The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Louis le Déboucheur Day


Louis le Déboucheur has been involved in all unblocking work for nearly 30 years, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Sewer or plumbing problems? His teams circulate permanently throughout Brussels with televised sewer camera inspections and unclog and clean sewers, sinks, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, drainage networks …

In recent years, Louis’s televised sewer camera inspections have found a second life as inadvertent experimental video works, viewed by some as comparable to respected film artists such as Stan Brakhage and Michael Snow.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
[email protected]



Dubois L. ★★★★★
I was very impressed by the services of Louis le Déboucheur. Contacted in the morning I already had an appointment for the same day indicating the approximate time of arrival of the technician as well as a price range for the intervention. The technician arrived with all the necessary equipment and proceeded with the work while very professionally explaining all the required steps to me. When he was done he absolutely wanted to clean everything up so that the place was spotless.

Marie ★★★
I hired Louis le Déboucheur to unclog my sink because I am a fan of his videos. When working with him it became clear to me that he has no artistic intentions whatsoever.

Alaver ★
Sloppy, ineffective in more than eight days and obnoxious when you dare to complain! 159 € quickly, poorly done!!



Louis Le Déboucheur @ youtube
Louis Le Déboucheur sprl @ youtube
Louis Le Déboucheur Site


Selected works

Réseau d’égouts

Usage de l’objectif (fragile) de la caméra

A 2519 / C 90196

Cette vidéo traite de GDF SUEZ TOWER 01


Inspection par caméra du rampant WC handicapé au rez-de-chaussée, vers la chambre de visite au niveau des égouts.

Chee de Gand

A4334 – C90375

Inspection par caméra de la colonne d’eau pluviale en vue de trouver la cause de l’infiltration d’eau à l’étage inférieur.

Cette vidéo traite d’une inspection par caméra en direction de la rue après débouchage


Inspection par caméra de la colonne d’eau pluviale depuis la toiture.

