The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Meet StupidBehavior, Bookslut, goldmedalist, NotANicePerson, and DC’s other select international male slaves for the month of January 2018


Foodformen, 23
I’m looking for any athletic guys with large appetites or even men with farm animals or a pet shark. My only fetish is vore. My experience is limited for the obvious reason but I’m ready to end up in someone’s or something’s stomach. Outside of this lifestyle, I like whiskey and bad reality television.



slaveobjectx, 21
inferior object, it rather than ‘he’. There are so many who claim to be slaves, so many who claim to be Masters. this slave knows that each true Master and slave soon recognise the authentic in the other.

the slave hasn’t much advertised its services as it has been passed from Master to Master since age 13 but that has dried up recently as the Old Guard goes. it was trained in Old Guard ways but if new methods and attitudes are employed, it simply accepts.

In its pictures it is naked. it has served in clothes, animal costumes, naked and/or in chains, wearing diapers, as a girl, covered with feces. it doesn’t choose. it finds that totally exciting and heartwarming. bye for now.


kingj – Jan 18, 2017
Do not message it anymore its pure scum owned by a king owned by KING J Fuckin SCUM BAG it KEEP FUCKIN up

Promethiustrial – Jan 7, 2018
Christ you’re sexy! Let’s have a tea. Seriously, meet me for tea. Thats how we test compatability. Passive boys dig me. No limits piggies like you especially.



deconstructableslave, 24
One leg and cock amputee. Into body modifications.



Pichiku-Pachiku-Pafekuto, 21
Actually, I’m ok.

I like men with beards and muscles, like to feel like I’m attractive to them, like to play (Ps4), and like to draw pictures : D

I do not have sex so much, unlike many. I do not really think it’s good. Besides that, I do not like sex too much … Actually, I’m pretty frustrating.

“Those who have what people want have the power.”



tilpower, 21
I’m already owned by a wonderful Master and I’m here for two seperate reasons.

1: I seek another sub/slave to help me serve my master. You must be very smooth, 18 – 24 but look younger. Write me, send photos, tell me what you’re willing to get into, etc. and if you’re appropriate I will set it up.

2: My Master wants me to find another Master to serve sexually and otherwise sometimes and make some videos to show him.

I only just realized now as I was typing this that I think I’m getting dumped ?



ItsMouthWatering1996, 21
ABDL activist. I desire to make the fetish community less taboo publicly for everyone. A fetish or a lifestyle shouldn’t be considered wrong or weird and needs to be embraced. People shouldn’t have to live in fear about being discovered and having there life’s ruined. As for me I’m an ABDL, duh, looking for any daddies who want to diaper me. Diapers are my life and so is a pencil and paper.



goldmedalist, 19
Don’t share with many the level of kinkyness that arouses me.

Love anonymous no limits play in very dark rooms with the very not average guy.

However, need some affection from the guy while preparing to get messed with and after too if there is an after.

Gender fluid. Sway between androgynous male and boyish female in how I feel. I wear chastity to have more girly orgasms.

I like being edged for days and only shooting to clear out the sperm canals every week or two.

I almost never get hard without a tina injection and a bottle to my nose so if I do I really freaking like you.

The only thing I won’t do is fisting which will surprise those of you who’ve had me already but it was making me go insane.

Otherwise I love being a freakyfag!


goldmedalist (Owner) – Jan 12, 2018
Never mind, you can fist me, double fist me, punch fist me elbow deep. The quest to feel the most unique sensations has started again.

regex – Jan 11, 2018
ummmmm ….. unless i was a fluke, fisting sure does seem to be on the table.



kickme, 20
Any sadist boss there who’d want kicking me in the testicles with hard shoe on?

Another talking torso.



