
The blog of author Dennis Cooper

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Chewing Gum Day *

* (restored)


evauxz beelzebozo: i am the world’s biggest fan of chewing gum, but sometimes when i stop to think about this little rubbery substance that we put in our mouths to chew for fun, it blows my mind


avatar Apharmd: does anyone else like orbit’s mint mojito flavor? i mean i do like it but it doesn’t really last long. anyone know the brand that lasts the longest?


alton88px Jody Anthony: all i know is Stride is the shortest lasting gum i have ever had. their commercials are pure bullshit. maybe people dont buy your gum because it tastes like chewing on old metal for about 10 seconds, then like an old eraser.


qq4bv8 newsguy:



Let’s keep it real baby


GS-godo-shakes-head Boogie9IGN: I love Mint Mojito, it tastes just like the mojitos my dad makes in the summer. But you’re right, the taste doesn’t last very long.

The shortest-lasting gum flavors tend to be the Hello Kitty/Sanrio gum brands, stay away from them


bustereditedcj9 GoutPatrol: Orbit used to last forever when it first came out. Now it lasts less than an hour. Sure, that’s more than most gum, but it used to last for days. And Orbit White lasts as long as Juicy Fruit.


oozeav bggrthnjsus: i am addicted to gum i go through about a pack every 2 days :/


avatar Apharmd:

Re. The shortest-lasting gum flavors tend to be the Hello Kitty/Sanrio gum brands, stay away from them

wouldn’t know

never tried them


evauxz beelzebozo:



am i right or am i right


KEVINJOHNSONjpg Iamthegamer: I bought a tub (about 600 pieces) of Dubble Bubble Bubblegum (the shortest lasting gum ever, yet among the best tastes) last summer and put it in my car. It’s only halway empty now.

Best investment I ever made.


bushava SIP YEK NOD:

Re. i am addicted to gum i go through about a pack every 2 days :/


mmm, juicy fruit NOMNOMNOM


thmeatwad FootHammer: God, I wish they still made Gatorade Gum. That was the the best gum ever made.


papa_chozo_anim El Papa: I like Dentyne Ice Soft Chew, the Cool Frost flavor.




007_Squirtle omgimaninja: Is there any sugar-free gum that doesn’t contain Aspartame? I don’t eat foods w/it.



9a24j8 Linkzg:

RE. i am the world’s biggest fan of chewing gum…

what? hell no you aint you crazy mother! I have 4 packs of gum in my bag right now, I dont even think that shit will last another day. I am the biggest fan of chewing gum on the planet. I get cold when I dont get my fix. I chew gum even after it loses flavor. WHAT!?

I chew Orbit Raspberry Mint and Trident Wild Bluberry Twist for the most part.

Berry Gum is delicious.



Re. what? hell no you aint you crazy mother! I have 4 packs of gum in my bag right now, I dont even think that shit will last another day. I am the biggest fan of chewing gum on the planet. I get cold when I dont get my fix. I chew gum even after it loses flavor. WHAT!?

I chew Orbit Raspberry Mint and Trident Wild Bluberry Twist for the most part.

Berry Gum is delicious.

my fault. when i said “world’s biggest” i meant in physical girth. i weigh seven hundred pounds, and in one deep corner of my mouth–while also eating ham sandwiches and pepperoni pizzas–i keep a few pieces of gum working




RE. my fault. when i said “world’s biggest” i meant in physical girth. i weigh seven hundred pounds, and in one deep corner of my mouth–while also eating ham sandwiches and pepperoni pizzas–i keep a few pieces of gum working



Boogie9IGN: That one gum with the Strawberry+Lime mixture is godly too




Ninja Scooter: Re. am i right or am i right

that and the watermelon flavor is the best.


Finn: Wrigley’s Spearmint is my favorite, followed closely by Doublemint and Juicy Fruit. Winterfresh is also pretty good, but not a favorite. And I’ll chew Orbit on occasion too.

So really, I like gum.

Oh also, gums that are flavored like pineapple and shit? No thanks. Gum is supposed to be minty, appley, or watermelony. That’s it. Maybe berry-y once in awhile, but not often.



so recommend more gums that last long and taste great

here’s one: Eclipse Fusion Spearmint Melon

normally, fruity flavored gums don’t last long and tend to get foul but this one is the exception


Desperado: I am loyal to Trident original flavor. Simple, tastes great, and good for your teeth.


CM McPunk:

Wrigley’s Extra Cool Breeze

…is what the Gods chew on.


beelzebozo: and now for some brief history on chewing gum.


Many years ago, archaeologists made a surprising discovery! It seems prehistoric men and women chewed on lumps of tree resin for pure enjoyment, making them the first-ever gum chewers in recorded history. The study of man has also found that almost every culture chomped “gum.” Ancient Greeks routinely gnawed on tree resin to clean their teeth and freshen their breath, and called their treat “mastiche.” Indians chawed on the sap from trees. The Maya Indians of Central America gummed chicle. Early settlers bit into hardened tree sap and beeswax.

Until the late 1870s, chewing gum was marked by little or no flavor. A druggist from Kentucky is credited with making chewing gum a sweeter treat when, in 1880, he added sugar to chicle. John Colgan’s discovery sealed the fate of chewing gum, forever marking its place in history.


THE average American chews over 300 sticks of gum each year.
IN THE early 1860s, doctors advised patients to stop chewing gum, often telling patients it would cause their intestines to stick together.
OVER $2 billion of gum is sold in the United States each year.
DRIED CHEWING gum can be removed from hair using peanut butter.
THE WRIGLEY’S company originally sold scouring soap and baking powder. Today, they are known only for their gum.
TEACHERS who once punished students for chewing gum in the classroom now using bubble gum as a reward for good behavior.
WHILE the sale of chocolates and other candies has gone up and down over time, the sale of gum has always remained strong.
MOST gum is purchased between Halloween and Christmas.
TODAY, almost all gum is made by machine.



