p.s. Hey. ** Mark, Hi, Mark! Wow, you’re there, you’re very there. Awesome, awesome. Yes, I think your zine arrived at my concierge’s pad on Saturday, and I get to pick it up today. And thank you for the pix you sent. I’m … honored, ha ha. I missed your Delphi q&a, damn. What did you learn? Keep having the hugest fun. No doubt. ** Misanthrope, Then don’t watch them, for goodness sake. Oh, okay, understood about the mini-hernia. I’ve never had one as far as I know, so I’m an ignoramus. And the party was … ? Day trip to Paris would be good. But just a day? A jam-packed day, at least. I don’t think Ive been to NYC since those THEM performances, which is nuts. ** mark palmer, Hi! Great, thank you really a lot. Let me pass them along here on the front page. Everyone, mark palmer has some generous gifts he found for any Klossowski-hungry people out there. Pretty great tips, and they are gratis pdfs of ‘Sade My Neighbor’, ‘Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle’, and ‘Living Currency’. Plus apparently you can read ‘The Baphomet’ on Archive, org. Thanks so much! Super kind of you. I hope all is great with you and yours. ** Bill, Gotta love (or hate, I guess) that quick zoom. Awesome about your gig. No recorded record? Ha ha, you even think your own gig was too long. Wait, I’ve thought readings of mine were too long, so I take that bemusement back. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hey, hey. Thumbs up on the Leeds win. Two thumbs. And on the manager keeping his lips to himself. ** Minet, Hi. In Montmartre? That graveyard is so run down and cobwebbed and disheveled that I didn’t know they even buried people there anymore. Or prominent people at least. I’m due a visit, and I know where Dalida’s grave is. You can’t miss it. Well, I tried to communicate with Cadinot. It was stupid: I meant to write to him as soon as I relocated here, but I put it off, unfortunately. I’m thinking he would have talked to me. My favorite is ‘Aime comme minet’, no surprise. Others would be, hm, ”Sacre College’, ‘Stop Surprise’, ‘Charmants Cousins’, and that one whose title I forget that involves a plane crash in Africa even though it’s horribly racist. Pierre died of a heroin overdose. Cadinot said the only reason he stopped working with Pierre was because he became a very bad junkie. Thanks for the kind words about my stuff. I am really proud of ‘My Loose Thread’. It’s one of my favorites of mine. I still haven’t started ‘The Shards’. I think its length is scaring me a bit. My weekend was fine. And yours was infinitely more than fine I hope? ** Dominik, Hi!!! Definitely only imaginary. I am way not a family person. Yeah, sorry, but it’s gotten cool enough here that I had to close the windows last night because it was too chilly. You’ll catch up with us soon, I’m sure. I spent the weekend mostly catching up on stuff because we return to marathon film work starting tomorrow morning. Your Saturday love would be the answer to my dreams, even though lazy me doesn’t deserve it. Love never ever ever saying never to you, G. ** Montse, Montse! I miss you too! It was so wonderful to get to see you and spend time with you here. Congrats on the cooling. Yeah, as I was just saying, it was so chilly here last night that I had to close the windows! Oh, I heard that new album by The Armed you recommended. Yeah, it’s really interesting, sort of art rock emo or something? Very dynamic. Thank you a lot for the tip. Lots of love to you too, and Zac apologises for getting stuck in an unexpected nap. I hope to see you again very, very soon and hear from you even sooner! ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Oh, yeah, I agree, those are among his best, I think. Thank you, David. ** Nick., I go to bed early every night, so I can imagine the wildness or, more easily, the lack thereof. That did make sense, and I agree, but I like the psycho effect. I guess I call it originality? I really think you missed nothing by skipping out on the Fire Island experience. I’m good with a kind of surreptitious cruising, but the Free Island type was boringly blatant and irritatingly non-stop no matter where you were or what time of day, to me at least. I’m kind of tired today, so we’re vibing, I’m sure. ** John Newton, Hi. I’m not that familiar with non-horror giallo, so I don’t think I would know quite where to start re: a post. There were a few non-horrors in the post just for variety, and one Hercules film at least. I have a fondness for theory-head talk, even though I don’t talk that way myself. I like when people try to complicate themselves and what they like and why, at least in small doses.I haven’t heard about the Alice Cooper thing, at least not yet. I know his politics are at least a bit to the right. But he’s great, so I guess I don’t care. So far, I should say. People are at least somewhat crazy about the Barbie film here too, but in a more brainy French way. Lots of intelligent people discussing it on TV. I haven’t met Todd Haynes. I almost did because I was supposed to write a feature on him for Spin Magazine, but then he heard I didn’t like the