
The blog of author Dennis Cooper

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Please welcome back to the world … Dennis Cooper Gone: Scrapbook 1980-1982 (Infinity Land Press)


Put together in secrecy during late 1980 until early 1982 GONE is a tour de force into Dennis Cooper’s most private obsessions and forbidden fantasies. We’ve never seen him exposed like this before, without leaning on (or hiding behind) his remarkable craft. Cooper mingles picture- and text collages, prose and poetry with news reports and pornography. The tabloid killings of William Bonin, Dean Corll and John Wayne Gacy – the victims catalogued repeatedly like Warholian icons – bleeds into late 70s/early 80s teen stars and anonymous, forgotten porn actors in a crude, yet rigorously composed collage of Sadeian proportions. This is the template of the inner drives that later would spawn the masterpiece “The George Miles Cycle”.

With a foreword and an interview with the artist, conducted by Martin Bladh.

Third Edition, 2021

Hardbound, 196 pages, 210x280mm






Extract from the interview with the artist, conducted by Martin Bladh

DC in 1981


MB My first impression when I leafed through this book was that I had discovered some kind of forbidden zone – a tour de force into your darkest, most private obsessions, a world not meant to be seen by any outsider.

Today the scrapbook has been exhibited in Amsterdam and Basel as a conceptual piece of art, but you seem to have been ambivalent while putting it together; sometimes you’re addressing a reader while other parts seem to be very private, done for your sole pleasure?

DC When I was making the scrapbook, I never imagined that anyone but me would ever see it. I don’t think I would have made it at all if I’d thought it wasn’t an extremely private thing that I was doing. I made it to try to understand my relationship to the material I was interested in writing about at that time, which was largely the sex/violence/emotion axis that I had been preoccupied secretly and imaginatively with since I was a kid. At the time that I was making the scrapbook, that particular axis was being acted out and illustrated all around me via the concurrent spate of serial killers who were committing their acts and coming to light in that period. Also, back then, the ‘detective magazine’, which was a genre of periodical that covered crimes in a very lurid fashion and revealed information about the crimes from police reports and so on that was considered too disturbing to appear in mainstream media, was a popular thing, and there were a number of those kinds of magazines covering the killings that I was interested in, which gave me access to a lot of material to think about and to work with in the scrapbook. That scrapbook was specifically part of the experimenting I was doing to try to develop my writing so I could write the project that ended up being The George Miles Cycle.

MB How important is scrapbooking for your creative process?

DC It’s extremely important, and I’ve almost always made scrapbooks to help me develop a novel. The only times I haven’t, it was a decision to see what would happen to my writing if I didn’t fall back on that habit. I still make them, although now I create them online, usually on my blog, rather than in blank books with scissors and glue and so on.

MB The scrapbook originates from the time just after The Tenderness of Wolves came out. Did you ever have it in mind as prima materia for a specific work? I’m thinking about how it has been stitched together, the continuity with different leitmotivs that overlap each other, and it looks like you’ve gone back on some occasions and reworked the composition?

DC As I said, it was to help me figure how I could write the novel cycle that I had been dreaming of making since I was a teenager. I started making it because I had just had a small paying job that involved helping the man who, at that time, owned the William Burroughs archive, organize the papers. In the process, I was able to really study the scrapbooks that Burroughs had made while writing his early novels, and I was very inspired and influenced by the way Burroughs had combined texts, both original and found, with magazine images and photographs in a collage-like way, and I thought that trying to work out my ideas and sense of style and structure through that kind of multi-media approach without the pressure of having to start writing the novels might help me, and it really did.

MB How much time did you spend in the early 80s going through printed matters to find the specific material that you were looking for?

DC Quite a bit, I guess. Once I’d started the scrapbook, it became an important project to me, as important as actually writing a novel, which is pretty consuming state for me to be in. So, I spent a lot of time looking mainly for either detective magazines, teen idol-oriented magazines like Tiger Beat and so on, or pornography that I could use in my studies and ultimately in the scrapbook itself.


MB There are several references to teen stars such as Scott Baio, Ricky Shroeder, Jimmy McNichol, Matthew Labourteaux, the Williams brothers and most notably Leif Garrett. Pictures of these boys have often been remodelled and put into a pornographic or sadistic context – some scenarios even end with them dying. Did you have a problem finding pornography that satisfied your taste and urges, so that you had to invent it yourself, get it down on paper and put the subject of your desire into a fictional, erotic context?

DC Mm, my fantasies and imaginative desires and so on were pretty complicated, and the representations of them that were around in pornography didn’t interest me very much other than as a dumb, failed, one-sided picture. I made the collages and juxtapositions to try to represent my fantasies in a way that was true to them as they were in my head, which meant trying to make things that were simultaneously disturbing, sexy, tragic, absurd, and, mostly unrealizable because I’m interested in how the sex/violence axis can only be illustrated in the imagination, or perhaps in the safe, hallucinogenic context of fiction, where people don’t really suffer or die or care if they die or care if they’re doing something completely unfair and unacceptable to someone else. I think the kinds of things I was interested in couldn’t be represented in photographs or movies or videos. For me, if they were going to be represented visually, they had to appear in the collage form where my hand and intentions were as important or more important than the acts that the collages were trying to represent.


MB Where would you draw the line between art and pornography?