Re. Wow.. what? Stride Cobalt Blue is amazing… it’s my gum of choice and I’ve tried everything. It last hella long

my mistake.. it wasn’t stride, you were right that is nasty.

it’s this one here, “5”




I want gum. I love gum. I NEED gum.

I like trident.


Darth Sonik:

Have to say that living in Ireland with our crappy weather means you need the power of Wrigleys Airwaves.

My favourite is the ‘Cherry Menthol’, they have a long lasting flavour & help with your breathing.

There was even a run of Guarana “Energy” Gum which I don’t think is available any more.


mCACGj: I love gum, but ever since I was playing baseball and had the ball go off my bat while I was swinging right into my jaw (still not sure how this happened) my jaw gets really sore after a while.

Is anyone else appalled with the recent (I think it as recent?) change in regular Juicy Fruit’s color? It’s all bright yellow now, what happened to the beige?

Do they still make that Rasppleberry or whatever Juicy Fruit? That stuff was delicious.


Lambtron: For me it’s Bubblemint or Sweet Mint Orbit. So good. The Sweet Peppermint Stride is also acceptable. I see Stride has a Sweet Cinnamon now, that might be awesome, cinnamon gum is usually a liiiittle too strong for me.

Select Brands

Hubba Bubba
Double Bubble
Ice Breakers
Bible Gum
Juicy Fruit
Sex Gum

Select commercials

Happy Dent (Kenya; 1:25)

Air Vigorsol (Switzerland; 0:40)

Bubblicious (USA; 1:00)

Stimorol (USA; 0:45)

Frosty Bites (India; 0:30)

Chiclets Stick (Thailand; 0:18)

Brooklyn Gum (Czech Republic; 0:49)

PK (Australia; 0:29)

Mentos Gum (China; 0:31)




p.s. RIP MF Doom ** Dominik, Hi! Cool, Daniel Johns is cool, or seems to be. When ‘Guide’ was published, Alex James of Blur was completely freaked out in the bad way by his doppelgänger character in the novel, but Daniel Johns loved his character. He was even interested in doing the score of a film based on ‘Closer’ that was in the works but never got made. Ha ha, I’ll take that love. And you get love like a sun you can stare directly at without destroying your eyes, Dennis. ** T, Hi, T! Lovely to meet you, and a very happy New Year to you! Thank you a lot for keeping an eye on this place and for the kind words. Please feel more than free to enter and share your thoughts or stuff at any time. ** David Ehrenstein, Happy late b’day to the great Mr. Dallesandro. He used to live on my street in Los Feliz, but I never saw him. ** David S. Estornell, You said it, man. Very same back to you. ** _Black_Acrylic, That Jools Holland has had a helluva long career. I wish the exact same for your 2021, my friend. ** G, HNY to you, Golnoosh! Thank you for giving my 2020 such a great boost too! <3 ** Misanthrope, Ha ha, you’re not a dumbass because you missed my thing, you’re a dumbass because it’s happening today not yesterday. I wonder if I’ll know how it goes. People seem to be making comments in the chat function as the marathon progresses thus far, so maybe I’ll get some trolling snarky shit. Well, the instructional albums came with illustrative booklets and stuff, that’s how. Yeah, if people don’t like what you like, whatev’. Although I’ve been known to blow my stack a little when people shit talk Bresson or Robert Pollard. I almost miss Italian restaurant chains. We don’t have them here. Or we did until Pizza Hut used the pandemic as a reason to pull out of the country. There were a bunch of those. Cheesy crust, yum. Me too: did nothing. Of course we had an 8 pm curfew so there was nothing to do. ** Steve Erickson, Last year was definitely a very mixed and unbalanced bag. Adios. I guess the ball dropped with nobody there to see it with their own eyes? Everything was cancelled here. They didn’t even do the Eiffel Tower fireworks for the TV cameras. ** brendan, Hi, big B. Thanks for talking back to everybody. May your year rip a pretty hole in the fabric of time and space. ** Bill, Hi. I think they would argue that it is all about them. Or that’s my guess at how Masters both real and fake think about the world. My 2021 has started exactly like the last day of 2020 started. That can’t be good. ** Paul Curran, You guys beat us here by a mile, or millions of them. Or maybe just thousands of them. I’m bad with numbers. And with miles. Oh, that sounds quite interesting: your IL thing. The cool thing about IF is I feel like I could pretty much do anything and they would use it, not because my fingers + brain guarantees gold but because they seem as visual as they are textual. Although I can’t do a GIF thing, I guess, which is probably what I would do. Anyway, … Happiest start to the happiest forever, dude! ** Brian O’Connell, Hi, Brian. Aw, I know the slaves would be so appreciative of your kind words, or at least those who aren’t hooded or mummified or snuffed. ‘Mouchette’ is great, one of my favorite Bressons, so, yeah, stamp of approval. Hopefully just the symbology of the old year/new year switch will make a difference. And the world’s most gigantic piece of shit exiting the White House can only help. IOW, here’s to 2021 with hopes even unrealistically high. ** h (now j), Hey. HNY! Thanks. I hope my little reading works. You never know. It’s not very festive. ** Right. On the off chance that a lot of you are hungover today as you would possibly be on a normal New Years Day, I’ve decided to take it really easy on you by restoring this ridiculous, easy on the brain post from years and years ago. Have a fresh start kind of Friday, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

“I invite you to consider the following: how do I in my sexual life contribute to perpetuating or dismantling the violent systems of power around us: white supremacy and anti-Asianness, patriarchy and misogyny, the domination and subjugation of the world by Europe?”


