Robert Bresson The Devil, Probably
Robert Bresson Lancelot du Lac
Robert Bresson Four Nights of a Dreamer
Robert Bresson A Man Escaped
Robert Bresson Mouchette
Alain Resnais Providence
Orson Welles The Magnificent Ambersons
Ryan Trecartin A Family Finds Entertainment
Bela Tarr Werckmeister Harmonies
Terrence Malick Tree of Life
Terrence Malick The Thin Red Line
Terrence Malick Days of Heaven
Bruce Conner A Movie
Aldo Tambellini Black Zero
Olivier Assayas Irma Vep
Lindsay Anderson If …
James Benning 11 x 17
James Benning Landscape Suicide
Paul McCarthy Family Tyranny: Modeling and Molding
Hollis Frampton Magellan: At the Gates of Death, Part 1: The Red Gate
Chantal Akerman Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
Eric Rohmer The Green Ray
Eric Rohmer Pauline at the Beach
Yasujiro Ozu Late Spring
Yasujiro Ozu The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Gaspar Noe Enter the Void
Gaspar Noe Irreversible
Sergei Parajanov The Color of Pomegranates
Maya Deren Ritual in Transfigured Time
Kenneth Anger The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
Andy Warhol Chelsea Girls
Andy Warhol Lonesome Cowboys
Alain Robbe-Grillet Successive Slidings of Pleasure
Jacques Tati Playtime
Jacques Tati Mon Oncle
Christophe Honore Dans Paris
Agnes Varda Vagabond
Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein
John Woo The Killer
John Waters Serial Mom
John Waters Female Trouble
Pierre Clementi Film ou Visa de censure numero X
Alexander Kluge The Artist in the Circus Dome: Clueless
Alexander Kluge Anita G.
Harmony Korine Julian Donkey-Boy
Werner Herzog Stroszek
Werner Herzog The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner
Jean Luc Godard Pierrot le Fou
Jean Luc Godard Numero Deux
David Lynch Inland Empire
Errol Morris Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control
Bernardo Bertolucci Luna
Wes Anderson Moonrise Kingdom
Wes Anderson The Life Aquatic
Stan Brakhage Prelude: Dog Star Man
Rainier Werner Fassbinder In a Year of Thirteen Moons
Straub-Huillet History Lessons
Luchino Visconti Death in Venice
Jacques Rivette Duelle
Leos Carax Pola X
Leos Carax Holy Motors
Jon Jost Last Chance for a Slow Dance
Stanley Kubrick A Clockwork Orange
Wong Kar Wai Fallen Angels
Philippe Grandieux Un Lac
Jean Daniel Cadinot Aime … comme minet
Rolf Hammerschmidt The Fucking Class
Robert Altman McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Robert Altman Three Women
Peter Greenaway A Zed and Two Noughts
John Huston The Dead
Chris Marker Sans Soleil
Stephen Prina Vinyl II
Jack Smith Normal Love
Coen Brothers Fargo
Mike Leigh Naked
Federico Fellini Satyricon
Derek Jarman Last of England
Ingmar Bergman Hour of the Wolf
Michelangelo Antonioni Blow-Up
Frederick Weissman High School
Jeff Keen Omozap 2
Charles Atlas Hail the New Puritan
p.s. Hey. If you feel like similarly milking the top of your head for some of your favorite films and typing them out, that would be cool. Starting tomorrow and lasting through Friday, I’ll be involved in the shooting of Zac’s and my film from early morning to late at night. There’ll be no apart from a brief, pre-programmed hi and intro-type thing, and you’ll see reruns. On Saturday, the blog will give out a new post again, and I’ll catch up with the accumulated comments then. Thanks! ** MyNeighbourJohnTurtorro, Hi, man! Great to see you! Well, yes, I’ve been film film film and little else, but I’m good, and it’s going well. Oh, funny to read your suggestion on a ‘mine for yours’ day. Albums of the decade so far? Yeah, I can try that. Huh. Okay, give me a little bit ‘cos I won’t have any brain space or blog attention until next week. And I def. want to see your list. That’s a big motivating factor. Yes, I do remember the Elias interview, and I’ve really regretted not getting questions to you. The film project has just eaten me up, and the task was strangely or not strangely intimidating. But I’ve had some questions whorling around in my head for a while, so, yeah, if you’re still game to do it and if you can give me a little more time, I’ll get some questions together. It would be so amazing. Thank you for that, for, you know, it all. ** Jose Osoria, Hi, Jose! Yes, I got the invite. Thank you so incredibly much! I’ve just been swamped by the film project, but I’ll try to take advantage and get membered-up on the site today. Really, thank you a ton! That’s very exciting! I hope you’re doing great! ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Well, certainly not in the word, no. Sometimes what it refers to gets lucky and actually has an edge, even a sharp one, but no credit goes to the assigned adjective. ** Sypha, Hi, James. I saw that Cut Hands had a new album due, but not that Best’s project does too. I’ll score them both of course. Thank you! ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T. Wow, right, school is starting again. Time’s weird. Obviously happy that you get the happiness of reconnecting with your young chums. ** Keaton, Hey! Thanks man about film finishing. We need the luck on this last scene, which is a complicated and intimidating thing. I’m gonna get to read your story in the next short bit of pre-rehearsal time, I’m greatly anticipating that, natch. Halloween’s coming, isn’t it, at long fucking last! I’ll be in NYC, I think, watching ‘Kindertotenlieder’ be performed on that hallowed day, which isn’t my ideal Halloween action, but at least it’s appropriate. Rock the fuck on! ** _Black_Acrylic, Oh, shit, but cool that you’ll get an easy replacement. Re: your ballot, obviously. Excited about Thursday! Happy that your parents’ sense of humor is on the up side! ** Kier, Hi, K. Yes, it will be Gisele’s first music video. It’s for this kind of fast-rising young French electronic dance DJ star guy whose name completely escapes me at the moment. Then, right after that, she has a top secret second music video assignment that’s going be mind boggling, and I’ll spread news when the secretive phase is over. I think the first music video is supposed to go public next month. I love how beets look, and I like them a lot in theory, but I hate eating beets, yuck. Weird. They’re like the liver of the vegetable world to me. The sheep/ewe sounds like a total horror movie-style superstar. Yeah, ‘2001’, see, I forgot to put that on my list up there. My first boo-boo. My day was enclosed within the rehearsals. Well, considering how clueless and slightly spooked we were going into them, they went really well, and we’re calmer if not calm. We really need much more time to prepare this scene/shoot than we have. It’s complex and chaotic and full of uncertainty. We’re counting on a lot of luck. But the four performers were all very good, and they’ve given us enough confidence to proceed without having some last minute freak-out and canceling the shoot or something. Today will be more of that, and we’ll meet with whatever number of extras who’ve been gathered for us to play the ‘crowd’ in the gig/concert scene, and we’re fearing how few of then will have been scored — not much confidence in the person assigned to do that for us — and fearing what we’ll do if we don’t have enough of them. So, yeah, as you can probably tell, I’m quite stressed, but I guess by the next time I see you here live and in person, the deed will have been done, and keep your fingers crossed for us, if you can do that easily within the context of all of your farming. How was your Tuesday, and, well, the rest of your week? ** Steevee, Howdy. ** Bill, Hi! It was great! Thank you so much again! ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Right, you had as three-day weekend over there, didn’t you? It was time passing as usual over here, technically. If Panchitos is a secret think porn ring then I think our loyalty must have gotten us a golden ticket by now. Only one way to find out. ** Okay. I gotta run off now. Films, yeah, I already intro’d that as much as an intro is needed, I suppose. I wish you all luck and happiness and all that good stuff between now and Saturday, but only if you wish me the same, ‘cos I’m gonna need it. The blog will see you tomorrow. I will see you on Saturday. Bon chance!
1. Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train (Patrice Chéreau, 1998)
2. Out 1 (Jacques Rivette, 1971)
3. 8½ (Federico Fellini, 1963)
4. La Commune (Paris, 1871) (Peter Watkins, 2000)
5. Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
6. The Red Shoes (Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1949)
7. Providence (Alain Resnais, 1977)
8. Record of a Tenement Gentleman (Yasujiro Ozu, 1947)
9. The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
10. Good News (Charles Walters, 1947)
Also: Lola Montès (Max Ophuls, 1955), Le Diable Probablement (Robert Bresson, 1977), Une Chambre en Ville (Jacques Demy, 1982), A Movie (Bruce Conner, 1958), Film Socialisme (Jean-Luc Godard, 2010), India Song (Marguerite Duras, 1974), Palermo oder Wolfsburg (Werner Schroeter, 1980), Che Cosa Sono Nuvole? (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1968), The Leopard (Luchino Visconti, 1963), **** /Four Stars (Andy Warhol, 1967), La Cicatrice intérieure (Philippe Garrel, 1972), Judex (Georges Franju, 1963), Performance (Donald Cammell and Nicholas Roeg, 1970) Force of Evil (Abraham Polonsky, 1948), The Palm Beach Story (Preston Sturges, 1942), The Devils ( Ken Russell and Derek Jarman, 1971), Singin’ in the Rain (Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen, 1952), Star Spangled to Death (Ken Jacobs, 2004), If. . .(Lindsay Anderson, 1968), Rose Hobart (Joseph Cornell, 1936), The Last of England (Derek Jarman, 1988), Sans Soleil (Chris Marker, 1983), F For Fake (Orson Welles, 1974), Funny Face (Stanley Donen, 1957), Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean, 1962) Der Tiger von Eschnapur / Das Indische Grabmal (Fritz Lang, 1959), Love Streams (John Cassavetes, 1984), The Devil is a Woman (Josef von Sternberg, 1935), The Ghost Writer (Roman Polanski, 2010).
Much Ado About Nothing
big trouble in little china
bram stoker's dracula
true romance
apocalypse now
halloween (197_)
inland empire
mulholland drive
lost highway
the informers
american psycho
the exorcist
mr. lonely
last days
altered states
hamlet (mel gibson)
godfather 2
upstream color
the heart is deceitful above all things
wild tigers i have known
paranoid park
boyz n the hood
i robot
jurassic park
the breakfast club
natural born killers
drugstore cowboy
cat people
a woman is a woman
elevator to the gallows
the 400 blows
bed and board
claire's knee
a country priest
the bakery girl of monceau
murmur of the heart
Latest FaBlog: Sweet Smell of Jeff
Dennis – Cool, you take as long as you need, it's all good. I love lists, so I'm just going to jump into the deep end here and roll as many off my head as possible. SO, in no order:
Lost Highway – David Lynch
Mulholland Drive – David Lynch
Eraserhead – David Lynch
Blue Velvet – David Lynch
A Clockwork Orange – Stanley Kubrick
2001: A Space Odyssey – Stanley Kubrick
Law of Desire- Pedro Almodóvar
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown – Pedro Almodóvar
La Haine – Mathieu Kassovitz
Enter the Void – Gaspar Noé
Irréversible- Gaspar Noé
A Touch of Evil – Orson Welles
Withnail and I – Bruce Robinson
Léon: The Professional – Luc Besson
All About Lily Chou-Chou- Shunji Iwai
Rope – Alfred Hitchcock
Nosferatu – F.W Marnau
Happy Together – Wong Kar-Wai
Chungking Express – Wong Kar-Wai
A Trip To The Moon – Georges Méliès
The Impossible Voyage – Georges Méliès
Blade Runner – Ridley Scott
The Thin Red Line – Terrence Malick
The Tree of Life – Terrence Malick
Badlands – Terrence Malick
Fargo – The Coens
Alice in Wonderland – Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson and Hamilton Luske
Pinocchio – Ben Sharpsten, Hamilton Luske
Cannibal Holocaust – Ruggero Deodato
My Neighbor Totoro – Hayo Miyazaki
Spirited Away – Hay Miyazaki
A Short Film About Killing – Krzysztof Kieślowski
Jubilee – Derek Jarman
Lucifer Rising – Kenneth Anger
Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome – Kenneth Anger
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives – Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Tropical Malady – Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Tetsuo: The Iron Man – Shinya Tsukamoto
Werckmeister Harmonies – Béla Tarr
Hour of the Wolf – Ingmar Bergman
Caché – Michael Haneke
The White Ribbon – Michael Haneke
Y Tu Mamá También – Alfonso Cuarón
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser – Werner Herzog
The Isle – Kim Ki Duk
3-Iron – Kim Ki Duk
Freaks – Tod Browning
Once Upon A Time in America – Sergio Leone
Man Bites Dog – Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel and Benoît Poelvoorde
Throne of Blood – Akira Kurosawa
Audition – Takashi Miike
Ichi The Killer – Takashi Miike
Visitor Q – Takashi Miike
La Planète Sauvage – René Laloux
El Topo – Alejandro Jodorowsky
The Holy Mountain – Alejandro Jodorowsky
M – Fritz Lang
Querelle – Rainer Werner Fassbender
The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Jim Sheridan
Oldboy – Park Chan Wook
Grave of the Fireflies – Isao Takahata
Battle Royale – Kinji Fukasaku
The Devils – Ken Russell
In The Realm of the Senses – Nagisa Oshima
Pan's Labyrinth – Guillermo Del Toro
Let The Right One On – Tomas Alfredson
Wild Tigers I Have Known – Cam Archer
Female Trouble – John Waters
Alice – Jan Svankmajer
Noi the Albino – Dagur Kári
RIGHT. I need to stop or the list will take over the blog. Look forward to seeing more lists!
Dennis, no problem. Actually, I've read that Sioxsie & the Banshees will be reissuing their last 4 albums soon, so I'm excited about that as well, even though I'm not crazy about the last two.
Phew, for a second there I thought you had revised your favorite novels list, which made me think, "Not again!" I've made a favorite novels list and a favorite records list, but I've never truly done a favorite films list. I guess if I had to make a top ten (in no order):
Django Unchained (2012)
Reality Bites (1994)
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
Barton Fink (1991)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Les Miserables (2012)
Ghostbusters (1984)
Patriot Games (1992)
Repulsion (1965)
American Psycho (2000)
With honorable mentions to the first Death in Venice, Star Wars, Eraserhead, Clue, Polanski's Macbeth, Ghost World, Tree of Life, Clockwork Orange, pretty much all of Wes Anderson's films…
Surprised to see the Wes Andersons on there though I guess they have that tampered-with-innocence, embroidered vibe I can see you getting down with..
Can I just do recently viewed ones that knocked me off my seat?
The Comedy — w/ Tim Heidecker from Tim & Eric Awesome show, actually pretty minimal funny & macabre.
The Act of Killing — you must've seen this with the Errol Morris/Herzog double-header…
The Great Beauty
Gosh, totally forgot about Wes Anderson!!!
hello dennis hope your filming will go smoothly, i am sure your and yours' brilliance together will work through the less than enough time issue.
my list is logically similar to yours by now except for ones i have not watched, as i trust your introductions and have been diligent in watching them, despite small differences in reactions. oh, that eric rohmer the green ray is something i'd like to watch much soon. almost urgently.
oh, when you get to read this comment, a little reminder of 'the pyre' booklet, if no, no trouble please. i wish i could your text only, that's what i'd much like for my studies. no rush, but sometime after mid-september would be wonderful. thank you for that offering or trying it. more than that, hope all goes well with you. i am quite concentrated in working on my side, but best wishes for your filming and returning to your upcoming novel writing that feels like to be extremely beautiful. take care.