DC I guess it would be a matter of the intention. Obviously, there’s art that employs a resemblance to pornography in hopes of creating a purely titillating-like effect within its larger context, and there’s art that draws on pornography’s single-minded intention and power in a subversive way. And there’s pornography that tries to borrow from art or that attempts to infringe on the kinds of decision making that artists use in hopes of complicating or enlarging the genre. In the late 70s and early 80s, there were a number of directors making gay pornography – Jason Sato, Peter De Rome, Jean Daniel Cadinot, and others – who tried to make serious, artful porn films with varying degrees of success. But the huge majority of porn is just porn, I think, and the things that sometimes seem interesting about it are accidental and extracurricular, usually to do with the performers’ discomfort or inability to succeed at the job of being mere sex objects.

MB There is a certain idolisation of the victims, raising them to the level of stardom. Of all the victims being listed you show a particular interest in Gacy’s last kill Robert Piest. What makes him so special to you?

DC I was very interested in ‘the teen idol’ at the time. I was very interested by the way those boys were emptied out of meaning by the media and by their image-makers – how their lives and personalities were fictionalized, and how they were rendered for the public as ideal, utopian potential sex partners or boyfriends. In equating the boys that were victims of the killers with Leif Garrett and Shaun Cassidy and all the rest of the popular teen idols of the time, I was trying to see if, by using the extremely limited personal information there was available about them, and by reducing them to their looks, I could make them into stars and, thereby, locate an imaginative viewpoint on them that would make committing forcible sex acts against them and murdering them seem like as logical and as called-for a conclusion to the game that the media was playing them as, say, sleeping with or marrying the teen idols was the natural reaction in their cases. I was trying to find a way into the killer’s mind and p.o.v., basically. I don’t remember why Robert Piest was especially important to me. It probably had to do with the way his death happened or was reported to have happened at the time. I think I also thought he was very cute, and I suppose that probably had something to do with it as well. I guess that, in his case, there was a particularly potent combination of feeling confused and sad and shocked by what had happened to him and feeling sexually attracted to him at the same time. I guess made him especially helpful to me in trying to locate my honest relationship to the killings.

MB Correct me if I’m wrong, but Georges Miles hadn’t become your prime muse and main source of inspiration at the time when the scrapbook was being put together? I know that you’ve said that when Miles became your guiding light it helped you to explore extreme sex and violence without being cruel. Is the scrapbook a proof of that cruelty?

DC George Miles was my dearest friend and the most important person in my life beginning at the age of 15 when first I met him. For most of the time that I was making that scrapbook, he and I were going through a period of not communicating or seeing one another. So, the scrapbook really has nothing to do with George. It wasn’t until I had finished or given up on the scrapbook that I got the idea of making George the subject and guiding figure and recipient of the Cycle as a way for me to find my place in the material because I loved him very much, and I knew I would never wish anything bad to happen to him. Making the books about and for George created a barrier between my imagination, where I have always let anything happen and where there is no cruelty, but rather only innocent explorations, and the real world, where there are autonomous people and consequences. George was both my guide in writing the novels and my protection too.

MB There’s a ten page gap in the book destroyed by Fales Library due to its ‘potentially illegal’ subject matter. This section starts out with a handwritten introduction where you describe a series of pictures from the first “real porno magazine” you ever bought that had a particular erotic importance to you. although you give a thorough explanation of this piece, I’m still curious why Fales thought this section was so disturbing that they tore out ten pages of the book. Do you have any recollection of this series today?

DC There are actually quite a number of pages that were defaced and censored by Fales Library. I don’t have an intricate memory of that porn sequence itself. I assume the pages were removed because, in the porn narrative that was tacked on to the pictures, one of the models was said to be 14 years old. As far as I can remember, the model in question was clearly not that young, and that magazine was widely available and sold openly in porn shops for years, so it doesn’t seem likely that he was underage, but I guess Fales decided that the narrative’s designation of the model’s age was reason enough to remove the pages. I think that in the photo sequence the two models just had the usual kind of sex, and I think the images were softcore with no actual penetration shown, which was pretty typical of porn magazines of that era. I’m not sure why 10 whole pages were removed because the sequence wouldn’t have taken up that much space, so there must have been other things removed as well, but I don’t remember what they would have been.


RIP: 4 of the censored/destroyed pages



Dennis Cooper Interviewed in Paris (American Suburb X exclusive)

