The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Madeleine Fox presents … Frank’s Box: The Real Telephone to the Dead *

* (restored)


‘Yes, I am Frank Sumption, and I made the original Frank’s Box, or the Ghost box. I am on Facebook, but even there, the interaction with the public is disappointing. Very few are interested, everyone knows better, no matter what these boxes say. I can not tell if I hear nothing and the “voices” are purely delusional, or what. Most seem interested only in ghost hunting and how to become rich and famous by doing nothing. No research, no study, no work of their own, seeking only their own reality TV show, or podcast.’ — Frank Sumption

Electronic voice phenomena, abbreviated as EVPs, are sections of noise on the radio or electronic recording that reveal sounds resembling voices speaking words. Paranormal investigators sometimes interpret these noises as the voices of ghosts or spirits. Recording EVP has become a technique of those who attempt to contact the souls of dead loved ones or during ghost hunting activities.


The Frank Sumption Website

American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena

EVP Zone

‘The most horrific EVP ever recorded’

EVP: The Skeptic’s Diary

Frank’s Box Discussion Forum

Lisa Lee Harp Waugh’s Ghost Hunters of America Website


Frank Sumption w Ghost Box at The Stanley Hotel


The Dead Can Hear You! Can You Hear Them?

‘Frank Sumption says he received instructions for building the device that he calls Frank’s Box from disembodied entities. His first box was built in 2002, and he has made slightly more than three dozen. While anyone can build one from his schematics, there seems to be something especially effective about the boxes hand-made by Sumption himself.

‘Frank’s Box allows for two-way communication with the other side, in a way that is more interactive than typical EVPs. Frank’s Box or the Ghost Box as it has come to be known is an electronic system, or method of spirit communication, also known as instrumental trans-communication, or ITC. Simply put Frank’s Box scans AM/FM and low band frequencies to create a noise matrix from which the dead — as well as other entities — can use to modulate for messages.

‘Frank’s spirit receiver starts off with a standard white noise generator which is fed through a random voltage circuit of Frank’s own design. The random voltage is linked to an AM radio receiver which reacts to the voltage by tuning to a specific spot on the radio dial. This is known as voltage tuning and is a common function of late 80s and early 90s radio receivers. Though various radio stations are turned in for a split second every so often along with regular static, the devices also allows the spirits to interact with the device and create their own vocals through the receiver and for lack of a better term, talk through the device.

‘A newer version of the box simply tunes back and fourth through the AM band which Frank is calling the “Sweep”method. At first, he believed that the random voltage design is what allowed it to work but after using the sweep method, he has since changed his mind as it seems to do a better job. Frank has made his plans available on the Internet for anyone who is interested in experimenting with his device. He also makes available his own receiver plans for those who want to take it a step further and create the entire box from start to finish.’  — Ghost Hunters of America



Frank’s Box: the practicalities #1


Frank’s Box Predictions from the Spirit World 2009
as told to Lisa Lee Harp Waugh, world renowned Necromancer

Lisa Lee Harp Waugh

Earth Quakes rattle the world from January to December. China’s Earth Quake will kill many thousands, The number will grow into the thousands each day. And then all goes quiet until late July early August when the cycle it begins again. But this is a precursor to more to come. It may take two to three weeks or more before aftershocks stop. Then another quake hits to the west of Reno. I also have heard from them that many people won’t be able to buy earthquake insurance.

A 70-year-old woman scares would-be teen thieves from her house by hitting one with her favorite saucepan, made by celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse.

CBS will be streaming free TV programming to iPhone users.

Obamas Choose Portuguese Water Dog as First Pet.

Spring will arrive early, with generally warm temperatures in March. Poor rains, soaring global food prices will make children mute, skeletal in several countries.

A global coastal event of catastrophic proportions is likely in early to mid 2009. There will be a permanent loss of low-lying territory globally and the spirits foresee that one continent in particular will get hit badly, but they do not say which one.


Frank’s Box: the practicalities #2


How to build the box “schematics” for Frank’s Box


Click on one of the Link Below to Download Original Schematics to the “Ghost Box”

* Frank Sumption Original Ghost Box Schematics PDF File
* Newer “Frank’s Box” Schematics PDF File
* Frank has made the plans for his device available on the web in the EVP_ITC Yahoo group which is moderated by Frank.
* Yes, You Can Make Your Own Ghost Box!



A Few Words from Frank Sumpton

I make the boxes, still can’t mass produce the stuff, and rarely take requests, nor do interviews. It has to do with time, nothing else. As far as not producing the boxes, all attempts at mass production have been blocked so far.

