The blog of author Dennis Cooper

[NSFW] Meet Marquis_de_Faggot, rat/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\, IMPRETTYSHITTY, !!!!!!!!!……..!!!!!!!!, and DC’s other select international male slaves for the month of October 2016


spot, 18
i am an insecure 18 year old white boy that was going to college this semester but withdrew after my brother committed suicide. sadism seems neat. not really sure what i want you to do specifically because everything here is new to me. someone willing to wail on me until i work out what my niche is would be nice. you know- you tell me do a thing, i don’t do the thing, you smack me around, then i do the thing. that sort of thing. if you are older and have your life together, i am considering moving in with you because i don’t want to live with my parents while they assume i’m going back to college next semester.




uFoundboy, 18
No sex… I’m sick of it already

Lick my feet (I won’t try to stop u)

Not into:
Cum control (love it when it makes me horny but my tool is tired)
smoke (allergy)
Piss & scat (too disgusted)
Blood & needle (phobia)
Spits (sweat is fine…)
Chub (ah please don’t)
Physical abuse… I’m sick of it
Verbal abuse… if u hurt my feeling, I’ll kill u…




I am very sexy play boy and I interested by ledis and I won’t sex for only many beacouse many is important of my life




ChaserSeeksPoison, 24
Hey, Jeff, I’m always horny and I adore unnatural, creepy, disturbing shit and I will do anything for a dollar or a Klondike bar. I have literally zero limits (I feel like a lot of people say that and don’t know what it means but I know what it means and I really have zero.. count them.. ZERO limits) so message me with what you’re into it because I have the fun combination of anxiety, depression, and an overwhelming sense of nihilism so I guarantee I’m into whatever it is too.


Anonymous – July 29th, 2016
severe psychotic




famouslastwords, 23
boy looking to be bread




Im_lithe, 19
Effete city boy looking for older (50+) Bear that likes outdoors, hunting, fishing, etc…

I’d like to discover the fabled fun side of sex because it has almost never been fun for me.

Thus far I can say I’ve only liked being spanked by a Bear while he jerks off to my screams.




Maybeapeach, 19
To me self-description is a calamity, but ..

My name is Javi. Javi is the abbreviation of Javier and this is the Spanish form of the given name Xavier.

Major nerd and Cosplay dope and and harsh fem btw.

I’ve been interested in BDSM for my whole life, but in the past two months that I’ve been at college, the need to explore the lifestyle has really become incredible.

I have one hard limit that I know of: Knifeplay.

My favorite music is probably synthpop like Chvrches, Phantogram, and Purity Ring.

Don’t be so mean.


ick199347 – Oct. 7.2016
My guess.. He must’ve weighed 100lbs more at some point, and lost the weight. Hes slim, but his skin’s very loose. When you fuck him hard, he wobbles from the neck down.

ich_mach_es_dir – Oct. 6.2016
How so, ick?

ick199347 – Oct. 6.2016
Cute face, impressive makeup, bit poncey, more than sexually cooperative, but his body is ugh.




Prisoner07, 19
Guys, I need someone’s help, and NOW! I have a stupid STUPID reckless teenage Texan bottom tied up in my basement, dove in way over his head -and mine- before he realized it and after I could stop myself. I can’t turn him loose now, he’s a MESS. I’ve got to get rid of him. I’ll hand him off for free -he’ll go with you, no questions- if you can pick him up and keep him stored. I don’t know much about him.
Do whatever you want to him. Or don’t. I don’t care.


SodomizeU – Oct. 12.2016
BDSM is not something i do every day, but once im in the game, its hard to stop.




SwissTeen, 20
Looking for the guy in the back room I chickened out of speaking to. Tall with the checkered shirt. I was the skinny blond twinky type in a Marc Jacobs t-shirt very drunk with my friend.




FuckingThrill, 22
I don’t have an attitude! Just a personality that you can’t handle! The truth? I like you. A lot. please pls pls pls pls I’m serious. if You make me happy, i make you happy too. Sex’m practically unhindered. Here for you to crunch me. You’re different. You’re a little crazy and awkward, but may i have your body? I’d love to kiss you. I can also perfect fucked. I’m girly and while I’m girly, I’m crazy too. My mood can change and I’ll wanna be a boy but not confident like you!




rat/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\, 20
a slave boy that do not know the word no, that lake to be poesde 2 an paast its 0 limmits. and cont wate to plzz his master no mater what be it to work in his garden or being tade to his tree.




bullyvictim, 20
I like to be bullied/hazed.

Wedgies noogies swirlies headlocks full nelsons pink bellies wet willies purple nurples shoving in lockers and trashcans dead legs pushing ruffling hair emasculating name calling.

I live and work at the Grand Canyon.




BadRomance, 24
Obsessed to the point of madness with (1) eating out the armpits of beautiful blond eastern European teenage and twenty-something guys.

That’s not me in the lower photos, obviously. They’re there to show the kind of blond beautiful young gods I mean. I’m in the upper photo.

(2) Also only with the same blond gods, getting their toxic loads and their DNA, getting infected with all their bugs, receiving as much diseases as possible from them inside my ass.




OrbitMe, 19
You can do what you want with me but first this boy needs to be a man’s 1950’s or earlier western culture wife.

No scat as if I should have to say so.

