The blog of author Dennis Cooper





p.s. Hey. ** CAUTIVOS, Hi! Thank you! I don’t know why either. Interesting. Take care! ** Misanthrope, I want to live in a diorama. Oh, wait, I guess I do. Pix of your bedroom perhaps? Ah, right, ‘Twin Peaks’, your pal is probably right, right? I was going to say, well, you have Pret a Manger over there until I remembered it’s a UK company using a fake French name. I’m almost always asleep by midnight on NYE. It’s almost a policy. I haven’t read that Isis book. Enjoy the piss slinging. ** David Ehrenstein, Dusty Springfield! ** Dominik, Hi!!! Happy you liked them. My collaborator/friend Gisele was really influenced by them. I know the name Daniel Allen Cox, but I … don’t think I’ve read him. I’ll seek out ‘Shuck’. Promising title. Wait, he mentions my books? Crazy. Okay, the hunt is on. Now I’m going spend all day trying to imagine what that doll felt. There are worse ways to use one’s brain. Thank you! Love somehow finding out that the guy in the second GIF from the bottom in today’s post is freaking out because he just learned that his poem has been accepted for the next issue of SCAB, G. ** David, Dead could be everything maybe, who knows. I’m glad your rape had a happy ending of sorts. How often does that happen? ** _Black_Acrylic, I alwaysthink France has a billion holidays (at least compared to the holiday-stingy USA), but it sounds like the UK has us beat. ** Bill, The interesting one to me was the person who’s into chandeliers. In the sense that I saw that and thought, ‘Well, naturally!’ It’s true we’re not that cold at the moment, but it is raining. In fact, I finally found ‘The Feast’ in a free watchable form last night, and now it’s cued up on soap2day for later today barring some intrusive disaster. ** Kage, Hi. Yeah, I never understand why people confuse the escorts and slaves, but people do. But you know I pay lot of attention to form. Glasgow’s not a party capitol? Restauranting with friends sounds nice to me. My only NYE ritual is falling asleep before midnight and maybe being briefly woken up by the clattering of fireworks, but with fireworks banned this year, I guess I’ll just get a good night’s sleep? I’ve never really liked alcohol. Its effect doesn’t interest me. Never really did. So NYE isn’t my thing since I don’t give a fuck about the changeover of the years. Anyway, the slaves will be here the day after tomorrow to see 2021 out! ** Steve Erickson, I’m pretty sure France won’t let Chick-fil-A inside their borders. But never say never. I liked your song! Everyone, Steve’s review of ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ can be read by you if you’re willing to click this green word. Word. And if you click these green words you’ll see his top ten films of 2021. ** Okay. I made something for you and only you today. It’s right up there. See you tomorrow.


  1. David

    Thanks Dennis I should have played dead on that occasion… ‘tuts’

    Thanks for this ‘Lit’ post…. could do with some light here.. it’s grey and dim from every possible angle…. getting through the back of the wardrobe seems a viable option right now.. yet there is no ongoing passage way just a damned hard wall… in 1994 I went on a date with Alexander McQueen… he was called Lee at the time… we met after work and went to Compton’s cafe in Soho London…. we ate and chatted… then went down an alley way and snogged…. he was wearing Doctor Martin boots… I remember thinking ‘he doesn’t have much fashion sense’ I liked him… but timing and all that had me not want to get too involved…. In a phone conversation with him I got cut off… and thought he put the phone down on me in a temper… he later denied that…. a year later he was one of the biggest names in fashion…. Our paths crossed a few times over the years…. just a few…. On hearing that he took his life many years later I thought of ‘the wardrobe’…. in a way I suppose he got through to be with his mother perhaps… I always wished I could have been his pal…. as we actually got on… and I was attracted to him….

    No snow here today just endless drizzle….


  2. David Ehrenstein

    Here are my Ten Best Films if 2021:

    Passing, Annette, Memoria, The Velvet Underground, The French Dispatch, Nightmare Alley, Tick Tick Boom, Procession, Mayor Pete, Flee.

  3. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Hmm, yeah, I should take some pics of this hellhole bedroom of Leo, Timothee, and Harry gear. I mean, man, tell a few people around here that you’re a fan of whomever and you get flooded. Still nice, though.

    Haha, yes, Justin and I get on really well. He’s got a really good sense of humor and has gotten me a bunch of times in our chat group and even on Zoom calls. I’m really suspicious of people who can’t laugh at themselves. You’re one who can, I’m one who can, and really all my friends can. I meet somebody who can’t and I avoid ’em like the plague.

    So yeah, we’ve got the bonfire thing Friday night and then I’m going to Alexandria on Saturday (David and Kayla in tow) to see the new Spider-Man with my friend Erin and her kiddos. That should be fun.