last part of ‘Safe’, and he refused to let me write it. I never met Paul Reubens. I knew Chris Burden. We taught together at UCLA for a few years. Fascinating but very intense guy. Pierre Buisson was not of Italian heritage from what I know. I think his father was Egyptian. There are a lot of great small presses nowadays, the most and best of my lifetime, and 95% of what I read is published by small presses. But self-publishing is also more legit and respected than it’s ever been as well. So either way, I guess. Yury’s still asleep, but I’ll ask him about those substances when he’s not. Thanks! Excellent week to you! ** Kettering, Mr. K. I haven’t seen that thing you linked to, but I will watch it when I’m finished here. Your description seduced me, natch. You be well yourself, sir. ** Corey Heiferman, Hi, Corey! Awesome to see you! I’ve been thinking about you when following the ugly mess going on in your country. Insane. I’m glad you were part of the resistance, and I’m certainly glad you’re alright. And about the goodness of your year so far. Very nice. Mine’s been wild and very up and down, but the up is winning. Lucky people in the NYC environs. Everyone, Corey Heiferman has an amazing tip if you’re in NYC or Brooklyn our thereabouts. Light Industry will be showing Gregory Markopoulos’s great and very hard to see film ‘Du sang, de la volupté et de la mort’ on August 29 at 7:30pm, and I very highly recommend you take that opportunity. Here’s the info. Me? My whole life this year is about Zac’s and my new film which we shot in April/May and are editing now. There’s not much else. Random … a question: Do pigeons have senses of smell? I hope to see you again soon, pal. ** Okay. Never? Never! See you tomorrow.
Me neither. I’m way too self-centered to be a good family person.
And yes! As of last night/this morning, we can finally breathe again as well! Yay!
Ah, may the Force be with you! I hope you’re making even better progress than expected!
Same, haha. I’ve been living here for almost three months (this is just crazy…!), and I still can’t speak almost any German.
Awh, I appreciate it, love! Thank you! Love making people never say “Never say never” with that wise little smile when you tell them something with absolute conviction, Od.
Dear Dionysius-
Watched “L’Inconnu du Lac” with Sig the other night. The night photography put me in mind of you. Excellent li’l piece of work, I think. Have you seen it?
Even watching a thrillah about the hazards of indiscriminate cruising, my fella wants tales of my wild gay past. Which consists of, like, dodging risk at every turn? And wants to go crusing himself. I swear, youth.
My whole experience with the subject consists of eyeballing cute guys at Piedmont Park, and whole years of Fridays strolling past the midtown Eagle. When I had to stroll past: when I lived on 4th St the usual slutspects would park directly front of my building & sometimes change in the street prior to going. Brave bears ev’rywhere. Too many baseball caps for my taste. One very prepared case had an SUV w/ a whole closet of leather gear in the rear and he’d strip down and swap out right there.
Anyway, I’d trade all that for access to the Lake of Sainte-Croix. There’re no beaches here stateside in my experience that look so pristine!
I hope your swelter has skeltered. Our heat dome’s about to be broken on the catherine wheel of hurricane Idalia.
I would tell you a joke about En Vogue, but you’re never gonna get it. If you get the reference to 90s R&B, maybe you would. And there’s a gif in today’s post as well!
Right now I’m having to live on a no music diet, because the tonearm on my record player needs readjusting and my iPod is not syncing with my laptop. So it means that I’ve got CDs or nothing, and most of those I threw away long ago. Still have some Arthur Russell to keep me going so it ain’t all bad.
D-dude: “You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.”
― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Our After 8 throw-down approacheth. Antonia posted a web notice that I’d offer a “hologram reading.” I like the ring of that. Tons more shit happening here. May your week have prime atmospheric conditions! xo Jack
“Vous est Hiroshim
Vous etes Nevers
Nevers e France”
Sur Hiroshima Mon Amour
I enjoyed the “never” riffing a lot, fun use of the internet. There’s no one word for “Never” in Hebrew, only phrases that literally mean “Not once ….” and “Not to/for the world…”. My poet friend Yonadav likes to riff on stock phrases like this, fill in the blanks after them in unexpected ways. He also knows a lot about plants and animals. I don’t know about pigeons’ sense of smell, but according to Yonadav birds can see both visible light and U/V light. It’s called tetrachromatic vision — they see combinations of four primary colors rather than our three. Pigeons look drab and not very sex differentiated to us, but they just evolved to show their colors in U/V. Flowers are in on the game too. A few fortunate humans can see some of these colors. Come to think of it, this would be a fine premise for an experimental film.