I’m #39 so far, and the box continues to evolve, now using a linear scan system that results in more consistent messages. 36, 37, 38, and 39 are AM and FM linear scan boxes. 36, 37 and 38 are based on the Radio Shack 12-469, but instead of doing the hack in it, I use it as a tuner module. 39 uses an AM/FM car tuner module as the radio. 35 is a home made AM radio tuner. I started using home made tuners in #24, but still use pre-manufactured tuners when I can get them, as they eat up less board real estate.

Here’s a cell phone video of #39 done on Monday, you’ll need quicktime to view it. At about 2 seconds in ” Oh God- Please help me”, then at 11 seconds “Earthquake—China”. I don’t run these as others do, I don’t ask questions, I announce I’m doing an EVP recording, and let it run. I don’t do “investigations” either, I use this stuff at home, “they” come to me. Not only does it get spirit, but other entities as well, like Ets and etherics, but they rarely announce who they are, except for the human spirits.

The box is only one method of supplying the raw audio sprits/entites use to form voices, there are a number of other ways to accomplish the same thing, the box only automates the process.

BTW, you might want to be careful with the dark stuff, very tricky it can be, and I know no one wise enough to out smart something that already knows your deepest thoughts.


Frank’s Box in action


RIP Frank Sumption (2014)

‘Approximately 5 days before Frank crossed the veil to the other side, he received this message… It says, “In fact, you must leave this month”. .. ponder that one. Lots of people thought that Frank was crazy for believing in the messages he was getting. I’m speaking of the nay sayers anyway. Looks like he was right, and the doubters were in fact, WRONG! In this message, his own passing was predicted, & just a few short days before receiving this transmission.’ — Wes King, Ghosts Inc.