I’m usually only on here when I am drunk between 1-5 am.




Transformboy, 22
im searching for a men, who will turn me into his incredibly freaky sextoy and Keep me in his home (living in). i love extreme bodymodifications, even though i dont have anything extreme yet at the moment. things i would like to have done to my body are implants in my face to an extend that no one will recognise me anymore. also much stuff like taking out my testes and putting heavy steel balls into my scrotum, that will let my ballsack dangle as low as my knees or even lower. Maybe fill my face with silicone to turn it into a huge, overblown orb. Another hot thing is nipple pumping to double them in diameter and have them protrude nicely from my chest and maybe even giving me female hormones to support this enlargement and to let my breasts swell majorly. Also arms amputated at the shoulders and one or both legs amputated at the hip. Im open for all other strange mods and even extremer stuff. I want to become a gross freak, permanently. The weirder the better.




MeYeahBitch, 18
I realized I am a slave. I am a worthless prisoner slave. I am a worthless prisoner slave. I have vision and hearing impairement and use mobility cane to travel safely in the communitty. I’m looking to be drugged turned all the way to a veg. I’ll just leave this short and sweet.




Theycallme, 20
My name is Chris I’m a 20 year old sailor living in Japan. I have yet to have sex with a man. I’m into being humiliated, beaten, raped. Or at least I think I am. Like I said I’ve never had any form of gay sex. Willing to try. I refuse to feel shame any longer about my desires and fantasies. Please be normal enough to introduce to my parents.




GermanYoungSlut, 18
I’m a boy who loves to lick handsome guys. Beat me up if it pleases you.

Love the idea of me licking your body from head to toe that is covered with my blood sprayed and splashed on you after you have beat me up then when you are clean you ram your cock hard up my ass.

I’m only 17 (which is legal) with no experience in this what ever but I will do anything, or so I’ve been told.



longpiglet, 20
mange moi, eat me
not symbolically
not a metaphor
bon ap




Nofilternobrain, 21
I’m very skinny, but then some say that skinny is the new buff. I have long hair that’s naturally brown, but currently died ‘dark cherry’. I have possibly the darkest brown eyes you’ll ever see.

I have the birth defect hypospadias, and although I had surgery to correct it in my early teens, the damage done to my bladder means I have to do an intermittent catheter 2 or 3 times a day. I’m sure there’s a kink in there somewhere. The ‘boy bits’ work just fine when they need to, and measure just shy of 6.5″ pubic bone to tip when erect, though I’m infinitely more interested in my partner’s.

I have a stupid fast food job. Got married to a girl at 16, still married on paper, but we separated in June. I’m a non-smoker, though I really don’t mind smokers as long as they don’t do it in my car. My only real vice is meth. Oh, and plain chocolate digestives. I can munch through a whole pack of those in one sitting.

I should mention that I’m a social transgender. I mostly tend to do this with my femmy friends around Manchester and Leeds. I don’t expect a Master to join in if it isn’t their bag, but if it’s a deal breaker for you, then fair enough. I have no plans to have surgery or go full time. Got sausage. Like sausage. Want sausage. This is a fish free zone. But I do shave my pubic hair and armpits, and sometimes my legs.




Pig4slaughter, 22
I would love to be passed around in a party where lots of meth is being snorted and injected getting fucked by one person after another with as many guys as can possibly fit in me all the time, totally painful, infecting me with all STDs, full blown and completely med resistant, and all strains of each STD possible, until they lose their minds and go totally crazy and slaughter me.

That’s right, slaughter, you heard me!




marinarasauce, 18
I love older men who wear flip flops or sandals and POPPERS.

I like to listen but I can shout, silent makes the move fast.

I would like to become a dog, forgetting that I ever was a human being.

I want this because I am bored and too addicted to anti oppression politics.




scumtrash, 24
Naturally submissive born mega-hung boy here able to be married off or adopted your choice and owned til death:legally and morally.

As for me ok lets see i drink end of story.

03/04/16 Scumtrash is now owned property to MasterP.

18/06/16 Useless cumcrazed faggot scumtrash Owned by MASTER BLACKWILL

09/07/16 Scumtrash owned by ATOP2OWNU




trying to find some people I used to talk to




MakeMeHurtPlease, 18
Hi there, I’m Ashy or Ashley. Or just Ash, whatever~

I’m an 18 year old femboy from Lincoln by way of Russia.

I’m a person who is at a transitional stage in their life. I do feel more like I’m a tiny bit younger than my age, to be honest due to missing a few crucial years out because of some horrible stuff.

I have pretty strong body issues due to my birth gender which causes me anxiety, which has stemmed from things in the past. I’m making an active effort to defeat the ‘downers’ of boyhood however and I’m much better than I used to be. If you’re interested in possibly a relationship of some sort if I genuinely interest you as a body, despite the problems inside that body, please get in contact.

In terms of “inside that body”, I’m very friendly and I love nothing better than just feeling like I belong. I can be timid, but this seems to melt away when force is used. I’m the sort of person you can do anything to and I’ve been told I’m great at vocalizing my reactions in a sexy way. I love playing guitar, composing all manner of crazy things. I also really love comedy!

My ideal partner would be under the age of 35 and an alt/goth/emo type. If you’re over 35 you would need to be exceptionally compelling in some other way.