Ok so my brain is quite fried from work today … I'm probably missing out loads of things I love but off the top of my head …
Ryan Trecartin A Family Finds
Ryan Trecartin I-Be AREA
Robert Bresson The Devil, Probably
Gaspar Noe Enter the Void
Gaspar Noe Irreversible
Gaspar Noe I Stand Alone
John Waters Female Trouble
David Lynch Inland Empire
David Lynch Lost Highway
David Lynch Mulholland Drive
Harmony Korine Julien Donkey Boy
Harmony Korine Trash Humpers
Harmony Korine Spring Breakers
Harmony Korine Mister Lonely
His Van Sant Paranoid Park
Todd Louiso Love Liza
Michael Lehmann Heathers
Derek Jarman Blue
Michael Salerno Godland
Michael Salerno Silence
Bruce LaBruce The Raspberry Reich
Bruce LaBruce No Skin Off My Ass
Bruce LaBruce Super 8 and a half
Paul Schrader The Canyons
Pete Docter Up
Steve Buscemi Trees Lounge
Wes Craven Nightmare On Elm St
Chuck Russell Nightmare On Elm St Pt. 3
Scott Treleaven The Salivation Army
Robert Wiene The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Yes! Sypha reminded me : Repulsion! Thanks James!
Oh and Herzog – My Best Fiend
Latest FaBlog: Pubic Politics
Thomas – Great choices, man! Seriously, so great to see the Trecartin love, he slipped my mind too. Guy's a genius. AND the Nightmare on Elm Street films, I could kick myself for not including them. I adore the whole franchise. Apart from the one with Jason, obviously, because Jason is lame, right? AND NO HARMONY KORINE. *Runs away and rewrites list*
mulholland dr.
inland empire
fire walk with me
spring breakers
under the skin
cruel intentions
i know what you did last summer 1&2
10 things i hate about you
the devil, probably
the night porter
death in venice
party monster
blood for dracula
death proof
kill bill 1&2
paranoid park
2001: a space odyssey
battle royale
crash (cronenberg)
my neighbour totoro
thriller – a cruel picture
sex and fury
terminator 2
royal tenenbaums
serial mom
death race 2000
mysterious skin
heavenly creatures
picnic at hanging rock
fish tank
morvern callar
point break
the descent
resident evil retribution
drag me to hell
a ma soeur
i saw the devil
female prisoner 701 scorpion
left bank
hi dennis, this is my list. it's a great deal trashier than yours, but so be it. i kind of hate beets too, but lately i've been getting more into them, they serve them at work, in lasagne and as soup and it's not terrible. pas si mauvais. oof good luck on your crowd-getting, i hope it works out. i'll be crossing all my non-thumb fingers, you betcha. today i've been a massive sleepy-head all day. i slept through 'roller boogie' with linda blair, then i slept through some buffy. that is all for today. tell me about your tuesday.
MyNeighbourJohnTurtorro: High five,man! I actually took a screen grab on my iphone of your list because there are so many on there that I need to check out and I'm terrible at remembering what films to catch up on,so your list is gonna be very handy. And yeah,totally,about the genius of Trecartin. I went to New York a few years back and saw his first NYC solo show,and seeing his films on the big walls at the gallery blew my mind. He's a superstar. But yeah,really admiring your list.
Kier: I'm kicking myself! Death in Venice! How did i forget to put that on my list?!? Really nice choices by the way. I also feel I should have included at least one film with Bill Murray on my list.
Also: Satantango which I got on Kiddiepunk's recommendation.
Hey Dennis,
Fingers crossed for you on filming the big scene. Look forward to hearing all the details after the deed is gone. Break legs etc!
Great list of films – interesting to see how it differs from your earlier list on the blog many years back.
Nice to see everyone else's lists here too. Always get good recs for things to track down.
