The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Meet NaughtybutGhastly, GodBod, Analinguist, TheChrist, and DC’s other select international male slaves for the month of September 2017


1FinalChance, 18
Looking for a youngish guy 20-35 to emotionally break me for real and permanently, bring me to uncontrollable tears and mental disarray and verbal babbling from which I will never recover through physical, emotional and mental abuse. I want to become someone who needs to be committed to an insane asylum for life, but I want the asylum to be your house. Been running away from my insanity all my life and I think I can’t run away any more.


dehumane – Sep 18, 2017
hi, first you are the cutest boy i have ever seen in my entire life, and second the fact that you are insane makes you so perfect for me i feel like i can hardly breathe.

got that out of the way, my interest in capturing and keeping a cute, mindless boy has been getting stronger and stronger, from studying hypnosis to stockpiling sleeping pills to slip into a boy’s soft drink to learning witch curses and incubus to wanting to take a boy at every opportunity. am a realist though i realize that cute boys will be reported missing and there would be police searches and so on but still can’t get the thoughts of having a boy, and now you and only you, to rape and torture all day and night for rest of our lives while you babble incoherently out of your head in a state of constant confusion and delirium.

will try and add more as i immerse myself deeper in this uncontrollable desire to have you, but if you want to chat say hi!



NaughtybutGhastly, 22
I’m new to being around a bunch of Pervs. I have similarities, but I think I qualify as a “Baby-Perv” for now.

I’m going to need a little money for whatever happens, but the money I earn here will be used to improve my appearance.

I am, considering my age and despite how much care I put into my appearance, quite naive and somewhat immature.

More importantly, I always get pretty excited before sex and a bit afraid, and I am very anxious about how I taste.



ConcerningTeenSlaveAdam, 19
i am here looking for the right daddy and lover to serve and share my life with for the rest of my life, i am not into game or cyber please you need to understand the fact i am only seek for a daddy that is ready and willing to love me forever.


Anonymous – Aug 24, 2017
Adam committed suicide on 19.07.2017



Humblemanservant, 18
I am looking for a position as a butler and valet in a formal household, serving a distinguished gentleman. I am Julian and already 18 years. Probably. You might think I’m too young for a valet and butler, but I have it.


What if one day you wake up and all this happening are just a dream and you are actually a whale?



formerghost, 23
look and think and talk like a cute young guy with dude tendencies. but i’m not. yep my vagina is an ass. as is my old fashioned ass. so make do.

no kissing! kissing is something female. i have left it behind.


formerghost (Owner) – Sep 22, 2017
doubt it man

FEEDTHESADIST – Sep 22, 2017
I’m just looking for sexy people like you, I’m a heterosexual guy. Borostàs and my hands are furry I do not shave! Hairy are virgin or you are having sex with a guy who is absolutely heterosexual! And I guarantee you will not do it. In a message and what i am in it and youl probably fall in love with me (happens a lot) and why not for some reasons.

formerghost (Owner) – Sep 20, 2017
deff man

Mister_INsanity – Sep 20, 2017
We should get together, I’d love to fist you.

formerghost – Sep 20, 2017
not yet man

Mister_INsanity – Sep 20, 2017
You into getting fisted?



GodBod, 19
Looking for a feeder to take me from my skinniness to hugely fat. Interested?

I’m not going to shave my body. You want a boy or a girl? A boy.


mafood44 – Aug 31, 2017
Food is good for gay. I like gay.



Analinguist, 24
I’m a Uni student in Melbourne Australia just coming to realise that the things I enjoy are kinks! Coming here and discovering that there is language to describe these sensations is tremendously empowering! Checking out the profiles of all you lovely people and discovering Fetishes I never thought could even be possible has also been an eye-opening experience! Like … Voyeurism! This is a new one for me. I’m just realising this is the name for what I’ve felt for a while but maybe misidentified as curiosity or nosiness!

I’ll probably have a million questions for you people, but for now I just have one to start. Am I bear? I’m not fat or hairy at all, and I don’t want to get fat, so does that mean I can’t be a bear even if I really want to?



DragonButt, 20
I like to describe myself as a wierdo kinky furry twink dragon bottom and professional annoyance. I’m easily entertained, but not easy or entertaining. I am currently under a hypnotic spell put on me by a sicko who has since disappeared so I think I will be like this forever. I was a college student with a passion in the medical field before. Feel free to ask to do anything. It never hurts to say yes, unless you have anxiety… like me.


TOpsam – Sep 14, 2017
hey this is sam i. m having fun in my life call me



TheChrist, 19

It is in Brazil with me and must be picked up. 2 hours drive from Rio. It has disrespected me for the LAST FUCKING TIME. You must guarantee VIOLENCE, TORTURE, SACRIFICE, FINAL, LONGPIG. IT MUST NOT SURVIVE.

In Brazil no one gives a fuck. It’s just another piece of garbage. It’s got nothing, no one, zero. YOU GOT NO RISK.




Icicle, 18
A curious boy who is obsessed with being cold. I like to wear short shorts especially during the dead of winter. It is perfect to be frozen by the strong winter wind. I love to tolerate cold, after all – Cold showers in winter, lie in the snow wear skimpy clothes, enjoying chilling with no central heating on! I also love standing in heavy downpour!

During sessions: No ’emergency’ heat! Nearest clothes at least 1/2 hour walk. No photos.



LittleWilly4inch, 22
Careful Small Content.
Currently owned, my master understandably isn’t interested by what’s in the front of my underwear so he allows me to share that and that only. Sorry that it isn’t much…
My guess is my master made me create this profile because he wants men to humiliate me but I didn’t ask him.
Could be he’s using me instead to bait masters who are into little penises to get horny about mine.
He tells me he’s not looking to share my little junk for real but he’s lied to me before.


ac00911145 – Sep 21, 2017
Imagine: you tied up in every which way possible with an explosive cock ring on, drugged with Viagra. Me, the villain putting you in that predicament. Or, maybe the hero. Untying you will set it off. Taking the tape off your mouth will set it off. Trying to remove the cock ring will set it off.

Yeah, I might be evil, but I’m creative.

jay72 – Sep 16, 2017
kind of a shy dork until someone flips my switch and you just did. expect a message.

roguefo – Sep 11, 2017
Never seen a dick I didn’t want to suck. Lick around the head and then suck it into my mouth. I think you will like it.



tryingtobeagoodboy, 24
My foot hurts

Otherwise tell ya later bro



torturevictimkid, 19
Love the feeling of the handcuffs clicking around my wrists.

Love the taught rope binding my body immobile.

Love the intensity of the blindfold and gag being put into place.

Love the sound of my own screams.

I cannot host, so you must or we can find a shitty motel room.


Shape007 – Sep 8, 2017
You only for me!!!!!! You are here for me!!!!!!!!!

Slapyourface2017 – Sep 2, 2017
Hello slave!
I love giving slaps on the face the most. I am a master with a unique pair of hands. Intensity, sharpness, force and sting of the slap varies based on the interest of my hands and the technique used. I’d love to have your hands tied behind and slap your face mercilessly while you keep begging me to stop. Of course, you will suffer and cry and snot and tears and blood will streak your face but that’s what BDSM is all about.



TracyWayneGacy, 24
Hereby I hope to make sure that you do not play your time when I have advised you in advance that this profile text is aimed at people who, like myself, place emphasis on finding the right to immerse themselves stuck together in an event where the black universe dominates.



littlestitch, 19
Hi there (*・ω・)ノ

I’m stitch.
Welcome to my profile ^^

Big boy life
I’ve been playing the piano since I was 7 years old. I mainly play classical music :).

I’m a college student in Tourism. I like traveling, foreign cultures, and not to be forgotten, languages! I speak quite a few but still like to learn new ones ;3.

I am often shy at first, but that’s over in no time if I feel like I can trust you and if you’re a fun person :).