I’ve currently cut my hair much shorter so I need to update my pictures soon, so I’ll need to remember to do that.




Bang_a_gong, 24
Smoke start recently, just a few months. I don’t have relatives or friends who smoke, but I am always submissive ass eating pig to men who smoke and older than me. I am only 70% passive so I can bang some butts if you want.




Blondandsexy18, 20
Hi I’m Joshua 🙂

What I’m into:

Evil older guys ✔
Extreme pain 🙂 ✔
Mock execution ✔
Slutting for death ✔
Killed/resuscitated 🙂 ✔
Incremental brain damage ✔
Guns/knives ✔
Snuff films starring me ✔

What I’m not:

Tickling ✘
Vanilla Sex ✘

I almost forgot, … I’m an amputee. Left leg below knee. Looking to meet guys not hung up on that little detail.




ItaBtm, 21
If you want to get your worst aggressions and rocks extremely off on Gran Canaria with a skandinaviian boy, I’m what your looking for here.

I’m very quiet and shy when talking with someone new, it takes me a while to become comfortable with someone, but when I do I get very rowdy.

My ultimate hook up is a guy who wants to destroy me from head to toe in front of a mirror, I want to watch my destruction and keep thinking, “Fuck yeah!”

But basically I enjoy pretty much everything except big crowds and drunk parties.




topsecretslave, 21
here goes:
no one ever know is very much important
i am bottom, but it doesn’t mean to go there.
your face pic first, will not trade face pic
do not ask personal questions ever
slim shaved ok body
not good looking so dont set that expectation high
im dumb, so pardon my stupid
if u ask me I love fisting, that is my thing, if you have small hand go deep to elbow
trying slave for some extra oomph




snuffslave666, 21
“Okay,I want you to know that once you submit yourself to be my slave servant you will not be permitted to look or talk to another Master,do you understand? And I want you to address me Master at all-time cause respect is my number one priority here do you understand?”

my answer:

No – I told you alread what I want. If you don’t like – or don’t want it… just fuck off. This stupid stuff to try to rule me – based on some scrpt – you use for anybody – bores the shit out of me,





!!!!!!!!!……..!!!!!!!!, 18
I am a bisexual owned slave. I am scared of whales. My master loves guns knives and anything that can take a life. I really don’t mind being objectified. My master cant stand knowitalls. I grew up around drugs and violence. My master’s best friend is his sawed off shotgun that he never unloads. I love video games. My master is a survivalist. I’m fuckin’ glad to be done with high school. My master loves to curse. Oh and i wear glasses.


!!!!!!!!……..!!!!!!!! – 08.03.2016
Only when my master wants me to see something but he almost never does.

TickTickTickBoom – 08.02.2016
You wear glasses during sex?






talentedCOCK – Sept.21.2016
J’ai pensé ainsi.

SLAVENOTDUMB – Sept.20.2016

talentedCOCK – Sept.19.2016
Avez-vous été en gras ou maigre quand vous étiez enfant?




gaynude4you, 20
I took dick once and it was amazing so I’m hoping for more.

No longer horny. Will not respond.




ANALconda, 23
Once again I have created a slave account but only for a different reason : to find someone who can own me two months somewhere in the USA, UK, Australia or Canada …

… I noticed that with a slave account I get a lot more visits than with an escort account. Therefore I am not looking for sex so if you are seeking sex with me, you would be wasting your time.

I come to your place. You tie and mercilessly tickle me. You untie me when you have decided. Not before two months, maybe after. I love you much good.

I also love drinking piss- from a glass, straight from the tap or even brushing my teeth with it.

Payment as I/you walk in.




NumberThree, 18
Look for “S” , I want to be 肉便器
10/24 ~ 28 Tokyo
My English very poor
I do not understand Japanese
Will come as turist but want never live
Don’t want my identity anymore, want a new identity
Very very very horny




Slavehereplease, 19
Hi .. i am Erick. I am here. For a while.

I’m really into getting slapped around and punched in the face, especially by muscular guys. I LOVE muscle. Bears are tolerable too. It doesn’t have to be sexual.

I will die for a tough, tattooed skateboarder.




littlesatan, 22
Into everything on meth and shit except doing little kids but there’s a first time for everything.




Marquis_de_Faggot, 21
I would love to be there to harness your energy and make others say “wow how can I get a slave like that?” I’m available for meetings, family functions, groups, weddings, work dos, out and about’s and much more.

I have one strict rule – I am always a piece of meat, but be free to praise me, caress or humanize me – that’s all very flattering. However, don’t expect that your desire for me to be more than usable meat will get you anywhere, I am just human meat. That said you need to love me. Love is everything.

The honest bit:
I am disabled, but still fully functional, but I find it best to tell people from the get go. I have a spinal problem, so I need to use a walking stick and often need to relax and deal with the pain. I am not fragile, but just know you can never be the only one causing me pain if that’s you thing.




Blackmoon&Whitesun, 20
We use the names Blackmoon and Whitesun to differentiate ourselves. We always meet together and you can not separate us even at the meet.

I’m Blackmoon. First of all thank you for visiting our profile! If you like to test or own a slave who is terrible person , really dogshit, who been accuse of rape 4 times and prosecute twice, acquit both times on technicality, masculine but girls face ,really horny for rape nd punish me, and I am so scared of this,,seem confident but am just a piece of shit , thats me who you looking for. Please don’t suck my dick , please don’t rim or wank me! No kissing whatsoever, I can’t stand it.