SavageJay, 23
Hi all,

Am a boy with a good sense of humour and I don’t see why I should cheat in a relationship. My 3 years relationship ended badly when I caught my master having sex with another boy and that ends it..Even though it hurts to see this happen am over it now ..Cheating is unforgivable and to me one master is enough trouble to carry…Am like a Marquis de Sade book open to pg 367 and I want a master to write the rest of it..I want the special master to love the rest of my life again ..There is hope because I have life.


franklinperry – Jan 10, 2018
He is very charming and cheerful person and if someone calls him a lucky young man, where you can find something and where you will lose, he is very calm and peaceful young man and I think that his heart is full of such big love which he wants to share with a loving person and because of this he is also very kind and handsome guy. He don’t give up in hard moments and he thinks that every master is full of different surprises and he needs to be ready for them if he wants to be happy. His only problem is he becomes scary when he is drunk or on drugs and do not PNP with him. If you PNP with him it is a recipe for disaster.



liveinSwansea, 21
Film me doing the most degrading things you can think of then expose me on as many websites as possible. The world needs to see the worthless scum I am. Also total cashfag will transfer all the money in my bank account to anyone who treats me like shit. Expose this slut and ruin his life.



PigMeat, 24
Looking to ideally be collected by a farmer or butcher. Kept and reared as a pig until he wants to use me for bacon or pork chops.

Willing to be fattened, kept in a stable or barn and hand reared as a piece of meat only. Or sold to a butcher once at ideal weight.

Mounted on a spit and cooked for dinner either for a large group of guys or for only the farmer.



superheroebcn, 19
I’m a young superhero from Barcelona. I fight in a lycra suit that fits my whole body. I’m looking for a supervillain who wants to confront me, and who defeats me, kidnaps me, ties me up and gags me then goes nuts on me however he wants. I want him to make me feel helpless and humbled and nihilistic by defeat. I want him to mentally subdue me until I become his slave or his obedient zombie. Forever would be ?. I accept hypnosis and brainwashing. I accept chloroform.



suckuallnow, 21

XXL ONLY (attention please)


my name is Scotty

UPDATE** im about to be found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and i will be away from this website for some time



ChokePainPiglet, 20
I consent to be brutally choked and strangled. Also anything else that involves me suffering. I keep my clothes on. If you want to rape me you can rip a small hole in the seat of my pants. 6819 Palm Creek Ct. in the Southwest off of Blue Diamond and Decatur. Door open until 7 am tomorrow. (Closed from 5 pm till 7 pm today). I’ve been told by pretty much every gay guy Ive ever met that I have an adorable face, just saying.


searcher – Jan 16, 2018
have to echo white456… very very hard.

White456 – Jan 12, 2017
I assumed he had to be a fake, but NO, he’s a total strangle slut and even ten times cuter than his pix if you can believe that. Spending a few hours making that cute face purple and fat and ugly was indescribably hot. Very hard to ease my grip at all. Very hard.

nagle – Jan 8, 2017



Bookslut, 19
Bootslut has one job – to keep its master’s books tidy and in order and read them aloud to him.

Bookslut knows that books are powerful and should be worshipped.

Bootslut will follow book owners’ orders to the letter.

Bookslut would like to be kissed once in a while, Sir!



slaveforshave99, 18
I want to be tied up and then have my head shaved. After that I am your slave.


MPM – Jan 13, 2017
I am currently the owner of this slave until his hair grows back in (we agreed on 3 inches). He is now in chastity. Only I have and use the key. This has made him much more lecherous. Second, I never wash my feet and cocks and use only his mouth for cleaning up. My socks do not change for a week, they plug his mouth. He also cleans my ass, using his mouth. Third, I only rape him when I open the chastity lock. Generally he ejaculates no more than three times a week. His most recent performance was not good, so I will not let him ejaculate for another two weeks.



NotANicePerson, 24
I am a young, proud dominant top. I am plenty masculine and got a beautiful body.

I am not submissive at all. Even kneeling in front of a man is very humiliating for me. Sucking cock is disgusting and getting fucked is just unbearably painful.

Even if you have a god-like body, I won’t get hard having my face next to your genitals, it’s too degrading for me.

I think you should get the idea of who I am. If not you can just assume I am straight.

Having said that, I am very interested in being raped.

Limits: I want to leave in the exact same physical condition as I arrived.
I want my identity to be fully protected, so no photos, films, etc.

If someone can brain wash me until I understand my place in the hierarchy, then I will also be up for 24/7, no limits, no way out, total slavery.


Aurora – Jan 8, 2018
I have never actively pursued finding a slave I just assume it would happen someday in God’s perfect time. I don’t feel God needs the Internet but a friend of mine suggested i try it so here i am and I want you.Thanks.