A 3620 / C89204

Inspection de la conduite des eaux usées




p.s. RIP Israel Regardie. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Yeah, I thought that Chapmans piece was too obvious, but I always forget that most people don’t follow contemporary art closely if at all and that what seems ubiquitous to me is probably total news to a lot of blog readers. I need to stopping so stringent or something. Hope your toe is righting itself to the point that that boot will become excessive ASAP. ** Dominik, Hey, D!!!! Glad you dug it and the Creeds in particular. Yeah, it has to stop some day, right? The hacking thing, I mean. I guess? Ugh. Ha ha. I was craving split pea soup yesterday morning for some reason, and I don’t know why Iggy got the de-aging gift. This morning, you’re right, a smoothie sounds like just the thing. Well, that particular smoothie. Love transforming the real world into a Japanese anime and Japanese anime into the real world, G. ** Ian, Hi. T, if you’re reading this and didn’t already know, Ian had some Russian author ideas for you in yesterday’s comments. The post-novel slump. Dude, I know that one. It’ll wake up. Strangely, or maybe practically, I still make my preparatory novel graphs and stuff on paper, I think mostly because I’m an utter know-nothing and klutz with the kinds of apps whereby I could do that on my computer. Mm, I have to find them in my piles and piles of papers and scan them. I’ll see if I can. Thank you asking in any case. Do you do preparatory things for your novels and other works? ** David Ehrenstein, Morning. Everyone, Mr. Ehrenstein’s FaBlog takes on Milo Yiannopoulos’s self-de-gaying. Here. ** Steve Erickson, Being inside ‘Enter the Void’ sounds fun. Well, it depends on which part of the film, I guess. Everyone, Here’s Mr. Erickson: ‘Trouser Press published my SOPHIE overview as part of their online record guide today’. Here. I have absolutely no idea about the mirror blog thing. It might not seem like it, but my understanding of how anything online works is quite primitive for some reason. ** Brian O’Connell, Hi, Brian. Yep, Hell is one of the most successful and ugliest scams ever, for sure. I’ll look for those Manuel Chili figures, thanks! The amusement park non-interest is totally understood. I love coasters, but mostly I just love being in the parks and experiencing their dreamy architecture and ambitious atmospheres. Dark rides are my ultimate favorite. Yeah, nose to the grindstone. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you, and all of that stuff. Obviously pleased that your friend liked ‘Closer’. Thanks for sharing it with him. My today will be spending the entirety from a few minutes from now until curfew all the way across Paris supervising another test shoot of the ‘Jerk’ film, which will be more of a ‘nose to the grindstone’ kind of experience than it probably sounds. Twinkling > grindstone to you. ** Gus, Hey, Gus. I’m obviously happy to hear that the blog is better than the Meghan/Harry coverage. Jesus, what a silly world we’ve made. Ha ha, that’s nice. The ‘Daydream Believer’ thing. I did have the feeling, or he might have even said, that he mostly or only writes on his phone, which makes prose look long and skinny like a poem, so maybe that story will be in that book. ‘Bad Moon Rising’ is a monster, for sure. Mm, it’s too early to do press and stuff for ‘I Wished’. I guess I will when it’s closer to the time and do readings and stuff. I’m not a huge fan of doing readings, but they’re part of the expected deal. I like doing interviews though. It’s nice to talk with people. I send you Paris’s greatest hits! ** Jeestun, Hi, Jeestun. Cool, I liked the Lu Yang things particularly too. I hope you find that jolting source. It’s gotta be out there. ** Mark Gluth, Me too, about books vs. devices, but being way over here where books take forever to arrive by post, I often just go for the device versions both out of impatience and because I sometimes have no choice. Thank you for the peek into what you’re working on. Needless to say, that made my nerves jangle. I may have mentioned this kind of strange novella thing that I’m co-writing with Zac. I feel like it’s working, I don’t know. It’s taking a lot of fooling and experimenting to get it functioning right, but I think it might be close or at least closer now. ** John Newton, Hi, John. Oh, right. People I knew, myself, always assumed this particular bad stomach effect in acid was strychnine, but it doesn’t surprise me that it was something else. I always thought the McKenna/Leary/Ram Dass writings on LSD were total nonsense. Your experiences sound crazy and kind of invaluable. Yeah, it’s good to know when enough is enough. Those are interesting obsessions. Huh. No, my blog is hosted by WordPress. My former blog that got murdered by Google was via Blogspot. Yes, the 9th Circle was one of my biggest hang out spots, in the 80s particularly. My friends and I were there all the time. It was singular. Happy day. ** Right. I feel pretty confident that you’re not familiar with the videos of Louis the Plumber. Have at them, why don’t you? See you tomorrow.


  1. Ian

    What a strange post today. Just a few weeks ago I watched some city workers drop a large camera on wheels down a manhole. I never thought to ask them if they were moonlighting as experimental filmmakers.
    Routine is the first thing I wrote and completed since my late teens that wasn’t an assigned essay. Most of the prep work was done in my head at night when I couldn’t sleep. Or during the day when I was spiralling with negative thoughts. I also made a couple maps of the city the story is set in, some storyboards and background info that was never used.
    This time I was thinking of having more characters and more of a real world feel rather than the fabricated America of Routine. Which means more tracking sheets and character profiles. I suppose I will figure it all out when I give it the necessary attention.
    Caio. Ian

  2. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Interesting hell day yesterday. Someone once told me that hell was two choices: walking around totally blind for eternity in pitch black or reliving the worst moments of your life over and over again for eternity. I was like, yeah, there’s not another choice?

    I find today to be the equivalent of a city colonoscopy. I always wonder how they can tell what’s what when they use those cameras and tubes. Same with colonoscopies…how do you know what you’re looking at? I guess it’s experience and all that.

    My mom’s going to the doctor again today. Her one leg, the lower part, has swollen to twice the size of the other. It’s painful and hard. We’re hoping it’s not a blood clot, but we’ll see what the doc thinks today.