I’m Whitesun. (Whitesun is in jail now , forbidden to access the website, will be out on 10/18 –Blackmoon) I on the path to the darkness, I wanted to explore the DARK part and now I’m not able to stop this walking to the darkness. Dark, darker, darkest!!!! I can’t stop this anymore. O Magnificent Satan, raise the beast within me. If it please You, Lord Satan, I will become the slavering, depraved beast You Yourself placed deep within me! Let the human recede!




carbonmonoxide, 22
I wish I had a pussy. NOT a trans girl AT ALL. Just wish I was a truly cute twink dude with a working vagina so I could get gang banged by straight guys and gay guys and have a sloppy, gaping, cum-filled cunt.

Would love to tape up my dick and balls into something that looks like a vagina and get fucked in the ass by a guy who wants me to be a cute boy with a pussy and wants to be able to pick between two, open, willing, ready holes. Fucking me like that while I’m wearing my (American) football gear would be a +.




superhotsexyboy, 20
Nothing much to me want to get fucked no matter what you are




Travellingcumdump, 20
Submissive/passive slutty bottom fag into drinking until I pass out and getting abused whilst I’m out. Now open to drinking myself unconscious around really kinky types who understand the complexity of themselves.
I’m a funny guy but I like sick horny men to make party’s with me.
Everyone thinks I’m a “whore”, I think I’m “popular”.
From Australia. Travelling around Europe. Currently looking in London City close to Saint Pauls cathedral, heading to Berlin on the 28th of September for a month or two, after that my plans are open.


karma_police – Sept. 21.2016




I kinda just hate myself and everyone everything on this earth this god forsaken planet your kids




I-dunno, 24
If you are into cute, lean, blond, submissive guys I was basically made for you – otherwise I can change 😛

Since I was a kid I have been a meek, insecure and unconfident person despite having been told I was cute ad infinitium.
Once I came out I immediately looked for non-traditional types of partners (arrogant, douchey, violent) most parents would advise you never to go with.

I believe that these feelings have been deeply ingrained in the pleasure centres of my brain and are basically irreversible as of now.

Never would I have thought I could share intimacy with more than one person>>>
An ex-boyfriend took me to sexclubs where he would show me off and later he even organized “home parties” for boys and men to fuck me for $$ and even fuck my body up for $$$ -_-

I think in my journey that was only the beginning though, it’s basically a dark and twisted and ultimately horrendous personal evolution I am going through.

I would love to find a guy that has the means, skills, sickness and arrogance to mold me to a subhuman bag of garbage or something even more special.
I’m resigned that he would want to have a lot of sex first because I’m always told how cute and hot I am even though I never believe them.

Because this is obviously such a niche-thing I am open to all the global maniacs here.




DickMe, 18
I’m a 10yr old Virgin who really wants to be tied up and suspended in the air and lowered onto extreme toys by an older man, it would be my first time so you would have to take it slow…..


Chemsfuck45 – Oct. 17.2016
He is picky.




Knees, 18
i had my first gay experience when i was 15, and i it wasnt baD, FROM THT DAY , i found tht gay people where nice to be with , they were in to me because lets say im lucky to have easYer ass thn normal vietnamese,,
i doesnt look gay people as my inferior, so if they will be in to me i will be more easY to them and im sure ill satisfy them with my extra curious ass , hehehehe .
so so …. ill make you the most horny if u will choose me . i can look young but i am not. i can play dead like a toy. my favroite writers are Joyce, Le Guin, and Plath.




librasupreme, 19
Hi! I’m study literature in Mexico and my dream is to go to Finland and see the Northern lights.
I love snow.
Can you do that happen?
Of course I am slut bottom lol and that’s the only way I could pay you. sorry.




TWINK to USE, 23
Are you looking for a good-looking, male, submissive teenager, because you can use? Since you a group and want to see how the teenager is fucked while suffering? Whether you love me alone or with your boyfriend or bring a dozen men since… I, 257years old of french heritage, will do with me what your imagination has always sought. I will think about it later on.


Maxfund – Oct. 2.2016
Call me a purist or old fashioned, but I remember the days when not just any random twink bottom looking for a poke could come in here and call themselves a slave. I remember the days when the word slave meant something.

andrewjackson825 – Sept.28.2016
On his back with one dude choking him while another dude punch fisted him while he jerked off was hands down the fastest and surest way to get him to cum for us. But it can’t be the only way.




Let-me-know, 18
I’m a very unhappy teen with self esteem issues seeking 40+ disturbingly dominant, obseesed top. The larger psycho the better. Zero no-go area. Zero role playbullshit. This should be real. Lay claim, possess in your mind, start online and then progress to phone and then physical contact. When I reject (and I WILL!), attackrape, go psycho, threaten to kill me, bombarde with messages, show up unexpectedly, and keep tabs on me CONSTANTLY. Stalk. I am actively begging you to stalk me even when you’re not inside me. Fuck my life from near, afar, everywhere.


Vulcaiin – Oct. 1.2016
don’t listen to BigBabe!!!!