4HungSubs – Jan 6, 2018
I just had an excellent session with this one. My main kink is complete humiliation centered around a guy having a large dick but being too pathetic to ever use it. I gave him viagra and put on a cockring and laughed at his useless hard dick for a while. I walked him into my play room when there was a mounted fleshlite set up. I made him mount the toy and rut into it like a dog while I laughed and insulted him, saying that the only hole his useless dick will ever feel is plastic. He bred the toy quickly since he’s so useless then I pushed his face into the toy and raped him as as he licked up his own load.

DeadTed -Dec 30, 2017
If i had a time machine 1998 is the first time period i would go to, and i would want to witness the UnderTaker throwing you off of hell in a cell 16 feet onto the announcers table

Rottenbacher – Dec 30, 2017

Malignant-Divinity – Dec 29, 2017
Dude. 1998 called. They want thier pants back



verysuper, 18
well my desire is to meet a single assertive man whom i can pour out all my feelings



cherryblossom, 18
I am curious and I really want to get fucked but I would have to take it slow so if we hooked up I would probably have to start with just a blowjob and if you are up for a whole night with me then you would have to get a hotel and we could spend the whole night together and I would start off slow but as the night progresses then I probably will be willing to let you take my ass and I am interested in me dressing up in women’s clothing and you fucking me and I also get really turned on by groups but I don’t think I would be ready for that my first time and if you are interested in me then message me and if we hookup and you like it and you are under 30 we could probably make it a regular thing


cherryblossom (Owner) – Jan 21, 2018
I do what you ask for a cell phone

jackboyattack – Jan 21, 2018
Would you at least consider getting thoroughly orally serviced front and back by my partner and me then fucked by us both all within the time period of approximately an hour sometime tonight? We’re in your vicinity until only until tomorrow morning and very very smitten with you but unfortunately in a rush.



HumiliateMe247, 21
I think I look younger than I actually am. I really want to look older than I actually am and I really try to look much much older than I actually am.

I have a stutter (speech impediment). I am Deaf but have a cochlear implant that allows me to hear.

I wish, dream, and fantasize about someone forcing me to be the most old fashioned, nerdiest, geekiest, dorkiest, wimpiest, person possible 24/7/365/life; a boy who is shaved completely bald on the top of my head (male pattern baldness) and has an extreme combover that is parted extremely low on the side; who always wears the waist of his pants pulled up as high as possible; whose pants are always hemmed above his ankles; who always wears big huge old fashioned extremely large jumbo bow ties all the time; who always wears socks that come up to his knees or higher, especially with shorts; who always wears old fashioned dress shoes; who always tucks sweater and sweater vests into his pants/trousers; who always wears suspenders; etc.

I wish, dream, and fantasize about being in a 24/7/365/life relationship with an aggressive top who absolutely loves nothing more than picking on me, teasing me, laughing at me, making fun of me, and humiliating me and making sure that everyone everywhere can’t help but want to pick on me, tease me, laugh at me, make fun of me, bully me, and humiliate me because of the way I look, dress, act, and behave.

I fantasize about being in a 24/7/365/life relationship in which I’m aggressively physically forced to have sex whenever, wherever, and however the other person wants with absolutely no say about it at all.

I would be willing to relocate anywhere in the world for the right person!

If you are under the age of 45 I will not respond. If you don’t have a photo that clearly shows your entire face (and head from at least several inches below your chin to several inches above the top of your head) I will not respond.



TheFilthFactory, 22
Used to be straight but had a recent experience on vacation that … oh my … changed me. I’m still a good looking normal boy but as I have just found out I have a lot of sex drive. Nympho.

Few words need define myself while I’m dressed: Boy next door, angelic face, casual clothes, lean seeming body underneath, and a pleasant mind. Nobody will ever suspect a thing. Undress me and a completely different boy will appear.

It will appear to you the same sweet, handsome boy you met but now as kinky and perverted and needy as few people who ever lived. What you saw before is what you would now manhandle and eat and penetrate till the very last second of our session.