I’m very loving and caring but I easily get either very excited or very depressed. I’m not kidding about that, it’s a giant hassle for me and everybody around me.

Babyboy life
I’m age fluent, and really like regressing to either babyboy or toddler :D.

In littlespace I like watching cartoons and Disney movies. Other than those activities I might be coloring some cool drawings :D.
As a babyboy I like being fed, and really enjoy padded time (in my diapers).
But that’s not sexual to me ^^. It just feels right.

Cuddles and snuggles are great!! (≧◡≦) ♡ .
I keep big boy things away from littlespace, so please respect that.
(づ ◕‿◕ )づ

Pup stitch
I’m an Akita doggy, named Stitch :). I’m a stray omega.
I experience the ‘puppyplay’ as a real side of me that should be treasured!
When I’m Stitch I’m often very alert and playful, but I easily get tired…

It’s fairly easy getting into puppyspace (just a hooman’s scent can be enough) but difficult to get out, so it can take some time before human me is able to speak again ^^.

I’m very submissive, but at the moment I’m unowned and cry a lot.

My main kinks depend on who I am at that time. Each of me is different and we don’t switch around ever.
Big Boy likes assplay, bondage, sensory deprivation.
Little Boy like mummification, serious blackout breath play.
Baby Boy likes rape and and fisting.
Pup stitch likes being beaten, tortured, giving head.

I’ve had many experiences already, but sadly enough not all good ones!



iFyOuSeEkOnMe, 19
If you have a hairy arse I wanna eat it




IWantRevenge, 18
Disappear me. Give me tears, suffering and horror. My limbs amputated and my face maimed beyond recognition. When finished dump me on the doorstep of my ex-boyfriend. He’ll be sorry.



smallchicken247365, 22
Seriously, every time I walk into a room full of my family members, I secretly hope that everyone there, grandparents all the way down to nieces and nephews, will pounce on me, strip me, insult my “ugly” body, rape me relentlessly, give me multiple enemas as if my insides were as much theirs as the rest of me, insert giant things into me and make me to push them out again according to some convoluted rules, and do anything else to me without any self-consciousness.



Make me unusable. New to this way of life and want to be used once and wrecked so bad I can’t be used again. Don’t say hi or hello I’m not worth that.

(As you can tell I change my profile once and while to coincide with my ever changing interests. I’ve gotten to the point where the more I explore myself the better I understand myself as a human.)


195819271928 – Sep 1, 2017
I am a trained pro wrestler and want to step into the ring with you for a match with no rules. In my matches I wear black wrestling boots & black leather thong. During the match I will literally & severally beat you up and brutally rape you raw and fist you just to start. For me the more brutal the more sadistic & the more violent I am in a scene or wrestling match the more I absolutely love it. I guarantee you will be a permanently ugly piece of shit when I’m done.

Hamburger-Lover – Aug 28, 2017
i want to make whats inside you uninside you

Abrutalmaster – Aug 24, 2017
THERE IS NO MERCY TOWARDS THE white boy ever!!!!!
24/7 CONTROL!!!!!

poco – Aug 14, 2017
I am a total fascist in the bedroom/house. I want to treat you like shit 24/7. Just not into any other kind of relationship, short or longterm.

Sexy, ex-mil guy. but I have my own life, and obligations, and that shit will have to be taken into account until my life solidifies around you.



dunceboy, 24
Hi, i am a lazy, adult school boy dunce. Looking for any heavyset Grandpa/ Principle/ Headmaster over 60 yrs old to help me live 24/7 as a regressed, uniformed schoolboy, subject to punishments and kept busy doing elementary school work. I will do everything possible to be the best student except suck and fuck. NO FUCK NO SUCK! I have no time!

?? U.S. SOLDIER, International ??



RicheyRich, 22
I’m a perverted little faggot that has become pass around slave from 13 yo. Taken punishments, extreme hard sex, taken in chain/cage, tortured, animal. Tired of the randomness, I must surrender to one superior master for total and irreversible programming to become extreme slave for no limits/no condition/forever. Travel, sign contracts, relocable all over the word in maximum 15 days. Can be whipped, modified, permanent damaged, subjected to severe brain drain till master is happy. No conditions. No limits. Extreme sadists welcome, slave traders welcome, perverted scientists for experiments welcome, lowlife fag bashers who crave no holding back welcome. No age limits, open to live like animal/prisoner/torture victim/death row inmate. Hope be relocated with no more connections to outside, also in very far countries. Beg for permanent body modifications, de-humanize, isolated, brainwashed till no return to normal life is possible. As inferior object i never write first.


RicheyRich – Sep 13, 2017

timwla – Sep 12, 2017
I am so sick of all the slaves on this site proclaiming that they have no limits and then when you chat with them it turns they have more limits than a twink on OKCupid. You seem to think that’s a successful strategy to get enslaved but it’s not. It makes you no less pathetic than the guys in their 50s who put their age as 18. You seem particularly enthusiastic in your claim of no limits, so let me test you right here where everyone can see. If I invited you over and the minute you walked in the door I put a gun to head and blew your brains out, you would be into that?



WorrierNOTWarrior, 18
Just an asexual Cosplay addict looking for a safe space to be me



ihatemylife, 21
my life is yours
i have to organize my life if you want it


justaboy – Sep 25, 2017
Im in high school. I really want you, but I don’t know if I want your life. Message me with what your life is like and Ill give my thoughts on it.

Azban – Sep 23, 2017
I’m scared to love because I’ve been hurt so many times.
I want a boy who will spend 24 hours a day with me until I learn to trust you.
It would be nice to have someone who would enjoy having sex with me, and of course with yourself.
If that’s not your bag, maybe we could dress up in superhero costumes? Or maybe you’ve got a better idea, since you’re so cute.
Most of all I don’t want someone to hear me, I want someone to listen to me.



YouCanTakeThem, 22
If you want them I have some to give you.
I am a young but mentally sharp guy with irresistible cravings for castration preceded by severe CBT. I am also interested in feminization although I suspect that once I am un-boyed I will lose this interest.
I seek an aggressive, determined, persistent, laid back, perhaps a bit devious surgeon, amateur or pro, who really, really gets off on removing testicles after torturing them (especially) and cocks, and also if possible strapping, whipping, etc asses.
I want a Dad.
Ideally looking to do this tonight – after 10pm.

I have a girlfriend so absolute discretion is necessary.



RavenousAss, 21
Name says it all.

Also looking for someone to deck me.



Captive000, 20
I no longer hold a good connection with family who have rejected me for being too horny and good looking. I have no real friends for the same reason. I no longer trust anyone.

I believe the only way out for me is to become an isolated, totally helpless, sensory deprived permanent prisoner, but don’t expect me to ruin my life unless you demonstrate that you are also ready to ruin my life.

Please, no chat with other slaves. I’m bored by myself and everyone like me.

I almost forgot, I’m only looking for a very old, very fat man.


Marshmallow – Sep 21, 2017
You never know the Unexpected turn in your life, Hence every decision u make should be thought over Thousand Times!

Life is too short & never know when it’ll end so fucking every one who wants us is something we should do..♥

To make the Change we need to Accept the Change & Change ourselves according to it. Then only the Change can be brought !

What goes around comes all the way back around

Why fall in love when you can fall asleep



MummyBoy, 22
Hello to anyone I like to be mummified I want to do it with no air holes I know what that means I like I people with blonde hair and blue eyes. I know that I am a temptation so please make an attempt.