BigBabe – Oct. 1.2016
.. or you could try a psychiatrist




p.s. Hey. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi, Dóra! Okay, cool, gotcha on the exam. I thought maybe you had to take a written test or something. So you just have to be cogent and confident and charming, which shouldn’t be hard. Thanks about the Xiu Xiu video. Yeah, I guess we’ll polish it into finality — although Xiu Xiu will have the actual final say, I guess — this weekend. I hope you get to see ‘Kinderotenlieder’ too. It went really well last night. It sounded like your free day was going to be very pleasurable, true. You have fun plans this weekend? I’ll be on the video finalizing, and I’m seeing a Tim Hecker concert tonight, which I’m excited about as I’ve never seen him do his thing live. And doing other stuff as yet unknown. Please tell me how yours went. ** Tomk, Hi, Tom! Always great to see you, man! Most of the texts I’ve written for Gisele are so tuned into the visuals and stuff that they probably seem pretty fragmentary on their own, with a few exceptions. There’s a plan in motion to do a big book on Gisele’s work with photos and DVDs and stuff, and I think all the texts will be printed in that and will hopefully make sense in relation to the visuals. Thanks for asking. Dude, that’s awesome about your piece going up on Entropy! I’m a daily Entropy addict. For sure let me/us know when it goes up, okay, so I can alert everybody here. Yay! Take care, T. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, David. Thanks for talking to the show. I just saw some really great new sculptures by Jim Dine. He’s still cooking it. ** Steevee, Hi. Eek. Well, hang in there, and I hope it’s not as rocky a transition as you fear. I like all those Johnnie To films too. Great, very curious to read your review of the Pop/Jarmusch. Everyone, Steevee has written about the new, highly anticipated Jim Jarmusch documentary on Iggy Pop and the Stooges, and he really likes it! Check it out for your delectation and appetite whetting. Here. Mm, I have to say it always irritates me when people say that Woody Allen committed “unforgivable” acts when, in his case, it’s entirely a he said/she said thing with no evidence other than warring claims and he’s never been charged with anything. I get that people would be suspicious of him, but that rush to final judgment seems like overly expedient p.c.-infected madness to me. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. I’m glad you liked the show, and I know Kristen was very happy to hear that. It is a chic thing, so, worst comes to worst, you’ll be traveling in regal style. I would absolutely love a Cosey Fanni Tutti Day if you’re so inclined. That would be amazing! Thank you a lot for wanting to, and have the best weekend ever. ** Thomas Moronic, Thank you a lot, man. You have a fun weekend ahead or amidst or behind depending on when you read this? ** Nicholas, Hi, Nicholas. Of course I remember you and you vis-a-vis the blog. It’s great to see you! Wow, there couldn’t be a better outcome for our film than inspiring you to write. Thank you for … being susceptible? That’s excellent news! I know K48, but I don’t believe I’ve seen a copy. Is there anything of those issues with your work in them online? Or seeable/gettable elsewhere, do you know? And I’ll get over to that tumblr and have a look for your stuff today. Great, thank you a lot! ** Jamie McMorrow, Hi, Jamie. Yeah, the pop video is a really, really interesting form. And can deliver great stuff, at least occasionally. It’s been exciting to get to work in it. You’re at the gifted hotel now! Jeez, it sounds nice. All those lamps, ha ha. Does it have enough electrical outlets? In my experience, there’s been this annoying thing where, the cooler and swankier the hotel, the less outlets they provide in their rooms. I’ve been in top-notch hotels where there wasn’t a single outlet available to plug in your laptop or to recharge your phone or whatever, and you had to unplug a lamp or the airconditioner. Anyway, enjoy the brightly lit luxury. Okay, I’ll backpedal my interest in the Mclaren. Thanks for warning me. We’re actually going to Salon du Chocolat on Tuesday now ‘cos it lasts until then and we really should work on the video and stuff until then. Yeah, a work-y weekend for me plus a Tim Hecker concert tonight. I think that’ll be it. Are you ensconced in the fancy joint and its surroundings for the weekend? Wannabe fancy love, Dennis. ** Misanthrope, Hey. I do like open face sandwiches, but I do always think, There is no good reason which this should be open-face. I always think the sandwich maker is just skimping on the bread and trying to be cool or something. Mm, I don’t think you mentioned that Italian fellow before. Excellent descriptioon. He totally filled in and popped. Nice. Speaking of, are you writing at all these days? ** The Dreadful Flying Glove, Yay, hi, man! Thank you a lot for speaking for Kristen. It is truly awesome to be back in touch! Are you still in South Africa? I have this memory of you having maybe returned to the UK at some point back when, but I’m not totally trusting that memory. Yeah, on the posts, there is a plan/thought to try to corral some local tech guy to see if he or she can finesse a way to get around the broken image codes. They did send me all the images in a gigantic folder. I would love to hear more about your ins and ours with that weird, interesting technology if you ever get the jones to say. What’s your weekend look like? You doing or feeling anything Halloween related? ** H, Hi. Thank you for your attention to the art show. I have long wanted to watch Peter Watkins’ ‘Edvard Munch’, but I have not yet. Hm, maybe I will. On Halloween itself? There’s not much related to do here in Paris. Paris has one very good haunted house, but I fear that every Parisian who wants to do something on Halloween will go to it on that day/night, and the long line might keep me away. I do plan to scour the Paris listings to see if there’s anything on Halloween that I’ve missed. ** Puddentane, Hi. Wow, what a good name you have. I really like it. Damn, the thing is that I haven’t yet uploaded everything from old blog onto this one yet, and the post on the day you’re asking about is not up for me to check. Hm. I’ll see if I can fish around in the vat of data Google sent me and find that post and see if I can find the book you’re talking about. Sorry. If you feel like it and remember to remind me, I’ll try to have the info ready for you or at least some possibilities. It’s not Guyotat, right? No, that’s not it. I’ll see what I can figure out. My apologies, and my hearty thanks for coming in here. Have a good weekend. ** Okay. You’re getting the monthly slaves batch a teeny bit early this time because I have something else for you on Halloween day. I hope they do the trick. See you on Monday.


