Alice Sweet Alice (1976)
Pretty Baby (1978)
Blue Lagoon (1980)
Endless Love (1981)
Interviews & Miscellany
Further Reading
Brooke Shields on Twitter
The Story Behind Brooke Shields’s Famous Calvin Klein Jeans
Brooke Shields: Growing Pains of the Adult Child
Brooke Shields on IMDb
p.s. Hey. Today the very fine writer and d.l. liquoredgoat draws your attention to the one, the only Brooke Shields and hopes his assembly of visuals and words are enough to persuade you to offer her a berth in your consciousness for the next roughly 24 hours and perhaps even more lengthily, and I join him in requesting that be the case. So, yes, imbibe Ms. Shields and please share the effects, whatever they may be, with your guest-host, thank you. And, lg/Douglas, thank you the most, sir. Otherwise, I’ll just say I’m speeding again today due to an early film editing appointment and a bit nervous due to the fact that Zac and I are showing our cut of the film to our producer for the first time at 6 pm today, so the usual apologies for any related damage. ** Rewritedept, Hi, Chris. First you were. Thanks about the art post, and I’ll go check out GORSAD, which I don’t I know at all, thanks. Indeed about Anita Pallenberg. I’ve been good, very busy with the film, and good because of and even despite that. I mostly only know Peter Case’s Plimsouls stuff, but ‘Now’ and ‘A Million Miles Away’ are great rock songs. Always happy to hear Pollard has further invaded anyone. Thanks about the present(s). My new email is: [email protected]. Take care bud. ** Jamie, Hey, J. Thanks a bunch about the galerie show. I’m getting on well, I think. Wait, let me check. … Yes, I think I’m good (not enough coffee in me to be sure). Yes, today’s the big day. Our cut isn’t that rough other than in the sound/color departments, or, well, we don’t think so. We didn’t get to watch it yesterday because Zac’s train back to Paris got delayed, so we’ll do that first thing this morning then fiddle until screening time. I’m pretty excited. I’m pretty nervous too. Really hoping our producer falls in love with our cut or at least has an instant crush on it, but we’ll see. Very interesting that cartoon scripting is like film scripting. Is it the educational part that’s the main problem for you? Jesus, that’s so stressful about being left hanging about the flat. Any chance you’ll get a definitive answer in time to head off tomorrow? Where are you intending to go in Portugal? Portugal’s really nice. I sure hope you guys get to go. Yes, I will be able to report back on our film’s initial success or not tomorrow, and please hit me up with your news and latest too. Bundle of nervous love, Dennis. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Well, perhaps you’re right about the pro editor, but our film has nothing in common with the kind of film ‘Cafe Fear’ is. There aren’t issues about suspense or drama or plot effectiveness, etc. to work towards since our film deliberately lacks said things. It’s more in the … I don’t know, early Garrel meets Rohmer kind of realm. As far as I’m concerned, the only use we could have for a pro is that she might be able to use her technical expertise to help us finesse a handful of tricky editing decisions. But our producer might have other ideas. Which will be a problem if so. Anyway, now my nervousness is talking, and it’s an unreliable narrator. Thank you, David. ** Steevee, Hi. I was going to suggest that you shoot it in the way that your second comment suggested. Hopefully you can. I mean, if your performer wants to give a strong performance, he won’t have a problem with trusting you and your methods to help him to do just that. Oh, I think there’s always a fair amount of fantasizing aloud with the escorts. Maybe not as much as with the slaves who I think are doing that 90% of the time. ** Liquoredgoat, Sir! Thank you ever so much for your great handiwork today! Uh, I don’t think I have thing for bangs. I mean, I don’t choose escorts for the posts based on how attractive I personally find them. It does happen occasionally. But mostly I’m just attracted to their profile texts. Enjoy the spoils of today, man! ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! You’re back! My speeding and nervousness prevents me from waxing lengthily or cogently today about your piece at Hobart, but, as a start, let me just say I really, really love it. It’s fantastic. It’s so complex and yet so clearly, precisely, pleasurably rendered. I was and am very impressed, and I not only enjoyed it, I found myself studying it to try figure out how you made it and made it work so wonderfully. Fantastic work, my friend! Very exciting! Our producer is very aware of the fact that Zac and I will not agree to any normalizing of our film because we’ve slipped that statement into many conversations, but that doesn’t mean he won’t possibly try. I really don’t know what he’ll think, and I’m too nervous to feel very objective in advance. I’m very glad you’re writing. A bookstore job sounds pretty good as jobs go. Do you have a particular store you’d like to work at? Well, have an excellent day! Tell me about it. And I will tell you hopefully good news about our film screening. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. That guestbook was kind of the happening place. I looked for my MK post and couldn’t find one, so either I never actually made one or it’s amongst a huge bunch of dead posts that haven’t been uploaded here yet. Probably the latter. I’m going to get those uploaded here and find out. ** Bill, Ha, now you’re last. Thank you. That’s a curious museum. A Coil show and a show about edging. Maybe not the kind of ‘edging’ I’m assuming. But, yes. How was the Coil show for instance? ** Right. Brooke Shields and her liquoredgoat await your kind attention. See you tomorrow.