p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Awesome, yeah, I liked that post. Yes, I too would like to fill in that mysterious blank named ‘hate’. Love making Frank’s phone real and letting you make one call of your choosing, G. ** Ferdinand, Hey there! Permission granted, not that permission is needed around here. Wow, that sounds exciting. I’ll wait until my brain isn’t a p.s.-focused target and then gaze/listen in wonder. Fascinating. Permission to alert the others? Hope so. Everyone, Ferdinand, artist of supreme value, has a new project that sounds ultra-cool that we can peek into. Recommended. Here he is to explain and direct: ‘When doing the usual hurried google search for 8mm films to slap something on to my audio recordings I found these home movies from the 70’s by a then 10 year old named John Blackstone that is on youtube aka Only kid with a camera. Im appropriating footage from them for two songs. This one I uploaded yesterday.’ Thanks, man! ** ellie, Hi. Congrats on finishing school and vamoosing. ‘Music and noise in a philosophical way’: that’s a really kind of passionate interest of mine, so, wow, nice. Hm, most places I’ve been I haven’t been there long or thoroughly enough to parse out the best streets. Let’s see … in NYC, I like 12th Street east of 4th Avenue, but that’s probably because I lived on it for a while. In Amsterdam, where I also lived, I was pretty fond of Spuistraat but back then there were a lot of boy brothels on that street which made it seem kind of charismatic. Otherwise, yeah, I can’t think of any others. My week: we start making the trailer for our film today, and I think I’ll be in this film studio place in the Marais working on that most days. I’m having vegan sushi at my favorite Paris sushi place with friends on Thursday, and, on Friday, I’m meeting with this guy who co-runs one of the world’s best art galleries, Galerie Buchholz in Berlin. He donated some funds to our film, so I’ll be catching him up on everything. The rest will be a surprise. Based on that interesting music/noise class, I trust you’ll have a pretty interesting week, I hope. ** Misanthrope, I don’t know. I somehow pinched a nerve or something in my right leg, and I honestly don’t know how. It’s improving very, very gradually, and I’m trying very hard not to instigate a setback. Nice: the gaming. I really have to start playing with my Switch again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I would like that snow. Although with my fragile leg du jour, it might be a little treacherous. ** _Black_Acrylic, I think I might have inscribed books back when I gave people Xmas presents and often books. Sunday! So great. And the class too. So happy you’re back in your artist’s saddle. ** alex, Hi. Yeah, he did, and they’re prevented from being seen. I did see a jpeg of one once years ago, and I think it was abstract and kind muted looking, as I recall. See, that’s a nice inscription. That’s post worthy. Maybe you can scan for it for volume two or even could be a reason to do a volume two. ** John Christopher, Thank you, John! Yeah, it had a certain something, didn’t it. ** adrian, Hey, adrian. Okay, I’ll look for that Avgi Saketopoulou book. Their name is very visually attractive. Obviously, I recommend Paris as a place to live. I really just love it here. I’m pretty sure it’s more alive than Amsterdam, like a lot more alive. Great, just let me know when you guys are coming and we’ll meet and caffeine ourselves. Excellent! I went to Efteling for my birthday two years ago. We stayed in their charming theme hotel and everything. I love that place. Their attractions/rides are so beautiful and unique. I hope you get to go. I do want to go to Amsterdam. It’s been really a long time. If I can sort a trip, I’ll for sure let you know. Right, theses have strict, imposed compositional rules and things, don’t they? I suppose it depends on the school. Well, I hope what they teach you is what you want to learn. ** seb 🦠, Hi. The rock grinding machine was kind of cool. It takes a long time to grind a rock into a whatever … a post-rock, or it used to. They probably have high tech speed demon ones now. Oh, I like inscribed books, for sure. I wonder if I have any? I mean not autographed ones, but second hand party-inscribed ones. I don’t think you mentioned you were trans, but cool. My weird clothing allergy suddenly popped up in the early 90s, and that ended whatever close relationship I had with fashion, although my fashionableness didn’t extend much beyond wearing a Butthole Surfers t-shirt, which I can’t even do anymore. But I admire people who know their up to date fashion too. I don’t mind being a looky-loo. !!! ** Gee, Cheers. Yay about the weird poem’s near birth, or probably even birth by now. Oh, you know, I think I can handle whatever weirdness you manifest. My leg is a little better, but it’s still threatening to re-explode, so I’m being very cautious. I haven’t read the Spicer book yet. There are so many great poets out there. What kind of poet are you craving? xoxo ** Uday, Hi. Oh, yeah, I’m very attentive to words. Not when I talk aloud very much, or not enough, but when I read and write, I get microscopic sometimes. I’ve never been to North Carolina. I was in Kentucky once, but that’s as close as I got. Wait, so Buddy Holly didn’t have his glasses on the plane even though he was … I forget … just post- or pre-concert? So strange. I think I only inscribed books when I was pretty young and didn’t yet have the respect for the book I did later. It seems kind of sweet in theory, but also kind of an encroachment, on the book but also on the recipient. I don’t know. Do you ever wrap your books in plastic to protect the jackets? I used to, and I do always like it when you find books wrapped like that in used bookstores. ** Даrву 🐻, He’s smiling? It’s my eyesight then. I take full responsibility for my eyes’ failings. Okay, cool, about the email. I think you mostly don’t have to show your passport when you travel in the EU now, yeah. I’m pretty sure. I like it when people inscribe books to me. It’s a weirdly complicated choice. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. No, I beyond maxed out all possible investors I know when raising funds for the shoot. The big fear is that Fuckhead will bullshit us that he has the funds and then when it comes time to pay the technicians, it’ll turn out he was bullshitting, and we’ll be fucked. That’s happened a number of times. He’s really cornered himself in this situation though, and we just have to ‘pray’ that forces his hand. Anyway, thanks for the concern. Pretty much everyone I know whose opinion I trust has told me to avoid ‘Saltburn’ like the plague, so that’s what I’m doing. Snow at last! Be careful. Normally I would envy you galore but with my fucked up leg, snow/ice is the last thing on earth I need right now. ** Bill, Haha, thanks. I’m pretty damned positive that Bill wasn’t you, you loveable fella, you. Is the new class something you’re interested or even excited to teach? ‘Blood Tea and Red String’: quite a title there. Okay added to my hunt. Thanks, Bill. ** Right. I decided to restore this very old guest-post made for us years back by a generous silent reader of this place. It seemed like it should be alive again. I don’t know. Please have at it. See you tomorrow.


  1. Ferdinand

    I need a ghost box Dennis haha. The ones that say Hello immediatly are super! Very cool. Good luck for your own project, think I caught that its time to make a trailer. I should look into what you guys made.. must admit I know nothing of the film you guys are doing.

  2. ellie

    It sounds like an amazing week! I’m really glad things are moving on the film, and with someone who’s genuinely amazing and would be dedicated to the project. Can’t wait for the trailer (!!) I know GB a bit, they had a lot of Lutz Bacher and Isa Genzken shows if I’m remembering? I adore them quite a bit. I didn’t know you were in Meatpacking, oh! Lots to love outside of having been a home to you, though it makes it much more special that you did. There’s probably a knack to living in cities I won’t fully get the hang of, so—
    parks! There’s a tiny one near where I work I go to whenever I’m near the area. Feeling the charisma from the relatively middle of nowhere place I happen to be in New York. Oh the seminar was at the New Centre actually, I’m not taking anything too adventurous this semester besides the art classes, which I’m perennially excited/terrified about. It’s called ‘Noise and Social Synthesis’ and it’ll be on youtube later if you’re especially interested and would be willing to sit through my occasional but sometimes annoying input.