THETRAGEDY – Sep 5, 2017



BoySwag, 20
I’m a young boy how maybe got one or the other kink(?) and how is eggier to try out many other kinky things, but sadly u don’t meet enough interesting and interested people in real life so maybe one of u guys can help me with my dilema? I’m a more slut kind of person
and I always kind of wished to try out some new stuff☺️(with wich I mean everything from ropes, wips, gags, giant toys?, etc.), so i thought this is the right place?? and I’m actually kind of open for everything, so just f*cking surprise me? (and I ain’t got no problem with stuff getting stuck inside me if u know what I mean?)
I’m very cute☺️??✨ and loyal if u treat me bad ? and rough ? and I always wanted to try out something like fist but never really got a opportunity to do so? maybe one of u can help with that ?


SirJACZ – Sep 14, 2017
Dam, girl, you are the hungry bitch of my dreams ?.

Give you a used creamy loaded hole to eat and destroy.

Gonna make you a cum filled sloppy wrecked boy. Gonna FF your greedy hole and suck on your raw rosebud.

Surprise daddy with the raunch ???

MasterSpiritual – Sep 9, 2017
I am Married with a man, hiv pozz undetactable. I do hypnosis and i am a spiritualist.
I do reckon that many people in this life and particularly in this sexuality they have got attached a negative entity.
I can make this entities to leave and prepare ourself for a nice new way of undertanding these relatioship in positive.
I do no want to destroy you but just the oposite

YueVolfie – Aug 29, 2017
Wanna turn this angel into a pure blood werewolf.

Looking to turn him into a hell hound by force. Destroy the good in him and claim him for the forces of darkness. Watch as slowly he becomes the beast of my fantasy. Inject him steroids, growth hormones and wolf blood. Destroying his body so that his hell hound will come out to please me. Turn his teeth into fangs, etc.

I like to read dark and mythological books and stories. Also Zodiac Knights is my favorite anime. Sailor Moon, Card Captors, X-men, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc. My hobbies is that I studied the stars in a astrological way.



Attack_Me, 21
I occasionally get out to a local park to walk a mile or two. I can be found walking at Vista Del Camino park located at McKellips and the Indian Bend Wash in south Scottsdale.



killmesuffocateme, 24
I like be hand smother and rubber gloves smother I like plastic bags over my head i like my head clingfilm and I like my head tape up I like strangle I like extreme no limit noose play hang me no safe world I like my face and lips turn blue and ⚰️


Anonymous – Sep 13, 2017
that doesn’t quite explain it.

killmesuffocateme (Owner) – Sep 13, 2017
“The more I think about myself the more I’m persuaded that, as a person, I really don’t exist. That is one of the reasons why I can’t believe in any orthodox religion: I cannot believe in my own soul. No, I am a chemical compound, conditioned by environment and education. My ‘character’ is simply a repertoire of acquired tricks, my conversation a repertoire of adaptations and echoes, my “feelings” are dictated by purely physical, external stimuli.”

Anonymous – Sep 12, 2017
simple question: why?



HomeworkServant, 18
I’m a submissive high school egghead and teacher’s pet type with a huge IQ who can provide free homework service for dominant men in colleges/universities. Homework? Essay? Research? You bet I will work my little ass off to make sure you get the grade you deserve. Why bother with this stuff when a lesser boy will gladly do it for you so that you may relax, enjoy yourself and get the best in life?

Please no “fake” assignments. Real students and real assignments. It turns me on to see my work graded and see you pleased with the result.


HomeworkServant (Owner) – Aug 28, 2017
Because I’m that lame

loved_and_hated – Aug 28, 2017
why are u doing this?

HomeworkServant (Owner) – Aug 28, 2017
Thas meh

loved_and_hated – Aug 28, 2017



buffalo_boy, 21
I love watching porn and i am bi and love guys tying me up and fucking and playing with my bum with lube while i wank and think about my girlfriend and people i know.


skinhead4u – Aug 22, 2017
I am a skinhead in finland. When I look at u i dream of kidnnapping u to van and driving away. No more u walking ever only crawling on floor/ground if that sounds ok ? My other dream is keeping u captive in some old building where no1 knows ur there only me and maybe one of my mates. I am an sexaddicted guy that on the outside live a normal hetro life but inside i scream.

buffalo_boy (Owner) – Aug 16, 2017
To clear up some confusion my name is because i live in buffalo, ny not because i am attracted to the animal buffalo.



ieatfromurinals, 19
have plenty of wants but wont write a list of wants as no one cares what i want.



2masters4slaves, 18
Hello i am a slave of 2 sadistic masters looking to add another slave to their collection it can be gay or straight doesnt matter they are wanting a slave between 18 to 19 (not a day older than 19) they are extreme this is for a permanent no way out position we all live in a home that is a torture chamber in kansas



BRANDON that’s me (18 slave)former straight boy
CHAD (18 slave)former straight boy- in process of being sold to former sadistic high school coach for snuffing sale will be finalized 7/14/17 (why owners need new slave 2 replace him)
BRAYDON(21 slave) bi-sexual former college football player for D1 school
KARL (19 slave)gay cute look like a girl

Profile pics are of us slaves not the Masters. They chubby

BEATINGS(single tail,bull whip,flogger,crop,cane,paddles
24/7 SNUFF TRAINING to accept the inevitable
Water boarding
Extreme,painful and prolonged stretching on RACK

The masters are not douchebags and they’re not crazy or insane.



SacrificialLamb, 18
I’ve spent four hours with a wonderful dungeon master and discovered to my astonishment that I like being tied up, blindfolded, gagged, fucked, flogged, electroshocked, and borderline drowned in water.


FlaggMan – Sep 18, 2017
Let it be felt from a handshake from you, that you want good one and you clear you are good.

Let a look of theirs spread it with you, for a beautiful thing you live, and you for you worthy to live.



br0therFucker, 18
Incest is my kink for as long as I can remember. Brothers, cousins, father/son, uncle/nephew… Bros being my fav of course! My older brother and I started fooling around when we were little kids and it continued on for years and years… Until I was 16 and he went away to college. It was the best time of my life and the hottest sex I’ve ever had!!!!

Since he left I’ve become an experienced fake little brother. And all my fake older brothers until now had the same opinion which is that I was the greatest little brother they ever had!!!!



R3HAB, 20
Interested (ONLY) in architorture. Looking for an architorct.



Bottomwife, 22

Where to begin… I am here to find a husband. Like my name gives you guys a hint, my ultimate dream is to be a housewife. To have a traditional, dominating husband.

To some I may come out as being oldfashioned. But I dont care. People have different dreams, different ambitions. Mine is to love my husband. Wifes take care of their men and attend to their needs. Period. Always!

Bottomwifes like me, we can voice our opinions and be frustrated about something. But the ultimate decision lies with the MAN OF THE HOUSE. And it does not matter if I am frustrated or happy with his decisions. I will follow them.

This is a Man’s world. I am not a real man. And I fully accept that. I will never say no if he wants my ass. And if I ever say no, it is certain from day 1 that he is allowed to fuck it with force, extreme force if needed. A husband has a natural right to use what is rightfully his heavily and continually. It is not rape when it is your wife.

One last thing regarding pain. The thing that I most appreciate is the feeling, not just the pain, the feeling of my husband punching me in the face. It is one of the greatest feelings I can experience. Yes it is painful to some degree, but it is my husbands masculinity in its 100% form and his power over me. How can anybody not appreciate that. Love that?



HypnoTrapped, 18
Make me forget what was and remember what wasn’t.

I have always wanted to go under, but have so far let doubts and anxiety stand in the way.

I am looking for a hypnotist, aged 40 or above, wishing to covertly penetrate my psyche and move its component parts around as he sees fit and for his own benefit.

I am hoping to withstand changes to my identity and memories, in the service of my future.



Puptart, 19
Not really a slave… Not a pup. Just a username I’ve liked -.- I’m more of a terrible conversationalist who likes being outwitted then anything else…



Robin, 23
Holy Kidnapping!

Got a huge bit of a an obsession for being captured and tied up as ‘Robin’ completely at the mercy of some devious villain who wants to take unchecked advantage of the situation! Who hasn’t had a fantasy of having ‘Robin’ captive in your lair getting raped by you and whoever else you decide and completely at your mercy right?



