The blog of author Dennis Cooper

No *

* (restored)




p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, David. The American Raymond Roussel: that’s a super interesting way to think about him. Wow, that’s nice. Thank you, sir. Love, me. ** Misanthrope, Someone should invent semi-salt. Maybe it already exists. Okay, well, if it’s the 22nd, don’t … do whatever you shouldn’t do until then. Sounds fucking awful, man. Yeah, the ‘I need to do more research’ line has always bewildered me. Research your fucking imagination, and the rest will follow. Well, then I think you simply must read ‘I Wished’ again, clearly. ** Dominik, Hi!!! I mean, 4th of July and Bastille Day are related somehow. I assume 4th of July is in some way a kind of crass, less stylish rip off of Bastille Day. It’s better though, in this case. Nice Henson choice, of course. I think love is loving enough to give us both what we want. Um, the meeting was pointless and angering, but it wasn’t explosive at least. If Austria was Paris’s next door neighbour, we could take the metro back and forth to visit each other! In addition to increasing your coolness. Temperature-wise, I mean, you’re already plenty cool. Love listening to your requests and nodding his head ‘yes’ hundreds of times, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, He’s a pleasure. And a writer’s writer. Obviously best possible outcome on the Ultrasound. Interesting. I never saw Nirvana either. Waited too long. I almost met him when I was in Seattle to do a cover story on Courtney Love. He was supposed to show up, but I think he was nodding out some elsewhere. Dude was seriously talented. I still have a soft spot for Blur. ** Cody Goodnight, Hi. I yet again didn’t get enough sleep last night, so I’m okay but slightly less okay than yesterday. But okay. Whoever invented noodles should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize. I can’t remember Disney’s ‘Robin Hood’, strange. ‘Pinocchio’ is my favorite. ‘Doolittle’ is kind a perfect album. I have never read Dahl, isn’t that weird? Very weird. Can’t explain it. Have a sunshine and lollipops kind of day. ** Charlie, Nice, you’re not broiling in the heat. Me neither. We’re very lucky, dude. That does sound awfully close to being a feast. You just need to right plate and utensils? He’s not a superhero, but I think I’m absorbing the identifying qualities of Sleepy of the 7 Dwarves fame so far today. I think maybe I’d like to absorb the powers of Dr. Strange, if he counts. Who are or were you imbibing today then? ** Darbz đŸŽȘđŸ’„đŸ˜, Nice! Go elephant! Wow, yikes, I’m glad you escaped the handcuffs and the hospital. You must’ve said something powerful. Whew, welcome home! I like Automatons, sure. The creaky old school ones, the flashy computerised new-fangled ones. All good. Building Automatons seems like a good retirement plan. Although artists never retire. I hope your today comes down off its high horse and drolls fiberglass. ** Okay. I always really liked this old post, so I decided to restore it for your hopeful benefit. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    Ah, I remember this post! I also remember that I wanted to send you an image of a cartoon or comic character who has a dick for a head, and there’s “NO” written on his
 neck/shaft, but I couldn’t find it, and I still can’t, so
 this is my written addition to the collection, haha.

    Well. Your Zoom meeting doesn’t exactly sound like a dream, but at least it wasn’t explosive. That’s
 something, right?

    That’d be so fantastic! If we could take the metro to visit each other whenever we wanted!

    Thank you, love! I have the feeling my requests will be met if love himself approves of them. So, love making sure that I don’t have to send any more emails to the accounting department of my company due to the continuous fuckups of my Hungarian bank because it’s getting fucking embarrassing, Od.

  2. Charlie

    Hey. Does the kid getting smacked in the face by a ball count as a ‘no’? If I saw that happen out in the world I’d probably think ‘Yes!’ Either way, made me chuckle.

    Yeah, right plate, utensils, perhaps a stylish tablecloth. A whole lot more to arrange and prepare. But I’m feeling energised and full of ideas. It’s exciting.

    Doctor Strange huh? Seems a fitting choice for you, suitably mind-bending. I’m off to see my friend J. soon. He’s one of those, um, special friends. So I guess I’m imbibing the spirit of Casanova today, ha ha!

  3. Misanthrope

    Dennis, If Bill Cosby, Taylor Swift, and Mike Pence say it’s a no, then it’s a no!

    Yes, I’m being as careful as can be. Still working out and all, but I’m careful/selective re: what I do. I’ve eliminated a bunch of exercises and I go really light in weight. I probably spend most of my time on the elliptical. So, yeah, just holding on until the 22nd.

    Thing, too, is that you can overwrite like hell and then cut later. Though Sypha likes to do the opposite and add later. To each his own, of course. But at a certain point, this is fiction and these are works of the imagination and I think that’s where it comes from. Or should come from. I mean, you’re writing about, say, the Middle Ages, of course you want to brush up and be fairly accurate, but taking years to read every book about the Middle Ages before you start writing…Idk, seems like a waste of time to me. Also, using that imagination can really take you to different places that a paint-by-numbers history can’t.

    I’m still on Zeno’s Conscience, hahaha. Got about 20 pages left. After that, I’m reading Colby Smith’s chapbook, Fish Turn Colors Then Break in My Hands. And then…I Wished? Hmm.