  1. steevee

    Well, I had horrible insomnia as a result of cutting down on Zyprexa. I went to bed at 12:30 AM and woke up at 6 AM, and there was lots of tossing and turning in between. It’s funny – I felt tired when I went to bed, but as soon as I turned off the lights and got into bed, that got into bed. The medication my doctor prescribed didn’t do shit – at best, it made me feel more relaxed about not sleeping. I hope I don’t have to put up with more than a few days of this. If it lasts more than a week, I’m giving up on the idea of quitting and going back to 7.5 mg.

    As for Woody, a lot of people believe the Farrow family’s claims and find his marriage to Soon-Yi sketchy at best and incestuous at worst. The plot of MANHATTAN and recent revelations about its real-life inspiration don’t help, not to mention the many younger woman/older man relationships in his films.

  2. The Dreadful Flying Glove

    It never occurred to me to differentiate between ‘legal death’ and ‘moral death’ before.

    @Dennis, yo! Hecker concert sounds immense. I expect it will. Hope that’s everything you hope for. Yes, I’m still in SA for now. I think in the past couple years or so I’ve tended to pop up here while visiting folks in the UK, which might be where that memory comes from. Distinctly interesting times down here, politically speaking. Very hard to summarise that fairly here, though. IIRC, Blogger’s image hosting assigns more or less arbitrary addresses to each batch of uploaded files. But hopefully, the imageset you obtained preserves these, in which case – once those files were hosted somewhere else – it ought to be possible to do ‘superfancy find-and-replace’ on the HTML of the old posts and repoint the links to a new image host. At the moment I’m building mathematical models of complex programs, seeking to detect and prevent certain types of failure. This keys off the idea that apparently everyone really wants all of the inanimate things in their house to be permanently connected to the Internet, which I think is … well, I’ll be diplomatic and say that I don’t agree with it and that Ray Bradbury thought this was a bad idea fifty years ago and he was very possibly right; but if it’s going to happen, then the software that animates and supervises these things needs to be really resilient and stable, or it’ll develop the potential to be the most massively distributed and uncontainable threat to personal and social security the world ever encounters. Skynet will turn out to be whoever’s seized control of the world’s refrigerators this afternoon, and we’ll all going to be so many of those guys at the pay-per-view telescope.

  3. Thomas Moronic

    I am insecure
    Brother was a suicide
    Sadism seems neat

    physical abuse
    I’m sick of sex now
    Don’t hurt my feelings

    a sexy play boy
    I wont do this for many
    Sex is important

    I’ve zero limits
    Some creepy, disturbing shit
    Try me – I promise

    do you understand?
    Your words are really heavy
    If you read them deep

    fifty plus bear spanks
    he’s jerking off to my screams
    discovering fun

    harsh fem cosplay dope
    BDSM life
    Limit is knifeplay

    whatever you want
    he’s tied up in the basement
    he looks a real mess

    guy in the back room
    I’m trying to find someone
    Marc Jacobs T shirt

    I’m attitude free
    My mood changes all the time
    Just make me happy

    don’t know the word “NO”
    I want to please my master
    Tidy the garden

    full nelson swirly
    trash cans dead legs ruffling hair
    work at Grand Canyon

    obsessed with armpits
    some infected DNA
    only with blonde gods

    1950’s wife
    I’m drunk between 1 and 5
    Earlier western culture

    Maybe fill my face
    A huge silicone orb
    Weirder the better

    worthless prisoner
    and I’m looking to be drugged
    leave this short and sweet

    sailor in japan
    introduced to my parents
    so please be normal

    licking your body
    my blood spraying and splasing
    I love handsome guys

    mange moi, eat me, please
    this is not a metaphor
    so, bon appetite

    think is the new buff
    I was married at sixteen
    Only vice is meth

    you’re injecting meth
    pass me around STDs
    give full blown slaughter

    like to be a dog
    I like old men and poppers
    Politics junkie

    born mega hung boy
    legally owned until death
    end of the story

    I’ve lost all my friends
    I have no one I can trust
    Gone back to old ways

    call me what you want
    transitional stage of life
    anxious birth gender

    stoned ass eating pig
    70% passive
    I can still bang butts

    evil older guys
    killed and resuscitated
    snuff films starring me

    I almost forgot
    My left leg’s amputated
    But don’t get hung up

    nothing’s important
    a slim, shaved, ok body
    pardon me, I’m dumb

    don’t bored me to death
    this stuff just becomes so slow
    semiotic hell

    bisexual slave
    my master loves guns and knives
    drugs and violence

    don’t call me to fuck
    please don’t call me just for sex
    as I need torture