Pinched, 19
Every year on September 18 I celebrate the anniversary of being raped at aged 12 and seeing my future life ruined forever. Since that day I have been terrified of intimacy and remain celibate except on the night of the anniversary. On that day I choose one man to make me relive that traumatic night. I will cry and scream very loudly. I work as a swimming instructor so any injuries you give me will need to look like something that could be caused by falling off my bike.



Lookwhatyoumakemedo, 20
I’m a slutty bottom but I charge 100E for it, sorry. I don’t trust nobody!

Attention: if you are huge you have the right to discount!
-10% if cock between 19 and 20cm
-20% if cock between 21 and 23cm
-30% if cock between 24 and 26cm
-70% if cock more than 27cm

??TREES :))


Lookwhatyoumakemedo (Owner) – Sep 27, 2017
Update- I’m about to be castrated, so updating this profile in preparation for me being a eunuch, I’m excited.

Lookwhatyoumakemedo (Owner) – Jul 12, 2017
Update- I am now only looking for a year round client (sorry if that’s the wrong word). So year round only and available just on weekends. We can negotiate the tariff but it will be around 9000 dollars.



Lovemyself, 21
I’m a pretty wimp into being bound and blindfolded and being rough fucked and bred all day and all night by one to 40 men and getting filmed but I don’t like being killed and what not.

(I am a student in a prestigious university. I am a model as well and if you’re doubtful, I can show you my calling card.)


Lovemyself (Owner) – Sep 2, 2017
Hi Joe ?

Joe – Sep 2, 2017
I ve fucked him for 3 years and wouldn t miss one of his free for alls
from day 1 this kid has been the biggest fuck whore I ve ever seen
i once watched him get fucked and abused for hours on before he was thrown naked, dripping in cum and tied up into the trunk of the car of a master who had rented him for a few hours of more sex slavery I d assume

So much looking forward to Saturday night Kiddo

4stupidfaggots – Aug 31, 2017
Stupid faggot with very low self esteem, yum.

MarcoFatDick – Aug 29, 2017
I fuck only rare because at many it is not possible to take my huge fat gigantic dick without terrible damaging but I want it with you because I don’t care!


SickCunt, 18
Looking for a fag to spend all their money on me. Might get something in return but not promising anything.




p.s. Hey. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. If you discover any good VR stuff, let me know. Everything I’ve seen in that genre/format has seemed very primitive/tricky. ‘The Hateful Eight’ is the only Tarantino I haven’t seen, but I’ve liked all of his films to one degree or another except ‘Death Proof’ which seemed kind of tossed off, but, even so, which has a terrific Kurt Russell performance. I don’t know, my instinct is that him doing the Manson family is promising, depending on the angle of course. I think he can very good working with an ensemble cast of oddball characters, and that grouping and the Spahn Ranch and the celebrity encounters and so on seems well suited to him assuming the film is more about the ‘family’ dynamic than about the murders themselves, which is my guess. I miss the days when Wong Kar-Wai was making really exciting films. He was on such a roll there for a while. ‘Fallen Angels’ is my favorite, I think. Gosh, when it rains it pours, etc., on the personal stuff for you. Well, very nice, man! Obviously looking forward to your Argento piece. Unsane was cool. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. I’d like to see that Weegee doc. I’ll look for it. Thanks! ** Bill, Hey. I had this feeling that you might like that show, cool. *pats self on back* Oh, that event tonight, how exciting! Damn, I wish it had been a couple weeks later when I’ll be there for the New Narrative conference shebang. Do you know what you’re going to perform yet? That’s fantastic! Please let me know how it goes, and, of course, if there’s any video documenation, do point me there. ** Sypha, I can see that. Like I said to Steve, ‘The Hateful Eight’ is the only Tarantino I haven’t seen. One of these evenings. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! Oh, I’m very happy you liked the show, awesome, thank you! Yes, it was misery making that stupid short version of our film. I mean, our film is very particular, and it’s what it is, and I’m extremely happy with it, but, in any case, whether people find it to be an experience they want or not, one thing for sure is that it’s very carefully and meticulously constructed. Its structure and rhythm and poetic and etc. are very precise and thought-out. It can’t be torn apart and truncated and work at all. It’s ridiculous to even try. But we had to, and we made something that doesn’t work but at least stays somewhat true to our intentions. Our producer came by to watch it and sign off on it, and he didn’t like it any more than we do, and he wanted us to work more and make it work, and we had to explain that it could never work, and it was very unpleasant, but he finally gave up and said, Fine. So it was a big drag of a day, and I’m just glad it’s finally over. Now we just have to do the final touches on the actual film next week for a day or two, and then our film will then be complete at long, long last. I’m glad you at least got your errands done. That’s basically what I was doing too. And now I hope the weekend will reward both of us handsomely, or at least you. And how was it? Have excellent days! ** B, Hi, Bear! Nice to see you, man! You’re in Santa Fe. I was there once, but not for very long, basically a short stopover because I was going to the Rainbow Gathering, which was taking place that year in the mountains near there, as I was writing about it for Spin Magazine. All I really remember is that the buildings were really white. Anyway, you sound like you’re having an awesome time there. How was Burning Man? You went, right? My world is full of not much other than finishing Zac’s and my film right now, but that’s mostly very happy making. Take care, bud, and I hope to see you again soon. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Yeah, Mat Collishaw’s cool. I’m supposed to meet him sometime soon, as he’s a friend of a friend, and I guess we’re mutual admirers of each others’ work. Should be interesting. ** Joseph, Hi, Joseph! Always a true pleasure! Oh, dang, about the silly job loss, but your attitude rules, and yeah, it’ll work out, right? I have a few alarm-free days ahead. A few. Here’s a toast to un-preordained awakenings. Take care. ** Armando, Hi, man. If I’m remembering correctly, yeah, Von Trier’s ‘Medea’ was quite good, but I haven’t seen it since his work took the severe downturn for me, and it would be interesting to see if the stuff I can’t stand about his work was lurking there unnoticed. Which I guess is kind of a recommendation? Uh, I don’t know, I guess I just thought ‘John Wick 2’ was a total blast of pleasure. I didn’t think too much about it. It just seemed like it did exactly what it needed to do, and it cast a little spell on me. Oh, I see, well, yeah, if I was trying to make films here without Zac who is French and a French citizen, and if our film wasn’t in French, it would likely be very hard. On the other hand, I think non-French directors like Lynch, Herzog, Jodorowosky, etc. get a lot of their funding in France. Thanks a bunch about the post. Have a swell weekend. ** Right. End of the month + slaves = ? See you on Monday.


  1. Wolf

    [crap, I just posted this under yesterday’s comments… let’s try again ;-)]
    Dennis the wonderdude!!!
    Ah, sorry I’ve been such a stranger, it’s been busy on my side of the channel; just came back from 1 week in NY and Washington for work. I managed to cram in mucho sightseeing and cool shit betwixt the many working bits, though.
    NY was as great as it always is but I really only spent 2 days there.
    Washington though blew my fukken mind – I expected an oppressive artificial bullshit-town and instead was shocked (shocked!) to find a hazy, tropical-weathered humid jungle mixing quaint Victorian-style residential madness, lush gymnosperm greenery, bombastic and yet still somewhat moving architecture that no matter what you think of The American Dream was somewhat earnest when it was built, and shockingly friendly humans coming at you from every corner. And many, many very well-cared for American elms which is a thing I care about, because there really are not many elms left in Europe and it makes me very sad. So that was pretty great. I definitely have to go back.

    I haven’t had a chance to check much of the last few week’s offerings, but I did spot a Liars goody from Thursday; man, they just never fail. Well, I guess it’s just Andrew now, but regardless. Never puts a foot wrong. What is your fave Liars album? I think They Were Wrong… is mine, with Liars close second.