William Bonin

Leif Garrett

Robert Piest

Dean Corll

The Williams Twins

Steven Stayner

John Wayne Gacy

Scott Baio

Larry Eyler







p.s. Hey. The fine people at Infinity Land Press have brought ‘GONE’, the scrapbook I made the early 80s while developing my George Miles Cycle books, back into print, this time in a swanky hardcover edition, and they asked if I would mark the occasion by letting them roll out the blog’s red carpet function, and … I have. ** JM, Hi, Josiah. I’m so sorry to hear about the emotional roughness. So many people I know are going through a lot of emotional turbulence right now. Not that that will make you feel any less down and alone. Obviously, all of my fingers are crossed for a swift upswing. But at least your work is going well. I’m very happy to hear that and cursing my inability to see it due to the cruel distancing device known as internationality. Hang in there, enjoy everything you can. xoxo ** Montse, Hi, Montse! You’re not alone in getting the posts a day late, and I’ve never been able to figure out why that happens to some people or how I could fix that lag. Wow, ‘Eden Eden Eden’ in Spanish must be something. Wait, I’ve only read it in English, ha ha, so what do I know. The weather’s sweet here, maybe a little too nice/warm, but you know me and *upside down cross* heat. Hm, maybe I could come to Primavera. Hm. Let me think/scheme about that. Oh, no, you’re stuck at home! Now of all times! Are you nearing the all-clear point? ‘The Magic Kingdom’, wow. I haven’t thought about that novel in forever. Yes, I read back in the 80s. I don’t remember a whole lot about it. Obviously, you can guess why I jumped at reading it. I think I remember it being really fun while, naturally, having quibbles about what a novel about an amusement park should ideally be like. Anyway, that’s so cool that you translated it. I haven’t heard or read anyone discuss that book in such a long time. Maybe I should spotlight it. Hm. And you love it? Okay, I’ll seriously look into that. Trivia: At one point the title of my novel ‘Closer’ was going to be ‘George Miles’, and the main reason I changed it is because, at that time, there was a reasonably well known novel by Elkin called ‘George Mills’. So great to see you, my buddy! Feel completely perfect ASAP, and I hope I’ll get see you here and then elsewhere again really soon. ** Dominik, Hi, D!!! Sounds like a pretty topnotch weekend. You probably know that France is supposedly the country where Placebo is the most popular in the world. The last they played here, which was quite a while ago, they sold out five nights at this huge concert venue in Paris where even, like, Madonna only sold out two nights. My weekend was okay enough. Not as lively as I had hoped, but solid in the end. Maybe SCAB can start a line of merch with a dolphin buttplug as the first product. Or maybe third after, you know, the official t-shirt and button. Now that is quite a sizeable love right there. Thank you, and I’ll prepare my orifices accordingly. Love wracking his brains trying to figure out what a cooler version of Liberace would look like, G. ** Misanthrope, I’m not sure that slave had his bead on the zeitgeist, but you never know. I’m guessing you have now finessed the final finesse-needing bits and MD is over on this side of the pond sprouting illustrations. Muscle spasms suck! I mostly get them in my calves for some reason. There aren’t enough crossable fingers in the world. ** Bill, Law of averages says I doubt it. But … ? I’ll look for those docs. I’m on a doc binge too, and the ones on my go-to pirate site are dwindling. ** jamie, I think the fact that the slave profile at the top was so downbeat kind of colored the others. In fact, I deliberately put it at the top to see what the effect might be on the others. I.e., I’m such a nerd. The slave never have locales or stats or anything, just the escorts, yeah. Also, escort pix at the top, slave pix at the bottom. Otherwise, they could be twinsies, sort of. I do so highly recommend you go to Phantasialand when the occasion arises. And stay in one of the park’s theme hotels if you can spring for the extra bucks. And the park is not really so far from you, a pretty easy day trip by train. And I’ll shut up now, ha ha. Cool, just let me know if you need more whatever about the GIFs issue. Monday wasn’t amazing, but it fulfilled its basic requirements. I’m hoping Tuesday will kick its boring ass down the road, but we’ll see, and, of course, I hope your Tuesday goes Godzilla on your Monday. So … did it? ** Damien Ark, Hi, Damien! Good to see you! Balloon popper was cool. There are much worse ways to spend one’s time. Every once in a while I come across slaves whose fetish is balloons. Strangely, I more frequently come across slaves whose fetish is having their stomachs inflated like balloons. Happy to have to have hit your mark with the Sion Sono post, of course. You good or way, way better than good, I hope? Hugs from over here. ** Okay. If you want to peek inside ‘GONE’, today’s your day. In any case, yes, I’ll see you tomorrow.

“I beat my bf too hard, now he can’t read, write, or do math, anyone want him?”


fvckedupmind, 20
I want to get to know people who want to bloody me and are patient since I have autism.


The_emo_Trans_Person – May 24, 2021
I saw on your social media a post saying you were sorry for everything. This is what originally had me worried.

I messaged you several times asking if you were OK and telling you that I cared about you. After I contacted another friend to find out where you were, I received the news that you had, in fact, committed suicide.

I won’t ever be able to find the right words to say to you now that you’re dead. I can’t say I understand what you went through. But no matter what, no matter how far life and death make us drift apart, I am always going to be alive for you. Always.

fvckedupmind (Owner) – May 7, 2021
I am so alone on here. My psychotic behavior is my enemy and I can’t control myself. I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP BLOODY ME DAMMIT!!!! I am about to go into rage cause i can’t find someone who’ll do it on here maybe only 2 people i know say they will.

rank23 – May 3, 2021
deep man i like it

fvckedupmind (Owner) – May 3, 2021
my 1st poem




itokaytobegay, 20
Man, I must tell you, I’m here because I at some point in life want to meet someone that will eventually fall in love with me, but I’m less likely to find a partner on grinder that loves me and is also happy to use me as a toilet. Is that weird?


FeederBerlin – May 12, 2021
Hey fella, I want a toilet, you must be prepared to eat scat (a lot). I get very emotionally attached to the boys who let me shit in them. That said I want a toilet not a boyfriend. I don’t want my toilet to be anything else than my toilet. I do care for and do my best to look after the boys who I shit into, but love? That’s weird, yes.