I love to sing the song Never Leave you (Uh ooh, uh oh) by Lumidee to my dog Ireli (for real), play the song Les collines (Never leave you) by Alizée on repeat and albums Nevermind by Nirvana and Never say never by Brandy play often in my room…
Did I do it right?
Fun day… the word makes you think
Thank you so much for the Klossowski pdfs friend. You know I will start with Sade… I can’t find Roberte anywhere I am sure I will find it one day?
I wish I knew where to see Jerk
I keep writing everywhere the catchphrase of mine “Hit the streets – soon” dreaming for the day I will do it for real. Until then… Are you deep into editing still? Angelic vibes your way I am sure you are pushing hard
I really appreciate the Pierre Buisson info. I would love to know more about him… I would dream to know things of yours like that that never happened like that book or essay on Pierre… Sometimes you post info in the comments I had no idea about and I love learning new things so much
Good vibe from hotter than hot Crete
Your poem Kindertotenlieder keeps me company
tonight I just read it aloud two times to inspire my self
Hi Dennis.
Many apologies for the lack of communication. Things have been a bit busy and stressful at my end. Well I can certainly say your posts are never boring. I saw Person in a theater and loved it. I saw Sergei Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible Parts 1 & 2 this weekend and loved both. Masterpiece imo. I showed some friends Throbbing Gristle. That’s really about it. Now I’m watching videos on Conker’s Bad Fur Day, a mature N64 game developed by Rare. How’s your week been, Dennis? Hope you have a good day or night!
Dennis!! We also had to close the windows yesterday, what a pleasure! Oh, you heard Perfect Saviors? Yikes. Yesterday I listened to the first three songs and didn’t like them. I thought, ‘I hope Dennis doesn’t check this album out.’ Yes, it seems it’s more rock and mellow now. My favorite songs of theirs are “All Futures” and “Fortune’s Daughter”. Big hugs!!! <3
There must be a THE CLOCK-style video supercut of images containing the word “no.” (But if it exists, you would’ve found it during the research for this.)
I particularly like the way these GIFs build into a mood, if not narrative, as though “The Nightmare Never Ends” were answering “Violence Is Never the Answer.”
I saw Jean-Paul Civeyrac’s THROUGH THE FOREST over the weekend. I saw MY FRIEND VICTORIA in 2015 and liked it, but I didn’t go back and see any other Civeyrac films. I thought THOUGHT THE FOREST was great: a ghost story told in 10 single-take scenes, with excellent use of 2000s DV to bring out darkness. The premise – a woman believes that a man is the reincarnation of her dead lover’s spirit – would sound familiar, but Civeyrac’s treatment sure isn’t.
Maybe this is an odd question, but if you’re publishing a new book, you might have to deal with it. TikTok and Goodreads dominate the world of books even more than they did when I WISHED came out. The audience for mainstream literature seems to go almost entirely through BookTok. Even though you’re doing a completely different kind of work, do you feel pressure, especially from publishers, to engage with it?
Dennis, I never say “never.”
That’s probably the best way of handling scary movies, no? Hahaha. I can watch most scary movies with other people around. Seems everyone’s crazy about this movie “Talk to Me,” which is supposed to be some great horror movie because of the way it addresses grief. I did watch the trailer. Seems a’ight.
Frankly, if I can finagle it, I’ll get a week in Paris. It’s just working things out with the others, you know?
That has been a long time. I haven’t been to NYC since December 2019. That might change soonish.
So, there’s this thing on Twitter where people are asking who is the best living American writer. I can tell you I’m not the only one who said you.
Interestingly, no one’s saying Franzen.
Hello. Sorry I didn’t make it yesterday. Nearly had this really bad episode, well I kind of did but it could’ve been worse. Sorry.