    What is happening on your side of things? I can see you’re trying to squeeze the rolls into 59 minutes – that just seems unfair, man. Are you going for the ‘chop a little here, chop a little there’ approach or, like, slicing a whole chapter off? I think if I had to shorten work I’d actually go for the latter – ‘if you wanna know how it ends check out the director’s cut!’. Yeah, tough.

  2. David Ehrenstein

    Wolf Blitzer’s a Rent Boy? Whodathunkit!

    “no kissing! kissing is something female. i have left it behind.” Tab hunter said the film he made with Natalie Wood “The Girl He Left Behind” was referred to by Wood as “The Girl With The Left Behind”

  3. David Ehrenstein

    Latest FaBlog: Terminate With Extreme Prejudice

  4. David Ehrenstein

    Mary Woronov news

  5. Steve Erickson

    The blog for which I’m writing the Argento essay is asking me for an unusual amount of the editorial duties that editors usually do, like selecting graphics and writing a headline myself. I came up with DARIO ARGENTO: A DIVE INTO THE INFERNO {referencing his 1980 film of that name.} And I found a great photo of the actress in SUSPIRIA shot through a red filter that makes it look like she’s covered in blood, as well as one of the transgender actress who appears in the flashback scenes in TENEBRAE, both of which are relevant to minor points made in the essay. But I will be away from my computer for a large portion of the day. It would be great if the essay is posted when I return this evening. As I’ve said, I am very proud of it and put a huge amount of work into writing it August. I have also mentioned it about 20 times on social media, so I feel like it had better appear in public soon or I will look like a poseur.

    Have you heard the new Kamasi Washington EP? It makes me wish I knew more about contemporary jazz.

  6. Bill

    A rather enigmatic bunch today, Dennis.

    I totally spaced that you’ll be in town. What’s your itinerary so far? I assume this is the event?

    That’s a lot of panels! Will try to make some of them. That’s a rather unusual venue for your reading…


  7. Joseph

    That whole job business sucks in the immediate sense ’cause of practicalities but otherwise screw it.

    Really, really, didn’t anticipate a Wolf Blitzer appearance coming at all while going through this post… but it made me laugh and maybe I’ll start giving Wolf more attention than I have been in the past, with this in mind, for fun.

    Hope you enjoy your no-alarm days.

  8. Alistair

    Hey Dennis, its Saturday night here in LA, I’m chilling as Tim’s in Boston. Are you getting to relax on the weekend from the film work or no? It sounds like that enforced edit was hard for you guys! Great slave and Halloween days! That Abigail Goldman’s work is so wonderful. The new book keeps coming up in bits and pieces, I’m still feeling it out but I think it’s going to be pretty different from the disints. I have a goal that could be delusional, but I think I want to have fun with this book, like fun writing it. I actually think that’s possible weirdly enough. Have a great sunday Axo

  9. Steve Erickson

    I posted at length about my encounter with virtual reality on Facebook. That was way more disturbing than I expected, although I wish I had time to go back tomorrow and explore gentler fare.

  10. EWA

    No worries w/r/t the band thing I figured it out! Curve!

    I hope all is well with the film wrap up. <3

  11. Jamie

    Ahoy Dennis! How are you and how was your weekend?
    Apologies for not saying hi on Friday, but time just got away from me. Was such an amazing post so too! So many things right up my street – Mariel Clayton, those baby buggies etc!, Louie Cordero, Gottfried Helnwein, Abigail Goldman, Arsen Savadov – all amazing, but the two that got me the most, both really chilly, were the Carsten Güth houses without windows and doors and Stephen j Shanabrook’s Sleeping with Chocolate……brrrrrr but delightful. Really great post. Thanks so much.
    This post has to be one of my favourite ever instalments of the hyper-reality-soap The Slaves. It’s a total belter. I thought justaboy had the best line with his guestbook comment “Im in high school. I really want you, but I don’t know if I want your life. Message me with what your life is like and Ill give my thoughts on it.”, but then along comes buffalo_boy with “I love watching porn and i am bi and love guys tying me up and fucking and playing with my bum with lube while i wank and think about my girlfriend and people i know.” which is just perfect. So much stuff in this post. I really hope ConcerningTeenSlaveAdam didn’t die. The balls with scalpel beneath them made me think of gifs. And 2masters4slaves tale about their masters and their school bus etc is just like a perfect little novel right there. Maybe I’m being daft, but I’m completely puzzled over how R3HAB’s photos, esp the second one, have been done. I love that he’s into architorture. What a rich selection. Well done, Dennis!
    Man, that truncated version of your movie sounds well annoying to have to make. Is that it all done and dusted? Does anyone else have to see it?
    Your neck and shoulder any better? I think I’m finally starting to get well, but doing a lot of sleeping, hence I have nothing to report.
    Hope you’ve had a swell weekend. May you be propelled through Monday by warm yet refreshing gusts of air.
    Promulgated love,

  12. Dóra Grőber


    What a spectacular list of boys! Thank you!

    Every time you write about this short version, it just feels more and more painful. I just imagined if someone asked me to cut out parts of SCAB and… no. Like… no. Of course a movie (or anything constructed so meticulously) doesn’t work with missing parts! How could anyone expect it to? So I’m really glad, too, that you managed to create a version which obviously isn’t and could never be satisfactory but… well… is presentable to the committee, at least. I guess doing the very final touches on the actual film will be a lot more enjoyable. And god, then it’s finished! Complete! I’m so very curious!
    I remember mentioning to you like… a hundred years ago that I needed to move. Well, it’s only happening now but now it really is happening and I have to find a new place and move there by February. It seems pretty far off but considering I still don’t have a place to go… it doesn’t feel that way. And the reality is a lot sadder than I expected. I can’t move anywhere near the center of Budapest because it’s extremely expensive. (I could buy a one-room apartment for the price of our 4-bedroom-house!) The suburbs, though… most of the areas I could afford to go to are complete nightmares after Szentendre. So I’m thinking… maybe I’ll stay here, despite having to travel more to get to Budapest. It won’t be very convenient, job-wise, but… I think this is the compromise I’ll have to make. So I basically spent my weekend checking out my options (and gosh, did I see some awful apartments!) and trying not to overstress the whole thing. After what you’ve been through with your apartment-hunting, I guess you know exactly what I’m talking about!
    How was your weekend? I do hope it was a lot, lot more joyful and less stressful than mine!!

  13. chris dankland

    this is a complicatedly awesome crop of slave messages, as usual, especially the comments underneath. i enjoy reading these posts b/c my emotional reactions to them tend to veer all over the place.

    have u listened to any of the new ariel pink & protomartyr albums, and if so what’d u think? i like that ariel went back to the more lo-fi haunted graffiti sound — as much as i love many of his full lush studio songs of later albums, when it comes down to it i feel most energized when i imagine him alone in a bedroom with a little coffee table set-up, banging out one tune after another at 3 in the morning. he’s had some good music videos lately too

    tis the season, i thought of a random Halloween question — what’s the best costume u ever wore?

    do ever hear church bells around paris? if i visit one day, i’d enjoy checking out some the cathedrals.

    hope everything’s going well on your end — take care

  14. Matthew


    I have been a fan of yours for some time now. I was wondering what website these amazing posts are from. I am absolutely fascinated with the psychology of these young men and their posts. Would greatly appreciate if you could share the name of the website (or link) with me. I read these posts as some might read short (or micro) stories.

    Thank you.

    • Mike


      I saw your old post on DC blog regarding you wondering from what site the posts of the slave boys are.
      I find it fascinating too and would like to know if you did get a answer or link?
      If so, please would you be kind and share it with me.

      Thank you.