Anonymous – Jan 14, 2018
he has a 6″ uncut cock which needs to be caged to stop him wanking him self to death

blackboy – Jan 11, 2018
Pig when he’s flyin’.. He likes to go for hours. Nice dude out of the bedroom. He loves father son role play. He’s the boy. Doesn’t know all the ropes he (Tries To kick iT) once or twice a month, regular thing ok as well. Not into scat.. does beg to give and receive oral. Popper slut DEFINITELY. THILTHY TALK. Ass play for hours at a time. Open to piss play when he’s reved up. His nipples are so fkn hard wired it’s not even funny!

hectanspeaks – Jan 3, 2018
I had him scrub my kitchen floor with a toothbrush while I fucked and toyed and fisted him. It was the highlight of my life!



plzsmotherme, 18
Searching for men who enjoy choking and strangling boys. I’m very innocent looking but you’ll find out that’s not the case. I need to be smothered (with hands or any part of your body, chest, arms, sweaty pits, crotch..your choice.) Also like being face punched, especially in combo with sleeper choke holds. Not at all interested in anal or rimming, but will let you wank while smothering me. I am new to this subculture, and am excited to have found who I am.


plzsmotherme (Owner) – Jan 12, 2018
If you’re over 50 years old you can do me (no problem) but please don’t send me naked photos of yourself.. yuck.



edwardinpain, 18
i’m a endorphin junkie, an extreme pain adict, torture makes me feel alive, I love the thrill of getting tortured! pain and suffering are just psychological experiences and I want to explore them in new and dangerous and twisted ways and not just every once in a while.

so really i’m looking for a permanent sadist.. if you get a kick out of inflicting pain and if you hate boys’ limits and hate hearing the word no.. you can torture me nite and day until i am not identifiable gore. I know what I need and can’t get over not having it.


kill1nghesemurders – Jan 8, 2018
he’s mine 24/7 as of jan. 6 11:48pm. if you want to see current photos or videos of him write me. they will make you blow your load and vomit.



LuxuryTempSlave4Elite, 24
If you provide some basics such as taller than me and a thick big cock I will make your life amazing. Sounds a bit shallow? Not if you know me.
At the end of the day if you are not a tall man with thick cock then there is NO way to get the slave out of me.
That said, as long as you fit that bill, I’m absolutely dedicated to you to make you extraordinary.
If that requires getting you out of bed early to follow your fitness regime and train you I will not hesitate to follow up on it.
If you are fat you will lose it by my exercise and special diet regimen and if you don’t follow up we will have a problem!
I am not looking for a super intellectual guy or a guy YOU think I’d be suited with.
I am wise enough to understand that everyone can be special.
It just takes sometimes someone like me to recognise your special in you.


Asianman – Jan 2, 2018
I like to own a fincial slave to service me all of thing for life . my favourite site is



Needyprey, 24
Take me…the picture gives the clue. You must accommodate. You must be evil.


TheLord – Dec 27, 2017
Your birth was an error



ownwhatsmine, 20
You will probably see me (or already saw me) among the alleys and bars of Bangkok. Well, it is because I am sex for pay boy but I want to stop. Haha. 😀

Well, I can say everythings is perfect in my life, despite the fact that I am single for a very long time. I am already married to my commitments, proffesionally and personally. Haha!. COMMITMENT is my middle name. 🙂 only death can stop me. I am already living alone, even though I am just 20 years old. “No man is an Island” well technically let me rephrase that saying because “I am the island itself”

If I let you own me (yes thats what I want)… I want to know you. I don’t mean your favorite color, food, and your middle name. I want to know those, too, but I mean, tell me the nightmares you have. Tell me your secrets, your thoughts, how you got that scar on your knee, if you sucked your thumb. I want to know everything and I won’t settle for less because if I let you own me, l want It to last. If I give you all my stuff for free, I’m doing it for a reason. 🙂

I am soooooo much childish, always childish most of the time, too young for my age, but that will not change, I won’t (!!!!!) Why change my personality if I can change your perspective regarding it.

– What I am looking for (Owner Wise) – I am Looking for you. (This is DEEP). If you are horny and drooling well that means that I succeedeed in building OUR connections because I am also horny and drooling the moment that I am typing this one. 🙂 That’s what I am looking for.

If you are horny at this time.. WELL GOD, please accept my proposal. PLEASE marry me! Hahahaha. That’s what I am looking for.