    no longer horny
    I’m hoping for so much more
    I will not respond

    drinking piss from glass
    brushing my teeth with urine
    you’ve gone off topic

    my English is poor
    and I can’t speak Japanese
    I’m very horny

    I love bing punched
    Muscle bears can have me now
    I will die for you

    anything but meth
    but I’ll try anything else
    a slippery road

    I want to be loved
    I want people to envy
    I am disabled

    terrible person
    I want humans to recede
    All hail lord satan

    tape my dick and balls
    gang banged by the football team
    I want to be cute

    nothing much to me
    I just want you to fuck me
    Don’t care who you are

    submissive bottom
    drinking until I pass out
    my plans are open

    ugly bitch needs death
    that’s what people are saying
    is it really you

    I just hate myself
    And everyone on this earth
    And hate your kids

    I was made for you
    My feelings are deeply lost
    Is that enough now?

    I like to play dead
    Sylvia Plath is my god
    Try to work that out

    TWINK to USE
    the Northern Lights glow
    can you take me to see them?
    I can pay you now

    teenage self esteem
    zero no go area
    stalk me constantly

  4. Thomas Moronic

    Oh and Black_Acrylic_ – Ben – I’ve been meaning to say, I’ve been thinking about you and wishing you well with your recovery. Hope the return to work is going well.

    • _Black_Acrylic

      Hi Thomas, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I’m doing whatever physio exercises I’m given and they seem to be working, albeit slowly.

      As ever, these slave haikus are exquisite.

      • Thomas Moronic

        Thanks, Ben!

  5. Thomas Moronic

    Hey, Dennis. Oh you’re welcome – that was a great post yesterday. This weekend? Hmmm … I don’t know yet. My friends went out for Halloween last night, but it was at this gay bar where me and my ex boyfriend used to go so it kind of put me off, plus I got the feeling it might be a boozy night, which of course wouldn’t be my thing, as I have drank alcohol for … what … eight and half years now – which is crazy when I think about it.

    I think I’m going to see a couple of visiting friends tonight which will be great. And then tomorrow I might go and find a horror film to see so I can feel some Halloween. There’s a nice cinema with this big park next to it, which should feel nice and autumnal and spooky so I think I might head there.

    Also, today I’m going to work on new writing. I had a message today saying that someone would like to teach my books on a queer studies course – how awesome is that?!? I’ve been really pleased with the reaction to In Their Arms so far. Just a couple of weeks in and I’ve had such nice messages about it.

    How about you? What did you get up to this weekend?

  6. David Ehrenstein

    “No sex… I’m sick of it already” is the best come-on I’ve seen in eons.
    Analconda is really quite beautiful. He could be a fashion model if he took the plunge.

    That cat one of the other slaves is holding looks exactly like our Tama. I adore black cats. Animal shelters say few people will take them so they’re by ad large destroyed — which is tragic.

  7. h

    Hi Dennis — art show yesterday was very nice. Horror in general doesn’t attract me, but I tend to respond to complicatedly atmospheric horror hinting at innocence and its alienation.

    Already watched Peter Watkins’ ‘Edvard Munch’ because I was lucky to have a quiet morning today. Its historical or cultural background doesn’t intrigue me very much, but its filmic layering of ephemeral glances and time remains emotional. Very beautiful.

    Looks like your projects are going well. Excellent. Having no doubt about your genius, diligence, and project quality, so I always admire it, not asking, etc. Still glad to read it though. Hope you had a fine weekend. How was Tim Hecker?

    • h

      Whew now I have a moment to look at slave texts, though just a few of them this time. I like Marquis de Faggot. Quite fashionable, independent and composed. I guess though I value him as a like-minded buddy.

  8. puddentane

    Dennis, I don’t know how you did it, but from all that wrong
    information I gave you, you brought up the book I was looking
    for. It is “Eden, Eden, Eden” by Guyotat. How I got an Italian
    writer on World War 1 out of a French writer on Algeria is
    beyond me; but, bygod, you did it. Thank you, so much.

  9. David Ehrenstein

    All Peter Watkins films are required viewing, especially his masterpiece “La Commune” When it comes to politics he makes Jean-Luc Godard look like Stanley Kramer.

    As for “Cosi Fan Tutti”. . .

    • h

      ‘La Commune’ is the next Peter Watkins I’d like to watch. Thanks for the thought.

  10. Dóra Grőber


    As always, thank you a lot for the slaves!
    Yes, we get our psychology diploma in 2 turns. We have a ‘first final exam’ at the end of the third year which includes a thesis and a written test, and The final exam at the end of the fifth year with yet another thesis and the presentation of it. It’s kind of pointless in my opinion, I mean this kind of division but that’s how it is.
    This is so exciting! Please tell me what he thought and how’s everything turning out when it’s time!
    I’ve only ever heard one album of his but I really like it. How was the concert? I imagine it must’ve been impressive!
    I’m meeting my writer friend today. It’s been a while so we have some catching-up to do and I guess we’ll also make some plans about tomorrow evening’s Halloween party.
    I hope your weekend was great! Did everything go as planned?