  15. Ferdinand

    How to make a storm glass incase you havent seen it

  16. _Black_Acrylic

    So the Yuck ‘n Yum meet at Vision happened Saturday and it was a pleasure to see everyone and all that. Looks like I may have been getting a bit ahead of myself, though. Talk of YNY as a business is not enthusiastically received, plus Gayle and Alexandra are each massively busy in Newcastle and Glasgow respectively. For now we’re agreed that constitutional issues can wait until after YNY ventures (compendium, Seattle exhibition) are done in early 2018 and we know where we stand. The project will still be rebooted, in that Alex will get the website back online and social media will be updated.

    For the moment, evolution not revolution. We’ll still be based at Vision and I hope to get the help of Fleet to set YNY up as a company. And then we can take it from there, I guess.

  17. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I liked your take on Halloween Friday. I saw it after the fact because I totally zonked out Friday night around 9 in my haunted rocking chair, jumped into bed around 2 and then woke up for good on Saturday around 10. I guess I needed it.

    Where’s Sypha to point out that Jeff Seid is on here once again? I wonder if his photos are the most used on these types of sites. Seems like it.

    Yes, where there’s a will. We never give up. Or we shouldn’t if it’s worthwhile. Worse comes to worse, I’ll see you over there in Paree or up in NYC or some such sooner rather than later. We’ll have a grand ol’ time.

  18. Shane Christmass

    Brutal – the guy who killed himself

  19. James Nulick


    Lookwhatyoumakemedo has nice eyes, I only wish he’d kept his balls… why are so many young men getting castrated / wanting to get castrated these days? I really appreciate the male body so happening upon a young man with no balls would go over like a lead balloon for me 🙁

    I’ve been away too long, my friend.. I hope I didn’t lose my d.l. status! I’ve been busting my hump trying to get my book written in under a year, it’s just been a kind of personal challenge for me, like running a 26.2 , ha ha. I’d like to have a nice draft ready by December, so we’ll see. I don’t know, I’m just having fun! I like creating new worlds because the current one sucks!

    You created a trailer for your film, right Dennis? Did you create the trailer in time for Sundance? It sounds like you are really, really close to being finished! That must be both a wonderful and a sad feeling at the same time.. Idk about you Dennis but once I am done with a project, I feel totally detached from it, though it is nice when other people like it, of course. Do you feel the same way about your projects?

    Wow, you had a William T. Vollmann day the other day, and on my all-time favorite book of his, The Rainbow Stories! That book was very influential on me as a young man/writer. I read it in 1989, when I was 19, and I was in complete awe, because for the first time I was reading about people I was interested in, people society has always pushed toward the edges. Bill even signed it for me in his apartment, when he was living in NYC at the time. He lived on 66th & York, in medical student housing, because his then girlfriend (now wife) was studying to become an oncologist. His girlfriend had made some homemade beef jerky for him (this was 1991) because he was getting ready to go to some godawful cold place halfway across the world to research his Seven Dreams project, I believe. I think Bob Guccione (sp?) was heavily financing him at the time to go on all these adventures, pretty cool huh? Anyway, the Rainbow Stories fucking rocks! My second favorite Vollmann is The Royal Family.. no, it’s not about Princess Diana, lol. I’ll try not to stay away so long, Dennis! I miss you and the D.C.’s crew. But I want to get my book finished too, ha ha. I think you’ll like it Dennis. . It’s dark, deathly fucking dark. But also funny. Much love Dennis!


  20. Steve Erickson

    At first, I thought I read “asexual Coldplay addict” and got worried. That seems way too boring and everyday for you too post here.

    The film I saw tonight, Travis Wilkerson’s DID YOU WONDER WHO FIRED THE GUN?, is a fucking masterpiece, and I encourage who has access to my Facebook feed to look at what I wrote about it there. I took out the initial Michael Moore-bashing.

    I’m hoping the Israeli guy can still come with me to the new Ai Weiwei doc tomorrow evening. What happens there and afterwards will probably determine a lot about my plans for the next few weeks. I am also trying to get free tickets for the NYFF film the guy in NYC I’m attracted to wants to see.

    I’m not going into details, but the interview I did tonight was the second most difficult to land ever (and I’d estimate I’ve done approximately 125!). If you’ve ever seen THE ABBA MOVIE, I felt like the journalist in that. It all worked out OK in the end and I got 20 useful minutes, but it’s amazing how unhelpful some publicists and even filmmakers themselves can be.

  21. Armando

    Hey, man,

    I’m pretty bummed out, and worried and scared and anxious and sad about the earthquake again. The death toll keeps rising and some areas of the city are just a total and absolute chaos. *Sigh*.

    Oh, OK, maybe I’ll see ‘Medea’ when/if I can.

    “Oh, I see, well, yeah, if I was trying to make films here without Zac who is French and a French citizen, and if our film wasn’t in French, it would likely be very hard.” It would still be very hard if the movie was in fact in French, you think? And if the “director” and “screenwriter” had French blood/ancestry and a French last name?… 😛

    To try to explain my attitude(s) and comments regarding tarantino, here are some thoughts about that individual and his works with which I completely agree and that are expressed notably and much better than I ever could. First, these are excerpts of a piece by Tal Rosenberg from the Chicago Reader.

    “The release of a new Quentin Tarantino movie is usually accompanied by press that invariably addresses whatever the provocative premise or subject matter of the film is, whether it’s the writer-director’s casual use of racial epithets (Jackie Brown) or his flippant treatment of World War II (Inglourious Basterds) and slavery (Django Unchained). But with the release of The Hateful Eight—like Django, a political western—most of the hubbub isn’t about the film, it’s about Tarantino.

    At issue are two statements Tarantino made. The first came during an engrossing interview on The Howard Stern Show. Tarantino angrily claimed that Disney told the proprietors of the LA-based Cinerama Dome, which is owned by up-and-coming chain ArcLight Cinemas, that if it showed The Hateful Eight instead of Star Wars: The Force Awakens during the holiday season then Disney would pull The Force Awakens from all ArcLight theaters (nearly a dozen) across the country. The second statement has to do with Tarantino’s recent activism against police brutality. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he spoke about the Laquan McDonald shooting: “I completely and utterly reject the bad apples argument. . . . They’re all bad apples,” he said.


    […]the “Special Roadshow Engagement” of The Hateful Eight also featured a promotional booklet, a 12-minute intermission, and an overture—composed, as with the rest of the score, by none other than Ennio Morricone. Yet none of these novelties ever really enhance the story.

    […]The Hateful Eight plays out as a parlor mystery, with Tarantino gradually disclosing (sometimes via his own voice-over narration) who’s part of the conspiracy.

    When I say “gradually,” what I really mean is “extremely slowly.” The Hateful Eight is more than three hours long with the overture, and the real action doesn’t start until just before intermission. Most of the dialogue in the first half of the film doesn’t feel like it establishes character or advances the plot—it’s more like a screenwriting professor showing off for his students. And once the action does rev up, mostly during the second half, the film becomes grotesquely violent—even for Tarantino’s standards.

    […]At the press screening there were a couple moments of isolated laughter, but for the most part the audience didn’t make much noise. Unsure if Tarantino intended for The Hateful Eight to be more serious than his other movies, I also watched the movie shortly after its public opening. The audience was virtually silent.

    I hated Django Unchained, but not because of its politics or its premise—I was merely tired of Tarantino’s revisionist-history revenge fantasies, something he’s been doing since Kill Bill[…]

    […]we come to learn that each of the characters who inhabit the shop has committed terrible acts, whether as criminals, Civil War soldiers, or bounty hunters. These are all sinners of the Civil War and Reconstruction, and Minnie’s is where judgment takes place.