TrickyRicky, 22
The other day I started fantasizing about someone pulling my teeth and cutting out my tongue and watching me desperately struggle to speak. I can’t decide between having my tongue cut out while I’m asleep and drugged, so someone can watch my fear and confusion and dawning horror as I wake up and realize what he’s done; or doing it while I’m awake so someone can see me scream in agony and pain.


TrickyRicky (Owner) – May 18, 2021
I am available to anyone in Wisconsin.

teratophile – May 15, 2021
If you get what you’re asking for and are still game I’m a teratophile, attracted to giving anal torture to people with face deformities or injuries.

TrickyRicky (Owner) – May 15, 2021
Should a Master wish it, I would gladly let my genitals be lopped off and have a mangina installed.

TrickyRicky (Owner) – May 12, 2021
My body’s full of scars. But this is my real body and this what’s life has carved on me. I’m proud of it and I am still very much alive.



FlattenMeHard, 19
Hi! I am David! I wanna be taken from my homophobic parents drugged then squashed!

You can of course do that alone, or with the help of two or three other men who should weigh around 80-120 kilos!

If you weigh less than 80 KILO, feel free to show me in the chat how you want to flatten me and finish me off!

Options for you would of course be:

Throw me on the bed or on the floor, let yourself fall on my chest, on my stomach, back, face, wherever!

Trample on me, jump on me, or stick me to the wall and run against it!

Just get in touch, I prefer over 40 years of age, but I still make exceptions!



caveman – May 8, 2021
When you crush someone past their limits, past the crying or screaming, and keep going — the bond that is forged in that crucible of non-parity is the closest and most intimate bond a man and boy can share in life. It’s actually on a much higher spiritual level than anything the mainstream community can offer.



ravinglunatic, 20
what’s up you smoking hot monsters. now that’s out of the way, i’m a chill dude looking for a total dom someone who would have no trouble or remorse about stomping on my head. make it crack man.


ravinglunatic (Owner) – May 11, 2021
fukk the world

ravinglunatic (Owner) – May 11, 2021
damn man im fukkin out somebody bring me sum bud in mt. holly im losin it

ravinglunatic (Owner) – May 11, 2021
dude jus told me its my last night on earth fukk it finally



JacobDolce, 21
Porn star (Staxus, Boy Fun, Bring Me a Boy) Jacob Dolce. I’ve been out of the closet since I was 8, have had several thousand sexual encounters, and I find that I really don’t know what I want.


Leatherdong09 – May 10, 2021
You want huge toys, huge massive toys.

leonard46 – May 8, 2021
I want you to feel incomplete without me, and I would not feel without you. I want to talk until the morning. I want to spend gray Sundays with you in bed, walk in the rain and kiss your wet face. Eat warm cookies with you and listen to pleasant music. There is nothing better than waking up next to you. I want to look you in the eye and feel at home. I never want to wait to be alone with you again. And when you cry, I will comfort you and I will be very strong.

needacouch – May 6, 2021
I am really into you being my couch or chair. My ideal situation is that I sit on your face while I ignore you and watch tv, or eat, or play video games. Have a conference call from a cute seat. Also very into the idea of having a couple of friends over to take turns sitting on your face while we watch or play something. This is not a hugely sexual thing. This is all about mentality for me. That being said, I get that I might need to pull out my dick at times to jerk off while sitting on you.

pole4urhothole – May 6, 2021
Hi, I’m a big fan. If you’re as openminded as you seem, I have a longtime fantasy to inject you with a bacteria that will give you a very high temperature and use your ass as a toaster oven.

BrucieBuffer – May 4, 2021
Submit to me you worthless piggy.



Parka Fetishist, 19
I love snorkel parkas. I love vintage snorkel parkas, n3b’s, n2b’s, fur hooded jackets. I also love older guys.

I have a huge collection of parkas and I like to create porn pics of me wearing parkas during sex. Since there is no porn for the fetish, I make it for parka lovers.

I am desperate to find an old guy parka lover for sex and porn. I also want to fall in love but it’s hard to find anyone with a parka fetish in my area.



dracula000, 19
I am mostly looking for a man with a sadistic attitude.
Hard sadistic attitude.
Literally everything is a piece of art.


Alarming_Entrance – May 25, 2021
you are objectively disgusting but personally I think you belong in the same museum as the Mona Lisa

dracula000 (Owner) – May 22, 2021
Intelligence turns me on please.

Str8 Dom Cunt – May 22, 2021
I think u mean me.

Im into:
Stomp on a fag
Smoke in a tracksuit
Beat queers (nah I mean it literally bloodying the pricks)
Rob pubs

Oh yeah if u recognise me from before msg me and let me know.

dracula000 (Owner) – May 21, 2021
I read Tolstoy and Tarot, mix cocktails, drink V60, watch the world burn and Lars von Trier movies.



whereismyplace, 20
If you want me as your slave who you can suffocate by bag, noose, tape or your strangling hands for the entire 11pm too 5:30am for 5 days a week for a MONTH. You must buy one of these costumes for me
-Capezio Cap Sleeve Mesh Leotard (black) and white tights (small or xs)
-Alegra Basic Camisole Tutu Dress (pink) and white tights (small or xs)



fighter13579 – May 16, 2021

Aktiv_4_Passiv – May 16, 2021
He says no sex but unless something’s changed while he was out cold I gave it to him up the ass.

takewhatigive44 – May 10, 2021
I don’t know why I thought he wouldn’t be but when you’re suffocating him he is very demonstrative.