    The woman is 78 and not very active and has been smoking for over 50 years. And the David stress doesn’t help. But like I said, we’ll see. Probably nothing but good to get checked.

    Finally finished that product yesterday and then got hit with couple smaller ones. I’m hoping this is it for big stuff for at least a little year. But the 2021 tax season is upon and it’s time to do it all over again, with the newly passed legislation. Hey, it keeps me employed…and keeps the government coffers filled. 😀

  3. David Ehrenstein

    Wonderful weirdness today

  4. Dominik


    Today’s post is quite brilliant.

    It has to stop someday! So many fingers are crossed for it to do so that it’d just be gross if it didn’t.

    Well, why not, right? Maybe there’s some weird association chain going on between split pea soup and a young Iggy Pop. Who knows? I’d be pretty happy with that change. Depending on the anime, of course, hah. Love wishing for your love to turn the world into the anime “Sensitive Pornograph” in which beautiful boys fuck and… that’s it, Od.

  5. Bill

    No, I’m definitely not familiar with Deboucheur’s videos. You’ve seen the stories about the humongous fat bergs they keep having to dynamite in London, right?

    Wow, Israel Regardie just had his day in the DC blog sun.

    Been a grumpy week, busy work stuff and being under the weather never go well together. But the weekend soon.


  6. T

    Hi Dennis

    Thank you very much to you and @Ian for giving me your recommendations! I have noted them down.

    The transformation of literal shit into an object of beauty and aesthetic interest, completely unintended by the creator of the images is a really lovely idea to sit with, for my mind at least. The mixture of white noise, subterranean passages and the dulcet tones of Louis/his colleagues exerted a strangely calming effect on me.

    How were you introduced to Louis’ work? Has he been round to unblock your drains? I was trying to work out what kind of rig would allow him to film the drains, remote-controlled I assume, unless the sewers are big enough for someone to walk through?

    Anyway, I was moaning to a friend the other day that life has lost any hint of serendipity, but I tell you what, I could not have foreseen an introduction to Louis the Déboucheur when I woke up this morning, so I guess the universe listens or magic is real or something like that and thanks Dennis!


  7. Steve Erickson

    Is there any critical writing in English on le Deboucher?

    I had two reviews published today, on Stanley Kwan’s CENTER STAGE ( and A SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME (

    I heard the new serpentwithfeet album for the first time today. I liked it more than the first one, which was quite good but didn’t really deliver on the promise of his debut ep. This one is less gospel-influenced but still full of his own self-harmonizing, and has a really warm, positive sound.

    I am trying to get the landlord’s office to fill up the crack in my closet wall where mice are getting in. The exterminator says the entire apt. building is full of these holes, so setting out traps only does so much. The super told me he’s legally barred from working on it, for reasons he didn’t explain.

  8. Brian O’Connell

    Hey, Dennis,

    The videos here are awfully unsettling in an obscure way. Sort of funny, too, the three star review disappointed that he’s merely a plumber and not an artist. (But who’s to say the two are mutually exclusive?) An interesting post indeed. Today’s good news: that political science paper has been pushed back a full week, so I didn’t have to work on it today. Huzzah! It gave me time to finish “Funeral Rites”, which truly dazzled and devastated me. I found it so powerful, and I can’t wait to read more Genet (I think “Querelle” is next on my list). Also I thought it resonated with some of your own work in interesting, not always obvious ways, which was intriguing. Much more in terms of form than of content or language, of course. (Did it have an influence?) And then I just lounged around, went out to dinner with my family, and did some reading about the magazine Propaganda (I’d never heard about it), which was loosely interesting, even though I’m not a goth. So it wasn’t bad, and tomorrow should hopefully be okay too. Might watch a movie now. A test shoot with “Jerk” is a nose to the grindstone in reality, yeah, but of course it still sounds exciting to me. Did it go well? And did anything else spice up your Thursday? Do let us know. Till then, sweet dreams.

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