Top of my head, no particular order, forehead-slapping omissions guaranteed:
Wong Kar-Wai: Fallen Angels
Hitchcock: Vertigo
Cassavetes: Husbands; A Woman Under the Influence
Korine; Gummo
Schroeter; The Death of Maria Malibran; Eika Katappa
Marker: Sans Soleil
Fellini: 8 1/2
Tati: Playtime
Resnais: Providence
Rivette: Celine and Julie Go Boating; Duelle
Copolla: Apocalypse Now; The Conversation
Herzog: Aguirre, Wrath of God; The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner
Ford: The Searchers
Garrel: The Inner Scar; La Revelateur
Lynch: Blue Velvet; Mulholland Drive
Burnett: Killer of Sheep
Curtis: The Century of the Self
Tarkovsky: Stalker; Mirror
Bunuel: Los Olvidados
Keaton: Sherlock Jr; One Week
Erice: Spirit of the Beehive
Terayama: Pastorale, To Die in Country
Altman: The Long Goodbye; McCabe and Mrs Miller
Jarmusch: Dead Man
Scorsese: Raging Bull; Mean Streets
Paradjanov: Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Dreyer: Passion of Joan of Arc
Baldwin: Tribulation 99
Deren: At Land
Lee: Do the Right Thing
Frankenheimer: The Manchurian Candidate
Anger: Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
Tcherkassy: Outer Space
Suzuki: Branded to Kill
Godard: Band of Outsiders
Ray: Johnny Guitar
Scott: Blade Runner
Bresson: The Devil, Probably
Kubrick: The Shining
Malick: Days of Heaven
Strand: Soft Fiction
Denis: Beau Travail
Angelopoulous: The Weeping Meadow; Landscape in the Mist
Antonioni: Zabriskie Point
Geiser: Fourth Watch
Melville: Le Samurai
Mackendrick: Sweet Smell of Success
Khittel: The Parallel Road
Visconti: Senso
Ivens: Tale of the Wind
Assayas: Cold Water
Frank: Me and My Brother
Demy: Lola
Grandrieux: Sombre
Haynes: Safe; I'm Not There
Cronenberg: Videodrome
Davies: Distant Voices, Still Lives
Vigo: Zero for Conduct
Off the top of my head etc:
Anderson If…
Deren – Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti
Bresson – The Trial of Joan of Arc
Chytilová – Daisies
Polanski – Repulsion
Warhol – Vinyl
Waters – Multiple Maniacs
McCarthy & Kelley – Heidi
Anger – Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
Lynch – Inland Empire
Trecartin – A Family Finds Entertainment
Korine – Spring Breakers
Kier – Mate, there's nothing trashy about that list, loads of great stuff there! I'm quite fond of Cruel Intentions.
Thomas – Ah, nice. Yeah, I could have added another 20 or so. And kudos for seeing Trecartin projected in it's proper place. Has he ever had a show in the UK? And if not, why not???
Latest FaBlog: Meet Me in Big D
I'm just a Fabloggin' Fool today.
Everyone in here has excellent taste in cinema.
DavidE, Those aren't even real movies. You made them all up!
Dennis, I tell you, I know what people say about Panchito's, but I can honestly say I've never had a bad meal there. I like 'em too.
Yeah, the old Labor Day weekend. Of course, most people took off Friday or Tuesday or both too and ended up with a 4- or 5-day weekend. Not I. I don't have any leave; it doesn't kick in until September for me.
Hmm, some movies:
My Own Private Idaho
Enter the Void
Another Day in Paradise
The Mudge Boy
Parting Glances
Freddy Got Fingered
Team America
Dennis, I love lists and I love reading your lists. It seems you have a ton going on. My book's coming out soon, which is rad and mildly stressful. Ken's done an amazing job with the design etc. I'm stressing about money to pay for a little reading tour I want to do. Other wise stuff is good. I turned 40 yesterday. I dont really care about my age but it seems to have meaning I'm trying to ignore, 40. I dunno.
Here's a short list, my top 15.