todepravityandbeyond, 18
Dehumanization: the full word ment. DEHUMANIZE(Remove humanity from me, really be mean w/ it). PLEASE don’t start with degrading me then get nice when u cum after 4 days and say “no, fantasy cant b real” Once u have got me i am urs until you get bored or off me. I can talk English


HPDPsycho – Dec 21, 2020
I give you ★★★★ Stars

todepravityandbeyond (Owner) – Dec 18, 2020
My last impressive experince was connected with balls of my my sex partner in my ass, and with asfixion, when i lost concious and he was inside me yet, when went back in my mind and tried to understand what happened having his balls inside me was amazing.



giveitallyouhave, 21
Looking for a master to eat my dick for real
Make me piss on my face and body
Make me cumshot everywhere and let me lick it
Then cock and ball torture and removal
Cook and eat my useless dick


giveitallyouhave (Owner) – Dec 16, 2020
I want you to enjoy it if you start laughing when you eat my dick that’s perfect!

Madamsatanhouse – Dec 14, 2020
If anyone needs a place to do this I have a room where you can make a mess and he can yell, howl, and whine excessively without problem.

giveitallyouhave (Owner) – Dec 11, 2020
I like to keep my balls but they can be smashed pretty hard if you want to let off some steam!

KinkMidas – Dec 11, 2020
Florida dude. I eat balls not cock. Hmu if ur intrested. I will wanna film. I have a philosophy degree but I’m not a dick about it.

HavocSway – Dec 9, 2020
My mouth cant keep this urge out and hopes it cums in.



stonerdude, 19
ask me hehehehehehe



stonerdude (Owner) – Dec 6, 2020
wtf i thought you were kidding no

bagger754 – Dec 5, 2020
I need an answer faggot!

bagger754 – Dec 5, 2020
Looking for a young bloke that looks like you do whos up for the challenge of being binded and gagged then snuffed with a plastic bag. Can you or can’t you.

stonerdude (Owner) – Dec 3, 2020
ok since you asked hehehe

i wanna be a kid again someone who can grow up all again want a dad to do that


i’m looking become full slave full time no limits for life no way out


a loving puppy dog for someone


i’d love a guy to make me hurt myself over snap

i don’t care what one



touch_my_brain, 20
Future Corporate Lawyer 🏛

Applying to law schools/Business Schools rn 🤞🏻

Goal is to get a JD,LLM, and MBA

Soccer⚽️, reading📚, golf🏌🏻, running 🏃🏻, Debating🧑🏻‍⚖️, Drinking 🥃, fencing 🤺

Published 🤓



Drew2TX – Dec 26, 2020
Ask why he voted for Trump and he’ll tell you. Then choke him out, sit on him face, slap him, punch him, etc.



StompSlave, 21
I am the property of Master C.
He chooses profiles worthy of me getting stomped in a hotel while he watches from a distance.
He loves seeing me be kicked. My preferred pain spots are my stomach and head. But if you kick me all over my body that’s amazing too.
I will make him happy. You will never forget me.


StompSlave (Owner) – Dec 7, 2020
My junk doesn’t really work anymore, perhaps you can find a way to get it to?

StompSlave (Owner) – Nov 30 18, 2020
Had an “accident” recovering using wheelchair atm while I learn to walk again.

Dudes2break – Nov 12, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed letting out my built up anger and frustration on this piece of shit. Just know that the piece of shit is rather sympathetic and his master is a total asshole so you need to be a sociopath kindda guy with no empathy.



iam_shadow, 22
I want to be a prisoner— an actual inmate of the state— for 5 years? 10 years? Longer? It doesn’t matter much to me. I want to live the despair of being locked up for so long that freedom seems to be an impossible dream. But here’s the thing most men don’t understand: I don’t want to break the law and be arrested. I want a man to have me placed in prison and to get off on the power of having done so.

I can think of several ways a man could convince the authorities to take me a prisoner, but that’s something we can discuss.

Please don’t contact me and tell me how easy it would be to get myself arrested. Please don’t tell me how fucked up I am.



InsultMyUGLYFace, 18
Looking for some bored sadists to make fun of my face and break me mentally.

I thank the men that were honest with me when nobody else would be.


InsultMyUGLYFace (Owner) – Dec 17, 2020
I hate other teens! Don’t have any teens around. If I even see another teen I fly into a rage!

InsultMyUGLYFace (Owner) – Dec 17, 2020
Don’t annoy me!

Atljockhole – Dec 17, 2020
For the 100th time, I strongly recommend psychological advice.

InsultMyUGLYFace (Owner) – Dec 17, 2020
Also love talking to evil men! I love talking philosophy, but I’ll talk about anything.



nonononononono, 19
I have a little scenario in mind that really excites me a lot:

I would love to be a slave for life but never cum.
Always kept slutty with a permanent hard dick day and night that is constantly tortured by my master.

It’s a very, very exciting scenario.

-Feel wanted and hated
-Poppers poppers poppers
-Raped 10+ of every 24 hours
-A very large cock which apparently will not fit but does
-Lick my feet
-I do not like uro and scat but why not talk about them I’m curious

I am available on November 20/21/22, 2020 during the day.

(PS: Photo taken by a photographer friend, my face hidden because I do not want to be desired in the eyes of all. My face will be hidden (mask) until I am owned then the mask can be pulled off. If you don’t think I’m cute you will be the first person in the world to think that, thank you for your understanding)


Bloke4Blokes – Dec 24, 2020
He don’t know how to be a slave in his own and he also have a tiny ass sadly, it’s so tight. Sheesh.



TheGodHand, 24
What am I into? My fetish, heavy fetish, is wearing armor, ancient medieval heavy metal armor. I could wear armor all day long.