  11. hyperbolic_plain

    Hi Dennis. Haven’t participated on your blog for years. I’m the guy who made a brief, star-struck dipshit of himself at the Tim Hecker show last night (assuming there was only one such guy). Hope you enjoyed the show. …Although I haven’t been keeping up with the blog, I have been reading about the Google deletion saga via posts by semiotext(e) people. Glad the blog is back up. I’m going to take last night as impetus to start reading it again. Best.

  12. steevee

    The second day of withdrawal went much better than the first one! No insomnia! Yay!

    To be clear, I’m not saying that I personally know that Woody Allen’s a child molester. The understandable impulse to “believe women,” which I generally try to follow, can get tangled up in celebrity culture. One way or another, either Woody or Mia Farrow are horrible people. I’m also not saying you should use an artist’s work to “prove” their sex crimes, but Woody’s fondness for younger woman/older man narratives seems really tone-deaf at this point.

  13. Bill

    Some really specific demands today. Cryptic too. I’m impressed.

    Loved the art show yesterday, especially Dongwook Lee and the ceramics. Great distractions from the bad crazy that’s been going on here. Maybe Rosemary’s Baby tonight on a big screen will help as well.

    Bill, hanging in there

  14. James Nulick


    Greetings from Tokyo! And happy Halloween! I met up with fellow DC’er Paul Curran last night; we spent a few hours over good drinks, talking about Iron Maiden (most assuredly not a Hillary reference), being a couple of aging metal heads, and how wonderful Tokyo is. I’m going to spend Halloween in Shibuya this evening! I’ll snap a few pics of the revelers! Tokyo has been eye-popping and a lot of fun, and I still have 3 evenings left before my return to the dark, dreary United States…!! perhaps the US has fallen into the ocean and I can seek asylum here…. 😉

    I hope all is well with you, Dennis! Do you have any big plans for tonight?

    Much love,

    PS. _Black_Acrylic,

    Cheers Ben! I hope you are doing well, and I raise my glass for a speedy recovery.


    • _Black_Acrylic

      Cheers James, I’ll raise a reciprocal glass to you too x

    • h

      Envious — Enjoy your Japan trip with A, James

  15. Thomas Moronic

    Hope Tim Hecker was good. On the occasions I’ve seen him play he’s been incredible. The last time I saw him he played right before Body/Head – such a good gig. I listen to Hecker a lot when I write.

  16. Jamie McMorrow

    Good day, Dennis! How was your weekend? I’m sure that you’ll already have said by this far down the ps, so I’ll scroll about & find out. I hope it was great. Is the video done or almost done? Are you pleased?
    Man, you’re right about the posh hotels & power outlets! Before I commented here on Friday I had to unplug the bedside lamp to plug in the phone. What a strange quirk. We only stayed in swanksville for one night and we were both a little sad to leave. The breakfast was so great.
    Today we went to see the last day of a quite good Jennifer West exhibition just round the corner from our flat. You get given a torch which you shine through lots of differently treated strips of film that then project onto the gallery walls. It was better than that probably sounds!
    As for these slaves, bullyvictim’s closing line, coming in at the end of that list, is perfect, and I really like this comment from one of the guestbooks “Call me a purist or old fashioned, but I remember the days when not just any random twink bottom looking for a poke could come in here and call themselves a slave. I remember the days when the word slave meant something.”
    Happy Monday to you, DC. Hope it’s a joy.
    Lots of love to you,

  17. Mavado

    Some fantastic pictures of young twinks ! Very inspirating for my next comixxx, thanks M. Cooper !

    A devoted and french reader,

    Mavado Charon

  18. _Black_Acrylic

    @ DC, I made a start on the CFT Day and hope to have it ready very soon. That was most of my Sunday, but I did set the evening aside for watching Wiseman’s National Gallery and enjoyed that immensely.

    Halloween tune! Rude 66 – Horrified

  19. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Why is SLAVENOTDUMB using Jeff Seid’s photos? Isn’t this a copyright issue? Or don’t slaves care about that shit?

    Yeah, less bread, right? Though I find a lot of sandwiches these days have too much bread. It’s usually one way or the other – too many ingredients to zero out the bread, or way too much bread to zero out the ingredients. Don’t sandwichmakers have a happy medium anymore?!

    I saw an article about kids who’ve never had a Big Mac trying one for the first time. The main question was, “Why is there a third piece of bread in the middle?”

    Ah, my lack of writing…the bane of my existence, Dennis. It really is. You wouldn’t believe the depression I get over it. Ugh. I HAVE to do it. Thank you for asking and lighting a fire in me. It will happen. Soon. I promise. Just like Paxton Farm next Halloween will happen.

    It’s always in the back of my mine. Haunting. That’s my daily Halloween, and it’s the bad kind.

  20. Sypha

    famouslastwords has a nice pussy.

    I like Bang_a_gong because of his body. There, I said it.

    Glad to see that I’m not the only one who caught the Jeff Seid cameo. I knew that Misa would catch it too because he and I have developed a fetish for cute male bodybuilder types (see also: David Laid)

    Has it really been weeks since I’ve posted on here? Sorry about that. I was on vacation recently, then readjusting to going back to work, plus dealing with the usual health and depression issues. Hey Dennis, you ever hear about the Voynich Manuscript? A nice facsimile art book edition of it came out recently… naturally I had to get it:

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