    Yeah, there’s this one part that’s sticking out to me but I can’t remember the details of it because I’m old. It made me grin at the time and was very familiar. I need to revisit that. Like, it feels like something that’s been discussed here before. I’ll see if I can find in my re-read and let you know what it is. 😀

  4. _Black_Acrylic

    Via the tip of Philip Best on Facebook, today I saw The Outwaters which is kind of like Skinamarink in that it’s found footage horror that suddenly turns into experimental cinema. Set in the Mojave desert where some youngsters are shooting a music video that becomes a terrifying, hallucinatory experience. Gotta say, it’s highly enjoyable. My then-girlfriend and I saw the Blair Witch Project in a Parisian cinema back in the 90s, and it blew our minds at the time. Who would have thought the genre would still be going strong 25 years later?

  5. Brendan


  6. Bill

    Good to see the nos restored today!

    Sorry to hear about the sucky meeting with your producer. I hope there are more positive developments soon.

    Just saw:

    Very strange and fascinating.


  7. Cody Goodnight

    Hi Dennis.
    How are you? I’m doing well. Great to see Sylvester Stallone greeting me with a no. Very funny post today! I’m terribly sorry about the lack of sleep. It’s not a fun feeling. I still wish you well on getting better rest. I totally agree! Noodles are some of the best things humanity has ever created! Robin Hood is a charming little film. It’s during the era of Disney after Walt died, so many films feel very meandering and soulless, since they don’t really have that flare they once did. Robin Hood does, imo. I also really like the Errol Flynn Robin Hood. I read a lot of Roald Dahl’s work as a child. I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, Fantastic Mr. Fox and James and the Giant Peach. I’d recommend those if you’re interested. They’re wonderfully weird British kids stories with a tinge of darkness. The Witches is darkest thing I’ve read from him, and I’m really digging it. Well, yesterday, the power went out again, so I just read my book. I couldn’t watch The Little Mermaid, but i hope to remedy that today. I listened to Xiu Xiu’s Fabulous Muscles (a personal favorite album) and lots of doom metal, specifically Candlemass and Electric Wizard. I ended my night closing my eyes while listening to Type O Negative. Have you listened to these any of these artists? Besides that, I am showing some friends Nobuhiko Obayashi’s House tonight, and I will see Female Trouble in a theater tomorrow night. I’m also going to binge the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion with a friend soon. I highly recommend that show. Have a great day or night, Dennis!

  8. Steve Erickson

    From the sublime to the ridiculous, my Gay City News July music roundup, on Big Freedia, Beverly Glenn-Copeland and Greta van Fleet, is out:

    Are you planning to see BARBIE and/or OPPENHEIMER this weekend?

    My ankle still hurts, but dental surgery was amazingly quick and painless.

  9. A

    Yo DC. Sorry been in the crunch of the issue deadline for Kong. We found a paris photographer, but they are asking for the best dates for you and Zac. Can I just give the other editor at the magazine your email to set it up, or would you prefer the photographer to contact you direct? What’s the vibe? Hope you are so well of course.

  10. Darbz đŸŽȘđŸ’„đŸ˜

    Hello, or, bonjour? I should just mess with u one day and write a whole thing in French. Then you’d be like hmm ok anyways! haha.
    Powerful? I wish it was powerful, it was actually a rather weak thing to say but what can I say I’m a weak person in the context of that. But, I guess we can pretend that I said something powerful, like I said some big “Fuck the system, leaks government info” related thing and they were like “Oh no this boys too powerful! Lets put them in cuffs and involuntarily commit them haha!” I’m still surprised I got out of that whole thing unscathed and un-hopspitalised, what can I say though? I have the rizz. Like, Ed Kemper but without the murder and head-fucking and just overall being really good at downplaying my mental instability.
    Im not a violent person though, I hope that’s not what it seemed like.
    But that was all a day ago! Two since you’ll read this tomorrow-or today, speaking in future. Do you know what rizz means? I just realized you might not.
    I bleached the front of my hair and the red is gone! My friend said it looked like raviolli, but now that its sort of blondish they say I have noodle hair. Oh how is your day going to be? Im going to see Oppenheimer + maybe Barbie with a group of friends so maybe I’ll tell you if itts worth a watch.
    I hope this isnt too bothering that ive been here quite a bit. It feels sort of routine and at the end of the day when I’m bored I go here cuz idk.
    Oh last thing! I found a block of wood near the dumpster and im going to whittle an animal from it, or atleast try. I want to make something really amazing, like my own automaton contraption. But thats future speaking. 🐡 Omg they have a pufferfish emoji! How cute!

    • Darbz đŸŽȘđŸ’„đŸ˜

      Oh my god did I overshare again im sorry! Im reallllly tired : C

  11. Mark

    No? hmmm… This weekend I am practicing some contrary action and saying, yes. I have agreed to participate in this Barbinheimer thingy Saturday with JosĂ© and some of our friends. Am I capable of suppressing my inner bitch/snob/critic and just enjoying some summer movies and having fun? Dear Self – lighten the fuck up! To be continued…

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