I dream about being kidnapped while trying to walk around in my medieval armor and then locked in someone’s house then given forced electro (metal is a great conductor) until I literally pass out, and then continuing electro while I’m passed out until … ?

I am very serious and sincere about this and hope someone can help me out.



somebdyouthere – Nov 28, 2020
Scarypussy’s problem was he was too kind of omnidirectional.

elpenetrator – Nov 28, 2020
Apropos of whatever you may be thinking before he seems to have lost his mind he used to escort under the name scarypussy and his balls were like an open bar



time4snuff, 24
back online after awhile away. think I might be ready to give away my life. maybe to the guy with the most creative way of using my body before during and after.

if you think you’ve seen me getting gangbanged in a thousand videos that’s because you have.


MasterofHell – Dec 8, 2020
I’ve been wondering when you would decide to pull the plug.

time4snuff (Owner) – Dec 8, 2020
sorry for the nostalgia, i’m just thinking back about my first time. i was 15. i started chatting with this hot older man online who was intensely into me and talked me into going to his house. he wanted to fuck me in his son’s room so we went in there and i was stunned because i recognised the photos of the son that were pinned up on the wall because his son went to my school. i knew him and we looked a lot alike and got mistaken for each other a lot. the man stripped me and threw me on the bed and started calling me by his son’s name, tim. i have to admit I loved it on many levels, to smell tim’s pillow and bed as his dad played with my ass and ate me out and worked me up verbally like crazy. he would repeatedly say things like ‘i’m not stopping until your ass rips and bleeds all over the bed’ and ‘i’m going to tear your ass so bad you’ll have to call an ambulance’ and ‘you fucking little bastard, i’ll fuck the shit out of you, i’ll fuck you to death while my jizz flows through your mouth’. he didn’t kill me obviously but, hell did he want to and, hell he did make me bleed anally with a combination of his beautiful 9.5” cock, thick like a big redbull can, fingers and even the small end of tim’s baseball bat. and afterwards he felched the cum and blood out of me and fed it to me. so hot! in retrospect it was the most unforgettable fuck ever. i guess it’s no wonder i’ve been looking for the real thing ever since.

TryMe2211 – Dec 8, 2020
Shame, I loved your ass desperately.

Youwantme1 – Dec 8, 2020
i saw a coupla of your vids where i was almost sure the tops snuffed you after the camera was turned off



idkyoutellme, 18
Can you like….destroy me but NOT emotionally hehe?!? 🤡….. yea… that’s almost everything you have to know about me haha 🙂



FlyBottom, 18
Seeking great friends who like to fist a peachy smooth, jiggly ass and then go twirl on the dancefloor. If you require more than that, I’ll disappoint you. Being in romantic partnership makes me deeply unhappy and less myself.


Anonymous – Dec 10, 2020
love is fake, obsession is real.

that_dude420 – Dec 1, 2020
FYI an Amber Alert for you (Matthew Lawson) just popped up in my Twitter feed



FuckMyThroatToShreds, 20
Looking for a real genuine sadist as I have absolutely no self worth.
Someone that would get off on making me suffer and cry and drool and vomit on their cock for hours!!

I want terrible throat and jaw pains or you’re not doing your job well.

Open to getting the crap beaten out of me, mindfuck, anything that draws blood, hard drugs, the list is extensive.

If I don’t have fresh bruises, a split lip, broken nose, a black eye, busted teeth or some other mark that lasts a couple weeks, I probably won’t come back for a second session.

I have Aspergers which is a form of autism and I have IDD intellectual developmental disabilities

One of the best things that ever happened to me was with a guy who pounded my throat while he had me in a chokehold with one arm and used his other hand to cover my mouth and nose. When I struggled and pushed at his arms he punched me in the face to distract me from dying. That went on for a long time and I was bloody faced and probably half dead before he was able to make himself cum. He told me after that if I’d died before he’d gotten off it would have been tough shit for me.


Sincerely, the hogtied boy whose balls you hammered to force the gag in the profile pic into his mouth.


nwolcrellik – Nov 29, 2020
Or … let’s say there’s a new drug on the streets called “Zerk”. It’s used by boys as the ultimate sex drug; it makes your ass tighter, your cock bigger and harder, and all around tones your body, all while making you sexually aggressive. People say they fuck like animals on Zerk, and that a little Zerk goes a long way. They also warn that if you take too much, you go…well, Berserk. And then your head explodes. How about we both end up ODing on Zerk. We get massive erections, toned bodies, and extremely aggressive sex drives. We try to fuck, beat, rape and eventually kill each other before we inevitably succumb to our overdose on a massive eruption of cum and brain matter. I’m very flexible on limits and such, but I definitely want to see a head explosion.

nwolcrellik – Nov 29, 2020
I want to snuff you, but I’m not looking for something realistic. I’m into some crazy shit, like having the dick the size of a skyscraper or shoving your intestines down your throat and making you swallow them. Cutting off your finger or two is fine. But I want to swim into the deep end; why not cut off both your arms, shove them down your throat and pound your ass, but my dick’s a few feet wide and long and shoots out bullets when I cum? If this somehow doesn’t sound just weird and sounds hot as hell, I’m your guy.

TroyCorrin – Nov 23, 2020
I’d love to pop your eyeballs from their sockets, roll them in my hand as if I were shooting craps, looking in those satellite eyes, seeing your pain.

FuckMyThroatToShreds (Owner) – Nov 22, 2020
Accidentally cut my thigh while shaving it and found out I’m a cake wtf???

