático de traducción, un salido y see you later

  5. David Ehrenstein

    Pet Shop Boys

  6. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Ha! You know, days like this are what make this blog extra awesome. I mean, a “Pet” “Shop” Day from Dennis Motherfucking Cooper? Sublime.

    I’m actually messaging with Callum right now. It’s getting there.

    Yeah, I’m terrible, I think, at the selling stuff. Probably why my queries get rejected almost instantly, hahahaha. Though, if I can get this thing here published, there’s another selling point (unless they take the time to read it, hahaha). 😉 But yeah, looking at two angles. I’ll write it out both ways and see what I like. I’ll run it past Callum too. He’s got an eye for things like that. Maybe run it by Joe and/or James too. Oh, and Rigby. But we know how Rigby is, he’ll want me to put all types of “cocks” and “cunts” in there. 😀

  7. David Ehrenstein

    Unfinished Foucault a very intersting article on veryone’s favorite Fist-Fucker.

  8. Steve Erickson

    Could Houellbecq piss off even more people by transforming into a flamingo? This sounds like the subject of his next novel.

    Apart from Burial’s ANTIDAWN, two very different January releases have struck a chord with me – La Roche’s LIYE LIYE and Hikari Utada’s BAD MODE. La Roche is a Congolese producer making moody, atmospheric dance music. The Utada is strong “adult pop” in a soulful, jazzy vein – I think this is what Adele fans hear when they listen to her.

    I’ve been without a primary care physician since last fall due to my insurance changes, and last night I had a major freakout about it. I seem to have found a new doctor, whom I will be seeing for the first time Friday.

    Tomorrow I am interviewing POLY STYRENE: I AM A CLICHE directors Celeste Bell and Paul Sng for Trouser Press. The documentary is quite good, with a personal touch coming from the fact that Bell is Styrene’s daughter.

  9. Bill

    A mind-blowing collection today, Dennis. That Ghost Pet is the creepiest I’ve come across in ages. No way I’ll let that into my house. But I’d totally pick up the robot butterfly and centipede, and that musical instrument cat puppet. Yow.

    Finally saw the German ’80s underground “classic”, Decoder. Dates poorly, not surprisingly. FM Einheit looked pretty though.


  10. David

    Hi Den it’s been very cold in London…. still managed to do my run…. I’m meeting up with my aunty (my dad’s sister) my cousin and her transsexual son/daughter tomorrow for lunch… my dad died when I was 24…. the writer Dale Peck told me at the time as my pal Damon wasn’t brave enough… It will be nice to see my father’s sister.. I haven’t seen her for years…

    Here is a poem that fits in with this post sort of… it ties in with “”sum”” other stuff as well… can’t remember the title of it at the moment…. cheers Dennis x

    The battery inside me is faulty someone bring me back to life, the wiretaps remain the same ingrained, shying away from the rabid knife, in our sleep we become the pets that we keep, little sheep, creatures of the deep, held up by the processes, oh I could weep, the chronic chronometer is mine to keep!

    Ah new cells I am back, a cut above the rest now that’s a fact, thanks for the biblical end time tracts, but I was under the impression that god had been sacked, please crack open an episodic pop, oh dear, chemically I cannot stop, I’m a memory the world forgot, a go, go bot with a ruined slot, may I discard the splattered shroud, I’m not sure I can brave the crowds, the knowing eye is not aloud, thoughts are to be focused amongst the clouds, the others here do not perceive, the underhanded guidelines set out to deceive, the masses are happy to masturbate to the usual hymns, foolhardy dim, locked within, the processes are vicious and demanding, the green world hates me for having this new level of understanding, the thrashing creature in my head keeps expanding, it loathes this planet for misunderstanding, I don’t think I can take another battering, pretending to be human is enormously shattering, for now I’ll attempt to remain unseen, to keep with the wearisome ill-informed routine. (by David Porter)

    • Shane

      Dale Peck is, was a watered down version of Cooper

      • David

        Shane? ok… he was a house mate…. he used to come back soaked in urine and then moan at me for leaving a dirty plate in the sink… so in a way….. you’re right…

  11. Leonard Frey

    Nifty post! I could do with a new battery Dennis Cooper or some other sort of pick me up, my hateful mother has worn me right down! any suggestions?

    ‘HELL YES’ by ‘BECK’

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