AdmiralSnackbar – May 9, 2021
Oh my God!!!! An Emo boy wearing Nike/Reebok sports gear with a bag over his head is my impossible dream! My erection can’t believe my eyes! Polyamourous? More like polyglamourous!



Snuffhanged, 19
I’m a femboy passing through Macon, Georgia looking for an extremely homphobic Southerner to take me deep out into the woods with my arms tied behind my back, nose in strong brown rope that is tied to trees, and forced to stand on some kind of stool or something then you take the noose around my neck tighten it then tie my legs together, then kick away what I stand on, you have a hood on you so I do not see you, gloves, preferably someone else who films everything, SNUFF MOVIE😜…
you maybe have any other ideas how to do it


Anonymous – May 22, 2021
someone need to cool this slut down

Snuffhanged (Owner) – May 22, 2021
I’m not into glorifying or drawing out the snuff. This is simply “getting rid” of a problem.

ritualblaze420 – May 22, 2021
Strip little skin bits off and let them get infected so you die of sepsis rly painfully 🥰

nonstop_nut_november – May 22, 2021
Rape you for so long I’m cumming fumes then amputate your limbs, pull your teeth out, slice you open and pour boiling water in your intestines.



baggyfreak, 18
It’s taken me a long time to accept my fetish. But I’m into really baggy clothes. It used to be something that I’d only do at home, but I just couldn’t keep it to the bedroom anymore and I don’t wear anything even remotely normal anymore outside of formal or important settings. I’m looking to find a dude who likes my baggy clothes and wants to encourage me to take it to even crazier extremes.


baggyfreak (Owner) – May 16, 2021
Don’t invite me to dinner, I only eat vending machine food.



MeandMyShadow, 21
Yearn To Be A Henchman For 🖤😋🙇‍♂️🐱💏🐱🙇‍♂️😋🖤 Catwoman 🖤😋🙇‍♂️🐱💏🐱🙇‍♂️😋🖤 and The 🖤😋💚🙇‍♂️💚😋🖤 Riddler 🖤😋💚🙇‍♂️💚😋🖤 In The 1960’s TV Series “Batman.” Fiendishly Attired Arch Criminals That Wreak Havoc All Over Gotham City and When They’re Ready Shackle Me and Pound Me Until I Whimper and Collapse from the Pain Then They and Other Fiendish Villains Slaughter Me and Butcher Me Into Meat and Eat Me 🥩🖤🍖😋🤍🙇‍♂️🤍😋🍖🖤🥩

OKAY. Now I got that off my chest 💚🙇‍♂️😀😂👌❤️😍💚

Otherwise until then I will not be anyone’s boyfriend, but I can definitely suck your cock and give you a nice warm ass to shoot your load into.


Remarkable-Intern168 – May 20, 2021
I am confused. Concerned. Your profile drawings have made my cock the hardest it’s ever been. And now I’m deeply afraid for my own life. I no longer feel I can trust my own judgment.



thedrowningguy, 22
Just a guy who likes being drowned by other guys. Drown me?


Bixxxx100 – May 19, 2021
I love wet ass

thedrowningguy (Owner) – May 13, 2021
I’m also into getting my feet sucked while being drowned.



lyfeispain, 21
I am a stupid piece of shit that can’t do anything right. I am seeking to be a punching bag. A whipping post. A knife throwing target. The list goes on. I do not care for sex. I of course will be used for sex but it is nothing i enjoy or would ever seek personally.

Are there bad people here whom I can amuse with my tears? I know limitless destruction does not come immediately. I am willing to meet, make you angry, and see if my destruction and your need to destroy is a good fit. Kind of like dating to get married.


lyfeispain (Owner) – May 7, 2021
OK since so many of you want sex then I would like to be taken to a place where I cannot escape and where no one will look for me and used as a meth cunt for 10 – 20 or more guys nonstop for several days. Bonus points if you snap me in half.

Anonymous – May 1, 2021
i’ve been in “situations” with you and dude there’s just something about you that makes guys horny as fuck.

lyfeispain (Owner) – May 1, 2021
Seriously I am not good enough for your dicks. I know my place: the bottom of the barrel. I am ugly. I am already washed up at 21. I am definitely not good enough to fuck. If you insist I can wear a hood or go under a sheet so you don’t have to look at me but I really don’t recommend that.



Juliantheowl, 19
Hey pigs. Cute masochist into butt obliteration here skater in my spare time. Looking for extreme, immobilizing bondage that holds me motionless in place in North Alabama, East Mississippi and Southern Tennessee for as long you want for whatever you’re in the mood for. Dieing to have that dildo in the pic shoved up my butt then be permanently encased in concrete 24/8. Honestly.


MarcoXXL – May 14, 2021
Not that it matters, but you have an absolutely terrible personality.

hung_b – May 9, 2021
they are

Juliantheowl (Owner) – May 9, 2021
Can someone tell me if my pics are hot or not.