Anonymous – Nov 22, 2020
I’m a natorious satanic rapist and killer looking to kidnap you and rape you over and over as I brutally beat and abuse you and kill you then bring you back from the dead and keep killing untill you become the perfect partner and we become the perfect duo who I begin to trust and help me terrorize this city raping and killing anyone we desire and bring back anyone who we want.



JonJ18, 18
Shhh now. I was in the closet proverbial before. Now I’m literally in the closet. Your closet.

Now you need me to keep quiet while you go talk to those nice, hot police officers downstairs. When you’re done convincing them that you haven’t seen me in some time and that you don’t expect to either, they’ll leave you alone with me. And then we can spend the rest of our lives just enjoying the fact no one will miss me.


fuckingbullshit – Dec 25, 2020
Small cock with poor erections.

MasterDaddy02 – Dec 11, 2020
Bondage and blows to his head with your fists seem to be the way to go, or make a duct tape sculpture out of him.



higherpurpose, 21
Am I attracted to you or am I attracted to the illusion of the power of your whiteness, your non-Asianness, and your masculinity?

Am I attracted to whiteness, non-Asianness and masculinity or have I just internalized white supremacist standards of beauty?

Are our standards of alphas and doms hot, or are they rigid, limited, and limiting representations of patriarchy?

Do I actually want to sub for you or do I just want to see what it feels like to be fucked by power up close and personal?

I think we all know that the true power lies – and has always lied with – the oppressed. It’s where ““culture” and resistance come from.

I invite you to consider the following: how do I in my sexual life contribute to perpetuating or dismantling the violent systems of power around us: white supremacy and anti-Asianness, patriarchy and misogyny, the domination and subjugation of the world by Europe?

I seek out doms who kiss and kiss deeply and tenderly, doms who eat ass and eat ass well, doms who will suck me off in between pounding my throat, doms who will take their time entering me and make sure I’m actually enjoying them inside of me instead of hiding discomfort to please their male ego.

Instead of taking the worst aspects of our dominant culture (racism, individualism, violence, hypermasculinity) why don’t we build a culture from the best aspects of (openness, emotionality, tenderness, sensuality, eroticism, honoring our masculine and feminine energies)?

I’m willing to try if you are.


JamesDavid95 – Dec 5, 2020
Hey! Fuck you. Eat me out.

luggchuggg – Dec 2, 2020
Before this Asian got “woke” I was in a gangbang video with him as the bottom. It’s called “Hard Pressed (racist term) 3” and it’s out there somewhere. If you know you might be interested …

1) The “gang” was not vetted properly. Out of 5 tops who showed up (after they’d arranged for and expected 8 ) one was a total bottom who needed viagra and meth to fake it, one said he’d get hard if he could choke the Asian (he did and it didn’t), one was too high and unusable so he just felched our loads out of the Asian. So it was a motley “gang”.

2) The DP looked great in the finished video–it took over an hour to shoot about 6 or 7 minutes as we tried different positions and had to twice stop and wait for the Asian to do touch ups as we’d fucked him so deeply. There’s a great shot where another top and I grunt, moan, and scream as we dump deep inside him simultaneously, and you can see our cocks pulsate with each ejaculation.

3) The producer made a move on the Asian–who became offended and locked himself in the bathroom. I finally talked him out of it and we filmed–an hour late.

4) There is a shot of me and another guy fucking the Asian DP from underneath. I love to look at it. While filming, the light on the camera was so hot, it burned my calf and I felt like the hair on my balls would ignite, and it made the Asian’s ass smell very assy.



illegal-legal-egal, 18
Hey I’m J

Kidnap my faggot son. Yes I said kidnap. Yes you’ll need to have a car of your own for that. Yes you’ll need rope blindfold handcuffs gag and probably a gun

He’s not going to willingly

Humiliate him in the grossest ways possible

BDSM the fuck out of him

If he’s not bruised broken or walking funny afterwards you did it wrong


illegal-legal-egal (Owner) – Dec 13, 2020
If I could find someone who can turn him from a queeny fuckwit into a normal straight boy that I can lock away in an underground cell, I would be happy.



jayisnotokay, 23
















neoatch – Dec 20, 2020
He’s just some wacked out kid who’s playing Magic the Gathering and watching a lot of gay porn cause of certain reasons.

_ink_love_ – Dec 20, 2020
The address he gives is of a board games store called A&N Collectibles.



Aphrodites, 18
call us to enjoy, we’re perverted


sugar724 – Dec 5, 2020
They’re down to do anything for the bag 💰

Aphrodites – Nov 21 18, 2020
we served a master on here over the summer. we forget what his name was though, if you think this sounds like you please message us. we would love to find him again and explain what happened.



YoungMothafuckaaaa, 24
Hey just on here coz I have always have a fantasy and I need your help for filling it’s….. 😉 hat’st probably my darkest fantasy. Is being drugged by a group of men taken somewhere remote, why they all just take turns using me like a peace of meat. I want dicks big enough to bulge my throat and make me vomit feed the vomit back into my mouth and ramrod it down into my stomach and repeat repeat. I also wanna be extreme anally, get fucked brutal and deep diarrhoea pouring down my buttocks like lava getting that scooped up and repacked in me repeat repeat. I can get past the elbow on a fist and I would love to get my internal organs robbed smash and grab. Men just taking out my garbage, punching, choking and just using my nasty body over and over then just leave me there when they are all done with me 🐷 besides death I will to let you guys do anything


SirShimmertheFlameboyant – Dec 14, 2020
I went to party in the Hamptons this past February where this guy’s ass was the guacamole dispenser.

sukkazzoemazza – Dec 12, 2020
the hottest sex u can figure out.

eecumbocum – Dec 7, 2020
I was lovers with this twink for a while. We started out romantic, but between relentless partying and other shit our relationship devolved into pure sexual depravity. He’d spend his entire time at home in chastity with vibrators inside him, cumming constantly. Whenever I was home, I fuck all his holes relentlessly. After introducing him to pet play, I started binding his arms and legs so he had to walk around on all fours. One day I brought home a hacksaw and a document for him to sign: A contract where he would sign over his human rights to me, at which point I could do whatever I wanted to him. He knew that if he signed that document, his name would be the last thing he’d ever write with him arms. He drew the line there, and we split up.