Bela Tarr. The Turin Horse
Stanley Kubrick. The Shining
Wes Anderson. The Royal Tenenbaums
Whit Stillman. Metropolitan
David Lynch. Blue Velvet
Alfred Hitchcock. Vertigo
Woody Allen. Crimes And Misdemeanors
Terrence Malick. Days Of Heaven
Michael Salerno. Silence
Ingmar Bergman. The Hour of the Wolf
Bradley Rust Gray. The Exploding Girl
Noah Baumbach. Frances Ha
Kelly Reichard. Wendy and Lucy
Roger Michell. Persuasion
Claire Denis. 35 Shots of Rum
I did not!!!
And last but not least —
Latest FaBlog: The Naked and The Nude
MyNeighbourJohnTurtorro – Hey – I just googled "Ryan Trecartin UK" and HOLY SHIT he has a show coming uk in London opening next month!
I was just talking about top 10 movies earlier w/ someone, so while it's still on my mind, my favorite movies:
Short Cuts
Buffalo 66
Mulholland Drive
Tree of Life
Gates of Heaven
Mirror (Tarkovsky)
City of God
I was surprised at how many of those movies are ensemble pieces w/ tons of characters, I guess that's just my thing
how's everything going with u, how's the novel coming? I'm so psyched for your movie, I wanna seeeeeeee it (the extra e's are for eager)
things are going ok with me — I started writing a bunch of really short stories about Houston and I feel like those stories are going so much better than the novel — they're coming out much more naturally
I strongly believe in the imagination and putting yourself in other people's shoes, but maybe trying to write a book about two rich teenage girls is too much of a stretch for me right now
I still want to finish that book someday, but my gut is telling me that I should stick with what comes naturally — what I really know about is Houston, I have a lot of feelings about this city and it occupies a big place in my imagination
I guess to a large extent what you write about chooses you, as much as you choose it
anyway, just wanted to say hi !! good luck with the movie and everything, take care
oh and Chungking Express !!
I've seen that a million times, that's another ensemble movie too
Thomas – DUDE. That needs to be done! How exciting is that??
some of my favorites, off top of my head and in no particular order but the order in which i thought of them.
wes anderson – the life aquatic, moonrise kingdom, fantastic mr fox, the royal tenebaums.
martin scorcese – taxi driver, casino.
adam mackay – anchorman.
tamra davis – half baked.
coen brothers – raising arizona, the big lebowski, fargo, o brother where art thou? burn after reading, barton fink.
alain resnais – providence, last year at marienbad.
akira kurosawa – the seven samurai, rashomon.
stanley kubrick – the shining, dr strangelove.
dave markey – 1991: the year punk broke.
jem cohen – instrument.
peter glantz and nick noe – the power of salad: a film about lightning bolt.
christopher mcquarrie – the way of the gun.
mike nichols – the graduate.
john schlesinger – midnight cowboy.
gus van sant – drugstore cowboy, my own provate idaho.
quentin tarantino – jackie brown, reservoir dogs.
weekend was ok. dad's birthday party was a blast. wedding was beautiful.
i got fired on friday under dubious circumstances, so i'll probably taking my former boss to court for wrongful termination and probably sexual harassment, since he kept making unwanted sexual advances at me (like i would sleep with a 42 year old who's so scared of aging that he spends two hours a day at the gym, has hair plugs, gets botox and drives a porsche: say it with me, 'EEEEEWWWWWWW!'). once it became clear that i wasn't going to fuck him, he started looking for reasons to get rid of me. crooked fucking scumbag.
hope filming goes great. do tell us all about it when you get home. if you're not too tired, of course. talk soon.
oh, also.
cameron crowe – almost famous.
amy heckerling – clueless, fast times at ridgemont high.
david o russell – i heart huckabees.
paul thomas anderson – boogie nights, punchdrunk love.
carl reiner – the jerk.
rob reiner – this is spinäl tap.
harold ramis – groundhog day.
sofia coppola – lost in translation.
oh. and 'blue velvet.' and 'ferris bueller's day off.'
no more, i promise.