I’m right back, and two days in a row! Almost unbelievable, haha!
God, thank you so much! I’m proud of the piece myself and I’m so glad you liked it too! Thank you for your very inspiring words, truly, it means so much to me!
I keep my fingers extremely crossed for you today!! I hope your producer will love every bit of your film just the way it is! How did it go??
I found a tiny bookstore I liked a lot but I don’t think they’ll choose me, unfortunately. Not the end of the world, though, I’ll keep looking and hopefully something ideal will pop up soon.
Tomorrow we have another trans self-help group so I’ll mostly prepare for that today. There’ll be a huge crowd (maybe even 15 people or so which is twice as much as what we’re used to) so I’m a bit nervous. We’ll see how it goes.
I hope the screening will be an absolute success!!
Brooke Shields: She’s never not worked, I guess.
Break a leg. Or break someone else’s leg. Whichever applies.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the movie. I should try to write about your stuff again, maybe an interview somewhere. I’ll talk it over with Diarmuid, the world’s foremost authority. BTW he arrives Wednesday June 21 and leaves on Saturday; we see JERK on Friday.
We’re trying to get to the Africa show at the Fondation Louis Vuitton right around your zero hour. Thoughts will be with you, because for all we know, thoughts are the essential constituents of material reality. Bah! I know nothing!
Regarding editing, you may be making something Rohmer-esque but that doesn’t rule out all manner of editing input. Don’t forget, Bresson used to go to Kung-Fu movies to get editing ideas.
Met Brooke Shields once at an event many years back. (The picture I took of her is up in the gallery in Ehrensteinland) She was very ice and professional. The best thing she’s ever done in Louis Malle’s “Pretty Baby” in which she co-stars with Keith Carradine, Susan Sarandon, Frances Faye and Barbara Steele.
I remember how scandalized people were by Shields from my childhood. Underage or barely legal girls using their sexuality seems to be a quick ticket to fame: see Britney Spears. (Although it didn’t work for the Runaways.)
I’m going to E-mail Dave, the actor, today and run my ideas for the shoot by him and see if he’s OK with him. I know that performing an entire monologue 20 times is more demanding than doing bits and pieces of it over several hours.
I’m thinking of writing another monologue later this year, regarding addiction and mental health. It would be based on the experiences I’ve described here over the past 9 years. I’m a little frightened of writing something so directly autobiographical on subjects that are still somewhat taboo if you don’t come to a 12-step conclusion. I’m planning to disguise it to a certain extent by having it performed by a woman and inventing imaginary names for all the drugs mentioned in it.
I meant to say “9 months,” not “9 years.” Anyway, I think there are a lot of people who would see such a film and get a flash of recognition considering that 10% of Americans are reportedly on antidepressants, but there are still a lot of ignorant people out there and people who might not be thrilled by my conclusion that I was getting something both positive and negative out of the meds I was addicted to and that I screwed my life up by cutting down heavily on them without addressing the underlying problems that led me to take them in the first place.
DeeCee! I’ll have to be quick as I’ve got so much to do! Guess you’ll probably have said how the screening went with your producer. I hope there was a lot of love.
We are going to Portugal, after all. A small town called Ferragudo. We’re going for books and beach and that’s it, as we both need a break so badly. I’m sure I’ll be popping in here when I can.
Flat-wise, things look goodish. The folks who live there are packing up their stuff in anticipation of us moving in. I really want to sign something, but I guess that wont happen until we’re back.
Ooh, and we’re now definitely booking a Paris trip for Hannah’s 30th at the very end of August, so would love to hook up with you for a pastry or a theme park or whatever you have time for.