TheFool99, 18
I’m fucked up if ever 🥲🥲🥲
I love going to parties then get wasted
Do you want to be my contact person? 👉🏻👈🏻
Come over please I’m pissed off grrrrr 🥴
I do the feelingggggggg promisssssss
This is surely one of the worst descriptions but it’s nothing it’s the street 🥲


Evilmaster89 – Dec 11, 2020

TheFool99 (Owner) – Dec 11, 2020
Yes maybe probably but you’d need to hurry what’s your home like?

Evilmaster89 – Dec 11, 2020
Ok I will come over but you must leave with Master
Stay in my home
– will be shave bald any hair in slave bussy
– must shirtless in home
– if going out with master, must use shirt master choise
– must sport, sit up, push up etc
– if unemployed so only get food, bath from master
– must accept scat puke piss and blood dont like it fuck off
– if unemployed must quarantine in home everyday & can going only with master
– must have slave soul

TheFool99 (Owner) – Dec 11, 2020
Looking to be fucked and raped and abused and choked non stop right now that my parents are gone tonight please help



PrincessPeach, 19
Princess Peach doesn’t consider herself feminine but much more as a homo faggot pig looking for his Bowser.

Princess Peach is mostly into all kind of perversions and degradations like piss, vomit, humiliation and dehumanisation. Princess Peach was intended to be a well-educated person who studied in university but she prefers been dumb with a stupid mouth.

Princess Peach is a dumb faggot shitwhore and loves to be humiliated exposed as a turd and being treated as dirty as possible! Her stupid mouth and his ass needs lots of hard cocks and filled with load of cum, piss and anything else!

Princess Peach had a strong smoking fetish and loves the pleasure of smoking long cigarettes and doing it mostly when she has sex. Princess Peach likes to exhibit his body and his little piggy ass outside in public places.

Do not hesitate to abuse or expose this pig as she deserves! Oink Oink !!!!

Disclaimer WARNING: Sydney University and all other institutions using this or any Adult Friend Finder site or its associated sites for projects please YOU HAVE my permission from me to use any of my profile in any form or forum both current and future.


guyfromnever – Dec 1, 2020
Rent my never horny fem slave $500/hr

guyfromnever – Nov 19, 2020
He is now under my ownership and I am fucking his mind to shreds with the eventuality of extreme and PERMANENT mindfuck and I drool at the mere sight of him and sex with him has become gasp inducing.

PrincessPeach (Owner) – Nov 16, 2020
Princess Peach is now under consideration for ownership by guyfromnever

PrincessPeach (Owner) -Nov 4, 2020
Princess Peach is now under consideration for ownership by s8tan

s8tan – Nov 4, 2020
I’m a bodybuilder Master with a fetish for boxing. Love roughing and beating up boys and making them submit to my superior will and strength. You wanna see my Master cock expand to maximum length, then splatter some blood on the end of my punches. Yes, I hate boys… that’s why I enjoy hitting them!

TheAssPlayanist – Oct 26, 2020
Princess Peach is now 200% owned by the best Dom he could ask for (me). I’m going to vomit on him and make him bleed.

Princess Peach (Owner) – Oct 24, 2020
Princess Peach is now under consideration for ownership by TheAssPlayanist 🔐

breathlessinseattle – Oct 6, 2020
Watching this boy suffer is close to a religious experience.



yes4DAD, 20
Looking forward to having a DAD. Yes DAD I’m just the type. I want to see the satisfaction on DAD’s face when he fills his little son up and busts. I can be your son without any pnp but it’s much easier when DAD swirls and spun me!!! In my day to day life im MOSTLY a pothead DAD.


Insp3ctorOfBoyhole – Dec 14, 2020
Great son, nasty, sweaty, would make any Dad proud and do anyhting for Dad, and it’s literally impossible to eat his ass enough.

Wristwatchgay – Dec 3, 2020
He’s the kind of son where when you want to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night you just wake him up and urinate in his mouth.



thoughtpalace, 18
Hello everyone! 🙂

A real boy should reach a point in his relationship with his boyfriend where he is brainwashed into believing that he is completely worthless and helpless without his boyfriend.

He should eventually accept that once the relationship passes a certain point that it is final.

He should be completely isolated so that he is dependent on his boyfriend.

Nothing the boy does should ever allow him to be single again.

If the boy wont put out for his boyfriend he should be raped over and over until he gets used to it.

Yes this will break the poor boy’s psyche but he doesn’t have a choice in the matter.

The boyfriend should revoke the boy’s right to say no forever.

So even if its been years and the boy starts crying and wanting to go back to his old life…he will learn the hard way that in this relationship no one can hear him scream.

The boy should never be broken up with.

Ideally his boyfriend will have broken him enough that freedom would be impossible anyway.

The boy shouldn’t be able to survive without his boyfriend because he is too broken psychologically to do so.

He should not have finances or a career or anything to distract him or make him think he is a normal person.

Hence he is a real boy and not just someone playing a neurotic game.

To summarise I am simply looking for happiness.

Any takers?


Judson – Dec 8, 2020
yeh i the hell am!

thoughtpalace (Owner) – Dec 8, 2020
No you’re not.