  3. _Black_Acrylic

    Seems like the paranormal has been going rather out of style of late. Personally, would much rather the X-files or Bigfoot or indeed Frank Sumption that the endless 24 hour news cycle.

  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, They’ve actually done a pretty good job with the roads here. Ten years ago, we’d be stuck. Now, we can get around all right. Some of the sidewalks are a bit slippery, though. You’d have to be very careful there. Otherwise, we’re maintaing all right.

    Yeah, we have these family game nights every so often and they’re fun. Well, they’re more fun now. I kinda wish I’d gotten that 75″ TV, hehehe. Instead, I got the 50″. Our house isn’t very big, so it fits well. Our previous one was a 42″, so this seems almost movie theater-ish. 😛

    Hmm, that leg. You need to rest. Have you tried stretching? That is one of the things about getting older, all these inexplicable injuries or whatever. Like, you’re just walking along and something is suddenly out of sorts. WTF? Ugh.

    I hope that leg improves drastically very quickly.

  5. Dominik


    Actually, I might go for Richey Edwards. I’d call him – and if he answers, the mystery (or at least the core of it) is solved. Who would you call?

    Love wishing that Palaye Royale’s recent music were as good as their looks, Od.

  6. Steve Erickson

    I’m nostalgic for the period when the paranormal meant Bigfoot and contacting with the dead rather than conspiracy theories about lizard people controlled by George Soros and the government lying about the moon landing.

    The Peel shows from 1975 and early 1976 are instructive because they demonstrate how bad the state of mainstream rock was at that point. He’d dropped the psychedelic trappings (poetry readings, Indian ragas), but hadn’t really found a new identity. The reggae he played around this time was so much more lively than country rock and past-its-time prog, and eccentric singer/songwriters were in shorter supply. What FM rock radio had become in 1975 was probably infinitely worse.

    It’s the chilliest day of the year, currently 20 degrees. But I’m heading out to Brooklyn for lunch with a friend.

    I’ve already started producing a remix of “Back in Blacklist,” scheduled for release next week.

    Has your leg improved? Does exercise help, or is it so sore you can’t get out?

  7. Mark

    This reminds me of the radio voice in Orphée. I wonder how the aliens 30 light-years away are interpreting our shift away from broadcast radio and TV? These are the things I think about… hahaha!

    I finished Kramer’s Faggots. It was a bit of a slog and a rather ham-handed Dickensian farce. Regardless of the real or perceived negative critique of late 70s gay excesses, it is certainly an interesting artifact of pre-AIDS mainstream gay culture made all the more poignant because of Kramers subsequent activism. While its fictionalized account is set in NYC and Fire Island, one thing that stood out to me was the primacy of place, cruising areas, bars, clubs, homes and neighborhoods. I suppose this goes without saying, but it throws into high relief the disappearance of queer spaces in the last thirty years. Today, between DTLA and Silver Lake, there are four gay bars, one sex club and one bathhouse. It’s kind of nuts. And yes, I’m an old guy, so I don’t want to fall into a pit of nostalgia, but it seems like our identities used to be defined in places by actions and not just by words and images after the fact.

    “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” – L.P. Hartley

  8. Uday

    You’re not missing out on much in NC! Although I suppose it is better than Kentucky. I couldn’t do the plastic thing for much the same reason as I shy away from inscriptions. A book is like a person to me. Insofar as I am principally opposed to anti-aging measures, I similarly could never preserve a book like that. Exceptions are made for old and rare books, or for the repair of spines. It seems like a similar encroachment to tell the book not to age. The most I do is treat my books with utmost care but beyond that? Let them get wrinkles! They’re sexier that way.

  9. Gee

    Hello, so, this post… Do you believe it? I hope it’s true so I might talk to my mum outside my dreams/ nightmares again, although this might be terrifying. I’m glad to hear that your leg is getting better. Could the cause of the pain be the cold? Perhaps you just need to wrap yourself in lots of wool and cashmere and sit by a radiator until the pain melts away. I hope you’re warm enough? It’s so great to hear that you are able to handle whatever weirdness I might manifest. Obviously, I’ll do my best not to abuse this privilege. What kind of poets am I craving? This must be the best question ever. Hmmmmmm. Poets like us? Brilliant poets who are innovative and daring with their use of imagery, and yet there is also some complexity and mystery behind their language. Because this collection is mostly about desire, Tarot, and a bit of magic rituals, these themes are very welcome. I started rereading The Waste Land last night. It helped a bit; I wrote another poem in the morning. I’ll send you your poem soon. Mwah

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