Hope you have the best weekend since the term ‘weekend’ was invented.
Calorific love,
Liquoredgoat – I’m so sorry to not be commenting on your post, but I’m pretty crazy busy today, so came straight to the p.s. I shall definitely be checking it in full in the next few days. Thanks for it.
@ Liquoredgoat, thank you for this Brooke Shields Day! She’s an icon of a particular time that was slightly before mine, but I can see what all the fuss was about and your work here magnifies it. Tate Modern was recently ordered by London’s police to remove from display the artwork Richard Prince – Spiritual America, featuring as it does a nude, soaped-up and very young Ms Shields. Always problematic to me whenever police, tabloids, politicians etc decide what can go on museum walls, but that’s maybe a debate for another day.
@ DC, my fingers are knotted into a tangled mess hoping the producer approves of yours and Zac’s edit. Here’s wishing you all the best.
Latest FaBlog: Bewitched Hunt
Dennis, I don’t think you have anything to fear from your producer unless he’s Jack Palance and starts throwing film cans around the studio/theater! And you don’t have an iconic blonde actress and you want to put a black wig on her. So I think you’re OK. I think this is totally normal in the film industry or indie film industry. Hopefully, your guest editor will just give her expertise in obtaining your visions for the film. Brooke Shields went so much in her career. Her life cannot be easy by any means.
Hi Dennis
Sorry for the long time absence, back in Dublin again so it’s Work, work and some occasional sleep. Hope alls well in Paris and that the producer loves what you two show him, I mean how could he not!
I managed to squeeze two days off into making the beginnings of something for a show thats happening in August. Not sure I have two days in a row free for another while. but I need the dollars again 😉 Fatima Al Qadiri and some people related to the label Death of Rave are playing in a couple of weeks and Sunn O))) are on a few days after so im gonna be soaking up some good vibrations. (must remember to buy tickets for Sunn O)))!!!)
Been reading a bunch of stuff that wave books put out, Joe Wendroth was my fav out of it, and also read Aram Saroyan & Andrew Wylie’s books that they put out on Telegraph books back in the 70’s . other than that ive been dipping into some quantum physics which is interesting. listening has mostly been stuff for working to so a bunch of Max Richter, Tim Hecker and Charlemagne Palestine have been on a loop, with some splashes of Alva Noto. any new awesomeness I should be listening too? oh I made a mix for a launch of the latest issue of critical bastards (irish arts magazine) its a light and poppy summer vibe, cause its actually summery here, although I’m mostly inside.
Hope l’eclair de genie has made some new tasty yums!
miss you
As always, a pleasure and honor to populate your vlog for a day with my cultural obsessions. Thank you, sir! Speaking of, was the Maddie Day salvaged from Google hell?
David, Pretty Baby is honestly my favorite thing from Brooke. Blue Lagoon and Endless Love are a bit too schmaltzy or something. Louise Malle though, is Louise Malle and he knew how to get the best out of his actors. The video interviews above have some nice anecdotes from Brook on filming the movie.
She felt very safe and cared for during the film, but of course the hysterical media had a field day with that and the Gary Gross photos, etc. It’s not like Brooke was in the same situation as someone like Eva Ionesco, who now has a lot of resentment towards her mother for her nude portraits and a host of other things.
Enjoy everybody! Brooke is the tops.
_Black_Acrylic, I didn’t hear about the fuss at the Tate, though I’m familiar with the work. The way I see it, if the subject of the work has no issue with it, many years later, it comes down to people who just like to cause a stir, rather than appreciate the art. We live in times of panic, to say nothing of the ridiculous current political climate re: Trump, etc.
liquoredgoat, I think everyone was hot for Brooke back in the day. Or so it seemed. Especially the people who were so scandalized. I’m sure they’d have been first in line for a bit of that.
Dennis, Well, yes, babies are edible in theory only. You see them in person and you kind of turn into mush. They’re fun to hold.
You probably won’t believe this but for some reason babies and kids really take to me. Always have. Same with my mom, my niece, and LPS. Maybe we’re really nice people and don’t know it and they do. Who knows?
Speaking of dreams, the day after that comment of mine, I was driving to work and one of the people on the radio said she had a recurring nightmare that she was stuck between a person’s eyeball and their contact lens. I thought that odd. Said she has that dream 5 times a week or so. I don’t think she was at all joking.
If you didn’t turn in your posts…I can’t continue, I’m shivering too badly at the thought!