    “Justice without dispassion,” one character says, “is in danger of not being justice.” Therein lies the problem with The Hateful Eight, and with Tarantino’s thinking generally. Without spoiling anything, in the final scene Tarantino wants the audience to question the very foundations of justice; impartiality and objectivity are impossible, in his view, therefore all acts of “justice” are essentially revenge. What’s troubling about this stance isn’t just its cynicism. It also discounts the tenets of law and philosophy that are the benchmarks of human progress. It’s this frankly conservative reasoning that finally helps explain why the director doesn’t think twice about indirectly discrediting the Nuremberg trials (as in Inglourious Basterds) or imagining the antebellum south as a cartoon where slaves become cowboys gleefully taking revenge on their masters.

    And that brings us back to Tarantino’s comments on police brutality. His “bad apples” comment evinces his one-dimensional attitude toward people. All cops are “bad apples” because Tarantino can’t see people as more than stereotypes or caricatures; with all his talent for writing dialogue, he still hasn’t learned that people are complicated. The characters of The Hateful Eight aren’t ever really explored or fleshed out—they’re mouthpieces for Tarantino[…]”

    Then, here are some excerpts of pieces by Jonathan Rosenbaum. I disagree with him on shitloads of things, but on this I definitely agree 100%:


    Meanwhile, such basic questions as how a slave could become an expert marksman, learn how to read, or wear sunglasses get overlooked, and there’s an amusing tendency among some of the partisans of Django Unchained, including Tarantino himself, to oscillate repeatedly between the alibi of “it’s only a movie” to the confident and contradictory claim that this movie offers important moral instruction regarding the evils of slavery, thereby justifying the latest version of Tarantino’s obsession with revenge fantasies. For those like myself who consider these simplistic and tribal revenge fantasies to be “good guy”/”bad guy” video games for ten-year-old boys — given a second life since the 1970s by the Star Wars films and ultimately encouraging such actions as the invasion and occupation of Iraq — the pre-eminence of action movies over any independent discussion of their subjects is a frightening phenomenon.”

    ““When Jews Attack” by Daniel Mendelsohn, a two-page spread in the August 24 & 31 issue of Newsweek, begins to help me account for what I find so deeply offensive as well as profoundly stupid about Inglourious Basterds [sic sic — or maybe I should say, sic, sic, sic]. A film that didn’t even entertain me past its opening sequence, and that profoundly bored me during the endlessly protracted build-up to a cellar shoot-out, it also gave me the sort of malaise that made me wonder periodically what it was (and is) about the film that seems morally akin to Holocaust denial, even though it proudly claims to be the opposite of that. It’s more than just the blindness to history that leaks out of every pore in this production (even when it’s being most attentive to period details) or the infantile lust for revenge that’s so obnoxious. When Mendelsohn asks, “Do you really want audiences cheering for a revenge that turns Jews into Nazis, that makes Jews into `sickening’ perpetrators?”, he zeroes in on what’s so vile about this gleeful celebration of savagery. He also clarifies the ugly meaning of Tarantino’s final scene when he points out that Nazis carved Stars of David into the chests of rabbis before killing them — a fact I either hadn’t known before or had somehow managed to suppress.

    It’s amazing to me that some fellow Jews who were so indignant about Sophie’s Choice (by which I mean the Styron novel — arguably his best — and not the hollow Pakula movie) can give Tarantino a free ride on this one, presumably under the theory that this boy should be allowed to enjoy every last drop of his all-American fun, even at the expense of real-life Holocaust victims. As far as I’m concerned, whatever Tarantino’s actual or imagined politics might be, he’s become the cinematic equivalent of Sarah Palin, death-panel fantasies and all.”

    Just opinions with which I agree completely.

    Take good care,

    Good day; good luck,


  22. Matt Doyle

    Hey Dennis!!

    Sorry for the delayed reply after you got back to me in P.S. about the reading not working out – it’s all good, and thank you for being in touch about it! It totally makes sense.

    I am definitely coming up to NN conference and would love to hang out, I will be back in L.A. the following week as well. Just bought a TRAIN ticket so I’m coming up on Friday, I’ll make it there pretty late in the evening but will attend Saturday/Sunday and fly back on Monday morning to make it to teach. Will you be coming down to L.A. as well? Maybe we could plan a haunted house sojourn, that would be so fun.

    I went to the Queen Mary’s ‘Dark Harbor’. Fun on Friday. Had a surprisingly light evening with two friends there. Truth be told it was my first L.A. haunted house experience! One of the mazes we did was about ‘Haunted Mary’ of the Queen Mary, and had a lot of repetition of costumes which I really liked, such that it seemed like she was appearing at different parts of the maze. The sound design was really interesting too, lots of big QVC speakers just pushed right up against plywood walls. The Queen Mary is also absolutely bonkers, I couldn’t believe how much of it was given play for these mazes…

    I also shot footage out of a helicopter for the first time this weekend which was really fun. Tehe:

    I hope you’re having a great day 🙂

    ‘Til soon,

  23. slave666



    Master ____________, born___________ in ______


    Slave:____________ , born__________ , in _______.

    (Should be you real name on the Passport)

    With the signature of this contract both sides certify that they agree to all paragraphs and have signed on their own will.
    (Slave will also sign at every paragraph for full acceptance of all the rules).

    This contract can only be changed or cancelled by…………., and the right of explaining belongs to Mistress.
    She does not need his agreement to change it.
    Slave cannot change or cancel the contract.
    The slave has to memorize this contract and to recite it anytime She wants him to.

    The slave will give up all his human rights given for 30 (60) days
    The only law will be the Word of Mistress / masters. During the term of imprisonment and 24/7 TPE, the slave is the object only. The slave is acquainted with the fact that he will be continuously, without the possibility of STOP and without the possibility of ending imprisonment without human rights. The slave will be obliged to serve and be subjected to extreme torture, total perversion, dirty, sex, rape continuously every day, 16-18 hours. The slave will suffer, it will be immediately without preparation, from the first minute of imprisonment to being degraded to the toilet, pain slave, sex slave, slave prostitute. Mistress / Master have no moral barriers. The aim is complete resignation of slave to dirt, perversion, toilet slave, extreme, continuous pain, resignation as prostitute – satisfaction of anyone.


    Torture, pervers and sex- it’s the Mistress own decision how, for how long, where and when to punish him.
    The slave will not have any safe word or signal.

    From the first second of confinement to 30/60 / days no limit total perversion – eat shit, drink piss, sperm every day about other people, groups. Slave is the only object used as a toilet by anyone, as a sexual embarrassment for anyone, including rape, torture, sex, perversion. the slave has no right to reject any extreme.
    Type of penalty and intensity of punishment will be decided only by Mistress / master.

    The Mistress will control every single Minute of the slave’s live.
    The slave should live, breath, think and behave exactly as Mistress wants.
    He has to come home straight after work.
    His Job is it to do all the housework like cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, dishes etc. etc .
    After he has done all his jobs he has to wait in at his place for his Mistress.
    He has to fulfil all of Her commands, orders and wishes without any hesitation.
    Refusal or even hesitation will be punished hard.

    The slave’s body and mind will be totally controlled by the Mistress.
    She will decide what he eats, drinks, when he is allowed to use the toilet and what he wears.
    She will feed him with Her and other people’s Urine, Scat and sperm.
    She can change his name if She wants to.
    He has no right to talk or to look the Mistress in the eyes.
    If they are alone, he will be completely naked and his head will never be higher than her knees.

    Slave is obliged to do prostitution – mistress / master finds, seizes clients, or filming porn. They slaughter the slave to the clients. Slave as a prostitute must satisfy any extremes, has no right to refuse. Slave of prostitution with men, women, couples, groups has to make money. Every day the slave sleeps 6-8 hours, 16-18 hours a day, we are obliged to satisfy the master / master or clients. This weekend can be sold to clients for the entire weekend.