Meaning to say that even though we are sooooo different to each other we can make unperfect things perfect or to make the impossible doings possible. Then that will be the craziest, most insane, very indifferent but most ROMANTIC relationships of all time. That’s what I am looking for 🙂



half-baked, 20
Intrested only in stoners with the munchies for a stoned boy ping to know more about me if iam intrested i will pop over smoke a bunch of bowls with you then lie down in bed or how or where you want me.


bimakos – Jan 10, 2018
Somewhere over the sky I look and I see yours eyes glowing in the sun



Wtxeunuch2b, 21
I’m looking for a masculine man in the area that may have a burdizzo. If you don,t know what it is you probably aren’t interested. LoL I have a deep dark desire to be clamped with a burdizzo. I’m looking for a buddy that’ll close the clamp for me. I’m very private about this and hope you will be too. Again this is all I think about but is just a big fantasy so far as I don’t think there is a burdizzo to be found in west Texas at all. Ranchers are the best bet to find one I think.

(The Burdizzo is a castration device which employs a large clamp designed to break the blood vessels leading into the testicles. Once the blood supply to the testicles is lost, testicular necrosis occurs, and the testicles shrink, soften, and eventually deteriorate completely. When the device is used, the operator crushes the spermatic cords one at a time, leaving a space in between in order to prevent an interruption of blood-flow to the scrotum.)



paolo, 19
Hello. I’m paolo. it’s the first time I want to fuck my ass. so. I wait for your messages for two weeks. whoever compliments more will enjoy my tight and beautiful ass. I swear I never swear I did not fuck in the ass. will be for the first time. so I’m wait. please help me I am just a tiny student.



StupidBehavior, 20
Hey, I was already registered here about six months ago but was too annoyed by the men so I quit. However, since trying to find what I want in the leather bars is like being in a cartoon I am back.
I’m looking for a man I can spend time with whom I can talk as well as get pounded, used by, etc.
To me: I am a very open person. I love to spend all my time outside my house. I love having everything paid for by someone else. I hate men who love themselves too much and do not know what charity is.
Another feature is that you can tell my mood directly from the face. So you’ll notice, should I be annoyed by you.
Now to the positive things: I am a good listener, I am cute as shit, my ass is pee your pants hot, you got it… I worship it, I will throw any visitor out the door if he bugs you, wait for you if you’re late even an hour (even if I’m an impatient person), and of course moan and cry with you.
These are all attributes that characterize me. If I have torched your libido, contact me.
PS: Do not pay attention to the commas, because I did not pay attention at school.




p.s. Hey. The p.s. will return tomorrow. Until then, enjoy your monthly allotment of slaves.


  1. Steve Erickson

    suckuallnow seems straight out of THE SLUTS. Bookslut’s existence is a refreshing sign.

    I assume you had a chance to see other people’s films at Rotterdam. I’m looking forward to a report on the highlights tomorrow. Best wishes.

  2. Armando


    Cool! I’m so fucking excited about ‘PGL’!!! You can’t imagine, man. Any plans for today?

    BTW, I meant to tell you the other day, that young guy you chose as the protagonist seems to have been a *GREAT* choice; at least from what can be seen in the trailer. CONGRATULATIONS!

    The Great Great Great Bloody Sam Himself! The Author of three of the most criminally, hyperbolically, imbecilically, insanely underrated, overlooked Films of All Time: ‘Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid’ (The “Special Edition” cut, *OBVIOUSLY*), ‘Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia’, and ‘Cross Of Iron’. Love him so much. When actual men with actual fucking balls were still allowed to make Art and did make Great Fucking Art… Would’ve been cool to have lived in those times, I guess…

    It goes without saying we wouldn’t see movies like Bloody Sam’s *AT ALL* nowadays. It’d be like: “This “Billy The Kid” character; can he be gay and black? And how about this “Pat Garrett”? Can he be a she? And make that a single mom that used to be beaten up by her ex-husband and just got raped. Oh, and make her a heroine; completely sympathetic; and stronger and tougher and way, way, way more intelligent than *ANY* man; and in heels and backwards too! Also, no breasts at all, we don’t wanna objectify women with the criminal, raping, disgusting, monstrous MALE GAZE. Also, now that this “Billy The Kid” is black and gay, he can’t die and neither can Patty Garrett. Just make Billy have a meltdown and regret *ALL* the bad things he ever did and ask for Patty Garrett’s forgiveness and make them be BFFs again until they die of old age. And, also, tone down the violence. And no tobacco products, please. And, “Bob Dylan”??? Who’s that??? No, you better put some beeyoncee there. Also, there has to be some placement of pepsi merchandise…”… Now it’s all PC, SJW, sensitive, embarrassing faggotry. Back in the day, there was Bloody Sam. Now there’s kathryn bigelow and tarantino. Clearly something’s missing alright… *SIGH*…

    Did end up going to see ‘Three Billboards…’ Sadly. Wish I hadn’t wasted that time and money. More than an actual movie, a collection of clichés peppered with cheap and stupid sentimentality and a very, very good dose of PC, SJW bullshit. Meaning: perfect “oscar” shit.