Juliantheowl (Owner) – May 4, 2021
I had a boyfriend but he decided to fire me for some unknown reason.



Medicalpatient, 18
What I’m looking for:
– medical exam (the doctor exams my whole body throughly)
– dental exam
– surgery (I am naked on the table, shaved and prepped for surgery, the surgeon will be masked, gloved and scrubbed up, the surgeon operates on me for hours
– alien abduction (similar to the surgery)
I’m not into faking it



pileofbooks, 21
I beat my bf too hard, now he can’t read, write, or do math, anyone want him?


pileofbooks (Owner) – May 9, 2021
OK now he’s having seizures. A little worried.

pileofbooks (Owner) – May 7, 2021
He can swallow your cum, saliva. Swallowing pee depends on the quality. You can slap his face if he does something wrong. Fuck him then have him suck it then cum into his mouth. He can also swallow cum from his ass and swallow his own cum.

pileofbooks (Owner) – May 6, 2021
I don’t disagree with you.

SuckedGuy – May 6, 2021
Your bf needs breath control and suffocating!!!!!!!!

pileofbooks (Owner) – May 6, 2021
He was a normal guy with a normal life, job, family and friends, aspirations and dreams like any of you.



Sorry_for_Now_, 18
Looking for a Dom to try starvation and take total control of my weight. Wanted to do this for so long. The time is here. It MUST be permanent weight loss and extreme. I need to find the ZING to my ZANG. I’ll eat and drink as little or nothing they tell me to and reach whatever boniness and pallor they decide for me.
Believe it or not I used to be quite ripped but I got into a thing with a Tina dealer, lost my regimen and eating habits and gave into my fetish and it feels so good, but now I need a Dom to get so skeletal that there’s no going back.


Heartless9 – May 13, 2021
I have an unusual obsession or fetish or what have you with the rib cages of skinny twinks. Were someone to take this fella up on his offer and were the starvation game to end in tragedy maybe that someone would be interested to know I’ll pay top dollar for his cage.

Sorry_for_Now_ (Owner) – May 7, 2021
Besides the starving I honestly just want to cuddle with someone and let our souls to get know each other. I like to speak English, I think it’s fun and sexy I hate when I don’t know how to spell or pronance a word, also I don’t like persons with multiply personality’s, be you. You should not still be in high school like me and broke ahahha. I don’t know what else. I would say take me and starve me and we can cuddle all night until I die hahahaha.



bunnylover, 18
cutest ever young twink under hypnosis for daddies to worship. i am auctioning long sessions of worshipping this boy for a starting bid of $500/hr to men that will understand my situation which i will explain when you message me.


Marble67 – May 21, 2021
I’m a Dutch man in his 60s who has purchased this boy outright for $73,000 out of a primal desire.

Chase323 – May 2, 2021
just checking out the hot boys on this site and you’re the hottest



Daniel, 18
Three way, Hotel Sex, Double penetration, Two Motherfucking Henrys are cracking away at my Fuck it Bucket. A nutt is an easy fruit to gather. My insides were rearranged by happy coincidence I break my river banks as soon as your head pushes inside.

I do for awkward what Justin did by bringing sexy back, I make it hot in here.

I am not affected in the slightest to sexual rejection because it absolutely has nothing to do with me. Grateful I got my big sick fucking mouth.

Dear God, Gay men love my bussy. And love lasts longer than the warmth of 5 min old cum.

I have no walk of shame. NONE as I fall asleep in my uber, with a cum and lube soaked towel around my face because I dropped my mask in the elevator.


Up4all – May 14, 2021
i had him do a self test with me present etc. and he has every std in the known world

Diego_hotxxl – May 9, 2021
Is it too much to ask to breed a cute boy who’s not one brain cell shy of making sex feel like zoophilia and isn’t slathered with Dollar Store cologne and who’s not so strung out on meth that I have to face what a sleazy pedo I am hahaha?

Daniel (Owner) – May 5, 2021
I love to leave the house undressed barefoot and they catch me. I love the party drugs. I do not use my clothes even to leave the house.



bugRyan, 24
I converted to POZ less than a month ago and one of the agreements I had with my Breeder was that I would fuck my newly charged nut into a neg hunk of His choosing. I never topped in my life but by being made to breed that neg hole, something went off in my head, maybe it was the bug effecting my brain, that I have a duty to help other guys fulfill their gay destiny and become POZ. I even found a willing gym bud to swap fucks with and he’s been taking my newly POZ seed for a couple weeks now and I’ve been taking his neg but converting loads. Another member on here helped me to realize how special and powerful my new loads are and it’s my duty and obligation to gift my POZ seed to other hunks to keep the bug brotherhood growing and to keep getting new strains fucked into my POZ hole to make my nut even stronger and more toxic. So yeah.


biobare – May 26, 2021
Rrrrrrr, you are all so fucking wonderful evil!

bubblebutt47 – May 26, 2021
Got this murdering piece of human garbage at my place knocked out on drugs. I’m considering giving him a penectomy, but for now I love torturing his cock.

Gregory – May 20, 2021
To give this guy deserved props he let me give him two POZ loads last week even knowing I have syphillis, hep c, chlamydia, gonorheia, full blown late stage AIDS and am on my last legs.

lone_wolf – May 20, 2021
I completely agree. I think a part of you becomes the virus. I think about constantly being to POZ and infect, the more innocent or harder the challenge the more I MUST do it. I take huge pride in bringing down their destruction and seeing the cycle of sleaze continue.