Regarding what you said last post: Haha, yea, uh, im still in the south, and that saturday to be particular was fucking 100 degrees so Jesus fucking kill me if I went out in a turtleneck! For the most part, I cant usually have to feel embarrassed and ugly when I go out because I cant bear the heat. I didnt really leave anyways. Im just so tired of this placee really. No one listens to me and I feel so sad about that. I had hope in the new nurse but she’s just like the last. Im so tired of doctors not taking ADHD seriosuly No one puts you on the stimulant meds you need because “you can get addicted to them” Oh wow! Its almost like people need them! SHOCKING!! I dont trust doctors anymore. I dont trust anyone in that power. I had a doctor tell me no one would associate me because of all the cuts, ive had doctors tell me ive manipluated them and belittle me as im trying to fucking tell them things as im bawling in tears
So really I don’t care anymore. I’ll find my own way to deal with these things.
Sorry, I dont understand what u were applying with the candles? haha, were you implying some sort of voodoo magic or occultism to transfer the inches. Sorry about ur friend btw. I dont really know what to say but I remember when I had mania at the hospital I was like pacing around and I went to the nurse to get a PRN but they wouldnt let me and so I ran to a hospital friend who was just trying to draw and I was just talking and talking about , idk, I think it was Franz Kafka like he was a god and they were just like uh-huh yeah, mhm, which is kind of funny but also I still feel bad about that haha! They really just had no idea what i was saying.
How much did I write uhhh I hope not too much. Sorry. I’ll try to be consistent this week srry if I miss days I just have to figure things out.
Hi Dennis, I am alright with theory and academia but I don’t always want to talk or write about it constantly with friends, co-workers, students/teachers or relatives like my aunt. I just want to talk to then as friends or as a relative. I danced at clubs for exercise and it was better than doing cardiovascular exercise at a gym or staying at the bar or at a table. I never took xtc, MDMA, MDA, Crystal meth, freebase/crack, Ketamine or disassociative drugs. What were cocaine and meth like for you? Insatiable hedonism, or was it like a compulsion to use it all until it was gone and get more and keep using it? Ecstasy scared me. One friend said she became suicidal the next day from it and she never abused it. Another friend he became addicted to it and it destroyed his short and long term memory. Rest in peace Ron. Another friend he became full of insatiable rage and self anger from it. A different friend said he started getting like panic attacks that lasted for days, weeks, or months from taking E tabs at raves and he just took it 2-3x over 3 years and took supplements and vitamins with it.
As a vegetarian do you eat dolmades or the Greek or Balkan grape leaves with rice and lemon juice? I eat half to a full can for lunch or dinner. Of course I put lemon juice and sometimes yoghurt or kefir on it. I grew up eating Greek food. I only eat lamb once or twice a year, no not at Easter but usually for my birthday or around Christmas or New Year’s eve. I don’t always eat salad but I just eat it RAW! Or just put olive oil on it.
I made Nordic/Scandinavian and Finn/Baltic mesophilic yoghurts the traditional way and I will never make it this way again it takes too long. The other way with boiling milk is a lot easier. My dad likes these yoghurts as it reminds him of a fermented milk drink or yogurt my grandparents made on farms it was not buttermilk, it is basically skyr.
I will NEVER own a super large home or multiple homes, just one house is enough work as it is.
Where is Yuri from? Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, or Caucasia?
I don’t care about Ru Paul, drag queens, etc. and I grew up with them and some men into the female impersonation contests here in Philadelphia. I never saw any of them in drag, character, etc. The one femme/lipstick family friend he would go to drag bars and ladies tea parties like you did with Tim Dlugos and Brad Gooch when living in New York. This was in the mid or late 1980s. He did it for fun, because his friends all were doing it for costume parties, and for LGB baseball teams he was on. He might have done contests at bars. I never went there or saw him in drag.
I liked Ru Paul before he/she became super famous. I don’t watch the drag race or go to drag shows, contests, etc. I knew drag queens in college they would dress for contests, before going to bars and dance clubs, etc. Now it just seems like lots of conformity in a way.
Dennis hi! It’s been a while, how are you? Sorry for dropping in out of the blue but I missed following your blog and the post was really funny and sad (or maybe it’s just funny and I’m in a weird mood). The “never forget you one” reminds me a bit of a show I watched as a kid, there was a character who always smoked a cigarette with “never knows best” written on it. I’m blanking on the name for some reason but I feel like you’d sort of like it, or some of the images from it maybe? Anyway, hope things are going great with Zac the movie and everything else! xx