Judson – Dec 8, 2020
Ima fuck u



BillyHarper, 18
Don’t discuss with me about the x🚫 Don’t Use *xy words⚠️ Because i’m not *xy type ✔️

4mmc 50 € the Gr
2gram70 €
3gram 100 €
Coke 70 € per gram
Ghb 50 € per 50ml vial
Extas 50 € the plate of 6
Meff 50 € per gram
Tazz 50 € plates of 6
Tina 150 € the gram
Poppers 20 €
Shit 50 € 5gram
Weed 50 € 5gram
Weed 50 € 5gram

I know that money is not everything but for me it is



FreudsEgo, 24
I am a tall fem geeky slim boy who fantasizes about offering my testicles to a virile rather mature man (40 to 65 years old). That he first does absolutely whatever he wants (swallow, stretch, knead, chew, weigh, whip, electro, needles etc …), totally depraved, total demolition, that he makes me cum and urinate and scream, that he makes me understand that he is holding me in the hollow with his hand.
I want to then leave my balls dismantled forever in the hand of this man to have my sack pulled taut as the knife cuts and saws them off, slowly, very slowly, the idea turns me on to death …
I want this and if possible fairly quickly.


Anonymous – Nov 23, 2020
Totally, the dead eyes, the saliva on his lips, really hot

Anonymous – Nov 23, 2020
Anyone else in love with his dead eyes?

Anonymous – Nov 23, 2020
I liked the bubble coming out of his neck 😉

Anonymous – Nov 23, 2020
I did and I’m 90 percent sure you’re right. It looked as though in addition to the castration he’d already been partly disemboweled. It looked like his t-shirt was fully lifted up and his entire torso was exposed and then his midsection was slashed open.

Anonymous – Nov 23, 2020
Did anyone else see the pic on the CDB site that sure looks like a pic of this guy being beheaded?



NothingButHoles, 19
A young trans Girl and her Male twink companion
He eats puke and she drinks piss

– Located in Arlington, VA
– Part-Time Retail Workers


Anonymous – Dec 13, 2020
if you like rickety dwarves



shyworthlessthing, 19
i look for an older hobby doctor (60 years +) who can be visited. Let everything be done to me, including what remains. i also have a dog so have to sort him too.


MiroSkinhead – Dec 27, 2020
Honest person,



MistakeToBeMade, 23
Hi I’m Brady, I’m a straight married young man who has erectile dysfunction.

I’m looking for a male master to fuck my wife.

I welcome any insight.


So, I was just wondering, what would you guys do if you saw this boy laying on the ground severely wounded? Because personally, I would play around with his weakened, still live body (in both a sexual and nonsexual way) until he eventually dies of his injuries (or speed up the process if the injuries aren’t fatal enough), then I’d make love to the corpse and eat some (or most) of it.



HardToUse2001, 19
Read please if you can read ofc!

I am a total brat and have had it way too easy in life I suppose, but that is my issue not yours……..can you be the one that revenge fuck me for teasing hard working men like yourself but you are most likely like the rest, and pull out your power tool just because I think it hurts, what a freaking turn off that is, if it hurts you fuck harder.

You write you want to OWN a property just for your own pleasure, but you want even stake it out with your huge DNA marker. You are chickens all of ya!

Are you annoyed yet? If not you are not that smart. Ok, so you are not especially bright and to scared to rape-fuck properly and still you write 100% Top Well Hung in your profile, so you lie too, how unexpected…not.

Yeah you mister, you like to shut me up but you hands are occupied scratching that primal head of yours because you want to tie me up but can not figure out how to tie a knot. Oh yea that is SEXY, among apes that is!

You must bring your Viagra with you to the sling (you finally manage to put me in) because your cock is too weak for marathon fucking, get a life! Buy some blue pills for you weak cocked Total-Top so you can experienced something new, a full erection, hallelujah!

So i succeeded, where you could have won so easily, but your pretended macho pride got in the way.



HardToUse2001 (Owner) – Dec 17, 2020
I am the best bottom ever.

Unknownimous – Dec 16, 2020
He can take pain and a lot of it. Want to leave permanent marks? Go ahead. Want to knock his lights out? He’s your slack faced boy. Into beastiality? He loves animal cocks inside him. Miss live music? He can play the piano, guitar and sing.

tree333 – Dec 11, 2020
he doesn’t like being made to “do” things but he likes being wrapped in shrink wrap with just a straw in one nostril as a breathing hole for long periods then being spat on, kicked, used as a skateboard, etc

splitshyt – Dec 8, 2020
He loves getting fisted and if you wanna strike oil, you can talk about it.

Shilpa – Dec 4, 2020
He love to suk till it cums all over his face…. love to get fuk hard n wild till he scream……. specially wen he s tied up.. love to play games. dirty games. i mean it. any kind of games.. dirty nasty wild . KinKY.
REAL Pain.
Watever u call it..
USE HIM. PUNISH him badly. Torture him.
He love pain. more u ll hurt him. more he ll b horny….more he ll b SLUTTY… he s total SLUT… just SLUT. d way real MAN wants..
He ll gangbanged by Black guy and his friends for atleast a week.



jamies_stupid, 18
Just here for fuck or what. If you dont fuck thin boys then dont bother hahaha im so fcking sad hahahahhah may be horny sometimes. But mostly im drowned in my tears crying every night, feeling alone.. almost hit the rock bottom.. hahahha


escape_from_reality – Dec 24, 2020

Nerd37 – Dec 21, 2020
He play Ps5 games online shooter games but also games like Smite or solo games (the last of us II, Spiderman) blabla blaaaaa He love dc more than marvel like marvel trz Stars wars, Naruto, Avatar / Korra and DC make up his life and yasss (づ  ̄ ³ ̄) づ 8 ==== 👊🏼 == D💦 👁👅👁

jamies_stupid (Owner) – Dec 20, 2020
Not sure why it says I’m 18 when I’m actually a bunch of atoms that have been coalescing into boring configurations since the universe exploded into existence 13.7 billion years ago.