Sacrifice23, 23
I love to be choked unconscious. Choke me totally out. Should be bigger guy that is older than me. In front of women is ok too. I have a relax attitude towards life.


Sacrifice23 (Owner) – May 13, 2021
What’s with you people!

OneLasttime1 – May 13, 2021
Locking up my bike, going up to his apartment, strangling him to death, getting back to my bike and unlocking it, all combined took a total of 14 minutes. And I didn’t even really rush the snuff… lol

Sacrifice23 (Owner) – May 7, 2021
You’re a lying phoney baloney.

Anonymous – May 7, 2021
Two whom it concerns, I wound up in a relationship with this guy. It started where it was a normal every day relationship with lots of breath play then I began humiliating, degrading, psychologically abusing, and physically abusing him. I played mind games with him, beat him, forced him, and made him hate himself. At first he was confident and into it, but over time I eroded his confidence, and stripped away his humanity making he only craved my abuse. It went bad when he was too tired for sex a few too many times, and that refusal set me off and turned me into a twisted monster. The abuse progressivly got more brutal and twisted until he was broken and disfigured and I eventually murdered him. I’m currently in prison serving a life term for another murder, not this guy. I’m writing this on a napkin to give a friend of mine who promised to post it here. I’m just getting this off my chest. My regrets to those who knew him and care.



puppyforyourcomfort, 19
Puppy owner (28, impotent, frustrated top) with puppy (19, 100% asexual, last orgasm 26 days ago) looking for Master/lover what can change our lifestyle and relationship and is able total enslaved my puppy as a fart vacuum.

He keep your place smelling nice and fresh by wrapping his lips around your hole and wait patiently to swallow your farts. My mind goes to this place when it comes to thinking about my puppy and, the more I think… the harder my cock would get if it could.



rollinthecollin – May 20, 2021
I am Collin, 45-years-old, and I am a married, stay-at-home dad of two. I am married to a beautiful woman. Although I am monogamous with my wife, I fear complacency. I seek a young man who will insert himself into my marriage as a human toilet for my wife, children, and myself as well as perhaps an anal fucktoy for my oldest son who certainly appears to be gay.



Humanstressball, 23
I’ve been told I have a punchable face and that I’m not worth being anything more than a face to be used as a punching bag. I suppose can’t disagree.


chriskoln – May 25, 2021
loves catheter tubes insertion

Humanstressball (Owner) – May 18, 2021
FYI I wear diapers and occasionally have accidents and uh ohs in them.



FratboyX, 24
Well hung fratboy with low hangers for hazing and hard group humiliation if possible.
Exhibition of well hung fratboy with low hangers in front of dominater guys.
Intensive slapping and spanking gag of well hung fratboy with low hangers in front of groups of bizutors in the cellar without noise problem preferably.
Well hung fratboy with low hangers will cum a gallon & do it again.


MasterPedrooo – May 14, 2021
Beg for my Snapchat



PupSpot, 20
Woof woof! Hey! I’m Spot! I’m a 1 year old pup (20 in human years).
I’m looking for plenty of cuddles, bellyrubs and white socks!
I have a thing for muscular legs too and often make a mess on them!
I eat cum that I find on the floors of public bathrooms! Is that just me?


Anonymous – May 19, 2021
Awwww you need a pat on the head. With a hammer.



BottomDrawer, 20
I’m Brian you might remember me as SweetieTwink my life’s gone to shit so back on here to find one master to destroy my life as I know it now

Fucked up and experienced: years, intensity

Worthless slave no limits no fantastic reality


6Demon6Seed6 – May 19, 2021
This wastrel’s “no limits” is hyperbole. I’ve had special times with him that left him with a black eye, broken nose and other bruising including a lot of burn marks, (cigarette), but he has never for example let me cut his nuts off.

Loughguy1 – May 16, 2021
femboy, crying, gay, depressed, mentally unstable, dead inside, listless, no libido, drug addict, masochist, there is not much to say.

Bruce999 – May 13, 2021
If a bottom states no limits are you more likely not to give fuck about him?

TheUnknownUser – May 9, 2021
I remember when you charged men 250 € just to have dinner with you and even then you made me jump through hoops!

BottomDrawer (Owner) – May 9, 2021
I have slowly become hornier for more fucked up shit.
Here’s some hot shit people have done to me:
– chained my neck to the floor on all fours at a VIP party and forced me to suck guests while they partied for hours and got kicked in the face anytime their cocks got soft.
– drank a whole bottle of wine then pissed it back into the bottle and turned the whole bottle upside down and shoved it in my ass to empty into my gaping hole.
– got chained to a rodin sculpture and pimped out on Grindr for a cover charge.
– someone set up a website where people paid to kick me in the balls.
– someone offered my ass as an incentive to close a few business deals.
– got trained over time to only be able to cum from getting fisted.
You have something to add?

KinkyKnox – May 3, 2021
Holy smokes!

Anonymous – May 3, 2021
Warning he dont look like SweetieTwink no more

KinkyKnox – May 2, 2021
Oh please! At least as of a couple of lockdowns ago SweetieTwink was the trophy toy of the CEO of Givenchi.