    “Novels are hard and time-consuming for sure, even for me and I write constantly.”

    ^ Well, I’d love to “write constantly” too; but I can’t; not only because I’m astonishingly lazy, but also because I get so tired and fatigued so easily and because of my severe ADHD and OCD and also because this novel in particular is very… [*sigh*] for lack of a much, much better word; “difficult” for me. It can really be exhausting in so, so *MANY* ways to actually work on it and immerse myself in it; in *that* world. I’m sorry I can’t explain it, but, (and *PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE* forgive me for using that phrase) “it’s [very] complicated”…

    I also LOVED the ‘Mirrored’ post. Thank you!

    Take good care, please,

    Good day; good luck,

    Love and hugs,

    Your friend,


  3. Jamie

    Hey Dennis!
    How was the trip? How did PGL go down? I hope it was a success in all possible ways. I’d be up for hearing everything about it that you can be bothered spilling, if you will. You see any other good movies?
    I felt all teary and emotional a couple of times during this month’s slaves I don’t know why, but liveinSwansea’s photo really moved me. I’ve not had that reaction before. I like StupidBehaviour best, mostly for his line “since trying to find what I want in the leather bars is like being in a cartoon I am back.”
    Hope it’s nice to be back in Paris. Have I got the right date? Probably not. I was filling out a last minute application form for a writing program today, which was a lot of work, and just at the point where I was ready to send it I checked the FAQs and noticed part of my submission (a spec script) was 20 pages short. Of course I couldn’t write 20 more pages before the application window closed. What a dodo.
    Anyway, may your day be like you’re seeing Paris in all its beauty for the very first time again (unless I’ve got my dates wrong, in which case I hope Rotterdam ‘rocks’).
    Tense yet charismatic love,

  4. James Nulick


    Half-baked is quite beautiful, I’d take him home and smoke a few bowls with him, listen to him talk about his dreams and the future, feed him a few edibles. The dark pools of his eyes…

    How was Rotterdam? How did the audience react? Hushed tones? Joy? Fury? Shock?!! Was there any networking for a possible US distributor?

    I hope things are well with you!


  5. _Black_Acrylic

    Well suckuallnow’s recent behaviour seems most unslavelike, what with all that deadly-weapon-assault business going on.

    The very big news is that the Yuck ‘n Yum callout for our May show in Seattle is now online! It’s an open call so any artists/writers/poets/performers/whatever are all welcome. The theme is Interregnum and we’re looking for responses to our messed up times. Details are here.

  6. Amphibiouspeter

    Hey DC

    How is Rotterdam? Hope that the premier went well.

    A little bit behind but absoltely loved Best Deaths day for the same reasons the slaves are good. Have to say today’s was a particularly entertaining collection.

    8 times at a RN concert? That’s pretty committed. Hope you get to catch him when he’s in Paris.

    I just moved into the flat in Lisboa for a month and have already made friends with the two cats that live here. One of the cats is called Obi Wan. No, really. The flatmate is a big Star Wars fan apparently. Looking forward to sleeping in an actual bed tonight, I’ve been crashing on a friend’s tiny sofa for a week and my knees were beginning to seize up.

    Have a good day x

  7. saintflit

    “Nobody’s heard from me in months”

  8. Keeetune

    I think I have a slight feel for PGL. Can’t wait. Watching the Wolfman and feeling weird about sex. Miss the days when I could afford to be a “daddy” sometimes. Best that is over. Exited to explore the beaches again this summer. Ill be in Paris in March for holiday. Probably some time in Greece and here or there. Any unusual suggestions for fun in Paris? Dreaming of this boy, “Darren” maybe. I don’t know. Working on a trifecta of stories to be delivered post-haste. Best

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