KnifePlayorNoPlay, 22
I’m into hardcore heavy knife play. Fucking with knifes, cutting up balls, sword swallowing… fuck my hole with a knife like ur churning butter



WhiteTrashBeautiful, 19
Looking to sell this 19 year old high quality consensual longpig to cannibals. We travel often so are probably in a local hotel to you right now. Please no wimps.


dapeng – Dec 27, 2020
this happen from here. happen in China yulin city few months before.

Can google search more details.

The killer is a woman. This woman was sentenced to death.

Buckley – Sept 22, 2020
That is the lushest meat I have ever seen. Let’s talk.

WhiteTrashBeautiful (Owner) – Sept 22, 2020
Further information by request: He is a masculine type young guy in public, plays golf, water and snow skis, swims, does not come off like longpig, none of his friends know what he truly is. He has known what he is for years but has been in denial. He does not even think about girls, never thinks about fucking men or being sucked, his purpose is for any man that wants him as a meal, I know it sounds like some fantasy fulfillment but he is truly at the point of no turning back. Nothing matters more in life to him than ensuring you have a delicious meal. He is willing and ready whether it is a one time feast or whether a man wants to dissemble him in parts, amputate his limbs or organs for small meals over time. He has a void in his life and has came to realize giving himself over as meat is the only true happiness he was created for.




p.s. Hey. If anyone’s interested, I’ll be reading a piece of my upcoming novel ‘I Wished’ in the Poetry Project New Years Day (virtual) Marathon tomorrow, New Years Day, sometime between 1 pm and 2 pm US/EST. You can see the full schedule and RSVP here. ** Ian, Hi, Ian. HNY! I’m really glad you like Brendan’s photos, and thanks a bunch for letting him know. I hope you’re doing swell. ** David Ehrenstein, Howdy. ** Misanthrope, I’m so out of it that I have no idea what ‘Ozark’ is. I saw a few episodes of ‘The Walking Dead’ during its first season when I was visiting LA and thought it seemed okay. I haven’t seen any of the rest of those series. When I was learning guitar, you could buy vinyl records that had instructive lessons on them, but that was pretty much it unless you had a very patient guitar playing friend. Your Amis loyalty is sweet. And, yeah, he can write. I read a couple or three of his books, and that was enough for me. My reading in the Marathon is about 12 minutes long, so, yeah, that is a tight fit. Hm. If they’ve edited mine, I will not be happy. We’ll see. You getting plastered tonight or whatever NYE means this year? ** Bzzt, Hi, Q. A big olde HNY to you too. Its true, yeah, what you said about Brendan’s photos, or I get that too, is what I mean. Have fun saying bye to this crazy year tonight. ** Jack Skelley, Hey, Jack! So, so great talking with you, man. And, yeah, time is bonkers. Thanks for propping Brendan’s stuff. And see you on Saturday, I understand, yes! And rock the 20/21 cusp! ** Dominik, Hi, Dom! Awesome words to Brendan, much appreciated. The only difference between DeAundra and DeAundra’s underpinning is that the underpinning doesn’t wear a wig and doesn’t hold his eyes wide open all the time. I’m currently reading two novels that haven’t been published yet: Matthew Stadler’s ‘Minders’ and Brontez Purnell’s ‘100 Boyfriends’. Thank you for easing back into ‘Guide’. Hard to tell where those two boys were inside, yeah. I’ve never done K, but I’m guessing it feels good. And probably weird. Since you’re reading ‘Guide’, I (and Tinselstool) will send you love that sounds and looks like this, Dennis. ** Bill, Hi, B. I think the hours between right now and just past midnight will be smooth sailing, thank you. Yours too, bud. Ugh, prep, but you’ll ace it. Of course I will plant my ears against what you linked to. Champagne! ** _Black_Acrylic, HNY, B! ** Steve Erickson, I’m happy for you as well. Everyone, Send 2020 to a fiery, brutal, and yet melancholy death by seeing it out whilst under the spell of Mr. Erickson’s new tune “808s and Heartburn” which is located exactly here. ** calc, Hi, Cal! Whoa, it’s really nice to see you, sir! You doing all right? What’s going on? I’m okay, getting through this world-wide disaster in a single piece (so far), you? Hugs from Paris! ** Brian O’Connell, Hi, Brian! I hope you’ve been having really good holidays. Thank you for the wise and beautiful words about Brendan’s work. And, gosh, that was quite a day you had there, ha ha. Thank you so, so much about ‘God Jr’. That really means a lot. And I’m thrilled to bits that the Bresson film worked for you. And you put what he does so well. His work changed my writing and my life too really, as I often say. Wonderful! And, yeah, ‘The Conformist’ is great. A lot of amazing input you’ve got going on there. Not a ton has been going on with me really. Just working, trying to work, and awaiting the return of all of my friends to Paris, as they’ve all been away seeing their families and stuff for the big X to NY phase. I too hope your last day of this misery-central year is more like a dawn than a dying throes. ** Brendan, Brendan! It was a big hit, man! Thank you infinitely again! And see out this year inimitably! ** Corey Heiferman, Hi, Corey. Thanks a bunch for your thoughts and feedback. You’re home! Phew, about escaping the hotel quarantine, Jesus. Yes, it’s always really unnerving and emotionally rich switching from my Paris pad to my LA abode. I understand. I can’t wait until I can be in that weird in-between space again. God or whoever knows when that’ll be. May 2020 rest in peace or, actually, go somewhere else entirely and shut the fuck up. Cheers! ** Okay. The slaves will accompany you through the portal between years. See you tomorrow.

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