Shiitty, 24
There’s nothing my phat ass can’t handle. I’ll do anything with anyone on 3 conditions. You have proof of no stds, you make me suffer, and it lasts for at least 6 hours

I have been on here before when I was straight and denying the fact that it is gays that appreciate me most. That is now completely over and I have the opportunity to do as I wish, and this is my wish.


LucaKeanu – May 27, 2021
I would describe him as a very flamboyant type of guy, like a cooler version of Liberace.

Shiitty (Owner) – May 22, 2021
Incest made my hole turn into a pussy and made my pussy wet.

cuntaloupe – May 22, 2021
omg!!! i gave him the wildest anal orgasm i’ve ever seen anyone experience in my life with a flamingo app Control smart vibrator!




p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yeah, ‘Barbed Hula’ is a sleeper hit or something. Ha ha, I forgot about dachshunds. Yes, that would be quite a look. Did you have a better than usual weekend? Plastic dolphin buttplugs might just be a billion dollar idea. You should copyright that. Love generously eating all the cum that he finds on the floors of public bathrooms so PupSpot will feel less alone in the world, G. ** Zak Ferguson, Hi, Zak! A real pleasure to have you and your thinking here, sir. Happy you’re a Sono fan. Singular stuff maker, I agree. I hope all is great with you. ** Ian, Hi, Ian. I would surely need order ‘Dox’ online, but I can do that. Or, yeah, if you want to share the pdf, that would be swell. Thanks! Wonderful, readable and public work by you! Exciting! I’ll be all over that in just a bit. Everyone, D.l. Ian, far better known as the writer Ian Townsend, has a except from his novel ‘Purgatory’ just up on the excellent Expat site that should provide your brain and you generally with a serious boon. I.o.w., go read it, yes? Here. Thanks a lot for the alert! ** Tosh Berman, Hi, Tosh. I know I’ve done some kind of Rampo post, but it might be way back in the inaccessible ruins of the Blogger blog and need restoring. I’ll go find out. Big congrats on the Best Documentary award! That’s heartening news! And I’m looking for the first opportunity to see the Sparks doc. And the Carax, of course. I’m guessing we here in Paris will get it pretty quickly after Cannes. ** Misanthrope, France thinks you US people playing with fire by rushing into a no mask world, but I’ll guess we’ll find out who was right maybe. Did you get MD finished? ** David Ehrenstein, It was great being able to host it, naturally. ** _Black_Acrylic, Happy for your football dudes and you. I’m out of it. I know that Lille beat Paris in some big tournament thing and that Paris is none too happy about it. ** Steve Erickson, Great that the Romero is actually quite good. Seemed like it could have gone either way. I’ll definitely find it when it becomes France-accessible in whatever form. Get ready: in Los Angeles dispensaries are as everywhere as Starbucks. ** jamie, Hi! I haven’t seen a ton of Sono’s films, but I’ve quite liked ‘Antiporno’, ‘Tokyo Tribe’, and ‘Tokyo Vampire Hotel’, for instance. Whew: your biological negativity. And I forgive you for not doing a jig, ha ha. My weekend didn’t pan out exactly as planned, but I did see the ‘Jerk’ film, which stills needs sound work but is looking very good. I watched the online reading/launch of a book Semiotext(e) just published, Cecelia Pavon’s ‘Little Joy’, and now I really want to get the book. It was sunny and warm, so I explored the outdoors. That sort of stuff. Excellent about the cheap train tickets still being a thing. Ooh. My favorite amusement park in the world, Phantasialand in Germany, just announced its reopening on the 10th, so that might be the first stop. Oh, well, if your Blogger is like mine was, basically you save the draft as is, preview it, and then you can drag the gifs off of the page onto your desktop and reassemble them. I guess you would need to send me the gifs with a text thing telling me where everything should go? Does that make sense? There might be an easier way. Hm. Thanks, pal! ** JM, Hey, Josiah! Thanks about the Sono post and of course about the escorts/slaves, and … speaking the devils … I feel like I have seen a Yoshishige Yoshida film or two, but I’m blanking. Hm, maybe I’ll try to make a post about him and watch his stuff that way. Thanks for the tip. Is everything going well with you? Is the current production living up to your hopes? Love, me.** Brian, Hi, Brian, great to see you, bud! I don’t know if I have a favourite Sono. I named a few to Jamie up above that I liked a lot. I haven’t seen ‘Strange Circus’, but it could easily be a good starting point. Great news about your grades! Worth being knackered and coddling yourself with screenings. Hooray! Happy Fassbinder’s birthday! I should watch something of his to mark the occasion too. Maybe I will. I need to cleanse my film-watching palate because I got so bored last night I watched that last ‘Jurassic World’ movie, and, man, is it terrible — except for a cool volcano eruption/fleeing dinosaurs scene — and I’m usually pretty forgiving about blockbusters. I’m good. I think I told Jamie what I was up to. Hoping for a more packed-by-something week. We’ll see. So you’re kind of a free bird now for a while? Enjoy the entirety. Love and high hopes from here (and me) to there (and you). ** Right. The slaves are here to remind you that your rent is due tomorrow. And I suppose they have other things on their minds and agendas too. See you tomorrow.

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