    Thinking, though, I need some time to myself soon. I’ll work that out.

    I think, too, with NYE stuff, the shows they have now are so fucking bad. They’re no fun at all, the ones I’ve tried to watch. I’m just like, hmm, sleep seems sooo much better than this.

  4. Rafe

    cool post ! loved watching these gifs — funny cuz before I saw ur blog this morning I was up all night with a terrible cough, playing with the light switch like I did when I was younger…watching the light go in and out, flicker, trying it make it look like my room was on fire or something idk ..
    hope you have a good day- I know I’ll have a calm one, coughing onto some books.

  5. Rafe

    cool post >>funny cuz I was up all night w a terrible cough and I found myself futzing with the light switch like I did when I was younger, watching the light flicker, go in and out in out light and darkness in that repeated I guess gif-like way.. I do remember thinking bout how it kind of looked like my room was on fire quite strange

    • Rafe again

      ugh sorry about my two messages thought the first one didn’t go thru my bad

  6. Ian

    Hey Dennis. I really liked the crime scene dioramas from yesterday. They were really cool and had a homemade use what you can craft vibe that reminds me of a lot of the thrown together art in small rural places.

    Today I will finish joy Williams novel harrow(2021). I like her prose and the way she writes but I find the whole environmental collapse thing kinda boring tbh. I decided to read her as she pops up on here from time to time. Do you have a favourite of hers?

    Caio, ian

  7. Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela

    Is a very good this a post aye? very much I am liking!
    I want kill my husband instead I listen to this
    SHINE by the Camouflage
    Is good or my name is not Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela
    you listen and see link Mr Dennis Cooper
    many many thanks

  8. _Black_Acrylic

    Ooh Gremlins is such a very great film, maybe the first time a childhood me was proper scared by anything on VHS? Still stands up I’m sure.

  9. Dominik


    Yeah, I can only recommend “Shuck”. I really loved it. I’ll be spoiler-y and share the paragraph in which you’re mentioned:
    “We’d worked out an unspoken agreement. He’d buy me anything I wanted, and I’d leave my latest story lying around somewhere for him to suck inspiration from. It had to have a young male protagonist experiencing some sort of beautiful agony. It had to be visceral and well written. I thought about buying him a stack of Dennis Cooper novels instead.”

    Not that I select SCAB’s potential contributors based on their physical characteristics, but… you know… the guy in that GIF is most welcome among them, haha. Thank you! Love reading a tumblr post about objectophilia, recognizing himself, and realizing that he’s been in love with his special boxer shorts with phosphorescent dinosaurs for years, Od.

  10. Bill

    Lovely gallery today, Dennis. There was a period when every piece I made had flickering lights or similar in it. No shirtless screaming boys though.

    I’m always in bed early on NYE as well. (I made a point of rewatching the first Hellraiser movie at the end of ’99.)


  11. T

    Hey Dennis. I really dug this!!! Today’s been a really fine day, I finally got the much-hoped for 2nd negative test result so I’m officially clear of COVID, was able to see a friend, now on for coming back France-side tomorrow on the overnight ferry, and I got £100 of unpaid wages from September credited to my bank account! Wishing you a day where this crazy run of good luck becomes a symbolic pollen-like cloud that drifts on the wind all the way to Paris, where you imbibe a full lungful. xT

  12. Kage

    Hi Dennis, oh, I’m sure there are great parties in Glas, too, I just haven’t been invited to them lol… naturally I just have more connections in Te or Lo. Yeah, I mostly find alcohol underwhelming, too, but alcohol mixed with mdma in the right setting can feel beautiful… no? I love that you don’t give a fuck about the changeover of the years… To me, that is very DC haha. Your NYE’s ritual is a winner; a good night’s sleep is everything! Do you dream a lot? Some of your writing is quite dream-like… (I want to start writing down my dreams; I often have vivid, disturbing, stunning ones.)

  13. Steve Erickson

    I feel really hopeless about the situation with COVID in New York. Basic services like the subway and EMTs are starting to break down because of the number of sick people, even if most of those folks aren’t seriously ill. The library has been closed since its usual Xmas break, but every day they announce it’ll reopen the next day. I’m spending way too much time on social media and/or reading news outlets, but we’re stuck inside during the winter. (I’m still eating indoors at restaurants, but I decided moviegoing in the theater is not the greatest idea now.) Sorry for the doom and gloom, but I talked with a friend who just recovered from covid this afternoon, and the situation in this city and country seems really bleak and unending.

    Thanks for the praise on “ominous drone 7.” I’m extremely happy with it. I want to do more work with muzak samples.

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