    He will live in a place appropriate to his low status.
    This could be a dog house, under her bed, next to her bed on the floor, the basement, or just outside in the backyard.
    She can train and treat him as an animal like a dog, pig, horse, and he will have to act, live, eat, etc. like this animal for how long as Mistress wants. Even in sleep, the slave will have an extreme dildo or plug, an anal will be extremely extremely stretched, a lot of lubricating gel, ready for fucking, double fucking, rape, fucking strap on 25-30 cm 6-8 cm ,the anal is continuously stretched, there is destruction of the sphincters..

    The slave will be trained to resign for pain, perversion. The nipples will have a continuous piecing, a hook and several hours of weight on the hook. Regularly, physiological saline is inoculated into the scrotum, 0.5-1 liters, then the ball is tied up and heavy weight is hanged for several hours. The slave has a minimum weight of 5 kg on the nipples and a weight of at least 10 kg on a ball at least 3 hours in a row. At least 3 hours a day, the slave must have an extreme plug, a minimum of 24/10 cm-destruction. Slaves ass holle serves only for sex to be filled with a pencil enema and a piss and shit mix, for two penises fucking, with no limit to irreversible stretching.

    The slave is aware that he must sexually satisfy the mistress, all her friends and prostitution every day, and he will be forced to abuse 16-18 hours a day. Slave will suffer from pain, in title and foreskin piercing and weights, will be whipped several times a day mistrress, her friends, clients, will be extremely tortured a few times a day on the nipples, ball, will have to make the toilet to a larger number of people, then it can vomit. If the slave is sold for porn filming, it can be used continuously for a whole week, including sex with animals. Pain will not be taken into account, the slave will be repeatedly tortured, sexually abused, raped without grace and moral barriers. The slave will also be hung in the SM bar, the gay SM bar, the glory of the sticks and there must be sex with anyone, no limit.

    Master/mistress – without any restrictions, to decide on the slave. Mistress / Master has no moral barriers and can exploit and sell slaves, abuse, abuse, rape, degrading no matter what the slave wants. the slave does not have any rights for 30/60 days.
    The limit is only not permanent damage to health, not permanent scars except nipples, skin and pencil skirts, not burns, tattoos. No limit is the kind of SM practices, hardness, bolts, repeated continuous torture, sexual abuse, perversion, dirt, animals, sex, anal destruction. Mistress / Master can tease a poacher – educate him as he wants. For example, a slave 12 hours continuously sits on 35×8-10 cm dildo, at the same time has in each nipple 3-5 kg weights, on ball 10-20 kg, to nipples and ball regularly and several minutes hard electro.

    Or, the poison is degraded to the total toilet, forced to lick totally dirty vaginas, penises, boys ‘and boys’ street-homeless girls. can not refuse. rejection is always punished by extreme pain – electro, whipping by cable, digging into the testicle. After punishment the slave must do everything. Nothing is forgiven. Mistress / Master continuously seeks practitioners, clients, or other people, the homeless, porn production to make the slave make the most money or the maximum degraded. Mistress / Master have no moral inhibitions in anything, including absolutely perverse perversion, extreme bondage, and then extreme pain, rape, perversion. They only watch to keep the limits – which were listed – not exceeded.

    During the imprisonment, the slave has two duties. 1. Make money
    2. Maximum sexually satisfy mistress, master, their friends, clients, anyone. Maximum satisfaction for slaves is the maximum degradation that anyone must satisfy in sadism, bondage, sex, rape, in all SM practices, in sex, in extremely dirty practices, has no right to refuse anything.
    Mistres therefore immediately from the first minute of the imprisonment of the slave will force all the extremes he will have to do, including extreme dirt, toilets, pain, flogging, rape.
    If a slave does not do an extreme perversion, sex with anyone, or he will want to end some practice, he will be punished. Punishment will be extreme, physical suffering and psychological degradation. He will be very hard whipped, his nipples pierced with a nail, or some strong piercing, will be a very tough ballbusting, a very cruel electro, the poop will have an extreme bondage, the gag will suffer in resignation – slave punishment will be forced 100% to do all the extremes. Immediately from the first moment of imprisonment he will be punished if he does not go to shit, he does not kill an extremely dirty vagina, he does not pour a shit piss mix .. The punishment is to raise a prostitute from a slave who will satisfy the TOP clients and will be excellent as a slave.

    The Master / Master is aware of his or her knowledge. They are aware that they can be extremely extreme because they do not have any moral inhibitions. But they are also aware of the slave’s responsibility. guarantee that the slave will not suffer after a long-term imprisonment, will not have permanent scars, burns, bruises, bruises, bruises, burns of the penis. They are responsible for being well.

    The master / mistress is aware of the fact that when an anal rape can not be torn, broken, it must be constantly stretched, it must be dark with a lot of lubrication gel.

    The slave is aware that everything is voluntarily and that he renounces all human rights.


    Before signing the contract, the slave is provided with a list of all the practices he must satisfy. The slave may refuse to sign up to a maximum of practices that can damage health, but this does not apply to prostitution, deviant perversion, torture, bullying, torture that does not damage health. The slave is familiar with having to do everything the mistress / master wants. Slave is instructed – if he wants to reject, he does not want anything to do, he has barriers, so punishment follows. Punishment is extreme pain, the slave has to be confined, it has a gag, it is very brutally tortured. The slave ends if the slave does everything.

    The slave is familiar with the fact that prostitution, renting, donating to a group party in a SM sex club, gay club, sex with everybody, perversion and torturer is a priority. The slave must earn a lot of money, the slave gets only 15%. 85% is for master / mistress. The slave is familiar with being sexually abused everyday, 16-18 hours a day, from twilight continuously from Saturday to Sunday. The master / mistress prioritization is that the otter caters for the maximum number of people or filmed porn, or has been degraded by hugging and conquering too many homeless people. Slave is aware that in 30/60 / days can have sex, SM, perversion – out of 100-120 people, classical anal sex with 200 people and everyday with mistres / master, their friends, at least 2-3 clients.
    Slave makes prostitution in torture, SM club, in hotel, at client at home, in private, where all the aids, but also on the street, on the toilet, in glory sticks, everything decides and organizes master / master. In presence of master / master, or even without presence with clients only.
    Clients are GAY men, bi men, couples, women, groups. It’s a lot of clients, it’s always an hour, not for the number of people. Five men pay one hour as much as a man. Slave will be rented, sold to groups, number of people is not limited.

    The slave is aware that the clients will be 18-80-year-olds, whatever the image, black, white, gypsies, Arabs, all will require the extreme – extreme = a lot of money. The slave is aware that he is 45 years old, that he is not attractive and that it is only attractive that he will make extremes.

    The slave is aware that the contract obliges him to be imprisoned for the agreed time. 30 (60) days. It is assumed that the imprisonment will be repeated in several months.

    Slave declares that he wants to be totally enslaved for life. The slave declares he wants to be imprisoned for 30 (60) days without human rights from the first minute. The slave declares that a lifetime is looking for a dominant person who is absolutely perverse and has no moral inhibitions in what is written in the contract. The slave wants to be abused as it is written in the contract. The Mistress / Master is aware that the slave will serve for a minute. Then he goes home. No traces of torture can be seen on the slave when he is in his shirt and short trousers.
    Slave is aware that 30 (60) days of continual suffering, torture, sex, perversion are very cruel to man, but he still wants the slave to do everything in the contract.


    The slave will have to make a lot of money every day by prostitution or by filming deviant porn. 15% will be given a slave by master / mistress the last day. It will be a reward – the money for the train ticket, the ticket, and the first month after the imprisonment. The slave assumes that the first imprisonment will be 30 times, the next at 60.

  24. shawn

    i wish you had a contact link….

  25. shawn

    anyway…i found the picture of myself in bondage here on your slave page…just wondering where it was found?

  26. T

    Please immediately remove my photo that you used for RichieRich!

  27. shawn

    Can you please remove my picture as slave boy “the Christ” ? Thank you!

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